changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: MorphingMesh implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    19 /*!
    20  * \internal
    21  * \file
    22  * \brief MorphingMesh implementation
    23  *
    24  */
    26 #ifndef M3G_CORE_INCLUDE
    27 #   error included by m3g_core.c; do not compile separately.
    28 #endif
    30 #include "m3g_morphingmesh.h"
    31 #include "m3g_memory.h"
    32 #include "m3g_animationtrack.h"
    34 #define WEIGHT_SHIFT        ( 8 )
    35 #define WEIGHT_SCALE        ( 1 << WEIGHT_SHIFT )
    36 #define WEIGHT_ROUND_PLUS   ( WEIGHT_SCALE / 4 )
    37 #define WEIGHT_ROUND_MINUS  ( 0 )
    39 /*!
    40  * \internal
    41  * \brief offsetof macro
    42  */
    43 #include <stddef.h>
    45 static M3Gbool m3gMorph(MorphingMesh *momesh);
    46 static M3Gbool m3gCreateClones(VertexBuffer *vertices, VertexBuffer *morphed);
    47 static void m3gDeleteClones(VertexBuffer *morphed);
    49 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
    50  * Internal functions
    51  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    53 /*!
    54  * \internal
    55  * \brief Destroys this MorphingMesh object.
    56  *
    57  * \param obj MorphingMesh object
    58  */
    59 static void m3gDestroyMorphingMesh(Object *obj)
    60 {
    61     M3Gint i;
    62     MorphingMesh *momesh = (MorphingMesh *) obj;
    63     M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(momesh);
    65     for (i = 0; i < momesh->numTargets; i++) {
    66         M3G_ASSIGN_REF(momesh->targets[i], NULL);
    67     }
    69     M3G_ASSIGN_REF(momesh->morphed, NULL);
    71     {
    72         Interface *m3g = M3G_INTERFACE(momesh); 
    73         m3gFree(m3g, momesh->targets);
    74         m3gFree(m3g, momesh->weights);
    75         m3gFree(m3g, momesh->floatWeights);
    76     }
    78     m3gDestroyMesh(obj);
    79 }
    81 /*!
    82  * \internal
    83  * \brief Overloaded Node method.
    84  *
    85  * Setup morphing mesh render. Morph and call Mesh
    86  * render setup.
    87  *
    88  * \param self MorphingMesh object
    89  * \param toCamera transform to camera
    90  * \param alphaFactor total alpha factor
    91  * \param caller caller node
    92  * \param renderQueue RenderQueue
    93  *
    94  * \retval M3G_TRUE continue render setup
    95  * \retval M3G_FALSE abort render setup
    96  */
    97 static M3Gbool m3gMorphingMeshSetupRender(Node *self,
    98                                           const Node *caller,
    99                                           SetupRenderState *s,
   100                                           RenderQueue *renderQueue)
   101 {
   102     MorphingMesh *momesh = (MorphingMesh *)self;
   103     M3G_UNREF(caller);
   104     m3gIncStat(M3G_INTERFACE(self), M3G_STAT_RENDER_NODES, 1);
   106     momesh->dirtyState = M3G_TRUE;
   108     if ((self->enableBits & NODE_RENDER_BIT) != 0 &&
   109         (self->scope & renderQueue->scope) != 0) {
   111         /* Try view frustum culling */
   113 #       if defined(M3G_ENABLE_VF_CULLING)
   114         m3gUpdateCullingMask(s, renderQueue->camera, &momesh->bbox);
   115         if (s->cullMask == 0) {
   116             m3gIncStat(M3G_INTERFACE(self),
   117                        M3G_STAT_RENDER_NODES_CULLED, 1);
   118             return M3G_TRUE;
   119         }
   120 #       endif
   122         /* No dice, must morph & render */
   125         if (!m3gMorph(momesh)) {
   126             return M3G_FALSE;
   127         }
   130         return m3gQueueMesh((Mesh*) self, &s->toCamera, renderQueue);
   131     }
   132     return M3G_TRUE;
   133 }
   135 /*!
   136  * \internal
   137  * \brief Overloaded Node method.
   138  *
   139  * Renders one submesh.
   140  *
   141  * \param self MorphingMesh object
   142  * \param ctx current render context
   143  * \param patchIndex submesh index
   144  */
   145 static void m3gMorphingMeshDoRender(Node *self,
   146                                     RenderContext *ctx,
   147                                     const Matrix *toCamera,
   148                                     M3Gint patchIndex)
   149 {
   150     MorphingMesh *momesh = (MorphingMesh *)self;
   151     Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)self;
   153     m3gDrawMesh(ctx,
   154                 momesh->morphed,
   155                 mesh->indexBuffers[patchIndex],
   156                 mesh->appearances[patchIndex],
   157                 toCamera,
   158                 mesh->totalAlphaFactor + 1,
   159                 self->scope);
   160 }
   162 /*!
   163  * \internal
   164  * \brief Overloaded Node method.
   165  *
   166  * Morph and forward call Mesh internal ray intersect.
   167  *
   168  * \param self      MorphingMesh object
   169  * \param mask      pick scope mask
   170  * \param ray       pick ray
   171  * \param ri        RayIntersection object
   172  * \param toGroup   transform to originating group
   173  * \retval          M3G_TRUE    continue pick
   174  * \retval          M3G_FALSE   abort pick
   175  */
   176 static M3Gbool m3gMorphingMeshRayIntersect( Node *self,
   177                                             M3Gint mask,
   178                                             M3Gfloat *ray,
   179                                             RayIntersection *ri,
   180                                             Matrix *toGroup)
   181 {
   182     MorphingMesh *momesh = (MorphingMesh *)self;
   184     if (!m3gMorph(momesh)) {
   185         return M3G_FALSE;
   186     }
   188     return m3gMeshRayIntersectInternal(&momesh->mesh, momesh->morphed, mask, ray, ri, toGroup);
   189 }
   191 /*!
   192  * \internal
   193  * \brief Morphes short type vertex arrays.
