changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "T_DataAnimForMClass.h"
    19 #include "T_GraphicsUtil.h"
    20 #include "T_AnimDef.h"
    21 #include "../AnimPlugin/inc/T_AnimDef.h"
    22 #include <w32adll.h>
    23 #include <e32keys.h>
    24 #include "w32std.h" 
    25 #define KMaxBufSize 250
    27 /*@{*/
    28 _LIT(KDataClassname,							"RAnimForMClass");
    30 ///	Fields
    32 _LIT(KFldWin, 									"win");
    33 _LIT(KFldWingrp, 								"wingrp");
    34 _LIT(KFldSprite, 								"sprite");
    35 _LIT(KFldType, 									"type");
    38 _LIT(KFldOpcode, 								"opcode");
    41 _LIT(KFldExpected, 								"expected");
    42 _LIT(KFldRect, 									"rect");
    43 _LIT(KFldState, 								"state");
    44 _LIT(KFldWs, 									"ws");
    45 _LIT(KFldWingrpId, 								"windowgroupid");
    46 _LIT(KFldOrdinalPosition, 						"pos");
    47 _LIT(KFldOrdinalPriority, 						"ordinalpriority");
    48 _LIT(KFldScreenNumb, 							"screennumber");
    49 _LIT(KFldFullOrdinPostn, 						"fullpos");
    50 _LIT(KFldExpectedPoint, 						"expectedpoint");
    51 _LIT(KFldGetEvent, 								"getevent");
    52 _LIT(KFldInterface, 							"interface");
    53 _LIT(KFldPostRawEvent, 							"rawevent");
    58 _LIT(KFldSyncMode, 								"animsync");
    59 _LIT(KFldInterval, 								"interval");
    60 _LIT(KFldNotifications, 						"notification");
    61 _LIT(KFldMessage, 								"message");
    62 _LIT(KFldHandleBitmap, 							"bitmap");
    63 _LIT(KFldHandleFont, 							"font");
    64 _LIT(KFldMemberIndex, 							"member_index");
    65 _LIT(KFldIsFullUpdate, 							"isfullupdate");
    66 _LIT(KFldIsActivate, 							"isactivate");
    67 _LIT(KFldSetReplyBufHandle1, 					"slot2");
    68 _LIT(KFldSetReplyBufHandle2, 					"slot3");
    69 _LIT(KFldPointPosition,							"pos");
    70 _LIT(KFldRAnim,						        	"anim");
    72 _LIT(KESyncNone , 								"ESyncNone");
    73 _LIT(KESyncFlash, 								"ESyncFlash");
    74 _LIT(KESyncSecond, 								"ESyncSecond");
    75 _LIT(KESyncMinute, 								"ESyncMinute");
    76 _LIT(KESyncDay, 								"ESyncDay");
    78 _LIT(KENone, 									"ENone");
    79 _LIT(KEPointerMove, 							"EPointerMove");
    80 _LIT(KEPointerSwitchOn, 						"EPointerSwitchOn");
    81 _LIT(KEKeyDown, 								"EKeyDown");
    82 _LIT(KEKeyUp, 									"EKeyUp");
    83 _LIT(KERedraw, 									"ERedraw");
    84 _LIT(KESwitchOn, 								"ESwitchOn");
    85 _LIT(KEActive, 								    "EActive");
    86 _LIT(KEInactive,                                "EInactive");
    87 _LIT(KEUpdateModifiers,                         "EUpdateModifiers");
    88 _LIT(KEButton1Down,                             "EButton1Down");
    89 _LIT(KEButton1Up,                               "EButton1Up");
    90 _LIT(KEButton2Down,                             "EButton2Down");
    91 _LIT(KEButton2Up,                               "EButton2Up");
    92 _LIT(KEButton3Down,                             "EButton3Down");
    93 _LIT(KEButton3Up,                               "EButton3Up");
    94 _LIT(KESwitchOff,                               "ESwitchOff");
    95 _LIT(KEKeyRepeat,                               "EKeyRepeat");
    96 _LIT(KECaseOpen,                                "ECaseOpen");
    97 _LIT(KECaseClose,                               "ECaseClose");
    98 _LIT(KERestartSystem,                           "ERestartSystem");
   102 ///	Commands
   103 _LIT(KCmdnew, 									"new");
   104 _LIT(KCmdDestructorGeneral, 					"~");
   105 _LIT(KCmdDestructor, 							"~RAnimForMClass");
   106 _LIT(KCmdConstruct, 							"Construct");
   107 _LIT(KCmdCommandReply, 							"CommandReply");
   108 _LIT(KCmdDestroy, 								"Destroy");
   109 _LIT(KCmdClose, 								"Close");
   111 ///	Logging
   112 _LIT(KLogErrMissingPara, "Missing parameter '%S'");
   115 _LIT(KLogErrConstruct, "Construct return err = %d");
   116 _LIT(KLogInfoCmdConstruct1, "execute RAnimForMClass::Construct(const RWindowBase &, TInt, const TDesC8 &)");
   118 _LIT(KLogInfoCmdConstruct3, "execute RAnimForMClass::Construct(const RWsSprite &, TInt, const TDesC8 &)");
   120 _LIT(KLogErrCommandReply, "CommandReply return err = %d");
   121 _LIT(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply1, "execute RAnimForMClass::CommandReply(TInt),opcode=%d");
   123 _LIT(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3, "execute RAnimForMClass::CommandReply(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TIpcArgs &),opcode=%d");
   125 _LIT(KLogInfoCmdDestroy, "execute RAnimForMClass::Destroy()");
   126 _LIT(KLogInfoCmdDestructor1, "execute ~RAnimForMClass()");
   127 _LIT(KLogMissingParameter, "Missing parameter '%S'");
   128 _LIT(KlogDateTime, "DateTime");
   129 /*@}*/
   131 CT_DataAnimForMClass* CT_DataAnimForMClass::NewL()
   132 	{
   133 	CT_DataAnimForMClass*	ret = new (ELeave) CT_DataAnimForMClass();
   134 	CleanupStack::PushL(ret);
   135 	ret->ConstructL();
   136 	CleanupStack::Pop(ret);
   137 	return ret;
   138 	}
   140 CT_DataAnimForMClass::CT_DataAnimForMClass()
   141 :	iActiveCallback(NULL)
   142 	,iAnim(NULL)
   143 	{
   144 	}
   146 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::ConstructL()
   147 	{
   148 	iSendBuf.CreateL(KMaxBufSize);
   149 	iSendBuf.FillZ(1);
   151 	for (TInt i=0;i<KIpcArgNum;i++)	
   152 		iIpcBuf[i].CreateL(KMaxBufSize);
   153 	}
   155 CT_DataAnimForMClass::~CT_DataAnimForMClass()
   156 	{
   157 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdDestructor1);
   158 	DestroyData();
   159 	iSendBuf.Close();
   161 	for (TInt i=0;i<KIpcArgNum;i++)	
   162 		iIpcBuf[i].Close();	
   163 	}
   165 TAny* CT_DataAnimForMClass::GetObject()
   166 	{
   167     return iAnim;
   168 	}
   170 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::SetObjectL(TAny* aAny)
   171 	{
   172 	DestroyData();
   173     iAnim = static_cast<T_RAnimChild*> (aAny);
   174 	}
   176 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DisownObjectL()
   177 	{
   178     iAnim = NULL;
   179 	}
   181 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DestroyData()
   182 	{
   183 	DoCmdDestroy();
   184 	}
   186 /**
   187 * Process a command read from the ini file
   188 *
   189 * @param aCommand			the command to process
   190 * @param aSection			the entry in the ini file requiring the command to be processed
   191 * @return ETrue if the command is processed
   192 */
   193 TBool CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCommandL(const TTEFFunction& aCommand, const TTEFSectionName& aSection,const TInt)
   194 	{
   195 	TBool	ret = ETrue;
   197 	if ( aCommand==KCmdDestructorGeneral || aCommand==KCmdDestructor )
   198 		{
   199 		DoCmdDestructor();
   200 		}
   201 	else if ( aCommand==KCmdnew || aCommand==KDataClassname )
   202 		{
   203 		DoCmdnewL(aSection);
   204 		}
   205 	else if ( aCommand==KCmdConstruct )
   206 		{
   207 		DoCmdConstructL(aSection);
   208 		}
   209 	else if ( aCommand==KCmdCommandReply )
   210 		{
   211 		DoCmdCommandReplyL(aSection);
   212 		}
   213 	else if ( aCommand==KCmdDestroy )
   214 		{
   215 		DoCmdDestroy();
   216 		}
   217 	else if ( aCommand==KCmdClose )
   218 		{
   219 		DoCmdClose();
   220 		}
   221 	else
   222 		{
   223 		ret=EFalse;
   224 		}
   226 	return ret;
   227 	}
   229 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdnewL(const TDesC& aSection)
   230 	{
   231 	DestroyData();
   232 	TPtrC  datRAnimName ; 
   233 	if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldRAnim, datRAnimName))
   234 		{
   235 		iAnim = static_cast<T_RAnimChild*>(GetDataObjectL(datRAnimName));
   236 		}
   237 	else 
   238 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldWin);
   239 	}
   241 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::ResetIpcArg()
   242 	{
   243 	for (TInt i=0; i<KIpcArgNum; i++)
   244 		{
   245 		iIpcArgs.Set(i, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
   246 		}
   247 	}
   249 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdConstructL(const TDesC& aSection)
   250 	{
   251 	TInt err = KErrNone;
   253 	// Get test data for command input parameter(s)
   254 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
   256 	// Get "const RWindowBase &aDevice" or "const RWsSprite &aDevice"
   257 	TPtrC        datWinName;
   258 	RWindowBase* win = NULL;
   259 	TPtrC        datSpriteName;
   260 	RWsSprite*   sprite = NULL;
   261 	if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldWin, datWinName))
   262 		{
   263 		win = static_cast<RWindowBase*>(GetDataObjectL(datWinName));
   264 		}
   265 	else if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldSprite, datSpriteName))
   266 		{
   267 		sprite = static_cast<RWsSprite*>(GetDataObjectL(datSpriteName));
   268 		}
   269 	if (!win && !sprite )
   270 		{
   271 		dataOk = EFalse;
   272 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldWin);
   273 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldSprite);
   274 		}
   276 	//Get "TInt aType"
   277 	TInt datType;
   278 	if ( !CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadAnimType(*this,aSection, KFldType, datType))
   279 		{
   280 		dataOk = EFalse;
   281 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldType);
   282 		}
   284 	// Get "const TDesC8 &aArgs"
   285 	TPtrC 	inputStr;
   287 	// get "const TIpcArgs &aIpcArgs"
   290 	if ( !dataOk )
   291 		{
   292 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   293 		}
   294 	else
   295 		{	
   296 		// Execute command and log parameters
   297 		if (win)
   298 			{
   299 				INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdConstruct1);
   300 				if (iAnim != NULL)
   301 				     err = iAnim->Construct(*win, datType, iSendBuf);	
   302 			}
   304 		else
   305 			{
   306 				INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdConstruct3);
   307 				TInt len=iSendBuf.Length();
   308 				if (iAnim != NULL)
   309 					err = iAnim->Construct(*sprite, datType, iSendBuf);	
   312 			}
   314 		// Check the command return code
   315 		if(err != KErrNone)
   316 			{
   317 			ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrConstruct, err);
   318 			SetError(err);
   319 			}
   320 		}
   321 	}
   323 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdCommandReplyL(const TDesC& aSection)
   324 	{
   326 	// Get test data for command input parameter(s)
   327 	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
   329 	// Get "TInt aOpcode"
   330 	TInt datOpcode;
   331 	if ( !CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadAnimCommand(*this, aSection, KFldOpcode,
