changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <pdrstore.h>
    17 #include <banddev.h>
    18 #include "PDRBODY.H"
    19 #include "PDRSTD.H"
    20 #include "pdrtext.h"
    22 EXPORT_C CPdrResources::CPdrResources():
    23 	iNumResources(0),
    24 	iResourceList(NULL)
    25 	{
    26 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CPdrResources"));
    27 	}
    29 EXPORT_C void CPdrResources::RestoreL(CStreamStore& aStore, TStreamId aStreamId)
    30 	{
    31 	RStoreReadStream stream;
    32 	stream.OpenLC(aStore, aStreamId);
    33 	iNumResources = stream.ReadInt32L();
    34 	iResourceList = new(ELeave) TPdrResource[iNumResources];
    35 	for (TInt i = 0; i < iNumResources; i++)
    36 		iResourceList[i].InternalizeL(stream);
    37 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
    38 	}
    40 EXPORT_C CPdrResources::~CPdrResources()
    41 	{
    42 	delete[] iResourceList;
    43 	iResourceList = NULL;
    44 	iNumResources = 0;
    45 	}
    47 EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CPdrResources::ResourceString(TInt anId) const
    48 	{
    49 	TPtrC8 ptr;
    50 	TPdrResource* pEnd = iResourceList + iNumResources;
    51 	TPdrResource* p ;
    52 	for( p = iResourceList; (p < pEnd) && (p->iId != anId); p++)
    53 		{
    54 		}
    55 	if (p < pEnd)
    56 		ptr.Set(p->iString);
    57 	return ptr;
    58 	}
    60 CInfoFont::CInfoFont(TInt aBaselineOffsetInPixels, const TFontSpec& aFontSpecInTwips, TInt aFontInfoHeightInTwips, TInt aHeightInPixels, CPdrTranslates* aTranslates, const TDesC8& aCommandString, CPdrDevice* aPdrDevice):
    61 	CFont(),
    62 	iCommandString(aCommandString),	
    63 	iBaselineOffsetInPixels(aBaselineOffsetInPixels),
    64 	iFontSpecInTwips(aFontSpecInTwips),
    65 	iFontInfoHeightInTwips(aFontInfoHeightInTwips),
    66 	iHeightInPixels(aHeightInPixels),
    67 	iFontInfo(NULL),
    68 	iTranslates(aTranslates),
    69 	iPdrDevice(aPdrDevice),
    70 	iRealFont(NULL)
    71 	{
    72 	CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
    73 	}
    75 CInfoFont::~CInfoFont()
    76 	{
    77 	if (iRealFont)
    78 		if (iPdrDevice->iControl)
    79 			((CPdrControl*)(iPdrDevice->iControl))->BandedDevice()->ReleaseFont(iRealFont);
    80 	}
    82 void CInfoFont::CreateBandedFontIfRequired()
    83 	{
    84 	if (!iRealFont)
    85 		{
    86 		if (iPdrDevice->iControl)
    87 			{
    88 			if (((CPdrControl*)(iPdrDevice->iControl))->BandedDevice())
    89 				((CPdrControl*)(iPdrDevice->iControl))->BandedDevice()->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(iRealFont, iFontSpecInTwips);
    90 			}
    91 		}
    92 	}
    94 EXPORT_C TUid CInfoFont::DoTypeUid() const
    95 	{
    96 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
    97 	return TUid::Uid(KCInfoFontUidVal);
    98 	}
   100 EXPORT_C TInt CInfoFont::DoHeightInPixels() const
   101 	{
   102 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   103 	return iHeightInPixels;
   104 	}
   106 EXPORT_C TInt CInfoFont::DoAscentInPixels() const
   107 	{
   108 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   109 	return Height(iFontInfo->iAscentInPixels);
   110 	}
   112 EXPORT_C TInt CInfoFont::DoCharWidthInPixels(TChar aChar) const
   113 	{
   114 	TInt width;
   115 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   116 	if (RepertoireContains(aChar))
   117 		{
