1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 // All rights reserved. |
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 // |
8 // Initial Contributors: |
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 // |
11 // Contributors: |
12 // |
13 // Description: |
14 // Font and text classes used by printer drivers. |
15 |
16 #ifndef PDRSTOREFONT_H |
17 #define PDRSTOREFONT_H |
18 |
19 /** |
20 @file |
21 @internalAll - Internal to Symbian |
22 @released |
23 */ |
24 |
25 #include <s32mem.h> |
26 #include <gdi.h> |
27 |
28 |
29 class CFbsBitGc; |
30 class TPdrResource; |
31 class CPdrDevice; |
32 class CFontInfo; |
33 class CPdrTranslates; |
34 class CInfoFont; |
35 class CTypefaceFonts; |
36 class TTextFormat; |
37 |
38 |
39 class CPdrResources : public CBase |
40 { |
41 public: |
42 IMPORT_C CPdrResources(); |
43 IMPORT_C void RestoreL(CStreamStore& aStore, TStreamId aStreamId); |
44 IMPORT_C ~CPdrResources(); |
45 IMPORT_C TPtrC8 ResourceString(TInt anId) const; |
46 private: |
47 TInt iNumResources; |
48 |
49 TPdrResource* iResourceList; |
50 }; |
51 |
52 |
53 class TTypefaceFontsEntry |
54 { |
55 public: |
56 IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream); |
57 public: |
58 |
59 TStreamId iStreamId; |
60 |
61 TBool iNotInPortrait; |
62 |
63 TBool iNotInLandscape; |
64 }; |
65 |
66 |
67 class CPdrModelInfo : public CBase |
68 { |
69 public: |
70 IMPORT_C CPdrModelInfo(); |
71 IMPORT_C ~CPdrModelInfo(); |
72 IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream); |
73 public: |
74 |
75 TInt iFlags; |
76 |
77 TInt iKPixelWidthInTwips; |
78 |
79 TInt iKPixelHeightInTwips; |
80 |
81 TPoint iPortraitOffsetInPixels; |
82 |
83 TPoint iLandscapeOffsetInPixels; |
84 |
85 TMargins iMinMarginsInPixels; |
86 |
87 TDisplayMode iDisplayMode; |
88 |
89 TInt iNumTypefaceFonts; |
90 |
91 TTypefaceFontsEntry* iTypefaceFontsEntryList; |
92 |
93 TStreamId iResourcesStreamId; |
94 |
95 TStreamId iSpareStreamId; |
96 }; |
97 |
98 |
99 /** |
100 @internalTechnology |
101 */ |
102 class CPdrTypefaceStore : public CTypefaceStore |
103 { |
104 public: |
105 IMPORT_C static CPdrTypefaceStore* NewL(CStreamStore& aStore, TInt aNumTypefacesFonts, TTypefaceFontsEntry* aTypefaceFontsEntryList, TPageSpec::TPageOrientation aPageOrientation, TInt aKPixelHeightInTwips, CPdrDevice* aPdrDevice); |
106 IMPORT_C ~CPdrTypefaceStore(); |
107 // CTypefaceStore implementation |
108 IMPORT_C TInt GetNearestFontInTwips(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec); |
109 IMPORT_C TInt GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec); |
110 IMPORT_C TInt GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec, TInt aMaxHeight); |
111 IMPORT_C TInt NumTypefaces() const; |
112 IMPORT_C TInt FontHeightInTwips(TInt aTypefaceIndex, TInt aHeightIndex) const; |
113 IMPORT_C void TypefaceSupport(TTypefaceSupport &aTypefaceSupport, TInt aTypefaceIndex) const; |
114 IMPORT_C void SetPageOrientation(TPageSpec::TPageOrientation aPageOrientation); |
115 private: |
116 CPdrTypefaceStore(CStreamStore& aStore, TInt aKPixelHeightInTwips, CPdrDevice* aPdrDevice); |
117 void ConstructL(TInt aNumTypefacesFonts, TTypefaceFontsEntry* aTypefaceFontsEntryList, TPageSpec::TPageOrientation aPageOrientation); |
118 CFontInfo* FontInfoL(TStreamId aStreamId) const; |
119 CPdrTranslates* TranslatesL(TStreamId aStreamId) const; |
120 TInt GetNearestFontHeightIndex(TInt aTypefaceIndex, TInt aHeightInTwips) const; |
121 TFontStyle GetNearestFontStyle(TInt aTypefaceIndex, TInt aHeightIndex, const TFontStyle& aFontStyle) const; |
