changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <metafile.h>
    17 #include <bitdev.h>
    18 #include <fbs.h>
    20 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFontStack) : public CBase
    21 	{
    22 protected:
    23 	CFontStack(CGraphicsDevice* aDevice);
    24 public:
    25 	static CFontStack* NewL(CGraphicsDevice* aDevice);
    26 	~CFontStack();
    27 	void AddFontL(CFont* aFont);
    28 private:
    29 	CGraphicsDevice* iDevice;
    30 	CArrayPtrFlat<CFont>* iFontList;
    31 	};
    33 CFontStack::CFontStack(CGraphicsDevice* aDevice):
    34 	iDevice(aDevice),
    35 	iFontList(NULL)
    36 	{
    37 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CFontStack"));
    38 	}
    40 CFontStack* CFontStack::NewL(CGraphicsDevice* aDevice)
    41 	{
    42 	CFontStack* fontstack=new(ELeave) CFontStack(aDevice);
    43 	CleanupStack::PushL(fontstack);
    44 	fontstack->iFontList=new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CFont>(8);
    45 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    46 	return fontstack;
    47 	}
    49 CFontStack::~CFontStack()
    50 	{
    51 	if (iFontList)
    52 		{
    53 		TInt count=iFontList->Count();
    54 		for (TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
    55 			iDevice->ReleaseFont((*iFontList)[i]);
    56 		delete iFontList;
    57 		}
    58 	}
    60 void CFontStack::AddFontL(CFont* aFont)
    61 	{
    62 	TRAPD(ret,iFontList->AppendL(aFont));
    63 	if (ret!=KErrNone)
    64 		{
    65 		iDevice->ReleaseFont(aFont);
    66 		User::Leave(ret);
    67 		}
    68 	}
    70 enum TGraphicsContextCommandCode
    71 	{
    72 	EUseGc,     //  Not gc command
    73 	EEndOfStream,
    75 	ESetOrigin,
    76 	ESetDrawMode,
    77 	ESetClippingRect,
    78 	ECancelClippingRect,
    79 	EReset,
    80 	EUseFont,
    81 	EDiscardFont,
    82 	ESetUnderlineStyle,
    83 	ESetStrikethroughStyle,
    84 	ESetWordJustification,
    85 	ESetCharJustification,
    86 	ESetPenColor,
    87 	ESetPenStyle,
    88 	ESetPenSize,
    89 	ESetBrushColor,
    90 	ESetBrushStyle,
    91 	ESetBrushOrigin,
    92 	EUseBrushPattern,
    93 	EDiscardBrushPattern,
    94 	EMoveTo,
    95 	EMoveBy,
    96 	EPlot,
    97 	EDrawArc,
    98 	EDrawLine,
    99 	EDrawLineTo,
   100 	EDrawLineBy,
   101 	EDrawPolyLine1, 
   102 	EDrawPolyLine2, 
   103 	EDrawPie,
   104 	EDrawEllipse,
   105 	EDrawRect,
   106 	EDrawRoundRect,
   107 	EDrawPolygon1,  
   108 	EDrawPolygon2,  
   109 	EDrawBitmap1,   
   110 	EDrawBitmap2,   
   111 	EDrawBitmap3,   
   112 	EDrawText1,	   
   113 	EDrawText2	   
   114 	};
   116 inline RWriteStream& operator<<(RWriteStream& aStream,TGraphicsContextCommandCode aCommandCode)
   117 	{
   118 	aStream.WriteUint8L(TUint8(aCommandCode));
   119 	return aStream;
   120 	}
   122 EXPORT_C CMetafileDevice::CMetafileDevice(CGraphicsDevice* aDevice):
   123 	CGraphicsDevice(),
   124 	iGcCount(0),
   125 	iGcIndex(-1),
   126 	iRealDevice(aDevice),
   127 	iWriteStream(NULL)
   128 	{
   129 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CMetafileDevice"));
   130 	}
   132 EXPORT_C CMetafileDevice* CMetafileDevice::NewL(CGraphicsDevice* aDevice)
   133 	{
   134 	CMetafileDevice* device=new(ELeave) CMetafileDevice(aDevice);	
   135 	return device;
   136 	}
   138 EXPORT_C CMetafileDevice::~CMetafileDevice()
   139 	{
   140 	}
   142 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileDevice::HorizontalTwipsToPixels(TInt aTwips) const
   143 	{
   144 	return iRealDevice->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(aTwips);
   145 	}
   147 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileDevice::VerticalTwipsToPixels(TInt aTwips) const
   148 	{
   149 	return iRealDevice->VerticalTwipsToPixels(aTwips);
   150 	}
   152 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileDevice::HorizontalPixelsToTwips(TInt aPixels) const
   153 	{
   154 	return iRealDevice->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(aPixels);
   155 	}
   157 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileDevice::VerticalPixelsToTwips(TInt aPixels) const
   158 	{
   159 	return iRealDevice->VerticalPixelsToTwips(aPixels);
   160 	}
   162 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileDevice::GetNearestFontInTwips(CFont*& aFont,const TFontSpec& aFontSpec)
   163 	{
   164 	return GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(aFont, aFontSpec);
   165 	}
   167 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileDevice::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(CFont*& aFont,const TFontSpec& aFontSpec)
   168 	{
   169 	return iRealDevice->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(aFont,aFontSpec);
   170 	}
   172 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileDevice::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips(CFont*& aFont,const TFontSpec& aFontSpec, TInt aMaxHeight)
   173 	{
   174 	return iRealDevice->GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips(aFont, aFontSpec, aMaxHeight);
   175 	}
   177 EXPORT_C void CMetafileDevice::ReleaseFont(CFont* aFont)
   178 	{
   179 	iRealDevice->ReleaseFont(aFont);
   180 	}					
