changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
child 116 171fae344dd4
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <bitstd.h>
    17 #include <bitdev.h>
    18 #include <bitdraw.h>
    19 #include <bitdrawscaling.h>
    20 #include <bitdrawinterfaceid.h>
    21 #include "BITPANIC.H"
    22 #include <s32mem.h>
    23 #include <shapeinfo.h>
    24 #include "bitgcextradata.h"
    27 #define KDefaultShadowColor KRgbGray
    29 //CFbsBitGc streams - version numbers.
    30 //Add new version numbers here. A reason of adding new version numbers may be adding new 
    31 //CFbsBitGc data members, which may have to be externalized/internalized. When that happens:
    32 //1.Put a new enum item (like EFbsBitGc_Ver01) with a version number, which is greater than
    33 //  the last version number, which was used. 
    34 //2.Comment the new enum item.
    35 //3.Update KFbsBitGc_VerNo value to be the last enum item value.
    36 //4.Update InternalizeL/ExternalizeL methods after adding the new version number.
    37 //  For example: If a new member is added to the class - TInt iSmth, when InternalizeL
    38 //  is called to operate on older archive, iSmth member won't be in the archive!
    39 //  So, in InternalizeL, there should be a check, something like:
    40 //	TUint16 archiveVerNo = 0;
    41 //	aReadStream >> archiveVerNo;
    42 //  .......................
    43 //  if(archiveVerNo < EFbsBitGc_Ver03)   //EFbsBitGc_Ver03 has been added, when iSmth has been added
    44 //		{
    45 //      //Do nothing - iSmth is not in the archive
    46 //      //Initialize it with some default value
    47 //      iSmth = KDefVal;
    48 //		}
    49 //	else
    50 //		{
    51 //		aReadStream >> iSmth;
    52 //		}
    53 enum
    54 	{
    55 	EFbsBitGc_Ver01 = 1, //Base version number, when InternalizeL/ExternalizeL were added
    56 	EFbsBitGc_Ver02 = 2, //Supports InternalizeL/ExternalizeL for ShadowColor. 
    57 	};
    58 LOCAL_D const TUint16 KFbsBitGc_VerNo = EFbsBitGc_Ver02;
    60 // Global panic functions
    62 void Panic(TBitgdiPanic aPanicCode)
    63 	{
    64 	_LIT(KBitgdiPanicCategory,"BITGDI");
    65 	User::Panic(KBitgdiPanicCategory,aPanicCode);
    66 	}
    68 _LIT(KBITGDIPanicDesc1,"BitGdi internal Panic %S, in file %S @ line %i");
    69 _LIT(KBITGDIPanicDesc2,"Assert condition = \"%S\"");
    70 _LIT(KBITGDIPanicDesc3, "BitGdi internal Invariant, in file %S @ line %i");
    72 void PanicWithInfo(TBitgdiPanic aPanic, const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPanicName, TInt aLine)
    73 	{
    74 	TBuf<256> buf;
    75 	buf.Format(KBITGDIPanicDesc1, &aPanicName, &aFileName, aLine);
    76 	RDebug::Print(buf);
    77 	Panic(aPanic);
    78 	}
    80 void PanicWithCondAndInfo(TBitgdiPanic aPanic, const TDesC& aCondition, const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPanicName, TInt aLine)
    81 	{
    82 	TBuf<256> buf;
    83 	buf.Format(KBITGDIPanicDesc1, &aPanicName, &aFileName, aLine);
    84 	RDebug::Print(buf);
    86 	buf.Format(KBITGDIPanicDesc2, &aCondition);
    87 	RDebug::Print(buf);
    88 	Panic(aPanic);
    89 	}
    91 void InvariantWithCondAndInfo(const TDesC& aCondition, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aLine)
    92 	{
    93 	TBuf<256> buf;
    94 	buf.Format(KBITGDIPanicDesc3, &aFileName, aLine);
    95 	RDebug::Print(buf);
    97 	buf.Format(KBITGDIPanicDesc2, &aCondition);
    98 	RDebug::Print(buf);
    99 	User::Invariant();
   100 	}
   103 //
   104 // CFbsBitGc
   105 //
   108 /** Factory function for creating a CFbsBitGc object
   109 The object is then ready for a call to Activate().
   110 @return A pointer to the newly created object. */
   111 EXPORT_C CFbsBitGc* CFbsBitGc::NewL()
   112 	{
   113 	CFbsBitGc* bitGc = new(ELeave) CFbsBitGc;
   114 	CleanupStack::PushL(bitGc);
   115 	bitGc->iFbsBitGcExtraData = new(ELeave) CFbsBitGcExtraData;
   116 	CleanupStack::Pop(bitGc);
   117 	return bitGc;
   118 	}
   120 CFbsBitGc::CFbsBitGc():
   121 	CBitmapContext(),
   122 	iBrushBitmap(),
   123 	iBrushUsed(EFalse),
   124 	iBrushColor(KRgbWhite),
   125 	iBrushOrigin(TPoint(0,0)),
   126 	iBrushStyle(ENullBrush),
   127 	iClipRect(TRect(0,0,0,0)),
   128 	iDefaultRegion(),
   129 	iDefaultRegionPtr(NULL),
   130 	iUserClipRect(TRect(0,0,0,0)),
   131 	iDevice(NULL),
   132 	iDitherOrigin(TPoint(0,0)),
   133 	iDotLength(0),
   134 	iDotMask(0),
   135 	iDotParam(0),
   136 	iDotDirection(1),
   137 	iDrawMode(EDrawModePEN),
   138 	iFont(),
   139 	iCharJustExcess(0),
   140 	iCharJustNum(0),
   141 	iWordJustExcess(0),
   142 	iWordJustNum(0),
   143 	iLastPrintPosition(TPoint(0,0)),
   144 	iLinePosition(TPoint(0,0)),
   145 	iOrigin(TPoint(0,0)),
   146 	iPenColor(KRgbBlack),
   147 	iPenStyle(ESolidPen),
   148 	iPenSize(TSize(1,1)),
   149 	iShadowMode(CFbsDrawDevice::ENoShadow),
   150 	iAutoUpdateJustification(ETrue),
   151 	iFadeBlackMap(128),
   152 	iFadeWhiteMap(255),
   153 	iStrikethrough(EStrikethroughOff),
   154 	iUnderline(EUnderlineOff),
   155 	iUserDisplayMode(ENone)
   156 	{}
   159 /** Frees all resources owned by the object. */
   160 EXPORT_C CFbsBitGc::~CFbsBitGc()
   161 	{
   162 	Reset();
   163 	iBrushBitmap.Reset();
   164 	iClippingRegion.Close();
   165 	delete iFbsBitGcExtraData;
   166 	}
   168 /** Sets the object to draw to a particular device
   169 @param aDevice The target device. */
   170 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::Activate(CFbsDevice* aDevice)
   171 	{
   172 	if (!aDevice)
   173 		return;
   174 	iDevice = aDevice;
   175 	TRect deviceRect;
   176 	iDevice->iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
   177 	iDefaultRegion.Clear();
   178 	iDefaultRegion.AddRect(deviceRect);
   179 	iDefaultRegionPtr = &iDefaultRegion;
   180 	iUserClipRect = deviceRect;
   181 	iDrawnTo.SetWidth(0);
   182 	iDrawnTo.SetHeight(0);
   183 	iAutoUpdateJustification = ETrue;
   184 	}
   186 /** Sets the object to draw to a particular device but doesn't 'use up' 
   187 justification settings when drawing text.
