1 <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title>Khronos API Implementers' Guidelines</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="igstyle.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.69.1"><meta name="description" content="Guidelines to be followed by implementers of Khronos Group |
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11 material proprietary to the Khronos Group, Inc. It or any components |
12 may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, |
13 displayed, broadcast or otherwise exploited in any manner without |
14 the express prior written permission of Khronos Group. |
15 The receipt or possession of this |
16 document does not convey any rights to reproduce, disclose, or |
17 distribute its contents, or to manufacture, use, or sell anything |
18 that it may describe, in whole or in part.</p><p>Khronos Group grants express permission to any current Promoter, |
19 Contributor or Adopter member of Khronos to copy and redistribute |
20 UNMODIFIED versions of this document in any fashion, provided |
21 that NO CHARGE is made for the document and the latest available |
22 update of the document is used whenever possible. |
23 Such distributed document may be |
24 re-formatted AS LONG AS the contents of the document are not |
25 changed in any way. The document may be incorporated into a |
26 product that is sold as long as such product includes significant |
27 independent work developed by the seller. A link to the current |
28 version of this document on the Khronos Group web-site should |
29 be included whenever possible with document distributions.</p><p>Khronos Group makes no, and expressly disclaims any, |
30 representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding this |
31 document, including, without limitation, any implied warranties |
32 of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or |
33 non-infringement of any intellectual property. Khronos Group makes |
34 no, and expressly disclaims any, warranties, express or implied, |
35 regarding the correctness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and |
36 reliability of the document. Under no circumstances will the Khronos |
37 Group, or any of its Promoters, Contributors or Members or their |
38 respective partners, officers, directors, employees, agents or |
39 representatives be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, |
40 special or consequential damages for lost revenues, lost profits, |
41 or otherwise, arising from or in connection with these |
42 materials.</p><p><span class="trademark">Khronos</span>™ is a trademark of |
43 The Khronos Group Inc. <span class="trademark">OpenGL</span>® |
44 is a registered trademark, and |
45 <span class="trademark">OpenGL ES</span>™is a trademark, of |
46 Silicon Graphics, Inc.</p></div></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="3"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr><tr><td align="left">Revision 0.9.0</td><td align="left">2006-12-08 19:15:11 -0800</td><td align="left">msc</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="3">First docbook version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">Revision 0.91.0</td><td align="left">2006-12-12 17:26:03 -0800</td><td align="left">msc</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="3">Public review version: amended copyright notice; changed OpenKODE and GLES utility library names.</td></tr></table></div></div><div><div class="abstract"><p class="title"><b>Abstract</b></p><p>Guidelines to be followed by implementers of Khronos Group |
47 <em class="glossterm">APIs</em></p></div></div></div><hr></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#generalguidelines">General Guidelines </a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="#controlled">Vendor Controlled Platforms (e.g. BREW, SymbianOS)</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#uncontrolled">Uncontrolled Platforms (e.g. GNU/Linux, Windows, Windows CE)</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="#id4787332">Acknowledgements</a></span></dt><dt><span class="glossary"><a href="#id4787444">Glossary</a></span></dt></dl></div><div class="list-of-tables"><p><b>List of Tables</b></p><dl><dt>1. <a href="#id4713194">Header File Names and Locations</a></dt><dt>2. <a href="#id4786950">Recommended Library Names</a></dt></dl></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="introduction"></a>Introduction</h2></div></div></div><p> This document provides guidelines for |
48 <a href="#gls_implementer"><em class="firstterm">implementers |
49 </em></a> |
50 of OpenGL ES, OpenVG and other <a href="#gls_api"><em class="firstterm">API</em></a> |
51 standards specified by the Khronos Group. |
