changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:5d03bc08d59c
     1 // Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Sprite
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include <e32std.h>
    19 #include "sprite.h"
    20 #include "rootwin.h"
    21 #include "windowgroup.h"
    22 #include "ScrDev.H"
    23 #include "wstop.h"
    24 #include "ANIM.H"
    25 #include "offscreenbitmap.h"
    26 #include "panics.h"
    27 #include "EVENT.H"
    29 static const TInt64 KFlashHalfSecond(500000); //interval for flashing sprites
    31 GLDEF_D CWsDeltaTimer *CWsSpriteBase::iDeltaTimer=NULL;
    33 TInt TimerCallBack(TAny *aPtr)
    34 	{
    35 	((CWsSpriteBase *)aPtr)->TimerExpired();
    36 	return(KErrNone);
    37 	}
    39 //
    40 // CWsSpriteMember
    41 //
    43 CWsSpriteMember::CWsSpriteMember()
    44 	{
    45 	}
    47 CWsSpriteMember::~CWsSpriteMember()
    48 	{
    49 	delete iBitmap;
    50 	delete iMaskBitmap;
    51 	}
    53 TBool CWsSpriteMember::SetL(const TCmdSpriteMember &aCmdSpriteMember)
    54 	{
    55 	if (aCmdSpriteMember.iBitmap!=0)	// Null member of sequence, time is only valid field in member data
    56 		{
    57 		iBitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
    58 		TInt ret = iBitmap->Duplicate(aCmdSpriteMember.iBitmap);
    59 		if (ret == KErrNoMemory)
    60 			{
    61 			User::Leave(ret);
    62 			}
    63 		if (ret != KErrNone)
    64 			return(ETrue);
    66 		if (aCmdSpriteMember.iMaskBitmap)
    67 			{
    68 			iMaskBitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
    69 			TInt ret = iMaskBitmap->Duplicate(aCmdSpriteMember.iMaskBitmap);
    70 			if (ret == KErrNoMemory)
    71 				{
    72 				User::Leave(ret);
    73 				}
    74 			if (ret != KErrNone)
    75 				return(ETrue);
    76 			}
    77 		iInvertMask=aCmdSpriteMember.iInvertMask;
    78 		iDrawMode=aCmdSpriteMember.iDrawMode;
    79 		iOffset=aCmdSpriteMember.iOffset;
    80 		}
    81 	iInterval=aCmdSpriteMember.iInterval;
    82 	return(EFalse);
    83 	}
    85 //
    86 // CWsSpriteBase
    87 //
    89 TBool CWsSpriteBase::UpdateMemberL(CWsSpriteMember *aMember, const TCmdSpriteMember &aCmdSpriteMember)
    90 	{
    91 	CFbsBitmap *old=aMember->iBitmap;
    92 	CFbsBitmap *oldMask=aMember->iMaskBitmap;
    93 	aMember->iBitmap=NULL;
    94 	aMember->iMaskBitmap=NULL;
    95 	TBool ret=EFalse;
    96 	TRAPD(err,ret=aMember->SetL(aCmdSpriteMember));
    97 	if (err!=KErrNone)
    98 		{
    99 um_error:
   100 		delete aMember->iBitmap;
   101 		delete aMember->iMaskBitmap;
   102 		aMember->iBitmap=old;
   103 		aMember->iMaskBitmap=oldMask;
   104 		User::Leave(err);
   105 		}
   106 	TRAP(err,CheckSizesL());
   107 	if (err!=KErrNone)
   108 		goto um_error;
   109 	SetMember(0);
   110 	delete old;
   111 	delete oldMask;
   112 	return(ret);
   113 	}
   115 void CWsSpriteBase::InitStaticsL()
   116 	{
   117 	iDeltaTimer=CWsDeltaTimer::NewL(ESpriteAnimatePriority);
   118 	}
   120 void CWsSpriteBase::DeleteStatics()
