1 // Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 // All rights reserved. |
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 // |
8 // Initial Contributors: |
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 // |
11 // Contributors: |
12 // |
13 // Description: |
14 // Test Direct Screen Access |
15 // |
16 // |
17 |
18 #include "tdirecta.h" |
19 |
20 static TRect WinExt; |
21 static TInt WinCol=0; |
22 static TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 MoveInterval; |
23 static TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 ModeInterval; |
24 static TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 FlipInterval; |
25 static TBool ImmediateModeSwitch; |
26 #if defined(LOGGING) |
27 LOCAL_D TLogMessageText LogMessageText; |
28 #endif |
29 |
30 _LIT(SemControl,"Control"); |
31 _LIT(SemNextOp,"TrigerWindow"); |
32 _LIT(FontName,"DejaVu Serif Condensed"); |
33 _LIT(QueueControl,"Queue"); |
34 |
35 LOCAL_D TSize FullScreenModeSize; |
36 LOCAL_D TInt Copy2ndHalfOfScreen; |
37 |
38 const TBool KRegionTrackingOnly = ETrue; |
39 const TBool KDrawingDsa = EFalse; |
40 |
41 const TInt KPanicTestOrdinalPriority=65536; |
42 const TInt KMainTestOrdinalPriority=65535; |
43 const TInt KMainTestBaseWindow=KMainTestOrdinalPriority/3; |
44 const TInt KAboveMainTestBaseWindow = KMainTestBaseWindow +1; |
45 |
46 const TInt KMaxIdlingTime = 25; //used for RegionTrackingOnly DSAs, it represents the maximum number of times the Idling function can be called |
47 //Ids of two RegionTrackingOnly DSAs |
48 const TInt KRegionTrackingOnlyDsaWaitingForAbortSignal = 25; |
50 const TInt KRegionTrackingOnlyDsaNoAbortSignal = 26; |
51 #endif |
52 |
53 const TInt KRegionTrackingOnlyDsaExistLast = 0; |
54 const TInt KDrawingDsaExistLast = 1; |
55 const TInt KShortDelay = 5000; |
56 #define SHORT_DELAY TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(KShortDelay) |
57 |
58 _LIT(KSem_DefectFix_KAA_5J3BLW_Name, "DefectFix_KAA_5J3BLW"); |
59 |
60 GLDEF_C TInt ProcDirect(TAny *aScreenNumber) |
61 { |
62 CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = NULL; |
63 User::LeaveIfNull(cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New()); |
64 |
65 #if defined(LOGGING) |
66 _LIT(KWindow,"Window Toggle Vis="); |
67 _LIT(KParams,"%d, Pos=(%d,%d,%d,%d), Col=%d"); |
68 #endif |
69 RSemaphore controlSem; |
70 RSemaphore windowSem; |
71 User::LeaveIfError(controlSem.OpenGlobal(SemControl)); |
72 User::LeaveIfError(windowSem.OpenGlobal(SemNextOp)); |
73 RWsSession ws; |
74 User::LeaveIfError(ws.Connect()); |
75 |
76 // assign to the correct screen |
77 CWsScreenDevice* screen = NULL; |
78 TInt err; |
79 TRAP(err, screen = new (ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(ws)); |
80 if (err!=KErrNone) |
81 return err; |
82 |
83 if ((err=screen->Construct((TInt)aScreenNumber))!=KErrNone) |
84 { |
85 delete screen; |
86 return err; |
87 } |
88 |
89 RWindowGroup group(ws); |
90 User::LeaveIfError(group.Construct(898)); |
91 group.EnableReceiptOfFocus(EFalse); |
92 group.SetOrdinalPosition(0,KAboveMainTestBaseWindow ); |
93 RBlankWindow window(ws); |
94 User::LeaveIfError(window.Construct(group,899)); |
95 TBool vis=EFalse; |
96 window.SetVisible(vis); |
97 window.Activate(); |
98 ws.Flush(); |
99 controlSem.Signal(); |
100 windowSem.Wait(); |
101 RMsgQueueBase queue; |
102 TInt open = queue.OpenGlobal(QueueControl); |
103 TInt data; |
104 while (queue.Receive(&data,sizeof(TInt)) != KErrNone) |
105 { |
106 vis=!vis; |
107 if (vis) |
108 { |
109 window.SetColor(TRgb::Gray4(WinCol)); |
110 window.SetExtent(WinExt.iTl,WinExt.Size()); |
111 #if defined(LOGGING) |
112 LogMessageText.Copy(KWindow); |
113 LogMessageText.AppendFormat(KParams,vis,WinExt.iTl.iX,WinExt.iTl.iY,WinExt.iBr.iX,WinExt.iBr.iY,WinCol); |
114 ws.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
115 #endif |
116 } |
117 window.SetVisible(vis); |
118 ws.Flush(); |
119 windowSem.Wait(); |
120 } |
121 queue.Close(); |
122 |
123 window.Close(); |
124 group.Close(); |
125 |
126 delete screen; |
127 ws.Close(); |
128 controlSem.Close(); |
129 windowSem.Close(); |
130 |
131 delete cleanupStack; |
132 return(KErrNone); |
133 } |
134 |
135 |
136 /*CDirectScreenAccessOld*/ |
137 |
138 CDirectScreenAccessOld* CDirectScreenAccessOld::NewL(RWsSession& aWs,MAbortDirectScreenAccess& aAborter) |
139 { |
140 CDirectScreenAccessOld* self=new(ELeave) CDirectScreenAccessOld(aWs,aAborter); |
141 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
142 self->ConstructL(); |
143 CleanupStack::Pop(self); |
144 return self; |
145 } |
146 |
147 CDirectScreenAccessOld::~CDirectScreenAccessOld() |
148 { |
149 __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iAborting,AutoPanic(EAutoPanicDirect)); |
150 Cancel(); |
151 iDirectAccess.Close(); |
152 } |
153 |
154 void CDirectScreenAccessOld::ConstructL() |
155 { |
156 User::LeaveIfError(iDirectAccess.Construct()); |
157 CActiveScheduler::Add(this); |
158 } |
159 |
160 TInt CDirectScreenAccessOld::Request(RRegion*& aRegion, RWindowBase& aWindow) |
161 { |
162 TInt ret=iDirectAccess.Request(aRegion,iStatus,aWindow); |
163 if (ret==KErrNone) |
164 SetActive(); |
165 return ret; |
166 } |
167 |
168 void CDirectScreenAccessOld::DoCancel() |
169 { |
170 iDirectAccess.Cancel(); |
171 } |
172 |
173 void CDirectScreenAccessOld::RunL() |
174 { |
175 iAborting=ETrue; |
176 iAborter.AbortNow(REINTERPRET_CAST(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons&,iStatus)); |
177 iAborting=EFalse; |
178 iDirectAccess.Completed(); |
179 } |
180 |
181 |
182 /*CColorAnimation*/ |
183 |
184 CColorAnimation* CColorAnimation::NewL(TInt aScreenNumber,TInt aId,MAnimCallBacks& aCallBack,CTWinBase& aParent,TRect aExtent,TBool aStart,TBool aRegionTrackingOnly) |
185 { |
186 CColorAnimation* self=new(ELeave) CColorAnimation(aScreenNumber,aId,aCallBack); |
187 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
188 self->ConstructL(aParent,aExtent,aRegionTrackingOnly); |
189 if (aStart) |
190 self->StartL(); |
191 CleanupStack::Pop(self); |
192 return self; |
193 } |
194 |
195 CColorAnimation::~CColorAnimation() |
196 { |
197 delete iTimer; |
198 delete iDrawer; |
199 delete iWindow; |
200 delete iWindow2; |
201 TheClient->Flush(); |
202 } |
203 |
204 void CColorAnimation::ConstructL(CTWinBase& aParent,TRect aExtent,TBool aRegionTrackingOnly,TInt aTypeWindow/*=0*/,TInt aSingleWinForMultipleDSA/*=0*/) |
205 { |
206 iRegionTrackingOnly = aRegionTrackingOnly; |
207 // Make sure that the top right corner is not 0,0 |
208 if (aTypeWindow && aExtent.iTl==TPoint(0,0)) |
209 { |
210 aExtent.iTl=TPoint(10,10); |
211 } |
212 RWindowBase* win=NULL; |
213 iSingleWinForMultipleDSA=aSingleWinForMultipleDSA; |
214 if (aSingleWinForMultipleDSA) |
215 { |
216 win=iCallBack.iCallBackWin->BaseWin(); |
217 iWinSize=TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels(); |
218 } |
219 else |
220 { |
221 iWindow=new(ELeave) CTBlankWindow(); |
222 iWinSize=aExtent.Size(); |
223 iWindow->ConstructExtLD(aParent,aExtent.iTl,iWinSize); |
224 ChangeModeL(iCallBack.DisplayMode(iId)); |
225 win=iWindow->BaseWin(); |
226 win->SetShadowDisabled(ETrue); |
227 win->Activate(); |
228 } |
229 if (!aTypeWindow) |
230 { |
231 if(iRegionTrackingOnly) |
232 { |
233 iDrawer=CDirectScreenAccess::NewL(TheClient->iWs,*TheClient->iScreen,*win,*this,iRegionTrackingOnly); |
234 } |
235 else |
236 { |
237 //needed for the non NGA case: only the old API is allowed to be used |
238 iDrawer=CDirectScreenAccess::NewL(TheClient->iWs,*TheClient->iScreen,*win,*this); |
239 } |
240 } |
241 else |
242 { |
243 TRect childRect(0,0,100,100); |
244 switch(aTypeWindow) |
245 { |
246 case 1: |
247 { |
248 // Create a Blank Window smaller than it's parent and its top left corner within the parent area and withn the screen area |
249 childRect.Shrink(10,10); |
250 break; |
251 } |
252 case 2: |
253 { |
254 // Create a Blank Window with its top left corner being left side of its parent |
255 childRect.Move(-10,0); |
256 break; |
257 } |
258 } |
259 iWindow2=new(ELeave) CTBlankWindow(); |
260 iWindow2->ConstructExtLD(*iWindow,childRect.iTl,childRect.Size()); |
261 // Finish constructing the window |
262 RWindowBase& win=*iWindow2->BaseWin(); |
263 win.SetShadowDisabled(ETrue); |
264 win.Activate(); |
265 // Create the Direct Screen Access object |
266 if(iRegionTrackingOnly) |
267 { |
268 iDrawer=CDirectScreenAccess::NewL(TheClient->iWs,*TheClient->iScreen,win,*this,iRegionTrackingOnly); |
269 } |
270 else |
271 { |
272 //needed for the non NGA case: only the old API is allowed to be used |
273 iDrawer=CDirectScreenAccess::NewL(TheClient->iWs,*TheClient->iScreen,win,*this); |
274 } |
275 } |
276 TheClient->Flush(); |
277 iTimer=CPeriodic::NewL(0); |
278 } |
279 |
280 TPoint CColorAnimation::AbsoluteWindowPosition(TInt aWindowId/*=0*/) |
281 { |
282 if (iSingleWinForMultipleDSA) |
283 { |
284 return iCallBack.iCallBackWin->BaseWin()->AbsPosition(); |
285 } |
286 if (!aWindowId) |
287 { |
288 // Return the absolute position of iWindow, if Color Animation is not for Position Relative to Screen test. |
289 return iWindow->BaseWin()->AbsPosition(); |
290 } |
291 else |
292 { |
293 // Return the absolute position of iWindow2, if it is for Position Relative to Screen test. |
294 return iWindow2->BaseWin()->AbsPosition(); |
295 } |
296 } |
297 |
298 TInt CColorAnimation::DrawColorL(TAny* aAnimation) |
299 { |
300 STATIC_CAST(CColorAnimation*,aAnimation)->DrawColorL(); |
301 return(KErrNone); |
302 } |
303 |
304 TInt CColorAnimation::IdlingL(TAny* aAnimation) |
305 { |
306 (static_cast<CColorAnimation*>(aAnimation))->IdlingL(); |
307 return(KErrNone); |
308 } |
309 |
310 void CColorAnimation::StartL(TBool aChildWindow/*=EFalse*/) |
311 { |
312 iDrawer->StartL(); |
313 TRect bounding=iDrawer->DrawingRegion()->BoundingRect(); |
314 TRect window; |
315 if (aChildWindow) |
316 { |
317 window.SetRect(AbsoluteWindowPosition(1),iWinSize); |
318 } |
319 else |
320 { |
321 window.SetRect(AbsoluteWindowPosition(),iWinSize); |
322 } |
323 // Check that the window contains the bounding area (a bounding rect of (0,0,0,0) shouldn't fail the test) |
324 if (!(window.Contains(bounding.iTl) && window.Contains(bounding.iBr-TPoint(1,1))) && bounding.Size()!=TSize(0,0)) |
325 { |
326 iCallBack.Fail(); |
327 // iDrawer->Cancel(); |
328 // iDrawer->StartL(); |
329 // bounding=iDrawer->DrawingRegion()->BoundingRect(); |
330 } |
331 if(!iRegionTrackingOnly) |
332 { |
333 iTimer->Start(0,iCallBack.TimerInterval(iId),TCallBack(CColorAnimation::DrawColorL,this)); |
334 iDrawer->Gc()->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen); |
335 iDrawer->Gc()->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush); |
336 } |
337 else |
338 { |
339 iTimer->Start(0,iCallBack.TimerInterval(iId),TCallBack(CColorAnimation::IdlingL,this)); |
340 } |
341 } |
342 |
343 void CColorAnimation::StartOrPanic() |
344 { |
345 TRAPD(err,StartL()); |
346 if (err!=KErrNone) |
347 { |
348 iCallBack.LogLeave(err); |
349 iCallBack.Fail(); |
350 } |
351 } |
352 |
353 void CColorAnimation::Stop() |
354 { |
355 iTimer->Cancel(); |
356 iDrawer->Cancel(); |
357 } |
358 |
359 void CColorAnimation::BringWindowToFront() |
360 { |
361 iWindow->WinTreeNode()->SetOrdinalPosition(0); |
362 } |
363 |
364 void CColorAnimation::ChangeModeL(TDisplayMode aMode) |
365 { |
366 User::LeaveIfError(iWindow->BaseWin()->SetRequiredDisplayMode(aMode)); |
367 TheClient->Flush(); |
368 } |
369 |
370 void CColorAnimation::FinishTest() |
371 { |
372 iCallBack.Finished(iId); |
373 } |
374 |
375 inline CDirectScreenAccess* CColorAnimation::GetDrawer() |
376 { |
377 return iDrawer; |
378 } |
379 |
380 void CColorAnimation::DrawColorL() |
381 { |
382 TBool aFinished; |
383 iDrawer->Gc()->SetBrushColor(iCallBack.BrushColorL(iId,iColor,aFinished)); |
384 if (iSingleWinForMultipleDSA==1) |
385 { |
386 iDrawer->Gc()->DrawRect(iWinSize-TSize(iWinSize.iWidth/2,iWinSize.iHeight/2)); |
387 } |
388 else if (iSingleWinForMultipleDSA==2) |
389 { |
390 iDrawer->Gc()->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(iWinSize.iWidth/2,iWinSize.iHeight/2),TSize(iWinSize.iWidth/2,iWinSize.iHeight/2))); |
391 } |
392 else |
393 { |
394 iDrawer->Gc()->DrawRect(iWinSize); |
395 } |
396 iDrawer->ScreenDevice()->Update(); |
397 if (aFinished) |
398 { |
399 if (iId==1) |
400 { |
401 iWindow->SetSize(TSize(48,52)); |
402 TheClient->Flush(); |
403 } |
404 if (aFinished==1) |
405 Stop(); |
406 iCallBack.Finished(iId); |
407 } |
408 } |
409 |
410 void CColorAnimation::IdlingL() |
411 { |
412 iIdling++; |
413 if(iIdling == KMaxIdlingTime) |
414 { |
415 Stop(); |
416 iIdling = 0; |
417 if (iId == KRegionTrackingOnlyDsaWaitingForAbortSignal) |
418 { |
419 _LIT(KErrorAbortNotReceived,"DSA didn't get an abort signal even though the window was opened in front"); |
420 CallBack().Log((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__, ESevrErr,KErrorAbortNotReceived); |
421 CallBack().Fail(); |
422 } |
423 iCallBack.Finished(iId); |
424 } |
425 } |
426 |
427 void CColorAnimation::AbortNow(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons /*aReason*/) |
428 { |
429 TInt slow=iCallBack.SlowStopping(iId,iCount); |
430 switch (slow) |
431 { |
432 case eAbortAll: |
433 iCallBack.Finished(iId); |
434 case eAbort: |
435 Stop(); |
436 return; |
437 case eStopDelayed: |
438 User::After(750000); //0.75 secs |
439 break; |
440 default:; |
441 } |
442 ++iCount; |
443 iTimer->Cancel(); |
444 } |
445 |
446 void CColorAnimation::Restart(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons /*aReason*/) |
447 { |
448 TRAPD(err,StartL()); |
449 if (err!=KErrNone) |
450 iCallBack.FailedReStart(iId,err); |
451 } |
452 |
453 |
454 /*CScrollingTextDrawer*/ |
455 |
456 CScrollingTextDrawer* CScrollingTextDrawer::NewL(TInt aScreenNumber,CFbsScreenDevice*& aDevice,CFbsBitGc& aGc) |
457 { |
458 CScrollingTextDrawer* self=new(ELeave) CScrollingTextDrawer(aDevice,aGc); |
459 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
460 self->ConstructL(aScreenNumber); |
461 CleanupStack::Pop(self); |
462 return self; |
463 } |
464 |
465 CScrollingTextDrawer::~CScrollingTextDrawer() |
466 { |
467 if(iFontDevice) |
468 { |
469 iFontDevice->ReleaseFont(iFont); |
470 delete iFontDevice; |
471 } |
472 } |
473 |
474 void CScrollingTextDrawer::ConstructL(TInt aScreenNumber) |
475 { |
476 iFontDevice=CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(aScreenNumber,iDevice->DisplayMode()); |
478 iText=text; |
479 CreateFontL(); |
480 //iFirstChar=0; |
481 iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush); |
482 #if defined(LOGGING) |
483 iWs.Connect(); |
484 // point to correct screen |
485 CWsScreenDevice* screen = new (ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWs); |
486 CleanupStack::PushL(screen); |
487 User::LeaveIfError(screen->Construct(aScreenNumber)); |
488 CleanupStack::Pop(screen); |
489 |
490 _LIT(KConstTextDrawer,"Constructed Text Drawer"); |
491 LogMessageText.Copy(KConstTextDrawer); |
492 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
493 iWs.Flush(); |
494 |
495 delete screen; |
496 iWs.Close(); |
497 #endif |
498 } |
499 |
500 void CScrollingTextDrawer::CreateFontL() |
501 { |
502 TInt screenHeight=iDevice->SizeInPixels().iHeight; |
503 TFontSpec fontSpec(FontName,screenHeight); |
504 User::LeaveIfError(iFontDevice->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels(iFont,fontSpec)); |
505 iGc->UseFont(iFont); |
506 TInt fontHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels(); |
507 iDrawRect.iTl.iY=(screenHeight-fontHeight)/2; |
508 iDrawRect.iBr.iY=iDrawRect.iTl.iY+fontHeight; |
509 iDrawHeight=iFont->AscentInPixels(); |
510 iCharWidth=iFont->CharWidthInPixels(iText[iFirstChar]); |
511 iDrawRect.iBr.iX=Max(iDevice->SizeInPixels().iWidth,iDevice->SizeInPixels().iHeight); |
512 iDrawRect.iTl.iX=iDrawRect.iBr.iX-iCharWidth; |
513 } |
514 |
515 void CScrollingTextDrawer::SetBottomOfTest(TInt aBottom) |
516 { |
517 if (iDrawRect.iBr.iY>aBottom) |
518 { |
519 iDrawRect.iTl.iY-=iDrawRect.iBr.iY-aBottom; |
520 iDrawRect.iBr.iY=aBottom; |
521 } |
522 } |
523 |
524 void CScrollingTextDrawer::Scroll() |
525 { |
526 iCharWidth=iFont->CharWidthInPixels(iText[iFirstChar]); |
527 iDrawRect.iTl.iX-=iJump; |
528 iGc->DrawText(iText.Mid(iFirstChar),iDrawRect,iDrawHeight); |
529 iDevice->Update(); |
530 if (iDrawRect.iTl.iX<-iCharWidth) |
531 { |
532 if (++iFirstChar==iText.Length()) |
533 { |
534 iFirstChar=0; |
535 iDrawRect.iTl.iX=iDevice->SizeInPixels().iWidth; |
536 } |
537 else |
538 iDrawRect.iTl.iX+=iCharWidth; |
539 iCharWidth=iFont->CharWidthInPixels(iText[iFirstChar]); |
540 } |
541 } |
542 |
543 |
544 /*CScrollText*/ |
545 |
546 TInt CScrollText::DrawText(TAny* aAnimation) |
547 { |
548 STATIC_CAST(CScrollText*,aAnimation)->ScrollText(); |