   118 		width = iFontInfo->CharWidthInPixels(TUint(aChar));
   119 		width = Width(width);
   120 		}
   121 	else
   122 		{
   123 		if (iRealFont)
   124 			width = iRealFont->CharWidthInPixels(TUint(aChar));
   125 		else
   126 			width = 0;
   127 		}
   128 	return width;
   129 	}
   131 EXPORT_C TInt CInfoFont::DoTextWidthInPixels(const TDesC &aText) const
   132 	{
   133 	TMeasureTextOutput output;
   134 	TInt advance_width = MeasureText(aText,NULL,&output);
   135 	return Max(advance_width,output.iBounds.Width());
   136 	}
   138 EXPORT_C TInt CInfoFont::DoBaselineOffsetInPixels() const
   139 	{
   140 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   141 	return iBaselineOffsetInPixels;
   142 	}
   144 EXPORT_C TInt CInfoFont::DoTextCount(const TDesC &aText, TInt aWidthInPixels) const
   145 	{
   146 	TInt count = 0;
   147 	TInt width = 0;
   148 	TInt length = aText.Length();
   149 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   150 	for (count = 0; (count < length) && ((width += MeasureText(aText.Mid(count, 1))) < aWidthInPixels); )
   151 		{
   152 		count++;
   153 		}
   154 	return count;
   155 	}
   157 EXPORT_C TInt CInfoFont::DoTextCount(const TDesC &aText, TInt aWidthInPixels, TInt &aExcessWidthInPixels) const
   158 	{
   159 	TInt count = TextCount(aText, aWidthInPixels);
   160 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   161 	aExcessWidthInPixels = aWidthInPixels - MeasureText(aText.Left(count));
   162 	return count;
   163 	}
   165 EXPORT_C TInt CInfoFont::DoMaxCharWidthInPixels() const
   166 	{
   167 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   168 	TInt width = Width(iFontInfo->iMaxCharWidthInPixels);
   169 	if (iRealFont)
   170 		return Max(iRealFont->MaxCharWidthInPixels(),width);
   171 	return width;
   172 	}
   174 EXPORT_C TInt CInfoFont::DoMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels() const
   175 	{
   176 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   177 	TInt width = Width(iFontInfo->iMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels);
   178 	if (iRealFont)
   179 		return Max(iRealFont->MaxNormalCharWidthInPixels(),width);
   180 	return width;
   181 	}
   183 EXPORT_C TFontSpec CInfoFont::DoFontSpecInTwips() const
   184 	{
   185 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   186 	return iFontSpecInTwips;	
   187 	}
   189 EXPORT_C HBufC8* CInfoFont::TranslateStringL(const TDesC& aString) const  
   190 	{
   191 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   192 	return iTranslates->TranslateStringL(aString);
   193 	}
   195 EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CInfoFont::CommandString() const
   196 	{
   197 	TPtrC8 ptr;
   198 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   199 	ptr.Set(iCommandString);
   200 	return ptr;
   201 	}
   203 EXPORT_C TBool CInfoFont::RepertoireContains(TChar aChar) const
   204 	{
   205 	CFontInfo* fontInfo = FontInfo();
   206 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   207 	for (TInt i = 0; i < fontInfo->NumCodeSections(); i++)
   208 		{
   209 		if (((TInt)(TUint)aChar >= fontInfo->CodeSection(i).iStart) && ((TInt)(TUint)aChar<= fontInfo->CodeSection(i).iEnd))
   210 			return ETrue;
   211 		}
   212 	return EFalse;
   213 	}
   215 EXPORT_C TBool CInfoFont::AllCharsInFontRepertoire(const TDesC& aString, TInt& aFirstCharNotInRepertoire, TInt& aLength) const