   194  *
   195  * \param momesh        MorphingMesh object
   196  * \param dsta          destination VertexArray object
   197  * \param base          base VertexArray object
   198  * \param arrayOffset   offset to VertexArray object inside Mesh object
   199  * \retval M3G_TRUE     morph ok
   200  * \retval M3G_FALSE    morph failed, exception raised
   201  */
   202 static M3Gbool m3gMorphShorts(MorphingMesh *momesh, VertexArray *dsta, VertexArray *base, M3Gint arrayOffset)
   203 {
   204     M3Gint i;
   205     M3Gint sum, sw;
   206     M3Gshort *dst, *src;
   207     M3Gshort j, numMsTargets = 0;
   208     M3Gshort **srct = m3gAllocTemp(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), sizeof(M3Gshort *) * momesh->numTargets * 2);
   209     M3Gshort *msTargets = (M3Gshort *) (srct + momesh->numTargets);
   211     if (msTargets == NULL) {
   212         return M3G_FALSE;
   213     }
   215     /* Check that target arrays are in same format */
   216     for (j = 0; j < momesh->numTargets; j++) {
   217         VertexArray **va;
   218         va = (VertexArray **)(((M3Gbyte *)momesh->targets[j]) + arrayOffset);
   219         if (!m3gIsCompatible(*va, base)) {
   220             /* Unmap all arrays */
   221             for (j = 0; j < numMsTargets; j++) {
   222                 m3gUnmapVertexArray(*(VertexArray **)(((M3Gbyte *)momesh->targets[msTargets[j]]) + arrayOffset));
   223             }
   224             m3gFreeTemp(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh));
   225             m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
   226             return M3G_FALSE;
   227         }
   228         /* Use only most significant targets*/
   229         if (momesh->weights[j] != 0) {
   230             msTargets[numMsTargets] = j;
   231             srct[numMsTargets] = (M3Gshort *) m3gMapVertexArrayReadOnly(*va);
   232             numMsTargets++;
   233         }
   234     }
   236     dst = (M3Gshort *) m3gMapVertexArray(dsta);
   237     src = (M3Gshort *) m3gMapVertexArrayReadOnly(base);
   238     sw = momesh->sumWeights;
   240     for (i = 0; i < base->vertexCount * base->elementSize; i++) {
   241         sum = src[i] * sw;
   242         for (j = 0; j < numMsTargets; j++) {
   243             sum += srct[j][i] * momesh->weights[msTargets[j]];
   244         }
   245         /* Round */
   246         if (sum >= 0) {
   247             sum += WEIGHT_ROUND_PLUS;
   248         }
   249         else {
   250             sum -= WEIGHT_ROUND_MINUS;
   251         }
   252         dst[i] = (M3Gshort)(sum >> WEIGHT_SHIFT);
   253     }
   255     /* Unmap all arrays */
   256     for (j = 0; j < numMsTargets; j++) {
   257         m3gUnmapVertexArray(*(VertexArray **)(((M3Gbyte *)momesh->targets[msTargets[j]]) + arrayOffset));
   258     }
   260     m3gUnmapVertexArray(base);
   261     m3gUnmapVertexArray(dsta);
   263     m3gFreeTemp(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh));
   264     return M3G_TRUE;
   265 }
   267 /*!
   268  * \internal
   269  * \brief Morphes byte type vertex arrays.
   270  *
   271  * \param momesh        MorphingMesh object
   272  * \param dsta          destination VertexArray object
   273  * \param base          base VertexArray object
   274  * \param arrayOffset   offset to VertexArray object inside Mesh object
   275  * \retval M3G_TRUE     morph ok
   276  * \retval M3G_FALSE    morph failed, exception raised
   277  */
   278 static M3Gbool m3gMorphBytes(MorphingMesh *momesh, VertexArray *dsta, VertexArray *base, M3Gint arrayOffset)
   279 {
   280     M3Gint i;
   281     M3Gint sum, sw;
   282     M3Gbyte *dst, *src;
   283     M3Gint skip;
   284     M3Gshort j, numMsTargets = 0;
   285     M3Gbyte **srct = m3gAllocTemp(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), sizeof(M3Gbyte *) * momesh->numTargets * 2);
   286     M3Gshort *msTargets = (M3Gshort *) (srct + momesh->numTargets);
   288     if (msTargets == NULL) {
   289         return M3G_FALSE;
   290     }
   292     /* Check that target arrays are in same format */
   293     for (j = 0; j < momesh->numTargets; j++) {
   294         VertexArray **va;
   295         va = (VertexArray **)(((M3Gbyte *)momesh->targets[j]) + arrayOffset);
   296         if (!m3gIsCompatible(*va, base)) {
   297             /* Unmap all arrays */
   298             for (j = 0; j < numMsTargets; j++) {
   299                 m3gUnmapVertexArray(*(VertexArray **)(((M3Gbyte *)momesh->targets[msTargets[j]]) + arrayOffset));
   300             }
   301             m3gFreeTemp(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh));
   302             m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
   303             return M3G_FALSE;
   304         }
   305         /* Use only most significant targets*/
   306         if (momesh->weights[j] != 0) {
   307             msTargets[numMsTargets] = j;
   308             srct[numMsTargets] = (M3Gbyte *) m3gMapVertexArrayReadOnly(*va);
   309             numMsTargets++;
   310         }
   311     }
   313     dst = (M3Gbyte *) m3gMapVertexArray(dsta);
   314     src = (M3Gbyte *) m3gMapVertexArrayReadOnly(base);
   315     sw = momesh->sumWeights;
   316     skip = base->elementSize;
   318     for (i = 0; i < base->vertexCount * base->stride; i++) {
   319         if ((i & 3) >= skip) continue;
   320         sum = src[i] * sw;
   321         for (j = 0; j < numMsTargets; j++) {
   322             sum += srct[j][i] * momesh->weights[msTargets[j]];
   323         }
   324         /* Round */
   325         if (sum >= 0) {
   326             sum += WEIGHT_ROUND_PLUS;
   327         }
   328         else {
   329             sum -= WEIGHT_ROUND_MINUS;
   330         }
   331         dst[i] = (M3Gbyte)(sum >> WEIGHT_SHIFT);
   332     }
   334     /* Unmap all arrays */
   335     for (j = 0; j < numMsTargets; j++) {
   336         m3gUnmapVertexArray(*(VertexArray **)(((M3Gbyte *)momesh->targets[msTargets[j]]) + arrayOffset));
   337     }
   339     m3gUnmapVertexArray(base);
   340     m3gUnmapVertexArray(dsta);
   342     m3gFreeTemp(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh));
   343     return M3G_TRUE;
   344 }
   346 /*!
