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     2 // Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 // All rights reserved.
     4 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 // at the URL "".
     8 //
     9 // Initial Contributors:
    10 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 //
    12 // Contributors:
    13 //
    14 // Description:
    15 // TBITMAP.H
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 /**
    20  @file
    21  @test
    22  @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
    23 */
    25 #ifndef __TALPHACHANNEL_H__
    26 #define __TALPHACHANNEL_H__
    28 #include "AUTO.H"
    29 #include "../tlib/testbase.h"
    30 #include "TGraphicsHarness.h"
    32 class CTAlphaChannel;
    34 /**
    35 	Introduces a base class for transparent windows (both background and foreground)
    36 */
    37 class CTWinAlpha : public CTWin
    38 	{
    39 public:
    40 	void Draw(); //we have to overridden it to avoid panic in a based class
    41 public:
    42 	TInt iState;
    43 	};
    45 enum {ETransparencyFactor, ETransparencyAlpha, ENonTransparentAlpha};
    47 /**
    48 	Introduces a foreground transparent windows.
    49 	In order to set any instance of class as transparent it has to be created with 
    50 	ETransparencyAlpha parameter
    51 */
    52 class CTWinAlphaForeground : public CTWin
    53 	{
    54 public:
    55 	static CTWinAlphaForeground* NewL(CTAlphaChannel& aTest, TPoint aPos, TSize aSize, 
    56 		CTWinBase* aParent, CWindowGc& aGc, TDisplayMode* aMode, TRgb aCol, TInt aTransparencyType = ENonTransparentAlpha);
    57 	~CTWinAlphaForeground();
    59 private:
    60 	CTWinAlphaForeground(CTAlphaChannel& aTest);
    62 public:
    63 	void Draw();
    64 	void SetBackgroundColor(TRgb aColor);
    65 	void SetDisplayMode(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
    66 	void StartAnimationL();
    67 	void CreateBackedWindowL();
    68 	inline void SetDrawOpaque(TBool aDrawOpaque = ETrue)
    69 		{
    70 		iDrawOpaque = aDrawOpaque;
    71 		}
    73 protected:
    74 	void DrawTable(CBitmapContext& aGc) const;
    75 	void DrawPrimitivesInCell(CBitmapContext& aGc, const TRect& aRect, 
    76 								CFbsBitmap* aBitmap64K, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap16MA);
    77 	void DrawTextInCell(CBitmapContext& aGc, const TRect& aRect);
    78 	void PrepareForDrawingL();
    79 	void CalculateTableMargin();
    80 	void SetPoligonLocation(const TPoint &ptOffset);
    81 	void CreateBackgroundBitmapL(const TDisplayMode& aDispMode);
    82 	void CleanBackgroundBitmap();
    84 protected:
    85 	TInt iRows[4];
    86 	TInt iCol; // width of the first column
    87 	CFbsBitmap* iBitmapBackground;
    88 	CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDeviceBackground;
    89 	CBitmapContext*  iBitmapContextBackground;
    90 	TRgb iBackgroundColor;
    91 	CArrayFix<TPoint>* iPolygon;
    92 	TBuf<16> iTitle1;
    93 	TBuf<16> iTitle2;
    94 	TBool iDrawOpaque; // this value will set to CWindowGc before drawing, should have any effect on drawing with alpha channel
    96 private:
    97 	CTAlphaChannel& iTest;
    98 	};
   100 /** Test base class, which exersices drawing graphics operations with alpha channel */
   101 class CTAlphaChannel : public CTWsGraphicsBase
   102 	{
   103 friend class CTWinAlphaForeground;	
   104 public:
   105 	CTAlphaChannel(CTestStep* aStep);
   106 	~CTAlphaChannel();
   107 	void ConstructL();
   108 	void DrawTestWindowsNow(TBool aDrawBackgroundWin = EFalse);
   110 	void SetWindow64K();
   111 	void SetOpaqueWindow16MA();
   112 	void SetTransparentWindow16MA();
   113 	TInt SetWindow16MAWithMask();
   114 	TInt SetWindow64KWithMask();
   115 	CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode GetDrawMode(TInt aIndex) const;
   116 	TRgb GetBrush(TInt aIndex) const;
   117 	TRgb GetPen(TInt aIndex) const;
