changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 #!perl
     2 # Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description:
    15 # # Script:
    16 # # Function: This script takes the performance log files created by 
    17 # #           the graphics uibench apps performace test and outputs data to the
    18 # #           SymSym database
    19 # # call: --dir="\\loncoredev02.intra\graphics\9.2" --writedb --writecsv
    20 # # Design: This script looks at all the files under --dir
    21 # #         seeking first build.html files then specific test reset logs. 
    22 # #         The test result contents are then extracted.
    23 # #         Results for this build already in the database are deleted.
    24 # #         The new results are added to the database.
    25 # #         The raw results are available at
    26 # #         http://smglinx.intra/SymSym/query/ 
    27 # #         The results are graphed at
    28 # #         http://smglinx.intra/twiki/bin/view/Perfresult/TestReportUibench
    29 # #         uibench Location of script //EPOC/DV3/task/2005/November/UI-Perf/master-mnt/graphics/ui_bench/scripts/
    30 # #         uibench contact David Kren
    31 # #         SMG Location of script //EPOC/development/sag/performance/scripts/
    32 # #         The SMG contact for the above is Patrick Diamond ext 1316
    33 # # Instructions for adding new performance testcase results
    34 # #         1) If the result is in a new file then add its name to
    35 # #            the global variable @testfiles_tef
    36 # #         2) amend the function  process_build_tef_file to extract the performance data
    37 # #         3) run this script with the parms --dir & --writecsv but without --writedb
    38 # #            check the contents of the csv file
    39 # #         4) To switch on debugging run on the cmd line "set DEBUG=2"
    40 # #         If stuck after trying the above contact Patrick Diamond ext 1316
    41 # # -- SQL Definitation
    42 # # CREATE TABLE performance.performance_uibench_tests (
    43 # #    team text,
    44 # #    platform text,
    45 # #    build text,
    46 # #    testdate timestamp,
    47 # #    testname text,
    48 # #    resulttype text,
    49 # #    result real);
    50 # # GRANT INSERT,DELETE,SELECT ON TABLE performance.performance_uibench_tests to performance_uibench;
    51 # # GRANT SELECT ON TABLE performance.performance_uibench_tests to public;
    52 # # GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA performance to performance_uibench;
    53 # # CREATE  INDEX performance_uibench_tests_platform ON performance.performance_uibench_tests(platform);
    54 # # CREATE  INDEX performance_uibench_tests_testname ON performance.performance_uibench_tests(testname text_pattern_ops);
    55 # # COMMENT ON TABLE performance.performance_uibench_tests is 'Overnight performance test results for Graphics team, uibench results';
    56 # ovgbenchmark.htm TESTEXECUTEfbstest_T_Performance.script.htm TESTEXECUTEscdvtest_t_performance.script.htm 
    57 # 
    58 #
    60 use Getopt::Long;
    61 use File::Basename;
    62 use File::Find;
    63 use strict;
    64 use warnings;
    66 my ($file,$help,$platform,$days,$writedb,$writecsv);
    67 $days=2;
    69 my @testfiles_tef = ('TESTEXECUTEte_uibench.Script.htm');
    70 my @testfiles_rtest ;
    72 GetOptions ('dir=s' => \$file,
    73             'platform|p=s' => \$platform,
    74             'days|d=s' => \$days,
    75             'writecsv' => \$writecsv,
    76             'writedb'  => \$writedb,
    77             'help|h|?' =>\$help) || usage();
    79 usage(0) if $help;
    80 usage(1,'dir')  if  not defined $file;
    81 usage(1,'days')      if  not defined $days or $days !~ /^[0-9]+$/;
    82 $file =~ s/\\/\//g; # swap all \ for / in file/dir name
    83 my $DEBUG=0;
    84 $DEBUG=$ENV{DEBUG} if exists $ENV{DEBUG};
    86 my @files;
    88 # if the path points to a file then use that
    89 if ( -f $file ) {
    90   push @files,$file;
    91 } else {
    92     # use the path as a dir path and search for build.html files
    93     print "Searching for build.html files\n" if $DEBUG;
    94     $file .= '/';          # ensure dir path ends in /
    95     $file =~ s/\/\/$/\//g; # ensure dir path doesn't end in //
    96     foreach my $f ("${file}build.html" , glob($file . '*/build.html')) {
    97         next if not defined $f;
    98         next if not -f $f;
    99         next if -M $f > $days;
   100         push @files,$f;
   101     }
   102 }
   105 # check that this machine has the perl drivers necessary to contact the database
