changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
child 26 15986eb6c500
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Window server 'server' class
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "server.h"
    19 #include "panics.h"
    20 #include "wstop.h"
    21 #include "EVENT.H"
    22 #include <Graphics/WSGRAPHICDRAWERINTERFACE.H>
    23 #include <bitdraw.h>
    24 #include <hal.h>
    25 #include "inifile.h"
    26 #include "wspluginmanager.h"
    28 GLREF_D CDebugLogBase *wsDebugLog;
    30 const TUint KRangeCount = 1; 
    31 // We use a lot of 64 bit time calculations, but a periodic can only cope with signed 32 bit times
    32 // which gives them a limit of about 35 minutes.
    33 // Fortunately, our animtions are safe if redrawn early.  Every half an hour isn't going to hurt.
    34 const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds KHalfHour = 30 * 60 * 1000 * 1000;
    36 const TInt KWsServRanges[KRangeCount] = 
    37 	{	
    38 	0
    39 	};
    41 const TUint8 KElementsIndex[KRangeCount] =
    42 	{
    43 	CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass,		
    44 	};
    46 const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement KPolicyElements[] = 
    47 	{ 
    48 	{_INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(ECapabilityPowerMgmt), CPolicyServer::EFailClient}, 
    49 	{_INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(ECapabilitySwEvent), CPolicyServer::EFailClient}, 
    50 	{_INIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(ECapabilityWriteDeviceData), CPolicyServer::EFailClient} 
    51 	};
    53 const CPolicyServer::TPolicy KWsServPolicy =
    54 	{
    55 	CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, 
    56 	KRangeCount,
    57 	KWsServRanges,
    58 	KElementsIndex,
    59 	KPolicyElements 	
    60 	};
    62 // CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    64 class CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler: public CBase, public MWsAnimationScheduler
    65 	{
    66 public:
    67 	enum TInactivityBehaviour
    68 		{
    69 		EStopAnimation,
    70 		EStopAllDrawing,
    71 		EIgnore,
    72 		};
    73 	class CKickBack;
    74 	CDefaultAnimationScheduler(MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& aEnv);
    75 	~CDefaultAnimationScheduler();
    76 	void ConstructL();		//LeaveScan:  member of nested class declaration
    77 	// implementing MWsAnimationScheduler
    78 	void ScheduleAnimation(MWsScreen& aScreen,const TTime& aWhen);
    79 	void UnscheduleAnimation(MWsScreen& aScreen);
    80 	void Invalidate(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId);
    81 	void OnInactive();
    82 	void OnActive();
    83 	void ScheduleRedraw(MWsScreen& aScreen,const TTime& aWhen);
    84 	void DoRedrawNow(MWsScreen& aScreen);
    85 	TInt RemoveGraphicDrawer(const TGraphicDrawerId &aId);
    87 private:
    88 	static TBool OnIdleCallBack(TAny* aAny);
    89 	void OnIdleCallBack(TBool aForceRedraw);
    90 	static TBool OnTickCallBack(TAny* aAny);
    91 	void OnTickCallBack();
    92 	static TBool OnKickBack(TAny* aAny);
    93 	void OnKickBack();
    94 private:
    95 	MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& iEnv;
    96 	static const TInt64 KRedrawGrace;
    97 	static const TInt64 KAnimationGrace;
    98 	static const TInt64 KDsaAnimationGrace;
    99 	CAsyncCallBack* iIdleInitiator;
   100 	CPeriodic* iTick;
   101 	CKickBack* iKickBack;
   102 	struct TSchedule
   103 		{
   104 		MWsScreen* iScreen; // used as a unique index, searching with FindInUnsignedKeyOrder
   105 		TBool iSchedule;
   106 		TTime iWhen;
   107 		TInt iGeneration;
   108 		};
   109 	RArray<TSchedule> iSchedule;
   110 	TInt iGeneration;