   188 This is similar to Activate().
   189 @param aDevice The target device. */
   190 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::ActivateNoJustAutoUpdate(CFbsDevice* aDevice)
   191 	{
   192 	Activate(aDevice);
   193 	iAutoUpdateJustification = EFalse;
   194 	}
   196 void CFbsBitGc::SetupDevice() const
   197 	{
   198 	CFbsDrawDevice* drawDevice = iDevice->iDrawDevice;
   199 	drawDevice->SetDitherOrigin(iDitherOrigin);
   200 	drawDevice->SetShadowMode(CFbsDrawDevice::TShadowMode(iShadowMode));
   201 	drawDevice->SetFadingParameters(iFadeBlackMap,iFadeWhiteMap);
   202 	drawDevice->SetUserDisplayMode(iUserDisplayMode);
   203 	}
   205 void CFbsBitGc::CheckDevice() const
   206 	{
   207 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDevice,EBitgdiPanicNoDevicePresent);
   208 	}
   210 TBool CFbsBitGc::CheckDevice(const TRect& aRect) const
   211 	{
   212 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDevice,EBitgdiPanicNoDevicePresent);
   214 	return aRect.IsEmpty();
   215 	}
   217 /** Externalizes an object of this class to a write stream.
   218 It is important that the brush bitmap of the GC is maintained between calls
   219 to externalize and internalize.  The brush bitmap handle is externalized,
   220 not the bitmap data.  This is done for performance.
   222 @param aWriteStream Stream to which the object should be externalized.
   223 @internalAll */
   224 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream)
   225 	{
   226 	aWriteStream << KFbsBitGc_VerNo;
   227 	TInt bitmapHandle=iBrushBitmap.Handle();
   228 	aWriteStream.WriteInt32L(bitmapHandle);
   229 	iBrushColor.ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
   230 	aWriteStream.WriteInt8L(iBrushUsed);
   231 	aWriteStream << iBrushOrigin;
   232 	aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iBrushStyle);
   233 	aWriteStream << iDitherOrigin;
   234 	aWriteStream << iUserClipRect;
   235 	aWriteStream << iDrawnTo;
   236 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iDotLength);
   237 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iDotMask);
   238 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iDotParam);
   239 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iDotDirection); 
   240 	aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iDrawMode); 
   241 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iCharJustExcess);
   242 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iCharJustNum);
   243 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iWordJustExcess);
   244 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iWordJustNum);
   245 	aWriteStream << iLastPrintPosition;
   246 	aWriteStream << iLinePosition;
   247 	aWriteStream << iOrigin; 
   248 	iPenColor.ExternalizeL(aWriteStream); 
   249 	aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iPenStyle);   
   250 	aWriteStream << iPenSize;
   251 	aWriteStream << iShadowMode;
   252 	aWriteStream << iAutoUpdateJustification;
   253 	aWriteStream << iFadeBlackMap;
   254 	aWriteStream << iFadeWhiteMap;
   255 	aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iStrikethrough); 
   256 	aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iUnderline);
   258 	const TFontSpec fontSpec=iFont.FontSpecInTwips();
   259 	fontSpec.ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
   261 	aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iUserDisplayMode);
   262 	iFbsBitGcExtraData->ShadowColor().ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
   263 	}
   265 /** Internalizes an object of this class from a read stream.
   266 It is important that the brush bitmap of the GC is maintained between calls
   267 to externalize and internalize.  The brush bitmap handle is internalized,
   268 not the bitmap data.
   270 @param aReadStream Stream from which the object is to be internalized.
