changeset 103 2717213c588a
equal deleted inserted replaced
98:bf7481649c98 103:2717213c588a
     1 // Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Auto test Animated DLL functions
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include <e32std.h>
    19 #include <w32std.h>
    20 #include <w32adll.h>
    21 #include <bitstd.h>
    22 #include "AUTODLL.H"
    23 #include "TAnimDraw.h"
    24 #include "eventdd.h"
    25 #include <gdi.h>
    26 #include <fbs.h>
    28 union TAnimArgUnion
    29 	{
    30 	const TAny* any;
    31 	const TBool* Bool;
    32 	const TInt* Int;
    33 	const TPoint* Point;
    34 	const TSize* Size;
    35 	const TRect* Rect;
    36 	const TSpriteMemberInfo* SpriteMemberInfo;
    37 	const TShadowDrawTest* ShadowDrawTest;
    38 	const TDrawTestScreen* DrawTestScreen;
    39 	const TSyncTests* SyncTests;
    40 	const TTimeChangeTest* TimeChangeTest;
    41 	const TAnimRawEvent* AnimRawEvent;
    42 	const TWindowGroupInfoParms* WindowGroupInfoParms;
    43 	const TSetOrdinalParms* SetOrdinalParms;
    44 	const TFrameData* FrameData;
    45 	const TRawEvent* RawEvent;
    46 	};
    48 class CPanicAnim : public CWindowAnim
    49 	{
    50 	enum TSyncState
    51 		{
    52 		ESyncStateNull,
    53 		ESyncStateStarting,
    54 		ESyncStateCounting,
    55 		ESyncLeave,
    56 		ESyncStateTimeChange1,
    57 		ESyncStateTimeChange2,
    58 		ESyncStateTimeChange3
    59 		};
    60 	enum {ESyncCount=8};
    61 public:
    62 	~CPanicAnim();
    63 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
    64 	virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
    65 	virtual void Redraw();
    66 	virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
    67 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
    68 	virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
    69 	//Pure virtual function from MEventHandler
    70 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
    71 private:
    72 	void StartSyncTest(MAnimGeneralFunctions::TAnimSync aSync);
    73 	void StartTimeChangeTest();
    74 	void DoLeaveInActiveCallback();
    75 	static TInt LeaveInActiveCallback(TAny *aThis);
    76 private:
    77 	TRequestStatus *iStatusPtr;
    78 	TRequestStatus *iStatusPtr2;
    79 	TTime iTime;
    80 	TInt iSyncCount;
    81 	TSyncState iSyncState;
    82 	MAnimGeneralFunctions::TAnimSync iSyncMode;
    83 	TBool iLeaveInRedraw;
    84 	CIdle* iActivePanicIdle;
    85 	};
    87 class CPanicAnim2 : public CWindowAnim
    88 //
    89 // Simply panics in the ConstructL()
    90 //
    91 	{
    92 public:
    93 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
    94 	virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
    95 	virtual void Redraw();
    96 	virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
    97 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
    98 	virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
    99 	//Pure virtual function from MEventHandler
   100 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   101 	};
   103 class CAutoAnim3 : public CWindowAnim
   104 //
   105 // test drawing/redrawing
   106 //
   107 	{
   108 public:
   109 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   110 	virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
   111 	virtual void Redraw();
   112 	virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   113 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   114 	virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
   115 	void Draw(const TRect &aRect);
   116 	void DrawTestScreenL(const TDrawTestScreen* aParams);
   117 	//Pure virtual function from MEventHandler
   118 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   119 private:
   120 	TRequestStatus *iStatusPtr;
   121 	CFbsFont *iFont;
   122 	TRect iRect;
   123 	TRect iBaseRect;
   124 	TInt iMode;
   125 	};
   127 class CAutoAnimScrBack : public CWindowAnim
   128 //
   129 // test anim drawing behind a backed up window
   130 //
   131 	{
   132 public:
   133 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   134 	virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
   135 	virtual void Redraw();
   136 	virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   137 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   138 	virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
   139 	void Draw();
   140 	//Pure virtual function from MEventHandler
   141 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   142 private:
   143 	TRect iRect;
   144 	TInt iMode;
   145 	};
   147 class CTestSpriteAnim : public CSpriteAnim
   148 	{
   149 public:
   150 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs);
   151 	virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
   152 	virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   153 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   154 	//Pure virtual function from MEventHandler
   155 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   156 private:
   157 	TBool CheckMember(const TSpriteMemberInfo& aMemInfo);
   158 	void DrawMemberL(TInt aMember);
   159 	void DrawMemberL();
   160 	};
   162 /**
   163 Used by CAnimTimer below
   164 */
   165 class MAnimTimerObserver
   166     {
   167 public:
   168     virtual void DisplayNextFrameL()=0;
   169     };
   171 /**
   172 This class is used by CTestFreeTimerAnim to determine when to swap the current frame with the next one.
   173 */
   174 class CAnimTimer : public CTimer
   175     {
   176 public:
   177     ~CAnimTimer();
   178     static CAnimTimer* NewL(MAnimTimerObserver& aObserver);
   179     void RunL();
   180 private:
   181     CAnimTimer(MAnimTimerObserver& aObserver);
   182     void ConstructL();
   183 private:
   184     MAnimTimerObserver& iAnim;
   185     };
   187 class CTestFreeTimerAnim : public CFreeTimerWindowAnim, public MAnimTimerObserver
   188 	{
   189 public:
   190     //from CBase 
   191     ~CTestFreeTimerAnim();
   192 	//from CAnim
   193 	void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
   194 	void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   195 	TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   196 	//from CWindowAnim 
   197     void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   198     void Redraw();
   199     void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
   200 	//from MEventHandler
   201 	TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   202 private:
   203     void DisplayNextFrameL();
   204 private:
   205     CAnimTimer* iTimer;
   206     TInt iFrameTime;
   207     TRgb iColour;
   208     TRect iRect;    
   209 	};
   211 class CEventTestAnimBase : public CWindowAnim
   212 	{
   213 	enum {EEventBufferSize=40};
   214 public:
   215 	virtual ~CEventTestAnimBase();
   216 	//Pure virtual functions from CAnim
   217 	virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
   218 	virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   219 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   220 	//Pure virtual functions from CWindowAnim
   221 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   222 	virtual void Redraw();
   223 	virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
   224 	//Pure virtual function from MEventHandler
   225 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   226 protected:
   227 	void Fail();
   228 	TBool IsIgnorableEvent(const TRawEvent& aRawEvent) const;
   229 	TBool GetNextExpectedEvent(TAnimRawEvent& aRawEvent);
   230 	TBool CompareEvents(const TRawEvent& aExpectedEvent, const TRawEvent& aActualEvent) const;
   231 	TBool HandleRecursiveEvent(const TRawEvent& aRawEvent);
   233 	TInt Error() const;
   234 	TInt EventCount() const;
   235 	void ResetEventCount();
   236 	TInt TotalExpectedEvents() const;
   237 	TInt AddEvent(const TAnimRawEvent* event);
   238 private:
   239 	virtual TInt AddExpectedEvent(const TAnimRawEvent* event)=0;
   240 private:
   241 	CCirBuf<TAnimRawEvent> iExpectedEvents;
   242 	TInt iError;
   243 	TInt iEventCount;
   244 	};
   246 class CEventTestAnim : public CEventTestAnimBase
   247 	{
   248 public:
   249 	~CEventTestAnim();
   250 	//Pure virtual functions from CWindowAnim overridden in CEventTestAnimBase
   251 	void ConstructL(TAny* aArgs,TBool aHasFocus);
   252 	//Pure virtual functions from CAnim overridden in CEventTestAnimBase
   253 	TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aArgs);
   254 	void Command(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aArgs);
   255 private:
   256 	TInt UnloadDeviceDriver();
   257 	//Pure virtual function from CEventTestAnimBase
   258 	TInt AddExpectedEvent(const TAnimRawEvent* event);
   259 private:
   260 	TBool iDevDriverLoaded;
   261 	REventDD iLdd;
   262 	};
   264 class CEventPostingAnim : public CEventTestAnimBase
   265 	{
   266 public:
   267 	~CEventPostingAnim();
   268 	//Virtual functions from CEventTestAnimBase
   269 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   270 	//Virtual function from MEventHandler
   271 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   272 private:
   273 	//Pure virtual function from CEventTestAnimBase
   274 	virtual TInt AddExpectedEvent(const TAnimRawEvent* event);
   275 	};
   277 class CRemovableAnim : public CEventTestAnimBase
   278 	{
   279 public:
   280 	~CRemovableAnim();
   281 	//Virtual functions from CEventTestAnimBase
   282 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   283 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   284 private:
   285 	//Pure virtual function from CEventTestAnimBase
   286 	virtual TInt AddExpectedEvent(const TAnimRawEvent* event);
   287 private:
   288 	TInt iLifetime;
   289 	};
   291 class CTimerTestAnim : public CWindowAnim
   292 	{
   293 public:
   294 	~CTimerTestAnim();
   295 	//Pure virtual functions from CAnim
   296 	virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
   297 	virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   298 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   299 	//Pure virtual functions from CWindowAnim
   300 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   301 	virtual void Redraw();
   302 	virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
   303 	//Pure virtual function from MEventHandler
   304 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   305 private:
   306 	TInt iTimerCount;
   307 	TBool iExpectingTicks;
   308 	TBool iFail;
   309 	};
   311 class CWinFunctionTestAnim : public CWindowAnim
   312 	{
   313 	//enum {EEventBufferSize=40};
   314 public:
   315 	~CWinFunctionTestAnim();
   316 	//Pure virtual functions from CAnim
   317 	virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
   318 	virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   319 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   320 	//Pure virtual functions from CWindowAnim
   321 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   322 	virtual void Redraw();
   323 	virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
   324 	//Pure virtual function from MEventHandler
   325 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   326 private:
   327 	MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension* iWinFunctions;
   328 	};
   330 class CNotificationTestAnim : public CWindowAnim
   331 	{
   332 public:
   333 	CNotificationTestAnim();
   334 	~CNotificationTestAnim();
   335 	//Pure virtual functions from CAnim
   336 	virtual void HandleNotification(const TWsEvent& aEvent);
   337 	virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
   338 	virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   339 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   340 	//Pure virtual functions from CWindowAnim
   341 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   342 	virtual void Redraw();
   343 	virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
   344 	//Pure virtual function from MEventHandler
   345 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   346 private:
   347 	TFixedArray<TBool,2> iDSA;
   348 	TBool iHeartbeatState;
   349 	TBool iScreenDeviceChanged;
   350 	TTime iLastAnimTime;
   351 	};
   353 class CTransAnim : public CWindowAnim
   354 //
   355 // Test drawing/redrawing in Transparent window.
   356 //
   357 	{
   358 public:
   359 	//Implementaion for pure virtual functions from CAnim
   360 	void ConstructL(TAny* aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   361 	void Animate(TDateTime* aDateTime);
   362 	void Redraw();
   363 	void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
   364 	TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
   365 	void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
   366 	TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   367 private:
   368 	CFbsFont* iFont;
   369 	TRect iRect;
   370 	TInt iMode;
   371 	TInt iDraw;
   372 	TRgb iColor;
   373 	TInt iCount;
   374 	};
   376 class CTestHandlerAnim : public CWindowAnim
   377 	{
   378 	public:
   379 		~CTestHandlerAnim();
   380 		void ConstructL(TAny* aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   381 		void Redraw();
   382 		void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
   383 		TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
   384 		void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs);
   385 		void Animate(TDateTime* aDateTime);
   386 		TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   387 	private:
   388 	};
   390 class CCoverageAnim : public CWindowAnim
   391 /**
   392  This class adds functional coverage to CWsAnimGc. 
   393  The actual work is handled by the 'Draw' method which calls
   394  each method in turn.
   395  Mostly copied from CAutoAnimScrBack and CAutoAnim3.
   396  @SYMTestCaseID 
   397  @SYMPREQ 1841 Add Coverage tests.
   398  @SYMTestCaseDesc  Functional coverage.
   399  @SYMTestActions Run functional coverage test on CWsAnimGc.
