changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
child 36 01a6848ebfd7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef __SURFACEUPDATECLIENT_H__
    17 #define __SURFACEUPDATECLIENT_H__
    19 #include <e32std.h>
    21 #include "surfaceupdate.h"
    22 #include "surfaceupdatetest.h"
    23 #endif
    25 class TSurfaceId;
    27 const TInt KDefaultMessageSlot = 6;
    29 typedef TPckgBuf<TUint32> TTimeStamp;
    31 /**
    32 The RSurfaceUpdateSession class is intended to be used by surface update control flow.
    33 The class implements an interface between the Compositor and clients. It allows a client to 
    34 inform the Compositor when a surface has been modified and to receive notification when 
    35 its buffer becomes available and/or displayed. 
    36 */
    37 class RSurfaceUpdateSession : public RSessionBase
    38 	{
    39 public:
    40 	IMPORT_C RSurfaceUpdateSession();
    41 	/**
    42 	Connect to the server using given number of message slots.
    44 	@param aMessageSlots The number of message slots available to this session.  
    45 	This parameter is defined in RSessionBase specification; it signifies the maximum number 
    46 	of asynchronous outstanding requests to the server.  
    47 	SubmitUpdate commands could contain up to three asynchronous requests to the server, 
    48 	each corresponds to a different type of notification. 
    50 	@see RSessionBase
    52 	@pre The surface update server is started up
    53 	@post Connection to the server has been established. 
    55 	@return KErrNone if successful. 
    56 	@return KErrAlreadyExists if the session has already been established.
    57 	@return KErrArgument if arguments don’t lie within expected range. 
    58 	@return KErrNotFound if the server is not in operation, otherwise one of the 
    59 	    system-wide error codes.
    60 	*/
    61 	IMPORT_C TInt Connect(TInt aMessageSlots = KDefaultMessageSlot);
    63 	/**
    64 	Close the session to the server. 
    66 	@pre Outstanding notification requests (if any) are cancelled.
    67 	@post The session is disconnected.
    68 	*/
    69 	IMPORT_C void Close();	
    71 	/**
    72 	Send update message to the server. All notification requests will also be submitted at 
    73 	this stage. 
    74 	This is referring to when notifications are requested before the update request.
    75 	<p>The GCE may collapse a few requests into one. 
    76 	If a few requests with different buffer numbers specified for the same surface have 
    77 	been submitted at specific composition cycle, only last such request will have effect. 
    78 	<p>Clients can send a global submit update which will be broadcast by the SUS to all 
    79 	backends presented in the system. For a global update, to all screens, 
    80 	the pre-defined constant KAllScreens needs to be passed as the screen parameter 
    81 	to SubmitUpdate. 
    82 	Note that once a Client has begun issuing SubmitUpdate with either KAllScreens or a 
    83 	specific screen, then only that type of screen can be used thereafter for that 
    84 	Surface Update Session, i.e. the client cannot have a mix of SubmitUpdate with 
    85 	KAllScreens and specific screens.
    87 	@see RSurfaceUpdateSession::NotifyWhenAvailable
    88 	@see RSurfaceUpdateSession::NotifyWhenDisplayed 
    89 	@see RSurfaceUpdateSession::NotifyWhenDisplayedXTimes  
    91 	@param aScreen Screen number. Varies from 0 to N-1, where N is a total number of screens 
    92 	    in the system. If pre-defined constant KAllScreens is passed, the submission will 
    93 	    be broadcast to all screens. 
    94 	@param aSurfaceId Secure 128-bit surface unique  identifier, which fully specified the 
    95 	    surface. Surface ID must be assigned and registered with the GCE.
    96 	@param aBuffer Current buffer for composition. Varies from 0 to N-1, where N is the 
    97 	    total number of buffers in the surface.
    98 	@param aRegion The region requiring update, if this is NULL or empty, the whole 
    99 	    surface will be used for composition. The function doesn’t take ownership of 
   100 	    this parameter.
   102 	@pre The surface session must be established to the server.
