changeset 110 7f25ef56562d
parent 98 bf7481649c98
child 111 29ddb8a72f0e
equal deleted inserted replaced
98:bf7481649c98 110:7f25ef56562d
     1 // Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // ORDINAL.CPP
    15 // Test ordinal position and priority changes on windows
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 /**
    20  @file
    21  @test
    22  @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
    23 */
    25 #include "TORDINAL.H"
    27 _LIT(KLogNextSibling,"NextSibling of iChild%d is not iChild%d");
    28 _LIT(KLogNoNextSibling,"iChild%d has a NextSibling when it shouldn't");
    29 _LIT(KLogPrevSibling,"PrevSibling of iChild%d is not iChild%d");
    30 _LIT(KLogNoPrevSibling,"iChild%d has a PrevSibling when it shouldn't");
    32 CTOrdinal::CTOrdinal(CTestStep* aStep):
    33 	CTWsGraphicsBase(aStep)
    34 	{
    35 	}
    37 COrdinalWindowBase::COrdinalWindowBase(CTClient *aClient, CTestBase* aTest, CTestStep* aTestStep) : iClient(aClient), iTest(aTest), iTestStep(aTestStep)
    38 	{
    39 	}
    41 COrdinalWindow::COrdinalWindow(CTClient *aClient, CTestBase* aTest, CTestStep* aTestStep) : COrdinalWindowBase(aClient, aTest, aTestStep), iClientWin(aClient->iWs)
    42 	{
    43 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("COrdinalWindow"));
    44 	}
    46 COrdinalWindowGroup::COrdinalWindowGroup(CTClient *aClient, CTestBase* aTest, CTestStep* aTestStep) : COrdinalWindowBase(aClient, aTest, aTestStep), iGroupWin(aClient->iWs)
    47 	{
    48 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("COrdinalWindowGroup"));
    49 	}
    51 COrdinalWindowBase::~COrdinalWindowBase()
    52 	{
    53 	if (iWin)
    54 		iWin->Close();
    55 	}
    57 void COrdinalWindowBase::Draw()
    58 	{}
    60 inline RWindowTreeNode* COrdinalWindowBase::WinTreeNode()
    61 	{
    62 	return(iWin);
    63 	}
    65 inline TUint32 COrdinalWindowBase::Handle()
    66 	{
    67 	return reinterpret_cast<TUint>(this);
    68 	}
    70 COrdinalWindowBase *COrdinalWindowGroup::NewL(CTClient *aClient, CTestBase* aTest, CTestStep* aTestStep)
    71 	{
    72 	COrdinalWindowGroup *oWin=new(ELeave) COrdinalWindowGroup(aClient, aTest, aTestStep);
    73 	TInt err=oWin->iGroupWin.Construct((TUint32)oWin);
    74 	if (err<0)
    75 		{
    76 		delete oWin;
    77 		User::Leave(err);
    78 		}
    79 	oWin->iWin= &oWin->iGroupWin;
    80 	return(oWin);
    81 	}
    83 COrdinalWindowBase *COrdinalWindow::NewL(CTClient* aClient, RWindowTreeNode* aParent, CTestBase* aTest, CTestStep* aTestStep)
    84 	{
    85 	COrdinalWindow *oWin=new(ELeave) COrdinalWindow(aClient, aTest, aTestStep);
    86 	TInt err=oWin->iClientWin.Construct(*aParent,(TUint32)oWin);
    87 	if (err!=KErrNone)
    88 		{
    89 		delete oWin;
    90 		User::Leave(err);
    91 		}
    92 	oWin->iClientWin.Activate();
    93 	oWin->iWin= &oWin->iClientWin;
    94 	return(oWin);
    95 	}
    97 TInt COrdinalWindowBase::OrdinalPosition()
    98 	{
    99 	return(iWin->OrdinalPosition());
   100 	}
   102 void COrdinalWindowBase::SetOrdinalPosition(TInt aPos)
   103 	{
   104 	iWin->SetOrdinalPosition(aPos);