549 return(KErrNone); |
550 } |
551 |
552 CScrollText* CScrollText::NewL(TInt aScreenNumber,TInt aId,CTWindowGroup& aParent,TInt aScrollJump,TBool aStart/*=EFalse*/) |
553 { |
554 CScrollText* self=new(ELeave) CScrollText(aId,aScrollJump,aScreenNumber); |
555 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
556 self->ConstructL(aParent); |
557 if (aStart) |
558 self->StartL(); |
559 CleanupStack::Pop(self); |
560 return self; |
561 } |
562 |
563 CScrollText::~CScrollText() |
564 { |
565 delete iTimer; |
566 delete iTextDraw; |
567 iTextDraw=NULL; |
568 delete iDrawer; |
569 delete iWindow; |
570 TheClient->Flush(); |
571 } |
572 |
573 void CScrollText::ConstructL(CTWindowGroup& aParent) |
574 { |
575 iWindow=new(ELeave) CTBlankWindow(); |
576 iWindow->ConstructL(aParent); |
577 RWindowBase& win=*iWindow->BaseWin(); |
578 win.Activate(); |
579 iDrawer=CDirectScreenAccess::NewL(TheClient->iWs,*TheClient->iScreen,win,*this); |
580 TheClient->Flush(); |
581 iTimer=CPeriodic::NewL(0); |
582 } |
583 |
584 void CScrollText::StartL() |
585 { |
586 DoContinueL(); |
587 iDrawer->Gc()->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush); |
588 if (!iTextDraw) |
589 { |
590 iTextDraw=CScrollingTextDrawer::NewL(iScreenNumber,iDrawer->ScreenDevice(),*iDrawer->Gc()); |
591 iTextDraw->SetScrollJump(iScrollJump); |
592 } |
593 } |
594 |
595 void CScrollText::ContinueL() |
596 { |
597 DoContinueL(); |
598 } |
599 |
600 void CScrollText::DoContinueL() |
601 { |
602 iTimer->Start(0,10000,TCallBack(CScrollText::DrawText,this)); |
603 |
604 //0.01secs |
605 iDrawer->StartL(); |
606 TRect bounding=iDrawer->DrawingRegion()->BoundingRect(); |
607 #if defined(LOGGING) |
608 _LIT(KBoundRect,"Continue Scroll Text Rect=(%d,%d,%d,%d)"); |
609 LogMessageText.Zero(); |
610 LogMessageText.AppendFormat(KBoundRect,bounding.iTl.iX,bounding.iTl.iY,bounding.iBr.iX,bounding.iBr.iY); |
611 TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
612 TheClient->Flush(); |
613 #endif |
614 TRect window=TRect(iWindow->BaseWin()->AbsPosition(),iWindow->Size()); |
615 if (!window.Contains(bounding.iTl) || !window.Contains(bounding.iBr-TPoint(1,1))) |
616 AutoPanic(EAutoPanicTestFailed); |
617 } |
618 |
619 void CScrollText::Stop() |
620 { |
621 iTimer->Cancel(); |
622 iDrawer->Cancel(); |
623 } |
624 |
625 void CScrollText::ScrollText() |
626 { |
627 iTextDraw->Scroll(); |
628 } |
629 |
630 void CScrollText::AbortNow(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons aReason) |
631 { |
632 iTimer->Cancel(); |
633 if (!iCounting) |
634 return; |
635 if (iAbortCountDown>0) |
636 --iAbortCountDown; |
637 else |
638 { |
639 if (aReason==RDirectScreenAccess::ETerminateRegion) |
640 { |
641 User::After(1500000); //1.5secs |
642 iAbortCountDown=7; |
643 } |
644 } |
645 } |
646 |
647 void CScrollText::Restart(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons /*aReason*/) |
648 //This function is pure virtual and so cannot have an 'L' at the end of it's name |
649 { |
650 ContinueL(); |
651 } |
652 |
653 /*CWindowWithChild*/ |
654 |
655 CWindowWithChild* CWindowWithChild::NewL(TInt aScreenNumber, CTWindowGroup& aParent,TBool aStart/*=EFalse*/) |
656 { |
657 CWindowWithChild* self=new(ELeave) CWindowWithChild(aScreenNumber); |
658 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
659 self->ConstructL(aParent); |
660 if (aStart) |
661 self->StartL(); |
662 CleanupStack::Pop(self); |
663 return self; |
664 } |
665 |
666 CWindowWithChild::~CWindowWithChild() |
667 { |
668 delete iDrawer; |
669 delete iChildWindow; |
670 delete iWindow; |
671 TheClient->Flush(); |
672 } |
673 |
674 void CWindowWithChild::ConstructL(CTWindowGroup& aParent) |
675 { |
676 iWindow=new(ELeave) CTBlankWindow(); |
677 iWindow->ConstructL(aParent); |
678 |
679 iChildWindow = new(ELeave) CTWin(); |
680 iChildWindow->ConstructWin(*iWindow); |
681 |
682 iChildWindow->SetExt(TPoint(0,0), TSize(4,4)); |
683 RWindowBase& cwin=*iChildWindow->BaseWin(); |
684 cwin.Activate(); |
685 |
686 RWindowBase& win=*iWindow->BaseWin(); |
687 win.Activate(); |
688 |
689 iDrawer=CDirectScreenAccess::NewL(TheClient->iWs,*TheClient->iScreen,win,*this); |
690 |
691 TheClient->Flush(); |
692 } |
693 |
694 void CWindowWithChild::StartL() |
695 { |
696 DoContinueL(); |
697 } |
698 |
699 void CWindowWithChild::ContinueL() |
700 { |
701 DoContinueL(); |
702 } |
703 |
704 void CWindowWithChild::DoContinueL() |
705 { |
706 iDrawer->StartL(); |
707 iRunning = ETrue; |
708 } |
709 |
710 void CWindowWithChild::Stop() |
711 { |
712 iDrawer->Cancel(); |
713 } |
714 |
715 void CWindowWithChild::AbortNow(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons /*aReason*/) |
716 { |
717 iRunning = EFalse; |
718 } |
719 |
720 void CWindowWithChild::Restart(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons /*aReason*/) |
721 //This function is pure virtual and so cannot have an 'L' at the end of it's name |
722 { |
723 ContinueL(); |
724 } |
725 |
726 void CWindowWithChild::PerformCoverageCalls() |
727 { |
728 //add coverage to commands with no/partial coverage |
729 RWindow& cwin=*iChildWindow->Win(); |
730 TInt priority = 0; |
731 |
732 cwin.SetPointerCapturePriority(priority); |
733 __ASSERT_ALWAYS(cwin.GetPointerCapturePriority()==priority, User::Invariant()); |
734 cwin.ClaimPointerGrab(EFalse); |
735 cwin.EnableBackup(0); |
736 __ASSERT_ALWAYS(cwin.PrevSibling()==0, User::Invariant()); |
737 cwin.Invalidate(TRect(0, 0, 10, 10)); |
738 cwin.FadeBehind(ETrue); |
739 TheClient->Flush(); |
740 // cover (empty) False condition in CWsWindow::SetFadeBehind |
741 cwin.FadeBehind(ETrue); |
742 TheClient->Flush(); |
743 } |
744 |
745 /*CWsBase*/ |
746 |
747 void CWsBase::ConstructL(TInt aScreenNumber, TInt aHandle) |
748 { |
749 User::LeaveIfError(iWs.Connect()); |
750 iScrDev=new(ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWs); |
751 User::LeaveIfError(iScrDev->Construct(aScreenNumber)); |
752 iGroup=RWindowGroup(iWs); |
753 User::LeaveIfError(iGroup.Construct(aHandle,EFalse)); |
754 iGroup.SetOrdinalPosition(0,KMainTestBaseWindow); |
755 } |
756 |
757 void CWsBase::CreateBlankWindowL(RBlankWindow& iWin,TInt aHandle) |
758 { |
759 iWin=RBlankWindow(iWs); |
760 User::LeaveIfError(iWin.Construct(iGroup,aHandle)); |
761 } |
762 |
763 CWsBase::~CWsBase() |
764 { |
765 iGroup.Close(); |
766 delete iScrDev; |
767 iWs.Close(); |
768 } |
769 |
770 |
771 /*CAnimating*/ |
772 |
773 TInt CAnimating::StartLC(TAny* aScreenNumber) |
774 { |
775 CAnimating* self=new(ELeave) CAnimating(); |
776 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
777 self->ConstructL((TInt)aScreenNumber); |
778 return KErrNone; |
779 } |
780 |
781 void CAnimating::ConstructL(TInt aScreenNumber) |
782 { |
783 CWsBase::ConstructL(aScreenNumber,798); |
784 #if defined(LOGGING) |
785 _LIT(KAnimate1,"Constructed CWsBase"); |
786 LogMessageText.Copy(KAnimate1); |
787 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
788 iWs.Flush(); |
789 #endif |
790 iGroup.EnableReceiptOfFocus(EFalse); |
791 CreateBlankWindowL(iWindow,799); |
792 User::LeaveIfError(iWindow.SetRequiredDisplayMode(EGray16)); |
793 iWindow.Activate(); |
794 #if defined(LOGGING) |
795 _LIT(KAnimate2,"Set up Windows"); |
796 LogMessageText.Copy(KAnimate2); |
797 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
798 #endif |
799 iWs.Flush(); |
800 TDisplayMode displayMode=CWsBase::iScrDev->DisplayMode(); |
801 if (displayMode<EGray16) |
802 displayMode=EGray16; |
803 iScrDev=CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(aScreenNumber,displayMode); |
804 User::LeaveIfError(iScrDev->CreateContext(iGc)); |
805 #if defined(LOGGING) |
806 _LIT(KAnimate3,"Created Screen Device"); |
807 LogMessageText.Copy(KAnimate3); |
808 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
809 iWs.Flush(); |
810 #endif |
811 iDirect=CDirectScreenAccessOld::NewL(iWs,*this); |
812 iTimer=CPeriodic::NewL(0); |
813 User::LeaveIfError(iControlSem.OpenGlobal(SemControl,EOwnerThread)); //Must be thread relative, since it won't get cleaned up when the thread is killed otherwise |
814 User::LeaveIfError(iControlQueue.OpenGlobal(QueueControl,EOwnerThread)); //Must be thread relative, since it won't get cleaned up when the thread is killed otherwise |
815 iSemCreated=ETrue; |
816 #if defined(LOGGING) |
817 _LIT(KAnimate5,"Created Direct, Timer and Semaphore"); |
818 LogMessageText.Copy(KAnimate5); |
819 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
820 iWs.Flush(); |
821 #endif |
822 iScrSize=iScrDev->SizeInPixels(); |
823 iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen); |
824 iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush); |
825 StartAnimatingL(); |
826 #if defined(LOGGING) |
827 _LIT(KAnimate6,"Started Animation"); |
828 LogMessageText.Copy(KAnimate6); |
829 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
830 iWs.Flush(); |
831 #endif |
832 } |
833 |
834 CAnimating::~CAnimating() |
835 //This function should never actually get run in practice |
836 { |
837 if (iSemCreated) |
838 { |
839 iControlSem.Close(); |
840 iControlQueue.Close(); |
841 } |
842 if (iDrawingRegion) |
843 iDrawingRegion->Destroy(); |
844 delete iTimer; |
845 delete iDirect; |
846 delete iGc; |
847 delete iScrDev; |
848 iWindow.Close(); |
849 } |
850 |
851 void CAnimating::AbortNow(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons /*aReason*/) |
852 { |
853 iTimer->Cancel(); |
854 iControlSem.Signal(); |
855 TInt data = 2; |
856 iControlQueue.Send(&data,sizeof(TInt)); |
857 User::After(10000000); //10 secs |
858 } |
859 |
860 TInt NextColor(TAny* aAnimation) |
861 { |
862 STATIC_CAST(CAnimating*,aAnimation)->DrawFrame(); |
863 return(KErrNone); |
864 } |
865 |
866 void CAnimating::DrawFrame() |
867 { |
868 iColor=(iColor+3)%16; |
869 iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray16(iColor)); |
870 iGc->DrawRect(iScrSize); |
871 iScrDev->Update(); |
872 if (iColor==2) |
873 { |
874 iControlSem.Signal(); |
875 TInt data = 1; |
876 iControlQueue.Send(&data,sizeof(TInt)); |
877 } |
878 } |
879 |
880 void CAnimating::StartAnimatingL() |
881 { |
882 iTimer->Start(0,150000,TCallBack(NextColor,this)); //0.15 secs |
883 |
884 User::LeaveIfError(iDirect->Request(iDrawingRegion,iWindow)); |
885 iGc->SetClippingRegion(iDrawingRegion); |
886 } |
887 |
888 |
889 /*CMoveWindow*/ |
890 |
891 TInt CMoveWindow::StartLC(TAny* aScreenNumber) |
892 { |
893 CMoveWindow* self=new(ELeave) CMoveWindow(); |
894 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
895 self->ConstructL((TInt)aScreenNumber); |
896 return KErrNone; |
897 } |
898 |
899 TInt CMoveWindow::FlipChange(TAny* aMoveWin) |
900 { |
901 Cast(aMoveWin)->FlipChange(); |
902 return(KErrNone); |
903 } |
904 |
905 TInt CMoveWindow::StateChange(TAny* aMoveWin) |
906 { |
907 Cast(aMoveWin)->StateChange(); |
908 return(KErrNone); |
909 } |
910 |
911 CMoveWindow::~CMoveWindow() |
912 { |
913 delete iStateTimer; |
914 delete iTimer; |
915 iWindow.Close(); |
916 iBackUpWin.Close(); |
917 delete iGc; |
918 } |
919 |
920 TInt MoveWin(TAny* aMoveWin) |
921 { |
922 STATIC_CAST(CMoveWindow*,aMoveWin)->MoveWindow(); |
923 return(KErrNone); |
924 } |
925 |
926 void CMoveWindow::ConstructL(TInt aScreenNumber) |
927 { |
928 CWsBase::ConstructL(aScreenNumber,898); |
929 iBounceArea=TRect(iScrDev->SizeInPixels()); |
930 iSize.iHeight=iBounceArea.iBr.iY/5; |
931 iSize.iWidth=iBounceArea.iBr.iX/5; |
932 iBounceArea.iTl.iX=iBounceArea.iBr.iX/6; |
933 iBounceArea.iBr.iX=5*iBounceArea.iBr.iX/6; |
934 iBounceArea.iTl.iY=iBounceArea.iBr.iY/4; |
935 iBounceArea.iBr.iY=3*iBounceArea.iBr.iY/4; |
936 iDelta=TSize(3,3); |
937 iTl=iBounceArea.iTl; |
938 CreateBlankWindowL(iWindow,899); |
939 iWindow.SetExtent(iTl,iSize); |
940 iWindow.SetShadowDisabled(ETrue); |
941 iWindow.SetColor(TRgb::Gray4(2)); |
942 iWindow.Activate(); |
943 iBackUpWin=RBackedUpWindow(iWs); |
944 User::LeaveIfError(iBackUpWin.Construct(iGroup,EGray4,698)); |
945 User::LeaveIfError(iBackUpWin.SetSizeErr(TSize(2,2))); |
946 iGc=new(ELeave) CWindowGc(iScrDev); |
947 User::LeaveIfError(iGc->Construct()); |
948 iDisplayMode=EGray4; |
949 if (MoveInterval>TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(0)) |
950 CreateTimerL(); |
951 if (ModeInterval>TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(0)) |
952 { |
953 iStateTimer=CPeriodic::NewL(0); |
954 iStateTimer->Start(ModeInterval,ModeInterval,TCallBack(CMoveWindow::StateChange,this)); |
955 } |
956 if (FlipInterval>TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(0)) |
957 { |
958 iDevice=new(ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWs); |
959 User::LeaveIfError(iDevice->Construct(aScreenNumber)); |
960 iNumOfModes=iDevice->NumScreenModes(); |
961 if (iNumOfModes>1) |
962 { |
963 iFlipTimer=CPeriodic::NewL(0); |
964 iFlipTimer->Start(FlipInterval,FlipInterval,TCallBack(CMoveWindow::FlipChange,this)); |
965 } |
966 } |
967 iStateCountDown=0; |
968 } |
969 |
970 void CMoveWindow::CreateTimerL() |
971 { |
972 iTimer=CPeriodic::NewL(0); |
973 iTimer->Start(0,MoveInterval,TCallBack(MoveWin,this)); |
974 |
975 } |
976 |
977 void CMoveWindow::MoveWindow() |
978 { |
979 if (--iStateCountDown>=0) |
980 { |
981 if (iStateCountDown==2) |
982 ToggleDisplayMode(); |
983 return; |
984 } |
985 TPoint iBr=iTl+iSize; |
986 TSize iDeltaSize; |
987 if ((iDelta.iHeight<0 && iTl.iY<=iBounceArea.iTl.iY) || (iDelta.iHeight>0 && iBr.iY>=iBounceArea.iBr.iY)) |
988 { |
989 iDelta.iHeight=-iDelta.iHeight; |
990 iDeltaSize.iWidth=2; |
991 } |
992 if ((iDelta.iWidth<0 && iTl.iX<=iBounceArea.iTl.iX) || (iDelta.iWidth>0 && iBr.iX>=iBounceArea.iBr.iX)) |
993 { |
994 iDelta.iWidth=-iDelta.iWidth; |
995 if (iDeltaSize.iWidth==0) |
996 iDeltaSize.iHeight=2; |
997 else |
998 iDeltaSize.iWidth=0; |
999 } |
1000 iTl+=iDelta; |
1001 iSize+=iDeltaSize; |
1002 iWindow.SetExtent(iTl,iSize); |
1003 iWs.Flush(); |
1004 } |
1005 |
1006 void CMoveWindow::StateChange() |
1007 { |
1008 if (ImmediateModeSwitch>1) |
1009 { |
1010 if (MoveInterval>TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(0) && iTimer==NULL) |
1011 { |
1012 TRAPD(err,CreateTimerL()); |
1013 if (err==KErrNone) |
1014 ImmediateModeSwitch=ETrue; |
1015 } |
1016 } |
1017 if (ImmediateModeSwitch || MoveInterval==TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(0)) |
1018 ToggleDisplayMode(); |
1019 else |
1020 { |
1021 if (iStateCountDown<-8) |
1022 iStateCountDown=6; |
1023 } |
1024 } |
1025 |
1026 void CMoveWindow::ToggleDisplayMode() |
1027 { |
1028 if(iDisplayMode==EColor16MU) |
1029 { |
1030 return; //Test probably doesn't work with mode EColor16MU |
1031 } |
1032 iDisplayMode=(iDisplayMode==EColor16M ? EGray4:EColor16M); |
1033 #if defined(LOGGING) |
1034 TInt newMode= |
1035 #endif |
1036 iWindow.SetRequiredDisplayMode(iDisplayMode); |
1037 iGc->Activate(iBackUpWin); |
1038 iBackUpWin.SetPosition(iDisplayMode==EColor16M ? TPoint(1,0):TPoint(0,1)); |
1039 #if defined(LOGGING) |
1040 TDisplayMode curentMode=iScrDev->DisplayMode(); |
1041 _LIT(KToggleMode,"Toggle Display Mode Mode=%d Window=%d Actual=%d"); |
1042 LogMessageText.Zero(); |
1043 LogMessageText.AppendFormat(KToggleMode,(TInt&)iDisplayMode,newMode,(TInt&)curentMode); |
1044 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
1045 //iWs.LogCommand(RWsSession::ELoggingStatusDump); |
1046 #endif |
1047 iWs.Flush(); |
1048 iGc->Deactivate(); |
1049 } |
1050 |
1051 void CMoveWindow::FlipChange() |
1052 { |
1053 if (++iCurrentMode==2) //flip between modes 0 and 1 |
1054 iCurrentMode=0; |
1055 iDevice->SetScreenMode(iCurrentMode); |
1056 iWs.Flush(); |
1057 } |
1058 |
1059 // |
1060 // CBugFixColorAnimation |
1061 // |
1062 // This class is used for reproducing a defect found on 6.1: KAA-5J3BLW "Unnecessary Wserv's DSA abort". |
1063 // The problem was that a direct screen access client was getting an unnecessary abort notification |
1064 // when a new window (or window group) was created but not visible. |
1065 // This class will simulate the direct screen access client and it will check whether the first DSA abort |
1066 // is not caused by just creating a window. |
1067 |
1068 CBugFixColorAnimation* CBugFixColorAnimation::NewL(TInt aScreenNumber,TInt aId,MAnimCallBacks& aCallBack,CTWindowGroup& aParent,TRect aExtent,TBool aStart) |
1069 { |
1070 CBugFixColorAnimation* self=new(ELeave) CBugFixColorAnimation(aScreenNumber, aId,aCallBack); |
1071 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
1072 self->ConstructL(aParent,aExtent); |
1073 if (aStart) |
1074 { |
1075 self->StartL(); |
1076 self->Started(); |
1077 } |
1078 CleanupStack::Pop(self); |
1079 return self; |
1080 } |
1081 |
1082 CBugFixColorAnimation::CBugFixColorAnimation(TInt aScreenNumber,TInt aId,MAnimCallBacks& aCallBack) |
1083 : CColorAnimation(aScreenNumber, aId, aCallBack) |
