changeset 103 2717213c588a
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
98:bf7481649c98 103:2717213c588a
     1 // Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Functions to act as bench marks for various window server features
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "TTIME.H"
    19 #include <e32svr.h>
    20 #include <e32def_private.h>
    21 typedef TBuf<32> TestNameBuf;
    23 LOCAL_D const TUint KHeapSize=0x10000;
    25 class CTimeClient;
    27 class CResultDialog : public CTDialog
    28 	{		  
    29 public:
    30 	CResultDialog(CTWindowGroup *aGroupWin,CWindowGc *aGc);
    31 	void ButtonPressL(TInt aButton);
    32 	void ConstructLD();
    33 private:
    34 	CTWindowGroup *iGroupWin;
    35 	CWindowGc *iGc;
    36 	};
    38 class CListWindow : public CTTitledWindow
    39 	{
    40 public:
    41 	CListWindow();
    42 	void CloseWindow();
    43 	void ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent, TBool aExitOnEscape);
    44 	void Draw();
    45 	virtual void SelectedL(TInt aIndex)=0;
    46 	virtual void WinKeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime& aTime);
    47 	void SetExt(const TPoint &aPos, const TSize &aSize);
    48 	void SetSize(const TSize &);
    49 protected:
    50 	virtual TPtrC GetText(TInt aLine)=0;
    51 	virtual TInt ListCount()=0;
    52 	void SetSize();
    53 private:
    54 	void Resized(const TSize &aSize);
    55 	void SetListPos(TInt aNewPos);
    56 	TInt TextRowHeight() const;
    57 	void RowBox(TRect &aRect, TInt aRow) const;
    58 	void PointerL(const TPointerEvent &aPointer,const TTime& aTime);
    59 private:
    60 	TInt iListPos;
    61 	TTime iPrevTime;
    62 	TBool iExitOnEscape;
    63 	};
    65 class CTestList : public CListWindow
    66 	{
    67 public:
    68 	CTestList();
    69 	~CTestList();
    70 	void ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent);
    71 	static void AppendProfileNum(TDes &aDes, TInt aNum);
    72 	static void AppendProfileCount(TDes &aDes, TInt aNum);
    73 	void SelectedL(TInt aIndex);
    74 	virtual void WinKeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime& aTime);
    75 	void ForegroundAppDialog();
    76 	void AppendToListL(const TDesC &aDesc);
    77 private:
    78 	virtual TPtrC GetText(TInt aLine);
    79 	virtual TInt ListCount();
    80 private:
    81 	TInt iCount;
    82 	CArrayFixSeg<TestNameBuf> iTestNames;
    83 	RThread iTimeTest;
    84 	};
    86 class CTimeTestWindowGroup : public CTWindowGroup
    87 	{
    88 public:
    89 	CTimeTestWindowGroup(CTClient *aClient);
    90 	void KeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &aTime);
    91 	};
    93 class CTimeClient : public CTClient
    94 	{
    95 public:
    96 	CTimeClient();
    97 	void ConstructL();
    98 	void KeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &aTime);
    99 	void Exit();
   100 	CTWin *CreateTestWindowL(TPoint pos,CTWinBase *parent);
   101 private:
   102 	TInt iNum;
   103 	};
   105 const TInt Xmove=8;
   106 const TInt Ymove=6;
   108 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader MovingWindowTest1;
   109 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader MovingWindowTest2;
   110 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader StackedWindowCreate;
   111 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader WindowCreateDestroy;
   112 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader LoadsaText;
   113 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader DrawBitmapTest;
   114 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader XorIngTest;
   115 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader SmallClearTest;
   116 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader RectCompareTest;
   117 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader SimpleFlushTest;
   118 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader SimpleFlushTest2;
   119 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader UseFontTest;
   120 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader BitBltTest;
   121 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader FullScreenBitBltTest;