   111 	RArray<TGraphicDrawerId> iInvalidated;
   112 	TBool iInvalidateAll; // if we could not add to iInvalidated, we have to instead redraw everything
   113 	TTime iWhenDesired;
   114 	TBool iInactive;
   115 	TBool iInactiveDraws;
   116 	TTime iExpectedTime;
   117 	TBool iRedrawScheduled;
   118 	TInt64 iRedrawGracePeriod;
   119 	TInt64 iAnimationGracePeriod;
   120 	TInt64 iDsaAnimationGracePeriod;
   121 	TInactivityBehaviour iInactivityBehaviour;
   122 	};
   124 TInt CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::RemoveGraphicDrawer(const TGraphicDrawerId &aId)
   125 	{
   126 	TInt index=iInvalidated.Find(aId);
   127 	if (index!=KErrNotFound)
   128 		iInvalidated.Remove(index);
   129 	return index;
   130 	}	
   132 class CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack: public CActive
   133 	{
   134 public:
   135 	CKickBack(const TCallBack& aCallBack);
   136 	void ConstructL();
   137 	void RequestKickBack();
   138 	~CKickBack();
   139 private:
   140 	static TInt IdleThreadFunc(TAny* aAny);
   141 	void Loop();
   142 	// from CActive
   143 	void RunL(); // fires when kicked back by the idle thread
   144 	void DoCancel();
   145 private:
   146 	RThread iWservThread;
   147 	RThread iIdleThread;
   148 	TRequestStatus iIdleStatus;
   149 	TCallBack iCallBack;
   150 	};
   152 CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::CKickBack(const TCallBack& aCallBack) :
   153 CActive(EPriorityNormal),
   154 iCallBack(aCallBack)
   155 	{
   156 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   157 	}
   159 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::ConstructL()
   160 	{
   161 	_LIT(KIdleThreadName,"NearlyIdleKickBack");
   162 	const TInt KStackSize = 1024;
   163 	User::LeaveIfError(iWservThread.Open(iWservThread.Id()));
   164 	User::LeaveIfError(iIdleThread.Create(KIdleThreadName(),IdleThreadFunc,KStackSize,NULL,this));
   165 	iIdleThread.SetPriority(EPriorityAbsoluteVeryLow);
   166 	iIdleThread.Resume();
   167 	}
   169 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::RequestKickBack()
   170 	{
   171 	if (!IsActive())
   172 		{
   173 		iStatus = KRequestPending;
   174 		SetActive();
   175 		TRequestStatus * status = &iIdleStatus;
   176 		iIdleThread.RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   177 		}
   178 	}
   180 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::Loop()
   181 	{
   182 	FOREVER
   183 		{
   184 		// This is used here for performance reasons. 
   185 		User::WaitForRequest(iIdleStatus); 
   186 		iIdleStatus = KRequestPending;
   187 		if (IsActive()&& (iStatus == KRequestPending))
   188 			{
   189 			TRequestStatus * status = &iStatus;
   190 			iWservThread.RequestComplete(status,KErrNone);
   191 			}
   192 		}
   193 	}
   195 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::RunL()
   196 	{
   197 	iCallBack.CallBack();
   198 	}
   200 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::DoCancel()
   201 	{
   202 	}
   204 CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::~CKickBack()
   205 	{
   206 	Cancel();
   207 	iWservThread.Close();
   208 	iIdleThread.Kill(0);
   209 	iIdleThread.Close();
   210 	}
   212 TInt CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CKickBack::IdleThreadFunc(TAny* aAny)
   213 	{
   214 	CKickBack* owner = reinterpret_cast<CKickBack*>(aAny);
   215 	ASSERT(owner);
   216 	if(owner)
   217 		{
   218 		owner->Loop();
   219 		}
   220 	return KErrNone;
   221 	}
   223 // If using the default animation scheduler on a device, these two numbers may be worth tweaking in the inifile
   224 // However, both are maximum periods - wserv will go faster than either if nothing else is using the system.