   121 	{
   122 	delete iDeltaTimer;
   123 	}
   125 CWsSpriteBase::CWsSpriteBase(CWsClient *owner, WH_HANDLES aType) : CWsScreenObject(owner,aType,owner->Screen()), iClipSprite(EFalse)
   126 	{
   127 	}
   129 CWsSpriteBase::~CWsSpriteBase()
   130 	{
   131 	Deactivate();
   133 	//iDeltaTimer->Remove(iDeltaTimerEntry);
   134 	if (iMembers)
   135 		{
   136 		iMembers->ResetAndDestroy();
   137 		delete iMembers;
   138 		}
   139 	}
   141 void CWsSpriteBase::ForceRedraw()
   142 	{
   143     TRegionFix<1> region;
   144     region.AddRect(Rect());
   145     Screen()->AddRedrawRegion(region);
   146 	}
   148 void CWsSpriteBase::Deactivate()
   149 	{
   150 	//Disconnect from the sprite list and hide the sprite
   151 	if (iFlags & ESpriteActive)
   152 		{
   153 		if(iWin)
   154 			iWin->RemoveSprite(this);
   155 		if (iMembers && iMembers->Count()>1)
   156 			iDeltaTimer->Remove(iDeltaTimerEntry);
   157 		iFlags&=~ESpriteActive;
   158 		if (iFloating)
   159 			{
   160 			Screen()->SpriteManager()->RemoveFloatingSprite(this);
   161 			ForceRedraw();
   162 			}	
   163 		}
   164 	}
   166 void CWsSpriteBase::CheckSizesL()
   167 	{
   168 	iMaxSize.SetSize(0,0);
   169 	for(TInt index=0;index<iMembers->Count();index++)
   170 		{
   171 		CWsSpriteMember *wsm=(*iMembers)[index];
   172 		if (wsm->iBitmap)
   173 			{
   174 			TSize size=wsm->iBitmap->SizeInPixels();
   175 			if (wsm->iMaskBitmap)
   176 				{
   177 				TSize maskSize=wsm->iMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels();
   178 				if (maskSize.iWidth<size.iWidth || maskSize.iHeight<size.iHeight)
   179 					OwnerPanic(EWservPanicMaskSize);
   180 				}
   181 			if (size.iWidth>iMaxSize.iWidth)
   182 				iMaxSize.iWidth=size.iWidth;
   183 			if (size.iHeight>iMaxSize.iHeight)
   184 				iMaxSize.iHeight=size.iHeight;
   185 			}
   186 		}
   187 	}
   189 void CWsSpriteBase::ConstructL(TUint aFlags, CWsWindow *aWindow)
   190 	{
   191 	// Common part of construct for both sprites and pointer cursors
   192 	iFlags=aFlags;
   193 /*
   194 	if (iFlags&ESpriteNoChildClip)
   195 		iLink.iPriority+=ENoChildPriorityBoost;
   196 	if (iFlags&ESpritePointer)
   197 		iLink.iPriority+=EPointerPriorityBoost;
   198 */
   199 	iWin=aWindow;
   200 	TCallBack callback(TimerCallBack,this);
   201 	iDeltaTimerEntry.Set(callback);
   202 	iMembers=new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CWsSpriteMember>(10);
   203 	}
   205 void CWsSpriteBase::AppendMemberL(const TCmdSpriteMember &aCmdSpriteMember)
   206 	{
   207 	CWsSpriteMember *&pwsm=iMembers->ExtendL();
   208 	pwsm=NULL;	// In case new leaves
   209 	pwsm=new(ELeave) CWsSpriteMember();
   210 	if (pwsm->SetL(aCmdSpriteMember))
   211 		OwnerPanic(EWservPanicBitmap);
   212 	}
   214 void CWsSpriteBase::CompleteL()
   215 	{
   216 	if (iMembers->Count() <= 0)
   217 		{
   218 		if(iWin)
   219 			iWin->OwnerPanic(EWservPanicNoSpriteMember);
   220 		//Not sure if this is a neccessary fall back if iWin is NULL.
