changeset 163 bbf46f59e123
equal deleted inserted replaced
150:57c618273d5c 163:bbf46f59e123
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @test
    19  @internalComponent - Graphics Resource API Conformance Test Suite
    20 */
    22 #include "tgraphicsresourceteststepbase.h"
    23 #include <e32math.h>
    25 CTSgTestStepBase::CTSgTestStepBase(TBool aConformanceTests) :
    26 	iEnableConformanceTests(aConformanceTests)
    27 	{
    28 	}
    30 CTSgTestStepBase::~CTSgTestStepBase()
    31 	{
    32 	iSecondThread.Close();
    33 	iPixelFormatArray.Close();
    34 	User::Free(iDiagonalImageData);
    35 	iSgDriver.Close();
    36 	}
    38 /**
    39 Overrides of base class virtual
    40 @leave Gets system wide error code
    41 @return - TVerdict code
    42 */
    43 TVerdict CTSgTestStepBase::doTestStepPreambleL()
    44 	{
    45 	// Set the logger to shared so that secondary threads can write to the log
    46 	User::LeaveIfError(Logger().ShareAuto());	
    47 	SetTestStepResult(EPass);
    48 	iDiagonalImageData = static_cast<TUint32*>(User::AllocL(KDiagonalImageSize * KDiagonalImageDataStride));
    49 	// Populate iDiagonalImageData with green diagonal from top-left to bottom-right on white background
    50 	Mem::Fill(iDiagonalImageData, KDiagonalImageSize * KDiagonalImageDataStride, 0xFF);
    51 	for (TInt i = 0; i < KDiagonalImageSize; ++i)
    52 		{
    53 		iDiagonalImageData[i * (KDiagonalImageSize + 1)] = 0xFF00FF00;
    54 		}
    55 	return TestStepResult();
    56 	}
    58 /**
    59 Override of base class virtual
    60 @leave Gets system wide error code
    61 @return - TVerdict code
    62 */
    63 TVerdict CTSgTestStepBase::doTestStepPostambleL()
    64 	{
    65 	User::Free(iDiagonalImageData);
    66 	iDiagonalImageData = NULL;
    67 	return TestStepResult();
    68 	}
    70 /**
    71 Creates an image with some predefined parameters.
    72 @param aImage output image handle
    73 @leave Gets system wide error code
    74 */
    75 void CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageL(RSgImage& aImage)
    76 	{
    77 	TSgImageInfo info;
    78 	info.iSizeInPixels = TSize(8, 8);
    79 	info.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
    80 	info.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatRGB_565;
    82 	CheckErrorL(KErrNone, aImage.Create(info, KCrossImageData, KCrossImageDataStride), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
    83 	}
    85 /**
    86 Creates a second process and do some tests in it.
    87 @param aProcessName The name of the new process
    88 @param aTestInfo The information for the tests
    89 @return A bitwise mask of test passes (never an error code)
    90 @leave Gets system wide error code
    91 */
    92 TInt CTSgTestStepBase::CreateSecondProcessAndDoTestL(const TDesC &aProcessName, TSgProcessTestInfo& aTestInfo)
    93 	{
    94 	// Create a second process
    95 	RProcess process;
    96 	TInt err = process.Create(aProcessName, KNullDesC);
    97 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
    98 	CleanupClosePushL(process);
   100 	// Specify the id passed to the second process
   101 	TPckg<TSgProcessTestInfo> ptr(aTestInfo);
   102 	TESTL(KErrNone == process.SetParameter(KSecondProcessParametersSlot, ptr));
   104 	// Kick off the second process and wait for it to complete
   105 	// The actual testing is done in the second process
   106 	TRequestStatus status = KRequestPending;
   107 	process.Logon(status);
   108 	process.Resume();
   109 	User::WaitForRequest(status);
   111 	// exitreason could either be a negative error code or a bitwise
   112 	// mask of test passes.
   113 	TInt exitreason = process.ExitReason();
   115 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   117 	if (exitreason < KErrNone)
   118 		{
   119 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("The second process returned error code %d"), exitreason);
   120 		TEST(EFalse);
   121 		exitreason = 0;
   122 		}
   123 	//return test result
   124 	return exitreason;
   125 	}
   127 /**
   128 Creates a second process, runs the requested test and ensures that
   129 the specified panic occurs.