   271 @internalAll */
   272 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aReadStream)
   273 	{
   274 	TUint16 archiveVerNo = 0;
   275 	aReadStream >> archiveVerNo;
   276 	TInt bitmapHandle=aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
   277 	if (bitmapHandle)
   278 		{
   279 		UseBrushPattern(bitmapHandle);
   280 		}
   281 	iBrushColor.InternalizeL(aReadStream);
   282 	iBrushUsed=aReadStream.ReadInt8L();
   283 	aReadStream >> iBrushOrigin;
   284 	iBrushStyle=(TBrushStyle)aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
   285 	aReadStream >> iDitherOrigin;
   286 	aReadStream >> iUserClipRect;
   287 	aReadStream >> iDrawnTo;
   288 	iDotLength=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
   289 	iDotMask=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
   290 	iDotParam=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
   291 	iDotDirection=aReadStream.ReadUint32L(); 
   292 	iDrawMode=(TDrawMode)aReadStream.ReadUint8L(); 
   293 	iCharJustExcess=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
   294 	iCharJustNum=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
   295 	iWordJustExcess=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
   296 	iWordJustNum=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
   297 	aReadStream >> iLastPrintPosition;
   298 	aReadStream >> iLinePosition;
   299 	aReadStream >> iOrigin; 
   300 	iPenColor.InternalizeL(aReadStream); 
   301 	iPenStyle=(TPenStyle)aReadStream.ReadUint8L();   
   302 	aReadStream >> iPenSize;
   303 	SetPenSize(iPenSize);
   304 	aReadStream >> iShadowMode;
   305 	aReadStream >> iAutoUpdateJustification;
   306 	aReadStream >> iFadeBlackMap;
   307 	aReadStream >> iFadeWhiteMap;
   308 	iStrikethrough=(TFontStrikethrough)aReadStream.ReadUint8L(); 
   309 	iUnderline=(TFontUnderline)aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
   310 	TFontSpec fontSpec;
   311 	fontSpec.InternalizeL(aReadStream);
   312 	if (fontSpec.iHeight != 0)
   313 		{
   314 		CFbsFont* font = NULL;
   315 		User::LeaveIfError(iDevice->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(font,fontSpec));
   316 		TInt err = iFont.Duplicate(font->Handle());
   317 		iDevice->ReleaseFont(font);
   318 		User::LeaveIfError(err);
   319 		UseFont(iFont.Handle());
   320 		}
   321 	iUserDisplayMode=(TDisplayMode)aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
   322 	if(archiveVerNo < EFbsBitGc_Ver02)  //Without shadowcolor
   323 		{
   324 		//Initialize it with the default value
   325 		iFbsBitGcExtraData->SetShadowColor(KDefaultShadowColor);
   326 		}
   327 	else  //With shadowcolor
   328 		{
   329 		TRgb shadowColor;
   330 		shadowColor.InternalizeL(aReadStream);
   331 		iFbsBitGcExtraData->SetShadowColor(shadowColor);	
   332 		}
   333 	}
   335 /** Copies all settings from the specified bitmap graphics context.
   336 @param aGc The bitmap graphics context whose settings are to be copied. */
   337 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::CopySettings(const CFbsBitGc& aGc)
   338 	{
   339 	iBrushColor = aGc.iBrushColor;
   340 	iBrushUsed = aGc.iBrushUsed;
   341 	iBrushOrigin = aGc.iBrushOrigin;
   342 	iBrushStyle = aGc.iBrushStyle;
   343 	iDefaultRegionPtr = aGc.iDefaultRegionPtr;
   344 	iDitherOrigin = aGc.iDitherOrigin;
   345 	iDotLength = aGc.iDotLength;
   346 	iDotMask = aGc.iDotMask;
   347 	iDotParam = aGc.iDotParam;
   348 	iDotDirection = aGc.iDotDirection;
   349 	iDrawMode = aGc.iDrawMode;
   350 	iCharJustExcess = aGc.iCharJustExcess;
   351 	iCharJustNum = aGc.iCharJustNum;
   352 	iWordJustExcess = aGc.iWordJustExcess;
   353 	iWordJustNum = aGc.iWordJustNum;
   354 	iLastPrintPosition = aGc.iLastPrintPosition;
   355 	iLinePosition = aGc.iLinePosition;
   356 	iOrigin = aGc.iOrigin;
   357 	iPenColor = aGc.iPenColor;
   358 	iPenStyle = aGc.iPenStyle;
   359 	SetPenSize(aGc.iPenSize);
   360 	iShadowMode = aGc.iShadowMode;
   361 	iStrikethrough = aGc.iStrikethrough;
   362 	iUnderline = aGc.iUnderline;
   363 	iUserDisplayMode = aGc.iUserDisplayMode;
   364 	if(aGc.iFont.Handle())
   365 		UseFont(aGc.iFont.Handle());
   366 	if(aGc.iBrushBitmap.Handle())
   367 		UseBrushPattern(aGc.iBrushBitmap.Handle());
   368 	iFbsBitGcExtraData->SetShadowColor(aGc.iFbsBitGcExtraData->ShadowColor());
   369 	}
   371 /** Gets a pointer to the graphics device for the graphics context.
   372 The graphics device is the device currently being drawn to. 
   373 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function 
   374 CGraphicsContext::Device(). The function behaviour is the same as documented 
   375 in that class. 
   376 @see CGraphicsContext::Device() */
   377 EXPORT_C CGraphicsDevice* CFbsBitGc::Device() const
   378 	{
   379 	return iDevice;
   380 	}
   382 /** Discards a non-built-in brush pattern.
   383 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function 
   384 CGraphicsContext::DiscardBrushPattern(). The function behaviour is the same 
   385 as documented in that class. 
   386 @see CGraphicsContext::DiscardBrushPattern() */
   387 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::DiscardBrushPattern()
   388 	{
   389 	iBrushBitmap.Reset();
   390 	iBrushUsed = EFalse;
   391 	if (iBrushStyle == EPatternedBrush)
   392 		iBrushStyle = ENullBrush;
   393 	}
   395 /** Discards a selected device font.
   396 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function 
   397 CGraphicsContext::DiscardFont(). The function behaviour is the same as documented 
   398 in that class. 
   399 @see CGraphicsContext::DiscardFont() */
   400 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::DiscardFont()
   401 	{
   402 	iFont.Reset();
   403 	}
   405 /** Maps pixels in the specified rectangle.
   406 The function tries to match the colour of a pixel with one of the RGB values 
   407 in an array of RGB pairs. If there is a match, the colour is changed to the 
   408 value specified in the other RGB in the RGB pair.
   409 @param aRect The rectangle in which pixels are to be mapped.
   410 @param aColors A pointer to a set of RGB pairs. 