   106 check_db_drivers();
   108 # DB connect
   109 my $dbh;
   110 $dbh = connect_to_db() if defined $writedb;
   112 # Now extract test data from each build and call script to place data in database
   113 foreach my $f (@files) {
   114   my $testdata = process_test_build($f);
   116   my $team='uibench';
   117   my $build = $testdata->{'build'};
   118   my $date  = $testdata->{'date'};
   119   my $platform = $testdata->{'platform'};
   121   $dbh->begin_work if defined $writedb;
   122   remove_duplicates ($dbh,$team,$build,$platform,$date) if defined $writedb;
   123   my $csv;
   124   open($csv,'>',dirname($f) . "/performance.csv") or die $! if defined $writecsv;
   126   # loop over each result and output it to db and csv
   127   foreach my $result (@{$testdata->{'results'}}) {
   128     next if not defined $result;
   129     next if not defined $result->{'value'} or $result->{'value'} eq '';
   131     process_sql($dbh,$team,$platform,$build,$date,$result->{'testname'},$result->{'type'},$result->{'value'}) if defined $writedb;
   132     print $csv "$team,$platform,$build,$date,\"$result->{'testname'}\",\"$result->{'type'}\",$result->{'value'}\n" if defined $writecsv;
   134     print "." if not $DEBUG;
   135   }
   137   $dbh->commit or die ("DB error : $dbh->errorstr") if defined $writedb;
   138   close($csv) if defined $writecsv;
   140   print "\n" if not $DEBUG;
   141 }
   143 #########################
   144 # Define subroutines
   146 # print out a usage message for this script and exit
   147 sub usage {
   148   my ($r,$p) = @_;
   149   $r = 0 if not defined $r;
   151   print " \n";
   152   print "Error: Parameter \"--$p\" missing\n" if defined $p;
   154   print "    --dir=<location of the build.html file with the test results>\n";
   155   print "    --days=<filter on number of days since data(zip) file was modified>\n";
   156   print "    --help : this text\n";
   157   exit $r;
   158 }
   160 # Find and process each performance test case log
   161 sub process_test_build {
   162     my ($file) = @_;
   163     print "Function process_test_build: $file\n" if $DEBUG;
   165     my $testdata = {'date' => undef,'platform' => undef, 'build' => undef, 'results' => []};
   166     my $dir = dirname($file);
   168     # find date,platform and build values for this set of test results    
   169     process_build_log($testdata,$file);
   171     # find and process rtest logs
   172     foreach my $f (@testfiles_rtest) {
   173         print "\tLooking for $f\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   174         my ($logfile) = glob("$dir/*/$f");
   175         process_build_rtest_file($testdata,$logfile) if defined $logfile;
   176     }
   178     # find and process TEF logs
   179     foreach my $f (@testfiles_tef) {
   180         print "\tLooking for $f\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   181         my ($logfile) = glob("$dir/*/$f");
   182         process_build_tef_file($testdata,$logfile) if defined $logfile;
   183     }
   185     return $testdata;
   186 }
   188 # Extract the platform and date from the build.html file
   189 sub process_build_log {
   190     my ($test,$build_log) = @_;
   192     open (FH, "<", $build_log) or die "Error opening $file\n$!\n";
   193     my @lines = <FH>;
   194     close(FH);
   196     # extract the build date and platform 
   197     my ($date_line) =  grep {/Build report for build /} @lines;
   198     my ($year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute,$platform) = 
   199         ($date_line =~ /([0-9]{4})_([0-9][0-9])_([0-9][0-9])_([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])_(.*?)\</);
   200     $test->{'date'} = "$year-$month-$day $hour:$minute";   
   202     # determine the platform name
   203     my @tags = split /_/,lc($platform);
   204     $test->{'platform'} = "$tags[1] $tags[0] $tags[2]";
   206     # extract the name of the build
   207     my ($build_line) =  grep {/Full OS Build Used:/} @lines;
   208     my ($build) = ($build_line =~ /Used:\s*(.*?)\.*\</);
   209     $test->{'build'} = $build;
   210 }
   213 # Extract the platform and date from the build.summary file
   214 sub process_build_rtest_file {
   215     my ($testdata,$file) = @_;
   217     print "Function process_build_rtest_file : $file\n" if $DEBUG;
   218     my $data = read_file($file);
   219   	1 while $data =~ s/\<.*?\>//g; # strip all html tags
   221     my ($txt,$state) = ('','');
   222     foreach my $line (split /\n/,$data) {
   223         chomp($line);
