changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
child 11 fed1595b188e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Interface code for animated DLL's
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include <e32std.h>
    19 #include "server.h"
    20 #include "gc.h"
    21 #include "rootwin.h"
    22 #include "windowgroup.h"
    23 #include "ANIM.H"
    24 #include "wstop.h"
    25 #include "EVENT.H"
    26 #include "ScrDev.H"
    27 #include "panics.h"
    28 #include "wsfont.h"
    29 #include "pointer.h"
    31 GLREF_D CDebugLogBase *wsDebugLog;
    33 static const TInt64 KFlashOnTime(700000);
    34 static const TInt64 KFlashOffTime(300000);
    35 static const TInt64 KOneSecond(1000000);
    36 static const TInt64 KOneMinute(60 * KOneSecond);
    37 static const TInt64 KOneDay(24 * 60 * 60 * KOneSecond);
    38 static const TInt64 KOneHalfSecond(500000);
    40 enum {EWindowUpdate=0x0001};
    42 // Anim DLL code //
    43 CWsAnim::CWsAnim(CWsAnimDll *aDll) : iClient(aDll->WsOwner()), iAnimAddedInHandler(EFalse), iLastFrame(-1)
    44 	{
    45 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CWsAnim"));
    46 	iBitFlags.Set(EFlashOn);
    47 	}
    49 void CWsAnim::WindowClosing(CWsAnim *aWsAnim)
    50 	{
    51 	CWsAnim *anim=aWsAnim;
    52 	CWsAnim *next;
    54 	while(anim)
    55 		{
    56 		next=anim->iNextWin;
    57 		CloseAnim(anim);
    58 		anim=next;
    59 		}
    60 	}
    62 void CWsAnim::CloseAnim(CWsAnim *aWsAnim)
    63 	{
    64 	if(aWsAnim)
    65 		{
    66 		TInt handle=aWsAnim->iAnimDll->AnimObjectHandle(aWsAnim);
    67 		if (handle<0)
    68 			delete aWsAnim;
    69 		else
    70 			aWsAnim->iAnimDll->Remove(handle);
    71 		}
    72 	}
    74 CWsAnim::~CWsAnim()
    75 	{
    76 	if (iWindow)	// In case it never got linked
    77 		{
    78 		iWindow->SetupVisibleRegionTracking(EFalse);
    79 		MWsWindowTreeObserver* windowTreeObserver = iClient->Screen()->WindowTreeObserver();
    80 		if (windowTreeObserver && (iBitFlags.IsSet(EWinAnimConstructed)))
    81 			{
    82 			windowTreeObserver->NodeReleased(*this);
    83 			iBitFlags.Clear(EWinAnimConstructed);
    84 			}
    85 		CWsAnim **pAnim;
    86 		for(pAnim= &iWindow->iAnimList;(*pAnim)!=this;pAnim= &(*pAnim)->iNextWin)
    87 			{}
    88 		*pAnim=iNextWin;
    90 		}
    91 	else if (iSprite)
    92 		{
    93 		// coverity[extend_simple_error]
    94 		iSprite->iAnim=NULL;
    95 		iSprite->SetHasAnimation(EFalse);
    96 		if(iSprite->Win())
    97 			iSprite->Win()->SetupVisibleRegionTracking(EFalse);
    98 		}
    99 	// force the anim for the event handler list.
   100 	TWindowServerEvent::RemoveEventHandler(Anim());
   101 	TWindowServerEvent::RemoveNotificationHandler(Anim());
   102 	delete iAnim.iWindowAnim;
   103 	delete iAnimGc;
   104 	// coverity[extend_simple_error]
   105 	TWindowServerEvent::PotentialEventHandlerL(-1);		//PotentialEventHandler cannot leave when passed a negative parameter.
   106 	}
   108 void CWsAnim::Connect(CWsClientWindow *aWindow)
   109 	{
   110 	//coverity[var_compare_op]
   111 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(aWindow,EWsPanicWindowNull);
   112 	if ((iSprite))
   113 		Panic();
   115 	iWindow=aWindow;
   116 	iNextWin=aWindow->iAnimList;
   117 	aWindow->iAnimList=this;
   118 	iBitFlags.Assign(EAdvancedPointersEnabled, aWindow->AdvancedPointersEnabled());
   119 	iWindow->SetupVisibleRegionTracking(ETrue);
   120 	}
   122 void CWsAnim::Connect(CWsSprite *aSprite)
   123 	{
   124 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(aSprite,EWsPanicNoSprite);
   125 	if (iWindow)
   126 		Panic();
   127 	iSprite=aSprite;
   128 	iSprite->iAnim=this;
   129 	iSprite->SetHasAnimation(ETrue);
   130 	iBitFlags.Assign(EAdvancedPointersEnabled, aSprite->AdvancedPointersEnabled());
   131 	if(iSprite->Win())
   132 		{
   133 		iSprite->Win()->SetupVisibleRegionTracking(ETrue);
   134 		}
   135 	}
   137 LOCAL_C void HandleLeaveInCWsAnimConstructL(TAny* aAnim)
   138 	{
   139 	STATIC_CAST(CWsAnim*,aAnim)->SetMessage(NULL);
   140 	STATIC_CAST(CWsAnim*,aAnim)->UserDeactivateAnimGc();
   141 	}
   143 void CWsAnim::ConstructL(CAnim *aAnim, TAny *aArgs, CWsAnimDll *aAnimDll, TBool aIsWindow)
   144 	{
   145 	TBool isFocused=(iSprite!=NULL);
   146 	if (!isFocused)
   147 		isFocused=CWsTop::FocusWindowGroup()==iWindow->WinGroup();
   148 	iAnimDll=aAnimDll;
   149 	iAnimSync=ESyncNone;
   150 	if(!aAnim)
   151 	    {
   152 	    RDebug::Printf("CreateInstanceL did not create an anim instance.");
   153 	    Panic();
   154 	    }
   155 	aAnim->iFunctions=this;
   156 	SetMessage(&iClient->ClientMessage());
   157 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(HandleLeaveInCWsAnimConstructL,this));
   158 	if (aIsWindow)
   159 		{
   160 		iAnim.iWindowAnim = static_cast<CWindowAnim*>(aAnim);
   161 		iAnimGc = new (ELeave) CWsAnimGc(*this);
   162 		iAnim.iWindowAnim->iWindowFunctions=this;
   163 		iAnim.iWindowAnim->iGc=iAnimGc;
   164 		iAnim.iWindowAnim->ConstructL(aArgs, isFocused);
   165 		iBitFlags.Set(EWinAnimConstructed);
   166 		WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClient->Screen(), EWsPanicNoScreen);