   411 @param aNumPairs The number of pairs 
   412 @param aMapForwards ETrue, mapping is done from the first RGB to the second 
   413 RGB in the pair; EFalse, mapping is done from the second RGB to the first 
   414 RGB in the pair. */
   415 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::MapColors(const TRect& aRect,
   416 								   const TRgb* aColors,
   417 								   TInt aNumPairs,
   418 								   TBool aMapForwards)
   419 	{
   420 	if (CheckDevice(aRect) || !aColors)
   421 		return;
   423 	TRect rcpy(aRect);
   424 	rcpy.Move(iOrigin);
   425 	AddRect(rcpy);
   426 	if (UserClipRect(rcpy))
   427 		return;
   429 	SetupDevice();
   430 	iDevice->DrawingBegin();
   432 	CFbsDrawDevice* drawDevice = iDevice->iDrawDevice;
   434 #if defined(_DEBUG)
   435 	TRect deviceRect;
   436 	drawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
   437 #endif
   439 	const TInt limit = iDefaultRegionPtr->Count();
   440 	for (TInt count = 0; count < limit; count++)
   441 		{
   442 		iClipRect = (*iDefaultRegionPtr)[count];
   443 		if (!iClipRect.Intersects(rcpy))
   444 			continue;
   446 		iClipRect.Intersection(rcpy);
   448 		BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iTl.iX >= deviceRect.iTl.iX, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
   449 		BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iTl.iY >= deviceRect.iTl.iY, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
   450 		BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iBr.iX <= deviceRect.iBr.iX, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
   451 		BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iBr.iY <= deviceRect.iBr.iY, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
   453 		drawDevice->MapColors(iClipRect,aColors,aNumPairs,aMapForwards);
   454 		drawDevice->UpdateRegion(iClipRect);
   455 		}
   457 	iDevice->DrawingEnd();
   458 	}
   460 /** Sets the internal drawing position relative to the co-ordinate origin.
   461 A subsequent call to DrawLineTo() or DrawLineBy() uses the new drawing point
   462 as the start point for the line drawn.The function provides a concrete
   463 implementation of the pure virtual function CGraphicsContext::MoveTo(). 
   464 The function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
   465 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::MoveTo(const TPoint& aPoint)
   466     {
   467 	iLinePosition = aPoint;
   468 	}
   470 /** Sets the drawing point relative to the current co-ordinates.
   471 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   472 function CGraphicsContext::MoveBy(). The function behaviour 
   473 is the same as documented in that class. */
   474 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::MoveBy(const TPoint& aVector)
   475    {
   476 	iLinePosition += aVector;
   477 	}
   479 /** Resets the graphics context to its default settings.
   480 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function 
   481 CGraphicsContext::Reset(). The function behaviour is the same as documented 
   482 in that class. 
   483 @see CGraphicsContext::Reset() */
   484 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::Reset()
   485 	{
   486 	iDefaultRegionPtr = &iDefaultRegion;
   487 	if (iDefaultRegion.Count() == 0)
   488 		iUserClipRect = TRect(0,0,0,0);
   489 	else
   490 		iUserClipRect = iDefaultRegion[0];
   491 	iLastPrintPosition.SetXY(0,0);
   492 	if(iFbsBitGcExtraData)
   493 		{
   494 		iFbsBitGcExtraData->Reset();	
   495 		}
   496 	iPenColor = KRgbBlack;
   497 	iPenStyle = ESolidPen;
   498 	iPenSize.SetSize(1,1);
   499 	iDrawMode = EDrawModePEN;
   500 	iFont.Reset();
   501 	iLinePosition.SetXY(0,0);
   502 	iOrigin.SetXY(0,0);
   503 	iBrushUsed = EFalse;
   504 	iBrushColor = KRgbWhite;
   505 	iBrushOrigin.SetXY(0,0);
   506 	iBrushStyle = ENullBrush;
   507 	iCharJustExcess = 0;
   508 	iCharJustNum = 0;
   509 	iWordJustExcess = 0;
   510 	iWordJustNum = 0;
   511 	iDitherOrigin.SetXY(0,0);
   512 	iDotLength = 0;
   513 	iDotMask = 0;
   514 	iDotParam = 0;
   515 	iDotDirection = 1;
   516 	iShadowMode = CFbsDrawDevice::ENoShadow;
   517 	iStrikethrough = EStrikethroughOff;
   518 	iUnderline = EUnderlineOff;
   519 	iUserDisplayMode = ENone;
   520 	}
   522 /** Needs to be called if the device is resized.
   523 This only applies to devices of type CFbsBitmapDevice. */
   524 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::Resized()
   525 	{
   526 	CheckDevice();
   528 	TRect deviceRect;
   529 	iDevice->iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
   530 	iUserClipRect = deviceRect;
   531 	iDefaultRegion.Clear();
   532 	iDefaultRegion.AddRect(deviceRect);
   533 	iDefaultRegionPtr = &iDefaultRegion;
   535 	if (deviceRect.Contains(iLastPrintPosition))
   536 		iLastPrintPosition.SetXY(0,0);
   537 	if (deviceRect.Contains(iLinePosition))
   538 		iLinePosition.SetXY(0,0);
   539 	if (deviceRect.Contains(iOrigin))
   540 		iOrigin.SetXY(0,0);
   541 	if (deviceRect.Contains(iBrushOrigin))
   542 		iBrushOrigin.SetXY(0,0);
   543 	}
   545 /**Returns current setting of brush color.
   546 @internalAll*/ 
   547 EXPORT_C TRgb CFbsBitGc::BrushColor()
   548 	{
   549 	return iBrushColor; 
   550 	}
   552 /** Sets the brush pattern origin.
   553 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   554 function CGraphicsContext::SetBrushOrigin(). The function
   555 behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
   556 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetBrushOrigin(const TPoint& origin)
   557     {
   558 	iBrushOrigin = origin;
   559 	}
   561 /**Sets the brush colour.
   562 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   563 function CGraphicsContext::SetBrushColor(). The function
   564 behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */ 
   565 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetBrushColor(const TRgb& aColor)
   566     {
   567 	iBrushColor = aColor;
   568 	}
   570 /** Sets the brush style.
   571 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   572 function CGraphicsContext::SetBrushStyle(). The function
   573 behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
   574 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetBrushStyle(TBrushStyle aStyle)
   575 {
   576 	iBrushStyle = aStyle;
   577 	}
   580 /** Sets the dither origin.