1084 { |
1085 iThreadParam.iScreenNumber = aScreenNumber; |
1086 } |
1087 |
1088 CBugFixColorAnimation::~CBugFixColorAnimation() |
1089 { |
1090 iSem.Close(); |
1091 if(iThread) |
1092 { |
1093 TRequestStatus status; |
1094 iThread->Logon(status); |
1095 if (iThread->StillAlive()) |
1096 { |
1097 iThread->Terminate(KErrNone); |
1098 User::WaitForRequest(status); |
1099 } |
1100 delete iThread; |
1101 } |
1102 iTestFailed->Cancel(); |
1103 delete iTestFailed; |
1104 } |
1105 |
1106 |
1107 LOCAL_D TInt TestFailed(TAny* aAnimation) |
1108 { |
1109 CBugFixColorAnimation* anim=reinterpret_cast<CBugFixColorAnimation*>(aAnimation); |
1111 anim->Stop(); |
1112 anim->CallBack().Fail(); |
1113 anim->FinishTest(); |
1114 ); |
1115 return KErrNone; |
1116 } |
1117 |
1118 LOCAL_D TInt CreateNewWindowGroup(TAny* aParam) |
1119 { |
1120 TDirectThreadParam* param = (TDirectThreadParam*)aParam; |
1121 TRect rect = param->iRect; |
1122 TBool isInFront = param->iIsInFront; |
1123 RWsSession ws; |
1124 TInt error=ws.Connect(); |
1125 |
1126 CWsScreenDevice* screen = NULL; |
1127 TRAP(error, screen = new (ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(ws)); |
1128 if (error!=KErrNone) |
1129 { |
1130 ws.Close(); |
1131 RThread::Rendezvous(error); |
1132 return error; |
1133 } |
1134 |
1135 if ((error=screen->Construct(param->iScreenNumber))!=KErrNone) |
1136 { |
1137 delete screen; |
1138 ws.Close(); |
1139 RThread::Rendezvous(error); |
1140 return error; |
1141 } |
1142 RSemaphore sem; |
1143 error = sem.OpenGlobal(KSem_DefectFix_KAA_5J3BLW_Name, EOwnerThread); |
1144 if (error!=KErrNone) |
1145 { |
1146 ws.Close(); |
1147 RThread::Rendezvous(error); |
1148 return error; |
1149 } |
1150 |
1151 RThread::Rendezvous(KErrNone); |
1152 |
1153 // wait for the dsa to start before creating the new window group |
1154 sem.Wait(); |
1155 sem.Close(); |
1156 |
1157 |
1158 RWindowGroup group(ws); |
1159 group.Construct(431,EFalse); |
1160 if(isInFront) |
1161 { |
1162 group.SetOrdinalPosition(0,KAboveMainTestBaseWindow); |
1163 } |
1164 else |
1165 { |
1166 group.SetOrdinalPosition(2); |
1167 } |
1168 RWindow window(ws); |
1169 error=window.Construct(group, 432); |
1170 if (error==KErrNone) |
1171 { |
1172 window.SetExtentErr(rect.iTl, rect.Size()); |
1173 window.SetOrdinalPosition(0,0); |
1174 ws.Flush(); |
1175 window.Activate(); |
1176 ws.Flush(); |
1177 if(!isInFront) |
1178 { |
1179 group.SetOrdinalPosition(-1); |
1180 } |
1181 ws.Flush(); |
1182 //Wait for wserv to render new window on top of the existing DSA region. |
1183 ws.Finish(); |
1184 //Now the window has been rendered (and DSA should have been aborted). |
1185 window.Close(); |
1186 } |
1187 |
1188 group.Close(); |
1189 delete screen; |
1190 ws.Close(); |
1191 return error; |
1192 } |
1193 |
1194 void CBugFixColorAnimation::ConstructL(CTWindowGroup& aParent,TRect aExtent) |
1195 { |
1196 CColorAnimation::ConstructL(aParent, aExtent,KDrawingDsa); |
1197 _LIT(ThreadName,"Create new Window"); |
1198 iAnimRect=aExtent; |
1199 TInt error=iSem.CreateGlobal(KSem_DefectFix_KAA_5J3BLW_Name, 0); |
1200 if (error==KErrNone) |
1201 { |
1202 iThreadParam.iRect = iAnimRect; |
1203 iThreadParam.iIsInFront = EFalse; |
1204 TThreadStartUp function=TThreadStartUp(CreateNewWindowGroup, &iThreadParam); |
1205 TRequestStatus status; |
1206 iThread=CProcess::NewThreadRendezvousL(ThreadName,&function, status); |
1207 User::WaitForRequest(status); |
1208 if (status != KErrNone) |
1209 { |
1210 RDebug::Printf("the request status is returned to be non KErrNone: %d", status.Int()); |
1211 TestFailed(this); |
1212 } |
1213 iTestFailed = CIdle::NewL(0); |
1214 } |
1215 else |
1216 { |
1217 TestFailed(this); |
1218 } |
1219 } |
1220 |
1221 void CBugFixColorAnimation::AbortNow(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons /*aReason*/) |
1222 { |
1223 Stop(); |
1224 if (!iTestFailed->IsActive()) |
1225 { |
1226 iTestFailed->Start(TCallBack(TestFailed,this)); |
1227 } |
1228 } |
1229 |
1230 void CBugFixColorAnimation::Restart(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons aReason) |
1231 { |
1232 AbortNow(aReason); |
1233 } |
1234 |
1235 TInt CPanicDirect::DoTestOnNewSchedulerL(TInt aInt, TAny* aPtr) |
1236 { |
1237 CActiveScheduler* activeScheduler=new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler; |
1238 CActiveScheduler::Install(activeScheduler); |
1239 CleanupStack::PushL(activeScheduler); |
1240 DoTestNowL(aInt,aPtr); |
1241 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(activeScheduler); |
1242 return(EWsExitReasonBad); //calls to this method currently all ignore the return code anyway. |
1243 } |
1244 |
1245 TInt CPanicDirect::DoTestOnNewScheduler(TInt aInt, TAny* aPtr) |
1246 { |
1247 TInt rv=EWsExitReasonBad; |
1248 TRAP_IGNORE(rv=DoTestOnNewSchedulerL(aInt,aPtr)); |
1249 return(rv); //calls to this method currently all ignore the return code anyway. |
1250 } |
1251 |
1252 void CPanicDirect::DoTestNowL(TInt aInt, TAny* aPtr) |
1253 { |
1254 CPanicDirect* self=new(ELeave) CPanicDirect(); |
1255 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
1256 self->ConstructL((TInt)aPtr, aInt); |
1257 self->TestL(); |
1258 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(self); |
1259 } |
1260 |
1261 void CPanicDirect::ConstructL(TInt aScreenNumber, TInt aInt) |
1262 { |
1263 iScreenNumber = aScreenNumber; |
1264 |
1265 User::LeaveIfError(iTimer.CreateLocal()); |
1266 User::LeaveIfError(iWs.Connect()); |
1267 iWsScrDev=new(ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWs); |
1268 User::LeaveIfError(iWsScrDev->Construct(iScreenNumber)); |
1269 |
1270 #if defined(LOGGING) |
1271 _LIT(KPanicThead1,"PanicThread: Into ConstructL"); |
1272 LogMessageText.Copy(KPanicThead1); |
1273 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
1274 iWs.Flush(); |
1275 #endif |
1276 iGroup=RWindowGroup(iWs); |
1277 User::LeaveIfError(iGroup.Construct(2200+aInt,EFalse)); |
1278 iGroup.SetOrdinalPosition(0,KPanicTestOrdinalPriority); |
1279 iBlankWin=RBlankWindow(iWs); |
1280 User::LeaveIfError(iBlankWin.Construct(iGroup,2300+aInt)); |
1281 iBlankWin.Activate(); |
1282 iDirect=RDirectScreenAccess(iWs); |
1283 User::LeaveIfError(iDirect.Construct()); |
1284 iDisplayMode=iWsScrDev->DisplayMode(); |
1285 #if defined(LOGGING) |
1286 _LIT(KPanicThead2,"PanicThread: Creating Screen Device, Mode=%d"); |
1287 LogMessageText.Format(KPanicThead2,iDisplayMode); |
1288 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
1289 iWs.Flush(); |
1290 #endif |
1291 iScreenDevice=CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(aScreenNumber,iDisplayMode); |
1292 #if defined(LOGGING) |
1293 _LIT(KPanicThead3,"PanicThread: Created Device"); |
1294 LogMessageText.Copy(KPanicThead3); |
1295 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
1296 iWs.Flush(); |
1297 #endif |
1298 User::LeaveIfError(iScreenDevice->CreateContext(iGc)); |
1299 #if defined(LOGGING) |
1300 _LIT(KPanicThead4,"PanicThread: Created Context"); |
1301 LogMessageText.Copy(KPanicThead4); |
1302 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
1303 iWs.Flush(); |
1304 #endif |
1305 iTextDraw=CScrollingTextDrawer::NewL(iScreenNumber,iScreenDevice,*iGc); |
1306 #if defined(LOGGING) |
1307 _LIT(KPanicThead5,"PanicThread: Created ScrollDrawer"); |
1308 LogMessageText.Copy(KPanicThead5); |
1309 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
1310 iWs.Flush(); |
1311 #endif |
1312 iTextDraw->SetScrollJump(4); |
1313 #if defined(LOGGING) |
1314 _LIT(KCreatedDrawer,"PanicThread: CreatedDrawer"); |
1315 LogMessageText.Copy(KCreatedDrawer); |
1316 iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
1317 iWs.Flush(); |
1318 #endif |
1319 iTestNo=aInt; |
1320 } |
1321 |
1322 CPanicDirect::~CPanicDirect() |
1323 { |
1324 iDirect.Close(); |
1325 delete iGc; |
1326 delete iScreenDevice; |
1327 delete iTextDraw; |
1328 iBlankWin.Close(); |
1329 iGroup.Close(); |
1330 delete iWsScrDev; |
1331 iWs.Close(); |
1332 if (iRegion) |
1333 iRegion->Close(); |
1334 iTimer.Close(); |
1335 } |
1336 |
1337 void CPanicDirect::TestL() |
1338 { |
1339 if (iTestNo==2) |
1340 { |
1341 iDirect.Completed(); |
1342 return; |
1343 } |
1344 TInt err=iDirect.Request(iRegion,iDirectStatus,iBlankWin); |
1345 if (err!=KErrNone || !iRegion) |
1346 return; |
1347 TRect screen(iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels()); |
1348 TRect bounding=iRegion->BoundingRect(); |
1349 if (!screen.Contains(bounding.iTl) || !screen.Contains(bounding.iBr-TPoint(1,1))) |
1350 goto Cancel; |
1351 iGc->SetClippingRegion(iRegion); |
1352 iDrawingAllowed=ETrue; |
1353 iTimer.After(iTimerStatus,50000); //0.05secs |
1354 FOREVER |
1355 { |
1356 User::WaitForRequest(iDirectStatus,iTimerStatus); |
1357 if (iDirectStatus!=KRequestPending) |
1358 iDrawingAllowed=EFalse; |
1359 else if (iTimerStatus!=KRequestPending) |
1360 { |
1361 if (iDrawingAllowed) |
1362 DoDrawingL(); |
1363 iTimer.After(iTimerStatus,50000); //0.05secs |
1364 } |
1365 else |
1366 { |
1367 Cancel: |
1368 iDirect.Cancel(); |
1369 return; |
1370 } |
1371 } |
1372 } |
1373 |
1374 void CPanicDirect::DoDrawingL() |
1375 { |
1376 ++iCount; |
1377 iTextDraw->Scroll(); |
1378 if (iTestNo==1 && iCount==8) |
1379 { |
1380 iDirect.Request(iRegion,iDirectStatus,iBlankWin); |
1381 return; |
1382 } |
1383 if (iTestNo==3 && iCount==12) |
1384 { |
1385 iDirect.Completed(); |
1386 iDirect.Completed(); |
1387 return; |
1388 } |
1389 if (iTestNo==4 && iCount==16) |
1390 { |
1391 iBlankWin.SetSize(TSize(20,25)); |
1392 delete iRegion; |
1393 User::LeaveIfError(iDirect.Request(iRegion,iDirectStatus,iBlankWin)); |
1394 return; |
1395 } |
1396 if (iTestNo==5 && iCount==19) |
1397 { |
1398 iWs.Close(); |
1399 return; |
1400 } |
1401 } |
1402 |
1403 |
1404 /*CTDirect*/ |
1405 |
1406 CTDirect::CTDirect(CTestStep* aStep): |
1407 CTWsGraphicsBase(aStep) |
1408 { |
1409 iState = 0; |
1410 iNextFrameFinished = ETrue; |
1411 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
1412 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
1413 } |
1414 |
1415 CTDirect::~CTDirect() |
1416 { |
1417 DeleteMoveWindow(); |
1418 DeleteScroll(); |
1419 |
1420 delete iAnim; |
1421 TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish(); |
1422 delete iCallBackWin; |
1423 // put focus back to current screen as this test changed the focus screen to primary screen |
1424 TheClient->iWs.SetFocusScreen(iTest->iScreenNumber); |
1425 } |
1426 |
1427 void CTDirect::ConstructL() |
1428 { |
1429 _LIT(KCTDirectConstructL,"AUTO Construct Direct Test"); |
1430 LOG_MESSAGE(KCTDirectConstructL); |
1431 FullScreenModeSize=TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels(); |
1432 iIsScalingSupported=CheckScalingSupportedOrNot(); |
1433 iNumOfCallBack=0; |
1434 iCallBackWin=new(ELeave) CTBlankWindow; |
1435 iCallBackWin->ConstructL(*TheClient->iGroup); |
1436 User::LeaveIfError(iCallBackWin->BaseWin()->SetRequiredDisplayMode(EColor256)); |
1437 iCallBackWin->SetExt(TPoint(),TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels()); |
1438 iCallBackWin->SetVisible(EFalse); |
1439 iCallBackWin->Activate(); |
1440 // the following line makes sure that a console object hidden outside of |
1441 // screens range doesn't affect test results being on top of tested objects |
1442 TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin()->SetOrdinalPosition(0, KMainTestBaseWindow); |
1443 } |
1444 |
1445 void CTDirect::ConstrucBlankWindowL() |
1446 { |
1447 delete iWin; |
1448 iWin=new(ELeave) CTBlankWindow; |
1449 iWin->ConstructL(*TheClient->iGroup); |
1450 iWin->BaseWin()->SetShadowDisabled(ETrue); |
1451 iWin->BaseWin()->Activate(); |
1452 TheClient->Flush(); |
1453 } |
1454 |
1455 void CTDirect::InitialiseAnimationL() |
1456 { |
1457 ConstrucBlankWindowL(); |
1458 TInt colors,greys; |
1459 TDisplayMode dispMode=TheClient->iWs.GetDefModeMaxNumColors(colors,greys); |
1460 iScrDev=CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,dispMode); |
1461 User::LeaveIfError(iScrDev->CreateContext(iGc)); |
1462 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Constructed Screen Device")); |
1463 iScrSize=iScrDev->SizeInPixels(); |
1464 TFontSpec fontSpec(FontName,iScrSize.iHeight); |
1465 fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(EStrokeWeightBold); |
1466 User::LeaveIfError(iScrDev->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels(iFont,fontSpec)); |
1467 iGc->UseFont(iFont); |
1468 iFlags|=eFontSet; |
1469 iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush); |
1470 TInt fontHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels(); |
1471 iDrawRect.iTl.iY=(iScrSize.iHeight-fontHeight)/2; |
1472 iDrawRect.SetHeight(fontHeight); |
1473 iDrawHeight=iFont->AscentInPixels(); |
1474 TSize winSize(25,20); |
1475 iWin2=new(ELeave) CTBlankWindow; |
1476 iWin2->ConstructL(*TheClient->iGroup); |
1477 iWin2->SetExt(TPoint((iScrSize.iWidth-winSize.iWidth)/2,(iScrSize.iHeight-winSize.iHeight)/2),winSize); |
1478 iWin2->SetColor(TRgb::Gray4(2)); |
1479 iWin2->BaseWin()->Activate(); |
1480 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Setup Window")); |
1481 iScrDev->Update(); |
1482 TheClient->iWs.Finish(); |
1483 |
1484 User::LeaveIfError(iControlSem.CreateGlobal(SemControl,0,KOwnerType)); |
1485 User::LeaveIfError(iControlQueue.CreateGlobal(QueueControl,1,sizeof(TInt),KOwnerType)); |
1486 |
1487 iFlags|=eDirectControlSem; |
1488 User::LeaveIfError(iWinSem.CreateGlobal(SemNextOp,0,KOwnerType)); |
1489 iFlags|=eDirectWindowSem; |
1490 iProcess=CProcess::NewTL(CProcess::eProcessDirectTest,iTest->iScreenNumber,&iThreadStatus); |
1491 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Constructed Semaphores & Thread")); |
1492 iControlSem.Wait(); |
1493 |
1494 iTimer=CPeriodic::NewL(iTest->EAutoTestPriority); |
1495 iRestart=CIdle::NewL(iTest->EAutoTestPriority+5); |
1496 iDirect=CDirectScreenAccessOld::NewL(TheClient->iWs,*this); |
1497 } |
1498 |
1499 void CTDirect::DestroyAnimation() |
1500 { |
1501 ResetScreenSizeMode(); |
1502 if(iProcess && iProcess->StillAlive()) |
1503 { |
1504 if (iFlags&eDirectControlSem) |
1505 { |
1506 iControlSem.Signal(); |
1507 TInt data = 3; |
1508 iControlQueue.Send(&data,sizeof(TInt)); |
1509 } |
1510 if (iFlags&eDirectWindowSem) |
1511 iWinSem.Signal(); |
1512 } |
1513 |
1514 delete iTimer; |
1515 iTimer=NULL; |
1516 delete iRestart; |
1517 iRestart=NULL; |
1518 delete iDirect; |
1519 iDirect=NULL; |
1520 delete iChangeScreenModeTimer; |
1521 iChangeScreenModeTimer=NULL; |
1522 delete iScreenModeTimer; |
1523 iScreenModeTimer=NULL; |
1524 |
1525 if (iFlags&eFontSet) |
1526 { |
1527 iGc->DiscardFont(); |
1528 iScrDev->ReleaseFont(iFont); |
1529 } |
1530 delete iGc; |
1531 if (iDrawingRegion) |
1532 iDrawingRegion->Destroy(); |
1533 delete iScrDev; |
1534 delete iWin; |
1535 delete iWin2; |
1536 if (iProcess) |
1537 { |
1538 User::WaitForRequest(iThreadStatus); |
1539 delete iProcess; |
1540 iProcess = NULL; |
1541 } |
1542 if (iFlags&eDirectControlSem) |
1543 { |
1544 iControlSem.Close(); |
1545 iControlQueue.Close(); |
1546 } |
1547 if (iFlags&eDirectWindowSem) |
1548 iWinSem.Close(); |
1549 } |
1550 |
1551 void CTDirect::ResetScreenSizeMode() |
1552 { |
1553 if (iModeBackup!=ESizeEnforcementNone) |
1554 { |
1555 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenModeEnforcement(ESizeEnforcementNone); |
1556 iModeBackup=ESizeEnforcementNone; |
1557 } |
1558 TheClient->iScreen->SetCurrentRotations(0,CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal); |
1559 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenMode(0); |
1560 TPixelsAndRotation pixelsAndRotation; |
1561 TheClient->iScreen->GetDefaultScreenSizeAndRotation(pixelsAndRotation); |
1562 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenSizeAndRotation(pixelsAndRotation); |
1563 User::After(350000); //0.35secs |
1564 } |
1565 |
1566 void CTDirect::ScanTypeFacesL() |
1567 { |
1568 CFbsScreenDevice* scrdev=CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,EGray4); |
1569 TTypefaceSupport typeFace; |
1570 TInt numFaces=scrdev->NumTypefaces(); |
1571 TInt ii; |
1572 for (ii=0;ii<numFaces;++ii) |
1573 { |
1574 scrdev->TypefaceSupport(typeFace,ii); |
1575 } |
1576 delete scrdev; |
1577 } |
1578 |
1579 TInt RestartAnimation(TAny* aTest) |
1580 { |
1581 STATIC_CAST(CTDirect*,aTest)->Restart(); |
1582 return(KErrNone); |
1583 } |
1584 |
1585 TInt NextFrame(TAny* aTest) |
1586 { |
1587 STATIC_CAST(CTDirect*,aTest)->DrawFrame(); |
1588 return(KErrNone); |
1589 } |
1590 |
1591 void CTDirect::AbortNow(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons aReason) |
1592 { |
1593 TEST(aReason==RDirectScreenAccess::ETerminateRegion); |
1594 |
1595 if (iDelay) |
1596 User::After(2000000); //2 secs |
1597 if (iCancelNext) |
1598 { |
1599 iFrameNo=eDirectNumFrames; |
