changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    15 // The client-side representation of a WsGraphic artwork
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 #include "../SERVER/w32cmd.h"
    20 #include "Graphics/WSGRAPHICDRAWER.H"
    21 #include <Graphics/WSGRAPHICDRAWERINTERFACE.H>
    22 #include <s32mem.h>
    23 #include "panics.h"
    25 GLDEF_C void Panic(TWsGraphicDrawerPanic aPanic)
    26 	{
    27 	_LIT(KCategory,"WsGraphicDrawer");
    28 	User::Panic(KCategory,aPanic);
    29 	}
    31 //
    32 // TWservCrEvent implementation
    33 //
    34 EXPORT_C TWservCrEvent::TWservCrEvent(TUint32 aType): iType(aType), iInfo(0), iData(NULL), iWindow(NULL)
    35 	{
    36 	}
    38 EXPORT_C TWservCrEvent::TWservCrEvent(TUint32 aType, TUint32 aInfo): iType(aType), iInfo(aInfo), iData(NULL), iWindow(NULL)
    39 	{
    40 	}
    42 EXPORT_C TWservCrEvent::TWservCrEvent(TUint32 aType, TUint32 aInfo, TAny* aData): iType(aType), iInfo(aInfo), iData(aData), iWindow(NULL)
    43 	{
    44 	}
    46 EXPORT_C TWservCrEvent::TWservCrEvent(TUint32 aType, TUint32 aInfo, TAny* aData, MWsWindow* aWindow): iType(aType), iInfo(aInfo), iData(aData), iWindow(aWindow)
    47 	{
    48 	}
    50 EXPORT_C TUint32 TWservCrEvent::Type() const
    51 	{
    52 	return iType;
    53 	}
    55 EXPORT_C TInt TWservCrEvent::SizeMode() const
    56 	{
    57 	return iInfo;
    58 	}
    60 EXPORT_C const RRegion* TWservCrEvent::VisibleRegion() const
    61 	{
    62 	return reinterpret_cast<RRegion*>(iData);
    63 	}
    65 EXPORT_C TInt TWservCrEvent::ScreenNumber() const
    66 	{
    67 	return iInfo;	
    68 	}
    70 EXPORT_C CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation TWservCrEvent::Orientation() const
    71 	{
    72 	return *reinterpret_cast<CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation*>(iData);
    73 	}
    75 EXPORT_C const TRegion* TWservCrEvent::DrawingRegion() const
    76 	{
    77 	return reinterpret_cast<TRegion*>(iData);
    78 	}
    80 EXPORT_C TInt TWservCrEvent::WindowGroupIdentifier() const
    81 	{
    82 	return reinterpret_cast<TInt>(iData);
    83 	}
    85 //This is NGA-specific, but does not rely on any NGA-compiled code
    86 EXPORT_C const TSurfaceId* TWservCrEvent::SurfaceId() const
    87 	{
    88 	return reinterpret_cast<const TSurfaceId*>(iData);
    89 	}
    91 EXPORT_C TBool TWservCrEvent::WasVisible() const
    92 	{
    93 	return iInfo;
    94 	}
    96 EXPORT_C MWsWindow * TWservCrEvent::Window() const
    97 	{
    98 	return iWindow;
    99 	}
   101 // CWsGraphicDrawer::CPimpl \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
   103 NONSHARABLE_STRUCT(CWsGraphicDrawer::CPimpl): public CBase
   104 /** @internalComponent
   105 	@released
   106 */	{
   107 	enum
   108 		{
   109 		EActive			= 0x01,
   110 		EIsPublic		= 0x02,
   111 		EInContains		= 0x04,
   112 		EInDraw			= 0x08,
   113 		EDrawn			= 0x10,
   114 		};
   115 	CPimpl(CWsGraphicDrawer& aGraphic,MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& aEnv,MWsClient& aOwner);
   116 	~CPimpl();
   117 	CWsGraphicDrawer& iGraphic;
   118 	MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& iEnv;
   119 	MWsClient& iOwner;
   120 	TGraphicDrawerId iId;
   121 	RArray<TUint> iSharedWith;
   122 	TUint iFlags;
   123 	MWsEventHandler* iEventHandler;
   124 	};
   126 CWsGraphicDrawer::CPimpl::CPimpl(CWsGraphicDrawer& aGraphic,MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& aEnv,MWsClient& aOwner):
   127 	iGraphic(aGraphic), iEnv(aEnv), iOwner(aOwner)
   128 	{
   129 	}
   131 CWsGraphicDrawer::CPimpl::~CPimpl()
   132 	{
   133 	iSharedWith.Close();
   134 	}
   136 // CWsGraphicDrawer \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
   138 EXPORT_C CWsGraphicDrawer::CWsGraphicDrawer()
   139 /** Constructor
   140 */	{
   141 	}
   143 EXPORT_C CWsGraphicDrawer::~CWsGraphicDrawer()
   144 /** Destructor
   145 */	{
   146 	delete iPimpl;
   148 	if(KNullUid != iDtor_ID_Key)
   149 		{
   150 		REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(iDtor_ID_Key);
   151 		}
   152 	}
   154 EXPORT_C void CWsGraphicDrawer::BaseConstructL(MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& aEnv,const TGraphicDrawerId& aId,MWsClient& aOwner)
   155 /** Completes construction of the baseclass. Derived drawers should call this from their ConstructL() implementations
   156 	@param aEnv the environment this drawer exists in
   157 	@param aId the ID of this drawer
   158 	@param aOwner the client session that owns this drawer
   159 	@param aData arbitrary data for constructing this instance, sent from the client.
