changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef DATA_WRAPPER_BASE_H
    20 #define DATA_WRAPPER_BASE_H
    22 //	EPOC includes
    23 #include <test/datawrapper.h>
    24 #define SECS_TO_MS(x)  (x*1000000)
    26 _LIT(KConsname,				"Test Console");
    28 #define	GETFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(aType, aSectName, aKeyName, aResult, aLogMessage)	\
    29 	if ( !Get##aType##FromConfig(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult) )	\
    30 		{															\
    31 		WARN_PRINTF3(aLogMessage, &aKeyName, aResult);				\
    32 		}
    34 #define	GETFROMCONFIGMANDATORY(aType, aSectName, aKeyName, aResult, aLogMessage, aDataOk)	\
    35 	if ( !Get##aType##FromConfig(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult) )	\
    36 		{															\
    37 		ERR_PRINTF2(aLogMessage, &aKeyName);						\
    38 		SetBlockResult(EFail);										\
    39 		aDataOk=EFalse;												\
    40 		}
    42 #define	GETSTRINGFROMCONFIGOPTIONAL(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult, aLogMessage)	\
    43 	if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult) )		\
    44 		{															\
    45 		WARN_PRINTF3(aLogMessage, &aKeyName, &aResult);				\
    46 		}
    48 #define	GETSTRINGFROMCONFIGMANDATORY(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult, aLogMessage, aDataOk)	\
    49 	if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult) )		\
    50 		{															\
    51 		ERR_PRINTF2(aLogMessage, &aKeyName);						\
    52 		SetBlockResult(EFail);										\
    53 		aDataOk=EFalse;												\
    54 		}
    56 class CDataWrapperBase : public CDataWrapper
    57 	{
    58 public:
    59 	class TEnumEntryTable
    60 		{
    61 	public:
    62 		const TDesC&	iString;
    63 		TInt			iValue;
    64 		};
    66 public:
    67 	TBool					GetBoolFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName,const TDesC& aKeyName,TBool& aResult);
    68 	TBool					GetIntFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TInt& aResult);
    69 	TBool					GetStringFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TPtrC& aResult);
    70 	TBool					GetHexFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TInt& aResult);
    71 	TBool					GetUintFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TUint& aResult);
    72 	TBool					GetArrayRectFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, RPointerArray<HBufC>& aResult);
    73 	TBool					GetEnumFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, const TEnumEntryTable* aTable, TInt& aResult);
    74 	TBool 					KeyPress();
    75 	void 					Timedelay(TInt aTimeoutInSecs);
    76 	virtual void			InitialiseL();
    77 	inline RFs&				FileServer() { return iFs; }
    78 	inline CConsoleBase*	GetConsoleL() { return(Console::NewL(KConsname,TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen)));}
    80 protected:
    81 	CDataWrapperBase();
    82 	virtual ~CDataWrapperBase();
    84 private:
    85 	TBool	GetCommandStringParameterL(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TPtrC& aResult);
    86 	TBool 	KeyCheck();
    88 private:
    89 	// Included ini files
    90 	RPointerArray<CIniData>	iInclude;
    91 	RPointerArray<HBufC>	iBuffer;
    92 	RFs                     iFs;
    93 	RTimer					iTimer;
    94 	};
    96 #endif // DATA_WRAPPER_BASE_H