   221 		else if(iWin==NULL && iGroupWin)
   222 			iGroupWin->OwnerPanic(EWservPanicNoSpriteMember);
   223 		}
   224 	else
   225 		{
   226 		iMembers->Compress();
   227 		CheckSizesL();
   228 		SetMember(0);
   229 		}
   230 	}
   232 void CWsSpriteBase::Activate()
   233 	{
   234 	if (iFlags&ESpriteDisabled)
   235 		{
   236 		iFlags&=~ESpriteDisabled;
   237 		}
   238 	if (iMembers->Count()>1)
   239 		{
   240 		QueueDeltaTimer();
   241 		iDeltaTimer->Activate();
   242 		}
   243 	iFlags|=ESpriteActive;
   244 	if(iWin)	
   245 		iWin->AddSprite(this);
   246 	Screen()->SpriteManager()->Schedule(this);
   247 	if(iFloating)
   248 		{
   249 		Screen()->SpriteManager()->AddFloatingSprite(this);
   250 		ForceRedraw();
   251 		}
   252 	}
   254 void CWsSpriteBase::SetMember(TInt aIndex)
   255 	{
   256 	iCurIndex=aIndex;
   257 	iPos=iBasePos+(*iMembers)[iCurIndex]->iOffset;
   258 	if ((*iMembers)[iCurIndex]->iBitmap)
   259 		iSize=(*iMembers)[iCurIndex]->iBitmap->SizeInPixels();
   260 	else
   261 		iSize.SetSize(0,0);
   263 	if (iSize.iWidth > iMaxSize.iWidth || iSize.iHeight > iMaxSize.iHeight)
   264 		{
   265 		WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, EWsPanicSpriteBitmapSizeChange);
   266 		CheckSizesL();
   267 		}
   268 	}
   270 void CWsSpriteBase::SetPos(const TPoint &aPos)
   271 	{
   272 	//Non-floating anim whose window is destroyed 
   273 	if (!iFloating && iWin==NULL) 
   274 		{ 
   275 		OwnerPanic(EWservPanicWindowDestroyed); 
   276 		} 
   278 	//Floating anim whose group window is destroyed 
   279 	if (iFloating  && iGroupWin==NULL) 
   280 		{ 
   281 		OwnerPanic(EWservPanicWindowDestroyed); 
   282 		}
   284 	iBasePos=aPos;
   285 	TPoint newPos(iBasePos+(*iMembers)[iCurIndex]->iOffset);
   286 	if (iPos!=newPos)
   287 		{
   288 		//Ensure the region covered by the sprite before as well as after the move gets scheduled for redraw
   289 		Screen()->SpriteManager()->Schedule(this);
   290 		iPos=newPos;
   291 		Screen()->SpriteManager()->Schedule(this);
   292 		}
   293 	}
   295 // Andy - replace delta timer with animation scheduling via screen
   296 void CWsSpriteBase::QueueDeltaTimer()
   297 	{
   298 	iDeltaTimer->Queue((*iMembers)[iCurIndex]->iInterval,iDeltaTimerEntry);
   299 	}
   301 void CWsSpriteBase::TimerExpired()
   302 	{
   303 	Screen()->SpriteManager()->Schedule(this);
   304 	SetMember((iCurIndex+1)==iMembers->Count() ? 0 : iCurIndex+1);
   305 	Screen()->SpriteManager()->Schedule(this);
   306 	QueueDeltaTimer();
   307 	iScreen->Update();
   308 	}
   310 TPoint CWsSpriteBase::Pos() const
   311 	{
   312 	if (iGroupWin || iWin==NULL)
   313 		{
   314 		return(iPos);
   315 		}
   316 	return(iPos+iWin->Origin());
   317 	}
   319 TRect CWsSpriteBase::Rect() const
   320 	{
   321 	TRect rect;
   322 	rect.iTl=Pos();
   323 	rect.iBr=rect.iTl+iSize;
   324 	return(rect);
   325 	}
   327 void CWsSpriteBase::CommandL(TInt aOpcode, const TAny *aCmdData)
   328 	{
   329 	TWsSpriteCmdUnion pData;
   331 	pData.any=aCmdData;
