changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "graphicscontextstate.h"
    17 #include "cliwin.h"
    19 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    20   Description: Resets internal status of the graphics context to pre-defined values.
    21  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    22 void TInternalGcStatus::ResetInternalStatus(CWsClientWindow* aWin)
    23 	{
    24 	iDrawMode = CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN;
    25 	iPenColor = KRgbBlack;
    26 	iBrushColor = aWin ? aWin->BackColor() : KRgbWhite;
    27 	iPenStyle = CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen;
    28 	iBrushStyle = CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush;
    29 	iPenSize = TSize(1,1);
    30 	iFontHandle = NULL;
    31 	iUnderline = EUnderlineOff;
    32 	iStrikethrough = EStrikethroughOff;
    33 	iBrushPatternHandle = NULL;
    34 	iBrushOrigin = TPoint(0,0);
    35 	iCharExcessWidth = 0;
    36 	iCharNumChars = 0;
    37 	iWordExcessWidth = 0;
    38 	iWordNumChars = 0;
    39 	iOrigin = TPoint(0,0);
    40 	iShadowColor = KRgbGray; 
    41 	}
    43 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44   Description: Helper function to retrieve current data from the given buffer and 
    45   set graphics context.
    46  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    47 void TInternalGcStatus::InternalizeGcAttributesL(MWsGraphicsContext* aGc, RReadStream& aReadStream)
    48 	{
    49 	aGc->SetDrawMode((MWsGraphicsContext::TDrawMode)(aReadStream.ReadUint8L()));
    51 	MWsGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle brushStyle = (MWsGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle) (aReadStream.ReadUint8L());
    52 	aGc->SetPenStyle((MWsGraphicsContext::TPenStyle) (aReadStream.ReadUint8L()));
    54 	TRgb penColor;
    55 	penColor.InternalizeL(aReadStream); 
    56 	aGc->SetPenColor(penColor);
    58 	TRgb brushColor;
    59 	brushColor.InternalizeL(aReadStream);
    60 	aGc->SetBrushColor(brushColor);
    62 	TSize size;
    63 	aReadStream >> size;
    64 	aGc->SetPenSize(size);
    66 	aGc->ResetBrushPattern();
    67 	TInt brushHandle = aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
    68 	if(brushHandle)
    69 		{
    70 		aGc->SetBrushPattern(brushHandle);
    71 		if (!aGc->HasBrushPattern() && brushStyle == MWsGraphicsContext::EPatternedBrush)
    72 			{
    73 			// Panic may occur if trying to set EPatternedBrush when a bitmap has not been
    74 			// successfully set, so revert to null brush.
    75 			brushStyle = MWsGraphicsContext::ENullBrush;
    76 			}
    77 		}
    78 	// Wait until any brush pattern has been set before setting the brush style.
    79 	aGc->SetBrushStyle(brushStyle);
    81 	TInt wordExcessWidth = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
    82 	TInt wordNumChars = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
    83 	aGc->SetWordJustification(wordExcessWidth, wordNumChars);
    85 	TInt charExcessWidth = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
    86 	TInt charNumChars = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
    87 	aGc->SetCharJustification(charExcessWidth, charNumChars);
    89 	TRgb shadowColor;
    90 	shadowColor.InternalizeL(aReadStream);
    91 	aGc->SetTextShadowColor(shadowColor);
    93 	TPoint origin;
    94 	aReadStream >> origin;
    95 	aGc->SetOrigin(origin);
    97 	TPoint brushOrigin;
    98 	aReadStream >> brushOrigin;
    99 	aGc->SetBrushOrigin(brushOrigin);
   101 	aGc->SetUnderlineStyle((MWsGraphicsContext::TFontUnderline) (aReadStream.ReadUint8L()));
   102  	aGc->SetStrikethroughStyle((MWsGraphicsContext::TFontStrikethrough) (aReadStream.ReadUint8L()));
   104 	aGc->ResetFont();
   105 	TInt fontHandle = aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
   106 	if(fontHandle)
   107 		{
   108 		CFbsBitGcFont font;
   109 		TInt res = font.Duplicate(fontHandle);
   110 		if(res == KErrNone)
   111 			{
   112 			aGc->SetFont(&font);
   113 			font.Reset();
   114 			}
   115 		}
   116 	}
   118 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   119   Description: Helper function to save graphics context information into a given buffer.
   120  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   121 void TInternalGcStatus::ExternalizeGcAttributesL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream)
   122 	{
   123 	aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iDrawMode);
   124 	aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iBrushStyle);
   125 	aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iPenStyle);
   126 	iPenColor.ExternalizeL(aWriteStream); 
   127 	iBrushColor.ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
   128 	aWriteStream << iPenSize;
   129 	aWriteStream.WriteInt32L(iBrushPatternHandle);
   130 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iWordExcessWidth);
   131 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iWordNumChars);
   132 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iCharExcessWidth);
   133 	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iCharNumChars);
   134 	iShadowColor.ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
   135 	aWriteStream << iOrigin;
   136 	aWriteStream << iBrushOrigin;
   137 	aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iUnderline);
   138 	aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iStrikethrough);
   139 	aWriteStream.WriteInt32L(iFontHandle);
   140 	}