   225 const TInt64 CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::KRedrawGrace = 0; // do redraws immediately
   226 const TInt64 CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::KAnimationGrace = 35000; // insist upon 35ms grace for other threads to run when animating
   227 const TInt64 CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::KDsaAnimationGrace = 35000; // insist upon 35ms grace for other threads to run when animating during DSA
   229 CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::CDefaultAnimationScheduler(MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& aEnv):
   230 	iEnv(aEnv), iSchedule(1,_FOFF(TSchedule,iScreen))
   231 	{
   232 	}
   234 CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::~CDefaultAnimationScheduler()
   235 	{
   236 	iSchedule.Close();
   237 	iInvalidated.Close();
   238 	delete iKickBack;
   239 	delete iIdleInitiator;
   240 	delete iTick;
   241 	}
   243 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::ConstructL()
   244 	{
   245 	_LIT(KOnInactive,"ONINACTIVE");
   246 	_LIT(KStopAnimation,"STOPANIMATION");
   247 	_LIT(KStopAllDrawing,"STOPALLDRAWING");
   248 	_LIT(KIgnore,"IGNORE");
   250 	TPtrC inactivityBehaviourString;
   251 	WsIniFile->FindVar(KOnInactive,inactivityBehaviourString);
   252 	if(inactivityBehaviourString.CompareF(KStopAnimation)==0)
   253 		iInactivityBehaviour = EStopAnimation;
   254 	else if(inactivityBehaviourString.CompareF(KStopAllDrawing)==0)
   255 		iInactivityBehaviour = EStopAllDrawing;
   256 	else if(inactivityBehaviourString.CompareF(KIgnore)==0)
   257 		iInactivityBehaviour = EIgnore;
   259 	_LIT(KRedrawGracePeriod, "REDRAWGRACEPERIOD");
   260 	TInt tmp = KRedrawGrace;
   261 	WsIniFile->FindVar(KRedrawGracePeriod, tmp);
   262 	iRedrawGracePeriod = tmp;
   264 	_LIT(KAnimationGracePeriod, "ANIMATIONGRACEPERIOD");
   265 	tmp = KAnimationGrace;
   266 	WsIniFile->FindVar(KAnimationGracePeriod, tmp);
   267 	iAnimationGracePeriod = tmp;
   269 	_LIT(KDsaAnimationGracePeriod, "DSAANIMATIONGRACEPERIOD");
   270 	tmp = KDsaAnimationGrace;
   271 	WsIniFile->FindVar(KDsaAnimationGracePeriod, tmp);
   272 	iDsaAnimationGracePeriod = tmp;
   274 	iIdleInitiator = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(TCallBack(OnIdleCallBack,this),EWsGraphicAnimateAwaitIdlePriority);
   275 	iTick = CPeriodic::NewL(EWsGraphicAnimatePriority);
   277 	_LIT(KDisableIdleAnimation, "DISABLEIDLEANIMATION");
   278 	if (!WsIniFile->FindVar(KDisableIdleAnimation))
   279 		{
   280 		iKickBack = new CKickBack(TCallBack(OnKickBack,this));
   281 		iKickBack->ConstructL();
   282 		}
   283 	}
   285 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::Invalidate(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId)
   286 	{
   287 	if(!iInvalidateAll)
   288 		{
   289 		switch(iInvalidated.InsertInOrder(aId,TLinearOrder<TGraphicDrawerId>(TGraphicDrawerId::Compare)))
   290 			{
   291 			case KErrNone:
   292 				break;
   293 			case KErrAlreadyExists:
   294 				break;
   295 			default:
   296 				iInvalidateAll = ETrue;
   297 				iInvalidated.Reset();
   298 			}
   299 		}
   300 	iIdleInitiator->CallBack();
   301 	}
   303 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::OnInactive()
   304 	{
   305 	iInactive = ETrue;
   306 	}
   308 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::OnActive()
   309 	{
   310 	iInactive = EFalse;
   311 	if(iInactiveDraws)
   312 		{
   313 		iInactiveDraws = EFalse;
   314 		iIdleInitiator->CallBack();
   315 		}
   316 	}
   318 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::ScheduleRedraw(MWsScreen& aScreen,const TTime& aWhen)
   319 	{
   320 	iRedrawScheduled = ETrue;
   321 	ScheduleAnimation(aScreen, aWhen);
   322 	}
   324 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::DoRedrawNow(MWsScreen& /*aScreen*/)
   325 	{
   326 	OnIdleCallBack(ETrue);
   327 	}