1600 iTimer->Cancel(); |
1601 iDirect->Cancel(); |
1602 TheClient->Flush(); |
1603 iNextFrameFinished = ETrue; |
1604 iState++; |
1605 return; |
1606 } |
1607 iRestart->Start(TCallBack(RestartAnimation,this)); |
1608 } |
1609 |
1610 TBool CTDirect::Restart() |
1611 { |
1612 StartDirect(); |
1613 return ETrue; |
1614 } |
1615 |
1616 #pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) //conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned short', possible loss of data |
1617 TBool CTDirect::DrawFrame() |
1618 { |
1619 if (iFrameNo==eDirectNumFrames) |
1620 { |
1621 iState++; |
1622 iTimer->Cancel(); |
1623 if (iFrameNo==eDirectNumFrames) |
1624 iDirect->Cancel(); |
1625 iNextFrameFinished = ETrue; |
1626 return EFalse; |
1627 } |
1628 _LIT(Text,"A0"); |
1629 TBuf<2> iString(Text); //_LIT(Text,"ABCabc123"); |
1630 iString[0]+=iFrameNo; |
1631 iString[1]+=iFrameNo; |
1632 TInt textWidth=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iString); |
1633 TInt maxTextWidth=Max(textWidth,iLastTextWidth); |
1634 iLastTextWidth=textWidth; |
1635 if (iLastMaxTextWidth!=maxTextWidth) |
1636 { |
1637 iLastMaxTextWidth=maxTextWidth; |
1638 iDrawRect.iTl.iX=(iScrSize.iWidth-iLastMaxTextWidth)/2; |
1639 iDrawRect.SetWidth(iLastMaxTextWidth); |
1640 } |
1641 TInt colorOffset=iFrameNo%2; |
1642 iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray4(colorOffset)); |
1643 iGc->DrawText(iString,iDrawRect,iDrawHeight,CGraphicsContext::ECenter); |
1644 iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray4(1+colorOffset)); |
1645 iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(),iScrSize.AsPoint()); |
1646 iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(iScrSize.iWidth,0),TPoint(0,iScrSize.iHeight)); |
1647 iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(iScrSize.iWidth/2,0),TPoint(iScrSize.iWidth/2,iScrSize.iHeight)); |
1648 iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(0,iScrSize.iHeight/2),TPoint(iScrSize.iWidth,iScrSize.iHeight/2)); |
1649 iScrDev->Update(); |
1650 ++iFrameNo; |
1651 if (iFrameNo==iFrameToSignalAfter) |
1652 SignalWindow(); |
1653 return ETrue; |
1654 } |
1655 #pragma warning( default : 4244 ) |
1656 |
1657 void CTDirect::SignalWindow() |
1658 { |
1659 switch(iState) |
1660 { |
1661 case 0: |
1662 switch(iFrameNo) |
1663 { |
1664 case 0: |
1665 iFrameToSignalAfter=0; |
1666 } |
1667 return; |
1668 case 1: |
1669 case 3: |
1670 switch(iFrameNo) |
1671 { |
1672 case 0: |
1673 iFrameToSignalAfter=3; |
1674 iDelay=(iState==3); |
1675 return; |
1676 case 3: |
1677 WinExt.SetSize(TSize(iScrSize.iWidth/2-5,iScrSize.iHeight/2+30)); |
1678 iFrameToSignalAfter=5; |
1679 break; |
1680 case 5: |
1681 iFrameToSignalAfter=7; |
1682 break; |
1683 case 7: |
1684 WinExt.SetSize(TSize(iScrSize.iWidth/2+30,iScrSize.iHeight/2-5)); |
1685 WinCol=1; |
1686 iFrameToSignalAfter=8; |
1687 break; |
1688 case 8: |
1689 iFrameToSignalAfter=0; |
1690 iDelay=EFalse; |
1691 break; |
1692 } |
1693 break; |
1694 case 2: |
1695 switch(iFrameNo) |
1696 { |
1697 case 0: |
1698 iFrameToSignalAfter=2; |
1699 return; |
1700 case 2: |
1701 WinExt.SetRect(TPoint(iScrSize.iWidth/2-15,iScrSize.iHeight/2-20),TSize(iScrSize.iWidth/3,iScrSize.iHeight/3)); |
1702 WinCol=2; |
1703 iFrameToSignalAfter=5; |
1704 break; |
1705 case 5: |
1706 iFrameToSignalAfter=6; |
1707 break; |
1708 case 6: |
1709 WinExt.SetRect(TPoint(iScrSize.iWidth/2-50,iScrSize.iHeight/3),TSize(iScrSize.iWidth/4,iScrSize.iHeight/3)); |
1710 WinCol=3; |
1711 iFrameToSignalAfter=8; |
1712 break; |
1713 case 8: |
1714 iFrameToSignalAfter=0; |
1715 break; |
1716 } |
1717 break; |
1718 case 4: |
1719 switch(iFrameNo) |
1720 { |
1721 case 0: |
1722 iFrameToSignalAfter=3; |
1723 return; |
1724 case 3: |
1725 iFrameToSignalAfter=6; |
1726 iWin2->SetVisible(EFalse); |
1727 TheClient->Flush(); |
1728 return; |
1729 case 6: |
1730 iFrameToSignalAfter=0; |
1731 iWin2->SetVisible(ETrue); |
1732 TheClient->Flush(); |
1733 return; |
1734 } |
1735 break; |
1736 case 5: |
1737 switch(iFrameNo) |
1738 { |
1739 case 0: |
1740 iFrameToSignalAfter=6; |
1741 return; |
1742 case 6: |
1743 iFrameToSignalAfter=0; |
1744 WinExt.SetRect(10,10,20,20); |
1745 iCancelNext=ETrue; |
1746 break; |
1747 } |
1748 break; |
1749 case 6: |
1750 switch(iFrameNo) |
1751 { |
1752 case 0: |
1753 iFrameToSignalAfter=7; |
1754 iCancelNext=EFalse; |
1755 return; |
1756 case 7: |
1757 iFrameToSignalAfter=0; |
1758 delete iWin; |
1759 TheClient->Flush(); |
1760 iWin=NULL; |
1761 iWindowDead=ETrue; |
1762 return; |
1763 } |
1764 break; |
1765 } |
1766 #if defined(LOGGING) |
1767 _LIT(KSignal,"Signaling Move Window"); |
1768 LogMessageText.Copy(KSignal); |
1769 TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
1770 TheClient->Flush(); |
1771 #endif |
1772 iWinSem.Signal(); |
1773 } |
1774 |
1775 void CTDirect::StartDirect() |
1776 { |
1777 if (iWin==NULL) |
1778 { |
1779 TEST(iWindowDead); |
1780 if (!iWindowDead) |
1781 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("iWindowDead - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), ETrue, iWindowDead); |
1782 |
1783 iFrameNo=eDirectNumFrames; |
1784 return; |
1785 } |
1786 TEST(!iWindowDead); |
1787 if (iWindowDead) |
1788 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("iWindowDead - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), EFalse, iWindowDead); |
1789 |
1790 if (iDrawingRegion) |
1791 iDrawingRegion->Destroy(); |
1792 TInt retVal = iDirect->Request(iDrawingRegion,*iWin->BaseWin()); |
1793 TEST(retVal==KErrNone); |
1794 if (retVal!=KErrNone) |
1795 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("iDirect->Request(iDrawingRegion,*iWin->BaseWin()) return value - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), KErrNone, retVal); |
1796 |
1797 iGc->SetClippingRegion(iDrawingRegion); |
1798 } |
1799 |
1800 void CTDirect::LogLeave(TInt aErr) |
1801 { |
1802 iTest->LogLeave(aErr); |
1803 } |
1804 |
1805 void CTDirect::Fail() |
1806 { |
1807 TEST(EFalse); |
1808 } |
1809 |
1810 void CTDirect::Finished(TInt aId) |
1811 { |
1812 //aId refers to the animation, it is not the test number |
1813 _LIT(KCTDirectFinished,"Destroying animation number %d"); |
1814 LOG_MESSAGE2(KCTDirectFinished,aId); |
1815 switch (aId) |
1816 { |
1817 case 10: |
1818 case 11: |
1819 ResetScreenSizeMode(); |
1820 case 9: |
1821 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1822 case 8: |
1823 DeleteMoveWindow(); |
1824 //iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1825 if (iScroll) |
1826 { |
1827 DeleteScroll(); |
1828 #if defined(LOGGING) |
1829 _LIT(KDeleteScroll,"Deleting Scroll Text Id=%d TimerActive=%d"); |
1830 LogMessageText.Zero(); |
1831 LogMessageText.AppendFormat(KDeleteScroll,aId,iAnim->IsTimerActive()); |
1832 TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
1833 TheClient->Flush(); |
1834 #endif |
1835 } |
1836 if (aId==8 && iAnim->IsTimerActive()) |
1837 return; |
1838 case 1: |
1839 case 12: |
1840 case 25: //case DSA using Region tracking Only (abort signal expceted) |
1841 case 26: //case DSA using Region tracking Only (abort signal not expceted) |
1842 { |
1843 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1844 delete iAnim; |
1845 iAnim=NULL; |
1847 TInt numProcessHandles; |
1848 TInt numThreadHandles; |
1849 RThread().HandleCount(numProcessHandles,numThreadHandles); |
1850 TEST(Abs(numThreadHandles-iNumThreadHandles)<2); |
1851 if (Abs(numThreadHandles-iNumThreadHandles)>=2) |
1852 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Abs(numThreadHandles-iNumThreadHandles)<2 - Expected: %d or less, Actual: %d"), 2, Abs(numThreadHandles-iNumThreadHandles)); |
1853 } |
1854 break; |
1855 case 16: |
1856 case 15: |
1857 { |
1858 // Stop the animation and delete it, but make sure that you don't increment iState and call Rquest() |
1859 // until this is the second call i.e. one of aId = 15 or aId = 16 has already been finished. |
1860 TInt index = aId-15; |
1861 iAnims[index]->Stop(); |
1862 delete iAnims[index]; |
1863 iAnims[index]=NULL; |
1864 // This test creates two animations iAnims[0] and iAnims[1]. |
1865 // Use (index ^ 1 ) = Toggle the Index, to get the index of other animation. |
1866 // If iAnims [ index ^ 1] is NULL then this is the second Call and test is finished. |
1867 if (iAnims[index ^ 1] != NULL) |
1868 { |
1869 return; |
1870 } |
1871 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1872 goto CHECKHANDLES; |
1873 } |
1874 case 13: |
1875 { |
1876 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1877 delete iBlankTopClientWin1; |
1878 // delete iBlankTopClientWin2; |
1879 TInt jj; |
1880 for (jj=0;jj<4;++jj) |
1881 iAnims[jj]->Stop(); |
1882 for (jj=0;jj<4;++jj) |
1883 delete iAnims[jj]; |
1884 break; |
1885 } |
1886 case 14: |
1887 { |
1888 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1889 iAnims[0]->Stop(); |
1890 delete iAnims[0]; |
1891 if (iNumOfModes==iCurrentMode) |
1892 { |
1893 ResetScreenSizeMode(); |
1894 iCallBackWin->SetVisible(EFalse); |
1895 break; |
1896 } |
1897 break; |
1898 } |
1899 case 18: |
1900 case 17: |
1901 { |
1902 // Stop the animation and delete it, but make sure that you don't increment iState and call Rquest() |
1903 // until this is the second call i.e. one of aId = 17 or aId = 18 has already been finished. |
1904 TInt ii = 0; |
1905 TBool finished = ETrue; |
1906 if (aId == 17) |
1907 { |
1908 iAnims[0]->Stop(); |
1909 delete iAnims[0]; |
1910 iAnims[0] = NULL; |
1911 for (ii=1;ii<=iNumAnimation;++ii) |
1912 { |
1913 if (iAnims[ii]) |
1914 { |
1915 finished = EFalse; |
1916 break; |
1917 } |
1918 } |
1919 } |
1920 else // aId == 18 |
1921 { |
1922 for (ii=1;ii<=iNumAnimation;++ii) |
1923 { |
1924 iAnims[ii]->Stop(); |
1925 delete iAnims[ii]; |
1926 iAnims[ii] = NULL; |
1927 } |
1928 if (iAnims[0]) |
1929 { |
1930 finished = EFalse; |
1931 } |
1932 } |
1933 if (!finished) |
1934 { |
1935 return; |
1936 } |
1937 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1938 break; |
1939 } |
1940 case 19: |
1941 { |
1942 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1943 iAnims[0]->Stop(); |
1944 delete iAnims[0]; |
1945 break; |
1946 } |
1947 case 21: |
1948 case 20: |
1949 { |
1950 // Stop the animation and delete it, but make sure that you don't increment iState and call Rquest() |
1951 // until this is the second call i.e. one of aId = 20 or aId = 21 has already been finished. |
1952 TInt index = aId-20; |
1953 iAnims[index]->Stop(); |
1954 delete iAnims[index]; |
1955 iAnims[index]=NULL; |
1956 // This test creates two animations iAnims[0] and iAnims[1]. |
1957 // Use (index ^ 1 ) = Toggle the Index, to get the index of other animation. |
1958 // If iAnims [ index ^ 1] is NULL then this is the second Call and test is finished. |
1959 if (iAnims[index ^ 1] != NULL) |
1960 { |
1961 return; |
1962 } |
1963 DeleteMoveWindow(); |
1964 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1965 goto CHECKHANDLES; |
1966 } //unreachable line, no need for break |
1967 case 24: |
1968 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1969 iAnim->Stop(); |
1970 delete iAnim; |
1971 iAnim=NULL; |
1972 //don't want to increase state, so decrement, since it is incremented below |
1973 //as part of processing normal completions. This is to reenter the test |
1974 //to call Fail() if required |
1975 iState--; |
1976 break; |
1977 |
1978 case 27: |
1979 case 28: |
1980 case 29: |
1981 case 30: |
1982 case 31: |
1983 case 32: |
1984 iAnims[aId-27]->Stop(); |
1985 delete iAnims[aId-27]; |
1986 iAnims[aId-27] = NULL; |
1987 if(aId != 32) |
1988 { |
1989 return; |
1990 } |
1991 DeleteMoveWindow(); |
1992 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1993 break; |
1994 default: |
1995 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
1996 TInt ii; |
1997 for (ii=0;ii<6;++ii) |
1998 iAnims[ii]->Stop(); |
1999 for (ii=0;ii<6;++ii) |
2000 delete iAnims[ii]; |
2001 DeleteMoveWindow(); |
2002 break; |
2003 } |
2004 #if defined(LOGGING) |
2005 _LIT(KRequest,"Signal Start NextTest Id=%d, State=%d(+1)"); |
2006 LogMessageText.Zero(); |
2007 LogMessageText.AppendFormat(KRequest,aId,iState); |
2008 TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
2009 TheClient->Flush(); |
2010 #endif |
2011 iState++; |
2012 } |
2013 |
2014 void CTDirect::DeleteMoveWindow() |
2015 { |
2016 if (iMoveWin) |
2017 { |
2018 TRequestStatus status; |
2019 iMoveWin->Logon(status); |
2020 if (iMoveWin->StillAlive()) |
2021 { |
2022 iMoveWin->Terminate(KErrNone); |
2023 User::WaitForRequest(status); |
2024 } |
2025 delete iMoveWin; |
2026 iMoveWin=NULL; |
2027 } |
2028 } |
2029 |
2030 void CTDirect::DeleteScroll() |
2031 { |
2032 if (iScroll) |
2033 { |
2034 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenMode(0); |
2035 iScroll->Stop(); |
2036 delete iScroll; |
2037 iScroll=NULL; |
2038 } |
2039 } |
2040 |
2041 TDisplayMode CTDirect::DisplayMode(TInt aId) |
2042 { |
2043 switch (aId) |
2044 { |
2045 case 1: |
2046 case 13: |
2047 case 15: |
2048 case 16: |
2049 return EColor16; |
2050 case 2: |
2051 return EGray16; |
2052 case 3: |
2053 return EColor16; |
2054 case 4: |
2055 case 14: |
2056 case 17: |
2057 case 18: |
2058 case 19: |
2059 case 24: |
2060 return EColor256; |
2061 case 5: |
2062 return EGray256; |
2063 case 6: |
2064 return EColor4K; |
2065 case 7: |
2066 return EColor64K; |
2067 case 8: |
2068 case 9: |
2069 case 10: |
2070 case 11: |
2071 case 12: |
2072 { |
2073 TInt colors,grays; |
2074 /*TDisplayMode mode=*/TheClient->iWs.GetDefModeMaxNumColors(colors,grays); |
2075 if (colors==0) |
2076 return EGray4; |
2077 return (aId==8? EGray16:EColor16); |
2078 } |
2079 default:; |
2080 return TheClient->iScreen->DisplayMode(); |
2081 } |
2082 } |
2083 |
2084 void CTDirect::Log(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine, TInt aSeverity,const TDesC& aString) |
2085 { |
2086 Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)aFile), aLine, aSeverity, aString) ; |
2087 } |
2088 |
2089 TRgb CTDirect::BrushColorL(TInt aId,TInt& aColor,TBool& aFinished) |
2090 { |
2091 aFinished=EFalse; |
2092 switch (aId) |
2093 { |
2094 case 1: |
2095 case 13: |
2096 case 14: |
2097 case 15: |
2098 case 16: |
2099 case 17: |
2100 case 18: |
2101 case 19: |
2102 case 20: |
2103 case 21: |
2104 case 27: |
2105 aFinished=(aColor==20); |
2106 return TRgb::Color16(27 + aColor++); |
2107 case 28: |
2108 aFinished=(aColor==17); |
2109 return TRgb::Color16(28 + aColor++); |
2110 case 29: |
2111 aFinished=(aColor==15); |
2112 return TRgb::Color16(29 + aColor++); |
2113 case 8: |
2114 if (aColor==15) |
2115 { |
2116 ++iCycles; |
2117 aFinished=(iCycles==5); |
2118 } |
2119 else if (!iScroll) |
2120 aFinished=ETrue; |
2121 else if (!iScroll->IsRunning()) |
2122 iScroll->ContinueL(); |
2123 { |
2124 #if defined(LOGGING) |
2125 if (aFinished || iScroll==NULL) |
2126 { |
2127 _LIT(KColor,"Col=%d Cycles=%d Fin=%d iScroll=%d"); |
2128 LogMessageText.Zero(); |
2129 LogMessageText.AppendFormat(KColor,aColor,iCycles,aFinished,(TInt&)iScroll); |
2130 TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
2131 TheClient->Flush(); |
2132 } |
2133 #endif |
2134 } |
2135 case 2: |
2136 if (aColor==16) |
2137 aColor=0; |
2138 return TRgb::Gray16(aColor++); |
2139 case 9: |
2140 case 10: |
2141 aFinished=iCycles>3; |
2142 case 11: |
2143 case 3: |
2144 if (aColor==16) |
2145 { |
2146 ++iCycles; |
2147 aColor=0; |
2148 } |
2149 return TRgb::Color16(aColor++); |
2150 case 4: |
2151 aFinished=(aColor==256); |
2152 return TRgb::Color256(aColor++); |
2153 case 5: |
2154 if (aColor==256) |
2155 aColor=0; |
2156 return TRgb::Gray256(aColor++); |
2157 case 6: |
2158 aColor+=127; |
2159 if (aColor>4095) |
2160 aColor-=4096; |
2161 return TRgb::Color4K(aColor); |
2162 case 7: |
2163 aColor+=211; |
2164 if (aColor>65535) |
2165 aColor-=65536; |
2166 return TRgb::Color64K(aColor++); |
2167 case 12: |
2168 aFinished=2*(aColor>5); |
2169 return TRgb::Color16(aColor++); |
2170 case 24: |
2171 iCycles++; |
2172 if (iCycles==5) |
2173 { |
2174 aFinished=ETrue; |
2175 CheckForTemporaryDeadlock(); |
2176 } |
2177 return TRgb::Color16(aColor++); |
2178 case 30: |
2179 aFinished=(aColor==256); |
2180 return TRgb::Color16(aColor++); |
2181 case 31: |
2182 aFinished=(aColor==100); |
2183 return TRgb::Color16(aColor++); |
2184 case 32: |
2185 aFinished=(aColor==300); |
2186 return TRgb::Color16(aColor++); |
2187 default:; |
2188 aFinished=ETrue; |
2189 return TRgb::Gray2(1); //White |
2190 } |
2191 } |
2192 |
2193 TInt CTDirect::TimerInterval(TInt aId) |
2194 { |
2195 switch (aId) |
2196 { |
2197 case 1: |
2198 case 15: |
2199 case 16: |
2200 case 17: |
2201 case 18: |
2202 case 20: |
2203 case 21: |
2204 return 143200; |
2205 case 27: |
2206 return 200000; |
2207 case 28: |
2208 return 180000; |
2209 case 29: |
2210 return 170000; |