   182 EXPORT_C TDisplayMode CMetafileDevice::DisplayMode() const
   183 	{
   184 	return iRealDevice->DisplayMode();
   185 	}
   187 EXPORT_C TSize CMetafileDevice::SizeInPixels() const
   188 	{
   189 	return iRealDevice->SizeInPixels();
   190 	}
   192 EXPORT_C TSize CMetafileDevice::SizeInTwips() const
   193 	{
   194 	return iRealDevice->SizeInTwips();
   195 	}
   197 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileDevice::CreateContext(CGraphicsContext*& aGC)
   198 	{
   199 	CMetafileGc* gc=new CMetafileGc(this,iGcCount);
   200 	if (!gc)
   201 		return KErrNoMemory;
   202 	iGcCount++;
   203 	aGC=gc;
   204 	return KErrNone;
   205 	}
   207 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileDevice::NumTypefaces() const
   208 	{
   209 	return iRealDevice->NumTypefaces();
   210 	}
   212 EXPORT_C void CMetafileDevice::TypefaceSupport(TTypefaceSupport& aTypefaceSupport,TInt aTypefaceIndex) const
   213 	{
   214 	iRealDevice->TypefaceSupport(aTypefaceSupport,aTypefaceIndex);
   215 	}
   217 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileDevice::FontHeightInTwips(TInt aTypefaceIndex,TInt aHeightIndex) const
   218 	{
   219 	return iRealDevice->FontHeightInTwips(aTypefaceIndex,aHeightIndex);
   220 	}
   222 EXPORT_C void CMetafileDevice::PaletteAttributes(TBool& aModifiable,TInt& aNumEntries) const
   223 	{
   224 	iRealDevice->PaletteAttributes(aModifiable,aNumEntries);
   225 	}
   227 EXPORT_C void CMetafileDevice::SetPalette(CPalette* aPalette)
   228 	{
   229 	iRealDevice->SetPalette(aPalette);
   230 	}
   232 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileDevice::GetPalette(CPalette*& aPalette) const
   233 	{
   234 	return iRealDevice->GetPalette(aPalette);
   235 	}
   237 EXPORT_C void CMetafileDevice::UseGcL(TInt aGcIndex)
   238 	{
   239 	if (iGcIndex!=aGcIndex)
   240 		{
   241 		iGcIndex=aGcIndex;
   242 		*iWriteStream << EUseGc;
   243 		iWriteStream->WriteInt32L(iGcIndex);
   244 		}
   245 	}
   247 EXPORT_C void CMetafileDevice::StartOutputStreamL(RWriteStream& aStream)  // Returns error code
   248 	{
   249 	iWriteStream=&aStream;
   250 	TSize size(HorizontalPixelsToTwips(1000),VerticalPixelsToTwips(1000));
   251 	*iWriteStream << size;
   252 	}
   254 EXPORT_C void CMetafileDevice::EndOfStreamL()  // Returns error code
   255 	{
   256 	*iWriteStream << EEndOfStream;
   257 	}
   259 EXPORT_C RWriteStream& CMetafileDevice::WriteStream()
   260 	{
   261 	return *iWriteStream;
   262 	}
   264 EXPORT_C CMetafileGc::CMetafileGc(CMetafileDevice* aDevice,TInt anIndex):
   265 	CGraphicsContext(),
   266 	iDevice(aDevice),
   267 	iIndex(anIndex)
   268 	{
   269 	}
   271 EXPORT_C CMetafileGc::~CMetafileGc()
   272 	{
   273 	}
   275 EXPORT_C CGraphicsDevice* CMetafileGc::Device() const
   276 	{
   277 	return iDevice;
   278 	}
   280 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetOrigin(const TPoint& aPos)
   281 	{
   282 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   283 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   284 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetOrigin;
   285 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aPos;
   286 	}
   288 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetDrawMode(TDrawMode aDrawingMode)
   289 	{
   290 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   291 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   292 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   293 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetDrawMode;
   294 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteUint8L((TUint8) aDrawingMode));
   295 	}
   297 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetClippingRect(const TRect& aRect)
   298 	{
   299 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   300 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   301 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetClippingRect;
   302 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aRect;
   303 	}
   305 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::CancelClippingRect()
   306 	{
   307 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   308 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   309 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ECancelClippingRect;
   310 	}
   312 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::Reset()
   313 	{
   314 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   315 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   316 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EReset;
   317 	}
   319 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::UseFont(const CFont* aFont)
   320 	{
   321 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   322 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   323 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   324 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EUseFont;
   325 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aFont->FontSpecInTwips();
   326 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(aFont->HeightInPixels()));
   327 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(aFont->BaselineOffsetInPixels()));
