changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // This test stub has been manually created based on the .def file generator
    15 // utility available in ../group/opengles_stub
    16 //
    17 //
    19 #include <GLES/gl.h>
    21 #include <e32def.h>
    22 #include <e32uid.h>
    24 #ifdef __cplusplus
    25 extern "C" {
    26 #endif
    29 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30 // OpenGLES GL functions
    31 EXPORT_C void  glActiveTexture (GLenum /*texture*/){ }
    32 EXPORT_C void  glAlphaFunc (GLenum /*func*/, GLclampf /*ref*/){ }
    33 EXPORT_C void  glAlphaFuncx (GLenum /*func*/, GLclampx /*ref*/){ }
    34 EXPORT_C void  glBindBuffer (GLenum /*target*/, GLuint /*buffer*/){ }
    35 EXPORT_C void  glBindTexture (GLenum /*target*/, GLuint /*texture*/){ }
    36 EXPORT_C void  glBlendFunc (GLenum /*sfactor*/, GLenum /*dfactor*/){ }
    37 EXPORT_C void  glBufferData (GLenum /*target*/, GLsizeiptr /*size*/, const GLvoid */*data*/, GLenum /*usage*/){ }
    38 EXPORT_C void  glBufferSubData (GLenum /*target*/, GLintptr /*offset*/, GLsizeiptr /*size*/, const GLvoid */*data*/){ }
    39 EXPORT_C void  glClear (GLbitfield /*mask*/){ }
    40 EXPORT_C void  glClearColor (GLclampf /*red*/, GLclampf /*green*/, GLclampf /*blue*/, GLclampf /*alpha*/){ }
    41 EXPORT_C void  glClearColorx (GLclampx /*red*/, GLclampx /*green*/, GLclampx /*blue*/, GLclampx /*alpha*/){ }
    42 EXPORT_C void  glClearDepthf (GLclampf /*depth*/){ }
    43 EXPORT_C void  glClearDepthx (GLclampx /*depth*/){ }
    44 EXPORT_C void  glClearStencil (GLint /*s*/){ }
    45 EXPORT_C void  glClientActiveTexture (GLenum /*texture*/){ }
    46 EXPORT_C void  glClipPlanex (GLenum /*plane*/, const GLfixed */*equation*/){ }
    47 EXPORT_C void  glClipPlanef (GLenum /*plane*/, const GLfloat */*equation*/){ }
    48 EXPORT_C void  glColor4f (GLfloat /*red*/, GLfloat /*green*/, GLfloat /*blue*/, GLfloat /*alpha*/){ }
    49 EXPORT_C void  glColor4ub (GLubyte /*red*/, GLubyte /*green*/, GLubyte /*blue*/, GLubyte /*alpha*/){ }
    50 EXPORT_C void  glColor4x (GLfixed /*red*/, GLfixed /*green*/, GLfixed /*blue*/, GLfixed /*alpha*/){ }
    51 EXPORT_C void  glColorMask (GLboolean /*red*/, GLboolean /*green*/, GLboolean /*blue*/, GLboolean /*alpha*/){ }
    52 EXPORT_C void  glColorPointer (GLint /*size*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
    53 EXPORT_C void  glCompressedTexImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLenum /*internalformat*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLint /*border*/, GLsizei /*imageSize*/, const GLvoid */*data*/){ }
    54 EXPORT_C void  glCompressedTexSubImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLint /*xoffset*/, GLint /*yoffset*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLenum /*format*/, GLsizei /*imageSize*/, const GLvoid */*data*/){ }
    55 EXPORT_C void  glCopyTexImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLenum /*internalformat*/, GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLint /*border*/){ }
    56 EXPORT_C void  glCopyTexSubImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLint /*xoffset*/, GLint /*yoffset*/, GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/){ }
    57 EXPORT_C void  glCullFace (GLenum /*mode*/){ }
    58 EXPORT_C void  glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES (GLuint /*matrixpaletteindex*/){ }
    59 EXPORT_C void  glDeleteBuffers (GLsizei /*n*/, const GLuint */*buffers*/){ }
    60 EXPORT_C void  glDeleteTextures (GLsizei /*n*/, const GLuint */*textures*/){ }
    61 EXPORT_C void  glDepthFunc (GLenum /*func*/){ }
    62 EXPORT_C void  glDepthMask (GLboolean /*flag*/){ }
    63 EXPORT_C void  glDepthRangef (GLclampf /*zNear*/, GLclampf /*zFar*/){ }
    64 EXPORT_C void  glDepthRangex (GLclampx /*zNear*/, GLclampx /*zFar*/){ }
    65 EXPORT_C void  glDisable (GLenum /*cap*/){ }