   122 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader MaskedBitBltTest;
   123 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader SpriteTest;
   124 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader BitmapDeviceTest1;
   125 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader BitmapDeviceTest2;
   126 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader FillPatternTest;
   127 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader BitmapLoadTest;
   128 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader WsBitmapLoadTest;
   129 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader RomFileTest;
   130 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader TrivialFunctionsTest;
   131 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader BackupWindowDrawingCreate1;
   132 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader BackupWindowDrawingCreate2;
   133 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader MenuEmulationCreate;
   134 GLREF_D TTimeTestHeader MenuEmulationCreate2;
   136 TTimeTestHeader *tests[]={
   137 	&MenuEmulationCreate,
   138 	&MenuEmulationCreate2,
   139 	&BitmapLoadTest,
   140 	&WsBitmapLoadTest,
   141 	&RomFileTest,
   142 	&TrivialFunctionsTest,
   143 	&BackupWindowDrawingCreate1,
   144 	&BackupWindowDrawingCreate2,
   145 	&MovingWindowTest1,
   146 	&MovingWindowTest2,
   147 	&StackedWindowCreate,
   148 //	&WindowCreateDestroy,
   149 	&LoadsaText,
   150 	&DrawBitmapTest,
   151 //	&BitmapDeviceTest1,
   152 //	&BitmapDeviceTest2,
   153 //	&XorIngTest,		List getting too big
   154 //	&SmallClearTest,	List getting too big
   155 //	&RectCompareTest,
   156 	&SpriteTest,
   157 //	&SimpleFlushTest,
   158 //	&SimpleFlushTest2,
   159 //	&UseFontTest,
   160 	&BitBltTest,
   161 //	&FullScreenBitBltTest,
   162 	&MaskedBitBltTest,
   163 //	&FillPatternTest,
   164 	};
   166 void Panic(TInt aPanic)
   167 	{
   168 	User::Panic(_L("TimeTest"),aPanic);
   169 	}
   171 struct TThreadParams
   172 	{
   173 	TInt iIndex;
   174 	TInt iGroupId;
   175 	};
   177 TInt TimeThread(TAny *aParams)
   178 	{
   179 	CTrapCleanup* CleanUpStack=CTrapCleanup::New();
   180 	//__PROFILE_START(0)
   181 	TInt ret=tests[((TThreadParams *)aParams)->iIndex]->function(((TThreadParams *)aParams)->iGroupId);
   182 	//__PROFILE_END(0)
   183 	delete CleanUpStack;
   184 	return ret;
   185 	}
   187 //
   188 // List Window //
   189 //
   191 CListWindow::CListWindow() : CTTitledWindow(), iPrevTime(0)
   192 	{
   193 	}
   195 void CListWindow::CloseWindow()
   196 	{
   197 	CTClient *client=((CTimeClient *)Client());
   198 	delete this;
   199 	client->ResetFocus();
   200 	}
   202 void CListWindow::SetExt(const TPoint &aPos, const TSize &)
   203 	{
   204 	SetPos(aPos);
   205 	}
   207 void CListWindow::SetSize(const TSize &)
   208 	{
   209 	}
   211 void CListWindow::SetSize()
   212 	{
   213 	iSize.iHeight=ListCount()*(iFont->HeightInPixels()+1)+iTitleHeight+2;
   214 	iSize.iWidth=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(*Client()->Title())+30;
   215 	for(TInt index=0;index<ListCount();index++)
   216 		{
   217 		TInt wid=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(GetText(index));
   218 		if (wid>iSize.iWidth)
   219 			iSize.iWidth=wid;
   220 		}
   221 	iSize.iWidth+=4;
   222 	iWin.SetSize(iSize);
   223 	Resized(iSize);
   224 	}
   226 void CListWindow::ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent, TBool aExitOnEscape)
   227 	{
   228 	iExitOnEscape=aExitOnEscape;
   229 	CTTitledWindow::ConstructL(parent);
   230 	}
   232 void CListWindow::SetListPos(TInt aNewPos)
   233 	{
   234 	if (aNewPos>=0 && aNewPos<ListCount())
   235 		{
   236 		iListPos=aNewPos;
   237 		Invalidate();
   238 		}
   239 	}
   241 void CListWindow::WinKeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey, const TTime&)
   242 	{
   243 	switch(aKey.iCode)
   244 		{
   245 		case EKeyUpArrow:
   246 			SetListPos(iListPos-1);
   247 			break;
   248 		case EKeyDownArrow:
   249 			SetListPos(iListPos+1);
   250 			break;
   251 		case EKeyEnter:
