changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef __BMDRAW_H__
    17 #define __BMDRAW_H__
    19 #include <gdi.h>
    20 #include <bitdraw.h>
    21 #include "BitDrawScaling.h"
    22 #include "BitDrawOrigin.h"
    23 #include "BmAlphaBlend.h"
    24 #include "BitDrawOrientation.h"
    26 #ifdef __ARMCC__
    27 	#define FORCEINLINE __forceinline
    28 #else
    29 	#define FORCEINLINE inline
    30 #endif
    32 /**
    33 Outline colour index used to get percentage of outline colour to be used to get 
    34 the final colour from lookup table
    35 @internalComponent
    36 */
    37 const TInt KOutlineColorIndex = 0;
    39 /**
    40 Shadow colour index used to get percentage of shadow colour to be used to get 
    41 the final colour from lookup table
    42 @internalComponent
    43 */
    44 const TInt KShadowColorIndex = 1;
    46 /**
    47 Fill colour index used to get percentage of fill colour to be used to get 
    48 the final colour from lookup table
    49 @internalComponent
    50 */
    51 const TInt KFillColorIndex = 2;
    53 /**
    54 Background colour index used to get percentage of background colour to be used to get 
    55 the final colour from lookup table
    56 @internalComponent
    57 */
    58 const TInt KBackgroundColorIndex = 3;
    60 /**
    61 Lookup table used for outline and shadow fonts.
    62 @internalComponent
    63 */
    64 GLREF_D const TInt FourColorBlendLookup[256][4];
    66 TRgb AlphaBlend(TRgb aPrimary, TRgb aSecondary, TInt aAlphaValue);
    68  //Scaling settings. MScalingSettings interface operates with them.
    69 struct TScalingSettings
    70 	{
    71 	inline TScalingSettings() :
    72 		iFactorX(1),
    73 		iFactorY(1),
    74 		iDivisorX(1),
    75 		iDivisorY(1)
    76 		{
    77 		}
    78 	TInt iFactorX;
    79 	TInt iFactorY;
    80 	TInt iDivisorX;
    81 	TInt iDivisorY;
    82 	};
    84  // Drawing device origin. MDrawDeviceOrigin interface operates with it.
    85 typedef TPoint TOrigin;
    87 //This class is used as a template argument by CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon::SetPixels()
    88 //and CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon::SetPixels()
    89 //Each of its methods (EvalInc() and EvalDec()) has two arguments -
    90 //aAddr and aValue, and it is used to set *aAddr with aValue and to increment/decrement
    91 //respectively aAddr.
    92 template <class TPixelType> class TPixelSet
    93 	{
    94 public:
    95 	inline void EvalInc(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
    96 		{
    97 		*aAddr++ = aValue;
    98 		}
    99 	inline void EvalDec(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
   100 		{
   101 		*aAddr-- = aValue;
   102 		}
   103 	};
   105 //This class is used as a template argument by CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon::XORPixels().
   106 //and CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon::XORPixels()
   107 //Each of its methods (EvalInc() and EvalDec()) has two arguments -
   108 //aAddr and aValue, and it is used to XOR *aAddr with aValue and to increment/decrement
   109 //respectively aAddr.
   110 template <class TPixelType> class TPixelXor
   111 	{
   112 public:
   113 	inline void EvalInc(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
   114 		{
   115 		*aAddr++ ^= aValue;
   116 		}
   117 	inline void EvalDec(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
   118 		{
   119 		*aAddr-- ^= aValue;
   120 		}
   121 	};
   123 //This class is used as a template argument by CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon::ANDPixels().
   124 //and CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon::ANDPixels()
   125 //Each of its methods (EvalInc() and EvalDec()) has two arguments -
   126 //aAddr and aValue, and it is used to AND *aAddr with aValue and to increment/decrement
   127 //respectively aAddr.
   128 template <class TPixelType> class TPixelAnd
   129 	{
   130 public:
   131 	inline void EvalInc(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
   132 		{
   133 		*aAddr++ &= aValue;
   134 		}
   135 	inline void EvalDec(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
   136 		{
   137 		*aAddr-- &= aValue;
   138 		}
   139 	};
   141 //This class is used as a template argument by CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon::ORPixels().
   142 //and CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon::ORPixels()
   143 //Each of its methods (EvalInc() and EvalDec()) has two arguments -
   144 //aAddr and aValue, and it is used to OR *aAddr with aValue and to increment/decrement
   145 //respectively aAddr.
   146 template <class TPixelType> class TPixelOr
   147 	{
   148 public:
   149 	inline void EvalInc(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
   150 		{
   151 		*aAddr++ |= aValue;
   152 		}
   153 	inline void EvalDec(TPixelType*& aAddr, TPixelType aValue) const
   154 		{
   155 		*aAddr-- |= aValue;
   156 		}
   157 	};
   159 //This template function should be used every time when a rectangle has to be drawn instead of
   160 //a single pixel in EColor256/EColor64K scaled device.
   161 //aPixelPtr - points to the pixel memory address, which contains top-left corner of the rectangle.
   162 //aValue - the pixel value - EColor256.
   163 //aPixelPtrRowLimit - the right end address of the scalline.
   164 //aBitsStart - beginning address of the pixel memory.
   165 //aBitsEnd - end address of the pixel memory.
   166 //aLongWidth - aligned scanline width in pixels.
   167 //aFx - X-axis scaling factor.
   168 //aFy - Y-axis scaling factor.
   169 //aOrientation - device's orientation.
   170 //aOp - the operation, which must be applied to every pixel from the rectangle - template parameter.
   171 template <class TPixelOp, class TPixelType>
   172 inline void FillScaledRect(TPixelType* aPixelPtr,
   173 						   const TPixelType aValue,
   174 						   const TPixelType* aPixelPtrRowLimit,
   175 						   const TPixelType* aBitsStart,
   176 						   const TPixelType* aBitsEnd,
   177 						   const TInt aLongWidth,
   178 						   TInt aFx,
   179 						   TInt aFy,
   180 						   const CFbsDrawDevice::TOrientation aOrientation,
   181 						   const TPixelOp& aOp)
   182 	{
   183 	if(aOrientation == CFbsDrawDevice::EOrientationNormal)
   184 		{
   185 		//for example: if aFx = 3 and aFy = 2 then
   186 		//the following pixel values have to be evaluated:
   187 		// (aPixelPtr), (aPixelPtr + 1),  (aPixelPtr + 2)
   188 		// (aPixelPtr + aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 1 + aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 2 + aLongWidth)
   189 		const TPixelType* nextStop = aPixelPtr + aFx;//the address of next scaled pixel value
   190 		if(nextStop > aPixelPtrRowLimit)
   191 			{//If the address is after the end of the current row, set it to the end of row.
   192 			nextStop = aPixelPtrRowLimit;
   193 			}
   194 		do  //Fill pixel rectangle [aFx,aFy]
   195 			{
   196 			while(aPixelPtr < nextStop)
   197 				{//Fill a row of up to aFx pixels.
   198 				aOp.EvalInc(aPixelPtr, aValue);
   199 				}
   200 			aPixelPtr += (aLongWidth - aFx);//Move aPixelPtr to the next row
   201 			if(aPixelPtr >= aBitsEnd)
   202 				{//If aPixelPtr points after the end of video memory - stop the operation!