52 The aim of these hints is to provide commonality between implementations to |
53 ease the logistical problems faced by developers using multiple different |
54 implementations of an <em class="glossterm">API</em>. |
55 </p><p> One of the primary goals is to allow an application binary to run |
56 on top of multiple different OpenGL ES / OpenVG / EGL implementations |
57 on the same platform. </p><p> Implementers are strongly urged to comply with these guidelines. |
58 </p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="generalguidelines"></a>General Guidelines </h2></div></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="controlled"></a>Vendor Controlled Platforms (e.g. BREW, SymbianOS)</h3></div></div></div><p> Implementers should follow the linkage specifications established |
59 by the |
60 <a href="#gls_vendor"><em class="firstterm">platform vendor</em></a> |
61 . |
62 </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="opencircle"><li style="list-style-type: circle"><p> Use the header files, (e.g., for OpenGL ES, gl.h & egl.h) |
63 provided by the platform vendor. </p></li><li style="list-style-type: circle"><p> Use the function names specified in those header files. </p></li><li style="list-style-type: circle"><p>Implement all <em class="glossterm">API</em> |
64 entry points in the same way as in the |
65 <em class="glossterm">vendor</em>-provided |
66 <a href="#gls_abi"><em class="firstterm">ABI</em></a>. That is, |
67 functions should be functions, in-line functions should be |
68 in-line functions and macros should be macros. |
69 </p></li><li style="list-style-type: circle"><p> Use the platform specified library names. </p></li></ul></div><p>Vendors of controlled platforms are strongly urged to follow the |
70 recommendations given below for <a href="#uncontrolled" title="Uncontrolled Platforms (e.g. GNU/Linux, Windows, Windows CE)"> |
71 Uncontrolled Platforms</a> when adding a Khronos Group |
72 <em class="glossterm">API</em> to their platform. |
73 </p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="uncontrolled"></a>Uncontrolled Platforms (e.g. GNU/Linux, Windows, Windows CE)</h3></div></div></div><p> When providing implementations for platforms where the vendor |
74 does not provide standard linkage specifications, implementers |
75 are urged to follow the following recommendations.</p><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="headerfiles"></a> Header Files </h4></div></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"><a name="hfgeneral"></a>General</h5></div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>Use the Khronos provided header files (e.g., for OpenGL |
76 ES, <code class="filename">gl.h</code> & |
77 <code class="filename">egl.h</code>). If changes are |
78 unavoidable, consider contributing your changes back to Khronos |
79 by updating the standard header files in the Khronos Subversion |
80 tree. </p></li><li><p> If you make your own header files and the platform is |
81 Windows, make sure they are suitable for use with |
82 <a href="#gls_mfc"><em class="firstterm"><span class="acronym">MFC</span></em></a>. |
83 For example |
84 <code class="code">#define EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY GetDC(0)</code> |
85 is broken for MFC. You need to use |
86 <code class="code">::GetDC(0)</code> |
87 because several MFC have their own |
88 <code class="code">GetDC(void)</code> |
89 methods.</p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"><a name="hfegl"></a>EGL</h5></div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p> Package the EGL header files |
90 <code class="filename">egl.h</code> |
91 and |
92 <code class="filename">eglplatform.h</code> |
93 in the folder |
94 <code class="filename">EGL</code>. |
95 </p></li><li><p> <code class="filename">eglplatform.h</code> |
96 contains platform |
97 dependent items and needs to be modified by the implementer. |
98 In particular the |
99 <span class="type">eglNativeDisplayType</span>, |
100 <span class="type">eglNativeWindowType</span>, and |
101 <span class="type">eglNativePixmapType</span> |
102 typedefs must be defined as appropriate for the platform |
103 (typically, they will be typedef'ed to corresponding types |
104 in the native window system). Developer documentation should |
105 mention the correspondence so that developers know what |
106 parameters to pass to |
107 <code class="function">eglCreateWindowSurface</code>, |
108 <code class="function">eglCreatePixmapSurface</code>, and |
109 <code class="function">eglCopyBuffers</code>. |
110 Documentation should also describe the format of the |
111 <em class="parameter"><code>display_id</code></em> |
112 parameter to |