   347  * \internal
   348  * \brief Morphes byte type color vertex arrays.
   349  *
   350  * \param momesh        MorphingMesh object
   351  * \param dsta          destination VertexArray object
   352  * \param base          base VertexArray object
   353  * \param arrayOffset   offset to VertexArray object inside Mesh object
   354  * \retval M3G_TRUE     morph ok
   355  * \retval M3G_FALSE    morph failed, exception raised
   356  */
   357 static M3Gbool m3gMorphColorBytes(MorphingMesh *momesh, VertexArray *dsta, VertexArray *base, M3Gint arrayOffset)
   358 {
   359     M3Gint i;
   360     M3Gint sum, sw;
   361     M3Gubyte *dst, *src;
   362     M3Gint skip;
   363     M3Gshort j, numMsTargets = 0;
   364     M3Gubyte **srct = m3gAllocTemp(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), sizeof(M3Gubyte *) * momesh->numTargets * 2);
   365     M3Gshort *msTargets = (M3Gshort *) (srct + momesh->numTargets);
   368     if (msTargets == NULL) {
   369         return M3G_FALSE;
   370     }
   372     /* Check that target arrays are in same format */
   373     for (j = 0; j < momesh->numTargets; j++) {
   374         VertexArray **va;
   375         va = (VertexArray **)(((M3Gbyte *)momesh->targets[j]) + arrayOffset);
   376         if (!m3gIsCompatible(*va, base)) {
   377             /* Unmap all arrays */
   378             for (j = 0; j < numMsTargets; j++) {
   379                 m3gUnmapVertexArray(*(VertexArray **)(((M3Gbyte *)momesh->targets[msTargets[j]]) + arrayOffset));
   380             }
   381             m3gFreeTemp(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh));
   382             m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
   383             return M3G_FALSE;
   384         }
   385         /* Use only most significant targets*/
   386         if (momesh->weights[j] != 0) {
   387             msTargets[numMsTargets] = j;
   388             srct[numMsTargets] = (M3Gubyte *) m3gMapVertexArrayReadOnly(*va);
   389             numMsTargets++;
   390         }
   391     }
   393     dst = (M3Gubyte *) m3gMapVertexArray(dsta);
   394     src = (M3Gubyte *) m3gMapVertexArray(base);
   395     sw = momesh->sumWeights;
   396     skip = base->elementSize;
   398     for (i = 0; i < base->vertexCount * base->stride; i++) {
   399         if ((i & 3) >= skip) continue;
   400         sum = src[i] * sw;
   401         for (j = 0; j < numMsTargets; j++) {
   402             sum += srct[j][i] * momesh->weights[msTargets[j]];
   403         }
   405         /* Round */
   406         sum += WEIGHT_ROUND_PLUS;
   407         /* Clamp */
   408         if (sum > 255 * WEIGHT_SCALE) sum = 255 * WEIGHT_SCALE;
   410         dst[i] = (M3Gubyte) (sum >> WEIGHT_SHIFT);
   411     }
   413     /* Unmap all arrays */
   414     for (j = 0; j < numMsTargets; j++) {
   415         m3gUnmapVertexArray(*(VertexArray **)(((M3Gbyte *)momesh->targets[msTargets[j]]) + arrayOffset));
   416     }
   418     m3gUnmapVertexArray(base);
   419     m3gUnmapVertexArray(dsta);
   421     m3gFreeTemp(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh));
   422     return M3G_TRUE;
   423 }
   425 /*!
   426  * \internal
   427  * \brief Morphes all MorphingMesh vertex arrays. That
   428  * is positions, normals, texture coordinates and colors.
   429  *
   430  * \param momesh        MorphingMesh object
   431  * \retval M3G_TRUE     morph ok
   432  * \retval M3G_FALSE    morph failed, exception raised
   433  */
   434 static M3Gbool m3gMorph(MorphingMesh *momesh)
   435 {
   436     M3Gint i, j;
   437     M3Gint nullValues;
   439     if (momesh->cloneArrayMask != m3gGetArrayMask(momesh->base)) {
   440         if (!m3gCreateClones(momesh->base, momesh->morphed)) {
   441             return M3G_FALSE;
   442         }
   443         momesh->cloneArrayMask = m3gGetArrayMask(momesh->base);
   444         momesh->dirtyState = M3G_TRUE;
   445     }
   447     if (momesh->dirtyState == M3G_FALSE) return M3G_TRUE;
   449     if (momesh->base->vertices != NULL) {
   450         nullValues = 0;
   451         for (i = 0; i < momesh->numTargets; i++) {
   452             if (momesh->targets[i]->vertices == NULL) {
   453                 nullValues++;
   454             }           
   455         }
   457         if (nullValues != momesh->numTargets && nullValues != 0) {
   458             m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
   459             return M3G_FALSE;
   460         }
   462         if (nullValues == 0) {
   463             if (momesh->base->vertices->elementType == M3G_GLTYPE(M3G_SHORT)) {
   464                 if (!m3gMorphShorts( momesh,
   465                                      momesh->morphed->vertices,
   466                                      momesh->base->vertices,
   467                                      offsetof(VertexBuffer, vertices) )) return M3G_FALSE;
   468             }
   469             else {
   470                 if (!m3gMorphBytes(  momesh,
   471                                      momesh->morphed->vertices,
   472                                      momesh->base->vertices,
   473                                      offsetof(VertexBuffer, vertices) )) return M3G_FALSE;
   474             }
   475         }
   476         else {
   477             m3gCopy(m3gMapVertexArray(momesh->morphed->vertices),
   478                     m3gMapVertexArrayReadOnly(momesh->base->vertices),
   479                     momesh->base->vertices->stride * momesh->base->vertices->vertexCount );
   480             m3gUnmapVertexArray(momesh->base->vertices);
   481             m3gUnmapVertexArray(momesh->morphed->vertices);
   482         }
   483     }
   484     else {
   485         for (i = 0; i < momesh->numTargets; i++) {
   486             if (momesh->targets[i]->vertices != NULL) {
   487                 m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
   488                 return M3G_FALSE;
   489             }           
   490         }
   491     }
   493     if (momesh->base->normals != NULL) {
   494         nullValues = 0;
   495         for (i = 0; i < momesh->numTargets; i++) {
   496             if (momesh->targets[i]->normals == NULL) {
   497                 nullValues++;
   498             }           
   499         }
   501         if (nullValues != momesh->numTargets && nullValues != 0) {
   502             m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
   503             return M3G_FALSE;
   504         }
   506         if (nullValues == 0) {
   507             if (momesh->base->normals->elementType == M3G_GLTYPE(M3G_SHORT)) {
   508                 if (!m3gMorphShorts( momesh,
   509                                      momesh->morphed->normals,
   510                                      momesh->base->normals,