   103 	@post The GCE will trigger composition to use this region at the next composition cycle. 
   105 	@return KErrNone if a message has been transferred to the server successfully. 
   106 	@return KErrArgument if arguments don’t lie within expected range.
   107 	@return KErrBackendNotAvailable if backend for specified screen hasn’t been registered 
   108 	    with the server.
   109 	@return KErrNotSupported if global and per-screen update are mixed within the same session.
   110 	@return KErrNoMemory if the memory is not enough to fulfill the request, 
   111 	    otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
   112 	Will panic if applied on disconnected session.
   113 	*/
   114 	IMPORT_C TInt SubmitUpdate(TInt aScreen, const TSurfaceId& aSurfaceId, TInt aBuffer, 
   115 						const TRegion* aDirtyRegion = NULL);
   117 	/**
   118 	The message signals the client that the buffer associated with the notifier is available 
   119 	for further updates.
   120 	<p>For performance reasons, the GCE uses the buffer sent by the client for composition 
   121 	directly rather than composing with a copy of the buffer. 
   122 	This means that, potentially, a client could be rendering to a buffer which is currently 
   123 	being used for composition, leading to artefacts and possible tearing.
   124 	Depending on whether the surface is single or multi-buffered, there is some difference 
   125 	in behaviour:  
   126 	<li>In the case of single-buffered surfaces, the GCE will not wait for the next 
   127 	submit update and will complete the request after the composition. </li>
   128 	<li>In case of multi-buffered surfaces, the GCE can postpone with the issuing the notification 
   129 	to the client even after the composition with the specified surface buffer has already happened, 
   130 	and issues the request when the client changes the active buffer, i.e. submits another 
   131 	request for update with different buffer. This will help the GCE to keep the active buffer in a 
   132 	valid state should another composition required.</li> 
   133 	<p>This notification enables a client to, if desired, be able to perform artefact free 
   134 	rendering using this notification in conjunction with a multi-buffered surface.
   135 	<p>Note that since the compositor can delay to issue request complete for multi-buffered 
   136 	surface until the change of the active buffer occurs, the completion of a particular 
   137 	notifier may not relate to the buffer to which it is intuitively associated. 
   138 	<p>Only the last call of this function before SubmitUpdate command takes place will have 
   139 	effect, i.e. the following call will override the previous one.
   140 	This request will only be associated with the following single call of the SubmitUpdate.
   141 	<p>When a SubmitUpdate has been broadcast to all available screen, i.e. KAllScreens was 
   142 	supplied as a screen number, for multi-buffered surfaces, the notification will be completed 
   143 	when the surface buffer has been released by all displays it is being shown on. 
   144 	For single-buffered surfaces, notification will be completed when all displays have read 
   145 	the buffer once.
   147 	@param aStatus Reference to the request status object.
   149 	@see RSurfaceUpdateSession::SubmitUpdate
   151 	@pre The surface session must be established to the server.
   152 	@post This request for the consumption notification event will be transferred to the GCE 
   153         at next SubmitUpdate command.  
   155 	@return KErrNone if consumption has succeeded, the request completed aStatus will 
   156 	    contain this code.  
   157 	@return KErrOverflow if the GCE drops the frame for composition. That could happen 
   158 	    if the GCE can’t cope with the current composition rate or the new request arrives 
   159 	    while the current is still in a progress.
   160 	    The buffer overflow error can only happen with double buffering:
   161 	    <li>If notification is not being used</li>
   162 	    <li>If notification is not being used correctly as the client is not waiting for 
   163 	    notification to complete before sending a further buffer.</li>
   165 	    If an application such as video is using three (or more) buffers, this error can occur. 
   166 	    For instance, the video may be producing frames at a fixed rate which is faster than 
   167 	    the GCE can cope with, and in this case frames will be “lost”, but the notification 
   168 	    mechanism will still operate correctly.
   170 	@return KErrBackendNotAvailable if backend for specified screen hasn’t been registered 
   171 	    with the server.
   172 	@return KErrArgument if arguments in SubmitUpdate command don’t lie within expected range.