   332 	switch(aOpcode)
   333 		{
   334 		case EWsSpriteOpAppendMember:
   335 			AppendMemberL(*pData.SpriteMember);
   336 			break;
   337 		case EWsSpriteOpActivate:
   338 			if(!(iFlags&ESpriteActive))
   339 				{
   340 				CompleteL();
   341 				}
   342 			break;
   343 		case EWsSpriteOpUpdateMember:
   344 			if (pData.UpdateMember->index==iCurIndex)
   345 				{
   346 				TRect rect(Pos(), iMaxSize);
   347 				Screen()->SpriteManager()->Schedule(this,&rect);
   348 				}
   349 			break;
   350 		case EWsSpriteOpUpdateMember2:
   351 			{
   352 			Screen()->SpriteManager()->Schedule(this);
   353 			if (pData.UpdateMember->index<0 || pData.UpdateMember->index>=iMembers->Count())
   354 				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   355 			CWsSpriteMember *member=(*iMembers)[pData.UpdateMember->index];
   356 			TBool ret=EFalse;
   357 			TRAPD(err,ret=UpdateMemberL(member,pData.UpdateMember->data));
   358 			if (err==KErrNone)
   359 				{
   360 				TRAP(err,CheckSizesL());
   361 				SetMember(0);
   362 				}
   363 			Screen()->SpriteManager()->Schedule(this);
   364 			User::LeaveIfError(err);
   365 			if (ret)
   366 				OwnerPanic(EWservPanicBitmap);
   367 			}
   368 			break;
   369 		default:
   370 			OwnerPanic(EWservPanicOpcode);
   371 			break;
   372 		}
   373 	}
   375 TBool CWsSpriteBase::CanBeSeen() const
   376 	{
   377 	if(iWin)
   378 		return (!(iFlags&ESpriteDisabled)) && (!iWin->VisibleRegion().IsEmpty());
   379 	else 
   380 		return (!(iFlags&ESpriteDisabled));
   381 	}
   383 void CWsSpriteBase::Redraw(CFbsBitGc * aGc, const TRegion& aRegion)
   384 	{
   385 	TFlashState currentState=EFlashOn;
   386 	if(IsFlashingEnabled())
   387 		currentState=Screen()->SpriteManager()->CurrentSpriteFlashState(this);
   389 	if(currentState==EFlashOn)
   390 		{
   391 		STACK_REGION region;
   392 		region.Copy(aRegion);
   393 		const TRegion * pr = &region;
   394 		if (iClipSprite)
   395 			{
   396 			//PeterI iWin shouldn't be null as iClipSprite is currently only set by the text cursor (which is never floating)
   397 			//but just in case make sure we don't derefernce if it is null.
   398 			TPoint origin(0,0);
   399 			if(iWin)
   400 				origin = iWin->Origin();
   401 			TRect rect(iBasePos + origin + iClipOffset, iClipSize);
   402 			region.ClipRect(rect);
   403 			}
   404 		region.ClipRect(RootWindow()->Abs());
   406 		// Only need to draw if the region being redrawn overlaps the sprite
   407 		const TRect spriteRect(Pos(), iSize);
   408 		STACK_REGION spriteRegion;
   409 		spriteRegion.AddRect(spriteRect);
   410 		region.Intersect(spriteRegion);
   411 		spriteRegion.Close();
   413 		if (pr->CheckError())
   414 			{
   415 			if(iWin)
   416 				pr = &iWin->VisibleRegion();
   417 			else
   418 				pr = &RootWindow()->WindowArea();
   419 			}
   421 		if (!pr->IsEmpty())
   422 			{
   423 			CWsSpriteMember *member=(*iMembers)[iCurIndex];
   424 			if (member->iBitmap)
   425 				{
   426 				aGc->SetClippingRegion(pr);