   332 			datOpcode))//ReadAnimCommand():Convert datOpcode from string type to Int type
   333 		{
   334 		dataOk = EFalse;
   335 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldOpcode);
   336 		}
   338 	if (!dataOk)
   339 		{
   340 		_LIT(KFailed, "Can not read the Operation code from the config file. Failed. ");
   341 		INFO_PRINTF1(KFailed);
   342 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   343 		}
   344 	switch (datOpcode)
   345 		{
   346 			//Util
   347 		case ECmdRetrieveResult:
   348 			DoCmdRetrieveResult(aSection, datOpcode);
   349 			break;
   350 		case ECmdUtilEatupMemory:
   351 			DoCmdEatupMemory(datOpcode);
   352 			break;
   353 		case ECmdUtilFreeEatenMemory:
   354 			DoCmdFreeEatenMemory(datOpcode);
   355 			break;
   356 			// The MAnimGeneralFunctioins
   357 		case ECmdGeneralAnimate:
   358 			DoCmdGeneralAnimate(aSection, datOpcode);
   359 			break;
   360 		case ECmdGeneralClient:
   361 			DoCmdGeneralClient(aSection, datOpcode);
   362 			break;
   363 		case ECmdGeneralFlashStateOn:
   364 			DoCmdGeneralFlashStateOn(aSection, datOpcode);
   365 			break;
   366 		case ECmdGeneralPanic:
   367 			DoCmdGeneralPanic(aSection, datOpcode) ;
   368 			break;
   369 		case ECmdGeneralScreenDevice:
   370 			DoCmdGeneralScreenDevice(aSection, datOpcode) ;
   371 			break;
   372 		case ECmdGeneralExtendedInterface:
   373 			DoCmdGeneralExtendedInterface(aSection, datOpcode) ;
   374 			break;
   375 		case ECmdGeneralWindowExtension:
   376 			DoCmdGeneralWindowExtension(aSection, datOpcode) ;
   377 			break;
   378 		case ECmdGeneralNumOfExtInterfaces:
   379 			DoCmdGeneralNumOfExtInterfaces(aSection, datOpcode) ;
   380 			break;
   381 		case ECmdGeneralEventExtension:
   382 			DoCmdGeneralEventExtension(aSection, datOpcode) ;
   383 			break;
   384 		case ECmdGeneralGetRawEvents:
   385 			DoCmdGeneralGetRawEvents(aSection, datOpcode);
   386 			break;
   387 		case ECmdGeneralPostRawEvent:
   388 			DoCmdGeneralPostRawEvent(aSection, datOpcode);
   389 			break;
   390 		case ECmdGeneralPostKeyEvent:
   391 			DoCmdGeneralPostKeyEventL(aSection, datOpcode);
   392 			break;
   393 		case ECmdGeneralSetSync:
   394 			DoCmdGeneralSetSync(aSection, datOpcode);
   395 			break;
   396 		case ECmdGeneralSync:
   397 			DoCmdGeneralSync(aSection, datOpcode);
   398 			break;
   399 		case ECmdGeneralSetInterval:
   400 			DoCmdGeneralSetInterval(aSection, datOpcode);
   401 			break;
   402 		case ECmdGeneralSetNextInterval:
   403 			DoCmdGeneralSetNextInterval(aSection, datOpcode);
   404 			break;
   405 		case ECmdGeneralSystemTime:
   406 			DoCmdGeneralSystemTime(aSection, datOpcode);
   407 			break;
   408 		case ECmdGeneralRegisterForNotis:
   409 			DoCmdGeneralRegisterForNotis(aSection, datOpcode);
   410 			break;
   411 		case ECmdGeneralMessage:
   412 			DoCmdGeneralMessage(aSection, datOpcode);
   413 			break;
   414 		case ECmdGeneralDuplicateBitmapL:
   415 			DoCmdGeneralDuplicateBitmapL(aSection, datOpcode);
   416 			break;
   417 		case ECmdGeneralDuplicateFontL:
   418 			DoCmdGeneralDuplicateFontL(aSection, datOpcode);
   419 			break;
   420 		case ECmdGeneralCloseFont:
   421 			DoCmdGeneralCloseFontL(aSection, datOpcode);
   422 			break;
   423 		case ECmdGeneralReplyBuf8:
   424 			DoCmdGeneralReplyBuf8(aSection, datOpcode);
   425 			break;
   426 		case ECmdGeneralReplyBuf16:
   427 			DoCmdGeneralReplyBuf16(aSection, datOpcode);
   428 			break;
   429 			// the MAnimSpriteFunctioins 
   430 		case ECmdSpriteGetSpriteMember:
   431 			DoCmdSpriteGetSpriteMember(aSection, datOpcode);
   432 			break;
   433 		case ECmdSpriteUpdateMember:
   434 			DoCmdSpriteUpdateMember(aSection, datOpcode) ;
   435 			break;
   436 		case ECmdSpriteActivate:
   437 			DoCmdSpriteActivate(aSection, datOpcode) ;
   438 			break;
   439 		case ECmdSpriteSpriteCanBeSeen:
   440 			DoCmdSpriteSpriteCanBeSeen(aSection, datOpcode) ;
   441 			break;
   442 		case ECmdSpriteSizeChangedL:
   443 			DoCmdSpriteSizeChangedL(aSection, datOpcode) ;
   444 			break;
   445 		case ECmdSpriteSetPosition:
   446 			DoCmdSpriteSetPosition(aSection, datOpcode) ;
   447 			break;
   448 			//MAnimWindowFunctions
   449 		case ECmdWindowActivateGc:
   450 			{
   451 			DoWindowActivateGc(datOpcode);
   452 			break;
   453 			}
   454 		case ECmdWindowSetRect:
   455 		case ECmdWindowIsStarted:
   456 			{
   457 			DoWindowSetRect(datOpcode, aSection);
   458 			break;
   459 			}
   460 		case ECmdWindowWindowSize:
   461 			{
   462 			DoWindowWindowSizeL(datOpcode, aSection);
   463 			break;
   464 			}
   465 		case ECmdWindowIsHidden:
   466 			{
   467 			DoWindowIsHidden(datOpcode, aSection);
   468 			break;
   469 			}
   470 		case ECmdWindowSetVisible:
   471 			{
   472 			DoWindowSetVisible(datOpcode, aSection);
   473 			break;
   474 			}
   475 		case ECmdWindowInvalidate:
   476 			{
   477 			DoWindowInvalidate(datOpcode, aSection);
   478 			break;
   479 			}
   480 		case ECmdWindowParameters:
   481 			{
   482 			DoWindowParametersL(datOpcode, aSection);
   483 			break;
   484 			}
   485 		case ECmdWindowVisibleRegion:
   486 			{
   487 			DoWindowVisibleRegion(datOpcode, aSection);
   488 			break;
   490 			}
   491 			//MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension
   492 		case ECmdGfweScreens:
   493 			{
   494 			DoGeneralExtScreensL(datOpcode, aSection);
   495 			break;
   496 			}
   497 		case ECmdGfweFocusScreens:
   498 			{
   499 			DoGeneralExtFocusScreensL(datOpcode, aSection);
   500 			break;
   501 			}
   502 		case ECmdGfweSetFocusScreen:
   503 			{
   504 			DoGeneralExtSetFocusScreen(datOpcode, aSection);
   505 			break;
   506 			}
   507 		case ECmdGfweWindowGroups:
   508 			{
   509 			DoGeneralExtWindowGroupsL(datOpcode, aSection);
   510 			break;
   511 			}
   512 		case ECmdGfweWindowGroupInfo:
   513 			{
   514 			DoGeneralExtWindowGroupInfoL(datOpcode, aSection);
   515 			break;
   516 			}
   517 		case ECmdGfweWindowGroupName:
   518 			{
   519 			DoGeneralExtWindowGroupNameL(datOpcode, aSection);
   520 			break;
   521 			}
   522 		case ECmdGfweSetOrdinalPosition:
   523 			{
   524 			DoGeneralExtSetOrdinalPositionL(datOpcode, aSection);
   525 			break;
   526 			}
   527 		case ECmdGfweWindowConfig:
   528 			{
   529 			DoGeneralExtWindowConfigL(datOpcode, aSection);
   530 			break;
   531 			}
   532 			//MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions
   533 		case ECmdFreeTimerWinDeactivateGc:
   534 			{
   535 			DoFreeTimerWinDeactivateGc(datOpcode);
   536 			break;
   537 			}
   538 		case ECmdFreeTimerWinUpdate:
   539 			{
   540 			DoFreeTimerWinUpdate(datOpcode);
   541 			break;
   542 			}
   543 		default:
   544 			{
   545 			_LIT(KFailed2, "Unsupported operation code. ");
   546 			INFO_PRINTF1(KFailed2);
   547 			break;
   548 			}
   549 		}
   550 	}
   552 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdClose()
   553 	{
   554 	iAnim  = NULL ;
   555 	}
   557 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdDestroy()
   558 	{
   559 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdDestroy);
   560 	iAnim  = NULL ;
   561 	}
   563 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdDestructor()
   564 	{
   565 	// Execute command and log parameters
   566 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdDestructor1);
   567 	iAnim = NULL;
   568 	}
   570 //*************************MAnimWindowFunctions verifying********************************
   571 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoWindowActivateGc(TInt aOpcode)
   572 	{
   573 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply1, aOpcode);
   574 	TInt err=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode);
   575 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   577 	if (err != KErrNone)
   578 		{
   579 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   580 		SetError(err);
   581 		}
   582 	}
   584 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoWindowSetRect(TInt aOpcode, const TDesC& aSection)
   585 	{
   586 	switch (aOpcode)
   587 		{
   588 		case ECmdWindowSetRect:
   589 			{
   590 			TPtrC8 ptr;
   591 			TRect sendRect;
   592 			if (!GetRectFromConfig(aSection, KFldRect, sendRect))
   593 				{
   594 				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldRect());
   595 				SetBlockResult(EFail);
   596 				}
   597 			TPckgBuf<TRect> sendVal(sendRect);
   598 			iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
   599 			iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendVal);
   601 			INFO_PRINTF2(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3, aOpcode);
   602 			TInt err=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr, iIpcArgs);
   603 			INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   605 			if (err != KErrNone)
   606 				{
   607 				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   608 				SetError(err);
   609 				}
   610 			ResetIpcArg();
   611 			break;
   612 			}
   613 		case ECmdWindowIsStarted:
   614 			{
   615 			INFO_PRINTF2(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply1, aOpcode);
   616 			TInt err=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode);
   617 			INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   618 			if (err != KErrNone)
   619 				{
   620 				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   621 				SetError(err);
   622 				}
   623 			break;
   624 			}
   625 		}
   626 	}
   628 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoWindowWindowSizeL(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   629 	{
   630 	TPtrC8 ptr;
   631 	TPtrC datWinName;
   632 	RWindowBase* win= NULL;
   633 	if (GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldWin, datWinName))
   634 		{
   635 		win = static_cast<RWindowBase*>(GetDataObjectL(datWinName));
   636 		}
   637 	TSize expected=win->Size();
   638 	TSize resultBuf;
   639 	TPckgBuf<TSize> retrndPck(expected);
   640 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
   641 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &retrndPck);
   642 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3, aOpcode);
   643 	TInt err=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr, iIpcArgs);
   644 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   646 	resultBuf=retrndPck();
   647 	if (expected!=resultBuf)
   648 		{