   400  */
   401 	{
   402 public:
   403 	~CCoverageAnim();
   404 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   405 	virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
   406 	virtual void Redraw();
   407 	virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   408 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   409 	virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
   410 	void Draw();
   411 	//Pure virtual function from MEventHandler
   412 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   413 private:
   414 	TRect iRect; /** rectangle used for all draw ops that require one */
   415 	CFbsFont* iFont;
   416 	};
   418 class CMultiPointerAnim : public CWindowAnim
   419 	{
   420 	enum {EEventBufferSize=40};
   421 public:
   422 	virtual ~CMultiPointerAnim();
   423 	//Pure virtual functions from CAnim
   424 	virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime);
   425 	virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   426 	virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs);
   427 	//Pure virtual functions from CWindowAnim
   428 	virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus);
   429 	virtual void Redraw();
   430 	virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
   431 	//Pure virtual function from MEventHandler
   432 	virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent);
   433 protected:
   434 	TInt AddEvent(const TAnimRawEvent* aEvent);
   435 	TBool CompareEvents(const TRawEvent& aExpectedEvent, const TRawEvent& aActualEvent);
   436 private:
   437 	CCirBuf<TAnimRawEvent> iExpectedEvents;
   438 	TBuf<255> iErrorDes;
   439 	TInt iEventCount;
   440 	TInt iError;
   441 	};
   443 class CTestAnimDll : public CAnimDll
   444 	{
   445 public:
   446 	CAnim *CreateInstanceL(TInt aType);
   447 private:
   448 	};
   450 /*#if defined(__WINS__)
   451 #pragma data_seg(".E32_UID")
   452 __WINS_UID(0, KWservAnimDllUidValue, 0)
   453 #pragma data_seg()
   454 #endif*/
   456 EXPORT_C CAnimDll *CreateCAnimDllL()
   457 	{
   458 	return(new(ELeave) CTestAnimDll());
   459 	}
   462 // Panic Tests //
   463 void CPanicAnim::ConstructL(TAny *, TBool )
   464 	{
   465 	iWindowFunctions->SetRect(TRect(0,0,1,1));
   466 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond);
   467 	if (iFunctions->Sync()!=MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond)
   468 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   469 // Check the anim time is not ahead of and not more than 2 secs behind the system time
   470 	TTime now;
   471 	now.UniversalTime();
   472 	TDateTime dt=now.DateTime();
   473 	TDateTime adt=iFunctions->SystemTime();
   474 	if (adt.Day()!=dt.Day())
   475 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   477 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone);
   478 	if (iFunctions->Sync()!=MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone)
   479 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   480 	}
   482 CPanicAnim::~CPanicAnim()
   483 	{
   484 	delete iActivePanicIdle;
   485 	}
   487 void CPanicAnim::Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime)
   488 	{
   489 	switch(iSyncState)
   490 		{
   491 		case ESyncStateNull:
   492 			break;
   493 		case ESyncStateStarting:
   494 			iTime=iFunctions->SystemTime();
   495 			iSyncState=ESyncStateCounting;
   496 			iSyncCount=0;
   497 			break;
   498 		case ESyncStateCounting:
   499 			if (aDateTime)
   500 				{
   501 				TTimeIntervalSeconds interval;
   502 				TTime(*aDateTime).SecondsFrom(iTime, interval);
   503 				iSyncCount=interval.Int();
   504 				}
   505 			else
   506 				iSyncCount++;
   507 			if (iSyncCount==ESyncCount)
   508 				{
   509 				TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds minInterval(0);
   510 				TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds maxInterval(0);
   511 				iSyncState=ESyncStateNull;
   512 				switch(iSyncMode)
   513 					{
   514 					case MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond:
   515 						minInterval=iSyncCount*1000000-100000;
   516 						maxInterval=iSyncCount*1000000+100000;
   517 						break;
   518 					default:;
   519 					}
   520 				TTime time(iFunctions->SystemTime());
   521 				TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds interval=time.MicroSecondsFrom(iTime);
   522 				TInt ret=KErrNone;
   523 				if (interval<minInterval || interval>maxInterval)
   524 					ret=KErrGeneral;
   525 				iFunctions->Client().RequestComplete(iStatusPtr,ret);
   526 				}
   527 			break;
   528 		case ESyncLeave:
   529 			User::Leave(KErrGeneral);	// Test: Not allowed to leave, will cause a panic
   530 			break;
   531 		case ESyncStateTimeChange1:
   532 			if (!aDateTime)
   533 				{
   534 				iFunctions->Client().RequestComplete(iStatusPtr,KErrNone);
   535 				iSyncState=ESyncStateTimeChange2;
   536 				}
   537 			break;
   538 		case ESyncStateTimeChange2:
   539 			if (!aDateTime)
   540 				{
   541 				iSyncState=ESyncStateTimeChange3;
   542 				break;
   543 				}
   544 		case ESyncStateTimeChange3:
   545 			iFunctions->Client().RequestComplete(iStatusPtr2,aDateTime ? KErrNone : KErrGeneral);
   546 			iSyncState=ESyncStateNull;
   547 			break;
   548 		}
   549 	}
   551 void CPanicAnim::Redraw()
   552 	{
   553 	if (iLeaveInRedraw)
   554 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);	//Test: Not allowed to leave, will cause a panic
   555 	}
   557 void CPanicAnim::Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *)
   558 	{
   559 	switch(aOpcode)
   560 		{
   561 		case EADllPanicCallPanic:
   562 			iFunctions->Panic();
   563 			break;
   564 		case EADllPanicSetInterval:
   565 			iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond);
   566 			iFunctions->SetInterval(1);
   567 			break;
   568 		case EADllPanicSetNextInterval:
   569 			iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncMinute);
   570 			iFunctions->SetNextInterval(1);
   571 			break;
   572 		case EADllPanicDoubleActivateGC:
   573 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
   574 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
   575 			break;
   576 		case EADllPanicDrawRectWithNoGc:
   577 			iGc->DrawRect(TRect(0,0,10,10));
   578 			break;
   579 		case EADllPanicDrawTextWithNoFont:
   580 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
   581 			iGc->DrawText(_L("Panic"),TPoint(20,20));
   582 			break;
   583 		case EADllPanicLeaveInAnimate:
   584 			iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash);
   585 			iSyncState=ESyncLeave;
   586 			break;
   587 		case EADllPanicLeaveInRedraw:
   588 			iLeaveInRedraw=ETrue;
   589 			iWindowFunctions->Invalidate(TRect(0,0,10,10));
   590 			break;
   591 		case EADllPanicLeave:
   592 			//tests a leaving function in a non-leaving function and should not be moved to CommandReplyL as it leaves
   593 			User::Leave(KErrGeneral);	//LeaveScan: intentional test
   594 			break;
   595 		case EADllPanicSetVisWithGcActive:
   596 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
   597 			iWindowFunctions->SetVisible(EFalse);
   598 			iWindowFunctions->SetVisible(ETrue);
   599 			break;
   600 		case EADllPanicLeaveInActiveCallback:
   601 			iActivePanicIdle=CIdle::NewL(EPriorityHigh);
   602 			iActivePanicIdle->Start(TCallBack(CPanicAnim::LeaveInActiveCallback,this));
   603 			break;
   604 		case EADllPanicSetClippingRectWithNoGc:
   605 			{
   606 			// currently this test fails because when deactivated iWin is also NULL and is deferenced in function
   607 			TRect rect(20,20,20,20);	
   608 			iGc->SetClippingRect(rect);
   609 			}
   610 			break;
   611 		case EADllPanicCancelClippingRegionWithNoGc:
   612 			// currently this test fails because when deactivated iWin is NULL and function leaves
   613 			iGc->CancelClippingRegion();
   614 			break;
   615 		case EADllPanicCancelClippingRectWithNoGc:
   616 			// currently this test fails because when deactivated iWin is also NULL and is deferenced in function
   617 			iGc->CancelClippingRect();
   618 			break;
   619 		case EADllPanicSetDrawModeWithNoGc:
   620 			iGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeAND);
   621 			break;
   622 		case EADllPanicUseFontWithNoGc:
   623 			{
   624 			// currently this test fails because does not check for NULL font
   625 			CFbsFont* font = NULL;
   626 			iGc->UseFont(font);
   627 			}
   628 			break;
   629 		case EADllPanicDiscardFontWithNoGc:
   630 			iGc->DiscardFont();
   631 			break;
   632 		case EADllPanicSetUnderlineStyleWithNoGc:
   633 			iGc->SetUnderlineStyle(EUnderlineOff);
   634 			break;
   635 		case EADllPanicSetStrikeThoughStyleWithNoGc:
   636 			iGc->SetStrikethroughStyle(EStrikethroughOff);
   637 			break;
   638 		case EADllPanicSetWordJustificationWithNoGc:
   639 			iGc->SetWordJustification(0,0);
   640 			break;
   641 		case EADllPanicSetCharJustificationWithNoGc:
   642 			iGc->SetCharJustification(0,0);
   643 			break;
   644 		case EADllPanicSetPenColorWithNoGc:
   645 			{
   646 			TRgb rgbs;
   647 			iGc->SetPenColor(rgbs);
   648 			}
   649 			break;
   650 		case EADllPanicSetPenStyleWithNoGc:
   651 			iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
   652 			break;
   653 		case EADllPanicSetPenSizeWithNoGc:
   654 			{
   655 			const TSize size;
   656 			iGc->SetPenSize(size);
   657 			}
   658 			break;
   659 		case EADllPanicSetBrushColorWithNoGc:
   660 			{
   661 			TRgb rgbs;
   662 			iGc->SetBrushColor(rgbs);
   663 			}
   664 			break;
   665 		case EADllPanicSetBrushStyleWithNoGc:
   666 			iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   667 			break;
   668 		case EADllPanicSetBrushOriginWithNoGc:
   669 			{
   670 			TPoint point;
   671 			iGc->SetBrushOrigin(point);
   672 			}
   673 			break;
   674 		case EADllPanicUseBrushPatterWithNoGc:
   675 			{
   676 			CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   677 			CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   678 			User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(TSize(16,16),EGray4));
   679 			iGc->UseBrushPattern(bitmap);
   680 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
   681 			}
   682 			break;
   683 		case EADllPanicDiscardBrushPatternWithNoGc:
   684 			iGc->DiscardBrushPattern();
   685 			break;
   686 		case EADllPanicSetFadedWithNoGc:
   687 			iGc->SetFaded(EFalse);
   688 			break;
   689 		case EADllPanicSetFadingParametersWithNoGc:
   690 			iGc->SetFadingParameters(1,1);
   691 			break;
   692 		case EADllPanicDrawArcWithNoGc:
   693 			{
   694 			TRect rect;
   695 			iGc->DrawArc(rect,
   696 				TPoint(rect.Center().iX, rect.iTl.iY),
   697 				TPoint(rect.iBr.iX, rect.Center().iY));
   698 			}
   699 			break;
   700 		case EADllPanicDrawPieWithNoGc:
   701 			{
   702 			TRect rect;				
   703 			iGc->DrawPie(rect, TPoint(rect.Center().iX, rect.iTl.iY), TPoint(rect.iBr.iX, rect.Center().iY));
   704 			}
   705 			break;
   706 		case EADllPanicDrawLineWithNoGc:
   707 			{	
   708 			const TPoint point1;
   709 			const TPoint point2;
   710 			iGc->DrawLine(point1, point2);
   711 			}
   712 			break;
   713 		case EADllPanicDrawLineToWithNoGc:
   714 			{
   715 			const TPoint point;
   716 			iGc->DrawLineTo(point);
   717 			}
   718 			break;
   719 		case EADllPanicDrawLineByWithNoGc:
   720 			{
   721 			const TPoint point;
   722 			iGc->DrawLineBy(point);
   723 			}
   724 			break;
   725 		case EADllPanicDrawEllipseWithNoGc:
   726 			{
   727 			TRect rect(20,20,20,20);
   728 			iGc->DrawEllipse(rect);
   729 			}
   730 			break;
   731 		case EADllPanicDrawRoundedRecWithNoGc:
   732 			{
   733 			TRect rect;
   734 			iGc->DrawRoundRect(rect, TSize(rect.Width()/8, rect.Height()/8));
   735 			}
   736 			break;
   737 		case EADllPanicClearWithRectWithNoGc:
   738 			{
   739 			TRect rect(20,20,20,20);
   740 			iGc->Clear(rect);
   741 			}
   742 			break;
   743 		case EADllPanicClearWithNoGc:
   744 			iGc->Clear();
   745 			break;
   746 		case EADllPanicBitBltWithNoGc:
   747 			{
   748 			CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   749 			CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   750 			User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(TSize(16,16),EGray4));
   751 			iGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0, 0), bitmap);
   752 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
   753 			}
   754 			break;
   755 		case EADllPanicBitBltWithRectWithNoGc:
   756 			{
   757 			CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   758 			TRect rect;
   759 			CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   760 			User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(TSize(16,16),EGray4));
   761 			iGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0, 0), bitmap, rect);
   762 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
   763 			}
   764 			break;
   765 		case EADllPanicBitBltMaskedWithNoGc:
   766 			{
   767 			CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   768 			TRect rect;
   769 			CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   770 			User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(TSize(16,16),EGray4));
   771 			iGc->BitBltMasked(TPoint(0, 0), bitmap, rect, bitmap, EFalse);
   772 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
   773 			}
   774 			break;
   775 		case EADllPanicDrawBitmapMaskedFbsBitmapWithNoGc:
   776 			{
