1 // Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 // All rights reserved. |
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 // |
8 // Initial Contributors: |
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 // |
11 // Contributors: |
12 // |
13 // Description: |
15 // Automatically test GetPixel |
16 // |
17 // |
18 |
19 /** |
20 @file |
21 @test |
22 @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code |
23 */ |
24 |
25 #include "TGETPIXEL.H" |
26 |
27 CTGetPixel::CTGetPixel(CTestStep* aStep): |
28 CTWsGraphicsBase(aStep) |
29 { |
30 } |
31 |
32 CTGetPixel::~CTGetPixel() |
33 { |
34 iWindow.Close(); |
35 User::Free(iRgbBuf); |
36 } |
37 |
38 LOCAL_C TInt DoPanicTest(TInt aFunc, TAny *aScreenNumber) |
39 { |
40 RWsSession ws; |
41 if (ws.Connect()==KErrNone) |
42 switch(aFunc) |
43 { |
44 case 1: // Get pixels into a TPtr 1 pixel too small |
45 { |
46 CWsScreenDevice *screen = new(ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(ws); |
47 User::LeaveIfError(screen->Construct((TInt)aScreenNumber)); |
48 CFbsBitmap *bitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap(); |
49 TInt bitWid=80; |
50 TRgb *buf=NULL; |
51 if (bitmap->Create(TSize(1,bitWid), EGray16)==KErrNone && (buf=(TRgb *)User::Alloc((bitWid-1)*sizeof(TRgb)))!=NULL) |
52 { |
53 TPtr8 desc((TUint8 *)buf,(bitWid-1)*sizeof(TRgb)); |
54 screen->GetScanLine(desc,TPoint(0,0),bitWid, ERgb); |
55 } |
56 } |
57 break; |
58 } |
59 return(EWsExitReasonBad); |
60 } |
61 |
62 void CTGetPixel::ClearOutRedraws() |
63 // This has been added because partial redraw store can be triggered to request a |
64 // low priority redraw from the window even though in normal circumstances the window |
65 // would not expect to receive any sort of redraw event. |
66 { |
67 iWindow.BeginRedraw(); |
68 iWindow.EndRedraw(); |
69 } |
70 |
71 void CTGetPixel::TestPanicsL() |
72 { |
73 if (!iTest->IsFullRomL()) |
74 { |
75 TEST(iTest->TestWsPanicL(DoPanicTest,EWservPanicInvalidParameter,1,(TAny*)iTest->iScreenNumber)); |
76 } |
77 } |
78 |
79 void CTGetPixel::DrawAndCheckLine(const TPoint &aPos,TInt aLen,TRgb aColor) |
80 { |
81 TheGc->Activate(iWindow); |
82 TheGc->SetPenColor(aColor); |
83 iWindow.BeginRedraw(TRect(aPos,TSize(aLen, 1))); |
84 TheGc->DrawLine(aPos,aPos+TSize(aLen,0)); |
85 iWindow.EndRedraw(); |
86 TheGc->Deactivate(); |
87 iRgbBuf=(TRgb *)User::ReAlloc(iRgbBuf,aLen*sizeof(TRgb)); |
88 TPtr8 ptr((TUint8 *)iRgbBuf,aLen*sizeof(TRgb)); |
89 TheClient->iScreen->GetScanLine(ptr, aPos+iWindow.InquireOffset(*TheClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode()), aLen, EColor16MA); |
90 TRgb result(TRgb::Gray16(aColor.Gray16())); |
91 if (TheClient->iScreen->DisplayMode()==EColor64K) |
92 result=TRgb::Color64K(result.Color64K()); |
93 for(TInt index=0;index<aLen;index++) |
94 { |
95 TEST(iRgbBuf[index]==result); |
96 } |
97 } |
98 |
99 void CTGetPixel::ConstructL() |
100 { |
101 iWindow = TheClient->iWs; |
102 TheGc->Activate(*BaseWin->Win()); |
103 TheGc->Clear(); |
104 TheGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray16(0)); |
105 TheGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush); |
106 TheGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen); |
107 TheGc->DrawRect(TRect(iWinSize)); |
108 TheGc->Deactivate(); |
109 |
110 iWindow.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin(),ENullWsHandle); |
111 iWinSize=TSize(TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels()); |
112 iWinSize.iWidth/=3; |
113 iWinSize.iHeight/=3; |
114 iWindow.SetRequiredDisplayMode(EGray16); |
115 TheClient->iWs.Flush(); |
116 iTest->DelayIfFullRomL(); // Need to wait for view server to mess around when display mode changed |
117 TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();// otherwise it will stomp on top of our window invalidating it. |
118 iWindow.SetExtent(TPoint(iWinSize.iWidth,iWinSize.iHeight),iWinSize); |
119 iWindow.EnableRedrawStore(EFalse); // Otherwise drawing might trigger a redraw when purging redraw store |
120 |
121 iWindow.Activate(); |
122 iWindow.BeginRedraw(); |
123 iWindow.EndRedraw(); |
124 |
125 } |
126 |
127 void CTGetPixel::TestCheckRect() |
128 { |
129 TSize size(TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels()); |
130 TEST(TheClient->iScreen->RectCompare(TRect(size),TRect(TPoint(iTest->StdTestWindowSize().iWidth>>1,0),iTest->StdTestWindowSize()))==EFalse); |
131 } |
132 |
133 void CTGetPixel::DrawColorsL() |
134 { |
135 TPoint point(0,0); |
136 TInt color=-1; |
137 iWindow.BeginRedraw(); |
139 { |
140 TheGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Color256(++color)); |