   649 		ERR_PRINTF5(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: (%d,%d), actual: (%d,%d)"), expected.iWidth,expected.iHeight, resultBuf.iWidth,resultBuf.iHeight);
   650 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   651 		}
   652 	ResetIpcArg();
   653 	} 
   655 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoWindowIsHidden(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   656 	{
   657 	TBool expectedVal;
   659 	if (!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpected, expectedVal))
   660 		{
   661 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldExpected());
   662 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   663 		}
   664 	else
   665 		{
   666 		INFO_PRINTF2(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply1, aOpcode);
   667 		TInt actual=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode);
   668 		INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, actual);
   669 		if (actual!=expectedVal)
   670 			{
   671 			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedVal, actual);
   672 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   673 			}
   674 		}
   675 	}
   677 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoWindowSetVisible(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   678 	{
   679 	TBool setVisible;
   680 	TPtrC8 ptr;
   682 	if (!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KFldState, setVisible))
   683 		{
   684 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldState());
   685 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   686 		}
   688 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
   689 	TPckgBuf<TBool> setVisiblePck(setVisible);
   690 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &setVisiblePck);
   691 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3, aOpcode);
   692 	TInt err=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr, iIpcArgs);
   693 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   694 	if (err != KErrNone)
   695 		{
   696 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   697 		SetError(err);
   698 		}
   699 	ResetIpcArg();
   700 	}
   702 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoWindowInvalidate(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   703 	{
   705 	TPtrC datWinName;
   706 	TPtrC8 ptr;
   707 	TRect rectVal;
   708 	if (!GetRectFromConfig(aSection, KFldRect, rectVal))
   709 		{
   710 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldRect());
   711 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   712 		}
   713 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
   714 	TPckgBuf<TRect> rectValPck(rectVal);
   715 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &rectValPck);
   716 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3, aOpcode);
   717 	TInt err=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr, iIpcArgs);
   718 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   719 	if (err != KErrNone)
   720 		{
   721 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   722 		SetError(err);
   723 		}
   724 	ResetIpcArg();
   725 	}
   727 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoWindowParametersL(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   728 	{
   729 	RWindowBase* win= NULL;
   730 	TSize expectedSize;
   731 	TInt expectedDisplyMd;
   732 	TPtrC val;
   733 	TPtrC8 ptr;
   734 	TPtrC datWinName;
   735 	TPckgBuf<TRect> retrndWindowPostn;
   736 	TPckgBuf<TInt> retrndDisplyMd;
   737 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
   738 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &retrndWindowPostn);
   739 	iIpcArgs.Set(2, &retrndDisplyMd);
   741 	//Send command to server
   742 	TInt err=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr, iIpcArgs);
   743 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   744 	if (err != KErrNone)
   745 		{
   746 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
   747 		SetError(err);
   748 		}
   749 	else
   750 		{
   751 		//Get the window's Size and Displaymode
   752 		if (GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldWin, datWinName))
   753 			{
   754 			win = static_cast<RWindowBase*>(GetDataObjectL(datWinName));
   755 			}
   756 		expectedSize=win->Size();
   757 		expectedDisplyMd=win->DisplayMode();
   759 		TRect retrndWinInf=retrndWindowPostn();
   760 		TSize retrndSize=retrndWinInf.Size();
   761 		TInt retrndDisplyM=retrndDisplyMd();
   763 		if (retrndSize!=expectedSize)
   764 			{
   765 			ERR_PRINTF5(_L("The value is not as expected! expected: (%d,%d), actual: (%d,%d)"), expectedSize.iWidth,expectedSize.iHeight, retrndSize.iWidth,retrndSize.iHeight);
   766 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   767 			}
   768 		if (retrndDisplyM!=expectedDisplyMd)
   769 			{
   770 			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The value is not as expected! expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedDisplyMd, retrndDisplyM);
   771 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   772 			}
   773 		}
   774 	ResetIpcArg();
   775 	}
   777 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoWindowVisibleRegion(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   778 	{
   779 	TInt expecteValue;
   780 	TInt actual;
   782 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpected, expecteValue))
   783 		{
   784 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldExpected());
   785 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   786 		}
   787 	else
   788 		{
   789 		actual=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode);
   790 		INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, actual);
   791 		if (actual!=expecteValue)
   792 			{
   793 			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expecteValue, actual);
   794 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   795 			}
   796 		}
   797 	}
   799 //****************MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension verifying*******************************
   801 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoGeneralExtScreensL(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   802 	{
   803 	RWsSession* ws;
   804 	TPtrC datWsName;
   805 	if (GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldWs, datWsName))
   806 		{
   807 		ws = static_cast<RWsSession*>(GetDataObjectL(datWsName));
   808 		}
   809 	TInt expectedScreenNumb=ws->NumberOfScreens();
   810 	//Send Command, no data to server, check the returned value from Server by comparing with RWsSession::NumberOfScreens
   811 	TInt actualScreenNumb=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode);
   812 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, actualScreenNumb);
   813 	if (actualScreenNumb!=expectedScreenNumb)
   814 		{
   815 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedScreenNumb, actualScreenNumb);
   816 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   817 		}
   818 	}
   820 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoGeneralExtFocusScreensL(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   821 	{
   822 	RWsSession* ws;
   823 	TPtrC datWsName;
   824 	TInt expectedVal;
   826 	TInt actual=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode);
   827 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("FocuseScreens is %d"),actual);
   829 	//If there is no expected value set in ini file, get the focus screen; 
   830 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpected, expectedVal))
   831 		{
   832 		if (GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldWs, datWsName))
   833 			{
   834 			ws = static_cast<RWsSession*>(GetDataObjectL(datWsName));
   835 			}
   837 		expectedVal=ws->GetFocusScreen();
   838 		}
   840 	if (actual!=expectedVal)
   841 		{
   842 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedVal, actual);
   843 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   844 		}
   845 	}
   847 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoGeneralExtSetFocusScreen(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   848 	{
   849 	TInt screenNo;
   850 	TPtrC8 ptr;
   851 	TPtrC datWsName;
   853 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldScreenNumb, screenNo))
   854 		{
   855 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldScreenNumb());
   856 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   857 		}
   858 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
   859 	TPckgBuf<TInt> screenNoPck(screenNo);
   860 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &screenNoPck);
   861 	TInt actual=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr, iIpcArgs);
   862 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, actual);
   864 	ResetIpcArg();
   865 	}
   867 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoGeneralExtWindowGroupsL(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   868 	{
   869 	TPtrC8 ptr;
   870 	TInt screenNo;
   871 	TPtrC datWsName;
   872 	RWsSession* ws;
   873 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldScreenNumb, screenNo))
   874 		{
   875 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldScreenNumb());
   876 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   877 		}
   878 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
   879 	TPckgBuf<TInt> screenNoPck(screenNo);
   880 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &screenNoPck);
   881 	TInt actual=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr, iIpcArgs);
   882 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, actual);
   884 	if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldWs, datWsName))
   885 		{
   886 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldWs());
   887 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   888 		}
   889 	ws = static_cast<RWsSession*>(GetDataObjectL(datWsName));
   890 	TInt expectedVal=ws->NumWindowGroups();
   892 	if (actual!=expectedVal)
   893 		{
   894 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedVal, actual);
   895 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   896 		}
   897 	ResetIpcArg();
   898 	}
   900 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoGeneralExtWindowGroupInfoL(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   901 	{
   902 	TInt screenNo;
   903 	TPtrC8 ptr;
   904 	TPtrC datWingrpName;
   905 	TInt retrnPck;
   906 	TInt expectedGrpInfo;
   907 	RWindowGroup* wingrp;
   908 	//Get window group object in order to verify the window group's name's existance.