   777 			CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   778 			TRect rect;
   779 			CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   780 			User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(TSize(16,16),EGray4));
   781 			iGc->DrawBitmapMasked(rect, bitmap, rect, bitmap, ETrue);
   782 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
   783 			}
   784 			break;
   785 		case EADllPanicDrawBitmapMaskedWsBitmapWithNoGc:
   786 			{
   787 			CWsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
   788 			TRect rect;
   789 			iGc->DrawBitmapMasked(rect, bitmap, rect, bitmap, ETrue);
   790 			}
   791 			break;
   792 		case EADllPanicDrawBitmapPointWithNoGc:
   793 			{
   794 			CWsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
   795 			TRect rect;
   796 			iGc->DrawBitmap(rect.iTl, bitmap);
   797 			}
   798 			break;
   799 		case EADllPanicDrawBitmapWithNoGc:
   800 			{
   801 			CWsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
   802 			TRect rect;
   803 			iGc->DrawBitmap(rect, bitmap);
   804 			}
   805 			break;
   806 		case EADllPanicDrawBitmapRectWithNoGc:
   807 			{
   808 			CWsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
   809 			TRect rect;
   810 			iGc->DrawBitmap(rect, bitmap, TRect(0, 0, 16, 16));
   811 			}
   812 			break;
   813 		case EADllPanicDrawPolyLinePointsWithNoGc:
   814 			{
   815 			TRect rect;
   816 			CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>* polyPoints = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(3); //CArrayFixFlat
   817 			CleanupStack::PushL(polyPoints);
   818 			polyPoints->AppendL(rect.iTl);
   819 			polyPoints->AppendL(rect.Center());
   820 			polyPoints->AppendL(TPoint(rect.iBr.iX, rect.iTl.iY));
   821 			iGc->DrawPolyLine(&polyPoints->At(0), 3);
   822 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(polyPoints);
   823 			}
   824 			break;
   825 		case EADllPanicDrawPolyLineArrayWithNoGc:
   826 			{
   827 			TRect rect;
   828 			CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>* polyPoints = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(3); //CArrayFixFlat
   829 			CleanupStack::PushL(polyPoints);
   830 			polyPoints->AppendL(rect.iTl);
   831 			polyPoints->AppendL(rect.Center());
   832 			polyPoints->AppendL(TPoint(rect.iBr.iX, rect.iTl.iY));
   833 			iGc->DrawPolyLine(polyPoints);
   834 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(polyPoints);
   835 			}
   836 			break;
   837 		case EADllPanicMoveToWithNoGc:
   838 			{
   839 			TPoint point;
   840 			iGc->MoveTo(point);
   841 			}
   842 			break;
   843 		case EADllPanicMoveByWithNoGc:
   844 			{
   845 			TPoint point;
   846 			iGc->MoveBy(point);
   847 			}
   848 			break;
   849 		case EADllPanicPlotWithNoGc:
   850 			{
   851 			TPoint point;
   852 			iGc->Plot(point);
   853 			}
   854 			break;
   855 		case EADllPanicSetOriginWithNoGc:
   856 			{
   857 			TPoint point;
   858 			iGc->SetOrigin(point);
   859 			}
   860 			break;
   861 		case EADllPanicCopyRectWithNoGc:
   862 			{
   863 			TPoint point;
   864 			TRect rect;
   865 			iGc->CopyRect(point, rect);
   866 			}
   867 			break;
   868 		case EADllPanicResetWithNoGc:
   869 			iGc->Reset();
   870 			break;
   871 		case EADllPanicMapColorsWithNoGc:
   872 			{
   873 			TRgb rgbs[2];
   874 			TRect rect;
   875 			iGc->MapColors(rect, rgbs, 1, ETrue);
   876 			}
   877 			break;
   878 		case EADllPanicDrawTextWithRectWithNoFont:
   879 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
   880 			iGc->DrawText(_L("Panic"),TRect(20,20,20,20),0);
   881 			break;
   882 		case EADllPanicDrawTextVerticalWithNoFont:
   883 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
   884 			iGc->DrawTextVertical(_L("Panic"),TPoint(20,20), EFalse);
   885 			break;
   886 		case EADllPanicDrawTextVerticalWithRectWithNoFont:
   887 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
   888 			iGc->DrawTextVertical(_L("Panic"),TRect(20,20,20,20), 0, EFalse);
   889 			break;
   890 		case EADllPanicInvalidFocusScreenTooBig:
   891 			(static_cast<MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension*>(iFunctions->ExtendedInterface(MAnimGeneralFunctions::EWindowExtensionInterface)))->SetFocusScreen(3000);
   892 			break;
   893 		case EADllPanicInvalidFocusScreenNegative:
   894 			(static_cast<MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension*>(iFunctions->ExtendedInterface(MAnimGeneralFunctions::EWindowExtensionInterface)))->SetFocusScreen(-1);
   895 			break;
   896 		default:
   897 			iFunctions->Panic();
   898 		}
   899 	}
   901 void CPanicAnim::DoLeaveInActiveCallback()
   902 	{
   903 	iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
   904 	User::Leave(KErrUnknown);
   905 	}
   907 TInt CPanicAnim::LeaveInActiveCallback(TAny *aThis)
   908 	{
   909 	CPanicAnim* panicAnim=(CPanicAnim*)aThis;
   910 	panicAnim->DoLeaveInActiveCallback();
   911 	return(KErrNone);
   912 	}
   914 void CPanicAnim::StartSyncTest(MAnimGeneralFunctions::TAnimSync aSync)
   915 	{
   916 	iFunctions->SetSync(aSync);
   917 	iSyncMode=aSync;
   918 	iSyncState=ESyncStateStarting;
   919 	}
   921 void CPanicAnim::StartTimeChangeTest()
   922 	{
   923 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond);
   924 	iSyncMode=MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond;
   925 	iSyncState=ESyncStateTimeChange1;
   926 	}
   928 TInt CPanicAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aParams)
   929 	{
   930 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
   931 	pData.any=aParams;
   932 	switch(aOpcode)
   933 		{
   934 		case EADllPanicBadFont:
   935 			iFunctions->DuplicateFontL(123);
   936 			break;
   937 		case EADllPanicBadBitmap:
   938 			iFunctions->DuplicateBitmapL(123);
   939 			break;
   940 		case EADllPanicCallPanic:
   941 			iFunctions->Panic();
   942 			break;
   943 		case EADllReadRemoteDescriptor:
   944 			{
   945 			TInt ret=0;
   946 			const RMessagePtr2& message=*iFunctions->Message();
   947 			TInt bufLength = message.GetDesLength(KIpcSlot);
   948 			TUint16* heapCell=static_cast<TUint16*>(User::AllocL(bufLength*2));
   949 			TPtr buf(heapCell,bufLength*2,bufLength*2);
   950 			const TInt theError=message.Read(KIpcSlot,buf);
   951 			if(theError == KErrNone)
   952 				{
   953 				for (TInt index=0;index<bufLength;index++)
   954 					{
   955 					ret+=buf[index];
   956 					}
   957 				}
   958 			User::Free(heapCell);
   959 			return(ret);
   960 			}
   961 		case EADllTestWindowSize:
   962 			return(*pData.Size==iWindowFunctions->WindowSize());
   963 		case EADllSyncTests:
   964 			iStatusPtr=pData.SyncTests->status;
   965 			StartSyncTest(pData.SyncTests->syncMode);
   966 			break;
   967 		case EADllTimeChangedTest:
   968 			iStatusPtr=pData.TimeChangeTest->status;
   969 			iStatusPtr2=pData.TimeChangeTest->status2;
   970 			StartTimeChangeTest();
   971 			break;
   972 		case EADllTestSetVisible:
   973 			if (iWindowFunctions->IsHidden())
   974 				goto setVisFailed;
   975 			iWindowFunctions->SetVisible(EFalse);
   976 			if (!iWindowFunctions->IsHidden())
   977 				goto setVisFailed;
   978 			iWindowFunctions->SetVisible(ETrue);
   979 			if (iWindowFunctions->IsHidden())
   980 setVisFailed:	return(EFalse);
   981 			return(ETrue);
   982 		case EADllPanicSetVisWithGcActiveReply:
   983 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
   984 			iWindowFunctions->SetVisible(EFalse);
   985 			iWindowFunctions->SetVisible(ETrue);
   986 			break;
   987 		case EADllPanicSetClippingRegionWithNoGc:
   988 			{
   989 			// currently this test fails because when deactivated iWin is also NULL and is deferenced in function
   990 			RRegion region;
   991 			TBool err = iGc->SetClippingRegion(region);
   992 			}
   993 			break;
   994 		case EADllPanicDrawPolygonPointsWithNoGc:
   995 			{	
   996 			TRect rect(20,20,20,20);
   997 			CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>* polyPoints = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(3); //CArrayFixFlat
   998 			CleanupStack::PushL(polyPoints);
   999 			polyPoints->AppendL(rect.iTl);
  1000 			polyPoints->AppendL(rect.Center());
  1001 			polyPoints->AppendL(TPoint(rect.iBr.iX, rect.iTl.iY));
  1002 			iGc->DrawPolygon(polyPoints, CGraphicsContext::EWinding);
  1003 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(polyPoints);
  1004 			}
  1005 			break;
  1006 		case EADllPanicDrawPolygonArrayWithNoGc:
  1007 			{	
  1008 			TRect rect(20,20,20,20);
  1009 			CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>* polyPoints = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(3); //CArrayFixFlat
  1010 			CleanupStack::PushL(polyPoints);
  1011 			polyPoints->AppendL(rect.iTl);
  1012 			polyPoints->AppendL(rect.Center());
  1013 			polyPoints->AppendL(TPoint(rect.iBr.iX, rect.iTl.iY));
  1014 			iGc->DrawPolygon(&polyPoints->At(0), 3, CGraphicsContext::EAlternate);
  1015 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(polyPoints);
  1016 			}
  1017 			break;
  1018 		case EADllPanicAlphaBlendingBitmapsFbsBitmapWithNoGc:
  1019 			{
  1020 			TRect rect(20,20,20,20);
  1021 			CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
  1022 			CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
  1023 			User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(TSize(16,16),EGray4));
  1024 			iGc->AlphaBlendBitmaps(TPoint(0, 0), bitmap, rect, bitmap, TPoint(0,0));
  1025 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
  1026 			}
  1027 			break;
  1028 		case EADllPanicDevice:
  1029 			{
  1030 			CGraphicsDevice *device = iGc->Device();
  1031 			}
  1032 			break;
  1033 		default:
  1034 			iFunctions->Panic();
  1035 		}
  1036 	return(KErrNone);
  1037 	}
  1039 void CPanicAnim::FocusChanged(TBool )
  1040 	{
  1041 	}
  1043 TBool CPanicAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &/*aRawEvent*/)
  1044 	{
  1045 	return EFalse;
  1046 	}
  1049 // CPanicAnim2 simply panics in the construct //
  1050 void CPanicAnim2::ConstructL(TAny *, TBool )
  1051 	{
  1052 	iFunctions->Panic();
  1053 	}
  1055 void CPanicAnim2::Animate(TDateTime *)
  1056 	{}
  1058 void CPanicAnim2::Redraw()
  1059 	{}
  1061 void CPanicAnim2::Command(TInt , TAny *)
  1062 	{}
  1064 TInt CPanicAnim2::CommandReplyL(TInt , TAny *)
  1065 	{return(0);}
  1067 void CPanicAnim2::FocusChanged(TBool )
  1068 	{}
  1070 TBool CPanicAnim2::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &/*aRawEvent*/)
  1071 	{
  1072 	return EFalse;
  1073 	}
  1076 // CAutoAnim3 test drawing/redrawing //
  1077 void CAutoAnim3::ConstructL(TAny *aParam, TBool )
  1078 	{
  1079 	iRect=*((TRect *)aParam);
  1080 	iWindowFunctions->SetRect(iRect);
  1081 	iMode=0;
  1082 	iWindowFunctions->Invalidate(iRect);
  1083 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond);
  1084 	}
  1086 void CAutoAnim3::Animate(TDateTime *)
  1087 	{
  1088 	iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  1089 	if (iMode==1)
  1090 		{
  1091 		Draw(iRect);
  1092 		if (iRect.Width()>20 && iRect.Height()>20)
  1093 			iRect.Shrink(TSize(20,20));
  1094 		else
  1095 			iRect=iBaseRect;
  1096 		Draw(iRect);
  1097 		}
  1098 	else if (iMode==2)
  1099 		{
  1100 		Draw(iRect);
  1101 		iFunctions->Client().RequestComplete(iStatusPtr,KErrNone);
  1102 		iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone);
  1103 		}
  1104 	else if (iMode==3)
  1105 		{
  1106 		// flip between two sizes
  1107 		if (iRect.iTl.iX == 10)
  1108 			iRect.SetRect(40,40,80,80);
  1109 		else
  1110 			iRect.SetRect(10,10,110,110);
  1111 		Draw(iRect);
  1112 		}
  1113 	}
  1115 void CAutoAnim3::Draw(const TRect &aRect)
  1116 	{
  1117 	switch(iMode)
  1118 		{
  1119 		case 0:
  1120 			iGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
  1121 			iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
  1122 			iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray256(85));
  1123 			iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray256(170));
  1124 			iGc->DrawEllipse(aRect);
  1125 			iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
  1126 			break;
  1127 		case 1:	// Shrinking box
  1128 			iGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
  1129 			iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray256(255));
  1130 			iGc->DrawRect(aRect);
  1131 			break;
  1132 		case 2:
  1133 		case 3:
  1134 			iGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
  1135 			iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
  1136 			iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray256(85));
  1137 			iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray256(170));
  1138 			iGc->DrawEllipse(aRect);
  1139 			iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
  1140 			break;
  1141 		default:
  1142 			break;
  1143 		}
  1144 	}
  1146 void CAutoAnim3::Redraw()
  1147 	{
  1148 	Draw(iRect);
  1149 	}
  1151 void CAutoAnim3::Command(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aParam)
  1152 	{
  1153 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  1154 	pData.any=aParam;
  1155 	switch(aOpcode)
  1156 		{
  1157 		case EADllSetRect:
  1158 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  1159 			Draw(iRect);
  1160 			iRect=*pData.Rect;
  1161 			iWindowFunctions->SetRect(iRect);
  1162 			Draw(iRect);
  1163 			{		//Do more extensive testing
  1164 			TWindowInfo data;
  1165 			iWindowFunctions->Parameters(data);
  1166 			}
  1167 			break;
  1168 		case EADllStartAnimate:
  1169 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  1170 			Draw(iRect);
  1171 			iMode=1;
  1172 			iBaseRect=*pData.Rect;
  1173 			iRect=iBaseRect;
  1174 			iWindowFunctions->SetRect(iRect);
  1175 			iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash);
  1176 			Draw(iRect);
  1177 			break;
  1178 		case EADllCancelAnimate:
  1179 			iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone);
  1180 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  1181 			Draw(iRect);
  1182 			iMode=-1;
  1183 			break;
  1184 		case EADllSetVisible:
  1185 			iWindowFunctions->SetVisible(*pData.Bool);
  1186 			break;
  1187 		case EADllSetShadowDrawMode:
  1188 			iMode=2;
  1189 			break;
  1190 		case EADllDrawTestScreen:
  1191 			DrawTestScreenL(pData.DrawTestScreen);		//Should move to CommandReplyL as it leaves
  1192 			break;
  1193 		case EADllSetMode:
  1194 			iMode = *pData.Int;
  1195 			break;	
  1196 		}
  1197 	}
  1199 TInt CAutoAnim3::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aParam)
  1200 	{
  1201 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  1202 	pData.any = aParam;
  1203 	TInt ret=0;
  1204 	switch(aOpcode)
  1205 		{
  1206 		case EADllShadowAnimTest:
  1207 			iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash);
  1208 			iStatusPtr=((TShadowDrawTest *)aParam)->status;
  1209 			break;
  1210 		case EADllParameterRectValueTest:
  1211 			{
  1212 			TWindowInfo wininf;
  1213 			iWindowFunctions->Parameters(wininf);
  1214 			TRect comp = *(pData.Rect);
  1215 			ret=(comp==wininf.iScreenPos);
  1216 			}
  1217 			break;
  1218 		case EADllDoSetSync:
  1219 			iFunctions->SetSync(static_cast<MAnimGeneralFunctions::TAnimSync>(*pData.Int));
  1220 			break;
  1221 		case EADllSetInterval:					
  1222 			iFunctions->SetInterval(*pData.Int);
  1223 			break;
  1224 		}
  1225 	return(ret);
  1226 	}
  1228 void CAutoAnim3::FocusChanged(TBool )
  1229 	{}
  1231 //void CAutoAnim3::DrawTestScreen(TDrawTestScreen *aParams)
  1232 //Function now at bottom of file
  1234 TBool CAutoAnim3::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &/*aRawEvent*/)
  1235 	{
  1236 	return EFalse;
  1237 	}
  1240 // CAutoAnimScrBack test drawing/redrawing //
  1241 void CAutoAnimScrBack::ConstructL(TAny *aParam, TBool )
  1242 	{
  1243 	iRect=*((TRect *)aParam);
  1244 	iWindowFunctions->SetRect(iRect);
  1245 	iMode=1;
  1246 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash);
  1247 	}
  1249 void CAutoAnimScrBack::Animate(TDateTime *)
  1250 	{
  1251 	iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  1252 	Draw();
  1253 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone);
  1254 	}
  1256 void CAutoAnimScrBack::Draw()
  1257 	{
  1258 	iGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
  1259 	if (iMode==2)
  1260 		iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(3,3));
  1261 	iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray4(iMode==1 ? 2 : 3));
  1262 	iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
  1263 	iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(iMode==1 ? 1 : 0));
  1264 	iGc->DrawRect(iRect);
  1265 	}
  1267 void CAutoAnimScrBack::Redraw()
  1268 	{
  1269 	Draw();
  1270 	}
  1272 void CAutoAnimScrBack::Command(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aParam)
  1273 	{
  1274 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  1275 	pData.any=aParam;
  1276 	switch(aOpcode)
  1277 		{
  1278 		case EADllDrawOtherRect:
  1279 			{
  1280 			TRect oldRect(iRect);
  1281 			if (iMode==2)
  1282 				oldRect.Grow(1,1);	// To allow for 3x3 pen size
  1283 			iMode=2;
  1284 			iRect=*pData.Rect;
  1285 			TRect fullRect(iRect);
  1286 			fullRect.Grow(1,1);	// To allow for 3x3 pen size
  1287 			iWindowFunctions->Invalidate(oldRect);
  1288 			iWindowFunctions->SetRect(fullRect);
  1289 			iWindowFunctions->Invalidate(fullRect);
  1290 			}
  1291 //			iFunctions->ActivateGc();
  1292 //			Draw();
  1293 			break;
  1294 		}
  1295 	}
  1297 TInt CAutoAnimScrBack::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *)
  1298 	{
  1299 	switch(aOpcode)
  1300 		{
  1301 		case EADllIsHidden:
  1302 			return iWindowFunctions->IsHidden();
  1303 		}
  1304 	return(0);
  1305 	}
  1307 void CAutoAnimScrBack::FocusChanged(TBool )
  1308 	{}
  1310 TBool CAutoAnimScrBack::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &/*aRawEvent*/)
  1311 	{
  1312 	return EFalse;
  1313 	}
  1316 // CTestSpriteAnim test sprite access //
  1317 void CTestSpriteAnim::ConstructL(TAny* /*aParam*/)
  1318 	{
  1319 	iSpriteFunctions->SizeChangedL();
  1320 	iSpriteFunctions->Activate(ETrue);
  1321 	}
  1323 void CTestSpriteAnim::Animate(TDateTime*)
  1324 	{
  1325 	}
  1327 void CTestSpriteAnim::Command(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aParam)
  1328 	{
  1329 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  1330 	pData.any=aParam;
  1331 	switch (aOpcode)
  1332 		{
  1333 	case EADllSizeChanged:
  1334 		iSpriteFunctions->Activate(EFalse);
  1335 		iSpriteFunctions->SizeChangedL();		//Should move to CommandReplyL as it leaves
  1336 	case EADllActivate:
  1337 		iSpriteFunctions->Activate(ETrue);
  1338 		break;
  1339 	case EADllDeactivate:
  1340 		iSpriteFunctions->Activate(EFalse);
  1341 		break;
  1342 	case EADllSetPos:
  1343 		iSpriteFunctions->SetPosition(*pData.Point);
  1344 		break;
  1345 	case EADllDraw1:
  1346 	case EADllDraw2:
  1347 	case EADllDraw3:
  1348 		DrawMemberL(aOpcode-EADllDraw1);		//Should move to CommandReplyL as it leaves
  1349 		break;
  1350 	case EADllIncDraw:
  1351 		DrawMemberL();		//Should move to CommandReplyL as it leaves
  1352 		break;
  1353 	default:;
  1354 		}
  1355 	}
  1357 TInt CTestSpriteAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aParam)
  1358 	{
  1359 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  1360 	pData.any=aParam;
  1361 	switch (aOpcode)
  1362 		{
  1363 	case EADllCheckMember:
  1364 		return CheckMember(*pData.SpriteMemberInfo);
  1365 	default:;
  1366 		}
  1367 	return(KErrNone);
  1368 	}
  1370 TBool CTestSpriteAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent& /*aRawEvent*/)
  1371 	{
  1372 	return EFalse;
  1373 	}
  1375 TBool CTestSpriteAnim::CheckMember(const TSpriteMemberInfo& aMemInfo)
  1376 	{
  1377 	TSpriteMember spriteMember=*iSpriteFunctions->GetSpriteMember(aMemInfo.iMember);
  1378 	if (spriteMember.iBitmap->Handle()!=aMemInfo.iBitmapHandle)
  1379 		return EFalse;
  1380 	if (aMemInfo.iMaskBitmapHandle==0)
  1381 		{
  1382 		if (spriteMember.iMaskBitmap!=NULL)
  1383 			return EFalse;
  1384 		}
  1385 	else
  1386 		{
  1387 		if (spriteMember.iMaskBitmap->Handle()!=aMemInfo.iMaskBitmapHandle)
  1388 			return EFalse;
  1389 		}
  1390 	if (spriteMember.iInvertMask!=aMemInfo.iInvertMask)
  1391 		return EFalse;
  1392 	if (spriteMember.iDrawMode!=aMemInfo.iDrawMode)
  1393 		return EFalse;
  1394 	if (spriteMember.iOffset!=aMemInfo.iOffset)
  1395 		return EFalse;
  1396 	if (spriteMember.iInterval!=aMemInfo.iInterval)
  1397 		return EFalse;
  1398 	return ETrue;
  1399 	}
  1401 void CTestSpriteAnim::DrawMemberL(TInt aMember)
  1402 	{
  1403 	CFbsBitmap *bitmap=iSpriteFunctions->GetSpriteMember(aMember)->iBitmap;
  1404 	CFbsBitmapDevice *device=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(bitmap);
  1405 	CleanupStack::PushL(device);
  1406 	CFbsBitGc *gc;
  1407 	User::LeaveIfError(device->CreateContext(gc));
  1408 	CleanupStack::PushL(gc);
  1409 	//gc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4((aMember+1)%3));
  1410 	gc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
  1411 	gc->SetPenSize(TSize());
  1412 	TSize size=bitmap->SizeInPixels();
  1413 	size.SetSize(size.iWidth/2,size.iHeight/2);
  1414 	TPoint point=size.AsPoint();
  1415 	gc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(0));
  1416 	//TRect rect=bitmap->SizeInPixels();
  1417 	gc->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(),size));
  1418 	gc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(1));
  1419 	gc->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(point.iX,0),size));
  1420 	gc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(2));
  1421 	gc->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(0,point.iY),size));
  1422 	gc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(3));
  1423 	gc->DrawRect(TRect(point,size));
  1424 	iSpriteFunctions->UpdateMember(aMember,TRect(bitmap->SizeInPixels()),ETrue);
  1425 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
  1426 	}
  1428 void CTestSpriteAnim::DrawMemberL()
  1429 	{
  1430 	CFbsBitmap *bitmap=iSpriteFunctions->GetSpriteMember(0)->iBitmap;
  1431 	CFbsBitmapDevice *device=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(bitmap);
  1432 	CleanupStack::PushL(device);
  1433 	CFbsBitGc *gc;
  1434 	User::LeaveIfError(device->CreateContext(gc));
  1435 	CleanupStack::PushL(gc);
  1436 	gc->SetPenSize(TSize(3,3));
  1437 	gc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray4(1));
  1438 	TPoint corner=bitmap->SizeInPixels().AsPoint();
  1439 	gc->DrawLine(TPoint(),corner);
  1440 	gc->DrawLine(TPoint(0,corner.iY),TPoint(corner.iX,0));
  1441 	iSpriteFunctions->UpdateMember(0,TRect(bitmap->SizeInPixels()),EFalse);
  1442 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
  1443 	}
  1446 // CTestFreeTimerAnim test drawing off own timer //
  1447 CTestFreeTimerAnim::~CTestFreeTimerAnim()
  1448     {
  1449     iTimer->Cancel();
  1450     delete iTimer;
  1451     }
  1453 void CTestFreeTimerAnim::ConstructL(TAny* /*aParam*/, TBool )
  1454 	{
  1455     User::LeaveIfNull(iFunctions);
  1456     User::LeaveIfNull(iWindowFunctions);
  1458     //Configure free-timer anim (these values should be the default ones)
  1459     iFunctions->SetSync( MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone );
  1460     iFunctions->SetInterval(0);
  1462     iFrameTime = 100000; //default frametime 0.1s
  1463     iTimer = CAnimTimer::NewL(*this);
  1464     iRect = iWindowFunctions->WindowSize();	
  1465 	}
  1467 #define MAX(a,b)    (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
  1469 void CTestFreeTimerAnim::Animate(TDateTime*)
  1470 	{
  1471     TInt max = MAX(iRect.Width(), iRect.Height());
  1472     if(max <= 0)
  1473         {
  1474         iRect = iWindowFunctions->WindowSize();
  1475         }
  1476     else
  1477         {
  1478         iRect.Shrink(1,1);
  1479         }
  1481     //change colour
  1482     switch(iColour.Value())
  1483         {
  1484         case 0x000000:  //black
  1485         case 0xffffff:  //white
  1486             iColour = KRgbRed;
  1487             break;
  1488         case 0x0000ff:  //red
  1489             iColour = KRgbGreen;
  1490             break;
  1491         case 0x00ff00:  //green
  1492             iColour = KRgbBlue;
  1493             break;
  1494         case 0xff0000:  //blue
  1495             iColour = KRgbBlack;
  1496             break;
  1497         }	
  1498 	}
  1500 void CTestFreeTimerAnim::Redraw()
  1501 	{
  1502     //draw something in the animated colour
  1503     iGc->SetBrushColor(iColour);
  1504     iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
  1505     iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbBlack);
  1506     iGc->DrawRect(iRect);	
  1507 	}
  1509 void CTestFreeTimerAnim::Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs)
  1510 	{
  1511     switch(aOpcode)
  1512         {
  1513         case EStartAnimation:
  1514             DisplayNextFrameL();
  1515             break;
  1516         case EStopAnimation:
  1517             iTimer->Cancel();
  1518             break;
  1519         case ESetFrameTime:
  1520             ASSERT(aArgs);        
  1521             iFrameTime = *reinterpret_cast<TInt*>(aArgs);
  1522             break;
  1523         default:
  1524             ASSERT(0);
  1525         }
  1526     }
  1528 TInt CTestFreeTimerAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs)
  1529 	{    
  1530     switch(aOpcode)
  1531         {
  1532         case EStartAnimation:
  1533             DisplayNextFrameL();
  1534             break;
  1535         case EStopAnimation:
  1536             iTimer->Cancel();
  1537             break;
  1538         case ESetFrameTime:
  1539             ASSERT(aArgs); 
  1540             iFrameTime = *reinterpret_cast<TInt*>(aArgs);
  1541             break;
  1542         default:
  1543             ASSERT(0);
  1544         }
  1545     return(KErrNone);
  1546     }
  1548 void CTestFreeTimerAnim::FocusChanged(TBool /*aState*/)
  1549 	{
  1550 	}
  1552 TBool CTestFreeTimerAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent& /*aRawEvent*/)
  1553 	{
  1554 	return EFalse;
  1555 	}
  1558 void CTestFreeTimerAnim::DisplayNextFrameL()
  1559     {    
  1560     //Reschedule timer callback
  1561     iTimer->Cancel();
  1562     iTimer->After(iFrameTime);
  1564     Animate(NULL); //wserv don't animate free-timer animations
  1566     //Schedule wserv redraw
  1567     MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions* windowFunctions = WindowFunctions();
  1568     ASSERT(windowFunctions);
  1569     windowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  1570     windowFunctions->DeactivateGc();
  1571     windowFunctions->Update();
  1572     }
  1574 //
  1575 // CAnimTimer class
  1576 //
  1578 /**
  1579  Constructs a new bitmap animation timer object,and adds the specified active object to the current active scheduler.