141 TheGc->Plot(point); |
142 if (color==255) |
143 break; |
144 if (++point.iX==iWinSize.iWidth) |
145 { |
146 point.iX=0; |
147 if (++point.iY==iWinSize.iHeight) |
148 break; |
149 } |
150 } |
151 iWindow.EndRedraw(); |
152 } |
153 |
154 void CTGetPixel::TestColors(CPalette* aPalette) |
155 { |
156 TInt numColors=iWinSize.iWidth; |
157 TPtr8 ptr(REINTERPRET_CAST(TUint8*,iRgbBuf),numColors*sizeof(TRgb)); |
158 TPtr8 paletteData(NULL,0); |
159 TInt color=0; |
160 TPoint point(iWinSize.AsPoint()); |
161 do { |
162 if (color+numColors>256) |
163 numColors=256-color; |
164 TheClient->iScreen->GetScanLine(ptr,point,numColors,EColor16MA); |
165 aPalette->GetDataPtr(color,numColors,paletteData); |
166 TEST(ptr==paletteData); |
167 color+=numColors; |
168 } while (color<256 && ++point.iY<2*iWinSize.iHeight); |
169 } |
170 |
171 void CTGetPixel::CheckPaletteL(CPalette*& aPalette) |
172 { |
173 User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->SetCustomPalette(aPalette)); |
174 TestColors(aPalette); |
175 delete aPalette; |
176 User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetPalette(aPalette)); |
177 TestColors(aPalette); |
178 } |
179 |
180 inline TInt Inc(TInt& aValue) |
181 { |
182 if (aValue>255-83) |
183 aValue-=256-83; |
184 else |
185 aValue+=83; |
186 return aValue; |
187 } |
188 |
189 inline TInt Inc2(TInt& aValue) |
190 { |
191 if (aValue>255-41) |
192 aValue-=256-41; |
193 else |
194 aValue+=41; |
195 return aValue; |
196 } |
197 |
198 void CTGetPixel::PaletteTestL() |
199 { |
200 //INFO_PRINTF1(_L("AUTO PaletteTest ")); |
201 TInt numEntries; |
202 TBool modifiable; |
203 TheClient->iScreen->PaletteAttributes(modifiable,numEntries); |
204 INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Number of entries in the palette %d"), numEntries); |
205 if(numEntries > 65536) |
206 { |
207 INFO_PRINTF1(_L("These test cases has been skipped, as the screen is set up in true colour display mode, where palette is not applicable")); |
208 return; |
209 } |
210 CPalette* palette=NULL; |
211 if (!modifiable) |
212 { |
213 if (numEntries==4) |
214 palette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(EGray4); |
215 else if (numEntries==16) |
216 palette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(EGray16); |
217 else |
218 palette=CPalette::NewL(numEntries); |
219 //INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Creating Empty Palette, setting it as palette")); |
220 TInt err=TheClient->iScreen->SetCustomPalette(palette); |
221 TEST(err==KErrNoMemory || err==KErrNotSupported || (err==KErrNone && numEntries<=16)); //Series5MX palettes are changeable even though they say they aren't |
222 //INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Palette setting test passed OK")); |
223 delete palette; |
224 } |
225 TInt err=iWindow.SetRequiredDisplayMode(EColor256); |
226 TheGc->Activate(iWindow); |
227 DrawColorsL(); |
228 //INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Drawn Colors")); |
229 TheClient->iScreen->PaletteAttributes(modifiable,numEntries); |
230 iRgbBuf=STATIC_CAST(TRgb*,User::ReAllocL(iRgbBuf,Max(256,iWinSize.iWidth)*sizeof(TRgb))); |
231 if (err<KErrNone || modifiable==EFalse) |
232 { |
233 //INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Palette Fixed")); |
234 TInt err=TheClient->iScreen->GetPalette(palette); |
235 if (err==KErrNotSupported) |
236 return; |
237 User::LeaveIfError(err); |
238 TestColors(palette); |
239 delete palette; |
240 //INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Tested Palette OK")); |
241 return; |
242 } |
243 //INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Palette Changeable")); |
244 TEST(numEntries==256); |
245 CPalette* defPalette=CPalette::NewDefaultL(EColor256); |
246 CleanupStack::PushL(defPalette); |
247 TestColors(defPalette); |
248 User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetPalette(palette)); |
249 TestColors(palette); |
250 TInt color; |
251 TInt index=0; |
252 for (color=0;color<256;++color) |
253 palette->SetEntry(color,TRgb::Gray256(color)); |
254 CheckPaletteL(palette); |
255 for (color=0;color<256;++color) |
256 palette->SetEntry(color,TRgb(Inc(index),Inc(index),Inc(index))); |
257 CheckPaletteL(palette); |
258 for (color=0;color<256;++color) |
259 palette->SetEntry(color,TRgb(Inc2(index),Inc2(index),Inc2(index))); |
260 CheckPaletteL(palette); |
261 delete palette; |
262 User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->SetCustomPalette(defPalette)); |
263 TestColors(defPalette); |