   909 	if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldWingrp, datWingrpName))
   910 		{
   911 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldWingrp());
   912 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   913 		}
   914 	wingrp = static_cast<RWindowGroup*>(GetDataObjectL(datWingrpName));
   916 	//Get screen number from ini file and set to IPC slot 1.
   917 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldScreenNumb, screenNo))
   918 		{
   919 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldScreenNumb());
   920 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   921 		}
   922 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
   923 	TPckgBuf<TInt> screenNoPck(screenNo);
   924 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &screenNoPck);
   926 	//Get fullOrdipostion from ini or by using FullOrdinalPosition method and set to IPC slot 2.
   927 	TInt fullOrdiPostion;
   928 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldFullOrdinPostn, fullOrdiPostion))
   929 		{
   930 		fullOrdiPostion=wingrp->FullOrdinalPosition();
   931 		}
   932 	TPckgBuf<TInt> fullOrdiPostionPck(fullOrdiPostion);
   933 	iIpcArgs.Set(2, &fullOrdiPostionPck);
   935 	//Set IPC slot 3 to receive ID of the TWindowGroupInfo.
   936 	TPckgBuf<TInt> retrnWinGrpInfo;
   937 	iIpcArgs.Set(3, &retrnWinGrpInfo);
   939 	TInt actual=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr, iIpcArgs);
   940 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, actual);
   941 	TBool expectedVal;
   942 	if (!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpected, expectedVal))
   943 		{
   944 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldExpected);
   945 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   946 		}
   947 	if (actual!=expectedVal)
   948 		{
   949 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedVal, actual);
   950 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   951 		}
   952 	if (actual!=EFalse)
   953 		{
   954 		retrnPck=retrnWinGrpInfo();//Get returned window group ID
   956 		expectedGrpInfo=wingrp->WindowGroupId();
   957 		if (retrnPck!=expectedGrpInfo)
   958 			{
   959 			ERR_PRINTF3(
   960 			_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"),
   961 			expectedGrpInfo, retrnPck);
   962 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
   963 			}
   964 		}
   965 	ResetIpcArg();
   966 	}
   968 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoGeneralExtWindowGroupNameL(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
   969 	{
   970 	TBuf<32> getWindowName;
   971 	TBool expectedVal;
   972 	TInt screenNo;
   973 	TInt fullOrdiPostion;
   974 	//Get Screen number from ini and set to IPC slot 1.
   975 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldScreenNumb, screenNo))
   976 		{
   977 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldScreenNumb);
   978 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   979 		}
   980 	TPtrC8 ptr;
   981 	TPckgBuf<TInt> screenNoPck(screenNo);
   982 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
   983 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &screenNoPck);
   985 	TPtrC datWingrpName;
   986 	RWindowGroup* wingrp;
   987 	//Get window group object
   988 	if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldWingrp, datWingrpName))
   989 		{
   990 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldWingrp());
   991 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
   992 		}
   993 	wingrp = static_cast<RWindowGroup*>(GetDataObjectL(datWingrpName));
   994 	//Get fullOrdinary position and set to IPC slot 2.
   995 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldFullOrdinPostn, fullOrdiPostion))
   996 		{
   997 		fullOrdiPostion=wingrp->FullOrdinalPosition();
   998 		}
  1000 	TPckgBuf<TInt> fullOrdiPostionPck(fullOrdiPostion);
  1001 	iIpcArgs.Set(2, &fullOrdiPostionPck);
  1002 	//Set IPC slot 3 to receive the window name returned from server side.
  1003 	TBuf<32> retrnWindowName;
  1004 	iIpcArgs.Set(3, &retrnWindowName);
  1006 	TInt actual=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr, iIpcArgs);
  1007 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, actual);
  1008 	if (!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpected, expectedVal))
  1009 		{
  1010 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldExpected);
  1011 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1012 		}
  1013 	if (actual!=expectedVal)
  1014 		{
  1015 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedVal, actual);
  1016 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1017 		}
  1018 	//If commandreply returns ETrue then check the window group's name.
  1019 	if (actual)
  1020 		{
  1021 		TInt result=wingrp->Name(getWindowName);
  1022 		if (result!=KErrNone)
  1023 			{
  1024 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to get the window group's name!"));
  1025 			SetError(result);
  1026 			}
  1027 		INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Check the group name is expected. expected: %d,actual: %d"),&getWindowName,&retrnWindowName);
  1028 		if (getWindowName!=retrnWindowName)
  1029 			{
  1030 			ERR_PRINTF1(_L("The returned window group name is not expected"));
  1031 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1032 			}
  1033 		}
  1034 	ResetIpcArg();
  1035 	}
  1037 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoGeneralExtSetOrdinalPositionL(TInt aOpcode,const TDesC& aSection)
  1038 	{
  1039 	TInt expectedVal;
  1040 	TPtrC8 ptr;
  1041 	TInt wingrpid;
  1042 	TInt newOrdinPrio;
  1043 	TInt newOrdinaPostn;
  1044 	TPtrC datWingrpName;
  1045 	RWindowGroup* wingrp;
  1046 	if (GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldWingrp, datWingrpName))
  1047 		{
  1048 		wingrp = static_cast<RWindowGroup*>(GetDataObjectL(datWingrpName));
  1049 		}
  1050 	//Before sending command, get window group ID from wrapper or ini as arg(IPC slot 1)
  1051 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldWingrpId, wingrpid))
  1052 		{
  1053 		wingrpid=wingrp->WindowGroupId();
  1054 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("RWindowTreeNode::WindowGroupId	= %d"), wingrpid);
  1055 		}
  1056 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  1057 	TPckgBuf<TInt> wingrpidPck(wingrpid);
  1058 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &wingrpidPck);
  1060 	//Get Group Id from wrapper or ini and send to server as IPC slot2
  1061 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldOrdinalPosition, newOrdinaPostn))
  1062 		{
  1063 		newOrdinaPostn = wingrp->OrdinalPosition();
  1064 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("RWindowTreeNode::FullOrdinalPosition	= %d"), newOrdinaPostn);
  1065 		}
  1066 	TPckgBuf<TInt> newOrdinaPostnPck(newOrdinaPostn);
  1067 	iIpcArgs.Set(2, &newOrdinaPostnPck);
  1069 	//Get new ordinal priority of the window as arg(IPC slot 3) from ini file;
  1070 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldOrdinalPriority, newOrdinPrio))
  1071 		{
  1072 		newOrdinPrio = wingrp->OrdinalPriority();
  1073 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("RWindowTreeNode::FullOrdinalPriority	= %d"), newOrdinPrio);
  1074 		}
  1075 	TPckgBuf<TInt> newOrdinPrioPck(newOrdinPrio);
  1076 	iIpcArgs.Set(3, &newOrdinPrioPck);
  1078 	TInt err=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr, iIpcArgs);
  1079 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpected, expectedVal))
  1080 		{
  1081 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldExpected);
  1082 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1083 		}
  1085 	if (err!=expectedVal)
  1086 		{
  1087 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedVal, err);
  1088 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1089 		}
  1090 	//Get the new OrdinalPostion and Priority using window group methods;
  1091 	if (err!=KErrNotFound)
  1092 		{
  1093 		TInt retrnOrdinPostn=wingrp->OrdinalPosition();
  1094 		TInt retrnOrdinPrio=wingrp->OrdinalPriority();
  1096 		if (retrnOrdinPostn!=newOrdinaPostn)
  1097 			{
  1098 			ERR_PRINTF3(
  1099 			_L("The returned ordinalposition is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"),
  1100 			newOrdinaPostn, retrnOrdinPostn);
  1101 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1102 			}
  1104 		if (retrnOrdinPrio!=newOrdinPrio)
  1105 			{
  1106 			ERR_PRINTF3(
  1107 			_L("The returned ordinalpriority is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"),
  1108 			newOrdinPrio, retrnOrdinPrio);
  1109 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1110 			}
  1111 		}
  1112 	ResetIpcArg();
  1113 	}
  1115 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoGeneralExtIsFocusableL(TInt aOpcode, const TDesC& aSection)
  1116 	{
  1117 	TInt screenNub;
  1118 	TBool expectedVal;
  1119 	TInt sendFullOrdinPstn;
  1120 	if (!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldScreenNumb, screenNub))
  1121 		{
  1122 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrMissingPara, &KFldScreenNumb);
  1123 		}
  1124 	TPtrC8 ptr;
  1125 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  1126 	TPckgBuf<TInt> screenNubPck(screenNub);
  1127 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &screenNubPck);
  1129 	TPtrC datWingrpName;
  1130 	RWindowGroup* wingrp;
  1131 	if (GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldWingrp, datWingrpName))
  1132 		{
  1133 		wingrp = static_cast<RWindowGroup*>(GetDataObjectL(datWingrpName));
  1134 		}
  1136 	//Get animation window's FullOrdinalPosition as arg(IPC slot 2)
  1138 	sendFullOrdinPstn = wingrp->FullOrdinalPosition();
  1139 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("RWindowTreeNode::FullOrdinalPosition	= %d"), sendFullOrdinPstn);
  1140 	TPckgBuf<TInt> sendFullOrdinPstnPck(sendFullOrdinPstn);
  1141 	iIpcArgs.Set(2, &sendFullOrdinPstnPck);
  1143 	//Check the CommandReply return value
  1144 	TInt err=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr, iIpcArgs);
  1145 	if (!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpected, expectedVal))
  1146 		{
  1147 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldExpected);
  1148 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1149 		}
  1151 	if (err!=expectedVal)
  1152 		{
  1153 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedVal, err);
  1154 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1155 		}
  1156 	ResetIpcArg();
  1157 	}
  1159 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoGeneralExtWindowConfigL(TInt aOpcode, const TDesC& aSection)
  1160 	{
  1161 	TBool expectedVal;
  1162 	if (!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpected, expectedVal))
  1163 		{
  1164 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldExpected);
  1165 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1166 		}
  1167 	else
  1168 		{
  1169 		TPtrC8 ptr;
  1170 		TInt ret = iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr);
  1171 		if (ret != expectedVal)
  1172 			{
  1173 			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedVal, ret);
  1174 			SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1175 			}			
  1176 		}	
  1177 	}
  1179 //*******************MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunction verifying*******************************
  1180 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoFreeTimerWinDeactivateGc(TInt aOpcode)
  1181 	{
  1182 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Excute %d"), aOpcode);
  1183 	TPtrC8 ptr;
  1184 	TInt err=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode, ptr);
  1185 	if (err != KErrNone)
  1186 		{
  1187 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
  1188 		SetError(err);
  1189 		}
  1190 	}
  1192 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoFreeTimerWinUpdate(TInt aOpcode)
  1193 	{
  1194 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply1);
  1196 	TInt err=iAnim->CommandReply(aOpcode);
  1198 	if(err!=KErrNone)
  1199 		{
  1200 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CommandReply failed with error %d"), err);
  1201 		SetError(err);
  1202 		}
  1203 	}
  1205 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1206 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdRetrieveResult(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  1207 	{
  1208 	TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode);
  1209 	TBool expectdVal;
  1210     //Get  expected value from ini file.