    66 EXPORT_C void  glDisableClientState (GLenum /*array*/){ }
    67 EXPORT_C void  glDrawArrays (GLenum /*mode*/, GLint /*first*/, GLsizei /*count*/){ }
    68 EXPORT_C void  glDrawElements (GLenum /*mode*/, GLsizei /*count*/, GLenum /*type*/, const GLvoid */*indices*/){ }
    69 EXPORT_C void  glDrawTexfOES (GLfloat /*x*/, GLfloat /*y*/, GLfloat /*z*/, GLfloat /*width*/, GLfloat /*height*/){ }
    70 EXPORT_C void  glDrawTexfvOES (const GLfloat */*coords*/){ }
    71 EXPORT_C void  glDrawTexiOES (GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLint /*z*/, GLint /*width*/, GLint /*height*/){ }
    72 EXPORT_C void  glDrawTexivOES (const GLint */*coords*/){ }
    73 EXPORT_C void  glDrawTexsOES (GLshort /*x*/, GLshort /*y*/, GLshort /*z*/, GLshort /*width*/, GLshort /*height*/){ }
    74 EXPORT_C void  glDrawTexsvOES (const GLshort */*coords*/){ }
    75 EXPORT_C void  glDrawTexxOES (GLfixed /*x*/, GLfixed /*y*/, GLfixed /*z*/, GLfixed /*width*/, GLfixed /*height*/){ }
    76 EXPORT_C void  glDrawTexxvOES (const GLfixed */*coords*/){ }
    77 EXPORT_C void  glEnable (GLenum /*cap*/){ }
    78 EXPORT_C void  glEnableClientState (GLenum /*array*/){ }
    79 EXPORT_C void  glFinish (void){ }
    80 EXPORT_C void  glFlush (void){ }
    81 EXPORT_C void  glFogf (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
    82 EXPORT_C void  glFogfv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
    83 EXPORT_C void  glFogx (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
    84 EXPORT_C void  glFogxv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
    85 EXPORT_C void  glFrontFace (GLenum /*mode*/){ }
    86 EXPORT_C void  glFrustumf (GLfloat /*left*/, GLfloat /*right*/, GLfloat /*bottom*/, GLfloat /*top*/, GLfloat /*zNear*/, GLfloat /*zFar*/){ }
    87 EXPORT_C void  glFrustumx (GLfixed /*left*/, GLfixed /*right*/, GLfixed /*bottom*/, GLfixed /*top*/, GLfixed /*zNear*/, GLfixed /*zFar*/){ }
    88 EXPORT_C void  glGenBuffers (GLsizei /*n*/, GLuint */*buffers*/){ }
    89 EXPORT_C void  glGenTextures (GLsizei /*n*/, GLuint */*textures*/){ }
    90 EXPORT_C void  glGetBooleanv (GLenum /*pname*/, GLboolean */*params*/){ }
    91 EXPORT_C void  glGetBufferParameteriv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLint */*params*/){ }
    92 EXPORT_C void  glGetClipPlanef (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*eqn*/[4]){ }
    93 EXPORT_C void  glGetClipPlanex (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*eqn*/[4]){ }
    94 EXPORT_C GLenum  glGetError (void){ return 0; }
    95 EXPORT_C void  glGetFixedv (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed */*params*/){ }
    96 EXPORT_C void  glGetFloatv (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat */*params*/){ }
    97 EXPORT_C void  glGetIntegerv (GLenum /*pname*/, GLint */*params*/){ }
    98 EXPORT_C void  glGetLightfv (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat */*params*/){ }
    99 EXPORT_C void  glGetLightxv (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed */*params*/){ }
   100 EXPORT_C void  glGetMaterialfv (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat */*params*/){ }
   101 EXPORT_C void  glGetMaterialxv (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed */*params*/){ }
   102 EXPORT_C void  glGetPointerv (GLenum /*pname*/, void **/*params*/){ }
   103 EXPORT_C const GLubyte *  glGetString (GLenum /*name*/){ return 0; }
   104 EXPORT_C void  glGetTexEnvfv (GLenum /*env*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat */*params*/){ }
   105 EXPORT_C void  glGetTexEnviv (GLenum /*env*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLint */*params*/){ }
   106 EXPORT_C void  glGetTexEnvxv (GLenum /*env*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed */*params*/){ }