   329 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::ScheduleAnimation(MWsScreen& aScreen,const TTime& aWhen)
   330 	{
   331 	TSchedule schedule;
   332 	schedule.iScreen = &aScreen;
   333 	schedule.iSchedule = ETrue;
   334 	schedule.iWhen = aWhen;
   335 	schedule.iGeneration = iGeneration;
   336 	TBool ok = EFalse;
   337 	const TInt idx = iSchedule.FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(schedule);
   338 	if(0 <= idx)
   339 		{
   340 		if(iSchedule[idx].iSchedule)
   341 			{
   342 			if(iSchedule[idx].iWhen > aWhen)
   343 				{
   344 				iSchedule[idx].iWhen = aWhen;
   345 				}
   346 			}
   347 		else
   348 			{
   349 			iSchedule[idx] = schedule;
   350 			}
   351 		iSchedule[idx].iGeneration = iGeneration;
   352 		ok = ETrue;
   353 		}
   354 	else
   355 		{
   356 		ok = (KErrNone == iSchedule.InsertInUnsignedKeyOrder(schedule));
   357 		}
   358 	if(ok)
   359 		{
   360 		//If the animation runs at very high rate which exceeds the rate WSERV can 
   361 		//perform the rendering, it is possible that WSERV animation loop will monopolize  
   362 		//processor time. 
   363   		User::After(0);	// to yeild from the animation loop 
   365 		iIdleInitiator->CallBack();
   366 		}
   367 	}
   369 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::UnscheduleAnimation(MWsScreen& aScreen)
   370 	{
   371 	TSchedule schedule;
   372 	schedule.iScreen = &aScreen;
   373 	const TInt idx = iSchedule.FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(schedule);
   374 	if(0 <= idx)
   375 		{
   376 		iSchedule[idx].iSchedule = EFalse;
   377 		}
   378 	}
   380 TBool CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::OnIdleCallBack(TAny* aAny)
   381 	{
   382 	CDefaultAnimationScheduler* self = reinterpret_cast<CDefaultAnimationScheduler*>(aAny);
   383 	ASSERT(self);
   384 	if(self)
   385 		{
   386 		self->OnIdleCallBack(EFalse);
   387 		}
   388 	return EFalse; //ignored by caller
   389 	}
   391 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::OnIdleCallBack(TBool aForceRedraw)
   392 	{
   393 	TBool wasActive = EFalse;
   394 	if (iTick->IsActive())
   395 		{
   396 		wasActive = ETrue;
   397 		iTick->Cancel(); // stop ticker, as we'll reschedule if necessary
   398 		}
   399 	if (aForceRedraw)
   400 		{
   401 		// Don't need to update iExpectedTime as we will not schedule a tick.
   402 		// Don't need to update iWhenDesired as we will not schedule a kick-back.
   403 		OnTickCallBack();
   404 		return;
   405 		}
   406 	TBool tick = (iInvalidateAll || iInvalidated.Count());
   407 	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds next = 0LL;
   408 	const TInt count = iSchedule.Count();
   409 	TTime now;
   410 	now.UniversalTime();
   411 	if(count)
   412 		{
   413 		// work out the next wanted tick
   414 		TBool animTick = EFalse;
   415 		for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
   416 			{
   417 			if(iSchedule[i].iSchedule)
   418 				{
   419 				const TTime when = iSchedule[i].iWhen;
   420 				const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds fromNow = when.MicroSecondsFrom(now);
   421 				if(!animTick || (fromNow < next))
   422 					{
   423 					animTick = ETrue;
   424 					tick = ETrue;
   425 					next = fromNow;
   426 					iWhenDesired = when;
   427 					}
   428 				}
   429 			}
   430 		}
   431 	if(tick)
   432 		{
   433 		TInt64 grace;
   434 		if (iRedrawScheduled)
   435 			grace = iRedrawGracePeriod;
   436 		else if (EFalse) // DSA active
   437 			grace = iDsaAnimationGracePeriod;
   438 		else
   439 			grace = iAnimationGracePeriod;
   440 		if (wasActive)
   441 			{
   442 			TInt64 minimum = iExpectedTime.MicroSecondsFrom(now).Int64();
   443 			if (minimum >= 0 && grace > minimum)
   444 				grace = minimum;
   445 			}
   447 		if (next.Int64() <= 0)
   448 			next = 0LL ;  // No kickback/tick is needed. Make sure next == default grace period.
