changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * Header FNTREADR.H
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #ifndef __FNTREADR_H__
    21 #define __FNTREADR_H__
    23 #include "FNTRECRD.H"
    24 #include "LST.H"
    25 #include "READER.H"
    26 /**
    27 @internalComponent
    28 */
    29 const uint16 KMaxSizeCodeSectionBitmap = 0x7FFF;
    30 const int KMaxBitmapWidth = 0x7f;
    31 const int KMaxBitmapHeight = 0x7f;
    32 const int KNumberOfBitsInByte = 8; 
    33 /**
    34 @internalComponent
    35 */
    36 const int KLowestPermittedCharacterEncoding = 0x0000;
    37 const int KHighestPermittedCharacterEncoding = 0xffff;
    38 /**
    39 @internalComponent
    40 */
    41 const int KMaxNumberRepeatedLines = 15;	// maximum number of repeated lines in font compiler
    43 /**
    44 KFillCharacterOffset is a significant offset that is set when a character within a code section is 
    45 not in the font. This means that for these fill characters nothing is stored within the binary
    46 data part of the code section
    47 @internalComponent
    48 */
    49 const uint16 KFillCharacterOffset = 0x7FFF;
    51 /**
    52 Resource identifiers
    53 @internalComponent
    54 */
    55 const String IdentFontBitmap("FontBitmap");
    56 const String IdentSTARTFONT("STARTFONT");
    57 const String IdentTypeface("Typeface");
    58 const String IdentFontStoreFile("FontStoreFile");
    59 /**
    60 Char identifiers
    61 @internalComponent
    62 */
    63 const String IdentAdjust("Adjust");
    64 const String IdentEndChar("EndChar");
    66 /**
    67 Codesection identifiers
    68 @internalComponent
    69 */
    70 const String IdentEndCodeSection("EndCodeSection");
    71 const String IdentChar("Char");
    73 /**
    74 Fontbitmap identifiers
    75 @internalComponent
    76 */
    77 const String IdentEndFontBitmap("EndFontBitmap");
    78 const String IdentUid("Uid");
    79 const String IdentBold("Bold");
    80 const String IdentItalic("Italic");
    81 const String IdentFontBitmapProportional("Proportional");
    82 const String IdentCellHeight("CellHeight");
    83 const String IdentAscent("Ascent");
    84 const String IdentMaxNormalCharWidth("MaxNormalCharWidth");
    85 const String IdentBitmapEncoding("BitmapEncoding");
    86 const String IdentCodeSection("CodeSection");
    87 const String IdentMaxConsecutiveFillChars("MaxConsecutiveFillChars"); 
    89 /**
    90 BDF CHAR identifiers
    91 @internalComponent
    92 */
    93 const String IdentBDFFileHeader("STARTFONT");
    94 const String IdentBDFComment("COMMENT");
    95 const String IdentBDFContentVersion("CONTENTVERSION");
    96 const String IdentBDFFontBitmap("FONT"); 
    97 const String IdentBDFPointSize("SIZE");
    98 const String IdentBDFFontDesignBox("FONTBOUNDINGBOX");
    99 const String IdentBDFWritingDirection("METRICSSET");
   100 const String IdentBDFStartProperties("STARTPROPERTIES");
   101 const String IdentBDFPropertyUid("UID");
   102 const String IdentBDFPropertyBold("BOLD");
   103 const String IdentBDFPropertyItalic("ITALIC");
   104 const String IdentBDFPropertyFontAscent("FONTASCENT");
   105 const String IdentBDFPropertyFontDescent("FONTDESCENT");
   106 const String IdentBDFPropertyMaxNormalCharWidth("MAXNORMALCHARWIDTH");
   107 const String IdentBDFPropertyMaxConsecutiveFillChars("MAXCONSECUTIVEFILLCHARS");
   108 const String IdentBDFEndProperties("ENDPROPERTIES");