113 <code class="function">eglGetDisplay</code>, |
114 since this is a platform-specific identifier.</p></li><li><p> Include |
115 <code class="filename">eglplatform.h</code> |
116 in |
117 <code class="filename">egl.h</code> |
118 thus: |
119 <code class="code">#include <EGL/eglplatform.h></code> |
120 . Do not use |
121 <code class="code">#include <eglplatform.h></code> |
122 because app. makefiles will then need 2 different |
123 <em class="parameter"><code>-I<path></code></em> |
124 options to find both include files. </p></li><li><p> Do not include |
125 <code class="filename">gl.h</code> |
126 in |
127 <code class="filename">egl.h</code> |
128 . </p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"><a name="hfgles1x"></a> OpenGL ES 1.x </h5></div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p> Package the OpenGL ES header files |
129 <code class="filename">gl.h</code> |
130 and |
131 <code class="filename">glplatform.h</code> |
132 in the folder |
133 <code class="filename">GLES</code> |
134 . </p></li><li><p> <code class="filename">glplatform.h</code> |
135 contains platform dependent items and may need to be |
136 modified by the implementer. Implementers are encouraged |
137 to provide their additions for newly supported platforms |
138 to the Khronos Group for inclusion in the Adopters' |
139 distribution.</p></li><li><p> For compatibility with GLES 1.0 implementations, include |
140 in |
141 <code class="filename">GLES</code> |
142 a special |
143 <code class="filename">egl.h</code> |
144 containing the following: |
145 </p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting"> |
146 #include <EGL/egl.h> |
147 #include <GLES/gl.h></pre></div><p> |
148 This is because many early OpenGL ES 1.0 implementations |
149 included |
150 <code class="filename">gl.h</code> |
151 in |
152 <code class="filename">egl.h</code> |
153 so many existing applications only include |
154 <code class="filename">egl.h</code> |
155 . </p></li><li><p>The name <code class="filename">glu.h</code> |
156 is reserved for future use by the Khronos Group.</p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"><a name="hfgles2x"></a> OpenGL ES 2.x </h5></div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>The core header files for OpenGL ES 2.x are called |
157 <code class="filename">gl2.h</code> and |
158 <code class="filename">gl2platform.h</code> to |
159 keep them distinct from the GLES 1.x header files and enable |
160 application to use both versions.</p></li><li><p>The function declarations and constant definitions for |
161 OpenGL ES 2.x are divided into 2 header files: |
162 <code class="filename">gl2.h</code> |
163 declares and defines all the core functions and constants; |
164 <code class="filename">gl2ext.h</code> |
165 declares and defines functions and constants for all |
166 Khronos approved extensions and can be used even if the |
167 implementation doesn't provide a particular extension.</p><p>Functions and constants for Implementer |
168 extensions should be declared and defined in an implementer's |
169 own header file using names and constant values obtained from |
170 the Khronos Group's Extension Registry.</p></li><li><p>Package all these header files in the folder |
171 <code class="filename">GLES2</code>.</p></li><li><p>The name <code class="filename">glu2.h</code> |
172 is reserved for future use by the Khronos Group.</p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"><a name="hfopenkode"></a>OpenKODE</h5></div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>Package the OpenKODE header files |
173 <code class="filename">kd.h</code> |
174 and |
175 <code class="filename">kdplatform.h</code> |
176 in the folder |
177 <code class="filename">KD</code>. |
178 </p></li><li><p>Implementers are encouraged to code |
179 <code class="filename">kd.h</code> such that it |
180 includes as few as possible of the platform's include files, |
181 and to avoid declaring C and POSIX standard functions. This |
182 will ease the creation of portable OpenKODE applications, |
183 and help stop non-portable code being added accidentally. |
184 </p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"><a name="hfopenvg"></a>OpenVG</h5></div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>Package the OpenVG header files |
185 <code class="filename">openvg.h</code> |
186 and, when provided, |
187 <code class="filename">vgu.h</code> |
188 in the folder |
189 <code class="filename">VG</code> |