   428 				// Calculate which piece (rect) of the bitmap needs to be drawn
   429 				const TRect redrawRect = pr->BoundingRect();
   430 				TRect bitmapRect(spriteRect); // sprite rect relative to screen
   431 				bitmapRect.Intersection(redrawRect);
   432 				bitmapRect.Move(-Pos()); // adjust relative to bitmap origin
   434 				if (member->iMaskBitmap)
   435 					aGc->BitBltMasked(Pos() + bitmapRect.iTl, member->iBitmap, bitmapRect, member->iMaskBitmap, member->iInvertMask);
   436 				else
   437 					{
   438 					aGc->SetDrawMode(member->iDrawMode);
   439 					aGc->BitBlt(Pos() + bitmapRect.iTl, member->iBitmap, bitmapRect);
   440 					aGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
   441 					}
   442 				aGc->SetClippingRegion(NULL);
   443 				}
   444 			}
   445 		region.Close();
   446 		}
   447 	//flashing sprites need to reschedule themselves after drawing
   448 	if(IsFlashingEnabled())
   449 		Screen()->SpriteManager()->Schedule(this);
   450 	}
   452 TBool CWsSpriteBase::IsActivated() const
   453 	{
   454 	return (iFlags&ESpriteActive);
   455 	}
   457 //
   458 // CWsSprite
   459 //
   461 CWsSprite::CWsSprite(CWsClient *owner) : CWsSpriteBase(owner,WS_HANDLE_SPRITE)
   462 	{
   463 	}
   465 CWsSprite::~CWsSprite()
   466 	{
   467     if (!iFloating && IsActivated() && iWin && iWin->IsVisible())
   468         ForceRedraw();
   470 	if (iAnim)
   471 		CWsAnim::CloseAnim(iAnim);
   472 	}
   474 void CWsSprite::ConstructL(const TWsClCmdCreateSprite &aParams)
   475 	{
   476 	NewObjL();
   477 	CWsWindowBase *win;
   478 	WsOwner()->HandleToWindow(aParams.window,&win);
   479 	if (win->WinType()==EWinTypeGroup)
   480 		{
   481 		//If a sprite is attached to a group window it is floating. 
   482 		//Floating sprite drawing is performed by the sprite manager.
   483 		iGroupWin=(CWsWindowGroup *)win;
   484 		win=NULL; //Floating sprites aren't associated with any particular window.
   485 		iFloating=ETrue;
   486 		}
   487 	CWsSpriteBase::ConstructL(aParams.flags&ESpriteNonSystemFlags,(CWsWindow *)win);
   488 	iBasePos=aParams.pos;
   489 	}
   491 void CWsSprite::CompleteL()
   492 	{
   493 	CWsSpriteBase::CompleteL();
   494 	Activate();
   495 	}
   497 void CWsSprite::CommandL(TInt aOpcode, const TAny *aCmdData)
   498 	{
   499 	TWsSpriteCmdUnion pData;
   500 	pData.any=aCmdData;
   501 	switch(aOpcode)
   502 		{
   503 		case EWsSpriteOpSetPosition:
   504 			SetPos(*pData.Point);
   505 			break;
   506 		case EWsSpriteOpFree:
   507 			delete this;
   508 			break;
   509 		default:
   510 			CWsSpriteBase::CommandL(aOpcode, aCmdData);
   511 			break;
   512 		}
   513 	}
   515 /**
   516 @see MAnimSpriteFunctions::UpdateMember
   517 @param aFullUpdate	Not used. Wserv2 always do full back to front rendering, so there is no distinction between changes needing aFullUpdate or not 
   518  */
   519 void CWsSprite::Update(TInt aMember,TRect aRect,TBool /*aFullUpdate*/) 
   520 	{
   521 	if (iCurIndex!=aMember)
   522 		return;
   523 	aRect.Move(Pos());