   450 		if(next < grace)
   451 			{
   452 			next = grace;
   453 			if (iKickBack)
   454 				iKickBack->RequestKickBack();
   455 			}
   456 		else if (next > KHalfHour)
   457 			next = KHalfHour;
   459 		iExpectedTime=now + next;
   460 		if (next.Int64() > 0)
   461 			{
   462 			iTick->Start(next.Int64(),0,TCallBack(OnTickCallBack,this));
   463 			}
   464 		else
   465 			{
   466 			OnTickCallBack(); // scheduling for 0 doesn't actually execute immediately
   467 			}
   468 		}
   469 	}
   471 TBool CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::OnKickBack(TAny* aAny)
   472 	{
   473 	CDefaultAnimationScheduler* self = reinterpret_cast<CDefaultAnimationScheduler*>(aAny);
   474 	ASSERT(self);
   475 	if(self)
   476 		{
   477 		self->OnKickBack();
   478 		}
   479 	return EFalse; //ignored by caller
   480 	}
   482 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::OnKickBack()
   483 	{
   484 	if (iTick->IsActive())
   485 		{
   486 		iTick->Cancel();
   487 		TTime now;
   488 		now.UniversalTime();
   490 		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds fromNow = iWhenDesired.MicroSecondsFrom(now);
   492 		if (fromNow < 0)
   493 			{
   494 			OnTickCallBack();
   495 			}
   496 		else
   497 			{
   498 			if (fromNow > KHalfHour)
   499 				fromNow = KHalfHour;
   500 			iTick->Start(fromNow.Int64(),0,TCallBack(OnTickCallBack, this));
   501 			}
   502 		}
   503 	}
   505 TBool CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::OnTickCallBack(TAny* aAny)
   506 	{
   507 	CDefaultAnimationScheduler* self = reinterpret_cast<CDefaultAnimationScheduler*>(aAny);
   508 	ASSERT(self);
   509 	if(self)
   510 		{
   511 		self->OnTickCallBack();
   512 		}
   513 	return EFalse;
   514 	}
   516 void CWindowServer::CDefaultAnimationScheduler::OnTickCallBack()
   517 	{
   518 	iTick->Cancel();
   520 	switch(iInactivityBehaviour)
   521 		{
   522 		case EStopAnimation :
   523 			// only client redraws if inactive. server side drawing stopped.
   524 			if(iInactive && !iRedrawScheduled) 
   525 				{
   526 				iInactiveDraws = ETrue;
   527 				return;
   528 				}
   529 			break;
   530 		case EStopAllDrawing :
   531 			// if screen off, stop both client and server side drawing.
   532 			if(iInactive) 
   533 				{
   534 				iInactiveDraws = ETrue;
   535 				return;
   536 				}
   537 			break;
   538 		case EIgnore :
   539 		default :
   540 			// ignore inactivity and draw as normal
   541 			break;
   542 		}
   544 	iRedrawScheduled = EFalse;
   546 	TTime now;
   547 	now.UniversalTime();
   548 	CWsActiveScheduler::Static()->AccumReclaimedIdleTime(Max(0LL,now.MicroSecondsFrom(iExpectedTime).Int64()));
   550 	TInt drewCount = 0;
   551 	TInt scheduledCount = 0;
   552 	/* first redraw any screens that are affected by invalidated graphic IDs */
   553 	if(iInvalidateAll || iInvalidated.Count())
   554 		{
   555 		// cancel idle callback if it's already scheduled as we're going to redraw all invalidated 
   556 		// request at this point and clear invalidated array
   557 		if (iIdleInitiator->IsActive())
   558 			iIdleInitiator->Cancel();
   559 		const TArray<TGraphicDrawerId> invalidArray = iInvalidated.Array();
   560 		const TInt screenCount = iEnv.ScreenCount();
   561 		for(TInt i=0; i<screenCount; i++)
   562 			{
   563 			MWsScreen* screen = iEnv.Screen(i);
   564 			if(screen)
   565 				{
   566 				drewCount++;
   567 				if(iInvalidateAll)