   203 				break;
   204 				}
   205 			nextStop += aLongWidth;//Move nextPixelAddr to the next row
   206 			}
   207 		while(--aFy);
   208 		return;
   209 		}
   210 	if(aOrientation == CFbsDrawDevice::EOrientationRotated90)
   211 		{
   212 		//for example: if aFy = 3 and aFx = 2 then
   213 		//the following pixel values have to be evaluated:
   214 		// (aPixelPtr), (aPixelPtr - 1),
   215 		// (aPixelPtr + aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr - 1 + aLongWidth),
   216 		// (aPixelPtr + 2 * aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr - 1 + 2 * aLongWidth),
   217 		const TPixelType* pixelPtrPrevRowLimit = aPixelPtrRowLimit - aLongWidth;
   218 		const TPixelType* nextStop = aPixelPtr - aFx;//the address of next scaled pixel value
   219 		if(nextStop < pixelPtrPrevRowLimit)
   220 			{//If the address is before the beginning of the current row, set it to the beginning of row.
   221 			nextStop = pixelPtrPrevRowLimit;
   222 			}
   223 		do  //Fill pixel rectangle [aFx,aFy]
   224 			{
   225 			while(aPixelPtr > nextStop)
   226 				{//Fill a row of up to aFy pixels.
   227 				aOp.EvalDec(aPixelPtr, aValue);
   228 				}
   229 			aPixelPtr += (aLongWidth + aFx);//Move aPixelPtr to the next row
   230 			if(aPixelPtr >= aBitsEnd)
   231 				{//If aPixelPtr points after the end of video memory - stop the operation!
   232 				break;
   233 				}
   234 			nextStop += aLongWidth;//Move nextPixelAddr to the next row
   235 			}
   236 		while(--aFy);
   237 		return;
   238 		}
   239 	if(aOrientation == CFbsDrawDevice::EOrientationRotated180)
   240 		{
   241 		//for example: if aFx = 3 and aFy = 2 then
   242 		//the following pixel values have to be evaluated:
   243 		// (aPixelPtr), (aPixelPtr - 1),  (aPixelPtr - 2)
   244 		// (aPixelPtr - aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 1 - aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 2 - aLongWidth)
   245 		const TPixelType* pixelPtrPrevRowLimit = aPixelPtrRowLimit - aLongWidth;
   246 		const TPixelType* nextStop = aPixelPtr - aFx;//the address of next scaled pixel value
   247 		if(nextStop < pixelPtrPrevRowLimit)
   248 			{//If the address is before the beginning of the current row, set it to the beginning of row.
   249 			nextStop = pixelPtrPrevRowLimit;
   250 			}
   251 		do  //Fill pixel rectangle [aFx,aFy]
   252 			{
   253 			while(aPixelPtr > nextStop)
   254 				{//Fill a row of up to aFx pixels.
   255 				aOp.EvalDec(aPixelPtr, aValue);
   256 				}
   257 			aPixelPtr -= (aLongWidth - aFx);//Move aPixelPtr to the prev row
   258 			if(aPixelPtr < aBitsStart)
   259 				{//If aPixelPtr points before the beginning of video memory - stop the operation!
   260 				break;
   261 				}
   262 			nextStop -= aLongWidth;//Move nextPixelAddr to the prev row
   263 			}
   264 		while(--aFy);
   265 		return;
   266 		}
   267 	else //if(aOrientation == CFbsDrawDevice::EOrientationRotated270)
   268 		{
   269 		//for example: if aFy = 3 and aFx = 2 then
   270 		//the following pixel values have to be evaluated:
   271 		// (aPixelPtr), (aPixelPtr + 1)
   272 		// (aPixelPtr - aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 1 - aLongWidth)
   273 		// (aPixelPtr - 2 * aLongWidth), (aPixelPtr + 1 - 2 * aLongWidth)
   274 		const TPixelType* nextStop = aPixelPtr + aFx;//the address of next scaled pixel value
   275 		if(nextStop > aPixelPtrRowLimit)
   276 			{//If the address is after the end of the current row, set it to the end of row.
   277 			nextStop = aPixelPtrRowLimit;
   278 			}
   279 		do  //Fill pixel rectangle [aFx,aFy]
   280 			{
   281 			while(aPixelPtr < nextStop)
   282 				{//Fill a row of up to aFy pixels.
   283 				aOp.EvalInc(aPixelPtr, aValue);
   284 				}
   285 			aPixelPtr += (-aLongWidth - aFx);//Move aPixelPtr to the prev row
   286 			if(aPixelPtr < aBitsStart)
   287 				{//If aPixelPtr points befor the beginning of video memory - stop the operation!
   288 				break;
   289 				}
   290 			nextStop -= aLongWidth;//Move nextPixelAddr to the prev row
   291 			}
   292 		while(--aFy);
   293 		return;
   294 		}
   295 	}
   297 /**
   298 @publishedPartner
   299 */
   300 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawBitmap) : public CFbsDrawDevice,
   301                                  public MScalingSettings,
   302                                  public MDrawDeviceOrigin,
   303                                  public MAlphaBlend,
   304                                  public MOutlineAndShadowBlend,
   305                                  public MDrawDeviceOrientation,
   306 								 public MFastBlend
   307 	{
   308 public:
   309 	virtual ~CDrawBitmap();
   310 	// From CFbsDrawDevice
   311 	virtual TDisplayMode DisplayMode() const { return iDispMode; }
   312 	virtual TInt LongWidth() const;
   313 	virtual void MapColors(const TRect& aRect,const TRgb* aColors,TInt aNumPairs,TBool aMapForwards);
   314 	virtual TRgb ReadPixel(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   315 	virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer,TDisplayMode aDispMode) const;
   316 	virtual TUint32* ScanLineBuffer() const;
   317 	virtual TInt ScanLineBytes() const;
   318 	virtual TDisplayMode ScanLineDisplayMode() const { return iDispMode; }
   319 	virtual TSize SizeInPixels() const;
   320 	virtual TInt HorzTwipsPerThousandPixels() const { return 0; }
   321 	virtual TInt VertTwipsPerThousandPixels() const { return 0; }
   322 	virtual void OrientationsAvailable(TBool aOrientation[4]);
   323 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   324 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   325 	virtual void WriteBinaryLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   326 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode,TBool aUp);
   327 	virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer ,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode);
   328 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode);
   329 	virtual void SetBits(TAny* aBits);
   330 	virtual void SetDitherOrigin(const TPoint& aPoint);
   331 	virtual void SetShadowMode(TShadowMode aShadowMode) { iShadowMode = aShadowMode; }
   332 	virtual void SetFadingParameters(TUint8 aBlackMap,TUint8 aWhiteMap);
   333 	virtual void SetUserDisplayMode(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode) { iUserDispMode = aDisplayMode; }
   334 	virtual TBool SetOrientation(TOrientation aOrientation);
   335 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,
   336                                    TUint8* aRgbBuffer, TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
   337                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   338 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,
   339 								const TUint8* aRgbBuffer1,
   340 								const TUint8* aBuffer2,
   341 								const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
   342 								CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   343 	virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface);
   344 	virtual void GetDrawRect(TRect& aDrawRect) const;
   345 	virtual void SwapWidthAndHeight();
   346 	// From MScalingSettings
   347 	virtual TInt Set(TInt aFactorX, TInt aFactorY, TInt aDivisorX, TInt aDivisorY);
   348 	virtual void Get(TInt& aFactorX, TInt& aFactorY, TInt& aDivisorX, TInt& aDivisorY);
   349 	virtual TBool IsScalingOff();
   350 	// From MDrawDeviceOrigin
   351 	virtual TInt Set(const TPoint& aOrigin);
   352 	virtual void Get(TPoint& aOrigin);
   353 	// From MDrawDeviceOrientation
   354 	virtual CFbsDrawDevice::TOrientation Orientation();	
   355 	// From MFastBlend