   328 	}
   330 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DiscardFont()
   331 	{
   332 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   333 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   334 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDiscardFont;
   335 	}
   337 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetUnderlineStyle(TFontUnderline aUnderlineStyle)
   338 	{
   339 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   340 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   341 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   342 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetUnderlineStyle;
   343 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteUint8L((TUint8) aUnderlineStyle));
   344 	}
   346 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetStrikethroughStyle(TFontStrikethrough aStrikethroughStyle)
   347 	{
   348 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   349 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   350 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   351 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetStrikethroughStyle;
   352 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteUint8L((TUint8) aStrikethroughStyle));
   353 	}
   355 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetWordJustification(TInt aExcessWidth,TInt aNumGaps)
   356 	{
   357 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   358 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   359 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   360 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetWordJustification;
   361 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(aExcessWidth));
   362 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(aNumGaps));
   363 	}
   365 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetCharJustification(TInt aExcessWidth,TInt aNumChars)
   366 	{
   367 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   368 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   369 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   370 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetCharJustification;
   371 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(aExcessWidth));
   372 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(aNumChars));
   373 	}
   375 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetPenColor(const TRgb& aColor)
   376 	{
   377 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   378 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   379 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetPenColor;
   380 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aColor;
   381 	}
   383 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetPenStyle(TPenStyle aPenStyle)
   384 	{
   385 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   386 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   387 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   388 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetPenStyle;
   389 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteUint8L((TUint8) aPenStyle));
   390 	}
   392 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetPenSize(const TSize& aSize)
   393 	{
   394 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   395 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   396 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetPenSize;
   397 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aSize;
   398 	}
   400 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetBrushColor(const TRgb& aColor)
   401 	{
   402 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   403 	TRAP_IGNORE( iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   404 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetBrushColor;
   405 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aColor;
   406 	}
   408 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetBrushStyle(TBrushStyle aBrushStyle)
   409 	{
   410 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   411 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   412 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   413 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetBrushStyle;
   414 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteUint8L((TUint8) aBrushStyle));
   415 	}
   417 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::SetBrushOrigin(const TPoint& aOrigin)
   418 	{
   419 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   420 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   421 	iDevice->WriteStream() << ESetBrushOrigin;
   422 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aOrigin;
   423 	}
   425 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::UseBrushPattern(const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
   426 	{
   427 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   428 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   429 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   430 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EUseBrushPattern;