264 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(defPalette); |
265 ClearOutRedraws(); |
266 } |
267 |
268 void CTGetPixel::RunTestCaseL(TInt /*aCurTestCase*/) |
269 { |
270 ((CTGetPixelStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KUnknownSYMTestCaseIDName); |
271 switch(++iTest->iState) |
272 { |
273 /** |
274 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0212 |
275 |
276 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
277 |
278 @SYMTestCaseDesc Draw lines and check them by scanning the lines |
279 |
280 @SYMTestPriority High |
281 |
282 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
283 |
284 @SYMTestActions Draw lines and then scan them to check that they have |
285 been drawn correctly |
286 |
287 @SYMTestExpectedResults Scanning the lines reveals they have been drawn correctly |
288 */ |
289 case 1: |
290 ((CTGetPixelStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0212")); |
291 TheClient->iWs.SetAutoFlush(ETrue); |
292 iTest->LogSubTest(_L("Basic")); |
293 DrawAndCheckLine(TPoint(0,2),iWinSize.iWidth-2,TRgb::Gray4(0)); |
294 DrawAndCheckLine(TPoint(0,iWinSize.iHeight-2),iWinSize.iWidth,TRgb::Gray4(1)); |
295 DrawAndCheckLine(TPoint(iWinSize.iWidth-1,iWinSize.iHeight-1),1,TRgb::Gray4(2)); |
296 ClearOutRedraws(); |
297 TheClient->iWs.SetAutoFlush(EFalse); |
298 break; |
299 /** |
300 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0213 |
301 |
302 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
303 |
304 @SYMTestCaseDesc Draw line on every line of a window and |
305 check them by scanning the lines |
306 |
307 @SYMTestPriority High |
308 |
309 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
310 |
311 @SYMTestActions Draw lines on every line of a window and |
312 check them by scanning the lines |
313 |
314 @SYMTestExpectedResults Scanning the lines reveals they have been drawn correctly |
315 */ |
316 |
317 case 2: |
318 { |
319 ((CTGetPixelStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0213")); |
320 iTest->LogSubTest(_L("Full window")); |
321 for(TInt ypos=0;ypos<iWinSize.iHeight;ypos++) |
322 DrawAndCheckLine(TPoint(0,ypos),iWinSize.iWidth,TRgb::Gray4(0)); |
323 ClearOutRedraws(); |
324 } |
325 break; |
326 /** |
327 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0214 |
328 |
329 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
330 |
331 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the check rect method |
332 |
333 @SYMTestPriority High |
334 |
335 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
336 |
337 @SYMTestActions Use the check rect method to check the image in a window |
338 |
339 @SYMTestExpectedResults The check rect method functions correctly |
340 */ |
341 case 3: |
342 ((CTGetPixelStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0214")); |
343 iTest->LogSubTest(_L("Check Rect")); |
344 TestCheckRect(); |
345 break; |
346 /** |
347 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0215 |
348 |
349 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
350 |
351 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test that the GetScanLine method panics correctly |
352 |
353 @SYMTestPriority High |
354 |
355 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
356 |
357 @SYMTestActions Cause the GetScanLine method to panic and chekc the response |
358 |
359 @SYMTestExpectedResults The panic for the GetScanLine method is correct |
360 */ |
361 case 4: |
362 ((CTGetPixelStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0215")); |
363 iTest->LogSubTest(_L("Panic")); |
364 TestPanicsL(); |
365 break; |
366 /** |
367 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0216 |
368 |
369 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
370 |
371 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test that CPalette class functions correctly |
372 |
373 @SYMTestPriority High |
374 |
375 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
376 |
377 @SYMTestActions Create a CPalette object and exercise all its methods |
378 |
379 @SYMTestExpectedResults The palette functions as exepcted |
380 */ |
381 case 5: |
382 ((CTGetPixelStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0216")); |
383 iTest->LogSubTest(_L("Palette Test")); |
384 PaletteTestL(); |
385 break; |
386 case 6: |
387 ((CTGetPixelStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName); |
388 ((CTGetPixelStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep(); |
389 TestComplete(); |
390 break; |
391 } |
392 ((CTGetPixelStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL(); |
393 } |
394 |
395 __WS_CONSTRUCT_STEP__(GetPixel) |