   356 	virtual TInt FastBlendBitmap(const TPoint& aDest,CFbsDrawDevice* aSrcDrawDevice, const TRect& aSrcRect, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode);
   357 	virtual TInt FastBlendBitmap(const TPoint& aDest,const TUint32* aSrcBase, TInt aSrcStride, const TSize& aSrcSize, const TRect& aSrcRect, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode);
   358 	virtual TInt FastBlendBitmapMasked(const TPoint& aDest, const TUint32* aSrcBase, TInt aSrcStride,
   359 							const TSize& aSrcSize, const TRect& aSrcRect, TDisplayMode aSrcDisplayMode,
   360 							const TUint32* aMaskBase, TInt aMaskStride, TDisplayMode aMaskDisplayMode, const TSize &aMaskSize,const TPoint &aMaskSrcPos,TBool aInvertMask,
   361 							CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode);
   362 	virtual TInt FastBlendBitmapScaled(const TRect &aClipRect, const TRect& aDest, const TRect& aSrcRect, const TUint32 *aSrcBase, TInt aSrcLinePitch, TDisplayMode aSrcDisplayMode, const TSize &aSrcSize, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode);
   363 	virtual TInt FastBlendBitmapMaskedScaled(const TRect &aClipRect, const TRect& aDest,
   364 							const TRect& aSrcRect, const TUint32 *aSrcBase, TInt aSrcLinePitch,
   365 							TDisplayMode aSrcDisplayMode, const TSize &aSrcSize,
   366 							const TUint32* aMaskBase, TInt aMaskStride, TDisplayMode aMaskDisplayMode, const TSize &aMaskSize,TBool aInvertMask,
   367 							CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode);
   368 protected:
   369 	CDrawBitmap();
   370 	static TInt BitsPerPixel(TDisplayMode aDispMode);
   371 	void Clear();
   372 	void CopyOldSettings(CFbsDrawDevice* aDrawDevice);
   373 	void DeOrientate(TInt& aX,TInt& aY) const;
   374 	TPoint DeOrientate(const TPoint& aPoint) const;
   375 	TRect DeOrientate(const TRect& aRect) const;
   376 	virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor) = 0;
   377 	TRgb FadeRgb(TRgb aColor);
   378 	TUint32 FadeRgb(TUint32 aColor);
   379 	void FadeRgb(TInt& aRed, TInt& aGreen, TInt& aBlue);
   380 	TUint8 FadeGray(TInt aGray256);
   381 	TUint32 Hash(TUint32 aValue,TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   382 	TUint32 PasteInt(TUint32 aFirst,TUint32 aSecond,TInt aOffset) const;
   383 	static TAny* CopyOffset(TAny* aDestination,const TAny* aSource,TInt aWordsToCopy,TInt aSourceBitOffset);
   384 	static void ReadLineCommon(TUint32* aPixelPtr,TUint32* aBufferPtr,TInt aWordsCnt,TInt aRestPixels,TInt aBytesCnt,TInt aStartDiffBits);
   385 	virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
   386 	// Scaling related
   387 	TBool CanBeScaled() const;
   388 	TInt PixelAddressIncrement() const;
   389 	TInt LogicalPixelAddressIncrement() const;
   390 	void SetPixelInc(TInt& aPixelInc, TInt& aRowInc) const;
   391 	void IncScaledY(TInt& aY) const;
   392 	void IncScaledY(TInt& aY, TInt aYOrg) const;
   393 	//Generic set pixels operations, has to be defined here to make it compiled in VC++6.0
   394 	template <class TPixelType>
   395 	void SetPixels(TPixelType* aPixelPtr, TPixelType aValue, const TPixelType* aPixelPtrRowLimit,
   396 				   const TPixelType* aBitsStart, const TPixelType* aBitsEnd) const
   397 		{
   398 		TPixelSet<TPixelType> op;
   399 		::FillScaledRect(aPixelPtr, aValue, aPixelPtrRowLimit, aBitsStart, aBitsEnd, iLongWidth,
   400 						 iScalingSettings.iFactorX, iScalingSettings.iFactorY, iOrientation, op);
   401 		}
   402 	template <class TPixelType>
   403 	void XORPixels(TPixelType* aPixelPtr, TPixelType aValue, const TPixelType* aPixelPtrRowLimit,
   404 				   const TPixelType* aBitsStart, const TPixelType* aBitsEnd) const
   405 		{
   406 		TPixelXor<TPixelType> op;
   407 		::FillScaledRect(aPixelPtr, aValue, aPixelPtrRowLimit, aBitsStart, aBitsEnd, iLongWidth,
   408 						 iScalingSettings.iFactorX, iScalingSettings.iFactorY, iOrientation, op);
   409 		}
   410 	template <class TPixelType>
   411 	void ANDPixels(TPixelType* aPixelPtr, TPixelType aValue, const TPixelType* aPixelPtrRowLimit,
   412 				   const TPixelType* aBitsStart, const TPixelType* aBitsEnd) const
   413 		{
   414 		TPixelAnd<TPixelType> op;
   415 		::FillScaledRect(aPixelPtr, aValue, aPixelPtrRowLimit, aBitsStart, aBitsEnd, iLongWidth,
   416 						 iScalingSettings.iFactorX, iScalingSettings.iFactorY, iOrientation, op);
   417 		}
   418 	template <class TPixelType>
   419 	void ORPixels(TPixelType* aPixelPtr, TPixelType aValue, const TPixelType* aPixelPtrRowLimit,
   420 				  const TPixelType* aBitsStart, const TPixelType* aBitsEnd) const
   421 		{
   422 		TPixelOr<TPixelType> op;
   423 		::FillScaledRect(aPixelPtr, aValue, aPixelPtrRowLimit, aBitsStart, aBitsEnd, iLongWidth,
   424 						 iScalingSettings.iFactorX, iScalingSettings.iFactorY, iOrientation, op);
   425 		}
   426 	//Origin related
   427 	TBool CanOriginBeMoved() const;
   428 	void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TInt& red,TInt& green,TInt& blue);
   429 protected:
   430 	virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer) = 0;
   431 	virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const = 0;
   432 	virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const = 0;
   433 	virtual TUint32* ScanLine(TInt aY) const;
   434 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor) = 0;
   435 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor) = 0;
   436 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor) = 0;
   437 	virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer) = 0;
   438 	virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer) = 0;
   439 	virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer) = 0;
   440 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor) = 0;
   441 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor) = 0;
   442 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode) = 0;
   443 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp) = 0;
   444 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor) = 0;
   445 	virtual void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   446 	virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer) = 0;
   447 	virtual void BlendLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   448 	virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& /*aColor*/) {}
   449 	virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt /*aLength*/,TUint32* /*aBuffer*/) {}
   450 private:
   451 	void GetBlendPosAndRect(TRect &aSrcRect, const TRect &aSrcRectIn, const TSize &aSrcSize, const TPoint &aDestOffset);
   452 	void GetBlendPosAndRect(TRect &aDstRect, TRect &aSrcRect, const TRect &aDestRectIn, const TRect &aSrcRectIn, const TSize &aSrcSize);
   453 	TBool FastBlendSupported(TDisplayMode aSrcDisplayMode, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode, TInt aShadowMode, TInt aSrcLinePitch);
   454 	TBool FastBlendMaskSupported(TDisplayMode aMaskDisplayMode, TInt aMaskStride);
   455 	void DoCopyOldSettings(CFbsDrawDevice* aDrawDevice);
   456 	TInt DoFastBlendBitmap(const TPoint &aDest, const TRect& aSrcRect, const TUint8 *aSrcBase, TInt aSrcLinePitch, TDisplayMode aSrcDisplayMode, const TSize &aSrcSize);
   457 	// Scaling related
   458 	void InitLogicalCoordinates();
   459 	void PreWriteRgb(TInt& aWidth, TInt& aHeight, TInt& aX, TInt& aY, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   460 	void WriteRgb(TInt& aWidth, TInt& aHeight, TInt& aX, TInt& aY, TRgb aColor, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   461 	void SetDefaults();
   462 	inline TInt Origin(TInt aPhysOrg, TInt aScale) const;
   463 	inline TInt OtherSide(TInt aPhysOrg, TInt aPhysSize, TInt aScale) const;
   464 protected:
   465 	TDisplayMode iDispMode;
   466 	TInt iLongWidth; // aligned scanline width in pixels
   467 	TPoint iDitherOrigin;
   468 	TUint32* iScanLineBuffer;
   469 	TInt iScanLineWords;
   470 	TShadowMode iShadowMode;
   471 	TSize iSize; // (0, 0, iSize.iWidth, iSize.iHeight) - drawing rectangle - physical coordinates
   472 	TUint32* iBits;
   473 	TDisplayMode iUserDispMode;
   474 	TOrientation iOrientation; // 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees
   475 	TInt iFadeMapFactor;
   476 	TInt iFadeMapOffset;
   477 	TScalingSettings iScalingSettings; // X-axis and Y-axis scaling factors
   478 	TOrigin iOrigin; // drawing device origin
   479 	TBool iScalingOff; // ETrue, if the scaling is off.
   480 	TBool iOriginIsZero; // ETrue, if the origin is (0, 0).
   481 	TRect iDrawRect; // drawing rectangle - logical coordinates
   482     MAlphaBlend* iAlphaBlend; // Alphablending interface
   483 	};
   485 /**
   486 @publishedPartner
   487 */
   488 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawOneBppBitmap) : public CDrawBitmap
   489 	{
   490 public:
   491 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
   492 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
   493 	virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   494 	virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   495 	virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
   496 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   497 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   498 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   499 	virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   500 	virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   501 	virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   502 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
   503 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   504 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   505 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
   506 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   507 	virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   508 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
   509 protected:
   510 	virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
   511 	virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
   512 	virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
   513 	void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   514 private:
   515 	TUint32 ColorWord(TRgb aColor) const;
   516 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
   517                                    TInt aY,
   518                                    TInt aLength,
   519                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
   520                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
   521                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
   522                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   523 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
   524 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
   525 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
   526 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
   527 	};
   529 /**
   530 @publishedPartner
   531 */
   532 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawTwoBppBitmap) : public CDrawBitmap
   533 	{
   534 public:
   535 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
   536 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
   537 	TUint32 ColorInt(TRgb aColor) const;
   538 	void HashInt(TUint32& aInt1,TUint32& aInt2,TRgb aColor,TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   539 	virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   540 	void MapColors(const TRect& aRect,const TRgb* aColors,TInt aNumPairs,TBool aMapForwards);
   541 	virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   542 	virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
   543 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   544 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   545 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   546 	virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   547 	virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   548 	virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   549 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
   550 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   551 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   552 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
   553 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   554 	virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   555 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
   556 	virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
   557 	virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   558 protected:
   559 	virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
   560 	TUint32 MapInt(TUint32 aInt,TUint32* aColorMap) const;
   561 	virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
   562 	virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
   563 	TUint32 ShadowWord(TUint32 aWord);
   564 	TUint32 FadeWord(TUint32 aWord);
   565 	void ShadeBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   566 	void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   567 private:
   568 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
   569                                    TInt aY,
   570                                    TInt aLength,
   571                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
   572                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
   573                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
   574                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   575 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
   576 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
   577 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
   578 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
   579 	};
   581 /**
   582 @publishedPartner
   583 */
   584 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawFourBppBitmapGray) : public CDrawBitmap
   585 	{
   586 public:
   587 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
   588 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
   589 	TUint32 ColorInt(TRgb aColor) const;
   590 	TUint32 HashInt(TRgb aColor,TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   591 	virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   592 	virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   593 	virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
   594 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   595 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   596 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   597 	virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   598 	virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   599 	virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   600 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
   601 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   602 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   603 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
   604 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   605 	virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   606 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
   607 	virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
   608 	virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   609 protected:
   610 	virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
   611 	void DitherBuffer(TInt x,TInt y,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   612 	virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
   613 	virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
   614 	TUint8 ShadowAndFadeGray16(TInt aGray16);
   615 	TUint32 FadeWord(TUint32 aWord);
   616 	void ShadeBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   617 	void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   618 private:
   619 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
   620                                    TInt aY,
   621                                    TInt aLength,
   622                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
   623                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
   624                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
   625                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   626 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
   627 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
   628 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
   629 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
   630 	TRgb BlendFourColors(TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, TUint32 aFillColor,
   631 						TInt aRedOutlinePenColor,TInt aRedShadowColor,TInt aRedFillColor,
   632 						TInt aGreenOutlinePenColor, TInt aGreenShadowColor, TInt aGreenFillColor,
   633 						TInt aBlueOutlinePenColor, TInt aBlueShadowColor, TInt aBlueFillColor,
   634 						TRgb aBackgroundColor, TUint8 aIndex) const;
   635 	};
   637 /**
   638 @publishedPartner
   639 */
   640 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawFourBppBitmapColor) : public CDrawBitmap
   641 	{
   642 public:
   643 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
   644 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
   645 	TUint32 ColorInt(TRgb aColor) const;
   646 	virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   647 	virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   648 	virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
   649 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   650 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   651 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   652 	virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   653 	virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   654 	virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   655 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
   656 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   657 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   658 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
   659 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   660 	virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   661 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
   662 	virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
   663 	virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   664 protected:
   665 	virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
   666 	virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
   667 	virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
   668 	TUint32 ShadowWord(TUint32 aWord);
   669 	TUint32 FadeWord(TUint32 aWord);
   670 	void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   671 private:
   672 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
   673                                    TInt aY,
   674                                    TInt aLength,
   675                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
   676                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
   677                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
   678                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   679 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
   680 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
   681 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
   682 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
   683 	TRgb BlendFourColors(TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, TUint32 aFillColor,
   684 						TInt aRedOutlinePenColor,TInt aRedShadowColor,TInt aRedFillColor,
   685 						TInt aGreenOutlinePenColor, TInt aGreenShadowColor, TInt aGreenFillColor,
   686 						TInt aBlueOutlinePenColor, TInt aBlueShadowColor, TInt aBlueFillColor,
   687 						TRgb aBackgroundColor, TUint8 aIndex) const;
   688 	};
   690 const TInt KInvalidValue = 0xABCDABCD;
   692 /**
   693 @publishedPartner
   694 */
   695 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon) : public CDrawBitmap, public MFastBlit2
   696 	{
   697 public:
   698 	virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   699 	virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   700 	virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   701 	virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   702 	virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   703 	virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface);	
   704 	// From MFastBlit2
   705 	virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
   706 									CFbsDrawDevice* aSrcDrawDevice,
   707 									const TRect& aSrcRect);