   105 	}
   107 void COrdinalWindowBase::SetOrdinalPosition(TInt aPos,TInt aPri)
   108 	{
   109 	iWin->SetOrdinalPosition(aPos,aPri);
   110 	}
   112 CTOrdinal::~CTOrdinal()
   113 	{
   114 	delete iClient;
   115 	}
   117 void DZ(COrdinalWindowBase * &aX)
   118 	{
   119 	delete aX;
   120 	aX=NULL;
   121 	}
   123 void CTOrdinal::DestroyWindows()
   124 	{
   125 	DZ(iParent);
   126 	DZ(iParent2);
   127 	DZ(iParent3);
   128 	for(TInt child=0;child<ENumChildren;++child)
   129 		DZ(iChild[child]);
   130 	}
   132 void COrdinalWindowBase::TestOP(TInt aTestPos)
   133 	{
   134 	iTestStep->TEST(iWin->OrdinalPosition()==aTestPos);
   135 	}
   137 void COrdinalWindowBase::SetAndTestOP(TInt aPos,TInt aTestPos)
   138 	{
   139 	iWin->SetOrdinalPosition(aPos);
   140 	iTestStep->TEST(iWin->OrdinalPosition()==aTestPos);
   141 	}
   143 void COrdinalWindowBase::SetAndTestOP(TInt aPos)
   144 	{
   145 	SetAndTestOP(aPos, aPos);
   146 	}
   148 TInt COrdinalWindowBase::SetToLastAndGetOP()
   149 	{
   150 	iWin->SetOrdinalPosition(-1);
   151 	return(iWin->OrdinalPosition());
   152 	}
   154 TInt COrdinalWindowBase::SetToLastAndGetOPPri(TInt aPri)
   155 	{
   156 	iWin->SetOrdinalPosition(-1, aPri);
   157 	return(iWin->OrdinalPosition());
   158 	}
   160 void COrdinalWindowBase::SetAndTestOPPri(TInt aPos,TInt aPri,TInt aTestPos)
   161 	{
   162 	iWin->SetOrdinalPosition(aPos,aPri);
   163 	iTestStep->TEST(iWin->OrdinalPosition()==aTestPos);
   164 	iTestStep->TEST(iWin->OrdinalPriority()==aPri);
   165 	}
   167 void COrdinalWindowBase::SetAndTestOPPri(TInt aPos,TInt aPri)
   168 	{
   169 	SetAndTestOPPri(aPos,aPri,aPos);
   170 	}
   172 inline COrdinalWindowBase* COrdinalWindowBase::NextSibling() const
   173 	{
   174 	return reinterpret_cast<COrdinalWindow*>(iWin->NextSibling());
   175 	}
   177 inline COrdinalWindowBase* COrdinalWindowBase::PrevSibling() const
   178 	{
   179 	return reinterpret_cast<COrdinalWindow*>(iWin->PrevSibling());
   180 	}
   182 void CTOrdinal::TestWindowOrderNext(TInt aBefore,TInt aAfter)
   183 	{
   184 	TInt retVal=(iChild[aBefore]->NextSibling()==iChild[aAfter]);
   185 	TEST(retVal);
   186 	if (!retVal)
   187 		LOG_MESSAGE3(KLogNextSibling,aBefore,aAfter);
   188 	}
   190 void CTOrdinal::TestWindowOrderNext(TInt aLast)
   191 	{
   192 	TInt retVal=(iChild[aLast]->NextSibling()==0);
   193 	TEST(retVal);
   194 	if (!retVal)
   195 		LOG_MESSAGE2(KLogNoNextSibling,aLast);
   196 	}
   198 void CTOrdinal::TestWindowOrderPrev(TInt aAfter,TInt aBefore)
   199 	{
   200 	TInt retVal=(iChild[aAfter]->PrevSibling()==iChild[aBefore]);
   201 	TEST(retVal);
   202 	if (!retVal)
   203 		LOG_MESSAGE3(KLogPrevSibling,aAfter,aBefore);
   204 	}
   206 void CTOrdinal::TestWindowOrderPrev(TInt aFirst)
   207 	{
   208 	TInt retVal=(iChild[aFirst]->PrevSibling()==0);
   209 	TEST(retVal);
   210 	if (!retVal)
   211 		LOG_MESSAGE2(KLogNoPrevSibling,aFirst);
   212 	}
   214 void CTOrdinal::OrdinalPos()
   215 	{
   216 	TInt last=iChild[0]->SetToLastAndGetOP();
   217 	iChild[0]->SetAndTestOP(0);
   218 	iChild[5]->TestOP(5);