  1211 	if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSectName,KFldExpected,expectdVal))
  1212 		{
  1213 		if ( result != KErrNone)
  1214 		   ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, result);	 	
  1215 		else // success
  1216 		   { 
  1217 		   INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Retrieve Result event return ETrue"));
  1218 		   }
  1219 		}
  1220 	if(result!=expectdVal)
  1221 		{
  1222 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectdVal, result);
  1223 		SetBlockResult (EFail);
  1224 		}
  1225 	else   
  1226 		{
  1227 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Retrieve Result equals to the expected value"));
  1228 		}
  1229 	} 
  1231 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralAnimate(const TDesC& aSectName,  const TInt& datOpcode )
  1232     {
  1233     //Get the datetime from the ini file
  1234     TDateTime dateTime ;
  1235 	if(!GetDateTimeFromConfig(aSectName,  dateTime))
  1236 	  	{
  1237 	 	ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KlogDateTime);
  1238 	 	SetBlockResult(EFail);  
  1239 	  	}	
  1240 	TPckgBuf<TDateTime> sendPckg(dateTime);
  1241 	iIpcArgs.Set(0,TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  1242 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg);
  1244 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1245 	// Send the command to notify the server
  1246 	TInt ret = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf, iIpcArgs); 
  1248 	// Check the command return code 
  1249 	if(ret == KErrNone)   
  1250     	{
  1251 	    ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, ret);	 
  1252         SetBlockResult (EFail);          
  1253 		}
  1254 	else
  1255 		{
  1256 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("General Animate invoked succesffully and return successfully "));
  1257 		}
  1258 	ResetIpcArg();
  1259     }
  1262 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralClient(const TDesC& /*aSectName*/,  const TInt& datOpcode )
  1263     {
  1264     // Send the command to notify the server
  1265     INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1266     TInt ret =	iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  1268 	// Check the return thread id equals to the client thread or not.
  1269 	TInt clientThreadId = RThread().Id().Id();
  1271 	if ( ret == clientThreadId )
  1272 		{
  1273 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("General client invoked succesffully"));
  1274 		}
  1275 	else 
  1276 		{
  1277 		ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, ret);	 
  1278 	    SetBlockResult (EFail);     
  1279 		}
  1280     }
  1283 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralFlashStateOn(const TDesC& aSectName,  const TInt& datOpcode )
  1284     {
  1285     // Send the command to notify the server. 
  1286     INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1287     TBool expected(EFalse);
  1288     TInt ret = -1 ;
  1290     if ( !GetBoolFromConfig(aSectName,KFldExpected, expected) )
  1291 		{
  1292 	    ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldExpected);
  1293 		SetBlockResult(EFail); 
  1294 		} 
  1296     ret = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);	
  1297     //If ret return -1, the result value can not be trusted(Please refer to the code in AnimPlugin::WinAnim).
  1298     //So it need another calling untill the ret return a ETrue or EFalse.
  1299     while(ret == -1)
  1300     	{
  1301     	User::After(100000);
  1302     	ret = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);	
  1303     	}
  1306     // Check if the return is ETrue (1) or EFalse(0)
  1307     if ( ret == static_cast<TInt>(expected) )
  1308 	   { 
  1309        INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GeneralFlashStateOn invoked succesffully. Return code equals to expected vaule "));						 			
  1310 	   }
  1311    else 
  1312 	   {
  1313 	   ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, ret);	 	
  1314        SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  1315 	   }
  1316     }
  1318 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralPanic(const TDesC& /*aSectName*/ , const TInt& datOpcode)
  1319     {
  1320 	//Send the command to notify the server.
  1321 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1322 	TInt err = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1324 	//The client will be paniced by the server
  1325 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GeneralPanic invoked successfully"));	 	 				 		 			
  1326 	}
  1328 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralScreenDevice(const TDesC& /*aSectName*/ , const TInt& datOpcode )
  1329     {
  1330 	//Send the command to notify the server .
  1331 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1332 	TInt ret = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1334 	//Check if the return code is 0(Success) or not.
  1335 	if ( ret == KErrNone ) 
  1336 	    { 
  1337 	    INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GeneralScreenDevice invoked succesffully."));						 			
  1338 	    }
  1339 	else 
  1340 	    {
  1341 	    ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, ret);	 	
  1342 	    SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  1343 	    }
  1344 	}
  1346 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralWindowExtension(const TDesC& /*aSectName*/, const TInt& datOpcode)
  1347 	{
  1348 	// Send the command to notify the server .
  1349 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1350 	TInt ret = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf, iIpcArgs);
  1352 	// Check if the return code is 0(Success) or not.
  1353 	if (ret == KErrNone)
  1354 		{
  1355 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GeneralWindowExtension invoked succesffully."));
  1356 		}
  1357 	else
  1358 		{
  1359 		ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, ret);
  1360 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1361 		}
  1362 	}
  1364 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralEventExtension( const TDesC& /*aSectName*/,const TInt& datOpcode)
  1365 	{
  1366 	// Send the command to notify the server .
  1367     INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1368 	TInt ret = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1370 	// Check if the return code is 0(Success) or not.
  1371 	if ( ret == KErrNone )
  1372 		{
  1373 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GeneralEventExtension invoked succesffully."));
  1374 		}
  1375 	else
  1376 		{
  1377 		ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, ret);
  1378 		SetBlockResult (EFail);
  1379 		}
  1380 	}
  1382  void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralExtendedInterface(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode )  
  1383     {
  1384     TInt interface ;
  1385     //Get interface from ini file and set it as IpcArgs 1. 
  1386 	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName,KFldInterface, interface) )
  1387 	 	 {
  1388 	 	 ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldInterface);
  1389 	 	 SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  1390 	 	 }
  1391     TPckgBuf<TInt> sendPckg(interface);
  1392 	iIpcArgs.Set(0,TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  1393 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg);
  1394 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1395     //Send the command to notify the server .
  1396 	TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1398 	//  Check the command return code 
  1399 	if ( interface == 0 )
  1400 	   {
  1401 	   TInt expected ;
  1403 	   if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName,KFldExpected, expected) )
  1404 		   {
  1405 		   ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldInterface);
  1406 		   SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  1407 		   }
  1408 	   if ( result != expected ) /*so far, the expected value is 2.*/
  1409            { 
  1410 	       ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, result);	 	
  1411 	       SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  1412            }
  1413 	   else 
  1414 	       {
  1415            INFO_PRINTF1(_L("extended interface return is okay when the input paramter is 0"));
  1416 	       }
  1417 	   }
  1418 	else if( interface == 1 )
  1419 	   {
  1420 	   if ( result == 0) // server return 0 stands for okay.
  1421 		   { 
  1422 		   INFO_PRINTF1(_L("extended interface return is okay when the input paramter is 1")); 
  1423 		   }
  1424 	   else 
  1425 		   { 
  1426 		   ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, result);	 	
  1427 		   SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  1428 	       } 
  1429 	   }
  1430     else if( interface == 2 )
  1431 	   {
  1432 	   if ( result == 0) // server return 0 stands for okay.
  1433 		   { 
  1434 		   INFO_PRINTF1(_L("extended interface return is okay when the input paramter is 2")); 
  1435 		   }
  1436 	   else 
  1437 		   { 
  1438 		   ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, result);	 	
  1439 		   SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  1440 		   } 
  1441 	   }  
  1442 	else 
  1443 	   {
  1444 	   if ( result == 0) // server return 0 stands for okay.
  1445 		   { 
  1446 		   INFO_PRINTF1(_L("extended interface return is a NULL pointer when the input paramter is OUT of 0~2")); 
  1447 		   }
  1448 	   else 
  1449 		   { 
  1450 		   ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, result);	 	
  1451 		   SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  1452 	       } 
  1453 	   }
  1454 	ResetIpcArg();
  1455 	}
  1457 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralNumOfExtInterfaces(const TDesC& aSectName,const TInt& datOpcode)
  1458     {
  1459     // Send the command to notify the server.
  1460     INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1461 	TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs);
  1463 	INFO_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  1465 	// Check the return code 
  1466 	TInt expected;
  1467 	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName,KFldExpected, expected) )
  1468 		{
  1469 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldInterface);
  1470 		SetBlockResult (EFail);
  1471 		}
  1472 	if (result != expected) // so far ,the expected value is 2. 
  1473 		{
  1474 		ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  1475 		SetBlockResult (EFail);
  1476 		}
  1477 	else
  1478 		{
  1479 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("NumberofExtendedInterfaces return is okay when the input paramter is 0"));
  1480 		}
  1481 	}
  1484  void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralGetRawEvents(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  1485     {
  1486     TBool bGetEvent;
  1487     //Get the rawevent parameter from ini file and set it as the IpcArgs 1 . 
  1488     if ( !GetBoolFromConfig(aSectName,KFldGetEvent ,bGetEvent))
  1489 		{
  1490 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldGetEvent);
  1491 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1492 		}
  1493 	iIpcArgs.Set(0,TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  1494 	TPckgBuf<TBool> sendPckg(bGetEvent);
  1495 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg);
  1497 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1498     // Send the command to notify the server .