   708 	virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
   709 									const TUint32* aSrcBase,
   710 									TInt aSrcStride,
   711 									const TSize& aSrcSize,
   712 									const TRect& aSrcRect);
   713 	virtual const TUint32* Bits() const;
   714 protected:
   715 	virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
   716 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
   717 	TUint8* PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   718 	void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
   719 	void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel);
   720 	void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   721 	void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TUint8 aPixel,TBool aUp);
   722 	void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint8 aPixel);
   723 	void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel);
   724 	void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel);
   725 	void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel);
   726 	void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint8 aPixel);
   727 	};
   729 /**
   730 @publishedPartner
   731 */
   732 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawEightBppBitmapGray) : public CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon
   733 	{
   734 public:
   735 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
   736 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
   737 	virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   738 	virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
   739 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   740 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   741 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   742 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   743 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
   744 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   745 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   746 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
   747 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
   748 	virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
   749 	virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   750 protected:
   751 	virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
   752 	void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   753 	TUint8 ShadowAndFade(TInt aGray256);
   754 private:
   755 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
   756                                    TInt aY,
   757                                    TInt aLength,
   758                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
   759                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
   760                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
   761                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   762 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
   763 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
   764 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
   765 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
   766 	};
   768 /**
   769 @publishedPartner
   770 */
   771 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawEightBppBitmapColor) : public CDrawEightBppBitmapCommon
   772 	{
   773 public:
   774 	~CDrawEightBppBitmapColor();
   775 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
   776 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
   777 	virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   778 	virtual TInt SetCustomPalette(const CPalette* aPalette);
   779 	virtual TInt GetCustomPalette(CPalette*& aPalette);
   780 	virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
   781 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   782 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   783 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   784 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   785 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
   786 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   787 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   788 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
   789 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
   790 	virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
   791 	virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   792 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
   793 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
   794 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
   795 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
   796 protected:
   797 	TUint8 ColorToIndex(TRgb aColor) const;
   798 	TRgb IndexToColor(TInt aIndex) const;
   799 	virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
   800 	void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   801 private:
   802 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
   803                                    TInt aY,
   804                                    TInt aLength,
   805                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
   806                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
   807                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
   808                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   809 protected:
   810 	TRgb* iPalette;
   811 	TUint8* iColor4KIndex;
   812 	TUint8* iShadowIndex;
   813 	};
   815 /**
   816 @publishedPartner
   817 */
   818 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon) : public CDrawBitmap, public MFastBlit2
   819 	{
   820 public:
   821 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
   822 	virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   823 	virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
   824 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor);
   825 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor);
   826 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor);
   827 	virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   828 	virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   829 	virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   830 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor);
   831 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   832 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TUint16 aColor,TBool aUp);
   833 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TUint16 aColor);
   834 	virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   835 	virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface);
   836 	// From MFastBlit2
   837 	virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
   838 									CFbsDrawDevice* aSrcDrawDevice,
   839 									const TRect& aSrcRect);
   840 	virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
   841 									const TUint32* aSrcBase,
   842 									TInt aSrcStride,
   843 									const TSize& aSrcSize,
   844 									const TRect& aSrcRect);
   845 	virtual const TUint32* Bits() const;
   846 protected:
   847 	virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
   848 	TUint16* PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   849 	virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
   850 	virtual TUint16 ShadowIndex(TUint16 aColor64KIndex) = 0;
   851 	virtual TUint16 FadeIndex(TUint16 aColor4KIndex) = 0;
   852 	void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   853 	};
   855 /**
   856 @publishedPartner
   857 */
   858 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawTwelveBppBitmap) : public CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon
   859 	{
   860 public:
   861 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
   862 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
   863 	virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   864 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   865 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   866 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   867 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
   868 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   869 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   870 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
   871 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   872 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
   873 	virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
   874 	virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   875 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
   876 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
   877 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
   878 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
   879 protected:
   880 	virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
   881 	virtual TUint16 ShadowIndex(TUint16 aColor4KIndex);
   882 	virtual TUint16 FadeIndex(TUint16 aColor4KIndex);
   883 private:
   884 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
   885                                    TInt aY,
   886                                    TInt aLength,
   887                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
   888                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
   889                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
   890                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   891 	};
   893 /**
   894 @publishedPartner
   895 */
   896 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawSixteenBppBitmap) : public CDrawSixteenBppBitmapCommon
   897 	{
   898 public:
   899 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
   900 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
   901 	virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   902 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   903 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   904 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   905 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
   906 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   907 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   908 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
   909 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   910 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
   911 	virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
   912 	FORCEINLINE void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TUint16& aColor64K);
   913 	virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   914 	virtual void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
   915 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
   916 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
   917 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
   918 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
   919 protected:
   920 	virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
   921 	FORCEINLINE void Shadow(TInt& aRed, TInt& aGreen, TInt& aBlue);
   922 	FORCEINLINE void Shadow(TUint16& a64KColor);
   923 	virtual TUint16 ShadowIndex(TUint16 aColor64KIndex);
   924 	FORCEINLINE void ShadowIndex(TInt& aRed, TInt& aGreen, TInt& aBlue);
   925 	virtual TUint16 FadeIndex(TUint16 aColor64KIndex);
   926 private:
   927 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
   928                                    TInt aY,
   929                                    TInt aLength,
   930                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
   931                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
   932                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
   933                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   934 	};
   936 /**
   937 @publishedPartner
   938 */
   939 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawTwentyFourBppBitmap) : public CDrawBitmap
   940 	{
   941 public:
   942 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
   943 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
   944 	virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
   945 	virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   946 	virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   947 	virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
   948 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
   949 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   950 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   951 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
   952 	virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   953 	virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   954 	virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   955 	virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   956 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   957 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   958 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   959 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   960 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