   160 */	{
   161 	iPimpl = new(ELeave) CPimpl(*this,aEnv,aOwner);
   162 	iPimpl->iId = aId;
   163 	}
   165 EXPORT_C MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& CWsGraphicDrawer::Env()
   166 /** The environment this drawer exists in
   167 	@return the environment
   168 */	{
   169 	return iPimpl->iEnv;
   170 	}
   172 EXPORT_C const MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& CWsGraphicDrawer::Env() const
   173 /** The environment this drawer exists in
   174 	@return the environment
   175 */	{
   176 	return iPimpl->iEnv;
   177 	}
   179 EXPORT_C const TGraphicDrawerId& CWsGraphicDrawer::Id() const
   180 /** The ID of this graphic
   181 	@return the ID
   182 */	{
   183 	return iPimpl->iId;
   184 	}
   186 EXPORT_C const MWsClient& CWsGraphicDrawer::Owner() const
   187 /** Only the owner can delete, replace or send messages to this graphic.
   188 	The owner and any session sharing the owner's Secure ID can always
   189 	draw the graphic.
   190 	@return the Client session which created and owns this graphic.
   191 */	{
   192 	return iPimpl->iOwner;
   193 	}
   195 EXPORT_C TBool CWsGraphicDrawer::IsSharedWith(TSecureId aClientId) const
   196 /** tests whether the client is allowed to draw this graphic
   197 	Conditions include whether the client is the owner of this graphic,
   198 	whether the graphic is shared globally, or whether this graphic
   199 	has been explicitly shared with the client
   200 	@param aClientId the Secure ID of the client session's process
   201 	@return ETrue if the client can draw this graphic
   202 */	{
   203 	return ((iPimpl->iFlags & CPimpl::EIsPublic) ||
   204 		(0 <= iPimpl->iSharedWith.FindInOrder(aClientId.iId)) ||
   205 		(aClientId == iPimpl->iOwner.SecureId()));
   206 	}
   208 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawer::Share(TSecureId aClientId)
   209 /** Explicitly shares this graphic with client sessions with the specified Secure ID
   210 	@param aClientId the Secure ID of the client sessions to share with
   211 	@return KErrNone if the graphic was shared, else one of the system-wide error codes
   212 */	{
   213 	return iPimpl->iSharedWith.InsertInOrder(aClientId.iId);
   214 	}
   216 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawer::ShareGlobally()
   217 /** Share this drawer with all client sessions
   218 	Sharing globally trumps explicit shares
   219 	@return KErrNone if the graphic is globally shared, else one of the system-wide error codes
   220 */	{
   221 	iPimpl->iFlags |= CPimpl::EIsPublic;
   222 	return KErrNone;
   223 	}
   225 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawer::UnShareGlobally()
   226 /** Stop this drawer from being shared with all client sessions
   227 	A drawer that isn't shared explicitly is only available to clients it
   228 	has been explicitly shared with using Share()
   229 	@return KErrNone if the graphic is not globally shared, else one of the system-wide error codes
   230 */	{
   231 	iPimpl->iFlags &= ~CPimpl::EIsPublic;
   232 	return KErrNone;
   233 	}
   235 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawer::UnShare(TSecureId aClientId)
   236 /** Stop this drawer from being shared with all client sessions with the specific Secure ID
   237 	ShareGlobally() trumps explicit sharing
   238 	@param aClientId the Secure ID of the client sessions to not share with
   239 	@return KErrNone if the graphic is no longer shared, KErrNotFound if the graphic was not shared anyway, else one of the system-wide error codes
   240 */	{
   241 	const TInt idx = iPimpl->iSharedWith.FindInOrder(aClientId.iId);
   242 	if(0 <= idx)
   243 		{
   244 		iPimpl->iSharedWith.Remove(idx);
   245 		return KErrNone;
   246 		}
   247 	else
   248 		{
   249 		return idx;
   250 		}
   251 	}
   253 EXPORT_C void CWsGraphicDrawer::Draw(MWsGc& aGc,const TRect& aRect,const TDesC8& aData) const
   254 	{