   131 @param aTestInfo The specification for this test
   132 @param aPanicCode The expected panic code
   133 @param aExitCategory The expected panic category
   134 @param aProcessName The name of the new process
   136 @leave One of the system wide error codes
   137 */
   138 void CTSgTestStepBase::CreateSecondProcessAndCheckPanicL(TSgProcessTestInfo& aTestInfo, TInt aPanicCode, TExitCategoryName aExitCategory, const TDesC &aProcessName)
   139 	{
   140 	// Create a second process
   141 	RProcess process;
   142 	User::LeaveIfError(process.Create(aProcessName, KNullDesC));
   143 	CleanupClosePushL(process);
   145 	// Specify the id passed to the second process
   146 	TPckg<TSgProcessTestInfo> ptr(aTestInfo);
   147 	TESTL(KErrNone == process.SetParameter(KSecondProcessParametersSlot, ptr));
   149 	// Kick off the second process and wait for it to complete
   150 	// The actual testing is done in the second process
   151 	TRequestStatus status = KRequestPending;
   152 	process.Logon(status);
   153 	process.Resume();
   154 	User::WaitForRequest(status);
   156 	if(EExitPanic != process.ExitType())
   157 		{
   158 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected exit type: %d, Actual exit type: %d"), EExitPanic, process.ExitType());
   159 		TEST(EFalse);
   160 		}
   162 	if(aPanicCode != process.ExitReason())
   163 		{
   164 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected panic code: %d, Actual panic code: %d"), aPanicCode, process.ExitReason());
   165 		TEST(EFalse);
   166 		}
   168 	TExitCategoryName secondProcessExitCategory = process.ExitCategory();
   169 	if(aExitCategory != secondProcessExitCategory)
   170 		{
   171 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected panic category: %S, Actual panic category: %S"), &aExitCategory, &secondProcessExitCategory);
   172 		TEST(EFalse);
   173 		}
   175 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   176 	}
   178 /**
   179 Creates a second thread and do some tests in it.
   180 @param aTestInfo The information for the tests
   181 @leave Gets system wide error code
   182 */
   183 TInt CTSgTestStepBase::CreateSecondThreadAndDoTestL(TSgThreadTestInfo aTestInfo)
   184 	{
   185 	//create a semaphore
   186 	RSemaphore sem;
   187 	User::LeaveIfError(sem.CreateGlobal(KSecondThreadSemaphore, 0, EOwnerThread));
   188 	CleanupClosePushL(sem);
   190 	aTestInfo.iTestStep = this;
   192 	User::LeaveIfError(iSecondThread.Create(KSecondThread, SgTestSecondThread::ThreadStart, KDefaultStackSize, KSecondThreadMinHeapSize, KSecondThreadMaxHeapSize, &aTestInfo));
   193 	// Launch second thread
   194 	TRequestStatus statusSecondThread;
   195 	iSecondThread.Logon(statusSecondThread);
   196 	iSecondThread.SetPriority(EPriorityLess);
   197 	iSecondThread.Resume();	
   199 	User::WaitForRequest(statusSecondThread);
   201 	TExitCategoryName exitCategory = iSecondThread.ExitCategory();
   202 	if (exitCategory.Compare(_L("Kill")) != 0)
   203 		{
   204 		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Second thread terminated with reason category '%S'"), &exitCategory);
   205 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   206 		}
   207 	TInt result = iSecondThread.ExitReason();
   209 	//Close the handle
   210 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, &sem);
   211 	iSecondThread.Close();
   213 	return result;
   214 	}
   216 /**
   217 Creates a second thread and do some panic tests in it.
   218 @param aTestInfo The information for the tests
   219 @param aPanicCode The expected panic code
   220 @param aExitCategory The expected panic category
   221 @param aThreadName The name of the new thread
   222 @leave Gets system wide error code
   223 */
   224 void CTSgTestStepBase::CreateSecondThreadAndCheckPanicL(TSgThreadTestInfo aTestInfo, TInt aPanicCode, TExitCategoryName aExitCategory, const TDesC &aThreadName)
   225 	{
   226 	aTestInfo.iTestStep = this;
   227 	User::LeaveIfError(iSecondThread.Create(aThreadName, SgTestSecondThread::ThreadStart, KDefaultStackSize, KSecondThreadMinHeapSize, KSecondThreadMaxHeapSize, &aTestInfo));
   229 	// Launch second thread
   230 	TRequestStatus statusSecondThread;
   231 	iSecondThread.Logon(statusSecondThread);
   232 	iSecondThread.SetPriority(EPriorityLess);
   233 	iSecondThread.Resume();	
   235 	User::WaitForRequest(statusSecondThread);
   237 	if(EExitPanic != iSecondThread.ExitType())
   238 		{
   239 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected exit type: %d, Actual exit type: %d"), EExitPanic, iSecondThread.ExitType());
   240 		TEST(EFalse);
   241 		}
   243 	if(aPanicCode != iSecondThread.ExitReason())
   244 		{
   245 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected panic code: %d, Actual panic code: %d"), aPanicCode, iSecondThread.ExitReason());
   246 		TEST(EFalse);
   247 		}
   249 	TExitCategoryName secondThreadExitCategory = iSecondThread.ExitCategory();
   250 	if(aExitCategory != secondThreadExitCategory)
   251 		{
   252 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected panic category: %S, Actual panic category: %S"), &aExitCategory, &secondThreadExitCategory);
   253 		TEST(EFalse);
   254 		}
   256 	//Close the handle
   257 	iSecondThread.Close();