   961 	virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
   962 	virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   963 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
   964 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
   965 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
   966 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
   967 	void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
   968 protected:
   969 	virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
   970 	TUint8* PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
   971 	TInt PixelAddressIncrement() const;
   972 	void PixelAddressIncrement(TInt& aPixelInc,TInt& aRowInc) const;
   973 	void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
   974 	void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
   975 	TUint8 ShadowComponent(TInt aRgbComponent);
   976 	TUint8 FadeComponent(TInt aRgbComponent);
   977 	TUint8 ShadowAndFade(TInt aComponent);
   978 private:
   979 	FORCEINLINE void FadeRgb(TInt& red,TInt& green,TInt& blue);
   980 	FORCEINLINE void Shadow(TInt& red,TInt& green,TInt& blue);
   981 	FORCEINLINE TUint8 ShadowComponentInl(TInt aRgbComponent);
   982 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
   983                                    TInt aY,
   984                                    TInt aLength,
   985                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
   986                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
   987                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
   988                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
   989 protected:
   990 	TInt iScanLineBytes;
   991 	};
   993 inline TUint8* CDrawTwentyFourBppBitmap::PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const
   994 	{
   995 	return ((TUint8*)iBits) + (aY * iScanLineBytes) + (aX * 3);
   996 	}
   998 /**
   999 @publishedPartner
  1000 */
  1001 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon) : public CDrawBitmap, public MFastBlit2
  1002 	{
  1003 public:
  1004 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
  1005 	virtual void Shadow(TRgb& aColor);
  1006 	virtual void Shadow(TUint32& aColor);
  1007 	virtual void InvertBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
  1008 	virtual TRgb ReadRgbNormal(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
  1009 	virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
  1010 	virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
  1011 	virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
  1012 	virtual void WriteBinaryOp(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
  1013 	virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
  1014 	virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
  1015 	virtual void WriteLineXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
  1016 	virtual void WriteLineAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
  1017 	virtual void WriteLineOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
  1018 	virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
  1019 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiXOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
  1020 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiAND(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
  1021 	virtual void WriteRgbMultiOR(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
  1022 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
  1023 	virtual void MapColorToUserDisplayMode(TRgb& aColor);
  1024 	virtual void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
  1025 	virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface);
  1026 	// From MFastBlit2
  1027 	virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
  1028 									CFbsDrawDevice* aSrcDrawDevice,
  1029 									const TRect& aSrcRect);
  1030 	virtual TInt WriteBitmapBlock(const TPoint& aDest,
  1031 									const TUint32* aSrcBase,
  1032 									TInt aSrcStride,
  1033 									const TSize& aSrcSize,
  1034 									const TRect& aSrcRect);
  1035 	virtual const TUint32* Bits() const;
  1036 protected:
  1037 	virtual TUint32 Color(const TRgb& aColor) = 0;
  1038 	virtual TRgb RgbColor(TUint32 aColor) const = 0;
  1039 	virtual void SetSize(const TSize& aSize);
  1040 	FORCEINLINE TUint32* PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const;
  1041 	FORCEINLINE TInt PixelAddressIncrement() const;
  1042 	void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer) const;
  1043 	void ShadowBuffer(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
  1044 	FORCEINLINE TUint8 ShadowComponent(TInt aRgbComponent);
  1045 	TUint8 FadeComponent(TInt aRgbComponent);
  1046 	TUint8 ShadowAndFade(TInt aComponent);
  1047 private:
  1048 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
  1049                                    TInt aY,
  1050                                    TInt aLength,
  1051                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
  1052                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
  1053                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
  1054                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
  1055 	};
  1057 FORCEINLINE TUint32* CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon::PixelAddress(TInt aX,TInt aY) const
  1058 	{
  1059 	return iBits + aY * iScanLineWords + aX;
  1060 	}
  1062 FORCEINLINE TInt CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon::PixelAddressIncrement() const
  1063 	{
  1064 	switch (iOrientation)
  1065 		{
  1066 	case EOrientationNormal:
  1067 		return 1;
  1068 	case EOrientationRotated90:
  1069 		return iScanLineWords;
  1070 	case EOrientationRotated180:
  1071 		return -1;
  1072 	case EOrientationRotated270:
  1073 		return -iScanLineWords;
  1074 	default:
  1075 		return 1;
  1076 		}
  1077 	}
  1080 /**
  1081 @publishedPartner
  1082 */
  1083 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDrawUTwentyFourBppBitmap) : public CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon, MFastBlit
  1084 	{
  1085 public:
  1086 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
  1087 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
  1088 	virtual TDisplayMode ScanLineDisplayMode() const { return EColor16MAP; }
  1089 	virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX, TInt aY, TInt aLength, TAny* aBuffer, TDisplayMode aDispMode) const;
  1090 	virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface);
  1091 	// From MFastBlit
  1092 	virtual void WriteAlphaLineEx(TInt aX,
  1093 						TInt aY,
  1094 						TInt aLength,
  1095 						TInt aSrcX,
  1096 						const TUint32* aSrcPtr,
  1097 						TDisplayMode aSrcFormat,
  1098 						TInt aMaskX,
  1099 						const TUint32* aMaskPtr,
  1100 						MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing);
  1101 	virtual void WriteMaskLineEx(TInt aX,
  1102 						TInt aY,
  1103 						TInt aLength,
  1104 						TInt aSrcX,
  1105 						const TUint32* aSrcPtr,
  1106 						TDisplayMode aSrcFormat,
  1107 						TInt aMaskX,
  1108 						const TUint32* aMaskPtr,
  1109 						TBool aInvertMask);
  1110 	void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
  1111 	void BlendLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
  1112 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
  1113 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
  1114 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
  1115 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
  1116 protected:
  1117 	virtual TUint32 Color(const TRgb& aColor);
  1118 	virtual TRgb RgbColor(TUint32 aColor) const;
  1119 private:
  1120 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
  1121                                    TInt aY,
  1122                                    TInt aLength,
  1123                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
  1124                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
  1125                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
  1126                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
  1127 	};
  1130 /**
  1131 @publishedPartner
  1132 */
  1133 class CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapAlpha : public CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon
  1134 	{
  1135 public:
  1136 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
  1137 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
  1138 	// from CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmap
  1139 	void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
  1140 	void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
  1141 	void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
  1142 	void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
  1143 	void MapBufferToUserDisplayMode(TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
  1144 	void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
  1145 	void BlendLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
  1146 	void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
  1147 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
  1148 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
  1149 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
  1150 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
  1151 protected:
  1152 	virtual TUint32 Color(const TRgb& aColor);
  1153 	virtual TRgb RgbColor(TUint32 aColor) const;
  1154 	using CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon::Shadow;
  1155 	void Shadow(TUint32& aColor);
  1156 private:
  1157 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
  1158                                    TInt aY,
  1159                                    TInt aLength,
  1160                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
  1161                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
  1162                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
  1163                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
  1164 	};
  1167 /**
  1168 @publishedPartner
  1169 */
  1170 class CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapAlphaPM : public CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmapCommon
  1171 	{
  1172 public:
  1173 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize);
  1174 	TInt Construct(TSize aSize, TInt aStride);
  1175 	// from CDrawThirtyTwoBppBitmap
  1176 	void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor);
  1177 	void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor);
  1178 	void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,TBool aUp);
  1179 	void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer);
  1180 	void BlendRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aWidth,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor);
  1181 	void BlendLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer);
  1182 	void ShadowArea(const TRect& aRect);
  1183 	virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer,
  1184 		CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
  1185 	// From MOutlineAndShadowBlend
  1186 	virtual TInt WriteRgbOutlineAndShadow(TInt aX, TInt aY, const TInt aLength, 
  1187 	                                   TUint32 aOutlinePenColor, TUint32 aShadowColor, 
  1188 	                                   TUint32 aFillColor, const TUint8* aDataBuffer);
  1189 protected:
  1190 	virtual TUint32 Color(const TRgb& aColor);
  1191 	virtual TRgb RgbColor(TUint32 aColor) const;
  1192 private:
  1193 	virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,
  1194                                    TInt aY,
  1195                                    TInt aLength,
  1196                                    const TUint8* aRgbBuffer,
  1197                                    const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
  1198                                    MAlphaBlend::TShadowing aShadowing,
  1199                                    CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode);
  1200 	};
  1204 #include "CoordTransformation.inl"
  1206 /** DO NOT have a declaration as the compiler will think the source is in the .cpp and make this non-inline
  1208  Made a global inline to force the compiler to inline so as to gain performance.
  1209  A member inlines are not guarenteed to be inline.
  1211  ASSERT Primary Color >= 0 && Primary Color <= 255
  1212  If <0 or >255, after a shift right of 8-bits should prove true.
  1213  00000001 00000000 = 256 >> 8 = 00000000 00000001 = TRUE
  1214  11111111 11111111 = -1  >> 8 = 00000000 11111111 = TRUE
  1215  00000000 11111111 = 255 >> 8 = 00000000 00000000 = FALSE
  1218  Initial AlphaValue = 0...1.0
  1220  R = APs + (1 - A)Pd if A=0 the destination pixel is more dominant
  1221                         and if A=1 the sourec pixel is more dominant
  1223  re-adjusting...