   167 		if (iClient->Screen())
   168 			{
   169 			MWsWindowTreeObserver* windowTreeObserver = iClient->Screen()->WindowTreeObserver();
   170 			if (windowTreeObserver)
   171 				{
   172 				windowTreeObserver->NodeCreated(*this, ParentNode());
   173 				const TRect rect = BestRect();
   174 				windowTreeObserver->NodeExtentChanged(*this, rect);
   175 				windowTreeObserver->NodeActivated(*this); //window-anim inherits activate status from iWindow
   176 				}
   177 			}
   178 		}
   179 	else
   180 		{
   181 		iAnim.iSpriteAnim = static_cast<CSpriteAnim*>(aAnim);
   182 		iAnim.iSpriteAnim->iSpriteFunctions=this;
   183 		iAnim.iSpriteAnim->ConstructL(aArgs);
   184 		}
   185 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(this); // doesn't really destroy "this" - it actually calls HandleLeaveInCWsAnimConstructL
   186 	}
   188 /**
   189 This function should only be called in the context of a redraw (i.e. CScreenRedraw::OnAnimation) 
   190 @panic EWsPanicAnim will be raised in debug build if this function is called in the wrong context.
   191 */
   192 void CWsAnim::RedrawWindowAnimL(const TTime& aTimeNow, MWsGraphicsContext* aGc, const TRegion* aRegion)
   193 	{
   194 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iWindow, EWsPanicAnimHasNoWindow);
   195 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iWindow->Screen(), EWsPanicNoScreen);
   196 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iWindow->Screen()->IsAnimating(), EWsPanicAnim);
   197 	iBitFlags.Set(EInRedraw);
   199 	TInt frame;
   200 	TInt64 adjustedStart;
   201 	 // Don't call AnimateL() on CFreeTimerWindowAnim animations
   202 	if(iAnimSync!=ESyncNone || iInterval!=0)
   203 	    {
   204 	    AnimateL(aTimeNow, frame, adjustedStart);
   205 	    }
   206 	RedrawWindowAnimL(aGc, aRegion);
   207 	ReSchedule(aTimeNow, frame, adjustedStart);
   209 	iBitFlags.Clear(EInRedraw);
   210 	}
   212 /**
   213 This function should only be called in the context of a redraw (i.e. CScreenRedraw::OnAnimation)
   214 @panic EWsPanicAnim will be raised in debug build if this function is called in the wrong context. 
   215 */
   216 void CWsAnim::AnimateSpriteAnimL(const TTime& aTimeNow)
   217 	{
   218 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iSprite, EWsPanicNoSprite);
   219 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iSprite->Screen(), EWsPanicNoScreen);
   220     WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iSprite->Screen()->IsAnimating(), EWsPanicAnim);
   221     iBitFlags.Set(EInRedraw);
   223 	TInt frame;
   224 	TInt64 adjustedStart;
   225 	AnimateL(aTimeNow, frame, adjustedStart);
   226 	ReSchedule(aTimeNow, frame, adjustedStart);
   228 	iBitFlags.Clear(EInRedraw);
   229 	}
   231 void CWsAnim::AnimateL(const TTime& aTimeNow, TInt& aFrame, TInt64& aAdjustedStart)
   232 	{
   233 	// Work out which frame we are in:
   234 	if (iLastFrame < 0)
   235 		iStartTime = aTimeNow;
   236 	TInt64 elapsed = aTimeNow.Int64() - iStartTime.Int64();
   237 	aAdjustedStart = iStartTime.Int64();
   238 	aFrame = 0;
   239 	switch (iAnimSync)
   240 		{
   241 		case ESyncNone:
   242 			if (iInterval > 0)
   243 				{
   244 				aFrame = elapsed / iInterval.Int64();
   245 				}
   246 				else
   247 				{
   248 				aFrame = -1; //This would be a CFreeTimerWindowAnim
   249 				}
   250 			break;
   251 		case ESyncFlash:
   252 			{
   253 			TInt64 fraction = elapsed % (KFlashOnTime + KFlashOffTime);
   254 			aFrame = (elapsed - fraction) / (KFlashOnTime + KFlashOffTime) * 2;
   255 			if (fraction > KFlashOnTime)
   256 				{
   257 				aFrame += 1;
   258 				iBitFlags.Clear(EFlashOn);
   259 				}
   260 			else
   261 				{
   262 				iBitFlags.Set(EFlashOn);
   263 				}
   264 			}
   265 			break;
   266 		case ESyncSecond:
   267 			aAdjustedStart = iStartTime.Int64() - (iStartTime.Int64() % KOneSecond);
   268 			elapsed = aTimeNow.Int64() - aAdjustedStart;
   269 			aFrame = elapsed / KOneSecond;
   270 			break;
   271 		case ESyncMinute:
   272 			aAdjustedStart = iStartTime.Int64() - (iStartTime.Int64() % KOneMinute);
   273 			elapsed = aTimeNow.Int64() - aAdjustedStart;
   274 			aFrame = elapsed / KOneMinute;
   275 			break;
   276 		case ESyncDay:
   277 			aAdjustedStart = iStartTime.Int64() - (iStartTime.Int64() % KOneDay);
   278 			elapsed = aTimeNow.Int64() - aAdjustedStart;
   279 			aFrame = elapsed / KOneDay;
   280 			break;
   281 		}
   283 	// If the frame has changed, animate:
   284 	if (aFrame != iLastFrame && aFrame != -1)
   285 		{
   286 		if (aFrame == iLastFrame + 1 && iLastFrame != -1)
   287 			{
   288 			Animate(NULL); //This can leave
   289 			}
   290 		else
   291 			{
   292 			TDateTime dt = aTimeNow.DateTime();
   293 			Animate(&dt);
   294 			}
   295 		iLastFrame = aFrame;
   296 		}
   297 	}
   299 void CWsAnim::RedrawWindowAnimL(MWsGraphicsContext * aGc, const TRegion *aRegion)
   300 	{
   301 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iWindow,EWsPanicAnimHasNoWindow);
   303 	// We don't attempt to make use of iRect because it often isn't set up by the client code.