   252 			SelectedL(iListPos);
   253 			break;
   254 		case EKeyEscape:		// Fall through from EKeyEnter
   255 			if (iExitOnEscape)
   256 				CloseWindow();
   257 			break;
   258 		}
   259 	}
   261 void CListWindow::PointerL(const TPointerEvent &aPointer,const TTime& aTime)
   262 	{
   263 	if (aPointer.iType==TPointerEvent::EButton1Down)
   264 		{
   265 		TRect rect;
   266 		for(TInt index=0;index<ListCount();index++)
   267 			{
   268 			RowBox(rect,index);
   269 			if (rect.Contains(aPointer.iPosition))
   270 				{
   271 				if (index==iListPos && aPointer.iModifiers&EModifierDoubleClick)
   272 					SelectedL(iListPos);
   273 				else
   274 					{
   275 					iPrevTime=aTime;
   276 					SetListPos(index);
   277 					}
   278 				return;
   279 				}
   280 			}
   281 		}
   282 	CTTitledWindow::PointerL(aPointer,aTime);
   283 	}
   285 TInt CListWindow::TextRowHeight() const
   286 	{
   287 	return(iFont->HeightInPixels()+1);
   288 	}
   290 void CListWindow::RowBox(TRect &aRect, TInt aRow) const
   291 	{
   292 	aRect.iTl.iX=2;
   293 	aRect.iTl.iY=iTitleHeight+TextRowHeight()*aRow;
   294 	aRect.iBr.iX=iSize.iWidth-2;
   295 	aRect.iBr.iY=aRect.iTl.iY+TextRowHeight();
   296 	}
   298 void CListWindow::Draw()
   299 	{
   300 	CTTitledWindow::Draw();
   301 	iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray16(0));
   302 	TPoint pos(2,iTitleHeight+iFont->AscentInPixels()+2);
   303 	TInt gap=TextRowHeight();
   304 	for(TInt index=0;index<ListCount();index++,pos.iY+=gap)
   305 		{
   306 		iGc->DrawText(GetText(index), pos);
   307 		if (index==iListPos)
   308 			{
   309 			iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   310 			iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray256(255));
   311 			iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
   312 			iGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
   313 			TRect rect;
   314 			RowBox(rect,index);
   315 			iGc->DrawRect(rect);
   316 			iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
   317 			iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
   318 			iGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
   319 			}
   320 		}
   321 	}
   323 void CListWindow::Resized(const TSize &aSize)
   324 	{
   325 	SetDragRect(TRect(0,0,aSize.iWidth,iTitleHeight));
   326 	}
   328 //
   329 // Test list window
   330 //
   332 CTestList::CTestList() : CListWindow(), iTestNames(4)
   333 	{
   334 	}
   336 CTestList::~CTestList()
   337 	{
   338 	}
   340 void CTestList::ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent)
   341 	{
   342 	CListWindow::ConstructL(parent, EFalse);
   343 	for(TUint index=0;index<(sizeof(tests)/sizeof(tests[0]));index++)
   344 		AppendToListL(TPtrC(tests[index]->title));
   345 	SetSize();
   346 	/*for(TUint index1=0;index1<(sizeof(tests)/sizeof(tests[0]));index1++)
   347 		Selected(index1);*/
   348 	}
   350 void CTestList::AppendProfileNum(TDes &aDes, TInt aNum)
   351 	{
   352 	aDes.AppendFormat(_L("%d.%02d, "),aNum/1000000,(aNum%1000000)/10000);
   353 	}
   355 void CTestList::AppendProfileCount(TDes &aDes, TInt aNum)
   356 	{
   357 	aDes.AppendFormat(_L("%d, "),aNum);
   358 	}
   360 #define USE_PROCESS 1
   362 void CTestList::SelectedL(TInt aIndex)
   363 	{
   364 #if USE_PROCESS
   365 	TThreadParams params;
   366 	params.iIndex=aIndex;
   367 	TName name;
   368 	name.Format(_L("TimeTest-%x"),iCount++);
   369 	params.iGroupId=Client()->iGroup->GroupWin()->Identifier();
   370 	User::LeaveIfError(iTimeTest.Create(name,TimeThread,KDefaultStackSize*2,KHeapSize,KHeapSize,&params,EOwnerThread));
   371 	TRequestStatus status;
   372 	iTimeTest.Logon(status);
   373 	__PROFILE_RESET(8);
   374 	iTimeTest.Resume();
   375 	User::WaitForRequest(status);
   376 #else
   377 	TThreadParams params;
   378 	params.iIndex=aIndex;
   379 	TimeThread(&params);
   380 #endif
   381 	TBuf<64> buf;
   382 	TBuf<64> buf2;
   383 	TBuf<64> buf3;
   384 	CResultDialog *dialog=new(ELeave) CResultDialog(Client()->iGroup, iGc);
   385 	dialog->ConstructLD();
   386 #if USE_PROCESS
   387 	if (status.Int()==KErrNone)
   388 		{