   511                                      offsetof(VertexBuffer, normals) )) return M3G_FALSE;
   512             }
   513             else {
   514                 if (!m3gMorphBytes(  momesh,
   515                                      momesh->morphed->normals,
   516                                      momesh->base->normals,
   517                                      offsetof(VertexBuffer, normals) )) return M3G_FALSE;
   518             }
   519         }
   520         else {
   521             m3gCopy(m3gMapVertexArray(momesh->morphed->normals),
   522                     m3gMapVertexArrayReadOnly(momesh->base->normals),
   523                     momesh->base->normals->stride * momesh->base->normals->vertexCount );
   524             m3gUnmapVertexArray(momesh->base->normals);
   525             m3gUnmapVertexArray(momesh->morphed->normals);
   526         }
   527     }
   528     else {
   529         for (i = 0; i < momesh->numTargets; i++) {
   530             if (momesh->targets[i]->normals != NULL) {
   531                 m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
   532                 return M3G_FALSE;
   533             }           
   534         }
   535     }
   537     if (momesh->base->colors != NULL) {
   538         nullValues = 0;
   539         for (i = 0; i < momesh->numTargets; i++) {
   540             if (momesh->targets[i]->colors == NULL) {
   541                 nullValues++;
   542             }           
   543         }
   545         if (nullValues != momesh->numTargets && nullValues != 0) {
   546             m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
   547             return M3G_FALSE;
   548         }
   550         if (nullValues == 0) {
   551             /* Only byte colors are supported */
   552             if (!m3gMorphColorBytes( momesh,
   553                                      momesh->morphed->colors,
   554                                      momesh->base->colors,
   555                                      offsetof(VertexBuffer, colors) )) return M3G_FALSE;
   556         }
   557         else {
   558             m3gCopy(m3gMapVertexArray(momesh->morphed->colors),
   559                     m3gMapVertexArrayReadOnly(momesh->base->colors),
   560                     momesh->base->colors->stride * momesh->base->colors->vertexCount );
   561             m3gUnmapVertexArray(momesh->base->colors);
   562             m3gUnmapVertexArray(momesh->morphed->colors);
   563         }
   564     }
   565     else {
   566         /* Morph default color */   
   567         M3Gint r, g, b, a;
   569         for (i = 0; i < momesh->numTargets; i++) {
   570             if (momesh->targets[i]->colors != NULL) {
   571                 m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
   572                 return M3G_FALSE;
   573             }           
   574         }
   576         r = momesh->base->defaultColor.r * momesh->sumWeights;
   577         g = momesh->base->defaultColor.g * momesh->sumWeights;
   578         b = momesh->base->defaultColor.b * momesh->sumWeights;
   579         a = momesh->base->defaultColor.a * momesh->sumWeights;
   581         for (i = 0; i < momesh->numTargets; i++) {
   582             r += momesh->targets[i]->defaultColor.r * momesh->weights[i];
   583             g += momesh->targets[i]->defaultColor.g * momesh->weights[i];
   584             b += momesh->targets[i]->defaultColor.b * momesh->weights[i];
   585             a += momesh->targets[i]->defaultColor.a * momesh->weights[i];
   586         }       
   588         /* Clamp values*/
   589         if (r < 0) r = 0;
   590         if (g < 0) g = 0;
   591         if (b < 0) b = 0;
   592         if (a < 0) a = 0;
   594         if (r > 255 * WEIGHT_SCALE) r = 255 * WEIGHT_SCALE;
   595         if (g > 255 * WEIGHT_SCALE) g = 255 * WEIGHT_SCALE;
   596         if (b > 255 * WEIGHT_SCALE) b = 255 * WEIGHT_SCALE;
   597         if (a > 255 * WEIGHT_SCALE) a = 255 * WEIGHT_SCALE;
   599         momesh->morphed->defaultColor.r = (GLubyte) (r >> WEIGHT_SHIFT);
   600         momesh->morphed->defaultColor.g = (GLubyte) (g >> WEIGHT_SHIFT);
   601         momesh->morphed->defaultColor.b = (GLubyte) (b >> WEIGHT_SHIFT);
   602         momesh->morphed->defaultColor.a = (GLubyte) (a >> WEIGHT_SHIFT);
   603     }
   605     for (i = 0; i < M3G_NUM_TEXTURE_UNITS; i++) {
   606         if (momesh->base->texCoords[i] != NULL) {
   607             nullValues = 0;
   608             for (j = 0; j < momesh->numTargets; j++) {
   609                 if (momesh->targets[j]->texCoords[i] == NULL) {
   610                     nullValues++;
   611                 }           
   612             }
   614             if (nullValues != momesh->numTargets && nullValues != 0) {
   615                 m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
   616                 return M3G_FALSE;
   617             }
   619             if (nullValues == 0) {
   620                 if (momesh->base->texCoords[i]->elementType == M3G_GLTYPE(M3G_SHORT)) {
   621                     if (!m3gMorphShorts( momesh,
   622                                          momesh->morphed->texCoords[i],
   623                                          momesh->base->texCoords[i],
   624                                          offsetof(VertexBuffer, texCoords) + i * sizeof(VertexBuffer *) )) return M3G_FALSE;
   625                 }
   626                 else {
   627                     if (!m3gMorphBytes(  momesh,
   628                                          momesh->morphed->texCoords[i],
   629                                          momesh->base->texCoords[i],
   630                                          offsetof(VertexBuffer, texCoords) + i * sizeof(VertexBuffer *) )) return M3G_FALSE;
   631                 }
   632             }
   633             else {
   634                 m3gCopy(m3gMapVertexArray(momesh->morphed->texCoords[i]),
   635                         m3gMapVertexArrayReadOnly(momesh->base->texCoords[i]),
   636                         momesh->base->texCoords[i]->stride * momesh->base->texCoords[i]->vertexCount );
   637                 m3gUnmapVertexArray(momesh->base->texCoords[i]);
   638                 m3gUnmapVertexArray(momesh->morphed->texCoords[i]);
   639             }
   640         }
   641         else {
   642             for (j = 0; j < momesh->numTargets; j++) {
   643                 if (momesh->targets[j]->texCoords[i] != NULL) {
   644                     m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
   645                     return M3G_FALSE;
   646                 }           
   647             }
   648         }
   649     }
   651     momesh->dirtyState = M3G_FALSE;
   652     return M3G_TRUE;
   653 }
   655 /*!