122 TBool IsFontLoaded(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpecInTwips, TInt aHeightInPixels) const; |
123 CInfoFont* NewFontL(TInt aBaselineOffsetInPixels, const TFontSpec& aFontSpecInTwips, TInt aFontInfoHeightInTwips, TInt aHeightInPixels, CPdrTranslates* aTranslates, const TDesC8& aCommandString, TStreamId aFontInfoStreamId); |
124 TInt VerticalTwipsToPixels(TInt aTwipsHeight) const; |
125 public: |
126 CPdrDevice* iPdrDevice; |
127 private: |
128 CStreamStore* iStore; |
129 TInt iKPixelHeightInTwips; |
130 CArrayPtr<CTypefaceFonts>* iTypefaceFontsList; |
131 CArrayPtr<CTypefaceFonts>* iPortraitTypefaceFontsList; |
132 CArrayPtr<CTypefaceFonts>* iLandscapeTypefaceFontsList; |
133 CArrayPtr<CTypefaceFonts>* iCurrentTypefaceFontsList; |
134 CArrayPtr<CPdrTranslates>* iTranslatesList; |
135 CArrayPtr<CFontInfo>* iFontInfoList; |
136 }; |
137 |
138 class CPageTextEntry : public CBase |
139 { |
140 public: |
141 IMPORT_C CPageTextEntry(const TPoint& aDrawPos, TInt aHeightInPixels, TInt aTextWidthInPixels, HBufC8* aText, TTextFormat* aTextFormat); |
142 IMPORT_C ~CPageTextEntry(); |
143 IMPORT_C TPoint TopTextPos(); |
144 public: |
145 |
146 TPoint iDrawPos; |
147 |
148 TInt iHeightInPixels; |
149 |
150 TInt iTextWidthInPixels; |
151 |
152 HBufC8* iText; |
153 |
154 TTextFormat* iTextFormat; |
155 }; |
156 |
157 |
158 class CPageText : public CBase |
159 { |
160 private: |
161 CPageText(); |
162 void ConstructL(); |
163 public: |
164 IMPORT_C static CPageText* NewL(); |
165 IMPORT_C ~CPageText(); |
166 IMPORT_C void Reset(); |
167 IMPORT_C void AddEntryL(const TPoint& aPoint, const TFontUnderline aUnderlineStyle, const TFontStrikethrough aStrikethroughStyle, const TRgb& aColor, const CInfoFont* aFont, const TDesC& aString); |
168 IMPORT_C TInt NumEntries(); |
169 IMPORT_C CPageTextEntry* operator [] (TInt anIndex); |
170 /** This function is internal only, and is not intended for use. */ |
171 inline TInt MaxFontHeightInPixels() const {return iMaxFontHeightInPixels;} |
172 private: |
173 |
174 TInt iMaxFontHeightInPixels; |
175 |
176 CArrayPtr<TTextFormat>* iTextFormatList; |
177 |
178 CArrayPtr<CPageTextEntry>* iPageTextEntryList; |
179 }; |
180 |
181 |
182 class CPdrGc : public CGraphicsContext |
183 { |
184 private: |
185 CPdrGc(CPdrDevice* aDevice); |
186 void ConstructL(); |
187 public: |
188 static CPdrGc* NewL(CPdrDevice* aDevice); |
189 IMPORT_C ~CPdrGc(); |
190 |
191 IMPORT_C CGraphicsDevice* Device() const; |
192 IMPORT_C void SetOrigin(const TPoint& aPos = TPoint(0, 0)); |
193 IMPORT_C void SetDrawMode(TDrawMode aDrawingMode); |
194 IMPORT_C void SetClippingRect(const TRect& aRect); |
195 IMPORT_C void CancelClippingRect(); |
196 IMPORT_C void Reset(); |
197 |
198 IMPORT_C void UseFont(const CFont* aFont); |
199 IMPORT_C void DiscardFont(); |
200 |
201 IMPORT_C void SetUnderlineStyle(TFontUnderline aUnderlineStyle); |
202 IMPORT_C void SetStrikethroughStyle(TFontStrikethrough aStrikethroughStyle); |
203 IMPORT_C void SetWordJustification(TInt aExcessWidth, TInt aNumGaps); |
204 IMPORT_C void SetCharJustification(TInt aExcessWidth, TInt aNumChars); |
205 |
206 IMPORT_C void SetPenColor(const TRgb& aColor); |
207 IMPORT_C void SetPenStyle(TPenStyle aPenStyle); |
208 IMPORT_C void SetPenSize(const TSize& aSize = TSize(1, 1)); |
209 |
210 IMPORT_C void SetBrushColor(const TRgb& aColor); |
211 IMPORT_C void SetBrushStyle(TBrushStyle aBrushStyle); |
212 IMPORT_C void SetBrushOrigin(const TPoint& aOrigin); |
213 IMPORT_C void UseBrushPattern(const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap); |