  1225  R = APs + Pd - APd
  1227  R = A(Ps-Pd) + Pd
  1229  Passed-in AlphaValue = 0...255
  1230  AlphaValue = 257 * Passed-in AlphaValue = 0...65536
  1232  NOTE: AlphaValue is now a 16-bit number. the colours are 8-bit, so we shouldn't
  1233  have overflow problems.
  1234  NOTE: Negative values (Ps-Pd) shouldn't be a problem as the shifting right of
  1235        signed values duplicates the signed bit in the msb.
  1237  R = A(Ps-Pd) + Pd
  1238      --------
  1239       65536
  1241  R = (A(Ps-Pd)) >> 16) + Pd
  1242 */
  1243 inline TRgb AlphaBlend(TInt aPrimaryRed, TInt aPrimaryGreen, TInt aPrimaryBlue, TInt aSecondaryRed,
  1244 						TInt aSecondaryGreen, TInt aSecondaryBlue, TInt aAlphaValue)
  1245 	{
  1246 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!(aPrimaryRed>>8) && !(aPrimaryGreen>>8) && !(aPrimaryBlue>>8) && !(aAlphaValue>>8) && 
  1247 					!(aSecondaryRed>>8) && !(aSecondaryGreen>>8) && !(aSecondaryBlue>>8),
  1248 					Panic(EScreenDriverPanicAlphaBlendInvariant));
  1250 	const TInt alphaValue = aAlphaValue * 257;
  1251 	return TRgb(((alphaValue * (aPrimaryRed   - aSecondaryRed))   >> 16) + aSecondaryRed,
  1252 	     		((alphaValue * (aPrimaryGreen - aSecondaryGreen)) >> 16) + aSecondaryGreen,
  1253 	     		((alphaValue * (aPrimaryBlue  - aSecondaryBlue))  >> 16) + aSecondaryBlue);
  1254 	}
  1256 inline TRgb AlphaBlend(TInt aPrimaryRed,TInt aPrimaryGreen,TInt aPrimaryBlue,TRgb aSecondary,TInt aAlphaValue)
  1257 	{
  1258 	return AlphaBlend(aPrimaryRed,aPrimaryGreen,aPrimaryBlue,aSecondary.Red(), aSecondary.Green(), aSecondary.Blue(), aAlphaValue);
  1259 	}
  1261 /**
  1262 It unpacks the 16 bit colour in to the red, green and blue colour components.
  1263 @param aColor64K The 16 bit colour which needs to be unpacked.
  1264 @param aRed   Red component of aColor64K is returned into this.
  1265 @param aGreen Green component of aColor64K is returned into this.
  1266 @param aBlue Blue component of aColor64K is returned into this.
  1267 */
  1268 FORCEINLINE void UnpackColor64K(TUint16 aColor64K, TInt& aRed, TInt& aGreen, TInt& aBlue)
  1269 	{
  1270 	aRed  = (aColor64K&0xF800)>>8;
  1271 	aRed += aRed>>5;
  1272 	aGreen  = (aColor64K&0x07E0)>>3;
  1273 	aGreen += aGreen>>6;
  1274 	aBlue  = (aColor64K&0x001F)<<3;
  1275 	aBlue += aBlue>>5;
  1276 	}
  1278 /**
  1279 It creates the 16 bit colour from the red, green and blue colour components.
  1280 @param aRed   The Red component for creating 16 bit colour.
  1281 @param aGreen The Green component for creating 16 bit colour.
  1282 @param aBlue The Blue component for creating 16 bit colour.
  1283 @return TUint16 The 16 bit colour created from the colour components.
  1284 */
  1285 FORCEINLINE TUint16 PackColor64K(TInt aRed, TInt aGreen, TInt aBlue)
  1286 	{
  1287 	TUint16 color64K = (aBlue & 0xF8) >> 3;
  1288 	color64K |= (aGreen & 0xFc) << 3;
  1289 	color64K |= (aRed & 0xF8) << 8;
  1290 	return color64K;
  1291 	}
  1293 /**
  1294 It is an overloaded function for alpha bending which does blending for 16 bit colour.
  1295 @param aPrimaryColor64K   The foreground pixel colour in 16 bit format.
  1296 @param aSecondaryColor64K The background pixel colour in 16 bit format.
  1297 @param aAlphaValue The alpha value used for blending.
  1298 @return The 16 bit blended colour.
  1299 */
  1300 FORCEINLINE TUint16 AlphaBlend(TUint16 aPrimaryColor64K, TUint16 aSecondaryColor64K,TInt aAlphaValue)
  1301 	{
  1302 	TInt primaryRed;
  1303 	TInt primaryGreen;
  1304 	TInt primaryBlue;
  1305 	TInt secondaryRed;
  1306 	TInt secondaryGreen;
  1307 	TInt secondaryBlue;
  1309 	UnpackColor64K(aPrimaryColor64K, primaryRed, primaryGreen, primaryBlue);
  1310 	UnpackColor64K(aSecondaryColor64K, secondaryRed, secondaryGreen, secondaryBlue);
  1312 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!(primaryRed>>8) && !(primaryGreen>>8) && !(primaryBlue>>8) && !(aAlphaValue>>8),
  1313 					Panic(EScreenDriverPanicAlphaBlendInvariant));
  1315 	const TInt alphaValue = aAlphaValue * 257;
  1316 	return PackColor64K(((alphaValue * (primaryRed   - secondaryRed))   >> 16) + secondaryRed,
  1317 	     		((alphaValue * (primaryGreen - secondaryGreen)) >> 16) + secondaryGreen,
  1318 	     		((alphaValue * (primaryBlue  - secondaryBlue))  >> 16) + secondaryBlue);
  1319 	}
  1321 /**
  1322 It is an overloaded function for alpha bending which does blending for 16 bit colour.
  1323 @param aPrimaryRed  Red component of foreground pixel colour.
  1324 @param aPrimaryGreen  Green component of foreground pixel colour.
  1325 @param aPrimaryBlue  Blue component of foreground pixel colour.
  1326 @param aSecondaryColor64K The background pixel colour in 16 bit format.
  1327 @param aAlphaValue The alpha value used for blending.
  1328 @return The 16 bit blended colour.