   224   		$line =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]//g; # strip ctl chars
   225         if ($line =~ /^RTEST TITLE:\s*([a-z]+.*?)\s*$/i) {
   226             # start of new test case
   227             $state = $1;
   228             $state =~ s/\s*[0-9\.\(\)]+$//; # strip numeric suffix
   229             $txt = '';
   230         } elsif ($state ne '' and $line =~ /^RTEST: SUCCESS\s*:/i) {
   231             # end of test case
   232             $txt .= "$line\n";            
   233             process_build_rtest_text($txt, $testdata->{'results'},$file,$state);
   234             $txt = '';
   235             $state = '';
   236         } elsif ($state eq '' and $line =~ /^\s*RTEST:\s+Level\s+[0-9]+\s+Next\s+test\s+.\s+(.*?)\s*$/i) {
   237             # start of new test case where the title hasn't been used
   238             # e.g. RTEST: Level  001 Next test - Defect tests
   239             $state = $1;
   240             $txt = '';
   241         }
   242         $txt .= "$line\n" if $state ne '';
   243     }
   244 }
   246 # Extract test performance data frome each TEF file
   247 sub process_build_tef_file {
   248     my ($testdata,$file) = @_;
   250     print "Function process_build_tef_file : $file\n" if $DEBUG;
   251     my $result = $testdata->{'results'};
   252     my $data = read_file($file);
   253   	1 while $data =~ s/\<.*?\>//g; # strip all html tags
   256     my ($txt,$state) = ('','');
   257     foreach my $line (split /\n/,$data) {
   258         chomp($line);
   259   		$line =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]/ /g; # strip ctl chars
   260   		$txt .= $line;
   261   		$txt .= "\n";
   262     }
   264     # process results from TESTEXECUTEte_uibench.script.htm
   265     if ($file =~ /TESTEXECUTEte_uibench.Script.htm/i) {
   267         my %tests;
   269         # Format 1 : Result displayed in microseconds - Max and Min available
   270         while ($txt =~ /TID:\s+([^\s]+?)\s+Rot:\s+([0-9]+)\s+SrcMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+DestMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+Iters:\s+([0-9]+)\s+TrimmedMean:\s+([0-9]+)\s+us.*?\s+Max:\s+([0-9]+)\s+Min:\s+([0-9]+)\s+/gms) {
   271             my ($testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode,$iters,$microseconds,$max,$min) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8);
   272             next if not defined $max or not defined $min;
   273             $testname = sprintf('%s,Rot:%1d,SrcMode:%2d,DestMode:%2d',$testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode);
   274             $tests{$testname} = 1; # record the fact that this test has been processed
   275             push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Mean", 'value' => $microseconds, 'type' => 'microseconds'};
   276             #push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Max", 'value' => $max, 'type' => 'microseconds'};
   277             #push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Min", 'value' => $min, 'type' => 'microseconds'};
   278             print "\t$testname:Mean\t$microseconds\t$microseconds\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   279             print "\t$testname:Max\t$max\t$max\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   280             print "\t$testname:Min\t$min\t$min\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   281         }
   283         # Format 2 : Result displayed in microseconds - Max and Min not available
   284         while ($txt =~ /TID:\s+(.*?)\s+Rot:\s+([0-9]+)\s+SrcMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+DestMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+Iters:\s+([0-9]+)\s+TrimmedMean:\s+([0-9]+)\s+us/g) {
   285             my ($testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode,$iters,$microseconds) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
   286             $testname = sprintf('%s,Rot:%1d,SrcMode:%2d,DestMode:%2d',$testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode);
   287             next if exists $tests{$testname} ;# do not process this test again
   288             push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Mean", 'value' => $microseconds, 'type' => 'microseconds'};
   289             print "\t$testname:Mean\t$microseconds\t$microseconds\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   290         }
   292         # Format 3 : Result displayed in pixels/second - Max and Min available