   219 	iChild[1]->SetAndTestOP(3);
   220 	iChild[0]->SetAndTestOP(0);
   221 	iChild[0]->SetAndTestOP(-1,last);
   222 	iChild[0]->SetAndTestOP(-1000,last);
   223 	iChild[0]->SetAndTestOP(2);
   224 	iChild[0]->SetAndTestOP(-1000,last);
   225 	iChild[0]->SetAndTestOP(0);
   226 	for(TInt index=0;index<=5;index++)
   227 		iChild[4]->SetAndTestOP(index,index);
   228 	iChild[0]->SetAndTestOP(-1,last);
   229 	iChild[1]->SetAndTestOP(-1,last);
   230 	iChild[2]->SetAndTestOP(-1,last);
   231 	iChild[3]->SetAndTestOP(-1,last);
   232 	iChild[4]->SetAndTestOP(-1,last);
   233 	iChild[5]->SetAndTestOP(-1,last);
   234 	TInt child;
   235 	for (child=0;child<ENumChildren-1;++child)
   236 		TestWindowOrderNext(child,child+1);
   237 	TestWindowOrderNext(5);
   238 	}
   240 void CTOrdinal::OrdinalPriority()
   241 	{
   242 	TBool retVal;
   243 	TInt last12=iChild[2]->SetToLastAndGetOPPri(12);
   244 	iChild[2]->TestOP(last12);
   245 	TInt lastKMax=iChild[2]->SetToLastAndGetOPPri(KMaxTInt32);
   246 	iChild[2]->TestOP(lastKMax);
   247 	TInt last=iChild[2]->SetToLastAndGetOPPri(0);
   248 	iChild[2]->TestOP(last);
   249 	iChild[2]->SetAndTestOPPri(-1,12,last12);				// One and only pri 12 window
   250 	iChild[3]->SetAndTestOPPri(-1,KMaxTInt32,lastKMax);	// One and only pri KMaxTInt32 window
   251 	iChild[1]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,KMaxTInt32);
   252 	iChild[5]->SetAndTestOP(-1,last-3);
   253 	iChild[1]->TestOP(0);
   254 	iChild[0]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,50);
   255 	iChild[1]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,50);
   256 	iChild[2]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,50);
   257 	iChild[3]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,50);
   258 	iChild[1]->TestOP(2);
   259 	if (iGroupTest)
   260 		{
   261 		retVal=(reinterpret_cast<CBase*>(iChild[0]->NextSibling())==iClient->iGroup);
   262 		TEST(retVal);
   263 		if (!retVal)
   264 			{
   265 			_LIT(KLog,"iChild0 NextSibling is not the main group window");
   266 			LOG_MESSAGE(KLog);
   267 			}
   268 		retVal=(reinterpret_cast<CBase*>(iClient->iGroup->NextSibling())==iChild[4]);
   269 		TEST(retVal);
   270 		if (!retVal)
   271 			{
   272 			_LIT(KLog,"NextSibling of main group window is not iChild4");
   273 			LOG_MESSAGE(KLog);
   274 			}
   275 		}
   276 	else
   277 		TestWindowOrderNext(0,4);
   278 	TestWindowOrderNext(4,5);
   279 	TestWindowOrderNext(5);
   280 	iChild[2]->SetAndTestOPPri(5,-1,0);
   281 	iChild[3]->SetAndTestOPPri(5,-1,1);
   282 	TestWindowOrderNext(5,2);
   283 	iChild[0]->SetAndTestOPPri(100000,KMinTInt32,0);
   284 	iChild[1]->SetAndTestOPPri(200000,KMinTInt32,1);
   285 	iChild[2]->SetAndTestOPPri(300000,KMinTInt32,2);
   286 	iChild[5]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,0,0);
   287 	iChild[3]->TestOP(0);
   288 	iChild[0]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,-1);
   289 	iChild[1]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,-1);
   290 	iChild[2]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,-1);
   291 	iChild[3]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,1);