   568 					{
   569 					Redraw(*screen);
   570 					}
   571 				else
   572 					{
   573 					RedrawInvalid(*screen,invalidArray);
   574 					}
   575 				}
   576 			}
   577 		iInvalidateAll = EFalse;
   578 		iInvalidated.Reset();
   579 		}
   580 	/* iSchedule might resize during this call because an Animate() on a screen might reschedule another animation etc */
   581 	TInt generation = iGeneration++;
   582 	TBool drew;
   583 	do
   584 		{
   585 		drew = EFalse;
   586 		const TInt count = iSchedule.Count();
   587 		for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
   588 			{
   589 			if(iSchedule[i].iSchedule)
   590 				{
   591 				scheduledCount++;
   592 				if(iSchedule[i].iGeneration == generation)
   593 					{
   594 					iSchedule[i].iSchedule = EFalse; // denote not to tick; it can be rescheduled in the subsequent call to Animate()
   595 					Animate(*(iSchedule[i].iScreen));
   596 					drew = ETrue;
   597 					drewCount++;
   598 					break; // go back to outer do while(drew)
   599 					}
   600 				}
   601 			}
   602 		} while(drew);
   603 	__DEBUG_ONLY(
   604 		TBool idleIsActive = iIdleInitiator->IsActive();
   605 		if(scheduledCount || !drewCount)
   606 			{
   607 			TBool rescheduled = EFalse;
   608 			for(TInt i=0; i<iSchedule.Count(); i++)
   609 				{
   610 				rescheduled |= iSchedule[i].iSchedule;
   611 				}
   612 			if(!rescheduled)
   613 				{
   614 				//__DEBUGGER();
   615 				}
   616 			})
   617 	}
   619 // CWindowServer \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
   621 CWindowServer *CWindowServer::NewL()
   622 //
   623 // Create a new CWindowServer.
   624 //
   625 	{
   626 	CWindowServer* self = new(ELeave) CWindowServer();
   627 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   628 	self->ConstructL();
   629 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   630 	return self;
   631 	}
   633 CWindowServer::CWindowServer()
   634 //
   635 // Constructor.
   636 //
   637 	: CPolicyServer(EMainServerPriority,KWsServPolicy)
   638 	{
   639 	}
   641 CWindowServer::~CWindowServer()
   642 	{
   643 	iMemoryReleases.Reset();
   644 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iDrawerMasterIndex.IsEmpty(), EWsPanicWsGraphic);
   645 	iDrawerMasterIndex.Close();
   647 	delete iDefaultAnimationScheduler;
   648 	iDefaultAnimationScheduler = NULL; // might be called from clients during server destruction
   649 	iCustomAnimationScheduler = NULL; // not owned
   650 	delete iPluginManager;
   651 	}
   653 void CWindowServer::ConstructL()
   654 	{
   655 	iPluginManager = CWsPluginManager::NewL(*this);
   656 	iDefaultAnimationScheduler = new(ELeave) CDefaultAnimationScheduler(*this);
   657 	iDefaultAnimationScheduler->ConstructL();
   658 	RegisterMemoryRelease(this);
   659 	}
   661 /** Creates a new client for this server. */
   662 CSession2* CWindowServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion,const RMessage2& aMessage) const
   663 	{
   664 	TVersion v(KWservMajorVersionNumber,KWservMinorVersionNumber,KWservBuildVersionNumber);
   665 	if (User::QueryVersionSupported(v,aVersion)==EFalse)
   666 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   667 	RThread thread;
   668 	User::LeaveIfError(aMessage.Client(thread));
   669 	return(new(ELeave) CWsClient(thread));
   670 	}
   672 TInt CWindowServer::SessionCount()
   673 	{
   674 	iSessionIter.SetToFirst();