   581 This is only useful for modes that do dithering. If the display is scrolled 
   582 an odd number of pixels then the (2x2) dither pattern will not match up for 
   583 new drawing unless this is called.
   584 @param aPoint The dither origin. */
   585 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetDitherOrigin(const TPoint& aPoint)
   586 	{
   587 	iDitherOrigin = iOrigin + aPoint;
   588 	}
   590 /** Sets the character justification.
   591 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   592 function CGraphicsContext::SetCharJustification(). The
   593 function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
   594 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetCharJustification(TInt aExcessWidth,TInt aNumChars)
   595    {
   596 	if (aExcessWidth == 0 || aNumChars <= 0)
   597 		{
   598 		iCharJustExcess = 0;
   599 		iCharJustNum = 0;
   600 		}
   601 	else
   602 		{
   603 		iCharJustExcess = aExcessWidth;
   604 		iCharJustNum = aNumChars;
   605 		}
   606 	}
   608 /** Sets the clipping rectangle. 
   609 This function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function
   610 CGraphicsContext::SetClippingRect(). The function behaviour is the same as 
   611 documented in that class.  
   612 @see CGraphicsContext::SetClippingRect() */
   613 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetClippingRect(const TRect& aRect)
   614     {
   615 	CheckDevice();
   617 	TRect deviceRect;
   618 	iDevice->iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
   619 	iUserClipRect = deviceRect;
   620 	iUserClipRect.Intersection(TRect(aRect.iTl + iOrigin,aRect.iBr + iOrigin));
   621 	}
   623 /** Cancels clipping rectangle and region. */
   624 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::CancelClipping()
   625 	{
   626 	CancelClippingRect();
   627 	CancelClippingRegion();
   628 	}
   630 /** Cancels any clipping rectangle.
   631 Clipping reverts to the full device area, the default.
   632 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function 
   633 CGraphicsContext::CancelClippingRect(). The function behaviour is the same 
   634 as documented in that class. 
   635 @see CGraphicsContext::CancelClippingRect() */
   636 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::CancelClippingRect()
   637 	{
   638 	if (iDefaultRegion.Count() == 0)
   639 		iUserClipRect = TRect(0,0,0,0);
   640 	else
   641 		iUserClipRect = iDefaultRegion[0];
   642 	}
   644 /** Cancels the clipping region. */
   645 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::CancelClippingRegion()
   646 	{
   647 	iDefaultRegionPtr = &iDefaultRegion;
   648 	}
   650 /** Sets the word justification.
   651 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   652 function CGraphicsContext::SetWordJustification(). The
   653 function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
   654 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetWordJustification(TInt aExcessWidth,TInt aNumGaps)
   655    {
   656 	if (aExcessWidth <= 0 || aNumGaps <= 0)
   657 		{
   658 		iWordJustExcess = 0;
   659 		iWordJustNum = 0;
   660 		}
   661 	else
   662 		{
   663 		iWordJustExcess = aExcessWidth;
   664 		iWordJustNum = aNumGaps;
   665 		}
   666 	}
   668 /** Sets a clipping region by storing a pointer to the TRegion parameter.
   669 This function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   670 function CGraphicsContext::SetClippingRegion(). The function behaviour is the 
   671 same as documented in that class.
   672 @panic BITGDI 10 if aRegion is invalid or if aRegion is not contained by the 
   673 device area. */
   674 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetClippingRegion(const TRegion* aRegion)
   675 	{
   676 	if (!aRegion)
   677 		{
   678 		iDefaultRegionPtr = &iDefaultRegion;
   679 		return;
   680 		}
   682 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(!aRegion->CheckError(),EBitgdiPanicInvalidRegion);
   683 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRegion->IsContainedBy(iDefaultRegion.BoundingRect()),EBitgdiPanicInvalidRegion);
   685 	iDefaultRegionPtr = aRegion;
   686 	}
   688 /** Sets a clipping region by storing a copy of the TRegion parameter.
   689 @param aRegion The clipping region to be stored and used. aRegion must be valid and bounded withing the iDefaultRegion.
   690 @return KErrNone if successful; KErrArgument if aRegion is invalid, KErrMemory if the region could not be allocated.
   691 @see CGraphicsContext::SetClippingRegion().
   692 */
   693 EXPORT_C TInt CFbsBitGc::SetClippingRegion(const TRegion& aRegion)
   694 	{
   695 		if (aRegion.CheckError() || !aRegion.IsContainedBy(iDefaultRegion.BoundingRect()))
   696 			return KErrArgument;
   698 		iClippingRegion.Copy(aRegion);
   699 		if (iClippingRegion.CheckError())		
   700 			return KErrNoMemory;
   702 		iDefaultRegionPtr = &iClippingRegion;
   704 		return KErrNone;
   705 	}
   707 /** Sets the drawing mode.
   708 This affects the colour that is actually drawn, because it defines the way 
   709 that the current screen colour logically combines with the current pen colour 
   710 and brush colour.
   711 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function 
   712 CGraphicsContext::SetDrawMode(). The function behaviour is the same as documented 
   713 in that class. 
   714 @see CGraphicsContext::SetDrawMode() */
   715 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode)
   716 	{
   717 	iDrawMode = aDrawMode;
   718 	}
   720 /**Returns current setting of pen color.
   721 @internalAll*/ 
   722 EXPORT_C TRgb CFbsBitGc::PenColor()
   723 	{
   724 	return iPenColor; 
   725 	}
   727 /** Sets the position of the co-ordinate origin.
   728 All subsequent drawing operations are then done relative to this
   729 origin.The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure
   730 virtual function CGraphicsContext::SetOrigin(). The
   731 function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
   732 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetOrigin(const TPoint& aPoint)
   733 {
   734 	iDitherOrigin -= iOrigin;
   735 	iOrigin = aPoint;
   736 	iDitherOrigin += iOrigin;
   737 	}
   739 /** Sets the pen colour.
   740 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   741 function CGraphicsContext::SetPenColor(). The function
   742 behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
   743 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetPenColor(const TRgb& aColor)
   744     {
   745 	iPenColor = aColor;
   746 	}
   749 /** Sets the line drawing style for the pen. 