   119 	// test functions
   120 	void SetDisplayModeConfiguration(TInt aConfig);
   121 	void SetPositionConfiguration(TInt aConfig);
   122 	void SetColourConfiguration(TInt aConfig);
   123 	void DoMoving();
   124 	void DoMoveBehind();
   125 	void DoInvisibility();
   126 	void TestMoving();
   127 	void TestMovingOverlapping();
   128 	void TestFading();
   129 	void TestChangingTransparencyFactor();
   130 	void TestInvisibility();
   131 	void TestMoveUnderneath();
   132 	void TestMoveBehindInvisible();
   133 	void TestRedrawBehind();
   134 	void TestAnimationL();
   135 	void TestBackedWindowL();
   136 	void TestEffectSetOpaque();
   137 	void TestChildWindowL();
   138 	void TestMultipleChildrenL();
   139 	void TestTransparentMovingUnderOpaqueL();
   140 	void TestSetOrdinalPosition();
   142 protected:
   143 //from 	CTGraphicsStep
   144 	virtual void RunTestCaseL(TInt aCurTestCase);
   145 	void CreateForegroundWindowsL(const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aMode);
   146 	void DestroyForegroundWindows();
   147 	void DrawOffscreenBitmapsL(const TRgb& aPen, const TRgb& aBrush, 
   148 										CGraphicsContext* aBitmapContext64K, CGraphicsContext* aBitmapContext16MA, 
   149 										CFbsBitmap* aBitmap64K, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap16MA);
   150 	void CalculateSizePrimitives(const TSize& aSize);
   151 protected:
   152 	TRgb iPenTable;
   153 	CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle	iBrushStyle;
   154 	CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle iPenStyle;
   155 	TSize iSizeForegroundWindow;
   156 private:
   157 	CTWinAlpha*	iBackgroundWindow;
   158 	CTWinAlphaForeground*	iForegroundWindowBottom;
   159 	CTWinAlphaForeground*	iForegroundWindowOpaque;
   160 	CTWinAlphaForeground*	iForegroundWindowSemiTrans;
   161 	CTWinAlphaForeground*	iForegroundWindowTrans;
   162 	CTWinAlphaForeground*	iForegroundWindowTop;
   164 	CArrayPtrFlat<CTWinAlphaForeground> iArrWindow;	
   167 	CFbsBitmap* iBitmap64K_1;
   168 	CFbsBitmap* iBitmap16MA_1;
   169 	CFbsBitmap* iBitmap64K_2;
   170 	CFbsBitmap* iBitmap16MA_2;
   171 	CFbsBitmap* iBitmap64K_3;
   172 	CFbsBitmap* iBitmap16MA_3;
   173 	CFbsBitmap* iBitmapMask;
   174 	CFbsBitmap* iBitmapGray256Mask;
   176 	CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice64K_1;
   177 	CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice16MA_1;
   178 	CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice64K_2;
   179 	CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice16MA_2;
   180 	CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice64K_3;
   181 	CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice16MA_3;
   183 	CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext64K_1;
   184 	CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext16MA_1;
   185 	CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext64K_2;
   186 	CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext16MA_2;
   187 	CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext64K_3;
   188 	CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext16MA_3;
   190 	TBuf<256> iText;
   191 	CFont* iFont; // for true type font, needs to exercise anti-aliasing 
   192 	CFont* iFont1; // title font
   194 	TSize iBitmapSize;
   195 	TSize iRectangleSize;
   196 	TSize iEllipseSize ;
   197 	TSize iTriangleSize ;
   198 	TInt iFirstCellWidth ;
   199 	TInt iFirstCellHeight;
   200 	TBool iDrawText; // if true output text, graphics primitives otherwise
   201 	TBool iIsFading;
   202 	TUint8 iBlackFading;
   203 	TUint8 iWhiteFading;
   204 	};
   206 class CTAlphaChannelStep : public CTGraphicsStep
   207 	{
   208 public:
   209 	CTAlphaChannelStep();
   210 protected:	
   211 	//from CTGraphicsStep
   212 	virtual CTGraphicsBase* CreateTestL();
   213 	};
   215 _LIT(KTAlphaChannelStep,"TAlphaChannel");
   218 #endif