   431 	TRAP(errCode, aBitmap->ExternalizeL(iDevice->WriteStream()));
   432 	}
   434 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DiscardBrushPattern()
   435 	{
   436 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   437 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   438 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDiscardBrushPattern;
   439 	}
   441 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::MoveTo(const TPoint& aPoint)
   442 	{
   443 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   444 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   445 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EMoveTo;
   446 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aPoint;
   447 	}
   449 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::MoveBy(const TPoint& aVector)
   450 	{
   451 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   452 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   453 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EMoveBy;
   454 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aVector;
   455 	}
   457 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::Plot(const TPoint& aPoint)
   458 	{
   459 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   460 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   461 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EPlot;
   462 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aPoint;
   463 	}
   465 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawArc(const TRect& aRect,const TPoint& aStart,const TPoint& aEnd)
   466 	{
   467 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   468 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   469 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawArc;
   470 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aRect;
   471 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aStart;
   472 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aEnd;
   473 	}
   475 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawLine(const TPoint& aPoint1,const TPoint& aPoint2)
   476 	{
   477 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   478 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   479 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawLine;
   480 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aPoint1;
   481 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aPoint2;
   482 	}
   484 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawLineTo(const TPoint& aPoint)
   485 	{
   486 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   487 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   488 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawLineTo;
   489 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aPoint;
   490 	}
   492 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawLineBy(const TPoint& aVector)
   493 	{
   494 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   495 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   496 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawLineBy;
   497 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aVector;
   498 	}
   500 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawPolyLine(const CArrayFix<TPoint>* aPointList)
   501 	{
   502 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   503 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   504 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   505 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawPolyLine1;
   507 	TInt numpoints=aPointList->Count();
   508 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(numpoints));
   509 	for (TInt i=0; i<numpoints; i++)
   510 		iDevice->WriteStream() << (*aPointList)[i];
   511 	}
   513 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawPolyLine(const TPoint* aPointList,TInt aNumPoints)
   514 	{
   515 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   516 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   517 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   518 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawPolyLine2;
   519 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(aNumPoints));
   520 	TPoint *p=(TPoint*) aPointList,*pEnd=p+aNumPoints;
   521 	for (; p<pEnd; p++)
   522 		iDevice->WriteStream() << *p;
   523 	}
   525 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawPie(const TRect& aRect,const TPoint& aStart,const TPoint& aEnd)
   526 	{
   527 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   528 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   529 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawPie;
   530 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aRect;
   531 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aStart;
   532 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aEnd;
   533 	}
   535 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawEllipse(const TRect& aRect)
   536 	{
   537 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   538 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   539 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawEllipse;