   304 	TWindowInfo::TRegionPair regionPair;
   305 	regionPair.iRegion1 = aRegion;
   306 	regionPair.iRegion2 = NULL;
   307 	iRedrawRegionPair = &regionPair;
   309 	if(iWindow && iAnim.iWindowAnim)
   310 		{
   311 		// Regardless of whether we animated or not, redraw:
   312 		iAnimGc->Activate(aRegion, aGc);
   313 		iAnim.iWindowAnim->Redraw();	//This can leave
   314 		iAnimGc->Deactivate();
   315 		}
   317 	iRedrawRegionPair = NULL;				
   318 	}
   320 void CWsAnim::ReSchedule(const TTime& aTimeNow, const TInt& aFrame, const TInt64& aAdjustedStart)
   321 	{
   322 	// Schedule ourselves again (we usually only have to do this when we animate,
   323 	// but it is possible for our scheduled rectangle to get lost in a redraw):
   324 	TInt64 timeToNextFrame = 0;
   325 	switch (iAnimSync)
   326 		{
   327 		case ESyncNone:
   328 			if (iInterval > 0)
   329 				{
   330 				timeToNextFrame = iStartTime.Int64() + iInterval.Int64() * (aFrame + 1) - aTimeNow.Int64();
   331 				}
   332 			break;
   333 		case ESyncFlash:
   334 			if (iBitFlags.IsSet(EFlashOn))
   335 				{
   336 				timeToNextFrame = iStartTime.Int64() + (KFlashOnTime + KFlashOffTime) * aFrame / 2 + KFlashOnTime - aTimeNow.Int64();
   337 				}
   338 			else
   339 				{
   340 				timeToNextFrame = iStartTime.Int64() + (KFlashOnTime + KFlashOffTime) * (aFrame + 1 ) / 2 - aTimeNow.Int64();
   341 				}
   342 			break;
   343 		case ESyncSecond:
   344 			timeToNextFrame = aAdjustedStart + KOneSecond * (aFrame + 1) - aTimeNow.Int64();
   345 			break;
   346 		case ESyncMinute:
   347 			timeToNextFrame = aAdjustedStart + KOneMinute * (aFrame + 1) - aTimeNow.Int64();
   348 			break;
   349 		case ESyncDay:
   350 			timeToNextFrame = aAdjustedStart + KOneDay * (aFrame + 1) - aTimeNow.Int64();
   351 			break;
   352 		}
   354 	if (iAnimSync != ESyncNone || iInterval > 0)
   355 		{
   356 		ScheduleSelf(timeToNextFrame);
   357 		}
   359 	}
   361 /**
   362 Mark the animation area as invalid so it gets redrawn later. 
   363 */
   364 void CWsAnim::ScheduleSelf(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFrom)
   365 	{
   366 	ASSERT( (iWindow && iAnim.iWindowAnim) || (iSprite && iAnim.iSpriteAnim) );
   368 	if(iWindow && iAnim.iWindowAnim)
   369 		{
   370 		WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iWindow->Screen(), EWsPanicNoScreen);
   371 		const TRect rect = BestRect();
   372 		iWindow->Screen()->ScheduleAnimation(EWindowAnim, rect, aFrom, 0, 0, iWindow);
   373 		}
   374 	else if(iSprite && iAnim.iSpriteAnim)
   375 		{
   376 		WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iSprite->Screen(), EWsPanicNoScreen);
   377 		const TRect rect = iSprite->Rect();
   378 		if(iSprite->Win())
   379 			iSprite->Screen()->ScheduleAnimation(ESpriteAnim, rect, aFrom, 0, 0, iSprite->Win());
   380 		else
   381 			iSprite->Screen()->ScheduleAnimation(EFloatingSpriteAnim, rect, aFrom, 0, 0, NULL);
   382 		}
   383 	}
   385 void CWsAnim::UserDeactivateAnimGc()
   386 	{
   387 	if (iAnimGc) // For sprite anims iAnimGc is NULL
   388 	    {
   389         //If we have been receiving draw commands outside the context of 
   390 	    //CScreenRedraw::OnAnimation, then we need to schedule a redraw.
   391 	    if (iAnimGc->IsActive() && iBitFlags.IsClear(EInRedraw))
   392 	         {
   393 	         ScheduleSelf(0);
   394 	         }
   395 	    iAnimGc->UserDeactivate();
   396 	    }
   397 	}
   399 void CWsAnim::FocusChanged(TBool aNewFocusState)
   400 	{
   401 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iWindow && iAnimGc && iAnim.iWindowAnim,EWsPanicAnim);
   402 	iAnim.iWindowAnim->FocusChanged(aNewFocusState);
   403 	UserDeactivateAnimGc();
   404 	}
   406 void CWsAnim::Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime)
   407 	{
   408 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(Anim(),EWsPanicAnim);
   409 	Anim()->Animate(aDateTime);
   410 	UserDeactivateAnimGc();
   411 	}
   413 // Callback functions //
   415 void CWsAnim::ActivateGc()
   416 	{
   417 	if (!iWindow)
   418 		Panic();
   420 	// Window animation drawing commands need to go through the render stage pipeline. This means
   421 	// that drawing commands issued outside animation redraws (for instance, during Animate() or
   422 	// when the animation receives a command) will mark the animation area as invalid, but the
   423 	// commands themselves will be ignored as drawing will only happen during the next WSERV redraw
   424 	// cycle (CWindowAnim::Redraw).