2211 case 30: |
2212 return 200000; |
2213 case 31: |
2214 return 205000; |
2215 case 32: |
2216 return 300000; |
2217 case 2: |
2218 case 25: |
2219 case 26: |
2220 return 234567; |
2221 case 3: |
2222 return 200000; |
2223 case 4: |
2224 return 11718; |
2225 case 5: |
2226 return 13719; |
2227 case 6: |
2228 return 14719; |
2229 case 7: |
2230 return 15719; |
2231 case 8: |
2232 return 275000; |
2233 case 9: |
2234 return 210000; |
2235 case 10: |
2236 return 110000; |
2237 case 11: |
2238 return 123456; |
2239 case 12: |
2240 return 10627; |
2241 case 19: |
2242 return 1000000; |
2243 default:; |
2244 return 1; |
2245 } |
2246 } |
2247 |
2248 void CTDirect::FailedReStart(TInt /*aId*/,TInt /*aReason*/) |
2249 { |
2250 Fail(); |
2251 } |
2252 |
2253 TInt CTDirect::SlowStopping(TInt aId,TInt aCount) |
2254 { |
2255 if (aId==8) |
2256 return (aCount>1 ? CColorAnimation::eAbortAll : CColorAnimation::eStopNow); |
2257 if (aId==9 || aId==10) |
2258 return CColorAnimation::eStopNow; |
2259 TInt ret=(2*aId-3==aCount%12); |
2260 if (ret && aId==5) |
2261 { |
2262 ++iCount; |
2263 if (iCount==5) |
2264 return CColorAnimation::eAbort; |
2265 } |
2266 return ret; |
2267 } |
2268 |
2269 void CTDirect::ModeSwitch() |
2270 { |
2271 TRAPD(err,iAnim->ChangeModeL(EGray4)); |
2272 iWin2->SetSize(TSize(20,25)); |
2273 TheClient->Flush(); |
2274 if (err!=KErrNone) |
2275 Fail(); |
2276 } |
2277 |
2278 TestState CTDirect::AnimateWindowL() |
2279 { |
2280 // if (!iTimer->IsActive()) |
2281 { |
2282 |
2283 |
2284 iFrameNo=0; |
2285 SignalWindow(); |
2286 |
2287 |
2288 iTimer->Start(0,200000,TCallBack(NextFrame,this)); //0.2 secs |
2289 |
2290 StartDirect(); |
2291 TEST(iDrawingRegion->BoundingRect()==iScrSize); |
2292 } |
2293 // else |
2294 // { |
2295 // int i=0; |
2296 // } |
2297 return EWait; |
2298 } |
2299 |
2300 TestState CTDirect::AnimationDiesL() |
2301 { |
2302 INFO_PRINTF1(_L("AUTO Animation Dies ")); |
2303 _LIT(ThreadName,"AnimationDie"); |
2304 iFirstFunction=TThreadStartUp(CAnimating::StartLC,(TAny*)iTest->iScreenNumber); |
2305 CProcess* thread=CProcess::NewThreadL(ThreadName,&iFirstFunction); |
2306 CleanupStack::PushL(thread); |
2307 thread->LeaveIfDied(); |
2308 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Constructed Thread")); |
2309 iControlSem.Wait(); |
2310 RWindowGroup group(TheClient->iWs); |
2311 group.Construct(431,EFalse); |
2312 RBlankWindow win(TheClient->iWs); |
2313 win.Construct(group,432); |
2314 win.SetExtent(TPoint(12,34),TSize(56,78)); |
2315 win.Activate(); |
2316 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Constructed Windows")); |
2317 iControlSem.Wait(); |
2318 User::After(1000000); //1 sec |
2319 TRequestStatus threadDied; |
2320 thread->Logon(threadDied); |
2321 thread->Terminate(KErrGeneral); |
2322 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Waiting for Thread")); |
2323 User::WaitForRequest(threadDied); |
2324 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(thread); |
2325 win.Close(); |
2326 group.Close(); |
2327 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Finished")); |
2328 return ENext; |
2329 } |
2330 |
2331 TestState CTDirect::PackagingClassL() |
2332 { |
2333 ConstrucBlankWindowL(); |
2334 TInt numProcessHandles; |
2335 RThread().HandleCount(numProcessHandles,iNumThreadHandles); |
2336 iAnim=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,1,*this,*TheClient->iGroup,TRect(10,10,630,230),ETrue); |
2337 return EWait; |
2338 } |
2339 |
2340 TestState CTDirect::MultipleL() |
2341 { |
2342 TSize scrSize=TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels(); |
2343 |
2344 iFlags|=eMultiAnim; |
2345 iAnims[0]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,2,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2346 TRect(0,10,scrSize.iWidth/3+20,scrSize.iHeight/2-5),EFalse); |
2347 iAnims[1]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,3,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2348 TRect(10,scrSize.iHeight/2-20,scrSize.iWidth/3-5,scrSize.iHeight),EFalse); |
2349 iAnims[3]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,5,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2350 TRect(scrSize.iWidth/3-20,scrSize.iHeight/2+5,2*scrSize.iWidth/3+20,scrSize.iHeight-10),EFalse); |
2351 iAnims[2]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,4,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2352 TRect(scrSize.iWidth/3+5,0,2*scrSize.iWidth/3-5,scrSize.iHeight/2+20),EFalse); |
2353 iAnims[4]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,6,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2354 TRect(2*scrSize.iWidth/3-20,15,scrSize.iWidth,scrSize.iHeight/2+50),EFalse); |
2355 iAnims[5]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,7,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2356 TRect(2*scrSize.iWidth/3+5,-20,scrSize.iWidth-15,scrSize.iHeight+10),ETrue); |
2357 TInt ii; |
2358 for (ii=0;ii<5;++ii) |
2359 iAnims[ii]->StartL(); |
2360 _LIT(ThreadName,"MoveWin"); |
2361 |
2362 MoveInterval=100000; //0.1 secs |
2363 ModeInterval=1200000; //1.2 sec |
2364 ImmediateModeSwitch=EFalse; |
2365 iFirstFunction=TThreadStartUp(CMoveWindow::StartLC,(TAny*)iTest->iScreenNumber); |
2366 iMoveWin=CProcess::NewThreadL(ThreadName,&iFirstFunction); |
2367 return EWait; |
2368 } |
2369 |
2370 TestState CTDirect::MixDsaAndRegionTrackingOnlyL(TBool aWhoExitsLast) |
2371 { |
2372 TSize scrSize=TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels(); |
2373 |
2374 iFlags|=eMultiAnim; |
2375 TUint firstRegionTrackinOnlyDsa = (aWhoExitsLast == KRegionTrackingOnlyDsaExistLast ? 0 : 3); |
2376 TUint firstDrawingDsa = (aWhoExitsLast == KDrawingDsaExistLast ? 0 : 3); |
2377 |
2378 //DSAs who use region tracking only |
2379 iAnims[firstRegionTrackinOnlyDsa]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,firstRegionTrackinOnlyDsa+27,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2380 TRect(10,scrSize.iHeight/2-20,scrSize.iWidth/3-5,scrSize.iHeight),EFalse,KRegionTrackingOnly); |
2381 iAnims[firstRegionTrackinOnlyDsa+1]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,firstRegionTrackinOnlyDsa+28,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2382 TRect(2*scrSize.iWidth/3-20,15,scrSize.iWidth,scrSize.iHeight/2+50),EFalse,KRegionTrackingOnly); |
2383 iAnims[firstRegionTrackinOnlyDsa+2]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,firstRegionTrackinOnlyDsa+29,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2384 TRect(2*scrSize.iWidth/3+5,-20,scrSize.iWidth-15,scrSize.iHeight+10),EFalse,KRegionTrackingOnly); |
2385 |
2386 //DSAs who actually draw |
2387 iAnims[firstDrawingDsa]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,firstDrawingDsa+27,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2388 TRect(0,10,scrSize.iWidth/3+20,scrSize.iHeight/2-5),EFalse,KDrawingDsa); |
2389 iAnims[firstDrawingDsa+1]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,firstDrawingDsa+28,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2390 TRect(scrSize.iWidth/3+5,0,2*scrSize.iWidth/3-5,scrSize.iHeight/2+20),EFalse,KDrawingDsa); |
2391 iAnims[firstDrawingDsa+2]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,firstDrawingDsa+29,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2392 TRect(scrSize.iWidth/3-20,scrSize.iHeight/2+5,2*scrSize.iWidth/3+20,scrSize.iHeight-10),EFalse,KDrawingDsa); |
2393 |
2394 TInt ii; |
2395 for (ii=0;ii<6;++ii) |
2396 { |
2397 if(iAnims[ii]) |
2398 iAnims[ii]->StartL(); |
2399 } |
2400 |
2401 _LIT(ThreadName,"MoveWin"); |
2402 |
2403 MoveInterval=100000; //0.1 secs |
2404 ModeInterval=1200000; //1.2 secs |
2405 ImmediateModeSwitch=EFalse; |
2406 iFirstFunction=TThreadStartUp(CMoveWindow::StartLC,(TAny*)iTest->iScreenNumber); |
2407 iMoveWin=CProcess::NewThreadL(ThreadName,&iFirstFunction); |
2408 return EWait; |
2409 } |
2410 |
2411 TestState CTDirect::TryDifferentSupportedModesL() |
2412 { |
2413 |
2414 RWsSession session; |
2415 User::LeaveIfError(session.Connect()); |
2416 CWsScreenDevice* device = new(ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(session); |
2417 CleanupStack::PushL(device); |
2418 User::LeaveIfError(device->Construct(iTest->iScreenNumber)); |
2419 TUint numOfModes=device->NumScreenModes(); |
2420 _LIT(KTryingCurrentMode,"Trying Mode = %d"); |
2421 for(TUint currentMode =0; currentMode < numOfModes; currentMode++) |
2422 { |
2423 LOG_MESSAGE2(KTryingCurrentMode,currentMode); |
2424 device->SetScreenMode(currentMode); |
2425 TRAPD(err,iAnims[0]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,4,*this,*TheClient->iGroup, |
2426 TRect(0,0,50,50),ETrue)); |
2427 if(err!=KErrNone) |
2428 { |
2429 TEST(EFalse); |
2430 } |
2431 else |
2432 { |
2433 User::After(2000000); |
2434 iAnims[0]->Stop(); |
2435 delete iAnims[0]; |
2436 } |
2437 } |
2438 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(device); |
2439 session.Close(); |
2440 iState++; |
2441 return EWait; |
2442 } |
2443 |
2444 |
2445 TestState CTDirect::FailCodesL() |
2446 { |
2447 __UHEAP_MARK; |
2448 TRequestStatus status; |
2449 RRegion region(TRect(0,0,10,10),1); |
2450 RRegion* pRegion=®ion; |
2451 RDirectScreenAccess direct(TheClient->iWs); |
2452 User::LeaveIfError(direct.Construct()); |
2453 RBlankWindow window(TheClient->iWs); |
2454 User::LeaveIfError(window.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode(),1234)); |
2455 TInt err=direct.Request(pRegion,status,window); |
2456 TEST(err==KErrNone); |
2457 if (err!=KErrNone) |
2458 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("direct.Request(pRegion,status,window) return value - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), KErrNone, err); |
2459 TEST(pRegion!=NULL); |
2460 if (pRegion==NULL) |
2461 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("pRegion!=NULL - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), 0, 0); |
2462 pRegion->Destroy(); |
2463 direct.Cancel(); |
2464 User::WaitForRequest(status); |
2465 window.Activate(); |
2466 window.SetOrdinalPosition(-2); |
2467 pRegion=®ion; |
2468 err=direct.Request(pRegion,status,window); |
2469 TEST(err==KErrNone); |
2470 if (err!=KErrNone) |
2471 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("direct.Request(pRegion,status,window) return value - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), KErrNone, err); |
2472 TEST(pRegion!=NULL); |
2473 if (pRegion==NULL) |
2474 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("pRegion!=NULL - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), 0, 0); |
2475 pRegion->Destroy(); |
2476 direct.Cancel(); |
2477 User::WaitForRequest(status); |
2478 #if defined(__WINS__) |
2479 // Loop over the allocations done. |
2480 // There is one allocating of the rectangle list and |
2481 // one of the region holding the list |
2482 for (TInt rate = 1; rate <= 2; rate++) |
2483 { |
2484 window.SetOrdinalPosition(0); |
2485 pRegion=®ion; |
2486 TheClient->Flush(); |
2487 __UHEAP_FAILNEXT(rate); |
2488 err=direct.Request(pRegion,status,window); |
2489 TEST(err==KErrNoMemory); |
2490 if (err!=KErrNoMemory) |
2491 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("direct.Request(pRegion,status,window) return value - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), KErrNoMemory, err); |
2492 |
2493 TEST(pRegion==NULL); |
2494 if (pRegion!=NULL) |
2495 INFO_PRINTF3(_L("pRegion!=NULL - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), 0, 0); |
2496 } |
2497 #endif |
2498 window.Close(); |
2499 direct.Close(); |
2500 region.Close(); |
2502 return ENext; |
2503 } |
2504 |
2505 void CTDirect::ScrolingTextL(TInt aId,TRect aWinRect,TBool aStartThread,TInt aScreenMode/*=0*/) |
2506 { |
2507 INFO_PRINTF1(_L("AUTO Construct ScrolingText ")); |
2508 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Constructed Window")); |
2509 iCycles=0; |
2510 TInt numProcessHandles; |
2511 RThread().HandleCount(numProcessHandles,iNumThreadHandles); |
2512 iAnim=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,aId,*this,*TheClient->iGroup,aWinRect,EFalse); |
2513 iScroll=CScrollText::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,1,*TheClient->iGroup,5,EFalse); |
2514 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Constructed Text Scroller & Animation")); |
2515 iAnim->BringWindowToFront(); |
2516 if (aStartThread) |
2517 { |
2518 _LIT(ThreadName,"MoveWin"); |
2519 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" About to constructed Thread")); |
2520 iFirstFunction=TThreadStartUp(CMoveWindow::StartLC,(TAny*)iTest->iScreenNumber); |
2521 __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iMoveWin,AutoPanic(EAutoPanicDirect)); |
2522 iMoveWin=CProcess::NewThreadL(ThreadName,&iFirstFunction); |
2523 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Constructed Thread")); |
2524 } |
2525 if (aScreenMode>0) |
2526 { |
2527 TInt numScreenModes = TheClient->iScreen->NumScreenModes(); |
2528 if (aScreenMode < numScreenModes) |
2529 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenMode(aScreenMode); |
2530 else |
2531 LOG_MESSAGE(_L("WARNING: Failed to change screen mode")); |
2532 // We have to run the test anyway to avoid things going wrong later |
2533 } |
2534 iAnim->StartOrPanic(); |
2535 iScroll->StartL(); |
2536 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Constructed/Started")); |
2537 #if defined(LOGGING) |
2538 _LIT(KStarted,"Finished StartUp ScrollText"); |
2539 LogMessageText.Copy(KStarted); |
2540 TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
2541 TheClient->Flush(); |
2542 #endif |
2543 } |
2544 |
2545 TestState CTDirect::ScrolingText1L() |
2546 { |
2547 MoveInterval=0; |
2548 ModeInterval=1200000; //1.2 sec |
2549 ScrolingTextL(8,TRect(20,20,40,40),ETrue); |
2550 return EWait; |
2551 } |
2552 |
2553 TestState CTDirect::RClassL() |
2554 { |
2555 #if defined(LOGGING) |
2556 _LIT(KRClass,"Starting Panic test on RClass"); |
2557 LogMessageText.Zero(); |
2558 LogMessageText.AppendFormat(KRClass); |
2559 TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
2560 TheClient->Flush(); |
2561 #endif |
2562 TEST(iTest->TestWsPanicL(CPanicDirect::DoTestOnNewScheduler,EWservPanicDirectMisuse,1,(TAny*)iTest->iScreenNumber)); |
2563 #if defined(LOGGING) |
2564 _LIT(KPanic1,"Done First Panic"); |
2565 LogMessageText.Zero(); |
2566 LogMessageText.AppendFormat(KPanic1); |
2567 TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
2568 TheClient->Flush(); |
2569 #endif |
2570 #if defined(__WINS__) |
2571 #if defined(LOGGING) |
2572 _LIT(KPanic2,"Doing 2 debug panics"); |
2573 LogMessageText.Zero(); |
2574 LogMessageText.AppendFormat(KPanic2); |
2575 TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
2576 TheClient->Flush(); |
2577 #endif |
2578 TEST(iTest->TestW32PanicL(CPanicDirect::DoTestOnNewScheduler,EW32PanicDirectMisuse,2,(TAny*)iTest->iScreenNumber)); |
2579 TEST(iTest->TestW32PanicL(CPanicDirect::DoTestOnNewScheduler,EW32PanicDirectMisuse,3,(TAny*)iTest->iScreenNumber)); |
2580 #endif |
2581 #if defined(LOGGING) |
2582 _LIT(KPanicTest,"Trying Panic %d"); |
2583 LogMessageText.Zero(); |
2584 LogMessageText.AppendFormat(KPanicTest,4); |
2585 TheClient->iWs.LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
2586 TheClient->Flush(); |
2587 #endif |
2588 TEST(iTest->TestWsPanicL(CPanicDirect::DoTestOnNewScheduler,EWservPanicDirectMisuse,4,(TAny*)iTest->iScreenNumber)); |
2589 TEST(iTest->TestW32PanicL(CPanicDirect::DoTestOnNewScheduler,EW32PanicDirectMisuse,5,(TAny*)iTest->iScreenNumber)); |
2590 return ENext; |
2591 } |
2592 |
2593 TestState CTDirect::ScrolingText2L() |
2594 { |
2595 MoveInterval=81234; //0.08 sec |
2596 ModeInterval=140123; //0.14 sec |
2597 ImmediateModeSwitch=2; |
2598 ScrolingTextL(9,TRect(15,25,45,35),ETrue); |
2599 iScroll->SetCountDown(5); |
2600 return EWait; |
2601 } |
2602 |
2603 TestState CTDirect::ScrolingText3L() |
2604 { |
2605 iModeBackup=TheClient->iScreen->ScreenModeEnforcement(); |
2606 if (iModeBackup!=ESizeEnforcementNone) |
2607 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenModeEnforcement(ESizeEnforcementNone); |
2608 MoveInterval=0; |
2609 ModeInterval=0; |
2610 FlipInterval=1200000; //1.2 secs |
2611 ScrolingTextL(10,TRect(25,30,35,45),ETrue,1); |
2612 iScroll->SetBottomOfTest(80); //So it can be seen in both screen modes |
2613 return EWait; |
2614 } |
2615 |
2616 TestState CTDirect::ScrolingText4L() |
2617 { |
2618 iModeBackup=TheClient->iScreen->ScreenModeEnforcement(); |
2619 if (iModeBackup!=ESizeEnforcementNone) |
2620 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenModeEnforcement(ESizeEnforcementNone); |
2621 MoveInterval=876543; //0.88 secs |
2622 ModeInterval=2178900; //2.18 secs |
2623 FlipInterval=5000000; //5 secs |
2624 ScrolingTextL(11,TRect(30,40,55,65),ETrue); |
2625 iScroll->SetBottomOfTest(80); //So it can be seen in both screen modes |