   216 	{
   217 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   218 	for (aFirstCharNotInRepertoire = 0; aFirstCharNotInRepertoire < aString.Length(); aFirstCharNotInRepertoire++)
   219 		if (!(RepertoireContains(aString[aFirstCharNotInRepertoire])))
   220 			{
   221 			if (aFirstCharNotInRepertoire == 0)
   222 				{	// Work out length
   223 				for (aLength = aFirstCharNotInRepertoire; aLength < aString.Length(); aLength++)
   224 					if ((RepertoireContains(aString[aLength])))
   225 						break;
   226 				}
   227 			return EFalse;
   228 			}
   229 	return ETrue;
   230 	}
   232 CFont* CInfoFont::RealFont() const
   233 	{
   234 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   235 	return iRealFont;
   236 	}
   238 TInt CInfoFont::Width(TInt aNum) const
   239 	{
   240 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   241 	return (aNum * iFontSpecInTwips.iHeight + (iFontInfoHeightInTwips / 2)) / iFontInfoHeightInTwips;
   242 	}
   244 TInt CInfoFont::Height(TInt aNum) const
   245 	{
   246 	CONST_CAST(CInfoFont*,this)->CreateBandedFontIfRequired();
   247 	return (aNum * iFontSpecInTwips.iHeight + (iFontInfoHeightInTwips / 2)) / iFontInfoHeightInTwips;
   248 	}
   250 EXPORT_C void TTypefaceFontsEntry::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
   251 	{
   252 	aStream >> iStreamId;
   253 	iNotInPortrait = aStream.ReadUint8L();
   254 	iNotInLandscape = aStream.ReadUint8L();
   255 	}
   257 EXPORT_C CPdrModelInfo::CPdrModelInfo():
   258 	iFlags(0),
   259 	iKPixelWidthInTwips(0),
   260 	iKPixelHeightInTwips(0),
   261 	iPortraitOffsetInPixels(),
   262 	iLandscapeOffsetInPixels(),
   263 //	iMinMarginsInPixels(),
   264 	iDisplayMode(EGray2),
   265 	iNumTypefaceFonts(0),
   266 	iTypefaceFontsEntryList(NULL),
   267 	iResourcesStreamId(KNullStreamId),
   268 	iSpareStreamId(KNullStreamId)
   269 	{
   270 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CPdrModelInfo"));
   271 	}
   273 EXPORT_C CPdrModelInfo::~CPdrModelInfo()
   274 	{
   275 	delete[] iTypefaceFontsEntryList;
   276 	}
   278 EXPORT_C void CPdrModelInfo::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
   279 	{
   280 	TInt pdrtranversion = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   281 	if (pdrtranversion < KPdrtranVersion)
   282 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   283 	iFlags = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   284 	iKPixelWidthInTwips = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   285 	iKPixelHeightInTwips = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   286 	iPortraitOffsetInPixels.iX = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   287 	iPortraitOffsetInPixels.iY = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   288 	iLandscapeOffsetInPixels.iX = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   289 	iLandscapeOffsetInPixels.iY = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   290 	iMinMarginsInPixels.InternalizeL(aStream);
   291 	iDisplayMode = (TDisplayMode)aStream.ReadInt32L();
   292 	iNumTypefaceFonts = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   293 	iTypefaceFontsEntryList = new(ELeave) TTypefaceFontsEntry[iNumTypefaceFonts];
   294 	TTypefaceFontsEntry* pEnd = iTypefaceFontsEntryList+iNumTypefaceFonts;
   295 	for(TTypefaceFontsEntry* p = iTypefaceFontsEntryList; p < pEnd; p++)
   296 		p->InternalizeL(aStream);