   292 	iChild[4]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,1);
   293 	iChild[5]->SetAndTestOPPri(0,1);
   294 	TestWindowOrderPrev(0,1);
   295 	TestWindowOrderPrev(1,2);
   296 	if (iGroupTest)
   297 		{
   298 		retVal=(reinterpret_cast<CBase*>(iChild[2]->PrevSibling())==iClient->iGroup);
   299 		TEST(retVal);
   300 		if (!retVal)
   301 			{
   302 			_LIT(KLog,"iChild2 PrevSibling is not the main group window");
   303 			LOG_MESSAGE(KLog);
   304 			}
   305 		retVal=(reinterpret_cast<CBase*>(iClient->iGroup->PrevSibling())==iChild[3]);
   306 		TEST(retVal);
   307 		if (!retVal)
   308 			{
   309 			_LIT(KLog,"PrevSibling of main group window is not iChild3");
   310 			LOG_MESSAGE(KLog);
   311 			}
   312 		}
   313 	else
   314 		TestWindowOrderPrev(2,3);
   315 	TestWindowOrderPrev(3,4);
   316 	TestWindowOrderPrev(4,5);
   317 	TestWindowOrderPrev(5);
   318 	}
   320 void CTOrdinal::ConstructL()
   321 	{
   322 	iClient=new(ELeave) COrdinalClient();
   323 	iClient->SetScreenNumber(iTest->iScreenNumber);
   324 	iClient->ConstructL();
   325 	}
   327 /**
   328 @SYMTestCaseID		GRAPHICS-WSERV-0446
   330 @SYMCR				CR1164
   332 @SYMTestCaseDesc	Test ClientHandle function returns right value
   334 @SYMTestPriority	High
   336 @SYMTestStatus		Implemented
   338 @SYMTestActions		Call this function on windows at various times
   340 @SYMTestExpectedResults The value set when window was created is returned
   341 */
   342 void CTOrdinal::CreateWindowsL(TInt aMode)
   343 	{
   344 	RWindowTreeNode* parent=NULL;
   345 	RWindowTreeNode* base=iClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode();
   346 	TInt errors=0;
   348 	if (base->Child()!=0)
   349 		{
   350 		_LIT(KErrText,"Main Group Window has children at start of test");
   351 		LOG_MESSAGE(KErrText);
   352 		AutoPanic(EAutoPanicGroupWinHasChild);
   353 		}
   354 	if (base->ClientHandle()!=reinterpret_cast<TUint32&>(iClient->iGroup))
   355 		++errors;
   356 	if (base->Parent()!=0)
   357 		++errors;
   358 	TEST(errors==0);
   359 	if (errors>0)
   360 		{
   361 		_LIT(KErrText,"Handles of Main Group Window are not as expected");
   362 		LOG_MESSAGE2(KErrText,errors);
   363 		}
   364 	iGroupTest=EFalse;
   365 	switch(aMode)
   366 		{
   367 		case 3:
   368 			iParent=COrdinalWindow::NewL(iClient,base,iTest,iStep);
   369 			parent=iParent->WinTreeNode();
   370 			CheckHandlesOnNewWindow(iClient->iGroup,iParent);
   371 			break;
   372 		case 1:
   373 			parent=iClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode();
   374 			break;
   375 		case 2:
   376 			iParent=COrdinalWindow::NewL(iClient,base,iTest,iStep);
   377 			CheckHandlesOnNewWindow(iClient->iGroup,iParent);
   378 			iParent2=COrdinalWindow::NewL(iClient,iParent->WinTreeNode(),iTest,iStep);
   379 			CheckHandlesOnNewWindow(iParent,iParent2);
   380 			iParent3=COrdinalWindow::NewL(iClient,iParent2->WinTreeNode(),iTest,iStep);
   381 			parent=iParent3->WinTreeNode();
   382 			CheckHandlesOnNewWindow(iParent2,iParent3);
   383 			break;
   384 		case 0:
   385 			iGroupTest=ETrue;
   386 			for (TInt child=ENumChildren-1;child>=0;--child)
   387 				iChild[child]=COrdinalWindowGroup::NewL(iClient,iTest,iStep);
   388 			CheckHandles(0);
   389 			return;
   390 		}
   391 	for (TInt child=ENumChildren-1;child>=0;--child)
   392 		{
   393 		iChild[child]=COrdinalWindow::NewL(iClient,parent,iTest,iStep);
   394 		if (iChild[child]->Handle()!=parent->Child())
   395 			++errors;
   396 		}
   397 	TEST(errors==0);
   398 	if (errors>0)
   399 		{
   400 		_LIT(KErrText,"%d windows were not the first child");
   401 		LOG_MESSAGE2(KErrText,errors);
   402 		}
   403 	CheckHandles(parent->ClientHandle());
   404 	}
   406 void CTOrdinal::CheckHandlesOnNewWindow(CTWindowGroup* aParent,COrdinalWindowBase* aWin)
   407 	{
   408 	TInt errors=0;
   409 	if (aParent->WinTreeNode()->Child()!=aWin->Handle())
   410 		++errors;
   411 	if (aWin->WinTreeNode()->Parent()!=reinterpret_cast<TUint32&>(aParent))
   412 		++errors;
   413 	CheckHandlesOnNewWindow(errors,aWin);
   414 	}
   416 void CTOrdinal::CheckHandlesOnNewWindow(COrdinalWindowBase* aParent,COrdinalWindowBase* aWin)
   417 	{
   418 	TInt errors=0;
   419 	if (aParent->WinTreeNode()->Child()!=aWin->Handle())
   420 		++errors;
   421 	if (aWin->WinTreeNode()->Parent()!=aParent->Handle())
   422 		++errors;
   423 	CheckHandlesOnNewWindow(errors,aWin);
   424 	}
   426 void CTOrdinal::CheckHandlesOnNewWindow(TInt aErrors,COrdinalWindowBase* aWin)
   427 	{
   428 	RWindowTreeNode* win=aWin->WinTreeNode();
   429 	if (win->ClientHandle()!=aWin->Handle())
   430 		++aErrors;
   431 	if (win->PrevSibling()!=0)
   432 		++aErrors;
   433 	if (win->NextSibling()!=0)
   434 		++aErrors;
   435 	if (win->Child()!=0)
   436 		++aErrors;
   437 	TEST(aErrors==0);
   438 	if (aErrors>0)
   439 		{
   440 		_LIT(KErrText,"%d errors in handles of newly created window");
   441 		LOG_MESSAGE2(KErrText,aErrors);
   442 		}
   443 	}
   445 void CTOrdinal::CheckHandles(TUint aParent)
   446 	{
   447 	TInt errors=0;
   448 	TInt child;
   449 	for (child=0;child<ENumChildren;++child)
   450 		{
   451 		if (iChild[child]->WinTreeNode()->ClientHandle()!=iChild[child]->Handle())
   452 			++errors;
   453 		}
   454 	TEST(errors==0);
   455 	if (errors>0)
   456 		{
   457 		_LIT(KErrText,"%d windows gave wrong client handle");
   458 		LOG_MESSAGE2(KErrText,errors);
   459 		errors=0;
   460 		}
   461 	for (child=0;child<ENumChildren;++child)
   462 		{
   463 		if (iChild[child]->WinTreeNode()->Parent()!=aParent)
   464 			++errors;
   465 		}
   466 	TEST(errors==0);
   467 	if (errors>0)
   468 		{
   469 		_LIT(KErrText,"%d children gave wrong parent handle");
   470 		LOG_MESSAGE2(KErrText,errors);
   471 		errors=0;
   472 		}
   473 	for (child=1;child<ENumChildren;++child)
   474 		{
   475 		if (iChild[child-1]->WinTreeNode()->NextSibling()!=iChild[child]->Handle())
   476 			++errors;
   477 		}
   478 	if (iChild[5]->WinTreeNode()->NextSibling()!=0 && !iGroupTest)
   479 		++errors;
   480 	TEST(errors==0);
   481 	if (errors>0)
   482 		{
   483 		_LIT(KErrText,"%d windows gave wrong next sibling handle");