2626 return EWait; |
2627 } |
2628 |
2629 void CTDirect::CreateAnimForScreenModeL(TInt aAnimIndex,CTWinBase& aParent,TRect aRect,TInt aId) |
2630 { |
2631 iAnims[aAnimIndex]=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,aId,*this,aParent,aRect,EFalse); |
2632 iAnims[aAnimIndex]->StartL(); |
2633 iAnims[aAnimIndex]->BringWindowToFront(); |
2634 } |
2635 |
2636 void CTDirect::BlankTopClientWindowL(CTBlankWindow& aBlankWindow,TRect aRect) |
2637 { |
2638 aBlankWindow.ConstructExtLD(*TheClient->iGroup,aRect.iTl,aRect.Size()); |
2639 User::LeaveIfError(aBlankWindow.BaseWin()->SetRequiredDisplayMode(EColor256)); |
2640 aBlankWindow.BaseWin()->SetShadowDisabled(ETrue); |
2641 aBlankWindow.Activate(); |
2642 } |
2643 |
2644 static TInt ChangeScreenModeL(TAny* aTest) |
2645 { |
2646 STATIC_CAST(CTDirect*,aTest)->ChangeToNextScreenModeL(); |
2647 return KErrNone; |
2648 } |
2649 |
2650 void CTDirect::ChangeToNextScreenModeL() |
2651 { |
2652 #if defined(LOGGING) |
2653 _LIT(KChangeMode,"AUTO Screen Mode Pos Test2 CallBack"); |
2654 LogMessageText.Copy(KChangeMode); |
2655 TheClient->LogMessage(LogMessageText); |
2656 TheClient->iWs.LogCommand(RWsSession::ELoggingStatusDump); |
2657 #endif |
2658 iNumOfModes=TheClient->iScreen->NumScreenModes(); |
2659 if (iCurrentMode<iNumOfModes) |
2660 { |
2661 TPixelsAndRotation pixelsAndRotation; |
2662 SetScreenMode(iCurrentMode,pixelsAndRotation); |
2663 TInt oldCurrentMode=iCurrentMode; |
2664 CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* rotations=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(1); |
2665 CleanupStack::PushL(rotations); |
2666 User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetRotationsList(iCurrentMode,rotations)); |
2667 TInt count=rotations->Count(); |
2668 TInt jj=0; |
2669 if (count>1) |
2670 { |
2671 for (jj=0;jj<count;) |
2672 { |
2673 if ((*rotations)[jj++]==pixelsAndRotation.iRotation) |
2674 { |
2675 break; |
2676 } |
2677 } |
2678 if (jj==count) |
2679 { |
2680 jj=0; |
2681 } |
2682 } |
2683 if (jj==0) |
2684 { |
2685 iCurrentMode++; |
2686 } |
2687 TInt currentRotation=(*rotations)[jj]; |
2688 TheClient->iScreen->SetCurrentRotations(oldCurrentMode,REINTERPRET_CAST(CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation&,currentRotation)); |
2689 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rotations); |
2690 TheClient->iScreen->GetScreenModeSizeAndRotation(oldCurrentMode,pixelsAndRotation); |
2691 TInt screenWidth=pixelsAndRotation.iPixelSize.iWidth; |
2692 TInt screenHeight=pixelsAndRotation.iPixelSize.iHeight; |
2693 TPoint screenModeOrigin=TheClient->iScreen->GetScreenModeScaledOrigin(oldCurrentMode); |
2694 TPoint point1(screenModeOrigin.iX,screenModeOrigin.iY+(screenModeOrigin.iY+screenHeight)/2); |
2695 TPoint point2(screenModeOrigin.iX+(screenModeOrigin.iX+screenWidth)/2,screenHeight+screenModeOrigin.iY); |
2696 TRect rect0(point1,point2); |
2697 TRect rect1(TPoint(0,0),rect0.Size()); |
2698 CreateAnimForScreenModeL(0,*TheClient->iGroup,rect1,14); |
2699 TPoint pos=iAnims[0]->AbsoluteWindowPosition(); |
2700 TEST(pos==TPoint(0,0)); |
2701 } |
2702 } |
2703 |
2704 TInt ChangeScreenScaleCallBack(TAny* aTest) |
2705 { |
2706 static_cast<CTDirect*>(aTest)->ChangeScreenScale(); |
2707 return KErrNone; |
2708 } |
2709 |
2710 void CTDirect::ChangeScreenScale() |
2711 { |
2712 if (!iNumOfCallBack) |
2713 { |
2714 iCurrentMode=TheClient->iScreen->CurrentScreenMode(); |
2715 iModeData=TheClient->iScreen->GetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(); |
2716 iModeData.iScreenScale.SetSize(1,1); |
2717 } |
2718 TSizeMode testMode=iModeData; |
2719 if (!iNumOfCallBack) |
2720 { |
2721 testMode.iScreenScale.SetSize(2,2); |
2722 } |
2723 else if (iNumOfCallBack==1) |
2724 { |
2725 testMode.iScreenScale.SetSize(3,2); |
2726 } |
2727 else if (iNumOfCallBack==2) |
2728 { |
2729 testMode.iScreenScale.SetSize(2,3); |
2730 } |
2731 TheClient->iScreen->SetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(testMode); |
2732 TheClient->iScreen->SetAppScreenMode(iCurrentMode); |
2733 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenMode(iCurrentMode); |
2734 if (iNumOfCallBack==2) |
2735 { |
2736 iScreenModeTimer->Cancel(); |
2737 delete iScreenModeTimer; |
2738 iScreenModeTimer=NULL; |
2739 } |
2740 iNumOfCallBack++; |
2741 } |
2742 |
2743 /* |
2744 * Creates a DSA for screen mode 0. After DSA has displayd 2 or 3 frames screen mode |
2745 * scale is changed with a timer. The DSA aborts and restarts once again |
2746 * and completes itself in different screen mode. |
2747 */ |
2748 TestState CTDirect::ScreenModeTestForScalingL() |
2749 { |
2750 CreateAnimForScreenModeL(0,*TheClient->iGroup,TRect(TSize(10,10)),19); |
2751 iScreenModeTimer=CPeriodic::NewL(0); |
2752 MoveInterval=2000000; |
2753 iScreenModeTimer->Start(1000,MoveInterval,TCallBack(ChangeScreenScaleCallBack,this)); |
2754 return EWait; |
2755 } |
2756 |
2757 /* |
2758 * Creates a DSA for screen mode 0, tests API AbsoluteWindowPosition() |
2759 * Then sets screen mode to last(test) screen mode, here it does the same thing as |
2760 * done for screenmode 0, but with diffrerent scale (2,2) (2,3) (3,2) (3,3) and |
2761 * with different origin (20,30) (30,20) (20,20). |
2762 * Lastly copy back the test screen mode values. |
2763 */ |
2764 TestState CTDirect::ScreenModeScalingTestL() |
2765 { |
2766 #if defined(LOGGING) |
2767 INFO_PRINTF1("AUTO ScreenModeScalingTest "); |
2768 #else |
2769 // DisabledStartLogText(); |
2770 #endif |
2771 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Switch to mode 0")); |
2772 iModeData.iScreenScale.iWidth=1; |
2773 iModeData.iScreenScale.iHeight=1; |
2774 TheClient->iScreen->SetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(iModeData); |
2775 TheClient->iScreen->SetAppScreenMode(0); |
2776 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenMode(0); |
2777 iCurrentMode=0; |
2778 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Get Parameters")); |
2779 iCurrentScreenModeOrigin=TheClient->iScreen->GetDefaultScreenModeOrigin(); |
2780 iCurrentScreenModeScale=TheClient->iScreen->GetCurrentScreenModeScale(); |
2781 Copy2ndHalfOfScreen=(iCurrentScreenModeOrigin.iX>FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/2? 1 : 0); |
2782 TRect testWinRect(PhysicalToLogical(TPoint(),iCurrentScreenModeScale), |
2783 PhysicalToLogical(TPoint((Copy2ndHalfOfScreen ? FullScreenModeSize.iWidth : |
2784 FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/2), |
2785 FullScreenModeSize.iHeight)- |
2786 iCurrentScreenModeOrigin,iCurrentScreenModeScale) |
2787 ); |
2788 testWinRect.Shrink(10,10); |
2789 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Create Animation")); |
2790 CreateAnimForScreenModeL(0,*TheClient->iGroup,testWinRect,17); |
2791 TPoint pos0=iAnims[0]->AbsoluteWindowPosition(); |
2792 TEST(pos0==TPoint(10,10)); |
2793 |
2794 TInt numOfModes=TheClient->iScreen->NumScreenModes(); |
2795 iCurrentMode=numOfModes-1; |
2796 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Switch to Last Mode")); |
2797 TheClient->iScreen->SetAppScreenMode(iCurrentMode); |
2798 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenMode(iCurrentMode); |
2799 TSizeMode storeModeData=TheClient->iScreen->GetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(); |
2800 TSizeMode testMode=storeModeData; |
2801 iNumAnimation=0; |
2802 for (TInt xScale=2;xScale<4;xScale++) |
2803 { |
2804 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" New X-Scale")); |
2805 for (TInt yScale=2;yScale<4;yScale++) |
2806 { |
2807 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" New Y-Scale")); |
2808 testMode.iScreenScale=TSize(xScale,yScale); |
2809 TestDifferentOriginAndScaleL(testMode,TPoint(20,20)); |
2810 TestDifferentOriginAndScaleL(testMode,TPoint(20,30)); |
2811 TestDifferentOriginAndScaleL(testMode,TPoint(30,20)); |
2812 } |
2813 } |
2814 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenMode(iCurrentMode); |
2815 TheClient->iScreen->SetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(storeModeData); |
2816 INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Set To Mode 0")); |
2817 TheClient->iScreen->SetAppScreenMode(0); |
2818 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenMode(0); |
2819 return EWait; |
2820 } |
2821 |
2822 void CTDirect::TestDifferentOriginAndScaleL(TSizeMode &aMode,TPoint aOrigin) |
2823 { |
2824 aMode.iOrigin=aOrigin; |
2825 TheClient->iScreen->SetCurrentScreenModeAttributes(aMode); |
2826 TheClient->iScreen->SetAppScreenMode(iCurrentMode); |
2827 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenMode(iCurrentMode); |
2828 iCurrentScreenModeOrigin=TheClient->iScreen->GetScreenModeOrigin(iCurrentMode); |
2829 iCurrentScreenModeScale=TheClient->iScreen->GetScreenModeScale(iCurrentMode); |
2830 Copy2ndHalfOfScreen=(iCurrentScreenModeOrigin.iX>FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/2? 1 : 0); |
2831 TRect testWinRect(PhysicalToLogical(TPoint(),iCurrentScreenModeScale), |
2832 PhysicalToLogical(TPoint((Copy2ndHalfOfScreen ? FullScreenModeSize.iWidth |
2833 : FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/2), |
2834 FullScreenModeSize.iHeight) |
2835 -iCurrentScreenModeOrigin,iCurrentScreenModeScale) |
2836 ); |
2837 testWinRect.Shrink(10,10); |
2838 ++iNumAnimation; |
2839 CreateAnimForScreenModeL(iNumAnimation,*TheClient->iGroup,testWinRect,18); |
2840 TPoint pos0=iAnims[iNumAnimation]->AbsoluteWindowPosition(); |
2841 TEST(pos0==TPoint(10,10)); |
2842 } |
2843 |
2845 //Tests that DSA works correctly in screen modes with non-zero screen mode origin. |
2846 TestState CTDirect::DSAWithScreenModeOffset1L() |
2847 { |
2848 TPoint screenModeTwoOrigin=TheClient->iScreen->GetScreenModeScaledOrigin(2); |
2849 TPixelsAndRotation pixelsAndRotation; |
2850 TheClient->iScreen->GetScreenModeSizeAndRotation(2,pixelsAndRotation); |
2851 if(pixelsAndRotation.iRotation != CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal) |
2852 { |
2853 TheClient->iScreen->SetCurrentRotations(2, CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal); |
2854 } |
2855 TheClient->iScreen->GetScreenModeSizeAndRotation(2,pixelsAndRotation); |
2856 //check that the current rotation is normal |
2857 __ASSERT_DEBUG(pixelsAndRotation.iRotation==CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal,AutoPanic(EAutoPanicDirect)); |
2858 TInt screenWidthMode2=pixelsAndRotation.iPixelSize.iWidth; |
2859 TInt screenHeightMode2=pixelsAndRotation.iPixelSize.iHeight; |
2860 TPoint point1(screenModeTwoOrigin.iX,screenModeTwoOrigin.iY+(screenModeTwoOrigin.iY+screenHeightMode2)/2); |
2861 TPoint point2(screenModeTwoOrigin.iX+(screenModeTwoOrigin.iX+screenWidthMode2)/2,screenHeightMode2+screenModeTwoOrigin.iY); |
2862 TPoint point3(screenModeTwoOrigin.iX+screenWidthMode2,screenModeTwoOrigin.iY+screenHeightMode2); |
2863 |
2864 SetScreenMode(0,pixelsAndRotation); |
2865 TRect rect0(point1,point2); |
2866 CreateAnimForScreenModeL(0,*TheClient->iGroup,rect0,13); |
2867 TPoint pos0=iAnims[0]->AbsoluteWindowPosition(); |
2868 TEST(pos0==point1); |
2869 |
2870 SetScreenMode(2,pixelsAndRotation); |
2871 TRect rect1(TPoint(0,0),rect0.Size()); |
2872 CreateAnimForScreenModeL(1,*TheClient->iGroup,rect1,13); |
2873 TPoint pos1=iAnims[1]->AbsoluteWindowPosition(); |
2874 TEST(pos1==rect1.iTl); |
2875 |
2876 SetScreenMode(0,pixelsAndRotation); |
2877 iBlankTopClientWin1=new(ELeave) CTBlankWindow(); |
2878 // TInt ordpos = iBlankTopClientWin1->BaseWin()->OrdinalPosition(); |
2879 TRect rect2(TPoint(point2.iX,point1.iY),point3); |
2880 BlankTopClientWindowL(*iBlankTopClientWin1,rect2); |
2881 TInt x=rect2.Size().iWidth/4; |
2882 TPoint animWinPt(x,0); |
2883 rect2.Shrink(x,0); |
2884 CreateAnimForScreenModeL(2,*iBlankTopClientWin1,TRect(animWinPt,rect2.Size()),13); |
2885 TPoint pos2=iAnims[2]->AbsoluteWindowPosition(); |
2886 TEST(pos2==rect2.iTl); |
2887 |
2888 SetScreenMode(2,pixelsAndRotation); |
2889 iBlankTopClientWin2=new(ELeave) CTBlankWindow(); |
2890 // ordpos = iBlankTopClientWin2->BaseWin()->OrdinalPosition(); |
2891 TPoint tl(rect1.iBr.iX,0); |
2892 TRect rect3(tl,TPoint(screenWidthMode2,rect1.iBr.iY)); |
2893 BlankTopClientWindowL(*iBlankTopClientWin2,rect3); |
2894 x=rect3.Size().iWidth/4; |
2895 animWinPt=TPoint(x,0); |
2896 rect3.Shrink(x,0); |
2897 CreateAnimForScreenModeL(3,*iBlankTopClientWin2,TRect(animWinPt,rect3.Size()),13); |
2898 TPoint pos3=iAnims[3]->AbsoluteWindowPosition(); |
2899 TEST(pos3==(animWinPt+tl)); |
2900 |
2901 SetScreenMode(0,pixelsAndRotation); |
2902 return EWait; |
2903 } |
2904 |
2906 //Tests that DSA works correctly in screen modes with non-zero screen mode origin and different rotations |
2907 TestState CTDirect::DSAWithScreenModeOffset2L() |
2908 { |
2909 iCurrentMode=0; |
2910 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 timeBetweenScreenModeChange=3200000; |
2911 iCallBackWin->WinTreeNode()->SetOrdinalPosition(0); |
2912 iCallBackWin->SetVisible(ETrue); //Used to forsce screen into Color256 so that it will rotate |
2913 iChangeScreenModeTimer=CPeriodic::NewL(0); |
2914 iChangeScreenModeTimer->Start(0,timeBetweenScreenModeChange,TCallBack(ChangeScreenModeL,this)); |
2915 return EWait; |
2916 } |
2917 |
2918 void CTDirect::SetScreenMode(TInt aMode,TPixelsAndRotation& aPixelsAndRotation) |
2919 { |
2920 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenMode(aMode); |
2921 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenModeEnforcement(ESizeEnforcementNone); |
2922 TheClient->iScreen->GetDefaultScreenSizeAndRotation(aPixelsAndRotation); |
2923 TheClient->iScreen->SetScreenSizeAndRotation(aPixelsAndRotation); |
2924 TheClient->Flush(); |
2925 } |
2926 |
2927 TestState CTDirect::DefectFix_KAA_5J3BLW_L() |
2928 { |
2929 TInt numProcessHandles; |
2930 RThread().HandleCount(numProcessHandles,iNumThreadHandles); |
2931 const TSize screenSize(TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels()); |
2932 const TRect dsaRect(0,0,screenSize.iWidth>>2,screenSize.iHeight>>2); |
2933 iAnim=CBugFixColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber, 1, *this, *TheClient->iGroup, dsaRect,ETrue); |
2934 return EWait; |
2935 } |
2936 |
2937 TestState CTDirect::RegionTrackingOnlyNotificationsL(TUint aId) |
2938 { |
2939 TInt numProcessHandles; |
2940 RThread().HandleCount(numProcessHandles,iNumThreadHandles); |
2941 const TSize screenSize(TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels()); |
2942 const TRect dsaRect(0,0,screenSize.iWidth>>2,screenSize.iHeight>>2); |
2943 TBool isWindowOpenedInFrontOfDsa = (aId == KRegionTrackingOnlyDsaWaitingForAbortSignal); |
2944 iAnim=CRegionTrackingOnly::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber, aId, *this, *TheClient->iGroup, dsaRect,ETrue,isWindowOpenedInFrontOfDsa); |
2945 return EWait; |
2946 } |
2947 |
2948 // Tests the new function of getting the window's absolute position |
2949 TestState CTDirect::WindowPoistionRelativeToScreenL() |
2950 { |
2951 //.. delete screen mode timer |
2952 delete iChangeScreenModeTimer; |
2953 iChangeScreenModeTimer=NULL; |
2954 |
2955 TInt numProcessHandles; |
2956 RThread().HandleCount(numProcessHandles,iNumThreadHandles); |
2957 TSize screenSize(TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels()); |
2958 TRect rect(0,0,screenSize.iWidth>>1,screenSize.iHeight); |
2959 rect.Shrink(10,10); |
2960 // First animation is for showing that child window is within the visible part of the parent window and within the visible screen area |
2961 iAnims[0]=new(ELeave) CColorAnimation(iTest->iScreenNumber,15,*this); |
2962 iAnims[0]->ConstructL(*TheClient->iGroup,rect,KDrawingDsa,1); |
2963 iAnims[0]->StartL(ETrue); |
2964 // First animation is for showing that child window is to the side of visible part of parent window |
2965 rect.Move(screenSize.iWidth>>1,0); |
2966 iAnims[1]=new(ELeave) CColorAnimation(iTest->iScreenNumber,16,*this); |
2967 iAnims[1]->ConstructL(*TheClient->iGroup,rect,KDrawingDsa,2); |
2968 iAnims[1]->StartL(ETrue); |
2969 return EWait; |
2970 } |
2971 |
2972 TestState CTDirect::MultipleDSAsOnSameWindowL() |
2973 { |
2974 TInt numProcessHandles; |
2975 RThread().HandleCount(numProcessHandles,iNumThreadHandles); |
2976 iCallBackWin->SetVisible(ETrue); |
2977 iCallBackWin->WinTreeNode()->SetOrdinalPosition(0); |
2978 iAnims[0]=new(ELeave) CColorAnimation(iTest->iScreenNumber,20,*this); |
2979 iAnims[0]->ConstructL(*TheClient->iGroup,TRect(),KDrawingDsa,0,1); |
2980 iAnims[0]->StartL(); |
2981 iAnims[1]=new(ELeave) CColorAnimation(iTest->iScreenNumber,21,*this); |
2982 iAnims[1]->ConstructL(*TheClient->iGroup,TRect(),KDrawingDsa,0,2); |
2983 iAnims[1]->StartL(); |
2984 _LIT(ThreadName,"MoveWin"); |
2985 MoveInterval=100000; |
2986 ModeInterval=0; |