   297 	aStream >> iResourcesStreamId; 
   298 	aStream >> iSpareStreamId; 
   299 	}
   301 CPdrTypefaceStore::CPdrTypefaceStore(CStreamStore& aStore, TInt aKPixelHeightInTwips, CPdrDevice* aPdrDevice):
   302 	iPdrDevice(aPdrDevice),
   303 	iStore(&aStore),
   304 	iKPixelHeightInTwips(aKPixelHeightInTwips)
   305 	{
   306 	}
   308 void CPdrTypefaceStore::ConstructL(TInt aNumTypefaceFonts, TTypefaceFontsEntry* aTypefaceFontsEntryList, TPageSpec::TPageOrientation aPageOrientation)
   309 	{
   310 	CTypefaceStore::ConstructL();
   311 	iTranslatesList = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CPdrTranslates>(8);
   312 	iTypefaceFontsList = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CTypefaceFonts>(8);
   313 	iPortraitTypefaceFontsList = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CTypefaceFonts>(8);
   314 	iLandscapeTypefaceFontsList = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CTypefaceFonts>(8);
   315 	iFontInfoList = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CFontInfo>(8);
   316 	for (TInt i = 0; i < aNumTypefaceFonts; i++)
   317 		{
   318 		CTypefaceFonts* typefacefonts = new(ELeave) CTypefaceFonts;
   319 		CleanupStack::PushL(typefacefonts);
   320 		RStoreReadStream stream;
   321 		stream.OpenLC(*iStore, aTypefaceFontsEntryList[i].iStreamId);
   322 		typefacefonts->InternalizeL(stream);
   323 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   324 		iTypefaceFontsList->AppendL(typefacefonts);
   325 		CleanupStack::Pop();
   326 		typefacefonts->iTranslates=TranslatesL(typefacefonts->iTranslates.AsId());
   327 		if (!aTypefaceFontsEntryList[i].iNotInPortrait)
   328 			iPortraitTypefaceFontsList->AppendL(typefacefonts);
   329 		if (!aTypefaceFontsEntryList[i].iNotInLandscape)
   330 			iLandscapeTypefaceFontsList->AppendL(typefacefonts);
   331 		}
   332 	SetPageOrientation(aPageOrientation);
   333 	}
   335 EXPORT_C CPdrTypefaceStore* CPdrTypefaceStore::NewL(CStreamStore& aStore, TInt aNumTypefacesFonts, TTypefaceFontsEntry* aTypefaceFontsEntryList, TPageSpec::TPageOrientation aPageOrientation, TInt aKPixelHeightInTwips, CPdrDevice* aPdrDevice)
   336 	{
   337 	CPdrTypefaceStore* typefacestore = new(ELeave) CPdrTypefaceStore(aStore, aKPixelHeightInTwips, aPdrDevice);
   338 	CleanupStack::PushL(typefacestore);
   339 	typefacestore->ConstructL(aNumTypefacesFonts, aTypefaceFontsEntryList, aPageOrientation);
   340 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   341 	return typefacestore;
   342 	}
   344 EXPORT_C CPdrTypefaceStore::~CPdrTypefaceStore()
   345 	{
   346 	if (iTranslatesList)
   347 		iTranslatesList->ResetAndDestroy();
   348 	delete iTranslatesList;
   349 	if (iTypefaceFontsList)
   350 		iTypefaceFontsList->ResetAndDestroy();
   351 	delete iTypefaceFontsList;
   352 	delete iPortraitTypefaceFontsList;
   353 	delete iLandscapeTypefaceFontsList;
   354 	if (iFontInfoList)
   355 		iFontInfoList->ResetAndDestroy();
   356 	delete iFontInfoList;
   357 	}
   359 /**
   360 @internalTechnology
   361 */
   362 EXPORT_C TInt CPdrTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontInTwips(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec)
   363 	{
   364 	return GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(aFont, aFontSpec);
   365 	}
   367 /**
   368 @internalTechnology
   369 */
   370 EXPORT_C TInt CPdrTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpec)