   389 #endif
   390 #if !defined(__PROFILING__)
   391 		buf=_L("Profiling information not available");
   392 #else
   393 		TProfile profile[6];
   394 		__PROFILE_DISPLAY(6);
   395 		for (TInt index=1;index<6;index++)
   396 			AppendProfileNum(buf2,profile[index].iTime);
   397 		for (TInt index2=1;index2<6;index2++)
   398 			AppendProfileCount(buf3,profile[index2].iCount);
   399 		buf.Format(_L("Time=%d.%2d"),profile[0].iTime/1000000,(profile[0].iTime%1000000)/10000);
   400 #endif
   401 		dialog->SetTitle(buf);
   402 #if USE_PROCESS
   403 		}
   404 	else
   405 		{
   406 		dialog->SetTitle(_L("Error in test"));
   407 		buf.Format(_L("Error=%d"),status.Int());
   408 		buf2=iTimeTest.ExitCategory();
   409 		}
   410 #endif
   411 	dialog->SetLine1(buf2);
   412 	dialog->SetLine2(buf3);
   413 	dialog->SetNumButtons(1);
   414 	dialog->SetButtonText(0,_L("Okay"));
   415 	if (dialog->Display()!=0)
   416 		Panic(0);
   417 	}
   419 TPtrC CTestList::GetText(TInt aLine)
   420 	{
   421 	return(TPtrC(iTestNames[aLine]));
   422 	}
   424 TInt CTestList::ListCount()
   425 	{
   426 	return(iTestNames.Count());
   427 	}
   429 void CTestList::WinKeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime& aTime)
   430 	{
   431 	if (aKey.iModifiers&EModifierFunc)
   432 		{
   433 		switch(aKey.iCode)
   434 			{
   435 			case EKeyLeftArrow:
   436 				AdjustSize(-Xmove,0,aKey.iModifiers);
   437 				break;
   438 			case EKeyRightArrow:
   439 				AdjustSize(Xmove,0,aKey.iModifiers);
   440 				break;
   441 			case EKeyUpArrow:
   442 				AdjustSize(0,-Ymove,aKey.iModifiers);
   443 				break;
   444 			case EKeyDownArrow:
   445 				AdjustSize(0,Ymove,aKey.iModifiers);
   446 				break;
   447 			default:
   448 				goto not_used;
   449 			}
   450 		}
   451 	else
   452 		goto not_used;
   453 	return;
   454 not_used:
   455 	CListWindow::WinKeyL(aKey,aTime);
   456 	}
   458 void CTestList::AppendToListL(const TDesC &aDesc)
   459 	{
   460 	TestNameBuf buf(aDesc);	
   461 	iTestNames.AppendL(buf);
   462 	}
   464 //
   466 CResultDialog::CResultDialog(CTWindowGroup *aGroupWin,CWindowGc *aGc) : CTDialog(),
   467 	iGroupWin(aGroupWin),
   468 	iGc(aGc)
   469 	{
   470 	}
   472 void CResultDialog::ButtonPressL(TInt aButton)
   473 	{
   474 	if (aButton==0)
   475 		CTDialog::ButtonPressL(aButton);
   476 	}
   478 void CResultDialog::ConstructLD()
   479 	{
   480 	CTDialog::ConstructLD(*iGroupWin, *iGc);
   481 	}
   483 //
   484 // CTimeTestWindowGroup class //
   485 //
   487 CTimeTestWindowGroup::CTimeTestWindowGroup(CTClient *aClient) : CTWindowGroup(aClient)
   488 	{
   489 	}
   491 void CTimeTestWindowGroup::KeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime &aTime)
   492 	{
   493 	if (aKey.iModifiers&EModifierFunc)
   494 		{
   495 		switch(aKey.iCode)
   496 			{
   497 			case 'x':
   498 				((CTimeClient *)Client())->Exit();
   499 				break;
   500 			}
   501 		}
   502 	else
   503 		iCurWin->WinKeyL(aKey,aTime);
   504 	}
   506 //
   508 CTimeClient::CTimeClient()
   509 	{
   510 	}
   512 CTWin *CTimeClient::CreateTestWindowL(TPoint pos,CTWinBase *parent)
   513 	{
   514 	CTWin *win=new(ELeave) CTestList();
   515 	TRAPD(err,win->ConstructL(*parent));
   516 	if (err!=KErrNone)
   517 		goto ctw_err;
   518 	TRAP(err,win->SetPos(pos));
   519 	if (err!=KErrNone)
   520 		{
   521 ctw_err:
   522 		delete win;
   523 		User::Leave(err);
   524 		}
   525 	win->Activate();
   526 	win->AssignGC(*iGc);
   527 	return(win);
   528 	}
   530 void CTimeClient::ConstructL()
   531 	{
   532 	CTClient::ConstructL();
   534 	iGroup=new(ELeave) CTimeTestWindowGroup(this);
   535 	iGroup->ConstructL();
   537 	CreateTestWindowL(TPoint(30,4),iGroup);
   538 	iGroup->SetCurrentWindow(iGroup->Child());
   539 	}
   541 void CTimeClient::Exit()
   542 	{
   543 	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   544 	}
   546 GLDEF_C CTClient *CreateClientL()
   547 	{
   548 	return(new(ELeave) CTimeClient());
   549 	}
   551 GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
   552 	{
   553 	return(TestLibStartUp(CreateClientL));
   554 	}