   293         while ($txt =~ /TID:\s+([^\s]+?)\s+Rot:\s+([0-9]+)\s+SrcMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+DestMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+Iters:\s+([0-9]+)\s+TrimmedMean:\s+([0-9]+)\s+pixels\/second.*?\s+Max:\s+([0-9]+)\s+Min:\s+([0-9]+)\s+/gms) {
   294             my ($testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode,$iters,$pps,$max,$min) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8);
   295             next if not defined $max or not defined $min;
   296             $testname = sprintf('%s,Rot:%1d,SrcMode:%2d,DestMode:%2d',$testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode);
   297             $tests{$testname} = 1; # record the fact that this test has been processed
   298             push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Mean", 'value' => $pps, 'type' => 'pixels/second'};
   299             #push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Max", 'value' => $max, 'type' => 'microseconds'};
   300             #push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Min", 'value' => $min, 'type' => 'microseconds'};
   301             print "\t$testname:Mean\t$pps\t$pps\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   302             print "\t$testname:Max\t$max\t$max\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   303             print "\t$testname:Min\t$min\t$min\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   304         }
   306         # Format 4 : Result displayed in pixels/second - Max and Min not available
   307         while ($txt =~ /TID:\s+(.*?)\s+Rot:\s+([0-9]+)\s+SrcMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+DestMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+Iters:\s+([0-9]+)\s+TrimmedMean:\s+([0-9]+)\s+pixels\/second/g) {
   308             my ($testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode,$iters,$pps) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
   309             $testname = sprintf('%s,Rot:%1d,SrcMode:%2d,DestMode:%2d',$testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode);
   310             next if exists $tests{$testname} ;# do not process this test again
   311             push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Mean", 'value' => $pps, 'type' => 'pixels/second'};
   312             print "\t$testname:Mean\t$pps\t$pps\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   313         }
   315 		# Format 5 : Result displayed in characters/second - Max and Min available
   316         while ($txt =~ /TID:\s+([^\s]+?)\s+Rot:\s+([0-9]+)\s+SrcMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+DestMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+Iters:\s+([0-9]+)\s+TrimmedMean:\s+([0-9]+)\s+characters\/second.*?\s+Max:\s+([0-9]+)\s+Min:\s+([0-9]+)\s+/gms) {
   317             my ($testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode,$iters,$cps,$max,$min) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8);
   318             next if not defined $max or not defined $min;
   319             $testname = sprintf('%s,Rot:%1d,SrcMode:%2d,DestMode:%2d',$testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode);
   320             $tests{$testname} = 1; # record the fact that this test has been processed
   321             push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Mean", 'value' => $cps, 'type' => 'characters/second'};
   322             #push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Max", 'value' => $max, 'type' => 'microseconds'};
   323             #push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Min", 'value' => $min, 'type' => 'microseconds'};
   324             print "\t$testname:Mean\t$cps\t$cps\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   325             print "\t$testname:Max\t$max\t$max\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   326             print "\t$testname:Min\t$min\t$min\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   327         }
   329         # Format 6 : Result displayed in characters/second - Max and Min not available
   330         while ($txt =~ /TID:\s+(.*?)\s+Rot:\s+([0-9]+)\s+SrcMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+DestMode:\s+([0-9]+)\s+Iters:\s+([0-9]+)\s+TrimmedMean:\s+([0-9]+)\s+characters\/second/g) {
   331             my ($testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode,$iters,$cps) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
   332             $testname = sprintf('%s,Rot:%1d,SrcMode:%2d,DestMode:%2d',$testname,$rot,$srcmode,$destmode);
   333             next if exists $tests{$testname} ;# do not process this test again