   371 	{
   372 	aFont = NULL;
   373 	const TInt count = iCurrentTypefaceFontsList->Count();
   374 	if (count)
   375 		{
   376 		TInt index = 0;
   377 		TTypeface typeface = aFontSpec.iTypeface;
   378 		for (index = 0; (index < count) && typeface.iName.CompareF((*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[index]->Typeface().iName); index++)
   379 			{ // tries matching typeface name
   380 			}
   381 		if (index == count)
   382 			{
   383 			if (!typeface.IsSymbol())
   384 				{
   385 				for (index = 0; (index < count) && (((*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[index]->Typeface().IsSymbol()) ||
   386 													(typeface.IsProportional() != (*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[index]->Typeface().IsProportional()) || 
   387 													(typeface.IsSerif() != (*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[index]->Typeface().IsSerif())); index++)
   388 					{ // tries matching typeface flags
   389 					}
   390 				if (index == count)
   391 					for (index = 0; (index < count) && (((*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[index]->Typeface().IsSymbol()) ||
   392 														(typeface.IsProportional() != (*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[index]->Typeface().IsProportional())); index++)
   393 						{ // tries matching typeface flag
   394 						}
   395 				if (index == count)
   396 					for (index = 0; (index < count) && ((*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[index]->Typeface().IsSymbol()); index++)
   397 						{ // tries matching typeface flag
   398 						}
   399 				}
   400 			else
   401 				{
   402 				for (index = 0; (index < count) && (!(*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[index]->Typeface().IsSymbol()); index++)
   403 					{ // finds first symbol typeface
   404 					}
   405 				}
   406 			}
   407 		if (index == count)
   408 			index = 0;
   409 		CTypefaceFonts* typefacefonts = (*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[index];
   410 		if (typefacefonts->NumFontHeights())
   411 			{
   412 			TFontSpec fontspec(aFontSpec);
   413 			fontspec.iTypeface = typefacefonts->Typeface();
   414 			TInt i = GetNearestFontHeightIndex(index, aFontSpec.iHeight);
   415 			fontspec.iHeight = typefacefonts->FontHeightInTwips(i);
   416 			if (fontspec.iFontStyle.PrintPosition() != EPrintPosNormal)
   417 				{
   418 				i = GetNearestFontHeightIndex(index, SuperSubHeight(fontspec.iHeight, fontspec.iFontStyle.PrintPosition()));
   419 				}
   420 			fontspec.iFontStyle = GetNearestFontStyle(index, i, fontspec.iFontStyle);
   421 			TInt heightintwips = typefacefonts->FontHeightInTwips(i);
   422 			TInt height = VerticalTwipsToPixels(heightintwips);
   423 			if (IsFontLoaded(aFont, fontspec, height))
   424 				return KErrNone;
   425 			TInt baselineoffset = BaselineOffset(VerticalTwipsToPixels(fontspec.iHeight), fontspec.iFontStyle.PrintPosition());
   426 			TInt fontinfoheight = ((fontspec.iHeight * typefacefonts->FontInfoHeightInTwips(i) + (heightintwips / 2))) / heightintwips;
   427 			CPdrTranslates* translates = typefacefonts->iTranslates;
   428 			TCommandString commandstring;
   429 			typefacefonts->CommandString(commandstring, i);
   430 			TStreamId fontinfostreamid = typefacefonts->Style(i, fontspec.iFontStyle)->iFontInfoStreamId;