   484 		LOG_MESSAGE2(KErrText,errors);
   485 		errors=0;
   486 		}
   487 	if (iChild[0]->WinTreeNode()->PrevSibling()!=0 && !iGroupTest)
   488 		++errors;
   489 	for (child=1;child<ENumChildren;++child)
   490 		{
   491 		if (iChild[child]->WinTreeNode()->PrevSibling()!=iChild[child-1]->Handle())
   492 			++errors;
   493 		}
   494 	TEST(errors==0);
   495 	if (errors>0)
   496 		{
   497 		_LIT(KErrText,"%d windows gave wrong prev sibling handle");
   498 		LOG_MESSAGE2(KErrText,errors);
   499 		}
   500 	}
   502 COrdinalClient::COrdinalClient()
   503 	{
   504 	}
   506 void COrdinalClient::ConstructL()
   507 	{
   508 	User::LeaveIfError(iWs.Connect());
   509 	// change to correct screen
   510 	//
   511 	iScreen = new (ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWs);
   512 	User::LeaveIfError(iScreen->Construct(iScreenNumber));
   514 	TheClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode()->SetOrdinalPosition(0,-2000000000);
   515 	TheClient->iWs.Flush();
   516 	iGroup=new(ELeave) CTWindowGroup(this);
   517 	iGroup->ConstructL();
   518 	}
   520 COrdinalClient::~COrdinalClient()
   521 	{
   522 	TheClient->iGroup->WinTreeNode()->SetOrdinalPosition(0,0);
   523 	}
   525 void COrdinalClient::KeyL(const TKeyEvent &,const TTime &)
   526 	{
   527 	}
   529 void CTOrdinal::RunTestCaseL(TInt /*aCurTestCase*/)
   530 	{
   531 	_LIT(KTest1,"Ordinal 1");
   532 	((CTOrdinalStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KUnknownSYMTestCaseIDName);
   533 	switch(++iTest->iState)
   534 		{
   535 /**
   536 @SYMTestCaseID		GRAPHICS-WSERV-0217
   538 @SYMDEF             DEF081259
   540 @SYMTestCaseDesc    Test ordinal position and priority changes on windows
   542 @SYMTestPriority    High
   544 @SYMTestStatus      Implemented
   546 @SYMTestActions     Set different ordinal positions and priorities on a
   547 					number of windows and check they have been set
   548 					correctly
   550 @SYMTestExpectedResults The positions and priorities are set correctly
   551 */
   552 		case 1:
   553 			((CTOrdinalStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0217"));
   554 			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest1);
   555 			{
   556 			for(TInt index=0;index<4;index++)
   557 				{
   558 				((CTOrdinalStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0446"));
   559 				CreateWindowsL(index);
   560 				((CTOrdinalStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL();
   561 				OrdinalPos();
   562 				OrdinalPriority();
   563 				DestroyWindows();
   564 				}
   565 			}
   566 			((CTOrdinalStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0217"));
   567 			if (!iStep->TestStepResult() == EPass)
   568 				TEST(EFalse);
   569 			break;
   570 		default:
   571 			((CTOrdinalStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
   572 			((CTOrdinalStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
   573 			TestComplete();
   574 			break;
   575 		};
   576 	((CTOrdinalStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL();
   577 	}
   579 __WS_CONSTRUCT_STEP__(Ordinal)