190 .</p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"><a name="hfsummary"></a>Header File Summary</h5></div></div></div><div class="table"><a name="id4713194"></a><p class="title"><b>Table 1. Header File Names and Locations</b></p><table summary="Header File Names and Locations" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"><col align="left"><col align="left"><col align="left"><col align="left"></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="left"> API </th><th align="left"> Location </th><th align="left"> Header Files </th><th align="left"> How to include </th><th align="left"> Provider </th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top"> EGL 1.x </td><td rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top"> |
191 <code class="filename">EGL</code> |
192 </td><td align="left"> |
193 <code class="filename">egl.h</code> |
194 </td><td align="left"> |
195 <code class="code">#include <EGL/egl.h></code> |
196 </td><td align="left"> |
197 Khronos |
198 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> |
199 <code class="filename">eglplatform.h</code> |
200 <sup>[<a name="id4713330" href="#ftn.id4713330">1</a>]</sup> |
201 </td><td align="left"> |
202 Included by <code class="filename">egl.h</code> |
203 </td><td align="left"> |
204 Vendor or Implementer |
205 </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="3" align="left" valign="top"> OpenGL ES 1.x </td><td rowspan="3" align="left" valign="top"> |
206 <code class="filename">GLES</code> |
207 </td><td align="left"> |
208 <code class="filename">gl.h</code> |
209 </td><td align="left"> |
210 <code class="code">#include <GLES/gl.h></code> |
211 </td><td align="left"> |
212 Khronos |
213 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> |
214 <code class="filename">glplatform.h</code> |
215 <sup>[<a name="id4713439" href="#ftn.id4713439">2</a>]</sup> |
216 </td><td align="left"> |
217 Included by <code class="filename">gl.h</code> |
218 </td><td align="left"> |
219 Vendor or Implementer |
220 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> |
221 <code class="filename">glu.h</code> |
222 </td><td colspan="2" align="center"> |
223 Reserved for future use |
224 </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="4" align="left" valign="top"> OpenGL ES 2.x </td><td rowspan="4" align="left" valign="top"> |
225 <code class="filename">GLES2</code> |
226 </td><td align="left"> |
227 <code class="filename">gl2.h</code> |
228 </td><td align="left"> |
229 <code class="code">#include <GLES2/gl2.h></code> |
230 </td><td align="left"> |
231 Khronos |
232 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> |
233 <code class="filename">gl2platform.h</code> |
234 </td><td align="left"> |
235 Included by <code class="filename">gl2.h</code> |
236 </td><td align="left"> |
237 Vendor or Implementer |
238 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> |
239 <code class="filename">gl2ext.h</code> |
240 </td><td align="left"> |
241 <code class="code">#include <GLES2/gl2ext.h></code> |
242 </td><td align="left"> |
243 Khronos |
244 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> |
245 <code class="filename">glu2.h</code> |
246 </td><td colspan="2" align="center"> |
247 Reserved for future use |
248 </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top"> OpenKODE 1.x </td><td rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top"> |
249 <code class="filename">KD</code> |
250 </td><td align="left"> |
251 <code class="filename">kd.h</code> |
252 </td><td align="left"> |
253 <code class="code">#include <KD/kd.h></code> |
254 </td><td align="left"> |
255 Khronos |
256 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> |
257 <code class="filename">kdplatform.h</code> |
258 </td><td align="left"> |
259 Included by <code class="filename">kd.h</code> |
260 </td><td align="left"> |
261 Vendor or Implementer |
262 </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top"> OpenVG 1.x </td><td rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top"> |
263 <code class="filename">VG</code> |
264 </td><td align="left"> |
265 <code class="filename">openvg.h</code> |
266 </td><td align="left"> |
267 <code class="code">#include <VG/openvg.h></code> |
268 </td><td align="left"> |
269 Khronos |
270 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> |
271 <code class="filename">vgu.h</code> |
272 <sup>[<a name="id4786686" href="#ftn.id4786686">3</a>]</sup> |
273 </td><td align="left"> |
274 <code class="code">#include <VG/vgu.h></code> |
275 </td><td align="left"> |
276 Khronos |
277 </td></tr></tbody></table><div class="footnotes"><div class="footnote"><p><sup>[<a name="ftn.id4713330" href="#id4713330">1</a>] </sup> |
278 Many early EGL implementations used |
279 <code class="filename">egltypes.h</code> |
280 instead of the now recommended |
281 <code class="filename">eglplatform.h</code> |
282 .</p></div><div class="footnote"><p><sup>[<a name="ftn.id4713439" href="#id4713439">2</a>] </sup> |