   173 	@return KErrCancel if notification has been cancelled. It could happen, for instance, 
   174 	    if CancelUpdateNotification is called before the request is completed.
   175 	@return KErrServerBusy if the number of outstanding requests has exceeded specified 
   176 	    value (see   RSurfaceUpdateSession::Connect for details).
   177 	@return KErrNotReady if the environment is in invalid state (for instance, the Surface 
   178 	    Update Server has not been launched or the session is disconnected).
   179 	@return KErrSurfaceNotRegistered if the surface is not registered with the specific backend.
   180 	@return KErrNotVisible if the surface specified in SubmitUpdate is not visible. 
   181 	    This could happen if there is no layer associated with the surface or no active 
   182 	    composition scene. 
   183 	    Note, the absence of this error code does not guarantee that the surface 
   184 	    is visible. For example, if the surface is behind another surface that has alpha blending
   185 	    enabled the compositor will not do a pixel level comparison to determine surface visibility.
   186 	@return KErrSurfaceNotRegistered if the surface is not registered with the specific backend.     
   187 	@return KErrNotSupported if global and per-screen update are mixed within the same session.
   188 	@return KErrNoMemory if the memory is not enough to fulfil the request, any other 
   189 	    system error codes.
   190 	Will panic if applied on disconnected session.
   191 	*/
   192 	IMPORT_C void NotifyWhenAvailable(TRequestStatus& aStatus); 
   194 	/**
   195 	Ask the server to notify when the surface buffer which will be specified in the next 
   196 	update request has been displayed for the first time. 
   197 	The notification will also include exact time of the event as it is supplied by the 
   198 	User::FastCounter(). 
   199 	Only the last call of this function before SubmitUpdate command takes place will 
   200 	have effect, i.e. the following call will override the previous one. 
   202 	@param aStatus Reference to the request status object.
   203 	@param aTimeStamp Reference to the timestamp of the display notification event, 
   204 	   packed into the modified buffer descriptor. 
   205 	   Will only be valid if aStatus is equal to KErrNone. 
   207 	@see RSurfaceUpdateSession::SubmitUpdate
   209 	@pre The surface session must be established to the server.
   210 	@post This request for the display notification event will be transferred to the GCE 
   211 	   at next SubmitUpdate command.
   213 	@return KErrNone if the surface has been displayed successfully, when request 
   214 	    completed aStatus will contain this error code.
   215 	@return KErrOverflow if the updated buffer was not displayed because it was 
   216 	    superseded by a further update on the same surface. 
   217 	@return KErrBackendNotAvailable if backend for specified screen hasn’t been 
   218 	    registered with the server.
   219 	@return KErrArgument if arguments in SubmitUpdate command don’t lie within expected range.
   220 	@return KErrCancel if notification has been cancelled. It could happen, for instance, 
   221 	    if CancelUpdateNotification is called before the request is completed.
   222 	@return KErrServerBusy if the number of outstanding requests has exceeded specified 
   223 	    value (@see RSurfaceUpdateSession::Connect for details).
   224 	@return KErrNotReady if the environment is in invalid state (for instance, the 
   225 	    Surface Update Server has not been launched or session is disconnected).
   226 	@return KErrNotVisible if the surface specified in SubmitUpdate is not visible. 
   227 	    This could happen if there is no layer associated with the surface or no active 
   228 	    composition scene.
   229 	    For global update it signifies that the surface is not visible for any screen. 
   230 	    Note, the absence of this error code does not guarantee that the surface is visible. 
   231 	    For example, if the surface is behind another surface that has alpha blending
   232 	    enabled the compositor will not do a pixel level comparison to determine surface visibility.
   233 	@return KErrSurfaceNotRegistered if the surface is not registered with the specific backend.
   234 	@return KErrNotSupported if global and per-screen update are mixed within the same session.
   235 	@return ErrNoMemory if the memory is not enough to fulfill the request, otherwise any 
   236 	    other system error codes. 