   675 	TInt count=0;
   676 	while(iSessionIter++)
   677 		count++;
   678 	return(count);
   679 	}
   681 const CWsGraphicDrawer* CWindowServer::ResolveGraphic(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId) const
   682 	{
   683 	return iDrawerMasterIndex.ResolveGraphic(aId);
   684 	}
   686 void CWindowServer::Invalidate(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId)
   687 	{
   688 	AnimationScheduler()->Invalidate(aId);
   689 	}
   691 TInt CWindowServer::ScreenCount() const
   692 	{
   693 	return CWsTop::NumberOfScreens();
   694 	}
   696 MWsScreen* CWindowServer::Screen(TInt aIndex)
   697 	{
   698 	if((aIndex >= 0) && (aIndex < ScreenCount()))
   699 		{
   700 		return CWsTop::Screen(aIndex);
   701 		}
   702 	return NULL;
   703 	}
   705 const MWsScreen* CWindowServer::Screen(TInt aIndex) const
   706 	{
   707 	if((aIndex >= 0) && (aIndex < ScreenCount()))
   708 		{
   709 		return CWsTop::Screen(aIndex);
   710 		}
   711 	return NULL;
   712 	}
   714 /**
   715 Custom Animation Scheduler
   716 */
   717 TBool CWindowServer::SetCustomAnimationScheduler(MWsAnimationScheduler* aScheduler)
   718 	{
   719 	if(!iCustomAnimationScheduler && aScheduler)
   720 		{
   721 		iCustomAnimationScheduler = aScheduler;
   722 		return ETrue;
   723 		}
   724 	return EFalse;
   725 	}
   727 TBool CWindowServer::HasCustomAnimationScheduler() const
   728 	{
   729 	return !!iCustomAnimationScheduler;
   730 	}
   732 TBool CWindowServer::ClearCustomAnimationScheduler(MWsAnimationScheduler* aCurrentScheduler)
   733 	{
   734 	if(iCustomAnimationScheduler && (iCustomAnimationScheduler == aCurrentScheduler))
   735 		{
   736 		iCustomAnimationScheduler = NULL;
   737 		return ETrue;
   738 		}
   739 	return EFalse;
   740 	}
   742 MWsAnimationScheduler* CWindowServer::AnimationScheduler()
   743 	{
   744 	if(iCustomAnimationScheduler)
   745 		{
   746 		return iCustomAnimationScheduler;
   747 		}
   748 	return iDefaultAnimationScheduler;
   749 	}
   751 TInt CWindowServer::RegisterEventHandler(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer, MWsEventHandler* aHandler, TUint32 aEventMask)
   752 	{
   753 	if (!aDrawer || !aHandler || aEventMask==0)
   754 		return KErrArgument;
   755 	TInt err = TWindowServerEvent::RegisterDrawerHandler(aDrawer, aEventMask);
   756 	if (err != KErrNone)
   757 		return err;
   758 	aDrawer->SetEventHandler(aHandler);
   759 	return KErrNone;
   760 	}
   762 TInt CWindowServer::UnregisterEventHandler(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer)
   763 	{
   764 	if (!aDrawer || (aDrawer && !aDrawer->HasEventHandler()))
   765 		return KErrArgument;
   766 	TInt err = TWindowServerEvent::UnregisterDrawerHandler(aDrawer);
   767 	if (err != KErrNone)
   768 		return err;
   769 	aDrawer->SetEventHandler(NULL);
   770 	return KErrNone;
   771 	}
   773 TInt CWindowServer::RegisterWsEventHandler(MWsEventHandler* aHandler, TUint32 aEventMask)
   774 	{
   775 	if (!aHandler || aEventMask==0)
   776 		return KErrArgument;
   777 	return TWindowServerEvent::RegisterWsEventHandler(aHandler, aEventMask);
   778 	}
   780 TInt CWindowServer::UnregisterWsEventHandler(MWsEventHandler* aHandler)
   781 	{
   782 	return TWindowServerEvent::UnregisterWsEventHandler(aHandler);
   783 	}
   785 TInt CWindowServer::RegisterRawEventHandler(MEventHandler* aHandler)
   786 	{
   787 	if (!aHandler)
   788 		return KErrArgument;