283 <code class="filename">glplatform.h</code> |
284 does not exist in many early implementations of |
285 OpenGL ES 1.x. Platform dependent declarations were |
286 included directly in <code class="filename">gl.h |
287 </code>.</p></div><div class="footnote"><p><sup>[<a name="ftn.id4786686" href="#id4786686">3</a>] </sup> |
288 Required, if the OpenVG utility library is provided. |
289 </p></div></div></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"><a name="notes"></a>Notes </h5></div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>To find the include files, use appropriate compiler |
290 options in the makefiles for your sample programs; e.g. |
291 <em class="parameter"><code>-I</code></em> (gcc, linux) or |
292 <em class="parameter"><code>/I</code></em> (Visual C++). |
293 </p></li><li><p>Given the different IDEs & compilers people use, |
294 especially on Windows, it is not possible to recommend a system |
295 location to place these include files. Where obvious choices |
296 exist Khronos recommends implementers take advantage of them. |
297 </p></li><li><p>In particular, GNU/Linux implementations should |
298 follow the |
299 <a href="http://www.pathname.com/fhs/" target="_top"> |
300 <em class="citetitle">Filesystem Hierarchy Standard</em> |
301 </a> |
302 for location of headers and libraries. |
303 </p></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="libraries"></a>Libraries</h4></div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>It is highly desirable to implement all |
304 <em class="glossterm">API</em> entry points as |
305 function calls. However in the OpenKODE core, macros or in-lines |
306 may be used instead of a function call provided the following |
307 rules are followed: |
308 </p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="circle"><li><p>When calling a function, each argument must be evaluated |
309 exactly once (although the order of evaluation is |
310 undefined).</p></li><li><p>It must be possible to take the address of function. |
311 </p></li></ul></div></li><li><p> |
312 Except in cases where macros are allowed, ensure the |
313 <em class="glossterm">API</em> function |
314 names exported by your lib & dll files match the function |
315 names specified by the Khronos standard for the |
316 <em class="glossterm">API</em> you are |
317 implementing. |
318 </p></li></ul></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"><a name="lpackaging"></a>Packaging</h5></div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>OpenGL ES, EGL, OpenVG and OpenKODE entry points should |
319 be packaged in separate libraries.</p></li><li><p>However to provide backward compatibility for existing |
320 applications, two OpenGL ES 1.1 libraries should be provided: |
321 one with and one without the EGL entry points.</p><p> |
322 <span class="emphasis"><em>Note: There are extant implementations of the dual |
323 OpenGL ES libraries demonstrating this is possible on Symbian, |
324 GNU/Linux, Win32 and WinCE.</em></span> |
325 </p><p>For OpenGL ES 2.x, only a library without EGL entry points |
326 is needed.</p></li></ul></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"><a name="lnaming"></a>Naming</h5></div></div></div><p>Khronos recommends the library names shown in the following |
327 table: </p><div class="table"><a name="id4786950"></a><p class="title"><b>Table 2. Recommended Library Names</b></p><table summary="Recommended Library Names" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"><col align="left"></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="left"> API/Entry Points </th><th align="left"> Name </th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left"> EGL </td><td align="left"> |
328 <code class="filename">libEGL.{lib,dll}</code> |
329 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> OpenGL ES 1.x with EGL (Common Profile)</td><td align="left"> |
330 <code class="filename">libGLES_CM.{lib,dll}</code> |
331 <sup>[<a name="fnreq" href="#ftn.fnreq">1</a>]</sup> |
332 <sup>[<a name="fndepr" href="#ftn.fndepr">2</a>]</sup> |
333 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> OpenGL ES 1.x with EGL (Lite Profile) </td><td align="left"> |
334 <code class="filename">libGLES_CL.{lib,dll}</code> |
335 <sup>[<a href="#ftn.fnreq">1</a>]</sup> |
336 <sup>[<a href="#ftn.fndepr">2</a>]</sup> |
337 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> OpenGL ES 1.x without EGL </td><td align="left"> |
338 <code class="filename">libGLESv1_C[LM].{lib,dll}</code> |
339 <sup>[<a name="fnsprev" href="#ftn.fnsprev">3</a>]</sup> |
340 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> OpenGL ES 2.x without EGL </td><td align="left"> |
341 <code class="filename">libGLESv2.{lib,dll}</code> |