2987 FlipInterval=0; |
2988 ImmediateModeSwitch=EFalse; |
2989 iFirstFunction=TThreadStartUp(CMoveWindow::StartLC,(TAny*)iTest->iScreenNumber); |
2990 iMoveWin=CProcess::NewThreadL(ThreadName,&iFirstFunction); |
2991 return EWait; |
2992 } |
2993 |
2994 TestState CTDirect::KillAnimationL() |
2995 { |
2996 TInt numProcessHandles; |
2997 RThread().HandleCount(numProcessHandles,iNumThreadHandles); |
2998 iAnim=CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,12,*this,*TheClient->iGroup,TRect(15,15,625,225),ETrue); |
2999 return EWait; |
3000 } |
3001 |
3002 TestState CTDirect::TemporaryDeadlockL() |
3003 { |
3004 |
3005 if (iTestJustCompleted) |
3006 { |
3007 if (iTestJustFailed) |
3008 { |
3009 Fail(); |
3010 } |
3011 iState++; |
3012 return ENext; |
3013 } |
3014 |
3015 //make sure this code isn't called a second time |
3016 __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iAnim==NULL,AutoPanic(EAutoPanicDirect)); |
3017 |
3018 TSize screenSize(TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels()); |
3019 TRect rect(0,0,screenSize.iWidth>>1,screenSize.iHeight); |
3020 rect.Shrink(10,10); |
3021 iAnim=new(ELeave) CColorAnimation(iTest->iScreenNumber,24,*this); |
3022 iAnim->ConstructL(*TheClient->iGroup,rect,KDrawingDsa,1); |
3023 iAnim->StartL(ETrue); |
3024 return EWait; |
3025 } |
3026 |
3027 void CTDirect::CheckForTemporaryDeadlock() |
3028 { |
3029 |
3030 TBool result=ETrue; |
3031 TInt error; |
3032 |
3033 |
3034 //Create a window for placing on top |
3035 TTime beforeTime; |
3036 beforeTime.HomeTime(); |
3037 |
3038 RWindow window(TheClient->iWs); |
3039 |
3040 error=window.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin(), reinterpret_cast<TInt>(&window)); |
3041 if (error==KErrNone) |
3042 { |
3043 window.SetOrdinalPosition(0); |
3044 window.SetExtent(TPoint(30,30),TSize(10,10)); |
3045 window.SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(255,0,255)); |
3046 |
3047 //make sure the basewin is towards the back |
3048 iCallBackWin->BaseWin()->SetOrdinalPosition(5); |
3049 |
3050 window.SetRequiredDisplayMode(EColor256); |
3051 window.Activate(); |
3052 TheClient->iWs.Flush(); |
3053 //need code similar to below, but the status of the active object we |
3054 //really want is too private |
3055 //if (!iAnim->IsReadyToAbort()) |
3056 // { |
3057 // result=EFalse; |
3058 // } |
3059 window.Close(); |
3060 } |
3061 else |
3062 { |
3063 result = EFalse; |
3064 } |
3065 |
3066 TTime afterTime; |
3067 afterTime.HomeTime(); |
3068 TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds difference = afterTime.MicroSecondsFrom(beforeTime); |
3069 |
3070 //make time difference 350ms, since the two timers to be checked are 400ms and 500ms |
3071 if (difference>TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(1000*350)) |
3072 { |
3073 result=EFalse; |
3074 } |
3075 |
3076 iTestJustCompleted = ETrue; |
3077 if (result==EFalse) |
3078 { |
3079 iTestJustFailed=ETrue; |
3080 } |
3081 } |
3082 |
3083 void CTDirect::RunTestCaseL(TInt /*aCurTestCase*/) |
3084 { |
3085 _LIT(Animation1,"Animating"); |
3086 _LIT(Animation2,"Animating Dies"); |
3087 _LIT(Animation3,"Packaging Class"); |
3088 _LIT(Animation4,"Many Animations"); |
3089 _LIT(Animation5,"Fail Codes"); |
3090 _LIT(Animation6,"Cancel The Other"); |
3091 _LIT(Animation7,"'R' Class API"); |
3092 _LIT(Animation8,"Switch Clear Type"); |
3093 _LIT(Animation9,"SizeMode Change"); |
3094 _LIT(Animation10,"Soak Testing"); |
3095 _LIT(Animation11,"Kill Animation"); |
3096 _LIT(Animation12,"Defect-Fix: KAA-5J3BLW"); |
3097 _LIT(Animation13,"Screen Mode Positioning DSA Test 1"); |
3098 _LIT(Animation14,"Screen Mode Positioning DSA Test 2"); |
3099 _LIT(Animation15,"Position Relative to Screen"); |
3100 _LIT(Animation16,"Screen mode Scaling DSA Test 1"); |
3101 _LIT(Animation17,"Screen mode Scaling DSA Test 2"); |
3102 _LIT(Animation18,"Multiple DSAs on same window"); |
3103 _LIT(Animation19,"DSA and windows temporary deadlock"); |
3104 _LIT(Animation25,"RegionTrackingOnly DSA, window opened in front"); |
3106 _LIT(Animation26,"RegionTrackingOnly DSA, window opened behind"); |
3107 _LIT(Animation27,"Mixed DSAs, RegionTrackingOnly DSA last to exit"); |
3108 _LIT(Animation28,"Mixed DSAs, drawing DSA last to exit"); |
3109 _LIT(Animation29,"Trying all the screen supported modes"); |
3110 #endif |
3111 TestState ret=ENext; |
3112 |
3113 if (iTimerRunning && !iPackagingFinished) |
3114 { |
3115 // Prevent test harness from repeatedly running the test case too quickly. |
3116 User::After(SHORT_DELAY); |
3117 } |
3118 |
3119 //if (iState==0) iState=18; |
3120 iTest->iState=iState; |
3121 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KUnknownSYMTestCaseIDName); |
3122 switch(iState) |
3123 { |
3124 /** |
3125 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0158 |
3126 |
3127 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3128 |
3129 @SYMTestCaseDesc Create seven seperate animations and run them to completion |
3130 |
3131 @SYMTestPriority High |
3132 |
3133 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3134 |
3135 @SYMTestActions Create animations and start them running. Run until the animations finish. |
3136 |
3137 @SYMTestExpectedResults The animation run to completion without error |
3138 */ |
3139 case 0: |
3140 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0158")); |
3141 if (iNextFrameFinished) |
3142 InitialiseAnimationL(); |
3143 case 1: |
3144 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0158")); |
3145 case 2: |
3146 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0158")); |
3147 case 3: |
3148 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0158")); |
3149 case 4: |
3150 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0158")); |
3151 case 5: |
3152 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0158")); |
3153 case 6: |
3154 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0158")); |
3155 if (iNextFrameFinished) |
3156 { |
3157 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation1); |
3158 ret=AnimateWindowL(); |
3159 iNextFrameFinished=EFalse; |
3160 } |
3161 else |
3162 { |
3163 // Prevent test harness from repeatedly running the test case too quickly. |
3164 User::After(SHORT_DELAY); |
3165 } |
3166 break; |
3167 /** |
3168 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0159 |
3169 |
3170 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3171 |
3172 @SYMTestCaseDesc Check animation dies correctly when run in a thread |
3173 |
3174 @SYMTestPriority High |
3175 |
3176 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3177 |
3178 @SYMTestActions Create animation and run in from a thread that dies. Once the thread |
3179 has died check the animation has been dealt with correctly. |
3180 |
3181 @SYMTestExpectedResults The animation dies correctly |
3182 */ |
3183 case 7: |
3184 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0159")); |
3185 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation2); |
3186 ret=AnimationDiesL(); |
3187 ++iState; |
3188 DestroyAnimation(); |
3189 break; |
3190 /** |
3191 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0160 |
3192 |
3193 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3194 |
3195 @SYMTestCaseDesc Check animation runs correctly in blank window |
3196 |
3197 @SYMTestPriority High |
3198 |
3199 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3200 |
3201 @SYMTestActions Create an animation and run it in a blank window |
3202 |
3203 @SYMTestExpectedResults The animation runs to completion without error |
3204 */ |
3205 case 8: |
3206 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0160")); |
3207 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3208 { |
3209 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation3); |
3210 ret=PackagingClassL(); |
3211 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3212 } |
3213 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3214 { |
3215 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3216 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3217 } |
3218 break; |
3219 /** |
3220 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0161 |
3221 |
3222 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3223 |
3224 @SYMTestCaseDesc Check many animations can be run in the same window |
3225 |
3226 @SYMTestPriority High |
3227 |
3228 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3229 |
3230 @SYMTestActions Create multiple animations in a window and run them all |
3231 until completion |
3232 |
3233 @SYMTestExpectedResults The animations run without error |
3234 */ |
3235 case 9: |
3236 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0161")); |
3237 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3238 { |
3239 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation4); |
3240 ret=MultipleL(); |
3241 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3242 } |
3243 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3244 { |
3245 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3246 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3247 } |
3248 break; |
3249 /** |
3250 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0162 |
3251 |
3252 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3253 |
3254 @SYMTestCaseDesc Direct screen access out of memory test |
3255 |
3256 @SYMTestPriority High |
3257 |
3258 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3259 |
3260 @SYMTestActions Direct screen access out of memory test |
3261 |
3262 @SYMTestExpectedResults The out of memory error is handled correctly |
3263 */ |
3264 case 10: |
3265 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0162")); |
3266 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation5); |
3267 ret=FailCodesL(); |
3268 iState++; |
3269 break; |
3270 /** |
3271 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0163 |
3272 |
3273 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3274 |
3275 @SYMTestCaseDesc Two animations, one scrolling text |
3276 |
3277 @SYMTestPriority High |
3278 |
3279 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3280 |
3281 @SYMTestActions Create two animations, one which scrolls text across the screen and |
3282 run them to completion |
3283 |
3284 @SYMTestExpectedResults The animations run without error |
3285 */ |
3286 case 11: |
3287 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0163")); |
3288 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3289 { |
3290 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation6); |
3291 ret=ScrolingText1L(); |
3292 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3293 } |
3294 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3295 { |
3296 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3297 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3298 } |
3299 break; |
3300 /** |
3301 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0164 |
3302 |
3303 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3304 |
3305 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test direct screen access panic messages |
3306 |
3307 @SYMTestPriority High |
3308 |
3309 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3310 |
3311 @SYMTestActions Call the direct screen access panic's and check they are handled |
3312 correctly |
3313 |
3314 @SYMTestExpectedResults The panic's are handled correctly |
3315 */ |
3316 case 12: |
3317 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0164")); |
3318 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation7); |
3319 ret=RClassL(); |
3320 iTest->CloseAllPanicWindows(); |
3321 iState++; |
3322 break; |
3323 /** |
3324 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0165 |
3325 |
3326 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3327 |
3328 @SYMTestCaseDesc Two animations, one scrolling text |
3329 |
3330 @SYMTestPriority High |
3331 |
3332 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3333 |
3334 @SYMTestActions Create two animations, one which scrolls text across the screen and |
3335 run them to completion |
3336 |
3337 @SYMTestExpectedResults The animations run without error |
3338 */ |
3339 case 13: |
3340 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0165")); |
3341 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3342 { |
3343 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation8); |
3344 ret=ScrolingText2L(); |
3345 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3346 } |
3347 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3348 { |
3349 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3350 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3351 } |
3352 break; |
3353 /** |
3354 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0166 |
3355 |
3356 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3357 |
3358 @SYMTestCaseDesc Two animations, one scrolling text. Change the screen mode an run. |
3359 |
3360 @SYMTestPriority High |
3361 |
3362 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3363 |
3364 @SYMTestActions Create two animations, one which scrolls text across the screen and |
3365 run them to completion while changing the screen mode |
3366 |
3367 @SYMTestExpectedResults The animations run without error |
3368 */ |
3369 |
3370 case 14: |
3371 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0166")); |
3372 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3373 { |
3374 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation9); |
3375 ret=ScrolingText3L(); |
3376 if (ret == ENext) |
3377 iPackagingFinished = ETrue; |
3378 else |
3379 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3380 } |
3381 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3382 { |
3383 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3384 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3385 FlipInterval = 0; // Stops the tests (erroneously) flipping for the rest of the run |
3386 } |
3387 break; |
3388 /** |
3389 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0167 |
3390 |
3391 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3392 |
3393 @SYMTestCaseDesc Start an animation then kill it |
3394 |
3395 @SYMTestPriority High |
3396 |
3397 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3398 |
3399 @SYMTestActions Start an animation running then kill it. Check the animation dies correctly |
3400 |
3401 @SYMTestExpectedResults The animations dies correctly |
3402 */ |
3403 case 15: |
3404 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0167")); |
3405 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3406 { |
3407 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation11); |
3408 ret=KillAnimationL(); |
3409 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3410 } |
3411 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3412 { |
3413 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3414 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3415 } |
3416 break; |
3417 case 16: |
3418 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0167")); |
3419 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation10); //This test is designed to be left running for at least several hours |
3420 //ret=ScrolingText4L(); |
3421 iState++; |
3422 break; |
3423 /** |
3424 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0168 |
3425 |
3426 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3427 |
3428 @SYMTestCaseDesc CBugFixColorAnimation |
3429 |
3430 @SYMTestPriority High |
3431 |
3432 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3433 |
3434 @SYMTestActions This class is used for reproducing a defect found on 6.1: KAA-5J3BLW "Unnecessary Wserv's DSA abort". |
3435 The problem was that a direct screen access client was getting an unnecessary abort notification |
3436 when a new window (or window group) was created but not visible. |
3437 This class will simulate the direct screen access client and it will check whether the first DSA abort |
3438 is not caused by just creating a window. |
3439 |
3440 @SYMTestExpectedResults Abort is not caused when creatung a window |
3441 */ |
3442 case 17: |
3443 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0168")); |
3444 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3445 { |
3446 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation12); |
3447 ret=DefectFix_KAA_5J3BLW_L(); |
3448 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3449 } |
3450 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3451 { |
3452 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3453 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3454 } |
3455 break; |
3456 /** |
3457 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0169 |
3458 |
3459 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3460 |