   789 	TRAPD(err, TWindowServerEvent::PotentialEventHandlerL(1));
   790 	if (err != KErrNone)
   791 		return err;
   792 	TWindowServerEvent::AddEventHandler(aHandler);
   793 	return KErrNone;
   794 	}
   796 void CWindowServer::UnregisterRawEventHandler(MEventHandler* aHandler)
   797 	{
   798 	TWindowServerEvent::RemoveEventHandler(aHandler);
   799 	TWindowServerEvent::PotentialEventHandlerL(-1); // can't leave for -1
   800 	}
   802 void CWindowServer::PostRawEvent(const TRawEvent & aEvent)
   803 	{
   804 	TWindowServerEvent::ProcessRawEvent(aEvent);
   805 	}
   807 void CWindowServer::PostKeyEvent(const TKeyEvent & aEvent)
   808 	{
   809 	TWindowServerEvent::ProcessKeyEvent(aEvent, 0);
   810 	}
   812 TAny* CWindowServer::ResolveObjectInterface(TUint aTypeId)
   813 	{
   814 	switch(aTypeId)
   815 		{
   816 		case MWsActiveSchedulerDebug::EWsObjectInterfaceId:
   817 			return static_cast<MWsActiveSchedulerDebug*>(CWsActiveScheduler::Static());
   818 		case MWsIniFile::EWsObjectInterfaceId:
   819 			return static_cast<MWsIniFile*>(WsIniFile);
   820 		case MWsRawEventServer::EWsObjectInterfaceId:
   821 			return static_cast<MWsRawEventServer*>(this);
   822 		}
   824 	if (iPluginManager)
   825 		return iPluginManager->ResolveObjectInterface(aTypeId);
   827 	return NULL;
   828 	}
   830 void CWindowServer::Log(TInt aPriority,const TDesC &aFmt,TInt aParam)
   831 	{
   832 	if (wsDebugLog)
   833 		{
   834 		wsDebugLog->MiscMessage(aPriority, aFmt, aParam);
   835 		}
   836 	}
   838 // CWsGraphicDrawer master index
   840 TInt CWindowServer::AddGraphicDrawer(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer)
   841 	{
   842 	return iDrawerMasterIndex.Add(aDrawer);
   843 	}
   845 TInt CWindowServer::SwapGraphicDrawer(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer)
   846 	{
   847 	return iDrawerMasterIndex.Swap(aDrawer);
   848 	}
   850 TInt CWindowServer::RemoveGraphicDrawer(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId)
   851 	{
   852 	iDefaultAnimationScheduler->RemoveGraphicDrawer(aId);
   853 	return iDrawerMasterIndex.Remove(aId);
   854 	}
   856 TInt CWindowServer::RemoveAllGraphicDrawers(const MWsClient& aOwner)
   857 	{
   858 	return iDrawerMasterIndex.RemoveAll(aOwner);
   859 	}
   861 CWsPluginManager* CWindowServer::PluginManager()
   862 	{
   863 	return iPluginManager;
   864 	}
   866 TInt CWindowServer::RegisterMemoryRelease(MWsMemoryRelease * aMemoryRelease)
   867 	{
   868 	return iMemoryReleases.Append(aMemoryRelease);
   869 	}
   871 void CWindowServer::UnregisterMemoryRelease(MWsMemoryRelease * aMemoryRelease)
   872 	{
   873 	for (TInt i = iMemoryReleases.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
   874 		{
   875 		if (iMemoryReleases[i] == aMemoryRelease)
   876 			{
   877 			iMemoryReleases.Remove(i);
   878 			break;
   879 			}
   880 		}
   881 	}
   883 TBool CWindowServer::ReleaseMemory(TMemoryReleaseLevel aLevel)
   884 	{
   885 	return CWsWindow::ReleaseMemory(aLevel);
   886 	}
   888 TBool CWindowServer::ReleaseMemory()
   889 	{
   890 	TBool released = EFalse;
   891 	for (TInt level = MWsMemoryRelease::ELow; !released && level <= MWsMemoryRelease::EHigh; ++level)
   892 		{
   893 		for (TInt i = iMemoryReleases.Count() - 1; !released && i >= 0; --i)
   894 			{
   895 			released = iMemoryReleases[i]->ReleaseMemory(static_cast<TMemoryReleaseLevel>(level));
   896 			}
   897 		}
   898 	return released;
   899 	}