   426 	// In this new situation MAnimWindowFunctions::ActivateGc doesn't need to activate the graphics
   427 	// context (drawing commands issued outside CWindowAnim::Redraw are ignored), but to avoid some
   428 	// behavior breaks (for instance, panic situations) we mark the GC as "activated by the user".
   429 	iAnimGc->UserActivate();
   430 	}
   432 void CWsAnim::DeactivateGc()
   433 	{
   434 	if (!iWindow)
   435 		Panic();
   437 	// Window animation drawing commands need to go through the render stage pipeline. This means
   438 	// that drawing commands issued outside animation redraws (for instance, during Animate() or
   439 	// when the animation receives a command) will mark the animation area as invalid, but the
   440 	// commands themselves will be ignored as drawing will only happen during the next WSERV redraw
   441 	// cycle (CWindowAnim::Redraw).
   443 	// In this new situation MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions::DeactivateGc just marks the animation
   444 	// area as invalid so it gets redrawn later.
   446 	UserDeactivateAnimGc();
   447 	}
   449 /*
   450 Because lots of animations don't set a rectangle, or set an empty one, we need
   451 to make a best guess at what to use rather than assuming anything.
   452 */
   453 TRect CWsAnim::BestRect() const
   454 	{
   455 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iWindow,EWsPanicAnimHasNoWindow);
   456 	TRect rect;
   457 	if (iRect.IsEmpty())
   458 		{
   459 		rect = iWindow->AbsRect();
   460 		}
   461 	else
   462 		{
   463 		rect = iRect;
   464 		rect.Move(iWindow->Origin());
   465 		rect.Intersection(iWindow->AbsRect());
   466 		}
   467 	return rect;
   468 	}
   470 void CWsAnim::Invalidate(const TRect &aRect)
   471 	{
   472 	if (!iWindow)
   473 		{
   474 		if (iSprite) 
   475 			{
   476 			iSprite->RootWindow()->InvalidateWholeScreen();
   477 			}
   478 		return;
   479 		}
   480 	iWindow->Redraw()->ClientExposing();
   481 	TRect rect(aRect);
   482 	rect.Move(iWindow->Origin());
   484 	CWsTop::TriggerRedraws(iWindow->RootWindow());
   485 	}
   487 void CWsAnim::Update()
   488 	{
   489 	if (!iWindow)
   490 		Panic();
   491 	}
   493 void CWsAnim::Parameters(TWindowInfo &aData)
   494 	{
   495 	if (!iWindow)
   496 		Panic();
   497 	aData.iScreenPos=iWindow->FullRect();
   498 	aData.iMode=iWindow->DisplayMode();
   499 	aData.iRegionPair=iRedrawRegionPair;
   500 	}
   502 void CWsAnim::VisibleRegion(TRegion& aRegion)
   503 	{
   504 	if(iWindow)
   505 		{
   506 		aRegion.Copy(iWindow->VisibleRegion());
   507 		}
   508 	}
   510 void CWsAnim::SetSync(TAnimSync aSyncMode)
   511 	{
   512 	if (iAnimSync != aSyncMode)
   513 		{
   514 		iAnimSync=aSyncMode;
   515 		iLastFrame = -1;
   517 		if (iAnimSync != ESyncNone)
   518 			ScheduleSelf(0);
   520 		if (iAnimSync == ESyncFlash)
   521 			iBitFlags.Set(EFlashOn);
   522 		}
   523 	}
   525 void CWsAnim::SetInterval(TInt aInterval)
   526 	{
   527 	if (iAnimSync!=ESyncNone)
   528 		Panic();
   529 	iLastFrame = -1;	
   530 	if (aInterval < 0)
   531 		aInterval = 0;
   532 	// convert intervals to milliseconds (there are two intervals per second)
   533 	iInterval = aInterval*KOneHalfSecond;
   534 	if (iInterval > 0)
   535 		{
   536 		ScheduleSelf(iInterval);
   537 		}
   539 	}
   541 void CWsAnim::SetNextInterval(TInt aInterval)
   542 	{
   543 	if (iAnimSync!=ESyncNone)
   544 		Panic();
   545 	aInterval = (aInterval <= 0) ? 1 : aInterval; 
   546 	ScheduleSelf(aInterval*KOneHalfSecond);
   547 	}
   549 void CWsAnim::SetRect(const TRect &aRect)
   550 	{
   551 	if (!iWindow)
   552 		Panic();
   554 	if (iRect != aRect)
   555 		{
   556 		iRect=aRect;
   557 		iWindow->UpdateAnimArea(); // backed up windows only
   559 		MWsWindowTreeObserver* windowTreeObserver = iClient->Screen()->WindowTreeObserver();
   560 		if (windowTreeObserver && iBitFlags.IsSet(EWinAnimConstructed))
   561 			{
   562 			const TRect rect = BestRect();
   563 			windowTreeObserver->NodeExtentChanged(*this, rect);
   564 			}
   565 		}
   566 	}
   568 const TRect& CWsAnim::Rect() const
   569 	{
   570 	return(iRect);
   571 	}
   573 TDateTime CWsAnim::SystemTime() const
   574 	{
   575 	TDateTime dt=iWindow->Screen()->Now().DateTime();
   576 	TInt hour=dt.Hour();
   577 	TInt minute=dt.Minute();
   578 	TInt second=dt.Second();
   579 	TInt microSecond=dt.MicroSecond();
   580 	switch(iAnimSync)
   581 		{
   582 	case ESyncDay:
   583 		hour=0; 
   584 		minute=0;
   585 		/*Fall through*/