   656  * \internal
   657  * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
   658  *
   659  * \param property      animation property
   660  * \retval M3G_TRUE     property supported
   661  * \retval M3G_FALSE    property not supported
   662  */
   663 static M3Gbool m3gMorphingMeshIsCompatible(M3Gint property)
   664 {
   665     switch (property) {
   666     case M3G_ANIM_MORPH_WEIGHTS:
   667         return M3G_TRUE;
   668     default:
   669         return m3gNodeIsCompatible(property);
   670     }
   671 }
   673 /*!
   674  * \internal
   675  * \brief Overloaded Node method
   676  */
   677 static M3Gint m3gMorphingMeshGetBBox(Node *self, AABB *bbox)
   678 {
   679     MorphingMesh *m = (MorphingMesh*) self;
   681     if (m->base->vertices) {
   682         if (self->dirtyBits & NODE_BBOX_BIT) {
   684             /* Blend target and base mesh bounding boxes to estimate the
   685              * real bounding box of the morphed mesh */
   687             M3Gint i;
   688             M3Gint vMin, vMax;
   689             M3Gfloat sumWeights = (M3Gfloat)m->sumWeights / WEIGHT_SCALE;
   691             /* Get base mesh bounding box */
   693             m3gGetArrayValueRange(m->base->vertices, &vMin, &vMax);
   694             if (sumWeights < 0) {
   695                 M3Gint t = vMin;
   696                 vMin = vMax;
   697                 vMax = t;
   698             }
   700             for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
   701                 bbox->min[i] = (M3Gfloat) vMin;
   702                 bbox->max[i] = (M3Gfloat) vMax;
   703             }
   705             /* Blend with target bounding boxes */
   707             for (i = 0; i < m->numTargets; i++) {
   708                 if (m->targets[i]->vertices) {
   709                     M3Gfloat w = m->floatWeights[i];
   711                     m3gGetArrayValueRange(m->targets[i]->vertices,
   712                                           &vMin, &vMax);
   713                     if (w < 0) {
   714                         M3Gint t = vMin;
   715                         vMin = vMax;
   716                         vMax = t;
   717                     }
   719                     bbox->min[0] = m3gMadd((M3Gfloat) vMin, w, bbox->min[0]);
   720                     bbox->min[1] = m3gMadd((M3Gfloat) vMin, w, bbox->min[1]);
   721                     bbox->min[2] = m3gMadd((M3Gfloat) vMin, w, bbox->min[2]);
   722                     bbox->max[0] = m3gMadd((M3Gfloat) vMax, w, bbox->max[0]);
   723                     bbox->max[1] = m3gMadd((M3Gfloat) vMax, w, bbox->max[1]);
   724                     bbox->max[2] = m3gMadd((M3Gfloat) vMax, w, bbox->max[2]);
   725                 }
   726             }
   728             /* Apply scale and bias, and flip the min-max values if
   729              * the scale is negative */
   730             {
   731                 const VertexBuffer *vb = m->base;
   732                 for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
   734                     bbox->min[i] = m3gMadd(bbox->min[i], vb->vertexScale,
   735                                            vb->vertexBias[i]);
   736                     bbox->max[i] = m3gMadd(bbox->max[i], vb->vertexScale,
   737                                            vb->vertexBias[i]);
   739                     if (bbox->min[i] > bbox->max[i]) {
   740                         M3Gfloat t = bbox->min[i];
   741                         bbox->min[i] = bbox->max[i];
   742                         bbox->max[i] = t;
   743                     }
   744                 }
   745             }
   747             m->bbox = *bbox;
   748         }
   749         else {
   750             *bbox = m->bbox;
   751         }
   753         /* Estimate a cost of 6 times normal bbox check, as we're
   754          * dynamically computing the box every time... */
   756         return 6 * VFC_BBOX_COST + VFC_NODE_OVERHEAD;
   757     }
   758     return 0; /* no vertices, nothing to render */
   759 }
   761 /*!