   540 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aRect;
   541 	}
   543 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawRect(const TRect& aRect)
   544 	{
   545 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   546 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   547 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawRect;
   548 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aRect;
   549 	}
   551 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawRoundRect(const TRect& aRect,const TSize& aCornerSize)
   552 	{
   553 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   554 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   555 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawRoundRect;
   556 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aRect;
   557 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aCornerSize;
   558 	}
   560 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileGc::DrawPolygon(const CArrayFix<TPoint>* aPointList,TFillRule aFillRule)
   561 	{
   562 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   563 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   564 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   565 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawPolygon1;
   566 	TInt numpoints=aPointList->Count();
   567 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(numpoints));
   568 	for (TInt i=0; i<numpoints; i++)
   569 		iDevice->WriteStream() << (*aPointList)[i];
   570 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteUint8L((TUint8) aFillRule));
   571 	return KErrNone;
   572 	}
   574 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileGc::DrawPolygon(const TPoint* aPointList,TInt aNumPoints,TFillRule aFillRule)
   575 	{
   576 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   577 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   578 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   579 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawPolygon2;
   580 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(aNumPoints));
   581 	TPoint *p=(TPoint*) aPointList,*pEnd=p+aNumPoints;
   582 	for (; p<pEnd; p++)
   583 		iDevice->WriteStream() << *p;
   584 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteUint8L((TUint8) aFillRule));
   585 	return KErrNone;
   586 	}
   588 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawBitmap(const TPoint& aTopLeft,const CFbsBitmap* aSource)
   589 	{
   590 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   591 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   592 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   593 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawBitmap1;
   594 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aTopLeft;
   595 	TRAP(errCode, ExternalizeBitmapL(aSource));
   596 	}
   598 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawBitmap(const TRect& aDestRect,const CFbsBitmap* aSource)
   599 	{
   600 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   601 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   602 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   603 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawBitmap2;
   604 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aDestRect;
   605 	TRAP(errCode, ExternalizeBitmapL(aSource));
   606 	}
   608 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawBitmap(const TRect& aDestRect,const CFbsBitmap* aSource,const TRect& aSourceRect)
   609 	{
   610 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   611 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   612 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   613 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawBitmap3;
   614 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aDestRect;
   615 	TRAP(errCode, ExternalizeBitmapL(aSource));
   616 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aSourceRect;
   617 	}
   619 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawBitmapMasked(const TRect& /*aDestRect*/,const CFbsBitmap* /*aBitmap*/,const TRect& /*aSourceRect*/,const CFbsBitmap* /*aMaskBitmap*/,TBool /*aInvertMask*/)
   620 	{}
   622 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawBitmapMasked(const TRect& /*aDestRect*/,const CWsBitmap* /*aBitmap*/,const TRect& /*aSourceRect*/,const CWsBitmap* /*aMaskBitmap*/,TBool /*aInvertMask*/)
   623 	{}
   625 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::MapColors(const TRect& /*aRect*/,const TRgb* /*aColors*/,TInt /*aNumPairs*/,TBool /*aMapForwards*/)
   626 	{}
   628 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileGc::SetClippingRegion(const TRegion &/*aRegion*/)
   629 	{	
   630 		return KErrNone;
   631 	}
   633 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::CancelClippingRegion()
   634 	{}
   636 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawTextVertical(const TDesC& /*aText*/,const TPoint& /*aPos*/,TBool /*aUp*/)
   637 	{}
   639 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawTextVertical(const TDesC& /*aText*/,const TRect& /*aBox*/,TInt /*aBaselineOffset*/,TBool /*aUp*/,TTextAlign /*aVert*/,TInt /*aMargin*/)
   640 	{}