   586 	case ESyncMinute:
   587 		second=0; 
   588 		/*Fall through*/
   589 	case ESyncNone:
   590 	case ESyncFlash:
   591 	case ESyncSecond:
   592 		microSecond=0;
   593 		break;
   594 		}
   595 	TDateTime dateTime;
   596 	dateTime.Set(dt.Year(),dt.Month(),dt.Day(),hour,minute,second,microSecond);
   597 	return(dateTime);
   598 	}
   600 TBool CWsAnim::FlashStateOn() const
   601 	{
   602 	return(iBitFlags.IsSet(EFlashOn));
   603 	}
   605 const RThread &CWsAnim::Client()
   606 	{
   607 	return(iClient->Client());
   608 	}
   610 void CWsAnim::ReplyBuf(const TDesC8 &aDes)
   611 	{
   612 	CWsClient::ReplyBuf(aDes);
   613 	}
   615 void CWsAnim::ReplyBuf(const TDesC16 &aDes)
   616 	{
   617 	CWsClient::ReplyBuf(aDes);
   618 	}
   620 void CWsAnim::SessionPanic() const
   621 	{
   622 	iClient->SessionPanic(EWservPanicAnimDll);
   623 	}
   625 void CWsAnim::Panic() const
   626 	{
   627 	iClient->PPanic(EWservPanicAnimDll);
   628 	}
   630 void CWsAnim::Panic(TClientPanic aPanic) const
   631 	{
   632 	iClient->PPanic(aPanic);
   633 	}
   635 void CWsAnim::SendState(MWsWindowTreeObserver& aWindowTreeObserver) const
   636 	{
   637 	if(iNextWin)
   638 		iNextWin->SendState(aWindowTreeObserver);
   640 	if(iBitFlags.IsSet(EWinAnimConstructed))
   641 		{
   642 		aWindowTreeObserver.NodeCreated(*this, ParentNode());
   643 		const TRect rect = BestRect();
   644 		aWindowTreeObserver.NodeExtentChanged(*this, rect);
   645 		aWindowTreeObserver.NodeActivated(*this); //window-anim inherits activate status from iWindow
   646 		}
   647 	}
   649 const CFbsScreenDevice *CWsAnim::ScreenDevice()
   650 	{
   651 	return NULL; // Deprecated by PREQ 2095
   652 	}
   654 CFbsFont *CWsAnim::DuplicateFontL(TInt aHandle)
   655 	{
   656 	CFbsFont *font=NULL;
   657 	TInt err;
   658 	font=CAnimFbsFont::NewL(aHandle,err);
   659 	if (err!=KErrNone)
   660 		{
   661 		WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(font==NULL,EWsPanicFailedToInitialise);
   662 		if (err==KErrNoMemory)
   663 			User::Leave(err);
   664 		iClient->PPanic(EWservPanicFont);
   665 		}
   666 	return(font);
   667 	}
   669 void CWsAnim::CloseFont(CFbsFont *aFont)
   670 	{
   671 	if (aFont)
   672 		((CAnimFbsFont *)aFont)->Close();
   673 	}
   675 CFbsBitmap *CWsAnim::DuplicateBitmapL(TInt aHandle)
   676 	{
   677 	CFbsBitmap *bitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   678 	TInt err=bitmap->Duplicate(aHandle);
   679 	if (err!=KErrNone)
   680 		{
   681 		delete bitmap;
   682 		if (err==KErrNoMemory)
   683 			User::Leave(err);
   684 		iClient->PPanic(EWservPanicBitmap);
   685 		}
   686 	return(bitmap);
   687 	}
   689 TSize CWsAnim::WindowSize() const
   690 	{
   691 	if (!iWindow)
   692 		Panic();
   693 	return(iWindow->Size());
   694 	}
   696 TBool CWsAnim::IsHidden()
   697 	{
   698 	if (!iWindow)
   699 		Panic();
   701 	return iWindow->IsHidden();
   702 	}
   704 void CWsAnim::SetVisible(TBool aState)
   705 	{	
   706 	//The (iAnimGc->IsActive() && aState) part of the below if statement is in place to accomodate bc with 
   707 	//the original wserv. 
   708 	//We panic when we call SetVisible(ETrue) and the CWsAnimGc has been activated because the origininal wserv did.
   709 	//We don't panic when we call SetVisible(EFalse) and the CWsAnimGc is activated because the original wserv didn't.
   711 	if( !iWindow || (iAnimGc->IsActive() && aState) )
   712 		{
   713 		Panic();	
   714 		}
   716 	iWindow->SetVisible(aState);
   718 	STACK_REGION region;
   719 	VisibleRegion(region);
   720 	TRect rect = region.BoundingRect();
   721 	region.Close();
   722 	if(!rect.IsEmpty())
   723 		iWindow->Screen()->ScheduleAnimation(EWindowAnim, rect,0,0,0, iWindow);
   724 	}
   726 MAnimGeneralFunctions::TAnimSync CWsAnim::Sync() const
   727 	{
   728 	return(iAnimSync);
   729 	}
   731 void CWsAnim::GetRawEvents(TBool aGetEvents) const
   732 	{
   733 	if (aGetEvents)
   734 		{
   735 		if (!iAnimAddedInHandler)
   736 			{
   737 			TWindowServerEvent::AddEventHandler(Anim(), iBitFlags.IsSet(EAdvancedPointersEnabled));
   738 			iAnimAddedInHandler = ETrue;
   739 			}
   740 		}
   741 	else
   742 		{
   743 		if (iAnimAddedInHandler)
   744 			{
   745 			TWindowServerEvent::RemoveEventHandler(Anim());
   746 			iAnimAddedInHandler = EFalse;
   747 			}
   748 		}
   749 	}
   751 void CWsAnim::PostRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent) const
   752 	{
   753 	// Cannot remove const from aRawEvent parameter type for compatibility reasons.