   334             push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname,Mean", 'value' => $cps, 'type' => 'characters/second'};
   335             print "\t$testname:Mean\t$cps\t$cps\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   336         }
   337     }
   338 }
   341 # process the text associated with 1 testcase and extract performace results
   342 sub process_build_rtest_text {
   343     my ($txt, $result, $logfile, $testname) = @_;
   344     print "Function process_build_rtest_text: $logfile, $testname\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   346     next if not defined $testname or $testname =~ /^\s*$/;
   347     $testname =~ s/[-]/:/g; # replace - with : as subtitle seperator
   348     $testname =~ s/\s*performance test\s*$//; # strip unnecessary suffix to test name
   349     print "$testname \n" if $DEBUG > 1;    
   351     if ($testname eq 'T_BENCH') {
   352         while ($txt =~ /^\s*(.*?):\s*(.*?)\s+ms$/gim) {
   353             my ($subname,$num) = ($1,$2);
   354             push @$result, {'testname' => "$testname:$subname", 'value' => $num, 'type' => 'milliseconds'};
   355             print "\t$testname:$subname\t$num\tmilliseconds\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   356         } 
   358     } 
   359    return $result;
   360 }
   362 # return a connection to the databasse
   363 sub connect_to_db {
   364   print "Connecting to DB\n" if $DEBUG;
   365   my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:PgPP:dbname=metadata;host=smglinx.symbian.intra', 'performance_uibench', 'grui');
   366   print "Connected to DB\n" if $DEBUG;
   367   return $dbh;
   368 }
   370 # save the result to the database
   371 sub process_sql {
   372   my ($dbh,$team,$platform,$build,$testdate,$testname,$resulttype,$result) = @_;
   374   print "Processing $testname result\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   375   if ($DEBUG > 1) {
   376     shift;
   377     print 'Saving ' . join(',',@_) . "\n";
   378   }
   379   my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO performance.performance_uibench_tests (team,platform,build,testdate,testname,resulttype,result) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)") or die "Prepare Error $dbh->errorstr";
   381   $sth->execute($team,
   382 		$platform,
   383 		$build,
   384 		$testdate,
   385 		$testname,
   386 		$resulttype,
   387 		$result)
   388       or die ("Error inserting values $team,$platform,$build,$testdate,$testname,$resulttype,$result\n $dbh->errorstr");
   390   print "Saved result\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
   391 }
   393 # read in and return the contents of a file
   394 sub read_file {
   395     my ($file) = @_;
   397     open (FH,"<",$file) or die "Error reading from $file\n$!\n";
   398     my $file_size = (stat ($file))[7];    # Size of file
   399     my $data;
   400     read(FH, $data, $file_size);
   401     close(FH);
   403     return $data;
   404 }
   406 # before saving to the database delete any duplicate data
   407 sub remove_duplicates {
   408   my ($dbh,$team,$build,$platform,$date) = @_;
   410   my $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from performance.performance_uibench_tests where team = ? and build = ? and platform = ?  and testdate = ?") or die "Prepare Error $dbh->errorstr";
   412   $sth->execute($team, $build, $platform, $date)
   413       or die ("Error deleteing  values $team,$build\n $dbh->errorstr");
   415 }
   418 # ensure that the modules necessary to drive the database interactions are available and loaded
   419 sub check_db_drivers {
   421     print "Checking for DBI module\n" if $DEBUG;
   422     eval{require DBI};
   423     if($@) {
   424       print "Failed to load DBI\n Now attempting to download and install\nppm install DBI\n";
   425       system("ppm","install","DBI");
   426       require DBI;
   427     }
   429     print "Checking for DBD::PgPP database driver module\n" if $DEBUG;
   430     eval{require DBD::PgPP};
   431     if($@) {
   432       print "Failed to load DBD::PgPP\n Now attempting to download and install\nppm install DBD-PgPP\n";
   433       system("ppm","install","DBD-PgPP");
   434       require DBD::PgPP;
   435     }
   436 }
   438 sub find_performance_files {
   439     if ($File::Find::name 
   440 	=~ /\/t_performance.txt/i) {
   441         my $afile = lc($File::Find::name);
   442   	    $afile =~ s/\\/\//g;
   443    	    push  @files, lc($afile);
   444     	print "Found $afile\n" if $DEBUG;
   445 	   print "+" if not $DEBUG;
   446     }
   447 }