3461 @SYMTestCaseDesc Direct screen access in screen modes with non-zero screen mode origin |
3462 |
3463 @SYMTestPriority High |
3464 |
3465 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3466 |
3467 @SYMTestActions Tests that DSA works correctly in screen modes with non-zero screen mode origin |
3468 |
3469 @SYMTestExpectedResults The DSA works correctly |
3470 */ |
3471 case 18: |
3472 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0169")); |
3473 if (!CheckNonZeroOriginsSupportedOrNot()) |
3474 { |
3475 INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Non Zero Origins not supported\n")); |
3476 iState++; |
3477 } |
3478 else |
3479 { |
3480 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3481 { |
3482 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation13); |
3483 ret=DSAWithScreenModeOffset1L(); |
3484 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3485 } |
3486 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3487 { |
3488 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3489 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3490 } |
3491 } |
3492 break; |
3493 /** |
3494 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0170 |
3495 |
3496 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3497 |
3498 @SYMTestCaseDesc Direct screen access in screen modes with non-zero screen mode origin |
3499 |
3500 @SYMTestPriority High |
3501 |
3502 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3503 |
3504 @SYMTestActions Tests that DSA works correctly in screen modes with non-zero screen mode origin and different rotations |
3505 |
3506 @SYMTestExpectedResults The DSA works correctly |
3507 */ |
3508 case 19: |
3509 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0170")); |
3510 if (!CheckNonZeroOriginsSupportedOrNot()) |
3511 { |
3512 INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Non Zero Origins not supported\n")); |
3513 iState++; |
3514 } |
3515 else |
3516 { |
3517 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3518 { |
3519 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation14); |
3520 ret=DSAWithScreenModeOffset2L(); |
3521 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3522 } |
3523 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3524 { |
3525 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3526 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3527 } |
3528 } |
3529 break; |
3530 /** |
3531 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0171 |
3532 |
3533 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3534 |
3535 @SYMTestCaseDesc Window absolute position |
3536 |
3537 @SYMTestPriority High |
3538 |
3539 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3540 |
3541 @SYMTestActions Tests the new function of getting the window's absolute position |
3542 |
3543 @SYMTestExpectedResults Function works correctly |
3544 */ |
3545 case 20: |
3546 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0171")); |
3547 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3548 { |
3549 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation15); |
3550 ret=WindowPoistionRelativeToScreenL(); |
3551 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3552 } |
3553 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3554 { |
3555 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3556 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3557 } |
3558 break; |
3559 /** |
3560 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0172 |
3561 |
3562 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3563 |
3564 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test direct screen access restart |
3565 |
3566 @SYMTestPriority High |
3567 |
3568 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3569 |
3570 @SYMTestActions Creates a DSA for screen mode 0. After DSA has displayed 2 or 3 frames screen mode |
3571 scale is changed with a timer. The DSA aborts and restarts once again |
3572 and completes itself in different screen mode. |
3573 |
3574 @SYMTestExpectedResults DSA restarts and completes correctly |
3575 */ |
3576 case 21: |
3577 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0172")); |
3578 if (iIsScalingSupported) |
3579 { |
3580 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3581 { |
3582 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation16); |
3583 ret=ScreenModeTestForScalingL(); |
3584 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3585 } |
3586 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3587 { |
3588 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3589 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3590 } |
3591 break; |
3592 } |
3593 iState++; |
3594 break; |
3595 /** |
3596 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0173 |
3597 |
3598 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3599 |
3600 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test direct screen access scaling |
3601 |
3602 @SYMTestPriority High |
3603 |
3604 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3605 |
3606 @SYMTestActions Creates a DSA for screen mode 0, tests API AbsoluteWindowPosition() |
3607 Then sets screen mode to last(test) screen mode, here it does the same thing as |
3608 done for screenmode 0, but with diffrerent scale (2,2) (2,3) (3,2) (3,3) and |
3609 with different origin (20,30) (30,20) (20,20). |
3610 Lastly copy back the test screen mode values. |
3611 |
3612 @SYMTestExpectedResults DSA scales correctly |
3613 */ |
3614 case 22: |
3615 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0173")); |
3616 if (iIsScalingSupported) |
3617 { |
3618 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3619 { |
3620 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation17); |
3621 ret=ScreenModeScalingTestL(); |
3622 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3623 } |
3624 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3625 { |
3626 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3627 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3628 } |
3629 break; |
3630 } |
3631 iState++; |
3632 break; |
3633 /** |
3634 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0174 |
3635 |
3636 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3637 |
3638 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test multiple direct screen access elements on the same window |
3639 |
3640 @SYMTestPriority High |
3641 |
3642 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3643 |
3644 @SYMTestActions Create a number of direct screen access elements on the same window and |
3645 check that they work correctly |
3646 |
3647 @SYMTestExpectedResults DSAs work correctly |
3648 */ |
3649 case 23: |
3650 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0174")); |
3651 if (iIsScalingSupported) |
3652 { |
3653 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3654 { |
3655 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation18); |
3656 ret=MultipleDSAsOnSameWindowL(); |
3657 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3658 } |
3659 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3660 { |
3661 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3662 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3663 } |
3664 break; |
3665 } |
3666 iState++; |
3667 break; |
3668 /** |
3669 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0175 |
3670 |
3671 @SYMDEF DEF081259 |
3672 |
3673 @SYMTestCaseDesc Create a temporary deadlock on a DSA and resolve it |
3674 |
3675 @SYMTestPriority High |
3676 |
3677 @SYMTestStatus Implemented |
3678 |
3679 @SYMTestActions Resolve a temporary deadlock on a DSA |
3680 |
3681 @SYMTestExpectedResults DSA resolves the deadlock |
3682 */ |
3683 case 24: |
3684 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0175")); |
3685 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3686 { |
3687 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation19); |
3688 ret=TemporaryDeadlockL();//for INC072887 - removing a 0.5s delay in wserv. |
3689 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3690 } |
3691 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3692 { |
3693 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3694 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3695 iState++; |
3696 } |
3697 break; |
3699 case 25: |
3700 /** |
3701 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0533 |
3702 */ |
3703 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0533")); |
3704 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3705 { |
3706 FlipInterval=0; |
3707 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation25); |
3708 //Opens a window in front of a region tracking only DSA |
3709 ret=RegionTrackingOnlyNotificationsL(KRegionTrackingOnlyDsaWaitingForAbortSignal); |
3710 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3711 } |
3712 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3713 { |
3714 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3715 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3716 } |
3717 break; |
3718 case 26: |
3719 /** |
3720 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0534 |
3721 */ |
3722 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0534")); |
3723 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3724 { |
3725 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation26); |
3726 //Opens a window behind a region tracking only DSA |
3727 ret=RegionTrackingOnlyNotificationsL(KRegionTrackingOnlyDsaNoAbortSignal); |
3728 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3729 } |
3730 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3731 { |
3732 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3733 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3734 } |
3735 break; |
3736 case 27: |
3737 /** |
3738 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0535 |
3739 */ |
3740 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0535")); |
3741 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3742 { |
3743 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation27); |
3744 ret=MixDsaAndRegionTrackingOnlyL(KRegionTrackingOnlyDsaExistLast); |
3745 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3746 } |
3747 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3748 { |
3749 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3750 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3751 } |
3752 break; |
3753 case 28: |
3754 /** |
3755 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0536 |
3756 */ |
3757 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0536")); |
3758 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3759 { |
3760 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation28); |
3761 ret=MixDsaAndRegionTrackingOnlyL(KDrawingDsaExistLast); |
3762 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3763 } |
3764 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3765 { |
3766 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3767 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3768 } |
3769 break; |
3770 case 29: |
3771 /** |
3772 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0537 |
3773 */ |
3774 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0537")); |
3775 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3776 { |
3777 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation29); |
3778 ret=TryDifferentSupportedModesL(); |
3779 iTimerRunning = ETrue; |
3780 } |
3781 if (iPackagingFinished) |
3782 { |
3783 iPackagingFinished = EFalse; |
3784 iTimerRunning = EFalse; |
3785 } |
3786 break; |
3787 #else |
3788 //NON NGA negative test for RegionTrackingOnly DSA |
3789 case 25: |
3790 /** |
3791 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-WSERV-0575 |
3792 */ |
3793 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0575")); |
3794 if (!iTimerRunning) |
3795 { |
3796 FlipInterval=0; |
3797 iTest->LogSubTest(Animation25); |
3798 CColorAnimation* temp = NULL; |
3799 //Attempt to create a RegionTrackingOnly DSA in non NGA code |
3800 TRAPD(err,temp = CColorAnimation::NewL(iTest->iScreenNumber,1,*this,*TheClient->iGroup,TRect(10,10,630,230),ETrue,KRegionTrackingOnly)); |
3801 if(err!=KErrNotSupported) |
3802 { |
3803 _LIT(KCTDirectNonNgaError,"Attempt to creat a RegionTrackingOnly DSA did not return KErrNotSupported on non-NGA"); |
3804 LOG_MESSAGE(KCTDirectNonNgaError); |
3805 if(temp) |
3806 { |
3807 delete temp; |
3808 } |
3809 Fail(); |
3810 } |
3811 else |
3812 { |
3813 _LIT(KCTDirectNonNgaSuccess,"RegionTrackingOnly DSA not supported on non-NGA as expected"); |
3814 LOG_MESSAGE(KCTDirectNonNgaSuccess); |
3815 } |
3816 iState++; |
3817 } |
3818 break; |
3819 #endif |
3820 default: |
3821 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName); |
3822 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep(); |
3823 TestComplete(); |
3824 break; |
3825 } |
3826 ((CTDirectStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL(); |
3827 } |
3828 |
3829 CRegionTrackingOnly* CRegionTrackingOnly::NewL(TInt aScreenNumber,TInt aId,MAnimCallBacks& aCallBack,CTWindowGroup& aParent,TRect aExtent,TBool aStart,TBool aOpenWindowInFrontDsa) |
3830 { |
3831 CRegionTrackingOnly* self=new(ELeave) CRegionTrackingOnly(aScreenNumber, aId,aCallBack); |
3832 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
3833 self->ConstructL(aParent,aExtent,aOpenWindowInFrontDsa); |
3834 if (aStart) |
3835 { |
3836 self->StartL(); |
3837 self->Started(); |
3838 } |
3839 CleanupStack::Pop(self); |
3840 return self; |
3841 } |
3842 |
3843 CRegionTrackingOnly::CRegionTrackingOnly(TInt aScreenNumber,TInt aId,MAnimCallBacks& aCallBack) |
3844 : CColorAnimation(aScreenNumber, aId, aCallBack) |
3845 { |
3846 iThreadParam.iScreenNumber = aScreenNumber; |
3847 } |
3848 |
3849 void CRegionTrackingOnly::ConstructL(CTWindowGroup& aParent,TRect aExtent,TBool aOpenWindowInFrontDsa) |
3850 { |
3851 iExpectedToAbort = aOpenWindowInFrontDsa; |
3852 CColorAnimation::ConstructL(aParent, aExtent, KRegionTrackingOnly); |
3853 _LIT(ThreadName,"Create new Window"); |
3854 |
3855 TInt error=iSem.CreateGlobal(KSem_DefectFix_KAA_5J3BLW_Name, 0); |
3856 if (error==KErrNone) |
3857 { |
3858 iAnimRect=aExtent; |
3859 iThreadParam.iRect = iAnimRect; |
3860 iThreadParam.iIsInFront = aOpenWindowInFrontDsa; |
3861 TThreadStartUp function=TThreadStartUp(CreateNewWindowGroup, &iThreadParam); |
3862 TRequestStatus status; |
3863 iThread=CProcess::NewThreadRendezvousL(ThreadName,&function,status); |
3864 User::WaitForRequest(status); |
3865 if (status != KErrNone) |
3866 { |
3867 RDebug::Printf("the request status is returned to be non KErrNone: %d", status.Int()); |
3868 TestFailed(this); |
3869 } |
3870 } |
3871 else |
3872 { |
3873 TestFailed(this); |
3874 } |
3875 } |
3876 |
3877 TBool CColorAnimation::TestGcAndScreenDeviceValues() |
3878 { |
3879 TBool succeeded = ETrue; |
3880 _LIT(KErrorLogGraphicContext,"GraphicsContext not NULL when using the region tracking feature only"); |
3881 _LIT(KErrorLogScreenDevice,"ScreenDevice not NULL when using the region tracking feature only"); |
3882 if(iRegionTrackingOnly && iDrawer->Gc() != NULL) |
3883 { |
3884 CallBack().Log((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__, ESevrErr,KErrorLogGraphicContext); |
3885 succeeded = EFalse; |
3886 } |
3887 if(iRegionTrackingOnly && iDrawer->ScreenDevice() != NULL) |
3888 { |
3889 CallBack().Log((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__, ESevrErr,KErrorLogScreenDevice); |
3890 succeeded = EFalse; |
3891 } |
3892 return succeeded; |
3893 } |
3894 |
3895 void CRegionTrackingOnly::AbortNow(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons /*aReason*/) |
3896 { |
3897 Stop(); |
3898 } |
3899 |
3900 void CRegionTrackingOnly::Restart(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons/* aReason*/) |
3901 { |
3902 if(!TestGcAndScreenDeviceValues()) |
3903 { |
3904 CallBack().Fail(); |
3905 } |
3906 if (iExpectedToAbort) |
3907 { |
3908 _LIT(KExpected,"DSA got an abort signal as expected"); |
3909 CallBack().Log((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__,ESevrInfo,KExpected); |
3910 } |
3911 else |
3912 { |
3913 _LIT(KError,"DSA got an abort signal even though the window was opened behind it"); |
3914 CallBack().Log((TText8*)__FILE__,__LINE__,ESevrErr,KError); |
3915 CallBack().Fail(); |
3916 } |
3917 FinishTest(); |
3918 } |
3919 |
3920 CRegionTrackingOnly::~CRegionTrackingOnly() |
3921 { |
3922 iSem.Close(); |
3923 if(iThread) |
3924 { |
3925 TRequestStatus status; |
3926 iThread->Logon(status); |
3927 if (iThread->StillAlive()) |
3928 { |
3929 iThread->Terminate(KErrNone); |
3930 User::WaitForRequest(status); |
3931 } |
3932 delete iThread; |
3933 } |
3934 } |
3935 |
3936 __WS_CONSTRUCT_STEP__(Direct) |