   524 	aRect.Intersection(iScreen->CurrentScreenSize());
   525 	Screen()->SpriteManager()->Schedule(this, &aRect);
   526 	}
   528 //
   529 // CWsPointerCursor
   530 //
   532 CWsPointerCursor::CWsPointerCursor(CWsClient *owner) : CWsSpriteBase(owner,WS_HANDLE_POINTER_CURSOR)
   533 	{
   534 	}
   536 void CWsPointerCursor::CloseObject()
   537 	{
   538 	RemoveFromIndex();
   539 	Close();
   540 	}
   542 void CWsPointerCursor::Close()
   543 	{
   544 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iAccessCount>0, EWsPanicPointerCursorAccessCount);
   545 	if (--iAccessCount==0)
   546 		delete this;
   547 	}
   549 void CWsPointerCursor::Open()
   550 	{
   551 	iAccessCount++;
   552 	}
   554 CWsPointerCursor::~CWsPointerCursor()
   555 	{
   556 	WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iAccessCount==0, EWsPanicPointerCursorAccessCount);
   557 	}
   559 void CWsPointerCursor::ConstructL(const TWsClCmdCreatePointerCursor &aParams)
   560 	{
   561 	NewObjL();
   562 	CWsSpriteBase::ConstructL(ESpriteNoShadows|ESpriteNoChildClip|ESpritePointer|(aParams.flags&ESpriteNonSystemFlags),RootWindow());
   563 	Open();
   564 	}
   566 void CWsPointerCursor::CommandL(TInt aOpcode, const TAny *aCmdData)
   567 	{
   568 	switch(aOpcode)
   569 		{
   570 		case EWsSpriteOpFree:
   571 			CloseObject();
   572 			break;
   573 		default:
   574 			CWsSpriteBase::CommandL(aOpcode, aCmdData);
   575 			break;
   576 		}
   577 	}
   579 //
   580 // CWsCustomTextCursor
   581 //
   583 CWsCustomTextCursor::CWsCustomTextCursor (CWsClient *aOwner, RWsSession::TCustomTextCursorAlignment aAlignment) 
   584 : CWsSpriteBase(aOwner, WS_HANDLE_TEXT_CURSOR), iAlignment(aAlignment)
   585 	{
   586 	}
   588 CWsCustomTextCursor::~CWsCustomTextCursor()
   589 	{
   590 	}
   592 void CWsCustomTextCursor::ConstructL(TInt aFlags)
   593 	{
   594 	NewObjL();
   595 	CWsSpriteBase::ConstructL(ESpriteNoShadows|ESpriteNoChildClip|ESpritePointer|(aFlags&ESpriteNonSystemFlags), NULL);
   596 	}
   598 void CWsCustomTextCursor::CompleteL(CWsWindow *aWin, TBool aFlash, TBool aClipSprite, const TPoint& aClipOffset, const TSize& aClipSize)
   599 	{
   600 	iWin = aWin;
   601 	iFlags = aFlash ? iFlags | ESpriteFlash : iFlags & ~ESpriteFlash;
   602 	iClipSprite = aClipSprite;
   603 	iClipOffset = aClipOffset;
   604 	iClipSize = aClipSize;
   605 	CWsSpriteBase::CompleteL();
   606 	}
   608 // Use SetPositionNoRedraw instead of SetPos when you just want to update
   609 // the custom text cursor position without redrawing it
   610 void CWsCustomTextCursor::SetPositionNoRedraw(const TPoint& aPos)
   611 	{
   612 	iBasePos = aPos;
   613 	TPoint newPos(iBasePos+(*iMembers)[iCurIndex]->iOffset);
   614 	iPos=newPos;
   615 	}
   617 void CWsCustomTextCursor::CommandL(TInt aOpcode, const TAny *aCmdData)
   618 	{
   619 	switch(aOpcode)
   620 		{
   621 		case EWsSpriteOpFree:
   622 			// CWsCustomTextCursor objects are owned by the text cursor list.
   623 			// They are not deleted when the client closes it's R class.