  1581 @param aObserver a pointer to MAnimTimerObserver
  1582 */
  1583 CAnimTimer::CAnimTimer(MAnimTimerObserver& aObserver)
  1584     :CTimer(EPriorityStandard),
  1585     iAnim(aObserver)
  1586     {
  1587     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
  1588     }
  1590 /**
  1591  Frees resources owned by the object prior to deletion.
  1592 */ 
  1593 CAnimTimer::~CAnimTimer()
  1594     {
  1595     }
  1597 /**
  1598  Creates a new bitmap animation timer object.
  1600 @param aObserver A pointer to the MAnimTimerObserver
  1601 @return A pointer to the new bitmap animation timer object.
  1602 */
  1603 CAnimTimer* CAnimTimer::NewL(MAnimTimerObserver& aObserver)
  1604     {
  1605     CAnimTimer* timer=new(ELeave) CAnimTimer(aObserver);
  1606     CleanupStack::PushL(timer);
  1607     timer->ConstructL();
  1608     CleanupStack::Pop();
  1609     return timer;
  1610     }
  1612 /**
  1613  Completes construction of the bitmap animation timer object and
  1614  constructs a new asynchronous timer.
  1615 */
  1616 void CAnimTimer::ConstructL()
  1617     {
  1618     CTimer::ConstructL();
  1619     }
  1621 /**
  1622  Handles an active object's request completion event.
  1623  Invokes the function to draw the next frame
  1624 */
  1625 void CAnimTimer::RunL()
  1626     {
  1627     iAnim.DisplayNextFrameL();
  1628     }
  1630 // CEventTestAnimBase base class for event test anims //
  1631 CEventTestAnimBase::~CEventTestAnimBase()
  1632 	{
  1633 	iFunctions->GetRawEvents(EFalse);
  1634 	}
  1636 void CEventTestAnimBase::ConstructL(TAny* /*aParam*/, TBool )
  1637 	{
  1638 	iExpectedEvents.SetLengthL(EEventBufferSize);
  1639 	}
  1641 void CEventTestAnimBase::Animate(TDateTime*)
  1642 	{
  1643 	}
  1645 void CEventTestAnimBase::Redraw()
  1646 	{
  1647 	}
  1649 void CEventTestAnimBase::Command(TInt /*aOpcode*/, TAny* /*aParam*/)
  1650 	{
  1651 	/*switch (aOpcode)
  1652 		{
  1653 	default:;
  1654 		}*/
  1655 	}
  1657 void CEventTestAnimBase::FocusChanged(TBool /*aState*/)
  1658 	{
  1659 	}
  1661 // Base class common client server interface
  1662 TInt CEventTestAnimBase::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aParam)
  1663 	{
  1664 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  1665 	pData.any=aParam;
  1666 	switch (aOpcode)
  1667 		{
  1668 	case EADllAddExpectedEvent:
  1669 		return AddExpectedEvent(pData.AnimRawEvent);
  1670 	case EADllNumberOfEventsReceived:
  1671 		return iEventCount;
  1672 	case EADllErrorCode:
  1673 		return iError;
  1674 	case EADllReset:
  1675 		iExpectedEvents.Reset();
  1676 		iError = 0;
  1677 		iEventCount = 0;
  1678 		return KErrNone;
  1679 	default:;
  1680 		}
  1681 	return(KErrNone);
  1682 	}
  1684 TBool CEventTestAnimBase::HandleRecursiveEvent(const TRawEvent& aRawEvent)
  1685 	{
  1686 	if (aRawEvent.ScanCode() == 60)
  1687 		{
  1688 		TRawEvent rawEvent;
  1689 		rawEvent.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyUp, 34);
  1690 		iFunctions->PostRawEvent(rawEvent);
  1691 		rawEvent.Set(TRawEvent::EKeyUp, 35);
  1692 		iFunctions->PostRawEvent(rawEvent);
  1693 		return ETrue;
  1694 		}
  1695 	return EFalse;
  1696 	}
  1698 TBool CEventTestAnimBase::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent& aRawEvent)
  1699 	{
  1700 	// Do not consume the following types of events
  1701 	if (IsIgnorableEvent(aRawEvent))
  1702 		{
  1703 		return EFalse;
  1704 		}
  1706 	// Increment event count if not in an error state
  1707 	if (!Error())
  1708 		{
  1709 		iEventCount++;
  1710 		}
  1712 	// For anim which generates recursive events 
  1713 	if (aRawEvent.Type() == TRawEvent::EKeyDown && aRawEvent.ScanCode() == 60)
  1714 		{
  1715 		return HandleRecursiveEvent(aRawEvent);
  1716 		}
  1718 	TAnimRawEvent event;
  1720 	if (!GetNextExpectedEvent(event))
  1721 		{
  1722 		Fail();
  1723 		return EFalse;
  1724 		}
  1726 	// Fail if wrong event type
  1727 	if (!CompareEvents(event.iRawEvent, aRawEvent))
  1728 		{
  1729 		Fail();
  1730 		}
  1732 	return event.iEat;
  1733 	}
  1735 TBool CEventTestAnimBase::GetNextExpectedEvent(TAnimRawEvent& aRawEvent)
  1736 	{
  1737 	// Get next expected event
  1738 	if (iExpectedEvents.Remove(&aRawEvent)<1)
  1739 		{
  1740 		Fail();
  1741 		return EFalse;
  1742 		}
  1743 	else
  1744 		{
  1745 		return ETrue;
  1746 		}
  1747 	}
  1749 TBool CEventTestAnimBase::IsIgnorableEvent(const TRawEvent& aRawEvent) const
  1750 	{
  1751 	TRawEvent::TType aType=aRawEvent.Type();
  1752 	TBool result = (aType==TRawEvent::EActive || aType==TRawEvent::EInactive || aType==TRawEvent::ERedraw
  1753 			|| (iExpectedEvents.Count()==0 && aType==TRawEvent::EPointerMove));
  1755 	return result;
  1756 	}
  1758 TBool CEventTestAnimBase::CompareEvents(const TRawEvent& aExpectedEvent, const TRawEvent& aActualEvent) const
  1759 	{
  1760 	TRawEvent::TType eType=aExpectedEvent.Type();
  1761 	TRawEvent::TType aType=aActualEvent.Type();
  1762 	if (eType!=aType)
  1763 		{
  1764 		return EFalse;
  1765 		}
  1766 	else
  1767 		{
  1768 		switch (aType)
  1769 			{
  1770 		case TRawEvent::EUpdateModifiers:
  1771 			{
  1772 			TInt eMod=aExpectedEvent.Modifiers(),aMod=aActualEvent.Modifiers();
  1773 			if (eMod!=aMod)
  1774 				{
  1775 				return EFalse;
  1776 				}
  1777 			break;
  1778 			}
  1779 		case TRawEvent::EKeyDown:
  1780 		case TRawEvent::EKeyUp:
  1781 			{
  1782 			TInt eScan=aExpectedEvent.ScanCode(),aScan=aActualEvent.ScanCode();
  1783 			if (eScan!=aScan)
  1784 				{
  1785 				return EFalse;
  1786 				}
  1787 			break;
  1788 			}
  1789 		case TRawEvent::EPointerMove:
  1790 		case TRawEvent::EPointerSwitchOn:
  1791 		case TRawEvent::EButton1Down:
  1792 		case TRawEvent::EButton1Up:
  1793 		case TRawEvent::EButton2Down:
  1794 		case TRawEvent::EButton2Up:
  1795 		case TRawEvent::EButton3Down:
  1796 		case TRawEvent::EButton3Up:
  1797 			{
  1798 			TPoint ePoint=aExpectedEvent.Pos(),aPoint=aActualEvent.Pos();
  1799 			if (ePoint!=aPoint)
  1800 				{
  1801 				return EFalse;
  1802 				}
  1803 			break;
  1804 			}
  1805 		default:;
  1806 			}
  1807 		}
  1808 	return ETrue;
  1809 	}
  1811 void CEventTestAnimBase::Fail()
  1812 	{
  1813 	if (iError==0)
  1814 		{
  1815 		iError=iEventCount;
  1816 		}
  1817 	}
  1819 inline TInt CEventTestAnimBase::Error() const
  1820 	{
  1821 	return iError;
  1822 	}
  1824 inline TInt CEventTestAnimBase::EventCount() const
  1825 	{
  1826 	return iEventCount;
  1827 	}
  1829 inline void CEventTestAnimBase::ResetEventCount()
  1830 	{
  1831 	iEventCount = 0;
  1832 	}
  1834 inline TInt CEventTestAnimBase::TotalExpectedEvents() const
  1835 	{
  1836 	return iExpectedEvents.Count();
  1837 	}
  1839 inline TInt CEventTestAnimBase::AddEvent(const TAnimRawEvent* aEvent)
  1840 	{
  1841 	return iExpectedEvents.Add(aEvent);
  1842 	}
  1844 // CEventTestAnim test drawing off own timer //
  1845 CEventTestAnim::~CEventTestAnim()
  1846 	{
  1847 	UnloadDeviceDriver();
  1848 	}
  1850 void CEventTestAnim::ConstructL(TAny* aParam, TBool aBool)
  1851 	{
  1852 	CEventTestAnimBase::ConstructL(aParam, aBool);
  1853 	iFunctions->GetRawEvents(ETrue);
  1854 	iDevDriverLoaded=EFalse;
  1855 	}
  1857 TInt CEventTestAnim::UnloadDeviceDriver()
  1858 	{
  1859 	TInt err=KErrNone;
  1860 	iLdd.Close();
  1861 	if (iDevDriverLoaded)
  1862 		{
  1863 		err=User::FreeLogicalDevice(REventDD::BinaryName());
  1864 		if (err==KErrNone)
  1865 			iDevDriverLoaded=EFalse;
  1866 		}
  1867 	return err;
  1868 	}
  1870 TInt CEventTestAnim::AddExpectedEvent(const TAnimRawEvent* aEvent)
  1871 	{
  1872 	return (AddEvent(aEvent) ? KErrNone : KErrOverflow);
  1873 	}
  1875 TInt CEventTestAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aParam)
  1876 	{
  1877 	switch (aOpcode)
  1878 		{
  1879 	case EADllNoEventsAndReset:
  1880 		{
  1881 		TInt events=EventCount();
  1882 		ResetEventCount();
  1883 		return events;
  1884 		}
  1885 	case EADllLoadDeviceDriver:
  1886 		{
  1887 		TInt err=User::LoadLogicalDevice(REventDD::BinaryName());
  1888 		if (err==KErrNone || err==KErrAlreadyExists)
  1889 			{
  1890 			TInt err2=iLdd.Open();
  1891 			if (err==KErrNone)
  1892 				{
  1893 				if (err2==KErrNone)
  1894 					iDevDriverLoaded=ETrue;
  1895 				else 		//Only unload if we loaded it
  1896 					User::FreeLogicalDevice(REventDD::BinaryName());
  1897 				}
  1898 			err=err2;
  1899 			}
  1900 		return err;
  1901 		}
  1902 	case EADllUnloadDeviceDriver:
  1903 		return UnloadDeviceDriver();
  1904 	case EADllSendEvent:
  1905 		{
  1906 		TAnimRawEvent event;
  1907 		TInt events=*static_cast<TInt*>(aParam);
  1908 		TInt err=KErrNone;
  1909 		TInt ii;
  1910 		for (ii=events;ii>0;--ii)
  1911 			{
  1912 			event.iRawEvent.Set(ii/2==0 ? TRawEvent::ECaseOpen : TRawEvent::ECaseClose);
  1913 			//TInt err=UserSvr::AddEvent(event.iRawEvent);
  1914 			//Need to do the above line here, but don't have enough capability
  1915 			//so call a device driver to do it instead