   754 	if (TWsPointer::PreProcessClientEvent(const_cast<TRawEvent &>(aRawEvent), iBitFlags.IsSet(EAdvancedPointersEnabled)))
   755 		{
   756 		TWindowServerEvent::ProcessRawEvent(aRawEvent);
   757 		}
   758 	}
   760 void CWsAnim::PostKeyEvent(const TKeyEvent &aRawEvent) const
   761 	{
   762 	TWindowServerEvent::ProcessKeyEvent(aRawEvent,0);
   763 	}
   765 /**
   766 Generate repeated key events. 
   767 */	
   768 void CWsAnim::PostKeyEvent(const TKeyEvent& aRawEvent, TInt aRepeats) const
   769 	{
   770 	TWindowServerEvent::ProcessKeyEvent(aRawEvent,aRepeats);
   771  	}
   773 TInt CWsAnim::RegisterForNotifications(TUint32 aNotifications)
   774 	{
   775 	if (aNotifications)
   776 		{
   777 		return TWindowServerEvent::AddNotificationHandler(Anim(),aNotifications);
   778 		}
   779 	else
   780 		{
   781 		TWindowServerEvent::RemoveNotificationHandler(Anim());
   782 		return KErrNone;
   783 		}
   784 	}
   786 const RMessagePtr2* CWsAnim::Message()
   787 	{
   788 	return iMessage;
   789 	}
   791 void CWsAnim::SetMessage(const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
   792 	{
   793 	iMessage=aMessage;
   794 	}
   796 TInt CWsAnim::CommandReply(TInt aOpcode, TAny* aArgs)
   797 	{
   798 	SetMessage(&iClient->ClientMessage()); // ClientMessage returns a reference, so taking the address of it is okay (it it returned it by value, then taking the address would be taking the address of a temporary which would be dodgey)
   799 	TInt returnValue=0;
   800 	TRAP(returnValue,returnValue=Anim()->CommandReplyL(aOpcode, aArgs));
   801 	SetMessage(NULL);
   802 	return returnValue;
   803 	}
   805 TSpriteMember *CWsAnim::GetSpriteMember(TInt aMember) const
   806 	{
   807 	if (!iSprite)
   808 		Panic();
   809 	return REINTERPRET_CAST(TSpriteMember*,&(*iSprite->iMembers)[aMember]->iBitmap);		//The 2 classes involved in the cast have exactly the same data members in the same order
   810 	}
   812 void CWsAnim::UpdateMember(TInt aMember,const TRect& aRect,TBool aFullUpdate)
   813 	{
   814 	if (!iSprite)
   815 		Panic();
   816 	iSprite->Update(aMember,aRect,aFullUpdate);
   817 	}
   819 void CWsAnim::Activate(TBool aActive)
   820 	{
   821 	if (!iSprite)
   822 		Panic();
   823 	if (!aActive)
   824 		iSprite->Deactivate();
   825 	else
   826 		{
   827 		if (iSprite->IsActive())
   828 			Panic();
   829 		iSprite->Activate();
   830 		}
   831 	}
   833 void CWsAnim::SizeChangedL()
   834 	{
   835 	if (!iSprite)
   836 		Panic();
   837 	iSprite->CWsSpriteBase::CompleteL();
   838 	}
   840 void CWsAnim::SetPosition(const TPoint &aPos)
   841 	{
   842 	iSprite->SetPos(aPos);
   843 	}
   845 TAny* CWsAnim::ExtendedInterface(TInt aInterface)
   846 	{
   847 	switch(aInterface)
   848 		{
   849 	case ENumberOfExtendedInterfaces:
   850 		return reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(EInterfaceCount-1);
   851 	case EWindowExtensionInterface:
   852 		return static_cast<MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension*>(this);
   853 	case EEventExtentionInterface:
   854 		return static_cast<MAnimGeneralFunctionsEventExtension*>(this);
   855 	default:
   856 		return NULL;
   857 		}
   858 	}
   860 TInt CWsAnim::Screens() const
   861 	{
   862 	return CWsTop::NumberOfScreens();
   863 	}
   865 TInt CWsAnim::FocusScreens() const
   866 	{
   867 	return CWsTop::CurrentFocusScreen()->ScreenNumber();
   868 	}
   870 void CWsAnim::SetFocusScreen(TInt aScreenNo)
   871  	{
   872  	if (aScreenNo<CWsTop::NumberOfScreens() && aScreenNo>=0)
   873  		{
   874  		CWsTop::SetCurrentFocusScreen(aScreenNo);
   875  		}
   876  	else
   877  		{
   878  		Panic();
   879  		}
   880  	}
   882 TInt CWsAnim::WindowGroups(TInt aScreen) const
   883 	{
   884 	return(CWsWindowGroup::NumWindowGroupsOnScreen(CWsTop::Screen(aScreen)->RootWindow()->Child(),ETrue,0));
   885 	}
   887 TBool CWsAnim::WindowGroupInfo(TWindowGroupInfo& aInfo,TInt aScreen,TInt aFullOrdinalPosition) const
   888 	{
   889 	CWsWindowGroup* group=CWsTop::Screen(aScreen)->RootWindow()->WindowGroup(aFullOrdinalPosition);
   890 	if (!group)
   891 		return EFalse;
   892 	aInfo.iId=group->Identifier();
   893 	if (group->ReceivesFocus() && group->ScreenDeviceValid())
   894 		aInfo.iFlags=TWindowGroupInfo::EIsFocusable;
   895 	else
   896 		aInfo.iFlags=0;
   897 	aInfo.iOrdinalPriority=group->OrdinalPriority();
   898 	HBufC* groupName=group->GroupName();
   899 	aInfo.iNameLength=groupName?group->GroupName()->Length():0;
   900 	if (!group->IsChained(aInfo.iParentId))
   901 		aInfo.iParentId=-1;
   902 	return ETrue;
   903 	}