   762  * \internal
   763  * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
   764  *
   765  * \param self          MorphingMesh object
   766  * \param property      animation property
   767  * \param valueSize     size of value array
   768  * \param value         value array
   769  */
   770 static void m3gMorphingMeshUpdateProperty(Object *self,
   771                                           M3Gint property,
   772                                           M3Gint valueSize,
   773                                           const M3Gfloat *value)
   774 {
   775     M3Gint i;
   776     MorphingMesh *mMesh = (MorphingMesh *)self;
   777     M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(mMesh);
   778     M3G_ASSERT_PTR(value);
   780     switch (property) {
   781     case M3G_ANIM_MORPH_WEIGHTS:
   782         mMesh->sumWeights = WEIGHT_SCALE;
   783         mMesh->dirtyState = M3G_TRUE;
   785         for (i = 0; i < mMesh->numTargets; i++) {
   786             /* Value array can have less or more elements than
   787                numTargets is. If less, weights after the last
   788                element are set to 0. If more, weights after
   789                numTargets are ignored. */
   790             if (i < valueSize) {
   791                 mMesh->floatWeights[i] = value[i];
   792                 mMesh->weights[i] = m3gRoundToInt(m3gMul(value[i], WEIGHT_SCALE));
   793                 mMesh->sumWeights -= mMesh->weights[i];
   794             }
   795             else
   796                 mMesh->weights[i] = 0;
   797         }
   798         m3gInvalidateNode((Node*)self, NODE_BBOX_BIT);
   799         break;
   800     default:
   801         m3gNodeUpdateProperty(self, property, valueSize, value);
   802     }
   803 }
   805 /*!
   806  * \internal
   807  * \brief Deletes all internal vertex arrays.
   808  *
   809  * \param morphed       VertexBuffer object that contains
   810  *                      the internal arrays.
   811  */
   812 static void m3gDeleteClones(VertexBuffer *morphed)
   813 {
   814     M3Gint i;
   816     M3G_ASSIGN_REF(morphed->vertices, NULL);
   817     M3G_ASSIGN_REF(morphed->normals, NULL);
   818     M3G_ASSIGN_REF(morphed->colors, NULL);
   820     for (i = 0; i < M3G_NUM_TEXTURE_UNITS; i++) {
   821         M3G_ASSIGN_REF(morphed->texCoords[i], NULL);
   822     }
   823 }
   825 /*!
   826  * \internal
   827  * \brief Creates all internal vertex arrays.
   828  *
   829  * \param vertices      VertexBuffer object that contains
   830  *                      the original arrays.
   831  * \param morphed       VertexBuffer object that contains
   832  *                      the internal arrays.
   833  * \retval M3G_TRUE     clones created
   834  * \retval M3G_FALSE    clone creation failed
   835  */
   836 static M3Gbool m3gCreateClones(VertexBuffer *vertices, VertexBuffer *morphed)
   837 {
   838     M3Gint i, refCount;
   840     /* Delete old clone arrays */
   841     m3gDeleteClones(morphed);
   843     /* Clone all attributes but arrays, reference count and animtracks. Because
   844        morphed is an internal buffer it cannot have those attributes copied.
   845        If they would be copied it would cause a memory leak when morphed array
   846        is destroyed. */
   847     refCount = morphed->object.refCount;
   848     m3gCopy(morphed, vertices, sizeof(VertexBuffer));
   849     morphed->object.refCount = refCount;
   850     morphed->object.animTracks = NULL;
   851     morphed->vertices = NULL;
   852     morphed->normals = NULL;
   853     morphed->colors = NULL;
   854     for (i = 0; i < M3G_NUM_TEXTURE_UNITS; i++) {
   855         morphed->texCoords[i] = NULL;
   856     }
   858     if (vertices->vertices != NULL) {
   859         M3G_ASSIGN_REF(morphed->vertices, m3gCloneVertexArray(vertices->vertices));
   860         if (morphed->vertices == NULL) {
   861             return M3G_FALSE;
   862         }
   863     }
   865     if (vertices->normals != NULL) {
   866         M3G_ASSIGN_REF(morphed->normals, m3gCloneVertexArray(vertices->normals));
   867         if (morphed->normals == NULL) {
   868             return M3G_FALSE;
   869         }
   870     }
   872     if (vertices->colors != NULL) {
   873         M3G_ASSIGN_REF(morphed->colors, m3gCloneVertexArray(vertices->colors));
   874         if (morphed->colors == NULL) {
   875             return M3G_FALSE;
   876         }
   877     }
   879     for (i = 0; i < M3G_NUM_TEXTURE_UNITS; i++) {
   880         if (vertices->texCoords[i] != NULL) {
   881             M3G_ASSIGN_REF(morphed->texCoords[i], m3gCloneVertexArray(vertices->texCoords[i]));
   882             if (morphed->texCoords[i] == NULL) {
   883                 return M3G_FALSE;
   884             }
   885         }   
   886     }
   888     return M3G_TRUE;
   889 }
   891 /*!
   892  * \internal
   893  * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
   894  *
   895  * \param self MorphingMesh object
   896  * \param references array of reference objects
   897  * \return number of references
   898  */
   899 static M3Gint m3gMorphingMeshDoGetReferences(Object *self, Object **references)
   900 {
   901     MorphingMesh *mmesh = (MorphingMesh *)self;
   902     M3Gint i, num = m3gMeshDoGetReferences(self, references);
   903     for (i = 0; i < mmesh->numTargets; i++) {
   904         if (mmesh->targets[i] != NULL) {
   905             if (references != NULL)
   906                 references[num] = (Object *)mmesh->targets[i];
   907             num++;
   908         }
   909     }
   910     return num;
   911 }
   913 /*!
   914  * \internal
   915  * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
   916  */
   917 static Object *m3gMorphingMeshFindID(Object *self, M3Gint userID)
   918 {
   919     int i;
   920     MorphingMesh *mmesh = (MorphingMesh *)self;
   921     Object *found = m3gMeshFindID(self, userID);
   923     for (i = 0; !found && i < mmesh->numTargets; ++i) {
   924         if (mmesh->targets[i] != NULL) {
   925             found = m3gFindID((Object*) mmesh->targets[i], userID);
   926         }
   927     }
   928     return found;
   929 }
   931 /*!