   237 	Will panic if applied on disconnected session.
   238 	*/
   239 	IMPORT_C void NotifyWhenDisplayed(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TTimeStamp& aTimeStamp);
   241 	/**
   242 	Ask the server to notify when the surface buffer which will 
   243 	be specified in the next update request has been displayed for the X times. 
   244 	<p>Only the last call of this function before SubmitUpdate command takes place 
   245 	will have effect, i.e. the following call will override the previous one.
   246 	<p>In case of the global update the notification will always be aligned with the master 
   247 	display. The SUS will send notification to client when the surface has been displayed on a 
   248 	master display for the X times or if there is no master display for that surface. 
   249 	If the master becomes invisible while the request is still in a progress it will be 
   250 	reassigned to the next visible display with highest priority.
   251 	<p>This request will only be associated with the following single call of the SubmitUpdate.
   253 	@param aCount Number of times the surface is displayed  before the request is completed. 
   254 	    Varies from 1 and greater. 
   255 	@param aStatus Reference to the request status object.
   257 	@pre The surface session must be established to the server.
   258 	@post This request for the display notification event will be transferred to the GCE at 
   259 	    next SubmitUpdate command.  
   261 	@return KErrNone if the surface has been displayed successfully for specified numbers 
   262 	    of times, when request completed aStatus will contain this error code.
   263 	@return KErrOverflow if the updated buffer did not remain on-screen for the specified 
   264 	    number of display refreshes because it was superseded by a further update on the 
   265 	    same surface.
   266 	@return KErrArgument if arguments in SubmitUpdate command don’t lie within expected range.
   267 	@return KErrBackendNotAvailable if backend for specified screen hasn’t been registered 
   268 	    with the server.
   269 	@return KErrCancel if notification has been cancelled. It could happen, for instance, 
   270 	    if CancelUpdateNotification is called before the request is completed.
   271 	@return KErrServerBusy if the number of outstanding requests has exceeded 
   272 	    specified value (@see RSurfaceUpdateSession::Connect for details).
   273 	@return KErrNotReady if the environment is in invalid state (for instance, the 
   274 	    Surface Update Server has not been launched or session is disconnected).
   275 	@return KErrNotVisible if the surface specified in SubmitUpdate is not visible. 
   276 	    This could happen if there is no layer associated with the surface or no active 
   277 	    composition scene. 
   278 	    For global update it signifies that the surface is not visible for any screen. 
   279 	    Note, the absence of this error code does not guarantee that the surface is visible. 
   280 	    For example, if the surface is behind another surface that has alpha blending
   281 	    enabled the compositor will not do a pixel level comparison to determine surface visibility.
   282 	@return KErrSurfaceNotRegistered if the surface is not registered with the specific backend.
   283 	@return KErrNotSupported if global and per-screen update are mixed within the same session.
   284 	@return KErrNoMemory if the memory is not enough to fulfill the request, otherwise 
   285 	    any other system error codes. 
   286 	Will panic if applied on disconnected session.
   287 	*/
   288 	IMPORT_C void NotifyWhenDisplayedXTimes(TInt aCount, TRequestStatus&  aStatus);
   290 	/**
   291 	Cancel all outstanding requests for notification. 
   292 	The function doesn't cancel the submit update requests themselves.
   294 	@pre The surface session must be established to the server.
   295 	@post The server will issue request complete immediately for all outstanding requests 
   296 	    related to particular session.
   297 	Will panic if applied on disconnected session.
   298 	*/
   299 	IMPORT_C void CancelAllUpdateNotifications();
   301 protected:
   302     /**
   303     Allow to retrieve the version number.
   305 	@return client version number
   306     */
   307 	TVersion Version() const;
   309 private:	
   310 	void IssueRequestComplete(TInt aErr);
   312 private:
   313 	TRequestStatus *iStatusAvailable;
   314 	TRequestStatus *iStatusDisplayed;
   315 	TRequestStatus *iStatusDisplayedXTimes;
   316 	TTimeStamp* iTimeStamp;
   317 	TInt iCount;
   318 	};
   320 #endif