   750 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function 
   751 CGraphicsContext::SetPenStyle(). The function behaviour is the same as documented 
   752 in that class. 
   753 @see CGraphicsContext::SetPenStyle() */
   754 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetPenStyle(TPenStyle aStyle)
   755 	{
   756 	iPenStyle = aStyle;
   758 	switch(iPenStyle)
   759 		{
   760 	case ENullPen:
   761 		iDotMask=0;
   762 		iDotLength=0;
   763 		break;
   764 	case EDottedPen:
   765 		iDotMask=1;
   766 		iDotLength=4;
   767 		break;
   768 	case EDashedPen:
   769 		iDotMask=7;
   770 		iDotLength=6;
   771 		break;
   772 	case EDotDashPen:
   773 		iDotMask=113;
   774 		iDotLength=10;
   775 		break;
   776 	case EDotDotDashPen:
   777 		iDotMask=1809;
   778 		iDotLength=14;
   779 		break;
   780 	default:
   781 		iDotMask=1;
   782 		iDotLength=1;
   783 		break;
   784 		};
   786 	iDotParam=0;
   787 	}
   789 /** Sets the line drawing size for the pen.
   790 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   791 function CGraphicsContext::SetPenSize(). The function
   792 behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */ 
   793 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetPenSize(const TSize& aSize)
   794     {
   795 	iPenSize.SetSize(Abs(aSize.iWidth),Abs(aSize.iHeight));
   797 	const TSize maxsize = iDevice->iDrawDevice->SizeInPixels();
   799 	iPenSize.iWidth = Min(iPenSize.iWidth,maxsize.iWidth << 1);
   800 	iPenSize.iHeight = Min(iPenSize.iHeight,maxsize.iHeight << 1);
   802 	if (iPenSize.iWidth || iPenSize.iHeight)
   803 		PenAllocate();
   804 	else
   805 		{
   806 		iFbsBitGcExtraData->ResetPenArray();
   807 		}
   809 	iDotParam = 0;
   810 	}
   812 /** Simulates another graphics mode.
   813 Some devices running in some modes can simulate other modes (EGray16 will 
   814 do EGray4 and EGray2, EGray4 will do EGray2).
   815 @param aDisplayMode The display mode to be set. */
   816 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetUserDisplayMode(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode)
   817 	{
   818 	if(aDisplayMode==iDevice->DisplayMode())
   819 		aDisplayMode = ENone;
   820 	iUserDisplayMode = aDisplayMode;
   821 	}
   823 /** Sets the underline style for all subsequently drawn text.
   824 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   825 function CGraphicsContext::SetUnderlineStyle(). The
   826 function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
   827 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetUnderlineStyle(TFontUnderline aUnderlineStyle)
   828     {
   829 	iUnderline = aUnderlineStyle;
   830 	}
   832 /** Sets the strikethrough style for all subsequently drawn text.
   833 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   834 function CGraphicsContext::SetStrikethroughStyle(). The
   835 function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
   836 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetStrikethroughStyle(TFontStrikethrough aStrikethroughStyle)
   837     {
   838 	iStrikethrough = aStrikethroughStyle;
   839 	}
   841 /** Sets the shadow mode on or off.
   842 @param aShadowMode ETrue, shadow mode is on; EFalse, shadow mode is off. EFalse 
   843 is the default. */
   844 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetShadowMode(TBool aShadowMode)
   845 	{
   846 	if (aShadowMode)
   847 		iShadowMode |= CFbsDrawDevice::EShadow;
   848 	else
   849 		iShadowMode &= ~CFbsDrawDevice::EShadow;
   850 	}
   852 /** Sets whether the graphics context is faded.
   853 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   854 function CBitmapContext::SetFaded(). The function
   855 behaviour is the same as documented in that class.
   856 */
   857 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetFaded(TBool aFadeMode)
   858     {
   859 	if (aFadeMode)
   860 		iShadowMode |= CFbsDrawDevice::EFade;
   861 	else
   862 		iShadowMode &= ~CFbsDrawDevice::EFade;
   863 	}
   865 /** Set fading parameters.
   866 The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
   867 function CBitmapContext::SetFadingParameters(). The
   868 function behaviour is the same as documented in that class.
   869 */
   870 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetFadingParameters(TUint8 aBlackMap,TUint8 aWhiteMap)
   871     {
   872 	iFadeBlackMap = aBlackMap;
   873 	iFadeWhiteMap = aWhiteMap;
   874 	}
   876 /** Gets the orientations supported.
   877 @param aOrientation[4] An array of four TBool values. Each entry in this 
   878 array corresponds to successive values of the TGraphicsOrientation enum.
   879 If the first array entry has an EFrue value, then the normal orientation
   880 is supported; if the second entry array has an ETrue value, 
   881 then a 90 degree orientation is supported etc. */	
   882 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::OrientationsAvailable(TBool aOrientation[4])
   883     {
   884 	if (iDevice)
   885 		{
   886 		iDevice->iDrawDevice->OrientationsAvailable(aOrientation);
   887 		}
   888 	else
   889 		{
   890 		aOrientation[EGraphicsOrientationNormal] = EFalse;
   891 		aOrientation[EGraphicsOrientationRotated90] = EFalse;
   892 		aOrientation[EGraphicsOrientationRotated180] = EFalse;
   893 		aOrientation[EGraphicsOrientationRotated270] = EFalse;
   894 		}
   895 	}
   897 /** Sets the orientation.
   898 @param aOrientation The required orientation
   899 @return ETrue, if the requested orientation is supported; EFalse, otherwise. */
   900 EXPORT_C TBool CFbsBitGc::SetOrientation(TGraphicsOrientation aOrientation)
   901 	{
   902 	if (!iDevice)
   903 		return EFalse;
   905 	TBool ret = iDevice->SetOrientation(aOrientation);
   906 	if(ret)
   907 		{
   908 		TRect deviceRect;
   909 		iDevice->iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
   910 		iDefaultRegion.Clear();
   911 		iDefaultRegion.AddRect(deviceRect);
   912 		iUserClipRect = deviceRect;
   913 		iDrawnTo.SetRect(0,0,0,0);
   914 		}
   916 	return ret;
   917 	}
   919 /** Sets the specified bitmap to be used as the brush pattern.