  1499     TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1501 	//Check the result is 0(Success) or not.
  1502 	if (result != KErrNone )
  1503 		{
  1504 		ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  1505 		SetBlockResult (EFail);
  1506 		}
  1507 	else
  1508 		{
  1509 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GetRawEvents return is okay "));
  1510 		}
  1511 	}
  1513  void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralPostRawEvent(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  1514 	{
  1515 	TRawEvent rawEvent;
  1516 	TPtrC str;
  1517     //Get the post rawevent parameter from ini file and set it as the IpcArgs 1 . 
  1518 	if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldPostRawEvent,str))
  1519 	    {
  1520 	    ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldPostRawEvent);
  1521 	    SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1522 	    }
  1523     TRawEvent::TType type;
  1524     if ( str == KENone )
  1525         type = TRawEvent::ENone;
  1526     else if ( str == KEPointerMove )
  1527         type = TRawEvent::EPointerMove;
  1528     else if ( str == KEPointerSwitchOn)
  1529         type = TRawEvent::EPointerSwitchOn;
  1530     else if ( str == KEKeyDown )
  1531         type = TRawEvent::EKeyDown;
  1532     else if ( str == KEKeyUp )
  1533         type = TRawEvent::EKeyUp;
  1534     else if ( str == KERedraw)
  1535         type = TRawEvent::ERedraw;
  1536     else if ( str == KESwitchOn )
  1537         type = TRawEvent::ESwitchOn;
  1538     else if ( str == KEActive)
  1539         type = TRawEvent::EActive;
  1540     else if ( str == KEInactive)
  1541         type = TRawEvent::EInactive;
  1542     else if ( str == KEUpdateModifiers)
  1543         type = TRawEvent::EUpdateModifiers;
  1544     else if ( str == KEButton1Down)
  1545         type = TRawEvent::EButton1Down;
  1546     else if ( str == KEButton1Up)
  1547         type = TRawEvent::EButton1Up;
  1548     else if ( str == KEButton2Down)
  1549         type = TRawEvent::EButton2Down;
  1550     else if ( str == KEButton2Up)
  1551         type = TRawEvent::EButton2Up;
  1552     else if ( str == KEButton3Down)
  1553         type = TRawEvent::EButton3Down;
  1554     else if ( str == KEButton3Up)
  1555         type = TRawEvent::EButton3Up;
  1556     else if ( str == KESwitchOff)
  1557         type = TRawEvent::ESwitchOff;
  1558     else if ( str == KEKeyRepeat)
  1559         type = TRawEvent::EKeyRepeat;
  1560     else if ( str == KECaseOpen)
  1561         type = TRawEvent::ECaseOpen;
  1562     else if ( str == KECaseClose)
  1563         type = TRawEvent::ECaseClose;
  1564     else if ( str == KERestartSystem)
  1565         type = TRawEvent::ERestartSystem;
  1567     rawEvent.Set(type);
  1568     TPckgBuf<TRawEvent> sendPckg(rawEvent);
  1570     iIpcArgs.Set(0,TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  1571     iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg);
  1573     INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1574     //Send the command to notify the server .
  1575 	TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1577     //Check the result is 0(Success) or not.
  1578     if (result != KErrNone )
  1579 	   {
  1580 	   ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  1581        SetBlockResult (EFail);
  1582 	   }
  1583     else
  1584 	   {
  1585 	   INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PostRawEvent return is okay "));
  1586 	   }
  1587     }  
  1590  void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralPostKeyEventL(const TDesC& aSectName ,  const TInt& datOpcode)
  1591 	{
  1592 	/*
  1593 	* 1.Use WinAnim plugin dll to post a key event. 
  1594 	* 2.Use an RWindowGroup object to capture the key event.
  1595 	* */
  1597 	TKeyEvent keyEvent;
  1598 	TKeyCode aKeyCode;
  1599 	_LIT( KCode , "Code"); 
  1600     //Get the keycode from the ini file. 
  1601 	if (!CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadKeyCode(*this, aSectName, KCode , aKeyCode))
  1602 		{
  1603 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KCode);
  1604 		SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1605 		}
  1606     // The keyEvent will be set as the IpcArg 1 .    
  1607 	TInt captureKey = aKeyCode;
  1608 	keyEvent.iCode = aKeyCode;
  1609 	keyEvent.iScanCode =aKeyCode;
  1610 	keyEvent.iModifiers = 0;
  1611 	keyEvent.iRepeats = 0;
  1613 	_LIT(KWindowGroup, "windowgroup");
  1614 	_LIT(KWsSession, "session");
  1615 	RWindowGroup* group = NULL;
  1616 	RWsSession* session = NULL;
  1617 	TPtrC datName;
  1618 	if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSectName, KWindowGroup , datName) )
  1619 		{
  1620 		group = static_cast<RWindowGroup*>(GetDataObjectL(datName));
  1621 		}
  1623    	if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSectName, KWsSession , datName) )
  1624    		{
  1625 	    session = static_cast<RWsSession*>(GetDataObjectL(datName));
  1626    		}
  1627    	group->CaptureKey(captureKey, 0, 0);	
  1628 	TPckgBuf<TKeyEvent> sendPckg(keyEvent);
  1629 	iIpcArgs.Set(0,TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  1630 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg);   
  1631 	TInt err = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1633 	//Check the result is 0(Success) or not.
  1634 	if (err != KErrNone )  
  1635 		{
  1636 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, err);
  1637 		SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  1638 		}			
  1639 	else 
  1640 		{
  1641 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PostKeyEvent return is okay "));
  1642 		}  	
  1643 	TRequestStatus myStatus;
  1644 	session->EventReady(&myStatus);
  1645 	TBool bStop = ETrue;
  1646 	TWsEvent we;
  1647 	while(bStop)
  1648 		{
  1649     	User::WaitForRequest(myStatus);
  1650     	session->GetEvent(we);
  1651     	if(we.Type() == EEventKey)
  1652     		{
  1653     		bStop = EFalse;
  1654     	    TInt rst = we.Key()->iCode;    		
  1655     	    if(rst != captureKey)
  1656     	    	{
  1657     	        ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), captureKey, rst);
  1658     	        SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1659     	        }
  1660     	     else
  1661     	    	{
  1662     	    	_LIT(KSuccess, "PostKeyEvent successfully");   
  1663     	        INFO_PRINTF1(KSuccess);
  1664     	        }
  1665     		}
  1666     	else
  1667     		{
  1668     		session->EventReady(&myStatus);
  1669     		}
  1670 		}//end while	
  1671 	}  
  1673  void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralSetSync(const TDesC& aSectName ,  const TInt& datOpcode )
  1674    {
  1675    MAnimGeneralFunctions::TAnimSync  syncmode ;
  1676    TPtrC	str;
  1677    // Get the syncmode to be set from ini file and set it as IpcArg 1. 
  1678    if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldSyncMode ,str))
  1679 	  {
  1680 	  ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldSyncMode);
  1681 	  SetBlockResult (EFail); 		
  1682 	  }
  1683    if (str  ==  KESyncNone )
  1684 	  syncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone ;
  1685    else if ( str ==  KESyncFlash)
  1686 	  syncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash ;
  1687    else if ( str == KESyncSecond)
  1688 	  syncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond ;
  1689    else if ( str == KESyncMinute)
  1690 	  syncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncMinute ;
  1691    else if ( str == KESyncDay)
  1692 	  syncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncDay ;
  1693    iIpcArgs.Set(0,TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  1694    TPckgBuf<MAnimGeneralFunctions::TAnimSync> sendPckg(syncmode);
  1695    iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg);
  1697    INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3) ;
  1698    //Send the command to notify the server .
  1699    TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1701    //Check the result is 0(Success) or not.
  1702    if (result != KErrNone )  
  1703 	  {
  1704 	  ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  1705 	  SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  1706 	  }			
  1707    else 
  1708 	  {
  1709 	  INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SetSync return is okay "));
  1710 	  }						 			
  1711    }
  1713  void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralSync(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode )
  1714    {
  1715    TInt  expectedsyncmode ;
  1716    TPtrC	str;
  1717    // Get the expected syncmode  from ini file. 
  1718    if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldExpected ,str))
  1719 	  {
  1720 	  ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldExpected);
  1721 	  SetBlockResult(EFail);		
  1722 	  } 
  1723    if (str  ==  KESyncNone )
  1724 	  expectedsyncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone ;
  1725    else if ( str ==  KESyncFlash)
  1726 	  expectedsyncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash ;
  1727    else if ( str == KESyncSecond)
  1728 	  expectedsyncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond ;
  1729    else if ( str == KESyncMinute)
  1730 	  expectedsyncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncMinute ;
  1731    else if ( str == KESyncDay)
  1732 	  expectedsyncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncDay ;
  1734    iIpcArgs.Set( 0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  1735    INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3) ;
  1736    //Send the command to notify the server .
  1737    TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1739    //Check the command return code  . 
  1740    if ( result != expectedsyncmode )
  1741 	   {
  1742 	   ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, result);	
  1743 	   SetBlockResult(EFail); 
  1744 	   }
  1745    else
  1746 	   {
  1747 	   INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GeneralSync invoked successfully"));	 
  1748 	   }
  1749    }
  1751  void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralSetInterval(const TDesC& aSectName ,  const TInt& datOpcode)
  1752    {
  1753    // Get the interval from ini file and set it as IpcArg 1. 
  1754    TInt  interval  ;
  1755    if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName,KFldInterval ,interval))
  1756 	  {
  1757 	  ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldInterval);
  1758 	  SetBlockResult(EFail);		
  1759 	  }
  1760    iIpcArgs.Set(0,TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  1761    TPckgBuf<TInt> sendPckg(interval) ;
  1762    iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg );		  
  1763    INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3) ;
  1764    //Send the command to notify the server .