   431 			TRAPD(ret, aFont = NewFontL(baselineoffset, fontspec, fontinfoheight, height, translates, commandstring, fontinfostreamid));
   432 			return ret;
   433 			}
   434 		}
   435 	return KErrNotFound;
   436 	}
   438 /**
   439 @internalTechnology
   440 */
   441 EXPORT_C TInt CPdrTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips(CFont*& /*aFont*/, const TFontSpec& /*aFontSpec*/, TInt /* aMaxHeight */)
   442 	{
   443 	return KErrNotSupported;
   444 	}
   446 EXPORT_C TInt CPdrTypefaceStore::NumTypefaces() const
   447 	{
   448 	return iCurrentTypefaceFontsList->Count();
   449 	}
   451 EXPORT_C TInt CPdrTypefaceStore::FontHeightInTwips(TInt aTypefaceIndex, TInt aHeightIndex) const
   452 	{
   453 	TInt height = 0;
   454 	__ASSERT_DEBUG((aTypefaceIndex >= 0) && (aTypefaceIndex < NumTypefaces()), Panic(EPdrHeightIndexOutOfRange));
   455 	CTypefaceFonts* typefacefonts = (*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[aTypefaceIndex];
   456 	height = typefacefonts->FontHeightInTwips(aHeightIndex);
   457 	return height;
   458 	}
   460 EXPORT_C void CPdrTypefaceStore::TypefaceSupport(TTypefaceSupport &aTypefaceSupport, TInt aTypefaceIndex) const
   461 	{
   462 	__ASSERT_DEBUG((aTypefaceIndex >= 0) && (aTypefaceIndex < NumTypefaces()), Panic(EPdrHeightIndexOutOfRange));
   463 	CTypefaceFonts* typefacefonts = (*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[aTypefaceIndex];
   464 	aTypefaceSupport.iTypeface = typefacefonts->Typeface();
   465 	aTypefaceSupport.iIsScalable = typefacefonts->IsScalable();
   466 	aTypefaceSupport.iNumHeights = typefacefonts->NumFontHeights();
   467 	aTypefaceSupport.iMinHeightInTwips = FontHeightInTwips(aTypefaceIndex, 0);  // Font heights must be in ascending order
   468 	aTypefaceSupport.iMaxHeightInTwips = FontHeightInTwips(aTypefaceIndex, aTypefaceSupport.iNumHeights - 1);
   469 	}
   471 EXPORT_C void CPdrTypefaceStore::SetPageOrientation(TPageSpec::TPageOrientation aPageOrientation)
   472 	{
   473 	if (aPageOrientation == TPageSpec::EPortrait)
   474 		iCurrentTypefaceFontsList = iPortraitTypefaceFontsList;
   475 	else
   476 		iCurrentTypefaceFontsList = iLandscapeTypefaceFontsList;
   477 	}
   479 CFontInfo* CPdrTypefaceStore::FontInfoL(TStreamId aStreamId) const
   480 	{
   481 	CFontInfo* fontinfo;
   482 	TInt i;
   483 	const TInt count = iFontInfoList->Count();
   484 	for (i = 0; (i < count) && ((*iFontInfoList)[i]->iStreamId != aStreamId); i++)
   485 		{  // Searches for FontInfo with same Id
   486 		}
   487 	if (i < count)  // Found
   488 		fontinfo = (*iFontInfoList)[i];
   489 	else			// Not found
   490 		{
   491 		RStoreReadStream stream;
   492 		fontinfo = new(ELeave) CFontInfo(aStreamId);
   493 		CleanupStack::PushL(fontinfo);
   494 		stream.OpenLC(*iStore, aStreamId);
   495 		fontinfo->InternalizeL(stream);
   496 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   497 		iFontInfoList->AppendL(fontinfo);
   498 		CleanupStack::Pop();
   499 		}
   500 	return fontinfo;
   501 	}
   503 CPdrTranslates* CPdrTypefaceStore::TranslatesL(TStreamId aStreamId) const
   504 	{
   505 	CPdrTranslates* translates;
   506 	TInt i;
   507 	const TInt count = iTranslatesList->Count();
   508 	for (i = 0; (i < count) && ((*iTranslatesList)[i]->iStreamId != aStreamId); i++)
   509 		{  // Searches for Translate with same Id
   510 		}
   511 	if (i < count)  // Found
   512 		translates = (*iTranslatesList)[i];