   920 @param aBitmap The bitmap.*/
   921 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UseBrushPattern(const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
   922 	{
   923 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aBitmap != NULL,EBitgdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
   925 	TInt brushResult = UseBrushPattern(((CFbsBitmap*)aBitmap)->Handle());
   926 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(brushResult == KErrNone,EBitgdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
   927 	}
   929 /** Sets the specified bitmap to be used as the brush pattern.
   930 @param aFbsBitmapHandle The handle number of the bitmap.
   931 @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise another of the other system wide 
   932 error codes. */
   933 EXPORT_C TInt CFbsBitGc::UseBrushPattern(TInt aFbsBitmapHandle)
   934 	{
   935 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFbsBitmapHandle,EBitgdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
   937 	iBrushUsed = ETrue;
   938 	if (iBrushBitmap.Handle() == aFbsBitmapHandle)
   939 		return KErrNone;
   941 	TInt ret = iBrushBitmap.Duplicate(aFbsBitmapHandle);
   942 	if (ret != KErrNone)
   943 		iBrushUsed = EFalse;
   945 	return ret;
   946 	}
   948 /** Selects the device font, identified by handle number, to be used for text drawing.
   949 Notes:
   950 When the font is no longer required, use DiscardFont() to free up the memory 
   951 used. If UseFont() is used again without using DiscardFont() then the previous 
   952 font is discarded automatically.
   953 If no font has been selected, and an attempt is made to draw text with DrawText(), 
   954 then a panic occurs.
   955 @param aFontHandle A handle number for a device font. 
   956 @return The duplicate handle number for the device font.
   957 @see CFont */
   958 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UseFont(const CFont* aFont)
   959 	{
   960 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFont != NULL,EBitgdiPanicInvalidFont);
   961 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFont->TypeUid() == KCFbsFontUid,EBitgdiPanicInvalidFont);
   963 	TInt fontResult = UseFont(((CFbsBitGcFont*)aFont)->Handle());
   964 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(fontResult == KErrNone,EBitgdiPanicInvalidFont);
   965 	}
   967 /** Selects the device font, identified by handle, to be used for
   968 text drawing.
   969 Notes:When the font is no longer required, use DiscardFont() to free up the memory used.
   970 If UseFont() is used again without using DiscardFont() then the previous font is 
   971 discarded automatically.If no font has been selected, and an attempt is made to
   972 draw text with DrawText(), then a panic occurs.
   973 @param aFbsFontHandle A handle for a device font.
   974 @return  The result of CFbsFont::Duplicate(). */
   975 EXPORT_C TInt CFbsBitGc::UseFont(TInt aFbsFontHandle)
   976    {
   977 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFbsFontHandle,EBitgdiPanicInvalidFont);
   979 	if (iFont.Handle() == aFbsFontHandle)
   980 		return KErrNone;
   982 	return iFont.Duplicate(aFbsFontHandle);
   983 	}
   985 /** Selects a device font for text drawing but does not take a copy. 
   986 The original must not be destroyed until UseFont(), UseFontNoDuplicate(), 
   987 DiscardFont() or the destructor is called.
   988 @param aFont A pointer to the font to be used. */
   989 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UseFontNoDuplicate(const CFbsBitGcFont* aFont)
   990 	{
   991 	DiscardFont();
   993 	BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFont->TypeUid() == KCFbsFontUid,EBitgdiPanicInvalidFont);
   995 	if (aFont->Handle() == NULL)
   996 		return;
   998 	iFont = *aFont;
   999 	}
  1001 /** Tests whether a brush pattern is being used.
  1002 @return ETrue, if a brush pattern is being used; EFalse, otherwise. */
  1003 EXPORT_C TBool CFbsBitGc::IsBrushPatternUsed() const
  1004 	{
  1005 	return iBrushUsed;
  1006 	}
  1008 /** Tests whether a font is used.
  1009 @return ETrue, if a font is being used; EFalse, otherwise. */
  1010 EXPORT_C TBool CFbsBitGc::IsFontUsed() const
  1011 	{
  1012 	if (iFont.Handle())
  1013 		return ETrue;
  1015 	return EFalse;
  1016 	}
  1018 TBool CFbsBitGc::UserClipRect(TRect& aRect)
  1019 	{
  1020 	if (!aRect.Intersects(iUserClipRect))
  1021 		return ETrue;
  1023 	aRect.Intersection(iUserClipRect);
  1025 	return EFalse;
  1026 	}
  1028 /** Fetches the bounding rectangle of all drawing done since this function was last 
  1029 called.
  1030 @param aRect The bounding rectangle. */
  1031 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::RectDrawnTo(TRect& aRect)
  1032 	{
  1033 	aRect = iDrawnTo;
  1034 	iDrawnTo.SetRect(0,0,0,0);
  1035 	}
  1037 /** Updates the justification settings.
  1038 This function assumes that ActivateNoJustAutoUpdate() has been used.
  1039 @param aText The text for which justification is to be adjusted. */
  1040 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UpdateJustification(const TDesC& aText)
  1041 	{
  1042 	TTextParameters* param = NULL;
  1043 	UpdateJustification(aText,param);
  1044 	}
  1046 /** Updates the justification for vertical text.
  1047 @param aText The text for which justification is to be adjusted.
  1048 @param aUp ETrue, if text is to be justified upwards;EFalse, if text is to 
  1049 be justified downwards. */
  1050 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UpdateJustificationVertical(const TDesC& aText, TBool aUp)
  1051 	{
  1052 	TTextParameters* param = NULL;
  1053 	UpdateJustificationVertical(aText,param,aUp);
  1054 	}
  1056 /** Updates the justification settings.