  1765    TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1767    //Check the result is 0(Success) or not.
  1768    if ( result != KErrNone )
  1769 	  {
  1770 	  ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, result);	
  1771 	  SetBlockResult(EFail); 
  1772 	  }
  1773    else
  1774 	  {
  1775 	  INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GeneralSetInterval invoked successfully"));
  1776 	  }
  1777    }	
  1779  void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralSetNextInterval(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  1780    {
  1781    //Read the interval from ini file
  1782    TInt  interval;
  1783    if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName,KFldInterval ,interval))
  1784    {
  1785    ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldInterval);
  1786    return;
  1787    } 
  1788    TPckgBuf<TInt> sendPckg1(interval);
  1790    TInt  nextinterval  ;
  1791    _LIT( KNextInterval , "nextinterval"); 
  1792    //Read the next interval from ini file		
  1793    if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName,KNextInterval ,nextinterval))
  1794 	  {
  1795 	  ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KNextInterval);
  1796 	  SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1797 	  } 
  1798    TPckgBuf<TInt> sendPckg2(nextinterval) ;
  1799    iIpcArgs.Set(0,TIpcArgs::ENothing);   
  1800    iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg1);
  1801    iIpcArgs.Set(2, &sendPckg2);
  1802    INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3) ;
  1803    //Send the command to notify the server.
  1804    TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1806    //Check the result is 0(Success) or not.
  1807    if ( result != KErrNone )
  1808 	  {
  1809 	  ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, result);	
  1810 	  SetBlockResult(EFail); 
  1811 	  }
  1812    else
  1813 	  {
  1814 	  INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GeneralSetNextInterval invoked successfully"));
  1815 	  }
  1816    }	
  1819  void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralSystemTime(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  1820    {
  1821    MAnimGeneralFunctions::TAnimSync syncmode;
  1822    TPtrC str;
  1823    _LIT(KExpected , "expected");
  1824    _LIT( KSyncMode , "animsync");
  1825    // Get the syncmode from ini file and set it as IpcArg 1.
  1826    if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KSyncMode ,str))
  1827 	   {
  1828 	   ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KSyncMode);
  1829 	   SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1830 	   }
  1831    if (str == KESyncNone )
  1832 	   syncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncNone;
  1833    else if ( str == KESyncFlash)
  1834 	   syncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncFlash;
  1835    else if ( str == KESyncSecond)
  1836 	   syncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncSecond;
  1837    else if ( str == KESyncMinute)
  1838 	   syncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncMinute;
  1839    else if ( str == KESyncDay)
  1840 	   syncmode = MAnimGeneralFunctions::ESyncDay;
  1841    iIpcArgs.Set(0,TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  1842    TPckgBuf<MAnimGeneralFunctions::TAnimSync> sendPckg(syncmode);
  1843    iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg);
  1844    INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1845    TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode, iSendBuf , iIpcArgs );
  1846    TBool expected;
  1847    if ( !GetBoolFromConfig(aSectName,KExpected ,expected))
  1848 	   {
  1849 	   ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KExpected);
  1850 	   return;
  1851 	   }
  1852    if(result != static_cast<TInt>(expected))
  1853 	   {
  1854 	   ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expected, result);
  1855 	   SetBlockResult (EFail);
  1856 	   }
  1857    else
  1858 	   {
  1859 	   INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GeneralSystemTime invoked is okay."));
  1860 	   }
  1861    }	 
  1863 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralRegisterForNotis(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  1864    {
  1865    TInt notifications;
  1866    TEventCode expectedCode;
  1867    // Get the notifications value from ini file and set it as IpcArg 1. 
  1868    if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName,KFldNotifications ,notifications))
  1869 	  {
  1870 	  ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldNotifications);
  1871 	  SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1872 	  }
  1874    if(!CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadEventCode(*this, aSectName, KFldExpected, expectedCode))
  1875 	  {
  1876 	  ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldExpected);
  1877 	  return;
  1878 	  }
  1880    TPckgBuf<TInt> sendPckg(notifications);
  1881    TPckgBuf<TEventCode> sendPckg2(expectedCode);
  1882    iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing );
  1883    iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg );
  1884    iIpcArgs.Set(2, &sendPckg2);
  1886    INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1887    //Send the command to notify the server .
  1888    TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  1890    //Check the result is 0(Success) or not.
  1891    if ( result != KErrNone )
  1892 	  {
  1893 	  ERR_PRINTF2( KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  1894 	  SetBlockResult(EFail);
  1895 	  }
  1896    else
  1897 	  {
  1898 	  INFO_PRINTF1(_L("RegisterForNotis invoked successfully"));
  1899 	  }
  1900    }	 
  1903 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralMessage(const TDesC& aSectName ,const TInt& datOpcode)
  1904    {
  1905    TPtrC	str , expectedStr;
  1906    TBuf<100>  returnStr;
  1907    // Get the  sending message  value from ini file and set it as IpcArg 1. 
  1908    if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldMessage ,str))
  1909  	   {
  1910  	   ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldMessage);
  1911  	   SetBlockResult(EFail);	
  1912  	   } 
  1913    // Get the  expected message  value from ini file .     
  1914    if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldExpected ,expectedStr))
  1915  	   {
  1916  	   ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldExpected);
  1917  	   SetBlockResult(EFail);		
  1918  	   } 
  1919    iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing );
  1920    iIpcArgs.Set(1, &str);
  1921    iIpcArgs.Set(2, &returnStr);
  1923    INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1924    //Send the command to notify the server .
  1925    TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  1927    if(expectedStr.Compare(returnStr)) 
  1928 	   {
  1929 	   ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %S, actual: %S"), &expectedStr, &returnStr);
  1930 	   SetBlockResult (EFail);
  1931 	   }
  1932    else 
  1933 	   {
  1934 	   INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GeneralMessage invoked successfully"));
  1935 	   }
  1936    ResetIpcArg();
  1937    }	
  1940 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralDuplicateBitmapL(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  1941    {
  1942    TPtrC str ;
  1943    TInt bmHandle;
  1944    CFbsBitmap* bmp;
  1945    // Get the object name of CFbsBitmap from ini file.
  1946    if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldHandleBitmap,str))
  1947 		{
  1948 	 	//giving a non-existed value to take the nagative case.
  1949 	 	bmHandle = 9999; 
  1950 	 	} 
  1951    else
  1952 		{
  1953 		bmp =  static_cast<CFbsBitmap*>(GetDataObjectL(str));
  1954 		bmHandle = bmp->Handle();	
  1955 		}
  1957    iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing );
  1958    TPckgBuf<TInt> sendPckg(bmHandle);
  1959    iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg ); 
  1960    //Send the command to notify the server 	    
  1961    INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1962    iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  1964    //Print info
  1965    _LIT(KSuccess,"GeneralDuplicateBitmapL invoked successfully");   
  1966    INFO_PRINTF1(KSuccess);	
  1967    ResetIpcArg();
  1968    }	
  1971 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralDuplicateFontL(const TDesC& aSectName ,  const TInt& datOpcode)
  1972    {
  1973    TPtrC str;
  1974    TInt fntHandle;
  1975    CFbsFont* fnt;
  1976    TInt typeId;
  1977    // Get the object name of CFbsFont from ini file.
  1978    if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldHandleFont,str))
  1979 	   {
  1980 	   //giving a non-existed value to take the nagative case.
  1981 	   fntHandle = 9999;
  1982 	   }
  1983    else
  1984 	   {
  1985 	   fnt = static_cast<CFbsFont*>(GetDataObjectL(str));
  1986 	   typeId = fnt->TypeUid().iUid; //this is the expected value.
  1987 	   fntHandle = fnt->Handle();
  1988 	   }
  1989    TInt result = 0;
  1990    TPckgBuf<TInt> sendPckg(fntHandle);
  1991    TPckgBuf<TInt> getPckg(result);
  1993    iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing );
  1994    iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg);
  1995    iIpcArgs.Set(2, &getPckg);
  1996    INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  1997    //Send the command to notify the server .
  1998    iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  1999    result = getPckg();
  2001    //Check the result 
  2002    if(result == typeId)
  2003 	   {
  2004 	   INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GeneralDuplicateFontL invoked successfully"));
  2005 	   }
  2006    else
  2007 	   {
  2008 	   ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), typeId, result);
  2009 	   SetError(KErrNoMemory);
  2010 	   }
  2011    ResetIpcArg();
  2012    }		 
  2015 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralCloseFontL(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  2016    {
  2017    TPtrC str ;
  2018    // Get the object name of CFbsFont from ini file.
  2019    if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldHandleFont,str))
  2020 	   {
  2021 	   ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldHandleFont);
