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     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @test
    19  @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code 
    20 */
    23 #if !defined(__TCOMPOSITIONBACKEND_H__)
    24 #define __TCOMPOSITIONBACKEND_H__
    26 #include <e32base.h>
    27 #include <graphics/surface.h>
    28 #include <graphics/compositionsurfaceupdate.h>
    29 #include <graphics/extensioncontainer.h>
    30 #include "trequestorder.h"
    32 /**
    33 The following constants signify the delay in microseconds between two 
    34 emulations of composition. During the emulation mock receiver will 
    35 process a number of outstanding requests and issues the signal 
    36 back to the SUS. Content update receiver with highest priority will process the 
    37 requests at highest rate.
    38 */
    39 const TInt KCompositionInterval = 1000000 / 20; // for composition threads with normal priority
    40 const TInt KCompositionIntervalLong = KCompositionInterval * 2; // for composition threads with lower priority
    41 const TInt KCompositionIntervalShort = KCompositionInterval / 2; // for composition threads with higher priority
    43 enum RequestType
    44 	{
    45 	EReqEmpty = 0,
    46 	EReqAvailable,
    47 	EReqDisplayed,
    48 	EReqDisplayedXTimes,	
    49 	};
    51 class RequestObject
    52 	{
    53 public:
    54 	RequestType iType;
    55 	TRequestStatus* iStatus;
    56 	TUint32* iTimeStamp;
    57 	TInt iDisplayedXTimes;
    58 	};
    60 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CTContentUpdateReceiver) : 
    61 public CExtensionContainer,
    62 public MCompositionSurfaceUpdate
    63 	{
    64 public:
    65 	static CTContentUpdateReceiver* NewL(TInt aScreen);
    66 	~CTContentUpdateReceiver();
    67 	static TInt ThreadFunction(TAny* aAny);
    68 	TInt Screen() {return iScreen;}
    69 	void Stop();
    70 	void SetCompositionOrder(CRequestOrder* aOrder) { iCompositionOrder = aOrder;}
    71 	IMPORT_C void SetVisible(TBool aVisible);
    72 	IMPORT_C TInt SetInternalPriority(TThreadPriority aInternalPriority);
    73 	inline TBool OutstandingRequest(); //returns ETrue if there are any oustanding requests need to be processed by the mock receiver
    75 	/**	
    76 	Mark the surface as dirty and request for composition.
    77 	The function doesn't take onwership of aRegion
    78 	*/	
    79 	virtual void ContentUpdated(const TSurfaceId& 	aSurface, 
    80 										TInt 			aBuffer, 
    81 										const TRegion* 	aRegion, 
    82 										TRequestStatus* aStatusAvailable, 
    83 										TRequestStatus* aStatusDisplayed, 
    84 										TUint32* 		aTimeStamp, 
    85 										TRequestStatus* aStatusDispXTimes, 
    86 										TInt* 			aDisplayedXTimes);
    88 	virtual void	Delete(void){}
    89 	virtual TInt ApiVersion(void) {return 0;}
    90 	virtual TVersion InternalVersion(void){return TVersion();}
    91 protected:  //From CBase
    92     virtual TInt Extension_(TUint aExtensionId, TAny*& a0, TAny* a1);
    93 private:
    94 	CTContentUpdateReceiver(TInt aScreen);
    95 	void ConstructL();
    96 	TInt CheckNewNotifications();
    97 	void DoSetInternalPriorityL();
    98 	static TInt CallBack(TAny *aAny);
    99     TInt Add(TRequestStatus *aStatus, RequestType aType, 
   100             TInt aDisplayedXTimes = 1, TUint32* aTimeStamp = NULL);
   101 	void Remove(TInt aIndex);		
   102 private:
   103 	TThreadId iThreadId; //thread from which ContentUpdated is called
   104 	TThreadId iReceiverThreadId; 
   105 	TBool iStop;
   106 	TInt iScreen;
   107 	CPeriodic* iPeriodic;
   108 	RequestObject iArray[1024]; //should be big enough
   109 	TInt iNumberElements;
   110 	TBool iVisible;
   111 	TBool iSetInternalPriority;
   112 	TThreadPriority iInternalPriority;
   113 	CRequestOrder* iCompositionOrder;
   114 	RFastLock iLock;
   115 	RSemaphore iPriorityLock;
   116 	};
   118 IMPORT_C TInt StartTestUpdateReceiver(CTContentUpdateReceiver*& aReceiver, TInt aScreen);
   119 IMPORT_C void CloseTestUpdateReceiver(CTContentUpdateReceiver* aReceiver);
   123 inline TBool CTContentUpdateReceiver::OutstandingRequest()
   124 	{ return iNumberElements > 0;}
   127 #endif	// __TCOMPOSITIONBACKEND_H__