   107 EXPORT_C void  glGetTexParameterfv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat */*params*/){ }
   108 EXPORT_C void  glGetTexParameteriv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLint */*params*/){ }
   109 EXPORT_C void  glGetTexParameterxv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed */*params*/){ }
   110 EXPORT_C void  glHint (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*mode*/){ }
   111 EXPORT_C GLboolean  glIsBuffer (GLuint /*buffer*/){ return GL_FALSE; }
   112 EXPORT_C GLboolean  glIsEnabled (GLenum /*cap*/){ return GL_FALSE; }
   113 EXPORT_C GLboolean  glIsTexture (GLuint /*texture*/){ return GL_FALSE; }
   114 EXPORT_C void  glLightf (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
   115 EXPORT_C void  glLightfv (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
   116 EXPORT_C void  glLightModelf (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
   117 EXPORT_C void  glLightModelfv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
   118 EXPORT_C void  glLightModelx (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
   119 EXPORT_C void  glLightModelxv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
   120 EXPORT_C void  glLightx (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
   121 EXPORT_C void  glLightxv (GLenum /*light*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
   122 EXPORT_C void  glLineWidth (GLfloat /*width*/){ }
   123 EXPORT_C void  glLineWidthx (GLfixed /*width*/){ }
   124 EXPORT_C void  glLoadIdentity (void){ }
   125 EXPORT_C void  glLoadMatrixf (const GLfloat */*m*/){ }
   126 EXPORT_C void  glLoadMatrixx (const GLfixed */*m*/){ }
   127 EXPORT_C void  glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES (void){ }
   128 EXPORT_C void  glLogicOp (GLenum /*opcode*/){ }
   129 EXPORT_C void  glMaterialf (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
   130 EXPORT_C void  glMaterialfv (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
   131 EXPORT_C void  glMaterialx (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
   132 EXPORT_C void  glMaterialxv (GLenum /*face*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
   133 EXPORT_C void  glMatrixIndexPointerOES (GLint /*size*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
   134 EXPORT_C void  glMatrixMode (GLenum /*mode*/){ }
   135 EXPORT_C void  glMultiTexCoord4f (GLenum /*target*/, GLfloat /*s*/, GLfloat /*t*/, GLfloat /*r*/, GLfloat /*q*/){ }
   136 EXPORT_C void  glMultiTexCoord4x (GLenum /*target*/, GLfixed /*s*/, GLfixed /*t*/, GLfixed /*r*/, GLfixed /*q*/){ }
   137 EXPORT_C void  glMultMatrixf (const GLfloat */*m*/){ }
   138 EXPORT_C void  glMultMatrixx (const GLfixed */*m*/){ }
   139 EXPORT_C void  glNormal3f (GLfloat /*nx*/, GLfloat /*ny*/, GLfloat /*nz*/){ }
   140 EXPORT_C void  glNormal3x (GLfixed /*nx*/, GLfixed /*ny*/, GLfixed /*nz*/){ }
   141 EXPORT_C void  glNormalPointer (GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
   142 EXPORT_C void  glOrthof (GLfloat /*left*/, GLfloat /*right*/, GLfloat /*bottom*/, GLfloat /*top*/, GLfloat /*zNear*/, GLfloat /*zFar*/){ }
   143 EXPORT_C void  glOrthox (GLfixed /*left*/, GLfixed /*right*/, GLfixed /*bottom*/, GLfixed /*top*/, GLfixed /*zNear*/, GLfixed /*zFar*/){ }
   144 EXPORT_C void  glPixelStorei (GLenum /*pname*/, GLint /*param*/){ }
   145 EXPORT_C void  glPointParameterf (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
   146 EXPORT_C void  glPointParameterfv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
   147 EXPORT_C void  glPointParameterx (GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
   148 EXPORT_C void  glPointParameterxv (GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
   149 EXPORT_C void  glPointSize (GLfloat /*size*/){ }
   150 EXPORT_C void  glPointSizePointerOES (GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
   151 EXPORT_C void  glPointSizex (GLfixed /*size*/){ }