   255 	// avoid infinite recursion
   256 	if(iPimpl->iFlags & CPimpl::EInDraw)
   257 		{
   258 		return;
   259 		}
   260 	// draw
   261 	iPimpl->iFlags |= (CPimpl::EInDraw | CPimpl::EDrawn);
   262 	DoDraw(aGc,aRect,aData); // implemented by derived classes
   263 	iPimpl->iFlags &= ~CPimpl::EInDraw;
   264 	}
   267 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawer::SendMessage(const TDesC8& aData)
   268 /** Sends this message to the client-side peer
   269 	@param aData the data to send
   270 	@return KErrNone if successful, else one of the System-wide error codes
   271 */	{
   272 	return iPimpl->iOwner.SendMessage(this,aData);
   273 	}
   275 EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphicDrawer::SendMessage(CWsMessageData& aData)
   276 /** Sends this message to the client-side peer
   277 	@param aData the data to send
   278 	@return KErrNone if successful, else one of the System-wide error codes
   279 */	{
   280 	return iPimpl->iOwner.SendMessage(this,aData);
   281 	}
   283 EXPORT_C void CWsGraphicDrawer::Invalidate()
   284 	/** Schedules all potentially affected parts of the screen to repaint
   285 	Called by derived classes when their presentation changes (e.g. they
   286 	receive new artwork via a SendMessage())
   287 	Note: this is not a suitable method for animating a graphic.  For animation,
   288 	use MWsGc::Invalidate when the graphic is being drawn to schedule the next
   289 	animation frame instead.
   290 */	{
   291 	if(iPimpl && (iPimpl->iFlags & CPimpl::EDrawn))
   292 		{
   293 		iPimpl->iEnv.Invalidate(iPimpl->iId);
   294 		iPimpl->iFlags &= ~CPimpl::EDrawn;
   295 		}
   296 	}
   298 EXPORT_C TBool CWsGraphicDrawer::Contains(const TArray<TGraphicDrawerId>& aIds) const
   299 /** Tests whether this drawer is, or itself draws, any of the graphic drawers identified by the IDs.
   300 	Calls HasAsChild() on itself to determine if this graphic does itself contain
   301 	any of the IDs.  Derived classes which themselves draw other graphic drawers should
   302 	override HasAsChild().
   303 	@param aIds the (sorted in TGraphicDrawerId::Compare order) list of IDs
   304 	@return ETrue if this graphic is, or contains, any of the graphic drawers listed
   305 */	{
   306 	// avoid infinite recursion
   307 	if(iPimpl->iFlags & CPimpl::EInContains)
   308 		{
   309 		return EFalse;
   310 		}
   311 	// is it us?
   312 	const TInt count = aIds.Count();
   313 	for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
   314 		{
   315 		if(0 == aIds[i].Compare(iPimpl->iId))
   316 			{
   317 			return ETrue;
   318 			}
   319 		}
   320 	// is it a child of us?
   321 	iPimpl->iFlags |= CPimpl::EInContains;
   322 	const TBool ret = HasAsChild(aIds);
   323 	iPimpl->iFlags &= ~CPimpl::EInContains;
   324 	return ret;
   325 	}
   327 EXPORT_C TBool CWsGraphicDrawer::HasAsChild(const TArray<TGraphicDrawerId>& /*aIds*/) const
   328 /** Called by Contains() to determine if the graphic identified by Id is contained within the
   329 	other graphic drawers that this graphic drawer itself draws.
   330 	Derived classes which draw other drawers should override this method and call
   331 	Contains() on all graphics which they draw.
   332 	@param aIds a (sorted in TGraphicDrawerId::Compare order) list of the drawer IDs to see if this drawer draws
   333 	@return ETrue if this drawer draws any of those graphics
   334 */	{
   335 	return EFalse;
   336 	}
   338 EXPORT_C void CWsGraphicDrawer::HandleEvent(const TWservCrEvent& aEvent)
   339 	{
   340 	if (iPimpl->iEventHandler)
   341 		iPimpl->iEventHandler->DoHandleEvent(aEvent);
   342 	}
   344 EXPORT_C void CWsGraphicDrawer::SetEventHandler(MWsEventHandler* aHandler)
   345 	{
   346 	iPimpl->iEventHandler = aHandler;
   347 	}
   349 EXPORT_C TBool CWsGraphicDrawer::HasEventHandler() const
   350 	{
   351 	return iPimpl->iEventHandler!=NULL;
   352 	}