  2022 	   SetBlockResult(EFail);		
  2023 	   } 
  2024    CFbsFont* fnt =  static_cast<CFbsFont*>(GetDataObjectL(str));
  2025    TInt typeId = fnt->TypeUid().iUid; //this is the expected value .
  2026    TInt fntHandle = fnt->Handle();
  2027    TInt result = 0;
  2028    TPckgBuf<TInt> sendPckg(fntHandle); 
  2029    TPckgBuf<TInt> getPckg(result);
  2031    iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing );
  2032    iIpcArgs.Set(1, &sendPckg ); 
  2033    iIpcArgs.Set(2, &getPckg);
  2034    INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  2035    iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  2036    result = getPckg();
  2037    if(result == typeId)
  2038 	   {
  2039 	   _LIT(KSuccess,"GeneralDuplicateFontL invoked successfully");   
  2040 	   INFO_PRINTF1(KSuccess);
  2041 	   }
  2042    else
  2043 	   {
  2044 	   ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), typeId, result);
  2045 	   SetBlockResult (EFail);
  2046 	   }
  2047    ResetIpcArg();
  2048    } 
  2050 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralReplyBuf8(const TDesC& aSectName, const TInt& datOpcode)
  2051    {
  2052    TPtrC str2;
  2054 	 if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldSetReplyBufHandle1,str2))
  2055 	 	 {
  2056 	 	 ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldSetReplyBufHandle1);
  2057 	 	 SetBlockResult(EFail);		
  2058 	 	 } 
  2059 	 TBuf8<100> slot2;
  2060 	 slot2.Append(str2);
  2062 	 TPtrC str3;
  2064 	 if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldSetReplyBufHandle2,str3))
  2065 	 	 {
  2066 	 	 ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldSetReplyBufHandle2);
  2067 	     return ;				
  2068 	 	 } 
  2069 	 TBuf8<100> slot3;
  2070 	 slot3.Append(str3);
  2072 	 TBuf8<100> result;
  2074 	 iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing );
  2075 	 iIpcArgs.Set(1, &result); 
  2076 	 iIpcArgs.Set(2, &slot2);
  2077 	 iIpcArgs.Set(3, &slot3);
  2078 	 INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  2079 	 iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  2081 	 if(!result.Compare(slot3) && result.Compare(slot2))
  2082 		 {
  2083 		 _LIT(KSuccess,"GeneralDuplicateFontL invoked successfully");   
  2084 		 INFO_PRINTF1(KSuccess);
  2085 		 }
  2086 	 else
  2087 		 {
  2088 		 ERR_PRINTF2(_L("The returned value is not as expected, result: %S"), &result);
  2089 		 SetBlockResult (EFail);
  2090 		 }
  2091 	 ResetIpcArg();
  2092 	}
  2094 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdGeneralReplyBuf16(const TDesC& aSectName, const TInt& datOpcode)
  2095 	{
  2096 	TPtrC str2;
  2098 	if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldSetReplyBufHandle1,str2))
  2099 		 {
  2100 	 	 ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldSetReplyBufHandle1);
  2101 	 	 SetBlockResult(EFail);			
  2102 	 	 } 
  2103 	TBuf16<100> slot2(str2);
  2105 	TPtrC str3;
  2107 	if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName,KFldSetReplyBufHandle2,str3))
  2108 		 {
  2109 	 	 ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldSetReplyBufHandle2);
  2110 	     return ;				
  2111 	 	 } 
  2112 	TBuf16<100> slot3(str3);
  2114 	TBuf16<100> result;
  2116 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing );
  2117 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &result); 
  2118 	iIpcArgs.Set(2, &slot2);
  2119 	iIpcArgs.Set(3, &slot3);
  2120 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  2121 	iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  2123 	if(!result.Compare(slot3) && result.Compare(slot2))
  2124 		{
  2125 		_LIT(KSuccess,"GeneralDuplicateFontL invoked successfully");   
  2126 		INFO_PRINTF1(KSuccess);
  2127 		}
  2128 	else
  2129 		{
  2130 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("The returned value is not as expected, result: %S"), &result);
  2131 		SetBlockResult (EFail);
  2132 		}
  2133 	ResetIpcArg();
  2134 	}
  2135 //-------------------------------------------------The MAnimSpriteFunctions ----------------------------------------
  2136 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdSpriteGetSpriteMember(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  2137 	{
  2138 	TInt memberindex ;
  2139     // Get the sprite member index from ini file and set it as IpcArg 1 .
  2140 	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName,KFldMemberIndex ,memberindex))
  2141 		{
  2142 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldMemberIndex);
  2143 		SetBlockResult(EFail);	
  2144 		} 
  2145 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  2146 	TPckgBuf<TInt> pckg(memberindex);
  2147 	TPckgBuf<TPoint> returnPckg;
  2148 	iIpcArgs.Set(1,&pckg);
  2149 	iIpcArgs.Set(2,&returnPckg);
  2151 	// Send the command to notify the server .
  2152 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  2153 	iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  2155     TPoint result=returnPckg();
  2156 	// Verify the result and the expected .
  2157     TPtrC		spritename;
  2159     TPoint  expectedPoint;
  2160     // Get the expected point value from ini file.
  2161     if ( !GetPointFromConfig(aSectName, KFldExpectedPoint, expectedPoint))
  2162 		{
  2163 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldExpectedPoint);
  2164 		return;
  2165 		}
  2167 	if ( result !=  expectedPoint)
  2168 	    { 	   
  2169         ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected.x: %d, expect.y: %d"), expectedPoint.iX , expectedPoint.iY);        
  2170 	    ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, result.x: %d, result.y: %d"), result.iX , result.iY); 
  2171         SetBlockResult (EFail);
  2172 	    }  
  2173 	else 
  2174 	    { 
  2175 	    INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Sprite Member successfully"));
  2176 	    } 
  2177 	ResetIpcArg();
  2178     } 
  2180 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdSpriteUpdateMember(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  2181 	{ 
  2182     TInt memberindex ;
  2183 	TRect rect ;
  2184 	TBool isfullupdate ;
  2185     //Get the sprite member index from ini file and set it as IpcArg 1.  
  2186 	if ( ! GetIntFromConfig(aSectName,KFldMemberIndex ,memberindex))
  2187 		 {
  2188 		 ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldMemberIndex);
  2189 		 SetBlockResult(EFail);		
  2190 		 }
  2191     //Get the  rect value from ini file and set it as IpcArg 2.  
  2192 	if ( ! GetRectFromConfig(aSectName,KFldRect ,rect))
  2193 		 {
  2194 		 ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldRect);
  2195 		 SetBlockResult(EFail);			
  2196 		 }
  2197     //Get the  isfullupdate flag from ini file and set it as IpcArg 3.  
  2198 	if ( ! GetBoolFromConfig(aSectName,KFldIsFullUpdate ,isfullupdate))
  2199 		 {
  2200 		 ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldIsFullUpdate);
  2201 		 SetBlockResult(EFail);		
  2202 		 }
  2204 	TPckgBuf<TInt> memberPckg(memberindex);
  2205 	TPckgBuf<TRect> rectPckg(rect);
  2206 	TPckgBuf<TBool> updatePckg(isfullupdate);
  2209 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  2210 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &memberPckg);
  2211 	iIpcArgs.Set(2, &rectPckg);
  2212 	iIpcArgs.Set(3, &updatePckg);
  2214 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  2215     //Send the command to notify the server .
  2216 	TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  2218 	//Check the result is 0(Success) or not.
  2219 	if (result != KErrNone )  
  2220 		{
  2221 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  2222 		SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  2223 		}			
  2224 	else 
  2225 		{
  2226 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("UpdateSpriteMember return is okay "));
  2227 		}
  2228 	}
  2231 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdSpriteActivate(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  2232 	{
  2233 	TBool isactive;
  2234 	// Get the isactive flag from ini file and set as IpcArg 1. 
  2235 	if ( !GetBoolFromConfig(aSectName,KFldIsActivate ,isactive))
  2236 		{
  2237 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldIsActivate);
  2238 		SetBlockResult(EFail);		
  2239 		}
  2240 	TPckgBuf<TBool> sendPkg(isactive) ;	  
  2241 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  2242 	iIpcArgs.Set(1,&sendPkg);
  2244 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  2245     //Send the command to notify the server .
  2246 	TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  2248 	//Check the result is 0(Success) or not.
  2249 	if (result != KErrNone )  
  2250 	    {
  2251 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  2252 		SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  2253 		}			
  2254 	else 
  2255 		{
  2256 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SpriteActive return is okay "));
  2257 		}
  2258 	}
  2260 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdSpriteSpriteCanBeSeen(const TDesC& aSectName , const TInt& datOpcode)
  2261 	{
  2262 	TBool expected;
  2263 	// Get the expected boolean value from the ini file.
  2264 	if ( !GetBoolFromConfig(aSectName, KFldExpected, expected))
  2265 		 {
  2266 		 ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldExpected);
  2267 		 SetBlockResult(EFail);			
  2268 		 } 
  2269 	TPckgBuf<TBool> resultPkg(EFalse) ;
  2272 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  2273 	iIpcArgs.Set(1,&resultPkg);
  2275 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  2276 	//Send the command to notify the server .
  2277 	iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  2279 	//Verify the result and the expected 
  2280 	TBool result = resultPkg() ; 
  2282 	if ( result != expected )
  2283 	  {
  2284 	  ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expected, (TInt)result);
  2285       SetBlockResult (EFail);
  2286 	  }
  2287 	else 
  2288 	  {
  2289 	  INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SpriteCanBeSeen return is okay "));
  2290 	  }
  2291 	ResetIpcArg();
  2292 	}
  2294 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdSpriteSizeChangedL(const TDesC& /*aSectName*/ ,  const TInt& datOpcode)
  2295 	{
  2296 	//Send the command to notify the server .
  2297 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  2299 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  2300 	TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  2302 	//Check the result is 0(Success) or not.
  2303 	if (result != KErrNone )  
  2304 	    {
  2305 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  2306 		SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  2307 		}			
  2308 	else 
  2309 		{
  2310 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SpriteSizeChangedL return is okay"));
  2311 		}	
  2312 	}
  2314 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdSpriteSetPosition(const TDesC& aSectName ,  const TInt& datOpcode)
  2315 	{
  2316     // Get the point value from ini file and set as IpcArg 1. 
  2317 	TPoint point ;
  2318 	if ( !GetPointFromConfig(aSectName, KFldPointPosition, point))
  2319 		 {
  2320 		 ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter , &KFldPointPosition);
  2321 		 SetBlockResult(EFail);
  2322 		 }
  2323 	TPckgBuf<TPoint> pkg(point) ;
  2324 	iIpcArgs.Set(0, TIpcArgs::ENothing);
  2325 	iIpcArgs.Set(1, &pkg) ;  
  2326 	INFO_PRINTF1(KLogInfoCmdCommandReply3);
  2327     //Send the command to notify the server .
  2328 	TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode,iSendBuf,iIpcArgs);
  2330 	//Check the result is 0(Success) or not.
  2331 	if (result != KErrNone )  
  2332 	    {
  2333 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  2334 		SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  2335 		}			
  2336 	else 
  2337 		{
  2338 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("SpriteSetPosition return is okay"));
  2339 		}
  2340 	}      
  2342 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdEatupMemory(const TInt& datOpcode)
  2343 	{
  2344 	TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode);
  2345 	if (result != KErrNone )  
  2346 		{
  2347 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  2348 		SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  2349 		}			
  2350 	else 
  2351 		{
  2352 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("EatupMemory return is okay"));
  2353 		}
  2354 	}
  2356 void CT_DataAnimForMClass::DoCmdFreeEatenMemory(const TInt& datOpcode)
  2357 	{
  2358 	TInt result = iAnim->CommandReply(datOpcode);
  2359 	if (result != KErrNone )  
  2360 		{
  2361 		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogErrCommandReply, result);
  2362 		SetBlockResult (EFail); 
  2363 		}			
  2364 	else 
  2365 		{
  2366 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FreeEatenMemory return is okay"));
  2367 		}
  2368 	}