   932  * \internal
   933  * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
   934  *
   935  * \param originalObj original MorphingMesh object
   936  * \param cloneObj pointer to cloned Mesh object
   937  * \param pairs array for all object-duplicate pairs
   938  * \param numPairs number of pairs
   939  */
   940 static M3Gbool m3gMorphingMeshDuplicate(const Object *originalObj,
   941                                         Object **cloneObj,
   942                                         Object **pairs,
   943                                         M3Gint *numPairs)
   944 {
   945     MorphingMesh *original = (MorphingMesh *)originalObj;
   946     MorphingMesh *clone;
   947     M3G_ASSERT(*cloneObj == NULL); /* no derived classes */
   949     /* Create the clone object */
   951     clone = (MorphingMesh*) m3gCreateMorphingMesh(originalObj->interface,
   952                                                   original->mesh.vertexBuffer,
   953                                                   original->targets,
   954                                                   original->mesh.indexBuffers,
   955                                                   original->mesh.appearances,
   956                                                   original->mesh.trianglePatchCount,
   957                                                   original->numTargets);
   958     if (!clone) {
   959         return M3G_FALSE;
   960     }
   961     *cloneObj = (Object *)clone;
   963     /* Duplicate base class data and if that succeeds, our own */
   965     if (m3gMeshDuplicate(originalObj, cloneObj, pairs, numPairs)) {
   966         m3gSetWeights(clone, original->floatWeights, original->numTargets);
   967         return M3G_TRUE;
   968     }
   969     else {
   970         return M3G_FALSE;
   971     }
   972 }
   974 /*!
   975  * \internal
   976  * \brief Overloaded Node method
   977  */
   978 static M3Gbool m3gMorphingMeshValidate(Node *self, M3Gbitmask stateBits, M3Gint scope)
   979 {
   980     MorphingMesh *mesh = (MorphingMesh*) self;
   981     AABB bbox;
   982     int i;
   985     /* Always compute a new bounding box for morphing meshes --
   986      * otherwise we would have to maintain timestamps for all source
   987      * vertex buffers */
   989     m3gMorphingMeshGetBBox(self, &bbox);
   991     /* Invalidate enclosing bounding boxes if new box is larger */
   993     for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
   994         if (bbox.min[i] < mesh->bbox.min[i] ||
   995             bbox.max[i] > mesh->bbox.max[i]) {
   996             m3gInvalidateNode(self, NODE_BBOX_BIT);
   997             break;
   998         }
   999     }
  1000     mesh->bbox = bbox;
  1003     return m3gMeshValidate(self, stateBits, scope);
  1004 }
  1006 /*!
  1007  * \internal
  1008  * \brief Initializes a MorphingMesh object. See specification
  1009  * for default values.
  1010  *
  1011  * \param m3g                   M3G interface
  1012  * \param momesh                MorphingMesh object
  1013  * \param hVertices             VertexBuffer object
  1014  * \param hTargets              array of morph target VertexBuffer objects
  1015  * \param hTriangles            array of IndexBuffer objects
  1016  * \param hAppearances          array of Appearance objects
  1017  * \param trianglePatchCount    number of submeshes
  1018  * \param targetCount           number of morph targets
  1019  * \retval                      M3G_TRUE success
  1020  * \retval                      M3G_FALSE failed
  1021  */
  1022 static M3Gbool m3gInitMorphingMesh( Interface *m3g,
  1023                                     MorphingMesh *momesh,
  1024                                     M3GVertexBuffer hVertices,
  1025                                     M3GVertexBuffer *hTargets,
  1026                                     M3GIndexBuffer *hTriangles,
  1027                                     M3GAppearance *hAppearances,
  1028                                     M3Gint trianglePatchCount,
  1029                                     M3Gint targetCount )
  1030 {
  1031     M3Gint i;
  1033     VertexBuffer *morphed;
  1035     /* Check target validities */
  1036     for (i = 0; i < targetCount; i++) {
  1037         if (hTargets[i] == NULL) {
  1038             m3gRaiseError(m3g, M3G_NULL_POINTER);
  1039             return M3G_FALSE;
  1040         }
  1041     }
  1043     /* Create morphed vertex buffer */
  1044     morphed = (VertexBuffer *)m3gCreateVertexBuffer(m3g);
  1045     if (morphed == NULL) {
  1046         return M3G_FALSE;
  1047     }
  1049     M3G_ASSIGN_REF(momesh->morphed, morphed);
  1051     /* Create initial vertex array clones */
  1052     if (!m3gCreateClones(hVertices, morphed)) {
  1053         M3G_ASSIGN_REF(momesh->morphed, NULL);
  1054         return M3G_FALSE;
  1055     }
  1057     /* MorphingMesh is derived from Mesh */
  1058     if (!m3gInitMesh(m3g, &momesh->mesh,
  1059                      hVertices, hTriangles, hAppearances,
  1060                      trianglePatchCount,
  1061                      M3G_CLASS_MORPHING_MESH)) {
  1062         M3G_ASSIGN_REF(momesh->morphed, NULL);
  1063         return M3G_FALSE;        
  1064     }
  1066     momesh->targets = m3gAllocZ(m3g, sizeof(VertexBuffer *) * targetCount);
  1067     momesh->weights = m3gAllocZ(m3g, sizeof(M3Gint) * targetCount);
  1068     momesh->floatWeights = m3gAllocZ(m3g, sizeof(M3Gfloat) * targetCount);
  1070     /* Check for errors */
  1071     if (!momesh->targets || !momesh->weights || !momesh->floatWeights) {
  1072         m3gDestroyMesh((Object *) &momesh->mesh); /* already init'd above */
  1073         m3gFree(m3g, momesh->targets);
  1074         m3gFree(m3g, momesh->weights);
  1075         m3gFree(m3g, momesh->floatWeights);
  1076         M3G_ASSIGN_REF(momesh->morphed, NULL);
  1077         return M3G_FALSE;    
  1078     }
  1080     /* Assign references */
  1081     for (i = 0; i < targetCount; i++) {
  1082         M3G_ASSIGN_REF(momesh->targets[i], hTargets[i]);
  1083     }
  1085     momesh->base = hVertices;
  1086     momesh->numTargets = targetCount;
  1087     momesh->sumWeights = WEIGHT_SCALE;
  1088     momesh->dirtyState = M3G_TRUE;
  1089     momesh->cloneArrayMask = m3gGetArrayMask(hVertices);
  1091     return M3G_TRUE;
  1092 }
  1094 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1095  * Public API functions
  1096  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1098 static const NodeVFTable m3gvf_MorphingMesh = {
  1099     {
  1100         {
  1101             m3gMeshApplyAnimation,
  1102             m3gMorphingMeshIsCompatible,
  1103             m3gMorphingMeshUpdateProperty,
  1104             m3gMorphingMeshDoGetReferences,
  1105             m3gMorphingMeshFindID,
  1106             m3gMorphingMeshDuplicate,
  1107             m3gDestroyMorphingMesh
  1108         }
  1109     },
  1110     m3gNodeAlign,
  1111     m3gMorphingMeshDoRender,
  1112     m3gMorphingMeshGetBBox,
  1113     m3gMorphingMeshRayIntersect,
  1114     m3gMorphingMeshSetupRender,
  1115     m3gNodeUpdateDuplicateReferences,
  1116     m3gMorphingMeshValidate
  1117 };
  1120 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1121  * Public API functions
  1122  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  1124 /*!