  1329 */
  1330 FORCEINLINE TUint16 AlphaBlend(TInt aPrimaryRed,TInt aPrimaryGreen,TInt aPrimaryBlue, TUint16 aSecondaryColor64K,TInt aAlphaValue)
  1331 	{
  1332 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!(aPrimaryRed>>8) && !(aPrimaryGreen>>8) && !(aPrimaryBlue>>8) && !(aAlphaValue>>8),
  1333 					Panic(EScreenDriverPanicAlphaBlendInvariant));
  1335 	if (aAlphaValue==0xFF)
  1336 		return(PackColor64K(aPrimaryRed, aPrimaryGreen, aPrimaryBlue));
  1337 	TInt secondaryRed;
  1338 	TInt secondaryGreen;
  1339 	TInt secondaryBlue;
  1341 	UnpackColor64K(aSecondaryColor64K, secondaryRed, secondaryGreen, secondaryBlue);
  1343 	const TInt alphaValue = aAlphaValue * 257;
  1344 	return PackColor64K(((alphaValue * (aPrimaryRed   - secondaryRed))   >> 16) + secondaryRed,
  1345 	     		((alphaValue * (aPrimaryGreen - secondaryGreen)) >> 16) + secondaryGreen,
  1346 	     		((alphaValue * (aPrimaryBlue  - secondaryBlue))  >> 16) + secondaryBlue);
  1347 	}
  1349 FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C TUint16 Conv32To16(TUint32 col)
  1350 	{
  1351 	TUint b = (col&0x000000ff)>>3;
  1352 	TUint g = (col&0x0000fc00)>>5;
  1353 	TUint r = (col&0x00f80000)>>8;
  1354 	return TUint16(r|g|b);
  1355 	}
  1357 // Alpha-blends an EColor16MA pixel to an EColor64K screen using a fixed mask value.
  1358 FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C TUint16 Blend32To16(TUint32 aSrc32, TUint aMask, TUint16 aDest16)
  1359 	{
  1360 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aMask < 256, Panic(EScreenDriverPanicInvalidParameter));
  1362 	if(aMask)
  1363 		{
  1364 		if(aMask >= 0xFF)
  1365 			return Conv32To16(aSrc32);
  1367 		// blend red and blue channel in one go
  1368 		TUint32 d_rb = (aDest16 & 0xF800)<<8 | (aDest16 & 0x001F)<<3;
  1369 		d_rb |= (d_rb>>5) & 0x00ff00ff;
  1370 		const TUint32 s_rb = aSrc32 & 0x00FF00FF;
  1371 		const TUint32 mask2 = aMask | (aMask << 16);
  1372 		const TUint32 rb = ((((aMask * ((0x01000100 + s_rb) - d_rb)) >> 8) + d_rb) - mask2) & 0x00FF00FF;
  1374 		// do the green channel normally
  1375 		TInt32 d_g  = (aDest16 & 0x07E0)>>3;
  1376 		d_g |= d_g>>6;
  1377 		const TInt32 s_g = (aSrc32 & 0xFF00) >> 8;
  1378 		TInt g = (((aMask * (s_g - d_g)) >> 8) + d_g) & 0xFF;
  1380 		return (Conv32To16(rb | g<<8));
  1381 		}
  1383 	return aDest16;
  1384 	}
  1386 // As for Blend32To16, but assumes 0xFF and 0 alpha checks already done elsewhere
  1387 FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C TUint16 Blend32To16NoChecks(TUint32 aSrc32, TUint aMask, TUint16 aDest16)
  1388 	{
  1389 	// blend red and blue channel in one go
  1390 	TUint32 d_rb = (aDest16 & 0xF800)<<8 | (aDest16 & 0x001F)<<3;
  1391 	d_rb |= (d_rb>>5) & 0x00ff00ff;
  1392 	const TUint32 s_rb = aSrc32 & 0x00FF00FF;
  1393 	const TUint32 mask2 = aMask | (aMask << 16);
  1394 	const TUint32 rb = ((((aMask * ((0x01000100 + s_rb) - d_rb)) >> 8) + d_rb) - mask2) & 0x00FF00FF;
  1396 	// do the green channel normally
  1397 	TInt32 d_g  = (aDest16 & 0x07E0)>>3;
  1398 	d_g |= d_g>>6;
  1399 	const TInt32 s_g = (aSrc32 & 0xFF00) >> 8;
  1400 	TInt g = (((aMask * (s_g - d_g)) >> 8) + d_g) & 0xFF;
  1402 	return (Conv32To16(rb | g<<8));
  1403 	}
  1405 // Alpha-blends to an EColor64K screen using a fixed mask value.
  1406 // The source values are pre-split from a 32 bit source into the two following components:
  1407 //
  1408 // aSrcRB=aSrc32 & 0x00FF00FF;
  1409 // aSrcG=(aSrc32 & 0xFF00) >> 8;
  1410 //
  1411 // Mask is assumed not to be 0 or 255, these should be pre-checked for and never arrive here
  1412 //
  1413 FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C TUint16 BlendTo16(const TUint32 aSrcRB, const TUint32 aSrcG, TUint aMask, TUint16 aDest16)
  1414 	{
  1415 	// blend red and blue channel in one go
  1416 	TUint32 d_rb = (aDest16 & 0xF800)<<8 | (aDest16 & 0x001F)<<3;
  1417 	d_rb |= (d_rb>>5) & 0x00ff00ff;
  1418 	const TUint32 mask2 = aMask | (aMask << 16);
  1419 	const TUint32 rb = ((((aMask * ((0x01000100 + aSrcRB) - d_rb)) >> 8) + d_rb) - mask2) & 0x00FF00FF;
  1421 	// do the green channel normally
  1422 	TInt32 d_g  = (aDest16 & 0x07E0)>>3;
  1423 	d_g |= d_g>>6;
  1424 	const TInt32 g = (((aMask * (aSrcG - d_g)) >> 8) + d_g) & 0xFF;
  1426 	// inline conversion to 16 bit
  1427 	return TUint16(((rb&0x00f80000)>>8)|((g&0x0000fc)<<3)|((rb&0x000000ff)>>3));
  1428 	}
  1430 // Alpha-blends an EColor16MA pixel to an EColor16MU screen using a fixed mask value.
  1431 FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C TUint32 CalcAlphaPixel(const TUint32 aSrcPixel, const TUint8 aMask, TUint32 aDestPixel)
  1432 	{
  1433 	// (a)  (mask * src + (255 - mask) * dest) / 255           This ideal formula
  1434 	// (b)  ((mask * (src - dest)) >> 8) + dest                A faster approximation to (a)
  1435 	// (c)  ((mask * (256 + src - dest) >> 8) + dest - mask    Equivalent to (b) but can be used on multiple colors at a time
  1437 	if(aMask)
  1438 		{
  1439 		if(aMask == 0xFF)
  1440 			return 0xff000000|aSrcPixel;
  1442 		const TUint32 s_rb = aSrcPixel & 0x00FF00FF;
  1443 		const TUint32 d_rb = aDestPixel & 0x00FF00FF;
  1444 		const TUint32 mask2 = aMask | (aMask << 16);
  1445 		const TUint32 rb = ((((aMask * ((0x01000100 + s_rb) - d_rb)) >> 8) + d_rb) - mask2) & 0x00FF00FF;
  1447 		const TInt s_g = (aSrcPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8;
  1448 		const TInt d_g = (aDestPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8;
  1449 		const TInt g = ((aMask * (s_g - d_g)) >> 8) + d_g;
  1451 		return(rb | (g<<8) | 0xff000000);
  1452 		}
  1454 	return aDestPixel;
  1456 	}
  1458 // Alpha-blends an EColor16MA rgb to an EColor16MU screen using a fixed mask value.
  1459 FORCEINLINE LOCAL_C void AlphaBlendPixelToDest(TUint32 aSrcValue, const TUint8 aSourceAlpha, TUint32* aDestPtr)
  1460  {
  1461  *aDestPtr = CalcAlphaPixel(aSrcValue, aSourceAlpha, *aDestPtr);
  1462  }
  1464 void MemFillTUint32(TUint32* tempWordPtr, TInt aCount,  const TUint32 aValue);
  1466 #endif