  1916 			err=iLdd.SendEvent(event.iRawEvent);
  1917 			if (err!=KErrNone)
  1918 				return err;
  1919 			event.iEat=ETrue;
  1920 			AddExpectedEvent(&event);
  1921 			}
  1922 		return KErrNone;
  1923 		}
  1924 	default:;
  1925 		return CEventTestAnimBase::CommandReplyL(aOpcode, aParam);
  1926 		}
  1927 	}
  1929 void CEventTestAnim::Command(TInt aOpcode,TAny* /*aParam*/)
  1930 	{
  1931 	switch (aOpcode)
  1932 		{
  1933 	case EADllAfterEvent:
  1934 		if (TotalExpectedEvents()>0)
  1935 			Fail();
  1936 		break;
  1937 	default:;
  1938 		}
  1939 	}
  1941 // CEventPostingAnim test posting of anim events //
  1942 CEventPostingAnim::~CEventPostingAnim()
  1943 	{
  1944 	}
  1946 void CEventPostingAnim::ConstructL(TAny* aParam, TBool aBool)
  1947 	{
  1948 	CEventTestAnimBase::ConstructL(aParam, aBool);
  1949 	iFunctions->GetRawEvents(ETrue);
  1950 	}
  1952 TInt CEventPostingAnim::AddExpectedEvent(const TAnimRawEvent* aEvent)
  1953 	{
  1954 	return (AddEvent(aEvent) ? KErrNone : KErrOverflow);
  1955 	}
  1957 TBool CEventPostingAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent)
  1958 	{
  1959 	// Call PostRawEvent or PostKeyEvent according to type of the event
  1960 	TBool ret = CEventTestAnimBase::OfferRawEvent(aRawEvent);
  1961 	if (ret)
  1962 		{
  1963 		if (aRawEvent.Type() == TRawEvent::EKeyDown && aRawEvent.ScanCode() == 45)
  1964 			{
  1965 			TKeyEvent event;
  1966 			event.iCode='J';
  1967 			event.iScanCode=0;
  1968 			event.iModifiers=0;
  1970 			// This is to check the normal PostKeyEvent API
  1971 			iFunctions->PostKeyEvent(event);
  1973 			// This is to check the newly added API
  1974 			iFunctions->EventExtension()->PostKeyEvent(event, 2);
  1975 			}
  1976 		else
  1977 			{
  1978 			iFunctions->PostRawEvent(aRawEvent);	
  1979 			}
  1980 		}
  1981 	return ret;
  1982 	}
  1984 // CTimerTestAnim check that timer events stop //
  1985 CTimerTestAnim::~CTimerTestAnim()
  1986 	{
  1987 	}
  1989 void CTimerTestAnim::ConstructL(TAny* /*aParam*/, TBool )
  1990 	{
  1991 	iWindowFunctions->SetRect(TRect(0,0,1,1));
  1992 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond);
  1993 	iExpectingTicks=ETrue;
  1994 	iFail=EFalse;
  1995 	}
  1997 void CTimerTestAnim::Animate(TDateTime*)
  1998 	{
  1999 	++iTimerCount;
  2000 	if (!iExpectingTicks)
  2001 		iFail=iTimerCount;
  2002 	}
  2004 void CTimerTestAnim::Redraw()
  2005 	{
  2006 	}
  2008 void CTimerTestAnim::Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny* /*aParam*/)
  2009 	{
  2010 	switch (aOpcode)
  2011 		{
  2012 	case EADllResetCount:
  2013 		iTimerCount=0;
  2014 		break;
  2015 	case EADllNoTimer:
  2016 		iExpectingTicks=EFalse;
  2017 		iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone);
  2018 		break;
  2019 	case EADllTimerStarted:
  2020 		iExpectingTicks=ETrue;
  2021 		iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond);
  2022 		break;
  2023 	default:;
  2024 		}
  2025 	}
  2027 TInt CTimerTestAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny* /*aParam*/)
  2028 	{
  2029 	switch (aOpcode)
  2030 		{
  2031 	case EADllCurrentCount:
  2032 		return iTimerCount;
  2033 	case EADllFailed:
  2034 		return iFail;
  2035 	default:;
  2036 		}
  2037 	return(KErrNone);
  2038 	}
  2040 void CTimerTestAnim::FocusChanged(TBool /*aState*/)
  2041 	{
  2042 	}
  2044 TBool CTimerTestAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent& /*aRawEvent*/)
  2045 	{
  2046 	return EFalse;
  2047 	}
  2050 // CWinFunctionTestAnim test drawing off own timer //
  2051 CWinFunctionTestAnim::~CWinFunctionTestAnim()
  2052 	{}
  2054 void CWinFunctionTestAnim::ConstructL(TAny* /*aParam*/,TBool)
  2055 	{
  2056 	iWinFunctions=static_cast<MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension*>
  2057 										(iFunctions->ExtendedInterface(MAnimGeneralFunctions::EWindowExtensionInterface));
  2058 	}
  2060 void CWinFunctionTestAnim::Animate(TDateTime*)
  2061 	{}
  2063 void CWinFunctionTestAnim::Redraw()
  2064 	{}
  2066 void CWinFunctionTestAnim::Command(TInt /*aOpcode*/,TAny* /*aParam*/)
  2067 	{
  2068 	/*switch (aOpcode)
  2069 		{
  2070 	default:;
  2071 		}*/
  2072 	}
  2074 TInt CWinFunctionTestAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aParam)
  2075 	{
  2076 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  2077 	pData.any=aParam;
  2078 	switch (aOpcode)
  2079 		{
  2080 	case EADllScreen:
  2081 		return iWinFunctions->Screens();
  2082 	case EADllFocusScreen:
  2083 		return iWinFunctions->FocusScreens();
  2084 	case EADllWindowGroups:
  2085 		return iWinFunctions->WindowGroups(*pData.Int);
  2086 	case EADllWindowGroupInfo:
  2087 		{
  2088 		const TWindowGroupInfoParms& params=*pData.WindowGroupInfoParms;
  2089 		TPckgBuf<MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::TWindowGroupInfo> info;
  2090 		TBool ret=iWinFunctions->WindowGroupInfo(info(),params.iScreen,params.iOrdinalPosition);
  2091 		/*const TInt theError=*/(*iFunctions->Message()).Write(KIpcSlot,info);
  2092 		return ret;
  2093 		}
  2094 	case EADllWindowGroupName:
  2095 		{
  2096 		const TWindowGroupInfoParms& params=*pData.WindowGroupInfoParms;
  2097 		TPtrC name;
  2098 		TBool ret=iWinFunctions->WindowGroupName(name,params.iScreen,params.iOrdinalPosition);
  2099 		/*const TInt theError=*/(*iFunctions->Message()).Write(KIpcSlot,name);
  2100 		return ret;
  2101 		}
  2102 	case EADllSetOrdinalPosition:
  2103 		{
  2104 		const TSetOrdinalParms& params=*pData.SetOrdinalParms;
  2105 		return iWinFunctions->SetOrdinalPosition(params.iIdentifier,params.iOrdinalPosition,params.iOrdinalPriority);
  2106 		}
  2107 	case EADllSetFocusScreen:
  2108 		{
  2109 		const TInt& params=*pData.Int;
  2110  		iWinFunctions->SetFocusScreen(params);
  2111  		break;
  2112 		}
  2113 	default:;
  2114 		}
  2115 	return(KErrNone);
  2116 	}
  2118 void CWinFunctionTestAnim::FocusChanged(TBool /*aState*/)
  2119 	{}
  2121 TBool CWinFunctionTestAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent& /*aRawEvent*/)
  2122 	{
  2123 	return EFalse;
  2124 	}
  2127 // CNotificationTestAnim
  2128 CNotificationTestAnim::CNotificationTestAnim() : iHeartbeatState(EFalse) , iScreenDeviceChanged(ETrue)
  2129 	{
  2130 	}
  2132 CNotificationTestAnim::~CNotificationTestAnim()
  2133 	{
  2134 //	Removed for test case GRAPHICS-WSERV-0139 for DEF12220
  2135 //	iFunctions->RegisterForNotifications(EFalse);
  2136 	}
  2138 void CNotificationTestAnim::ConstructL(TAny* /*aParam*/, TBool )
  2139 	{
  2140 	iWindowFunctions->SetRect(TRect(0,0,1,1));
  2141 	iFunctions->RegisterForNotifications(EDirectScreenAccess|EHeartbeatTimer|EScreenDeviceChange);
  2142 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond);
  2143 	iLastAnimTime.UniversalTime();
  2144 	}
  2146 void CNotificationTestAnim::HandleNotification(const TWsEvent& aEvent)
  2147 	{
  2148 	switch (aEvent.Type())
  2149 		{
  2150 	case EEventDirectScreenAccessBegin:
  2151 		{
  2152 		TInt screenNum = *(aEvent.Int());
  2153 		iDSA[screenNum] = ETrue;
  2154 		}
  2155 		break;
  2156 	case EEventDirectScreenAccessEnd:
  2157 		{
  2158 		TInt screenNum = *(aEvent.Int());
  2159 		iDSA[screenNum] = EFalse;
  2160 		}
  2161 		break;
  2162 	case EEventHeartbeatTimerStateChange:
  2163 		{
  2164 		iHeartbeatState=*aEvent.Int();
  2165 		}
  2166 		break;
  2167 	case EEventScreenDeviceChanged:
  2168 		{
  2169 		iScreenDeviceChanged=!iScreenDeviceChanged;
  2170 		}
  2171 		break;
  2172 	default:
  2173 		break;
  2174 		}
  2175 	}
  2177 void CNotificationTestAnim::Animate(TDateTime*)
  2178 	{
  2179 	iLastAnimTime.UniversalTime();
  2180 	}
  2182 void CNotificationTestAnim::Redraw()
  2183 	{
  2184 	}
  2186 void CNotificationTestAnim::Command(TInt /*aOpcode*/, TAny* /*aParam*/)
  2187 	{
  2188 	}
  2190 TInt CNotificationTestAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aParam)
  2191 	{
  2192 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  2193 	pData.any=aParam;
  2194 	switch (aOpcode)
  2195 		{
  2196 	case EADllQueryDSA:
  2197 		{
  2198 		TInt screenNum = *pData.Int;
  2199 		return iDSA[screenNum];
  2200 		}
  2201 	case EADllQueryHeartbeatState:
  2202 		{
  2203 		return iHeartbeatState;
  2204 		}
  2205 	case EADllIsAnimating:
  2206 		{
  2207 		// Check if the anim DLL is currently animating by comparing
  2208 		// the current time with the last anim time - if this is greater than a second
  2209 		// then we are not animating
  2210 		TTime timeNow;
  2211 		timeNow.UniversalTime();
  2212 		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds microSecs = timeNow.MicroSecondsFrom(iLastAnimTime);
  2213 		if(microSecs > TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(1200000)) // 1 sec plus 0.2 secs to cope with any latency
  2214 			{
  2215 			return EFalse;
  2216 			}
  2217 		else
  2218 			{
  2219 			return ETrue;
  2220 			}
  2221 		}
  2222 	default:;
  2223 		}
  2224 	return(KErrNone);
  2225 	}
  2227 void CNotificationTestAnim::FocusChanged(TBool /*aState*/)
  2228 	{