   109 const String IdentBDFNumChars("CHARS");	// To be used as sanity check on BDF files
   110 const String IdentBDFCharLabel("STARTCHAR");
   111 const String IdentBDFChar("ENCODING");
   112 const String IdentBDFCursorMove("DWIDTH");
   113 const String IdentBDFBitmapSizeAndDisplacement("BBX");
   114 const String IdentBDFStartBitmap("BITMAP");
   115 const String IdentBDFEndChar("ENDCHAR");
   116 const String IdentBDFEndFontBitmap("ENDFONT");
   118 /**
   119 Typeface identifiers
   120 @internalComponent
   121 */
   122 const String IdentEndTypeface("EndTypeface");
   123 const String IdentName("Name");
   124 const String IdentTypefaceProportional("Proportional");
   125 const String IdentSerif("Serif");
   126 const String IdentSymbol("Symbol");
   127 const String IdentFontBitmaps("FontBitmaps");
   128 const String IdentWidthFactor("WidthFactor");
   129 const String IdentHeightFactor("HeightFactor");
   130 const String IdentEndFontBitmaps("EndFontBitmaps");
   132 /**
   133 Fontstorefile identifiers
   134 @internalComponent
   135 */
   136 const String IdentEndFontStoreFile("EndFontStoreFile");
   137 const String IdentFilename("Filename");
   138 const String IdentCollectionUid("CollectionUid");
   139 const String IdentKPixelAspectRatio("KPixelAspectRatio");
   140 const String IdentTypefaces("Typefaces");
   141 const String IdentEndTypefaces("EndTypefaces");
   142 const String IdentExtraFontBitmaps("FontBitmaps");
   143 const String IdentEndExtraFontBitmaps("EndFontBitmaps");
   144 const String IdentCopyrightInfo("CopyrightInfo");
   145 const String IdentEndCopyrightInfo("EndCopyrightInfo");
   147 class CroppedValues;
   149 class FontReader : public Reader
   150 /**
   151 @internalComponent
   152 */
   153 	{
   154 public:
   155 	enum TReadFileFormat
   156 		{
   157 		ESymbianGDFFormat,
   158 		EBDFFormat
   159 		};
   160 public:
   161 	FontReader();
   162 	boolean Read(const String& aFilename);
   163 	boolean ReadBDFCharacter(int aCode);
   164 	boolean ParseMetricsFromBDF(int aNumberCharsInFile, int aMaxConsecutiveFillChars);
   165 	boolean ReadMetricFromBDFCharacter(CharacterMetrics* aMetric, CroppedValues* aCropped);
   166 	boolean ReadBDFFontBitmap();
   167 	boolean ReadTypeface();
   168 	boolean ReadFontStoreFile();
   169 	int Store(const String& aFilename);
   170 	boolean CharLine(String& aCharLine);
   171 private:
   172 	boolean ReadBDFChars(const int aNumberOfGlyphsInFile, const int aMaxConsecutiveFillChars);
   173 	boolean DoMetricAnalysis(int& aHeight, int& aWidth, int& aLeftAdjust, int& aRightAdjust, int& aAscent);
   174 	void ErrorIdentifierExpected(const String& aIdentifier);
   175 	boolean CompareBitmapLines(int aLine1, int aLine2);
   176 	boolean BitmapLineEmpty(int aLine);
   177 	boolean BitmapColumnEmpty(int aColumn);
   178 	void WriteFillCharacters(int aNumberConsecutive);
   179 	void PrintoutCodeSection(const BitmapCodeSection* aCodeSection) const;
   180 private:
   181 	FontStore iFontStore;
   182 	FontStoreFile* iFontStoreFile;
   183 	CharacterMetrics* iCharacterMetrics;
   184 	BitmapCodeSection* iCodeSection;
   185 	FontBitmap* iFontBitmap;
   186 	FntTypeface* iTypeface;
   187 	TReadFileFormat iReadFileFormat;
   188 	int iBitArray[KMaxBitmapWidth][KMaxBitmapHeight];
   189 	int iBitmapWidth;
   190 	int iBitmapHeight;
   191 	int iDefaultXMoveInPixels;
   192 	int iDefaultYMoveInPixels;
   193 	String iFileName;
   194 	};
   196 #endif