   905 TInt CWsAnim::WindowGroupName(TPtrC& aWindowName,TInt aScreen,TInt aFullOrdinalPosition) const
   906 	{
   907 	CWsWindowGroup* group=CWsTop::Screen(aScreen)->RootWindow()->WindowGroup(aFullOrdinalPosition);
   908 	if (!group)
   909 		return EFalse;
   910 	HBufC* name=group->GroupName();
   911 	if (name)
   912 		aWindowName.Set(*name);
   913 	else
   914 		aWindowName.Set(NULL,0);
   915 	return ETrue;
   916 	}
   918 TInt CWsAnim::SetOrdinalPosition(TInt aWindowGroupId,TInt aPos,TInt aOrdinalPriority)
   919 	{
   920 	CWsWindowGroup* group=CWsWindowGroup::WindowGroupFromIdentifier(aWindowGroupId);
   921 	if (group)
   922 		{
   923 		group->SetOrdinalPriority(aPos,aOrdinalPriority);
   924 		return KErrNone;
   925 		}
   926 	return KErrNotFound;
   927 	}
   929 void CWsAnim::WindowConfig(TWindowConfig& aWindowConfig) const
   930 	{
   931 	aWindowConfig.iFlags = 0x00;
   932 	if (iWindow->IsTranslucent())
   933 		{
   934 		aWindowConfig.iFlags |= TWindowConfig::ETransparencyEnabled;
   935 		if (iWindow->HasAlpha())
   936 			{
   937 			aWindowConfig.iFlags |= TWindowConfig::EAlphaBlendedTransparency;
   938 			}		
   939 		}
   940 	}
   942 TBool CWsAnim::SpriteCanBeSeen() const
   943 	{
   944 	if(!iSprite)
   945 		Panic();
   946 	return iSprite->CanBeSeen();
   947 	}
   949 /** @see MWsWindowTreeNode */
   950 MWsWindowTreeNode::TType CWsAnim::NodeType() const
   951 	{
   952 	return (iSprite) ? iSprite->NodeType() : MWsWindowTreeNode::EWinTreeNodeAnim;
   953 	}
   955 /** @see MWsWindowTreeNode */
   956 const MWsWindow* CWsAnim::Window() const
   957 	{
   958 	return NULL;
   959 	}
   961 /** @see MWsWindowTreeNode */
   962 const MWsSprite* CWsAnim::Sprite() const
   963 	{
   964 	return iSprite;
   965 	}
   967 /** @see MWsWindowTreeNode */
   968 const MWsStandardTextCursor* CWsAnim::StandardTextCursor() const
   969 	{
   970 	return NULL;
   971 	}
   973 /** @see MWsWindowTreeNode */
   974 const MWsWindowGroup* CWsAnim::WindowGroup() const
   975 	{
   976 	if (iSprite)
   977 		return iSprite->WindowGroup();
   978 	else if (iWindow)
   979 		return iWindow->WindowGroup();
   980 	Panic();
   981 	return NULL;
   982 	}
   984 /** @see MWsWindowTreeNode */
   985 const MWsWindowTreeNode* CWsAnim::ParentNode() const
   986 	{
   987 	if (iSprite)
   988 		return iSprite->ParentNode();
   989 	else if (iWindow)
   990 		return iWindow; //A window-anim is considered to be a child of the window
   991 	Panic();
   992 	return NULL;
   993 	}
   995 //
   997 CObjectConIx* CWsAnimDll::AnimObjectConIx=NULL;
   999 void CWsAnimDll::InitStaticsL()
  1000 	{
  1001 	CWsAnimDll::AnimObjectConIx=CObjectConIx::NewL();
  1002 	}
  1004 void CWsAnimDll::DeleteStatics()
  1005 	{
  1006 	delete CWsAnimDll::AnimObjectConIx;
  1007 	}
  1009 CWsAnimDll::CWsAnimDll(CWsClient *aOwner) : CWsObject(aOwner,WS_HANDLE_ANIM_DLL)
  1010 	{
  1011 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CWsAnimDll"));
  1012 	}
  1014 CWsAnimDll::~CWsAnimDll()
  1015 	{
  1016 	delete iInstanceIndex;
  1017 	AnimObjectConIx->Remove(iInstanceCon);
  1018 	delete iAnimDll;
  1019 	iAnimLib.Close();
  1020 	}
  1022 TInt CWsAnimDll::doCreateInstanceL(CWsAnim *aInstance, TInt aType, TAny *aArgs, TBool aIsWindow)
  1023 	{
  1024 	iInstanceCon->AddL(aInstance);
  1025 	aInstance->ConstructL(iAnimDll->CreateInstanceL(aType),aArgs,this,aIsWindow);
  1026 	return(iInstanceIndex->AddL(aInstance));
  1027 	}
  1029 TInt CWsAnimDll::CreateInstanceL(TUint32 aHandle, TInt aType, TAny *aArgs, TBool aIsWindow)
  1030 	{
  1031 	TWindowServerEvent::PotentialEventHandlerL(1);
  1032 	CWsAnim *instance=new(ELeave) CWsAnim(this);
  1033 	CleanupClosePushL(*instance);
  1034 	if (aIsWindow)
  1035 		{
  1036 		CWsClientWindow *win;
  1037 		iWsOwner->HandleToClientWindow(aHandle,&win);
  1038 		instance->Connect(win);
  1039 		}
  1040 	else
  1041 		{
  1042 		CWsObject *sprite=iWsOwner->HandleToObj(aHandle, WS_HANDLE_SPRITE);
  1043 		if (!sprite)
  1044 			OwnerPanic(EWservPanicSprite);
  1045 		instance->Connect(STATIC_CAST(CWsSprite*,sprite));
  1046 		}
  1047 	TInt handle=doCreateInstanceL(instance, aType, aArgs, aIsWindow);
  1048 	CleanupStack::Pop(instance);	
  1049 	return(handle);
  1050 	}
  1052 void CWsAnimDll::LoadL(const TDesC &aDllName)
  1053 	{
  1054 	NewObjL();
  1055 	TFileName name(aDllName);
  1056 	User::LeaveIfError(iAnimLib.Load(name));
  1057 	if (wsDebugLog)
  1058 		{
  1059 		TBuf<256> buf;
  1060 		_LIT(KWSERVLoadedAnimDll,"Loaded Anim DLL:  ");
  1061 		buf.Append(KWSERVLoadedAnimDll);
  1062 		buf.Append(iAnimLib.FileName());