  2229 	}
  2231 TBool CNotificationTestAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent& /*aRawEvent*/)
  2232 	{
  2233 	return EFalse;
  2234 	}
  2236 // CTransAnim test drawing//
  2237 void CTransAnim::ConstructL(TAny* aParam, TBool)
  2238 	{
  2239 	iRect=*static_cast<TRect*>(aParam);//Assigns the animation area
  2240 	iWindowFunctions->SetRect(iRect);
  2241 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash);
  2242 	iFont=NULL;
  2243 	iColor=TRgb(0,0,0);
  2244 	}
  2246 void CTransAnim::Animate(TDateTime*)
  2247 	{
  2248 	iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  2249 	if(iMode==1)		//Draw line mode
  2250 		{
  2251 		DoDraw(iDraw,*iGc,iColor,iRect);
  2252 		}
  2253 	else if(iMode==2)	//Draw text mode
  2254 		{
  2255 		DoDraw(iDraw,*iGc,iColor,iRect,iFont,iCount);
  2256 		}
  2257 	}
  2259 void CTransAnim::Redraw()
  2260 	{
  2261 	DoDraw(iDraw,*iGc,iColor,iRect,iFont,iCount);
  2262 	}
  2264 void CTransAnim::Command(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aParam)
  2265 	{
  2266 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  2267 	pData.any=aParam;
  2268 	switch(aOpcode)
  2269 		{
  2270 		case EADllDrawNow:	//Used to draw a single frame
  2271 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  2272 			iMode=1;
  2273 			iDraw=36;
  2274 			iColor=TRgb(0,0,0);
  2275 			DoDraw(iDraw,*iGc,iColor,iRect);
  2276 			break;
  2277 		case EADllNextFrame:	//Used to draw a continous frame
  2278 			iMode=2;
  2279 			iColor=pData.FrameData->color;
  2280 			iDraw=pData.FrameData->draw;
  2281 			iCount=pData.FrameData->text;
  2282 			break;
  2283 		case EADllStartAnimText:	//Used to start text animate
  2284 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  2285 			iMode=2;
  2286 			iDraw=37;
  2287 			iFont=iFunctions->DuplicateFontL(pData.FrameData->font);
  2288 			iColor=pData.FrameData->color;
  2289 			iCount=pData.FrameData->text;
  2290 			if(pData.FrameData->sync==EStateFlash)
  2291 				iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash);
  2292 			else if(pData.FrameData->sync==EStateSecond)
  2293 				iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond);
  2294 			DoDraw(iDraw,*iGc,iColor,iRect,iFont,iCount);
  2295 			break;
  2296 		case EADllEndAnimText:		//Used to end text animate
  2297 			iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone);
  2298 			iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  2299 			iCount=0;
  2300 			iMode=0;
  2301 			iFunctions->CloseFont(iFont);
  2302 			iFont=NULL;
  2303 			break;
  2304 		}
  2305 	}
  2307 TInt CTransAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt /*aOpcode*/, TAny* /*aParam*/)
  2308 	{
  2309 	return(0);
  2310 	}
  2312 void CTransAnim::FocusChanged(TBool /*aState*/)
  2313 	{}
  2315 TBool CTransAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent& /*aRawEvent*/)
  2316 	{
  2317 	return EFalse;
  2318 	}
  2320 // an anim dll that doesn't remove itself from the event handler list
  2321 CTestHandlerAnim::~CTestHandlerAnim()
  2322 	{
  2323 	}
  2325 void CTestHandlerAnim::ConstructL(TAny* /*aArgs*/, TBool /*aHasFocus*/)
  2326 	{
  2327 	iFunctions->GetRawEvents(ETrue);
  2328 	}
  2330 void CTestHandlerAnim::Redraw()
  2331 	{
  2332 	}
  2334 void CTestHandlerAnim::FocusChanged(TBool /*aState*/)
  2335 	{
  2336 	}
  2338 TInt CTestHandlerAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt /*aOpcode*/, TAny* /*aArgs*/)
  2339 	{
  2340 	return KErrNone;
  2341 	}
  2343 void CTestHandlerAnim::Command(TInt /*aOpcode*/, TAny* /*aArgs*/)
  2344 	{
  2345 	}
  2347 void CTestHandlerAnim::Animate(TDateTime* /*aDateTime*/)
  2348 	{
  2349 	}
  2351 TBool CTestHandlerAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &/*aRawEvent*/)
  2352 	{
  2353 	return EFalse;
  2354 	}
  2356 // CRemovableAnim Test removal of anim during event handling //
  2357 CRemovableAnim::~CRemovableAnim()
  2358 	{
  2359 	}
  2361 TInt CRemovableAnim::AddExpectedEvent(const TAnimRawEvent* aEvent)
  2362 	{
  2363 	if (TotalExpectedEvents() + EventCount() < iLifetime)
  2364 		{
  2365 		return (AddEvent(aEvent) ? KErrNone : KErrOverflow);
  2366 		}
  2367 	else
  2368 		{
  2369 		return KErrNone;
  2370 		}
  2371 	}
  2373 TInt CRemovableAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode,TAny* aParam)
  2374 	{
  2375 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  2376 	pData.any=aParam;
  2377 	switch (aOpcode)
  2378 		{
  2379 	case EADllSetEventHandlerLifetime:
  2380 		iLifetime = *pData.Int;
  2381 		return iLifetime;
  2382 	case EADllEventHandlerLifetime:
  2383 		return iLifetime;
  2384 	case EADllAddToEventHandlers:
  2385 		iFunctions->GetRawEvents(ETrue);
  2386 		return KErrNone;
  2387 	case EADllRemoveFromEventHandlers:
  2388 		iFunctions->GetRawEvents(EFalse);
  2389 		return KErrNone;
  2390 	case EADllTestPassed:
  2391 		{
  2392 		// If any unexpected events are received, then Error() > 0
  2393 		// If fewer than the number of expected events are received, then TotalExpectedEvents() > 0
  2394 		TBool passed = (Error() == 0) && (TotalExpectedEvents() == 0);
  2395 		return passed;
  2396 		}
  2397 	default:
  2398 		return CEventTestAnimBase::CommandReplyL(aOpcode, aParam);
  2399 		}
  2400 	}
  2403 TBool CRemovableAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent& aRawEvent)
  2404 	{
  2405 	TBool eat = CEventTestAnimBase::OfferRawEvent(aRawEvent);
  2407 	// Remove anim from event handlers if lifetime has been exceeded
  2408 	if (EventCount() >= iLifetime)
  2409 		{
  2410 		iFunctions->GetRawEvents(EFalse);
  2411 		}
  2412 	return eat;
  2413 	}
  2415 // CMultiPointerAnim for Testing multipointerevents for anims //
  2416 CMultiPointerAnim::~CMultiPointerAnim()
  2417 	{
  2418 	iFunctions->GetRawEvents(EFalse);
  2419 	}
  2421 // Important thing here is to call GetRawEvents() which Switches animation raw event handling on
  2422 void CMultiPointerAnim::ConstructL(TAny */*aArgs*/, TBool /*aHasFocus*/)
  2423 	{
  2424 	iExpectedEvents.SetLengthL(EEventBufferSize);
  2425 	iFunctions->GetRawEvents(ETrue);
  2426 	}
  2428 void CMultiPointerAnim::Animate(TDateTime */*aDateTime*/)
  2429 	{
  2430 	}
  2432 void CMultiPointerAnim::Command(TInt /*aOpcode*/, TAny */*aArgs*/)
  2433 	{
  2434 	}
  2436 TInt CMultiPointerAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs)
  2437 	{
  2438 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  2439 	pData.any=aArgs;
  2440 	switch (aOpcode)
  2441 		{
  2442 	case EADllAddExpectedMultiPtrEvent:
  2443 		return AddEvent(pData.AnimRawEvent);
  2444 	case EADllMultiPtrEventError:
  2445 		return iError;
  2446 	case EADllMultiPtrEventErrorDesc:
  2447 		if (iError != KErrNone)
  2448 			{
  2449 			// returns the error description which gets displayed in logs if test failed
  2450 			const RMessagePtr2& message=*iFunctions->Message();
  2451 			const TInt error=message.Write(KIpcSlot, iErrorDes);
  2452 			if (error != KErrNone)
  2453 				{
  2454 				return error;
  2455 				}
  2456 			}
  2457 		break;
  2458 	case EADllMultiPtrEventReset:
  2459 		iExpectedEvents.Reset();
  2460 		iError = 0;
  2461 		iEventCount = 0;
  2462 		break;
  2463 	default:;
  2464 		}
  2465 	return(KErrNone);
  2466 	}
  2468 void CMultiPointerAnim::Redraw()
  2469 	{
  2470 	}
  2472 void CMultiPointerAnim::FocusChanged(TBool /*aState*/)
  2473 	{
  2474 	}
  2476 TBool CMultiPointerAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent)
  2477 	{
  2478 	// Ignore following raw events
  2479 	TRawEvent::TType aType=aRawEvent.Type();
  2480 	if (aType==TRawEvent::EActive || aType==TRawEvent::EInactive || aType==TRawEvent::ERedraw
  2481 			|| aType==TRawEvent::EPointerSwitchOn || aType==TRawEvent::EUpdateModifiers)
  2482 		{
  2483 		return EFalse;
  2484 		}
  2486 	// If it has already failed then do not test other events becasue the error value 
  2487 	// and its descriptor will be over written
  2488 	if (iError)
  2489 		{
  2490 		return EFalse;;
  2491 		}
  2493 	TAnimRawEvent expectedEvent; 
  2494 	if (iExpectedEvents.Remove(&expectedEvent)<1)
  2495 		{
  2496 		return EFalse;
  2497 		}
  2499 	// Increment event count
  2500 	iEventCount++;
  2502 	// Call compare events function passing in both the events
  2503 	if (!CompareEvents(expectedEvent.iRawEvent, aRawEvent))
  2504 		{
  2505 		iError = iEventCount;
  2506 		}
  2508 	return expectedEvent.iEat;
  2509 	}
  2511 TInt CMultiPointerAnim::AddEvent(const TAnimRawEvent* aEvent)
  2512 	{
  2513 	return iExpectedEvents.Add(aEvent);
  2514 	}
  2516 TBool CMultiPointerAnim::CompareEvents(const TRawEvent& aExpectedEvent, const TRawEvent& aActualEvent)
  2517 	{
  2518 	// Check pointer type
  2519 	if (aExpectedEvent.Type() != aActualEvent.Type())
  2520 		{
  2521 		_LIT(KEventType, "Actual Event type = %d Expected Event Type = %d ");
  2522 		iErrorDes.Format(KEventType, aActualEvent.Type(), aExpectedEvent.Type());
  2523 		return EFalse;
  2524 		}
  2526 	// Here for EOutOfRange we cannot query Pos or Pos3D...