   624 			RemoveFromIndex();
   625 			break;
   626 		default:
   627 			CWsSpriteBase::CommandL(aOpcode, aCmdData);
   628 			break;
   629 		}
   630 	}
   632 //
   633 // CWsDeltaTimer, nicked from CDeltaTimer and tweaked so it doesn't re-activate			//
   634 // the timers until RunL has finished running all ready timers.							//
   635 //																						//
   636 // This is to stop a problem in Wserv where sprites could hog 100% CPU if the time		//
   637 // it took to process them was longer than the time of the timer queued when the first	//
   638 // sprite was updated																	//
   639 //
   641 CWsDeltaTimer* CWsDeltaTimer::NewL(TInt aPriority)
   642 	{
   643 	CWsDeltaTimer* wsdt=new(ELeave) CWsDeltaTimer(aPriority);
   644 	CleanupStack::PushL(wsdt);
   645 	User::LeaveIfError(wsdt->iTimer.CreateLocal());
   646 	CActiveScheduler::Add(wsdt);
   647 	CleanupStack::Pop(wsdt);
   648 	return(wsdt);
   649 	}
   651 CWsDeltaTimer::CWsDeltaTimer(TInt aPriority) : CActive(aPriority),iQueue(_FOFF(TWsDeltaTimerEntry,iLink))
   652 	{
   653 	}
   655 CWsDeltaTimer::~CWsDeltaTimer()
   656 	{
   657 	Cancel();
   658 	while(iQueue.RemoveFirst()!=NULL)
   659 		{}
   660 	}
   662 void CWsDeltaTimer::Queue(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTimeInMicroSeconds,TWsDeltaTimerEntry& anEntry)
   663 	{
   664 	TInt intervals=aTimeInMicroSeconds.Int()/CWsDeltaTimerGranularity;
   665 	if (intervals==0)
   666 		intervals=1;
   667 	iQueue.Add(anEntry,intervals);
   668 	}
   670 void CWsDeltaTimer::Activate()
   671 	{
   672 	// Queue a request on the timer.
   673 	// The timer runs every tenth of a second and decremented the delta of the head of the queue.
   674 	if (IsActive())
   675 		return;
   676 	if (!iQueue.IsEmpty())
   677 		{
   678 		SetActive();
   679 		iTimer.After(iStatus,CWsDeltaTimerGranularity-1); // -1 to compensate for +1 in kernel!
   680 		}
   681 	}
   683 void CWsDeltaTimer::RunL()
   684 	{
   685 	// Call all zero delta callbacks
   686 	iQueue.CountDown();
   687 	TWsDeltaTimerEntry* ent=iQueue.RemoveFirst();
   688 	while (ent)
   689 		{       
   690 		ent->iCallBack.CallBack();
   691 		ent=iQueue.RemoveFirst();
   692 		}
   693 	Activate();
   694 	}
   696 void CWsDeltaTimer::DoCancel()
   697 	{
   698 	iTimer.Cancel();
   699 	}
   701 void CWsDeltaTimer::Remove(TWsDeltaTimerEntry& anEntry)
   702 	{
   703 	if (anEntry.IsPending())
   704 		{
   705 		iQueue.Remove(anEntry);
   706 		Activate();
   707 		}
   708 	}
   711 //
   712 // CWsSpriteManager -handles floating and flashing sprites including flashing custom text cursors. i.e. cursors
   713 //					that have an associated sprite.
   716 CWsSpriteManager::CWsSpriteManager()
   717 	{
   718 	}
   720 CWsSpriteManager::~CWsSpriteManager()
   721 	{
   722 	iFloatingSprites.ResetAndDestroy();
   723 	}
   725 CWsSpriteManager* CWsSpriteManager::NewL()
   726 	{
   727 	CWsSpriteManager* self = new (ELeave) CWsSpriteManager();
   728 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   729 	self->ConstructL();
   730 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   731 	return self;	
   732 	}
   734 void CWsSpriteManager::ConstructL()
   735 	{
   736 	}
   738 void CWsSpriteManager::AddFloatingSprite(CWsSpriteBase* aSprite)
   739 	{
   740 	iFloatingSprites.Append(aSprite);
   741 	}
   743 void CWsSpriteManager::RemoveFloatingSprite(CWsSpriteBase* aSprite)
   744 	{
   745 	for (TInt i=0 ; i<iFloatingSprites.Count() ; i++)
   746 		{
   747 		if(iFloatingSprites[i]==aSprite)
   748 			{