   152 EXPORT_C void  glPolygonOffset (GLfloat /*factor*/, GLfloat /*units*/){ }
   153 EXPORT_C void  glPolygonOffsetx (GLfixed /*factor*/, GLfixed /*units*/){ }
   154 EXPORT_C void  glPopMatrix (void){ }
   155 EXPORT_C void  glPushMatrix (void){ }
   156 EXPORT_C void  glReadPixels (GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLenum /*format*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLvoid */*pixels*/){ }
   157 EXPORT_C void  glRotatef (GLfloat /*angle*/, GLfloat /*x*/, GLfloat /*y*/, GLfloat /*z*/){ }
   158 EXPORT_C void  glRotatex (GLfixed /*angle*/, GLfixed /*x*/, GLfixed /*y*/, GLfixed /*z*/){ }
   159 EXPORT_C void  glSampleCoverage (GLclampf /*value*/, GLboolean /*invert*/){ }
   160 EXPORT_C void  glSampleCoveragex (GLclampx /*value*/, GLboolean /*invert*/){ }
   161 EXPORT_C void  glScalef (GLfloat /*x*/, GLfloat /*y*/, GLfloat /*z*/){ }
   162 EXPORT_C void  glScalex (GLfixed /*x*/, GLfixed /*y*/, GLfixed /*z*/){ }
   163 EXPORT_C void  glScissor (GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/){ }
   164 EXPORT_C void  glShadeModel (GLenum /*mode*/){ }
   165 EXPORT_C void  glStencilFunc (GLenum /*func*/, GLint /*ref*/, GLuint /*mask*/){ }
   166 EXPORT_C void  glStencilMask (GLuint /*mask*/){ }
   167 EXPORT_C void  glStencilOp (GLenum /*fail*/, GLenum /*zfail*/, GLenum /*zpass*/){ }
   168 EXPORT_C void  glTexCoordPointer (GLint /*size*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
   169 EXPORT_C void  glTexEnvf (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
   170 EXPORT_C void  glTexEnvfv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
   171 EXPORT_C void  glTexEnvi (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLint /*param*/){ }
   172 EXPORT_C void  glTexEnviv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLint */*params*/){ }
   173 EXPORT_C void  glTexEnvx (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
   174 EXPORT_C void  glTexEnvxv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
   175 EXPORT_C void  glTexImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLint /*internalformat*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLint /*border*/, GLenum /*format*/, GLenum /*type*/, const GLvoid */*pixels*/){ }
   176 EXPORT_C void  glTexParameterf (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfloat /*param*/){ }
   177 EXPORT_C void  glTexParameterfv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfloat */*params*/){ }
   178 EXPORT_C void  glTexParameteriv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLint */*params*/){ }
   179 EXPORT_C void  glTexParameteri (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLint /*param*/){ }
   180 EXPORT_C void  glTexParameterx (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, GLfixed /*param*/){ }
   181 EXPORT_C void  glTexParameterxv (GLenum /*target*/, GLenum /*pname*/, const GLfixed */*params*/){ }
   182 EXPORT_C void  glTexSubImage2D (GLenum /*target*/, GLint /*level*/, GLint /*xoffset*/, GLint /*yoffset*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/, GLenum /*format*/, GLenum /*type*/, const GLvoid */*pixels*/){ }
   183 EXPORT_C void  glTranslatef (GLfloat /*x*/, GLfloat /*y*/, GLfloat /*z*/){ }
   184 EXPORT_C void  glTranslatex (GLfixed /*x*/, GLfixed /*y*/, GLfixed /*z*/){ }
   185 EXPORT_C void  glVertexPointer (GLint /*size*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
   186 EXPORT_C void  glViewport (GLint /*x*/, GLint /*y*/, GLsizei /*width*/, GLsizei /*height*/){ }
   187 EXPORT_C void  glWeightPointerOES (GLint /*size*/, GLenum /*type*/, GLsizei /*stride*/, const GLvoid */*pointer*/){ }
   190 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   191 // END: OpenGLES Version 1.1
   192 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 #ifdef __cplusplus
   196 }
   197 #endif