  1125  * \brief Creates a MorphingMesh object.
  1126  *
  1127  * \param interface             M3G interface
  1128  * \param hVertices             VertexBuffer object
  1129  * \param hTargets              array of morph target VertexBuffer objects
  1130  * \param hTriangles            array of IndexBuffer objects
  1131  * \param hAppearances          array of Appearance objects
  1132  * \param trianglePatchCount    number of submeshes
  1133  * \param targetCount           number of morph targets
  1134  * \retval Mesh new MorphingMesh object
  1135  * \retval NULL MorphingMesh creating failed
  1136  */
  1137 M3G_API M3GMorphingMesh m3gCreateMorphingMesh(M3GInterface interface,
  1138                                               M3GVertexBuffer hVertices,
  1139                                               M3GVertexBuffer *hTargets,
  1140                                               M3GIndexBuffer *hTriangles,
  1141                                               M3GAppearance *hAppearances,
  1142                                               M3Gint trianglePatchCount,
  1143                                               M3Gint targetCount)
  1144 {
  1145     Interface *m3g = (Interface *) interface;
  1146     M3G_VALIDATE_INTERFACE(m3g);
  1148     {
  1149         MorphingMesh *momesh = m3gAllocZ(m3g, sizeof(MorphingMesh));
  1151         if (momesh != NULL) {
  1152             if (!m3gInitMorphingMesh(   m3g,
  1153                                         momesh,
  1154                                         hVertices, hTargets,
  1155                                         hTriangles, hAppearances,
  1156                                         trianglePatchCount, targetCount)) {
  1157                 m3gFree(m3g, momesh);
  1158                 return NULL;
  1159             }
  1160         }
  1162         return (M3GMorphingMesh)momesh;
  1163     }
  1164 }
  1166 /*!
  1167  * \brief Set morph weights.
  1168  *
  1169  * \param handle                MorphingMesh object
  1170  * \param weights               array of weights
  1171  * \param numWeights            number of weights in array
  1172  */
  1173 M3G_API void m3gSetWeights(M3GMorphingMesh handle,
  1174                            M3Gfloat *weights,
  1175                            M3Gint numWeights)
  1176 {
  1177     MorphingMesh *momesh = (MorphingMesh *)handle;
  1178     M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(momesh);
  1180     if (numWeights >= momesh->numTargets) {
  1181         M3Gint i;
  1182         momesh->dirtyState = M3G_TRUE;
  1183         momesh->sumWeights = WEIGHT_SCALE;
  1184         for (i = 0; i < momesh->numTargets; i++) {
  1185             momesh->floatWeights[i] = weights[i];
  1186             momesh->weights[i] = m3gRoundToInt(m3gMul(weights[i], WEIGHT_SCALE));
  1187             momesh->sumWeights -= momesh->weights[i];
  1188         }
  1189         m3gInvalidateNode((Node*)momesh, NODE_BBOX_BIT);
  1190     }
  1191     else {
  1192         m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_VALUE);
  1193     }
  1194 }
  1196 /*!
  1197  * \brief Get morph weights.
  1198  *
  1199  * \param handle                MorphingMesh object
  1200  * \param weights               array of weights to fill in
  1201  * \param numWeights            max number of weights in array
  1202  */
  1203 M3G_API void m3gGetWeights(M3GMorphingMesh handle,
  1204                            M3Gfloat *weights,
  1205                            M3Gint numWeights)
  1206 {
  1207     MorphingMesh *momesh = (MorphingMesh *)handle;
  1208     M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(momesh);
  1210     if (numWeights >= momesh->numTargets) {
  1211         M3Gint i;
  1212         for (i = 0; i < momesh->numTargets; i++) {
  1213             weights[i] = momesh->floatWeights[i];
  1214         }
  1215     }
  1216     else {
  1217         m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_VALUE);
  1218     }
  1219 }
  1221 /*!
  1222  * \brief Get morph target.
  1223  *
  1224  * \param handle                MorphingMesh object
  1225  * \param idx                   target index
  1226  * \return                      VertexBuffer object
  1227  */
  1228 M3G_API M3GVertexBuffer m3gGetMorphTarget(M3GMorphingMesh handle, M3Gint idx)
  1229 {
  1230     MorphingMesh *momesh = (MorphingMesh *)handle;
  1231     M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(momesh);
  1233     if (idx < 0 || idx >= momesh->numTargets) {
  1234         m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(momesh), M3G_INVALID_INDEX);
  1235         return NULL;
  1236     }
  1238     return momesh->targets[idx];
  1239 }
  1241 /*!
  1242  * \brief Get morph target count.
  1243  *
  1244  * \param handle                MorphingMesh object
  1245  * \return                      number of morph targets
  1246  */
  1247 M3G_API M3Gint m3gGetMorphTargetCount(M3GMorphingMesh handle)
  1248 {
  1249     MorphingMesh *momesh = (MorphingMesh *)handle;
  1250     M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(momesh);
  1252     return momesh->numTargets;
  1253 }