  1063 		wsDebugLog->MiscMessage(CDebugLogBase::ELogImportant,buf);
  1064 		}
  1065 	TUidType uid=iAnimLib.Type();
  1066 	if (uid[1]!=KWservAnimDllUid)
  1067 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1068 	CreateCAnimDll f;
  1069 	f=(CreateCAnimDll)User::LeaveIfNull((TAny *)iAnimLib.Lookup(1));
  1070 	iAnimDll=(*f)();
  1071 	iInstanceIndex=CObjectIx::NewL();
  1072 	iInstanceCon=AnimObjectConIx->CreateL();
  1073 	}
  1075 void CWsAnimDll::Remove(TInt aHandle)
  1076 	{
  1077 	iInstanceIndex->Remove(aHandle);
  1078 	}
  1080 void CWsAnimDll::CommandL(TInt aOpcode, const TAny *aCmdData)
  1081 	{
  1082 	TWsAnimDllCmdUnion pData;
  1084 	pData.any=aCmdData;
  1085 	switch(aOpcode)
  1086 		{
  1087 		case EWsAnimDllOpFree:
  1088 			delete this;
  1089 			break;
  1090 		case EWsAnimDllOpCreateInstance:
  1091 		case EWsAnimDllOpCreateInstanceSprite:
  1092 			SetReply(CreateInstanceL(*pData.UInt,*((TInt *)(pData.UInt+1)),(TAny *)(pData.UInt+2)
  1093 																					,aOpcode==EWsAnimDllOpCreateInstance));
  1094 			break;
  1095 		case EWsAnimDllOpCommandReply:
  1096 		case EWsAnimDllOpCommand:
  1097 		case EWsAnimDllOpDestroyInstance:
  1098 			{
  1099 			CWsAnim *anim=(CWsAnim *)iInstanceIndex->At(*pData.UInt);
  1100 			TInt ret;
  1101 			//Deleting a non existant Anim is allowed as the Anim will be destroyed
  1102 			//when the window it is on (or a parent of) it destroyed
  1103 			if (anim==NULL && aOpcode!=EWsAnimDllOpDestroyInstance)
  1104 				OwnerPanic(EWservPanicAnim);
  1105 			switch(aOpcode)
  1106 				{
  1107 				case EWsAnimDllOpCommandReply:
  1108 					{
  1109 					TInt reply=KErrNone;
  1110 					TRAP(ret,reply=anim->CommandReply(*((TInt *)(pData.UInt+1)),(TAny *)(pData.UInt+2)));
  1111 					anim->UserDeactivateAnimGc();
  1112 					if (ret!=KErrNone)
  1113 						User::Leave(ret);
  1114 					SetReply(reply);
  1115 					}
  1116 					break;
  1117 				case EWsAnimDllOpCommand:
  1118 					TRAP(ret,anim->Anim()->Command(*((TInt *)(pData.UInt+1)),(TAny *)(pData.UInt+2)));
  1119 					if (ret!=KErrNone && ret!=CWsClient::EPanicLeave)
  1120 						OwnerPanic(EWservPanicAnimLeave);
  1121 					anim->UserDeactivateAnimGc();
  1122 					break;
  1123 				case EWsAnimDllOpDestroyInstance:
  1124 					if (anim) // Added to go with changes described above
  1125 						Remove(*pData.UInt);
  1126 					break;
  1127 				default:
  1128 					break;
  1129 				}
  1130 			}
  1131 			break;
  1132 		default:
  1133 			OwnerPanic(EWservPanicOpcode);
  1134 		}
  1135 	}
  1137 CAnimFbsFont::~CAnimFbsFont()
  1138 	{}
  1140 CAnimFbsFont::CAnimFbsFont()
  1141 	{}
  1143 CAnimFbsFont* CAnimFbsFont::NewL(TInt aHandle,TInt& aError)
  1144 	{
  1145 	CAnimFbsFont *font=new(ELeave) CAnimFbsFont();
  1146 	font->iAccessCount=1;
  1147 	aError=font->Duplicate(aHandle);
  1148 	if (aError!=KErrNone)
  1149 		{
  1150 		delete font;
  1151 		font=NULL;
  1152 		}
  1153 	return(font);
  1154 	}
  1156 void CAnimFbsFont::Open()
  1157 	{
  1158 	iAccessCount++;
  1159 	}
  1161 void CAnimFbsFont::Close()
  1162 	{
  1163 	if (--iAccessCount==0)
  1164 		delete this;
  1165 	}
  1168 /*MAnimGeneralFunctions*/
  1169 void MAnimGeneralFunctions::Reserved1() const
  1170 	{}
  1172 void MAnimGeneralFunctions::Reserved2() const
  1173 	{}
  1175 void MAnimGeneralFunctions::Reserved3() const
  1176 	{}
  1179 /*MAnimGeneralFunctionsExtension*/
  1181 void MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::Reserved1() const
  1182 	{}
  1184 void MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::Reserved2() const
  1185 	{}
  1187 void MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::Reserved3() const
  1188 	{}
  1191 /*MAnimWindowFunctions*/
  1193 void MAnimWindowFunctions::Reserved() const
  1194 	{}
  1196 void MAnimWindowFunctions::Reserved1() const
  1197 	{}
  1199 void MAnimWindowFunctions::Reserved2() const
  1200 	{}
  1202 void MAnimWindowFunctions::Reserved3() const
  1203 	{}
  1206 /*MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions*/
  1208 void MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions::Reserved3() const
  1209 	{}
  1212 /*MAnimSpriteFunctions*/
  1214 void MAnimSpriteFunctions::Reserved() const
  1215 	{}
  1217 void MAnimSpriteFunctions::Reserved2() const
  1218 	{}
  1220 void MAnimSpriteFunctions::Reserved3() const
  1221 	{}
  1223 void MAnimSpriteFunctions::Reserved4() const
  1224 	{}	
  1226 /*MAnimGeneralFunctionsEventExtension*/
  1228 void MAnimGeneralFunctionsEventExtension::Reserved1() const
  1229 	{}
  1231 void MAnimGeneralFunctionsEventExtension::Reserved2() const
  1232 	{}