  2527 	if (aExpectedEvent.Type() != TRawEvent::EPointer3DOutOfRange)
  2528 		{
  2529 		// Check 3d position
  2530 		TPoint3D expected3DPos = aExpectedEvent.Pos3D();
  2531 		TPoint3D actual3DPos = aActualEvent.Pos3D();
  2532 		if (expected3DPos.iX != actual3DPos.iX)
  2533 			{
  2534 			_LIT(KXPosition, "Actual X coordinate = %d Expected X coordinate = %d ");
  2535 			iErrorDes.Format(KXPosition, actual3DPos.iX, expected3DPos.iX);
  2536 			return EFalse;
  2537 			}
  2538 		if (expected3DPos.iY != actual3DPos.iY)
  2539 			{
  2540 			_LIT(KYPosition, "Actual Y coordinate = %d Expected Y coordinate = %d ");
  2541 			iErrorDes.Format(KYPosition, actual3DPos.iY, expected3DPos.iY);
  2542 			return EFalse;
  2543 			}
  2544 		if (expected3DPos.iZ != actual3DPos.iZ)
  2545 			{
  2546 			_LIT(KZPosition, "Actual Z coordinate = %d Expected Z coordinate = %d ");
  2547 			iErrorDes.Format(KZPosition, actual3DPos.iZ, expected3DPos.iZ);
  2548 			return EFalse;
  2549 			}
  2550 		}
  2552 	// Check pointer number
  2553 	if (aExpectedEvent.PointerNumber() != aActualEvent.PointerNumber())
  2554 		{
  2555 		_LIT(KPointerNumber, "Actual Pointer number = %d Expected Pointer number = %d ");
  2556 		iErrorDes.Copy(KPointerNumber);
  2557 		iErrorDes.Format(KPointerNumber, aActualEvent.PointerNumber(), aExpectedEvent.PointerNumber());
  2558 		return EFalse;
  2559 		}
  2560 	return ETrue;
  2561 	}
  2563 // CCoverageAnim test drawing/redrawing //
  2564 CCoverageAnim::~CCoverageAnim()
  2565 	{
  2566 	if(iFont && iFunctions)
  2567 		iFunctions->CloseFont(iFont);
  2568 	} 
  2570 /**
  2571  Initializes members.
  2572  */
  2573 void CCoverageAnim::ConstructL(TAny *aParam, TBool )
  2574 	{
  2575 	iRect=*static_cast<TRect*>(aParam);
  2576 	iWindowFunctions->SetRect(iRect);
  2577 	iWindowFunctions->Invalidate(iRect);
  2579 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncDay);
  2580 	if (iFunctions->Sync() != MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncDay)
  2581 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);	 
  2583 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncMinute);
  2584 	if (iFunctions->Sync() != MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncMinute)
  2585 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);	 
  2587 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond);
  2588 	if (iFunctions->Sync() != MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond)
  2589 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);	 
  2591 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash);
  2592 	if (iFunctions->Sync() != MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash)
  2593 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);	 
  2595 	iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone);
  2596 	if (iFunctions->Sync() != MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone)
  2597 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);	 
  2599 	iFunctions->SetInterval(1);
  2600 	iFunctions->SetInterval(0);
  2601 	iFunctions->SetNextInterval(0);
  2603 	User::LeaveIfNull(iFunctions->ExtendedInterface(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ENumberOfExtendedInterfaces));
  2604 	User::LeaveIfNull(iFunctions->ExtendedInterface(MAnimGeneralFunctions::EWindowExtensionInterface));
  2605 	User::LeaveIfNull(iFunctions->ExtendedInterface(MAnimGeneralFunctions::EEventExtentionInterface));
  2606 	User::LeaveIfError(iFunctions->ExtendedInterface(MAnimGeneralFunctions::EInterfaceCount) != NULL);
  2608 	#if !defined(SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_GCE)
  2609 		// Deprecated in NGA but needs to be tested in NONNGA
  2610 	User::LeaveIfNull((TAny*)iFunctions->ScreenDevice());
  2611 	#endif
  2613 	iFunctions->Client();
  2614 	}
  2616 /**
  2617  Copied from CAutoAnimScrBack.
  2618  */
  2619 void CCoverageAnim::Animate(TDateTime *)
  2620 	{
  2621 	iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  2622 	Draw();
  2623 	}
  2625 /**
  2626  All methods of the graphic-context are executed one by one.
  2627  */
  2628 void CCoverageAnim::Draw()
  2629 	{
  2630 	iGc->SetClippingRect(iRect);
  2631 	iGc->Clear();
  2632 	iGc->Clear(iRect);
  2634 	iGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeAND);
  2635 	iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
  2636 	iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray256(85));
  2637 	iGc->SetBrushOrigin(TPoint(0,0));
  2638 	iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray256(170));
  2640 	//primitive method calls
  2641 	iGc->SetFaded(ETrue);
  2642 	iGc->SetFadingParameters(1, 1);
  2644 	iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
  2645 	iGc->SetStrikethroughStyle(EStrikethroughOff);
  2646 	iGc->SetUnderlineStyle(EUnderlineOff);
  2647 	iGc->SetWordJustification(2, 1);
  2649 	if(iFont)
  2650 		iGc->UseFont(iFont);
  2652 	iGc->DrawArc(iRect,
  2653 			TPoint(iRect.Center().iX, iRect.iTl.iY),
  2654 			TPoint(iRect.iBr.iX, iRect.Center().iY));
  2655 	iGc->DrawLine(iRect.iTl,iRect.Center());
  2656 	iGc->DrawLineTo(TPoint(iRect.iBr.iX, iRect.iTl.iY));
  2658 	iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(iRect.iTl.iX, iRect.iBr.iY));
  2659 	iGc->MoveBy(iRect.iTl + TPoint(1,1));
  2660 	iGc->MoveTo(iRect.iTl + TPoint(0,0)); 
  2661 	iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(10,10));
  2662 	iGc->Plot(iRect.iTl + TPoint(2,2));
  2663 	iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(1,1));
  2665 	CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>* polyPoints = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(3); //CArrayFixFlat
  2666 	CleanupStack::PushL(polyPoints);
  2667 	polyPoints->AppendL(iRect.iTl);
  2668 	polyPoints->AppendL(iRect.Center());
  2669 	polyPoints->AppendL(TPoint(iRect.iBr.iX, iRect.iTl.iY));
  2671 	iGc->DrawPolyLine(polyPoints);
  2672 	iGc->DrawPolyLine(&polyPoints->At(0), 3);
  2673 	iGc->DrawPolygon(polyPoints, CGraphicsContext::EWinding);
  2674 	iGc->DrawPolygon(&polyPoints->At(0), 3, CGraphicsContext::EAlternate);
  2676 	iGc->DrawPie(iRect, TPoint(iRect.Center().iX, iRect.iTl.iY), TPoint(iRect.iBr.iX, iRect.Center().iY));
  2677 	iGc->DrawEllipse(iRect);
  2678 	iGc->DrawRect(iRect);
  2679 	iGc->DrawRoundRect(iRect, TSize(iRect.Width()/8, iRect.Height()/8));
  2681 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(polyPoints);
  2683 	iGc->CopyRect(TPoint(10, 10), iRect);
  2685 	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
  2686 	CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
  2687 	User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(TSize(16,16),EGray4));
  2689 	iGc->UseBrushPattern(bitmap);
  2690 	iGc->DrawBitmap(iRect.iTl, bitmap);
  2691 	iGc->DrawBitmap(iRect, bitmap);
  2692 	iGc->DrawBitmap(iRect, bitmap, TRect(0, 0, 16, 16));
  2693 	iGc->DrawBitmapMasked(iRect, bitmap, TRect(0, 0, 16, 16), bitmap, ETrue);
  2695 	iGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0, 0), bitmap);
  2696 	iGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0, 0), bitmap, iRect);
  2697 	iGc->BitBltMasked(TPoint(0, 0), bitmap, iRect, bitmap, ETrue);
  2698 	iGc->AlphaBlendBitmaps(TPoint(0, 0), bitmap, iRect, bitmap, TPoint(0,0));
  2700 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
  2702 	iGc->SetCharJustification(1,1);
  2703 	iGc->SetClippingRect(iRect);
  2704 	if(iFont)
  2705 		{
  2706 		_LIT(KHelloWorld,"Hello World");
  2707 		iGc->DrawText(*&KHelloWorld, iRect.iTl);
  2708 		iGc->DrawText(*&KHelloWorld, iRect, 0, CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 0);
  2709 		iGc->DrawTextVertical(*&KHelloWorld, iRect.iBr, ETrue);
  2710 		iGc->DrawTextVertical(*&KHelloWorld, iRect, 0, ETrue, CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 0);
  2711 		}
  2713 	TRgb rgbs[2];
  2714 	iGc->MapColors(iRect, rgbs, 1, ETrue);
  2715 	iGc->DiscardBrushPattern();
  2717 	if(iFont)
  2718 		iGc->DiscardFont();
  2720 	iFunctions->CloseFont(0);
  2722 	TDateTime dt = iFunctions->SystemTime();
  2723 	}
  2725 /**
  2726  Copied from CAutoAnim3.
  2727  */
  2728 void CCoverageAnim::Redraw()
  2729 	{
  2730 	Draw();
  2731 	}
  2733 /**
  2734  Copied from CAutoAnim3.
  2735  */
  2736 void CCoverageAnim::Command(TInt ,TAny*)
  2737 	{
  2738 	}
  2740 /**
  2741  Copied from CAutoAnim3.
  2742  */
  2743 TInt CCoverageAnim::CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode , TAny* aParam)
  2744 	{
  2745 	TAnimArgUnion pData;
  2746 	pData.any=aParam;
  2747 	switch(aOpcode)
  2748 		{
  2749 		case EADllDrawNow:
  2750 			iFunctions->SetSync(MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash);
  2751 			break;
  2752 		case EADllSetFont:
  2753 			if(iFont)
  2754 				{
  2755 				iFunctions->CloseFont(iFont);
  2756 				iFont = NULL;
  2757 				}
  2758 			iFont = iFunctions->DuplicateFontL(*pData.Int);
  2759 			break;
  2760 		} 
  2761 	return(KErrNone);
  2762 	}
  2764 /**
  2765  Copied from CAutoAnim3.
  2766  */
  2767 void CCoverageAnim::FocusChanged(TBool )
  2768 	{}
  2770 /**
  2771  Copied from CAutoAnim3.
  2772  */
  2773 TBool CCoverageAnim::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &/*aRawEvent*/)
  2774 	{
  2775 	return EFalse;
  2776 	}
  2779 // DLL code //
  2781 CAnim *CTestAnimDll::CreateInstanceL(TInt aType)
  2782 	{
  2783 	CAnim *anim=NULL;
  2784 	switch(aType)
  2785 		{
  2786 		case EAnimTypeTest1:
  2787 			anim=new(ELeave) CPanicAnim();
  2788 			break;
  2789 		case EAnimTypeTest2:
  2790 			anim=new(ELeave) CPanicAnim2();
  2791 			break;
  2792 		case EAnimTypeTest3:
  2793 			anim=new(ELeave) CAutoAnim3();
  2794 			break;
  2795 		case EAnimTypeScrBackTest:
  2796 			anim=new(ELeave) CAutoAnimScrBack();
  2797 			break;
  2798 		case EAnimTypeSprite:
  2799 			anim=new(ELeave) CTestSpriteAnim();
  2800 			break;
  2801 		case EAnimTypeFreeTimer:
  2802 			anim=new(ELeave) CTestFreeTimerAnim();
  2803 			break;
  2804 		case EAnimTypeEventTest:
  2805 			anim=new(ELeave) CEventTestAnim();
  2806 			break;
  2807 		case EAnimTypeNotificationTest:
  2808 			anim=new(ELeave) CNotificationTestAnim();
  2809 			break;
  2810 		case EAnimTypeTimer:
  2811 			anim=new(ELeave) CTimerTestAnim();
  2812 			break;
  2813 		case EAnimTypeWindowFunctions:
  2814 			anim=new(ELeave) CWinFunctionTestAnim();
  2815 			break;
  2816 		case EAnimTypeTrans:
  2817 			anim=new(ELeave) CTransAnim();
  2818 			break;
  2819 		case EAnimTypeEventHandler:
  2820 			anim = new (ELeave) CTestHandlerAnim();
  2821 			break;
  2822 		case EAnimTypeRemovableAnim:
  2823 			anim=new(ELeave) CRemovableAnim();
  2824 			break;
  2825 		case EAnimTypeEventPostingTest:
  2826 			anim=new(ELeave) CEventPostingAnim();
  2827 			break;
  2828 		case EAnimTypeCoverage:
  2829 			anim=new(ELeave) CCoverageAnim();
  2830 			break;
  2831 		case EAnimTypeMultiPointer:
  2832 			anim=new(ELeave) CMultiPointerAnim();
  2833 			break;
  2834 		}
  2835 	return(anim);
  2836 	}
  2838 // Dummy E32Dll needed by E32 to build //
  2840 void CAutoAnim3::DrawTestScreenL(const TDrawTestScreen* aParams)
  2841 //Moved here as the include messes up the debugging of the rest of the file.
  2842 	{
  2843 	CFbsBitmap *aBitmap=iFunctions->DuplicateBitmapL(aParams->bitmap);
  2844 	CleanupStack::PushL(aBitmap);
  2845 	CFbsBitmap *aMaskBitmap=iFunctions->DuplicateBitmapL(aParams->maskBitmap);
  2846 	CleanupStack::PushL(aMaskBitmap);
  2847 	CFbsFont *aFont=iFont=iFunctions->DuplicateFontL(aParams->font);
  2848 	TSize size(iWindowFunctions->WindowSize());
  2849 	iWindowFunctions->ActivateGc();
  2850 	CBitmapContext *gc=iGc;
  2851 	TBool aExtraDrawBitMap=ETrue;
  2852 //
  2853 #include "DLLDRAW.H"
  2854 //
  2855 	iFunctions->CloseFont(iFont);
  2856 	iFont=NULL;
  2857 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
  2858 	}