   642 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileGc::AlphaBlendBitmaps(const TPoint& /*aDestPt*/, const CFbsBitmap* /*aSrcBmp*/, const TRect& /*aSrcRect*/, const CFbsBitmap* /*aAlphaBmp*/, const TPoint& /*aAlphaPt*/) 
   643 	{
   644 		return KErrNone;
   645 	}
   647 EXPORT_C TInt CMetafileGc::AlphaBlendBitmaps(const TPoint& /*aDestPt*/, const CWsBitmap* /*aSrcBmp*/,  const TRect& /*aSrcRect*/, const CWsBitmap*  /*aAlphaBmp*/, const TPoint& /*aAlphaPt*/)
   648 	{
   649 		return KErrNone;
   650 	}
   653 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawText(const TDesC& aString,const TPoint& aPosition)
   654 	{
   655 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   656 	TRAP_IGNORE(iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   657 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawText1;
   658 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aString;
   659 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aPosition;
   660 	}
   662 EXPORT_C void CMetafileGc::DrawText(const TDesC& aString,const TRect& aBox,TInt aBaselineOffset,TTextAlign aHoriz,TInt aLeftMrg)
   663 	{
   664 	// TRAP and ignore the ERROR code due to this beeing a non-leaving method
   665 	TInt	errCode = 0;
   666 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->UseGcL(iIndex));
   667 	iDevice->WriteStream() << EDrawText2;
   668 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aString;
   669 	iDevice->WriteStream() << aBox;
   670 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(aBaselineOffset));
   671 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteUint8L((TUint8) aHoriz));
   672 	TRAP(errCode, iDevice->WriteStream().WriteInt32L(aLeftMrg));
   673 	}
   675 void CMetafileGc::ExternalizeBitmapL(const CFbsBitmap* aSource)
   676 	{
   677 	CFbsBitmap* bitmap=new(ELeave)	CFbsBitmap;
   678 	CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   679 	User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(aSource->SizeInPixels(),iDevice->DisplayMode()));
   680 	CFbsBitmapDevice* bitmapdevice=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(bitmap);
   681 	CleanupStack::PushL(bitmapdevice);
   682 	CFbsBitGc* gc;
   683 	User::LeaveIfError(bitmapdevice->CreateContext((CGraphicsContext*&) gc));
   684 	CleanupStack::PushL(gc);
   685 	gc->BitBlt(TPoint(0,0),aSource);
   686 	bitmap->ExternalizeL(iDevice->WriteStream());
   687 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);
   688 	}
   690 EXPORT_C CMetafilePlayback::CMetafilePlayback(CGraphicsDevice* aDevice):
   691 	iDevice(aDevice)	
   692 	{
   693 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CMetafilePlayback"));
   694 	}
   696 EXPORT_C CMetafilePlayback* CMetafilePlayback::NewL(CGraphicsDevice* aDevice)
   697 	{
   698 	CMetafilePlayback* playback=new(ELeave) CMetafilePlayback(aDevice);
   699 	return playback;
   700 	}
   702 EXPORT_C CMetafilePlayback::~CMetafilePlayback()
   703 	{
   704 	}
   707 EXPORT_C void CMetafilePlayback::DrawL(RReadStream& aReadStream)
   708 	{
   709 	CArrayPtrFlat<CGraphicsContext>* gclist=new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CGraphicsContext>(8);
   710 	CleanupStack::PushL(gclist);
   711 	CFontStack* fontstack = CFontStack::NewL(iDevice);
   712 	CleanupStack::PushL(fontstack);
   713 	CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>* pointlist=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(8);
   714 	CleanupStack::PushL(pointlist);
   715 	CFbsBitmap* bitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   716 	CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   717 	TSize kpixelsizeintwips;
   718 	aReadStream	>> kpixelsizeintwips;
   719 	TGraphicsContextCommandCode code;
   720 	TInt gcindex=0;
   721 	do
   722 		{
   723 		code = (TGraphicsContextCommandCode) aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
   724 		switch (code)
   725 			{
   726 			case EUseGc:
   727 				{
   728 				TInt gcindex=aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
   729 				if (gcindex>=gclist->Count())
   730 					{
   731 					for (TInt i=gclist->Count(); i<=gcindex; i++)
   732 						{
   733 						CGraphicsContext* gc;
   734 						User::LeaveIfError(iDevice->CreateContext(gc));
   735 						CleanupStack::PushL(gc);
   736 						gclist->AppendL(gc);
   737 						}
   738 					}
   740 				break;
   741 				}
   742 			case EEndOfStream:
   743 				{
   744 				break;
   745 				}
   746 			case ESetOrigin:
   747 				{
   748 				TPoint pos;
   749 				aReadStream >> pos;
   750 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetOrigin(pos);
   751 				break;
   752 				}
   753 			case ESetDrawMode:
   754 				{
   755 				CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode drawingmode;
   756 				drawingmode = (CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode) aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
   757 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetDrawMode(drawingmode);
   758 				break;
   759 				}
   760 			case ESetClippingRect:
   761 				{
   762 				TRect rect;
   763 				aReadStream >> rect;
   764 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetClippingRect(rect);