214 IMPORT_C void DiscardBrushPattern(); |
215 |
216 IMPORT_C void MoveTo(const TPoint& aPoint); |
217 IMPORT_C void MoveBy(const TPoint& aVector); |
218 IMPORT_C void Plot(const TPoint& aPoint); |
219 |
220 IMPORT_C void DrawArc(const TRect& aRect, const TPoint& aStart, const TPoint& aEnd); |
221 IMPORT_C void DrawLine(const TPoint& aPoint1, const TPoint& aPoint2); |
222 IMPORT_C void DrawLineTo(const TPoint& aPoint); |
223 IMPORT_C void DrawLineBy(const TPoint& aVector); |
224 IMPORT_C void DrawPolyLine(const CArrayFix<TPoint>* aPointList); |
225 IMPORT_C void DrawPolyLine(const TPoint* aPointList, TInt aNumPoints); |
226 |
227 IMPORT_C void DrawPie(const TRect& aRect, const TPoint& aStart, const TPoint& aEnd); |
228 IMPORT_C void DrawEllipse(const TRect& aRect); |
229 IMPORT_C void DrawRect(const TRect& aRect); |
230 IMPORT_C void DrawRoundRect(const TRect& aRect, const TSize& aCornerSize); |
231 IMPORT_C TInt DrawPolygon(const CArrayFix<TPoint>* aPointList, TFillRule aFillRule = EAlternate); |
232 IMPORT_C TInt DrawPolygon(const TPoint* aPointList, TInt aNumPoints, TFillRule aFillRule = EAlternate); |
233 |
234 IMPORT_C void DrawBitmap(const TPoint& aTopLeft, const CFbsBitmap* aSource); |
235 IMPORT_C void DrawBitmap(const TRect& aDestRect, const CFbsBitmap* aSource); |
236 IMPORT_C void DrawBitmap(const TRect& aDestRect, const CFbsBitmap* aSource, const TRect& aSourceRect); |
237 IMPORT_C void DrawBitmapMasked(const TRect& aDestRect,const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,const TRect& aSourceRect,const CFbsBitmap* aMaskBitmap,TBool aInvertMask); |
238 IMPORT_C void DrawBitmapMasked(const TRect& aDestRect,const CWsBitmap* aBitmap,const TRect& aSourceRect,const CWsBitmap* aMaskBitmap,TBool aInvertMask); |
239 |
240 IMPORT_C void DrawText(const TDesC& aString, const TPoint& aPosition); |
241 IMPORT_C void DrawTextL(const TDesC& aString, const TPoint& aPosition); |
242 IMPORT_C void DrawText(const TDesC& aString, const TRect& aBox, TInt aBaselineOffset, TTextAlign aHoriz = ELeft, TInt aLeftMrg = 0); |
243 |
244 IMPORT_C void MapColors(const TRect& aRect,const TRgb* aColors,TInt aNumPairs,TBool aMapForwards); |
245 IMPORT_C TInt SetClippingRegion(const TRegion &aRegion); |
246 IMPORT_C void CancelClippingRegion(); |
247 IMPORT_C void DrawTextVertical(const TDesC& aText,const TPoint& aPos,TBool aUp); |
248 IMPORT_C void DrawTextVertical(const TDesC& aText,const TRect& aBox,TInt aBaselineOffset,TBool aUp,TTextAlign aVert=ELeft,TInt aMargin=0); |
249 IMPORT_C TInt AlphaBlendBitmaps(const TPoint& aDestPt, const CFbsBitmap* aSrcBmp, const TRect& aSrcRect, const CFbsBitmap* aAlphaBmp, const TPoint& aAlphaPt); |
250 IMPORT_C TInt AlphaBlendBitmaps(const TPoint& aDestPt, const CWsBitmap* aSrcBmp, const TRect& aSrcRect, const CWsBitmap* aAlphaBmp, const TPoint& aAlphaPt); |
251 |
252 private: |
253 CPdrControl* PdrControl() const; |
254 |
255 private: |
256 |
257 CPdrDevice* iPdrDevice; |
258 |
259 CFbsBitGc* iBandedGc; |
260 |
261 CFbsFont* iFbsFont; |
262 |
263 CFont* iBandedFont; |
264 |
265 CInfoFont* iFont; |
266 |
267 TPoint iOrigin; |
268 |
269 TPoint iPosition; |
270 |
271 TFontUnderline iUnderlineStyle; |
272 |
273 TFontStrikethrough iStrikethroughStyle; |
274 |
275 TRect iClippingRect; // Relative to absolute origin |
276 |
277 TInt iWordExcessWidthInPixels; |
278 |
279 TInt iNumGaps; |
280 |
281 TInt iCharExcessWidthInPixels; |
282 |
283 TInt iNumChars; |
284 |
285 TRgb iPenColor; |
286 |
287 TBool iPrintTextUsingBitmaps; |
288 }; |
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 #endif // PDRSTOREFONT_H |