   749 			//Just remove the sprite don't delete it. the manager doesn't have ownership
   750 			iFloatingSprites.Remove(i); 
   751 			break;
   752 			}
   753 		}
   754 	}
   756 void CWsSpriteManager::DrawFloatingSprites(CFbsBitGc* aGc,const TRegion& aRegion)
   757 	{
   758 	for (TInt i=0 ; i<iFloatingSprites.Count() ; i++)
   759 		{
   760 		aGc->Reset();
   761 		iFloatingSprites[i]->Redraw(aGc, aRegion);
   762 		}
   763 	}
   765 void CWsSpriteManager::Schedule(CWsSpriteBase* aSprite, TRect* aRect)
   766 	{
   767 	if (aRect != NULL && aRect->IsEmpty())
   768 		return;
   770 	TRect rect = aSprite->Rect();
   771 	if (aRect)
   772 		rect.Intersection(*aRect);
   774 	if(aSprite->IsFlashingEnabled())
   775 		{
   776 		aSprite->Screen()->ScheduleAnimation(rect,NextSpriteFlashStateChange(aSprite),0,0);
   777 		}
   778 	else
   779 		{
   780 		//Scheduling an animation "now" means it will take place at next animation which might 
   781 		//be the full animation grace period into the future (see KAnimationGrace in server.cpp)
   782 		aSprite->Screen()->ScheduleAnimation(rect,0,0,0);
   783 		}
   784 	}	
   786 // Sprite flashing is clamped to half second intervals in relation to the global time.
   787 // For the first half of each second all sprites have the EFlashOn state (visible)
   788 // For the second half of each second all sprites have the EFlashOff state (not visible) 
   789 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CWsSpriteManager::NextSpriteFlashStateChange(const CWsSpriteBase* aSprite) const
   790 	{
   791 	const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds remainder = aSprite->Screen()->Now().DateTime().MicroSecond();
   792 	return CalculateTimeToNextFlash(remainder);
   793 	}
   795 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CWsSpriteManager::NextCursorFlashStateChange() const
   796 	{
   797 	const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds remainder = CWsTop::CurrentFocusScreen()->Now().DateTime().MicroSecond();
   798 	return CalculateTimeToNextFlash(remainder);
   799 	}
   801 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CWsSpriteManager::CalculateTimeToNextFlash(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aTime) const
   802 	{
   803 	TInt64 nextStateChange;
   804 	if(aTime<KFlashHalfSecond)
   805 		nextStateChange=KFlashHalfSecond-aTime.Int64();
   806 	else
   807 		nextStateChange=KFlashHalfSecond - (aTime.Int64() - KFlashHalfSecond);
   808 	return TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(nextStateChange);
   809 	}	
   811 TFlashState CWsSpriteManager::CurrentSpriteFlashState(const CWsSpriteBase* aSprite) const
   812 	{
   813 	return (aSprite->Screen()->Now().DateTime().MicroSecond()<KFlashHalfSecond)?EFlashOn:EFlashOff;
   814 	}
   816 TFlashState CWsSpriteManager::CurrentCursorFlashState() const
   817 	{
   818 	return (CWsTop::CurrentFocusScreen()->Now().DateTime().MicroSecond()<KFlashHalfSecond)?EFlashOn:EFlashOff;
   819 	}
   821 void CWsSpriteManager::CalcFloatingSpriteRgn( TRegion& aResultRgn, const TRect& aDefaultRect )
   822 	{
   823 	aResultRgn.Clear();
   824 	for (TInt i=0 ; i<iFloatingSprites.Count() && !aResultRgn.CheckError(); i++)
   825 		{
   826 		CWsSpriteBase* sprite = iFloatingSprites[i]; 
   827 		if ( sprite->CanBeSeen() && ( sprite->IsActive() || sprite->IsActivated() ) )
   828 			{
   829 			aResultRgn.AddRect( sprite->Rect() );
   830 			}
   831 		}
   832 	aResultRgn.Tidy();
   833 	if ( aResultRgn.CheckError() && iFloatingSprites.Count() > 0 )
   834 		{
   835 		aResultRgn.Clear();
   836 		aResultRgn.AddRect( aDefaultRect );
   837 		}
   838 	}