   765 				break;
   766 				}
   767 			case ECancelClippingRect:
   768 				{
   769 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->CancelClippingRect();
   770 				break;
   771 				}
   772 			case EReset:
   773 				{
   774 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->CancelClippingRect();
   775 				break;
   776 				}
   777 			case EUseFont:
   778 				{
   779 				TFontSpec spec;
   780 				aReadStream >> spec;
   781 				aReadStream.ReadInt32L();  // height in pixels
   782 				aReadStream.ReadInt32L();  // baseline offset in pixels
   783 				spec.iHeight=((spec.iHeight*iDevice->VerticalPixelsToTwips(1000))+(kpixelsizeintwips.iHeight/2))/kpixelsizeintwips.iHeight;
   784 				CFont* font;
   785 				User::LeaveIfError(iDevice->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(font,spec));
   786 				fontstack->AddFontL(font);
   787 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->UseFont(font);
   788 				break;
   789 				}
   790 			case EDiscardFont:
   791 				{
   792 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DiscardFont();
   793 				break;
   794 				}
   795 			case ESetUnderlineStyle:
   796 				{
   797 				TFontUnderline underlinestyle;
   798 				underlinestyle = (TFontUnderline) aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
   799 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetUnderlineStyle(underlinestyle);
   800 				break;
   801 				}
   802 			case ESetStrikethroughStyle:
   803 				{
   804 				TFontStrikethrough strikethroughstyle;
   805 				strikethroughstyle = (TFontStrikethrough) aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
   806 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetStrikethroughStyle(strikethroughstyle);
   807 				break;
   808 				}
   809 			case ESetWordJustification:
   810 				{
   811 				TInt excesswidth,numgaps;
   812 				excesswidth=aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
   813 				numgaps=aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
   814 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetWordJustification(excesswidth,numgaps);
   815 				break;
   816 				}
   817 			case ESetCharJustification:
   818 				{
   819 				TInt excesswidth,numgaps;
   820 				excesswidth=aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
   821 				numgaps=aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
   822 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetCharJustification(excesswidth,numgaps);
   823 				break;
   824 				}
   825 			case ESetPenColor:
   826 				{
   827 				TRgb color;
   828 				aReadStream >> color;
   829 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetPenColor(color);
   830 				break;
   831 				}
   832 			case ESetPenStyle:
   833 				{
   834 				CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle penstyle;
   835 				penstyle=(CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle) aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
   836 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetPenStyle(penstyle);
   837 				break;
   838 				}
   839 			case ESetPenSize:
   840 				{
   841 				TSize size;
   842 				aReadStream >> size;
   843 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetPenSize(size);
   844 				break;
   845 				}
   846 			case ESetBrushColor:
   847 				{
   848 				TRgb color;
   849 				aReadStream >> color;
   850 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetBrushColor(color);
   851 				break;
   852 				}
   853 			case ESetBrushStyle:
   854 				{
   855 				CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle brushstyle;
   856 				brushstyle = (CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle) aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
   857 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetBrushStyle(brushstyle);
   858 				break;
   859 				}
   860 			case ESetBrushOrigin:
   861 				{
   862 				TPoint origin;
   863 				aReadStream >> origin;
   864 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->SetBrushOrigin(origin);
   865 				break;
   866 				}
   867 			case EUseBrushPattern:
   868 				{
   869 				bitmap->InternalizeL(aReadStream);
   870 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->UseBrushPattern(bitmap);
   871 				bitmap->Reset();
   872 				break;
   873 				}
   874 			case EDiscardBrushPattern:
   875 				{
   876 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DiscardBrushPattern();
   877 				break;
   878 				}
   879 			case EMoveTo:
   880 				{
   881 				TPoint point;
   882 				aReadStream >> point;
   883 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->MoveTo(point);
   884 				break;
   885 				}
   886 			case EMoveBy:
   887 				{
   888 				TPoint vector;
   889 				aReadStream >> vector;
   890 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->MoveBy(vector);
   891 				break;
   892 				}
   893 			case EPlot:
   894 				{
   895 				TPoint point;
   896 				aReadStream >> point;
   897 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->Plot(point);
   898 				break;
   899 				}
   900 			case EDrawArc:
   901 				{
   902 				TRect rect;
   903 				aReadStream >> rect;