  1057 This function assumes that ActivateNoJustAutoUpdate() has been used.
  1058 @param aText The text for which justification is to be adjusted. */
  1059 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UpdateJustification(const TDesC& aText,const TTextParameters* aParam)
  1060 	{
  1061 	if ((iCharJustNum < 1 || iCharJustExcess == 0) && (iWordJustNum < 1 || iWordJustExcess < 1))
  1062 		return;
  1064 	TInt length = aText.Length();
  1065 	CFont::TPositionParam param;
  1066 	param.iText.Set(aText);		// Set the start of the string
  1067 	if (aParam)
  1068 		{
  1069 		length = aParam->iEnd;
  1070 		param.iPosInText = aParam->iStart;
  1071 		}
  1072 	TInt excess = 0;
  1073 	TInt glyphs = 0;
  1074 	RShapeInfo shapeInfo;
  1075 	for (TInt count = 0; count < length; count++)
  1076 		{
  1077 		if (iCharJustNum > 0 && iCharJustExcess != 0)
  1078 			excess += CGraphicsContext::JustificationInPixels(iCharJustExcess, iCharJustNum);
  1079 		if (iWordJustNum > 0 && iWordJustExcess > 0 && aText[count] == ' ')
  1080 			excess += CGraphicsContext::JustificationInPixels(iWordJustExcess, iWordJustNum);
  1082 		if (iCharJustNum < glyphs + length - count)	// there's at least 1 combined glyph to come
  1083 			{
  1084 			// otherwise we can skip this slow bit and just increment
  1085 			if (iFont.GetCharacterPosition2(param, shapeInfo))
  1086 				count = param.iPosInText - 1;	// -1 'cos it gets incremented anyway
  1087 			}
  1088 		glyphs++;
  1089 		}
  1090 	if(shapeInfo.IsOpen())
  1091 			shapeInfo.Close();
  1093 	iLastPrintPosition.iX += excess;
  1094 	}
  1096 /** Updates the justification for vertical text.
  1097 @param aText The text for which justification is to be adjusted.
  1098 @param aUp ETrue, if text is to be justified upwards;EFalse, if text is to 
  1099 be justified downwards. */
  1100 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UpdateJustificationVertical(const TDesC& aText,const TTextParameters* aParam,TBool aUp)
  1101 	{
  1102 	if ((iCharJustNum < 1 || iCharJustExcess == 0) && (iWordJustNum < 1 || iWordJustExcess < 1))
  1103 		return;
  1105 	TInt length = aText.Length();
  1106 	CFont::TPositionParam param;
  1107 	param.iText.Set(aText);		// Set the start of the string
  1108 	if (aParam)
  1109 		{
  1110 		length = aParam->iEnd;
  1111 		param.iPosInText = aParam->iStart;
  1112 		}
  1113 	TInt excess=0;
  1114 	TInt glyphs = 0;
  1115 	RShapeInfo shapeInfo;
  1116 	for (TInt count = 0; count < length; count++)
  1117 		{
  1118 		if (iCharJustNum > 0 && iCharJustExcess != 0)
  1119 			excess += CGraphicsContext::JustificationInPixels(iCharJustExcess, iCharJustNum);
  1120 		if (iWordJustNum > 0 && iWordJustExcess > 0 && aText[count] == ' ')
  1121 			excess += CGraphicsContext::JustificationInPixels(iWordJustExcess, iWordJustNum);
  1122 		if (iCharJustNum < glyphs + length - count)	// there's at least 1 combined glyph to come
  1123 			{
  1124 			// otherwise we can skip this slow bit and just increment
  1125 			if (iFont.GetCharacterPosition2(param, shapeInfo))
  1126 				count = param.iPosInText - 1;	// -1 'cos it gets incremented anyway
  1127 			}
  1128 		glyphs++;
  1129 		}
  1130 	if (shapeInfo.IsOpen())
  1131 		shapeInfo.Close();
  1133 	if (aUp)
  1134 		iLastPrintPosition.iY -= excess;
  1135 	else
  1136 		iLastPrintPosition.iY += excess;
  1137 	}
  1138 void CFbsBitGc::AddRect(const TRect& aRect)
  1139 	{
  1140 	if (iDrawnTo.IsEmpty())
  1141 		iDrawnTo = aRect;
  1142 	else if (!aRect.IsEmpty())
  1143 		iDrawnTo.BoundingRect(aRect);
  1144 	}
  1146 CFbsBitGcExtraData::CFbsBitGcExtraData()
  1147 	{
  1148 	iShadowColor = KDefaultShadowColor;	//default shadow color
  1149 	}
  1151 CFbsBitGcExtraData::~CFbsBitGcExtraData()
  1152 	{
  1153 	delete[] iPenArray;
  1154 	}
  1156 void CFbsBitGcExtraData::Reset()
  1157 	{
  1158 	SetShadowColor(KDefaultShadowColor);
  1159 	ResetPenArray();
  1160 	}
  1162 #define ORIENTATION_TO_CAP(orientation)	(1 << (TInt)orientation)
  1164 CGraphicsAccelerator* CFbsBitGc::GraphicsAccelerator()
  1165 	{
  1166 	CGraphicsAccelerator* ga = iDevice->GraphicsAccelerator();
  1167 	if(!ga)
  1168 		return NULL;
  1170 	const TGraphicsAcceleratorCaps* caps = ga->Capabilities();
  1171  	//iReserved[0] specifies the supported rendering orientations. 
  1172  	//Existing variable name is used to avoid SC break since it is an array.
  1173  	const TUint orientationCaps = caps->iReserved[0]; 	
  1174  	const TGraphicsOrientation orientation = iDevice->Orientation();
  1175  	if(iDevice->iScreenDevice 
  1176  	&& ((orientationCaps == 0 && orientation !=EGraphicsOrientationNormal)
  1177  	|| ((ORIENTATION_TO_CAP(orientation) & orientationCaps) ==0)))
  1178 		return NULL;
  1180 	if(iUserDisplayMode!=ENone)
  1181 		return NULL;
  1183 	return ga;
  1184 	}
  1186 /** Replace target device but keep the current state
  1188 @param aDevice The target device
  1189 @internalComponent
  1190 */
  1191 EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::ChangeDevice(CFbsDevice* aDevice)
  1192 	{
  1193 	iDevice = aDevice;
  1194 	}