342 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> </td><td align="left"> |
343 <code class="filename">libGLUESv1.{lib,dll}</code> |
344 <sup>[<a name="fnreserved" href="#ftn.fnreserved">4</a>]</sup> |
345 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> </td><td align="left"> |
346 <code class="filename">libGLUESv2.{lib,dll}</code> |
347 <sup>[<a href="#ftn.fnreserved">4</a>]</sup> |
348 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> OpenKODE </td><td align="left"> |
349 <code class="filename">libKD{lib,dll}</code> |
350 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> OpenVG </td><td align="left"> |
351 <code class="filename">libOpenVG{lib,dll}</code> |
352 </td></tr><tr><td align="left"> OpenVG Utilities (when present) </td><td align="left"> |
353 <code class="filename">libOpenVGU.{lib,dll}</code> |
354 </td></tr></tbody></table><div class="footnotes"><div class="footnote"><p><sup>[<a name="ftn.fnreq" href="#fnreq">1</a>] </sup> These names are required for OpenGL ES 1.0 |
355 and the libraries must contain the EGL entry points |
356 as detailed in Chapter 8, |
357 <span class="emphasis"><em>Packaging</em></span>, |
358 of the OpenGL ES 1.0 specification.</p></div><div class="footnote"><p><sup>[<a name="ftn.fndepr" href="#fndepr">2</a>] </sup> These names are deprecated for OpenGL ES 1.1 |
359 and beyond and should only be used for a library |
360 that includes the EGL entry points in order to support |
361 legacy applications. </p></div><div class="footnote"><p><sup>[<a name="ftn.fnsprev" href="#fnsprev">3</a>] </sup> |
362 <span class="emphasis"><em>The OpenGL ES 1.1 specification at revision 1.1.09 |
363 was updated to specify these alternate names for GLES |
364 libraries that do not contain the EGL entry points. |
365 </em></span> |
366 </p></div><div class="footnote"><p><sup>[<a name="ftn.fnreserved" href="#fnreserved">4</a>] </sup>These names are reserved for future use by the |
367 Khronos Group.</p></div></div></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h5 class="title"><a name="notes2"></a>Notes </h5></div></div></div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p><span class="emphasis"><em>The extensions |
368 <code class="filename">.lib</code> |
369 & <code class="filename">.dll</code> |
370 are allowed to vary by platform. On GNU/Linux for example |
371 they should be .a and .so to match that platform's |
372 conventions.</em></span></p></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id4787332"></a>Acknowledgements</h2></div></div></div><p class="ackno"> |
373 <p>Thanks to all the members of the Khronos Group for their input |
374 and in particular to the following: |
375 </p> |
376 <table class="simplelist" border="0" summary="Simple list"><tr><td> |
377 <span class="othercredit"><span class="firstname">Petri</span> <span class="surname">Kero</span></span> |
378 </td></tr><tr><td> |
379 <span class="othercredit"><span class="firstname">Jon</span> <span class="surname">Leech</span></span> |
380 </td></tr><tr><td> |
381 <span class="othercredit"><span class="firstname">Robert</span> <span class="surname">Palmer</span></span> |
382 </td></tr><tr><td> |
383 <span class="othercredit"><span class="firstname">Jani</span> <span class="surname">Vaarala</span></span> |
384 </td></tr><tr><td> |
385 <span class="othercredit"><span class="firstname">Hans-Martin</span> <span class="surname">Will</span></span> |
386 </td></tr></table> |
387 </p></div><div class="glossary"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="id4787444"></a>Glossary</h2></div></div></div><dl><dt><a name="gls_abi"></a>Application Binary Interface (ABI)</dt><dd><p> |
388 The low-level interface between a compiled application program and the |
389 operating system or its libraries. |
390 </p></dd><dt><a name="gls_api"></a>Application Programming Interface (API)</dt><dd><p> |
391 The source-code level interface between an application program |
392 and the operating system or its libraries. |
393 </p></dd><dt><a name="gls_implementer"></a>Implementer</dt><dd><p> |
394 A company or person who implements a Khronos API. |
395 </p></dd><dt><a name="gls_mfc"></a>Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC)</dt><dd><p> |
396 A set of C++ utility classes provided by Microsoft Corporation. |
397 </p></dd><dt><a name="gls_vendor"></a>Platform Vendor (Vendor)</dt><dd><p> |
398 A company providing an operating system platform that includes an |
399 <em class="glossterm">ABI</em> |
400 specification for one or more Khronos APIs. E.g., Qualcomm (OpenGL ES |
401 on BREW) and Symbian (OpenGL ES on Symbian OS). A Vendor may also be |
402 an <em class="glossterm">Implementer.</em> |
403 </p></dd></dl></div></div></body></html> |