   904 				TPoint start,end;
   905 				aReadStream >> start;
   906 				aReadStream >> end;
   907 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawArc(rect,start,end);
   908 				break;
   909 				}
   910 			case EDrawLine:
   911 				{
   912 				TPoint point1,point2;
   913 				aReadStream >> point1;
   914 				aReadStream >> point2;
   915 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawLine(point1,point2);
   916 				break;
   917 				}
   918 			case EDrawLineTo:
   919 				{
   920 				TPoint point;
   921 				aReadStream >> point;
   922 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawLineTo(point);
   923 				break;
   924 				}
   925 			case EDrawLineBy:
   926 				{
   927 				TPoint vector;
   928 				aReadStream >> vector;
   929 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawLineBy(vector);
   930 				break;
   931 				}
   932 			case EDrawPolyLine1: 
   933 				{
   934 				}
   935 			case EDrawPolyLine2: 
   936 				{
   937 				TInt numpoints;
   938 				numpoints=aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
   939 				for (TInt i=0; i<numpoints; i++)
   940 					{
   941 					TPoint point;
   942 					aReadStream >> point;
   943 					pointlist->AppendL(point);
   944 					}
   945 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawPolyLine(pointlist);
   946 				pointlist->Reset();
   947 				break;
   948 				}
   949 			case EDrawPie:
   950 				{
   951 				TRect rect;
   952 				aReadStream >> rect;
   953 				TPoint start,end;
   954 				aReadStream >> start;
   955 				aReadStream >> end;
   956 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawPie(rect,start,end);
   957 				break;
   958 				}
   959 			case EDrawEllipse:
   960 				{
   961 				TRect rect;
   962 				aReadStream >> rect;
   963 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawEllipse(rect);
   964 				break;
   965 				}
   966 			case EDrawRect:
   967 				{
   968 				TRect rect;
   969 				aReadStream >> rect;
   970 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawRect(rect);
   971 				break;
   972 				}
   973 			case EDrawRoundRect:
   974 				{
   975 				TRect rect;
   976 				aReadStream >> rect;
   977 				TSize cornersize;
   978 				aReadStream >> cornersize;
   979 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawRoundRect(rect,cornersize);
   980 				break;
   981 				}
   982 			case EDrawPolygon1:  
   983 				{
   984 				}
   985 			case EDrawPolygon2:  
   986 				{
   987 				TInt numpoints;
   988 				numpoints=aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
   989 				for (TInt i=0; i<numpoints; i++)
   990 					{
   991 					TPoint point;
   992 					aReadStream >> point;
   993 					pointlist->AppendL(point);
   994 					}
   995 				CGraphicsContext::TFillRule fillrule=(CGraphicsContext::TFillRule) aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
   996 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawPolygon(pointlist,fillrule);
   997 				pointlist->Reset();
   998 				break;
   999 				}
  1000 			case EDrawBitmap1:   
  1001 				{
  1002 				TPoint topleft;
  1003 				aReadStream >> topleft;
  1004 				bitmap->InternalizeL(aReadStream);
  1005 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawBitmap(topleft,bitmap);
  1006 				bitmap->Reset();
  1007 				break;
  1008 				}
  1009 			case EDrawBitmap2:   
  1010 				{
  1011 				TRect destrect;
  1012 				aReadStream >> destrect;
  1013 				bitmap->InternalizeL(aReadStream);
  1014 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawBitmap(destrect,bitmap);
  1015 				bitmap->Reset();
  1016 				break;
  1017 				}
  1018 			case EDrawBitmap3:   
  1019 				{
  1020 				TRect destrect;
  1021 				aReadStream >> destrect;
  1022 				bitmap->InternalizeL(aReadStream);
  1023 				TRect sourcerect;
  1024 				aReadStream >> sourcerect;
  1025 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawBitmap(destrect,bitmap,sourcerect);
  1026 				bitmap->Reset();
  1027 				break;
  1028 				}
  1029 			case EDrawText1:	    
  1030 				{
  1031 				HBufC* string=HBufC::NewLC(aReadStream,KMaxTInt);
  1032 				TPoint position;
  1033 				aReadStream >> position;
  1034 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawText(*string,position);
  1035 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
  1036 				break;
  1037 				}
  1038 			case EDrawText2:	    
  1039 				{
  1040 				HBufC* string=HBufC::NewLC(aReadStream,KMaxTInt);
  1041 				TRect box;
  1042 				aReadStream >> box;
  1043 				TInt baselineoffset=aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
  1044 				CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign horiz=(CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign) aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
  1045 				TInt leftmrg=aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
  1046 				(*gclist)[gcindex]->DrawText(*string,box,baselineoffset,horiz,leftmrg);
  1047 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
  1048 				break;
  1049 				}
  1050 			}
  1051 		}
  1052 	while (code!=EEndOfStream);
  1053 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(gclist->Count()+4);
  1054 	}