   513 	else			// Not found
   514 		{
   515 		RStoreReadStream stream;
   516 		translates = new(ELeave) CPdrTranslates;
   517 		CleanupStack::PushL(translates);
   518 		translates->iStreamId = aStreamId;
   519 		stream.OpenLC(*iStore, aStreamId);
   520 		translates->InternalizeL(stream);
   521 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   522 		iTranslatesList->AppendL(translates);
   523 		CleanupStack::Pop();
   524 		}
   525 	return translates;
   526 	}
   528 TInt CPdrTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontHeightIndex(TInt aTypefaceIndex, TInt aHeightInTwips) const
   529 	{
   530 	CTypefaceFonts* typefacefonts = (*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[aTypefaceIndex];
   531 	TInt i;
   532 	TInt size = typefacefonts->NumFontHeights();
   533 	for (i = size - 1; (i > 0) && (aHeightInTwips < typefacefonts->FontHeightInTwips(i)); i--)
   534 		{  //  Finds fontheight less than or equal to fontspec height
   535 		}
   536 	return i;
   537 	}
   539 TFontStyle CPdrTypefaceStore::GetNearestFontStyle(TInt aTypefaceIndex, TInt aHeightIndex, const TFontStyle& aFontStyle) const
   540 	{
   541 	TFontStyle fontstyle(aFontStyle);
   542 	CTypefaceFonts* typefacefonts = (*iCurrentTypefaceFontsList)[aTypefaceIndex];
   543 	while (!typefacefonts->Style(aHeightIndex, fontstyle)->iIsAvailable)
   544 		{  //  finds first available style
   545 		if ((fontstyle.StrokeWeight() == EStrokeWeightBold) && (fontstyle.Posture() == EPostureItalic))
   546 			fontstyle.SetPosture(EPostureUpright);
   547 		else
   548 			{
   549 			fontstyle.SetPosture(EPostureUpright);
   550 			fontstyle.SetStrokeWeight(EStrokeWeightNormal);
   551 			}
   552 		}
   553 	return fontstyle;
   554 	}
   556 TBool CPdrTypefaceStore::IsFontLoaded(CFont*& aFont, const TFontSpec& aFontSpecInTwips, TInt aHeightInPixels) const
   557 /**
   558 @see CFbsTypefaceStore::IsFontLoaded
   559 @see CFontStore::IsFontLoaded
   560 */
   561 	{
   562 	TInt i = 0;
   563 	const TInt count = iFontAccess->Count();
   564 	for (; i < count &&
   565 			!(aHeightInPixels  == (*iFontAccess)[i].iFont->HeightInPixels() &&
   566 			  aFontSpecInTwips == (*iFontAccess)[i].iFont->FontSpecInTwips()); i++)
   567 		{
   568 		}
   569 	if (i < count)
   570 		{
   571 		aFont = (*iFontAccess)[i].iFont;
   572 		(*iFontAccess)[i].iAccessCount++;
   573 		return ETrue;
   574 		}
   575 	return EFalse;
   576 	}
   578 CInfoFont* CPdrTypefaceStore::NewFontL(TInt aBaselineOffsetInPixels, const TFontSpec& aFontSpecInTwips, TInt aFontInfoHeightInTwips, TInt aHeightInPixels, CPdrTranslates* aTranslates, const TDesC8& aCommandString, TStreamId aFontInfoStreamId)
   579 	{
   580 	CInfoFont* infofont = new(ELeave) CInfoFont(aBaselineOffsetInPixels, aFontSpecInTwips, aFontInfoHeightInTwips, aHeightInPixels, aTranslates, aCommandString, iPdrDevice);
   581 	CleanupStack::PushL(infofont);
   582 	AddFontL(infofont);
   583 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   584 	TRAPD(ret, infofont->iFontInfo = FontInfoL(aFontInfoStreamId));
   585 	if (ret != KErrNone)
   586 		{
   587 		ReleaseFont(infofont);
   588 		User::Leave(ret);
   589 		}
   590 	return infofont;
   591 	}
   593 TInt CPdrTypefaceStore::VerticalTwipsToPixels(TInt aTwipsHeight) const
   594 	{
   595 	return (1000 * aTwipsHeight + (iKPixelHeightInTwips / 2)) / iKPixelHeightInTwips;
   596 	}