   258 	}
   260 /**
   261 Gets the supporting pixel formats according to the specified usage bit.
   262 @leave Gets system wide error code
   263 */
   264 void CTSgTestStepBase::CallGetPixelFormatsL(TUint32 aUsage)
   265 	{
   266 	iPixelFormatArray.Reset();
   267 	CheckErrorL(KErrNone, RSgImage::GetPixelFormats(aUsage, iPixelFormatArray), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
   268 	}
   270 /**
   271 Checks the pixel formats returned against the compatibility guarantee table.
   272 @leave Gets system wide error code
   273 */
   274 void CTSgTestStepBase::TestGetPixelFormatCompatibilityGuaranteesL()
   275 	{
   276 	_LIT(KLibOpenGLES2, "libGLESv2.dll");
   278 	RLibrary lib;
   279 	TBool supportGLES2 = (lib.Load(KLibOpenGLES2) == KErrNone);
   280 	lib.Close();
   282 	// OpenVG - Mandatory support
   283 	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage);
   284 	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE));
   285 	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888));
   286 	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatXRGB_8888));
   287 	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatRGB_565));
   288 	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatA_8));
   289 	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenVgSurface);
   290 	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE));
   291 	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatXRGB_8888));
   292 	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatRGB_565));
   294 	// OpenGL ES - Not mandatory, but should cause no errors. 
   295 	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenGlesTexture2D);
   296 	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenGlesSurface);
   298 	// OpenGL ES 2 - Mandatory if present.
   299 	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenGles2Texture2D);
   300 	if (supportGLES2)
   301 	    {
   302         TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE));
   303         TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888));
   304         TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatXRGB_8888));
   305         TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatRGB_565));
   306         TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatA_8));
   307 	    }
   308 	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenGles2Surface);
   309 	if (supportGLES2)
   310 	    {
   311 	    TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE));
   312 	    TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatXRGB_8888));
   313 	    TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatRGB_565));
   314 	    }
   316 	iPixelFormatArray.Reset();
   317 	}
   319 /**
   320 Helper function to check if a certain pixel format is present
   321 in the pixel formats array retrieved by CallGetPixelFormatsL().
   323 @param aPixelFormat The pixelformat to check
   324 @return ETrue if the pixel format is present, otherwise EFalse
   325 @see CTsgTestStepBase::CallGetPixelFormats()
   326 */
   327 TBool CTSgTestStepBase::CheckPixelFormatPresent(TSgPixelFormat aPixelFormat)
   328 	{
   329 	for(TInt i=0; i<iPixelFormatArray.Count(); ++i)
   330 		{		
   331 		if(aPixelFormat == iPixelFormatArray[i])
   332 			{
   333 			return ETrue;
   334 			}
   335 		}
   336 	return EFalse;
   337 	}
   339 /**
   340 Helper function to test the equivalence of two TSgImageInfo structures.
   342 @param   aInfo1 A TSgImageInfo structure to compare.
   343 @param   aInfo2 A TSgImageInfo structure to compare (may have extra usage bits).
   345 @return  ETrue if the two are equivalent, EFalse otherwise.
   346 */
   347 TBool CTSgTestStepBase::CompareInfos(TSgImageInfo& aInfo1, TSgImageInfo& aInfo2)
   348 	{
   349 	return (aInfo1.iPixelFormat == aInfo2.iPixelFormat
   350 		&& aInfo1.iSizeInPixels == aInfo2.iSizeInPixels
   351 		// check that all requested usage bits are set in the returned usage bits
   352 		&& !(aInfo1.iUsage & ~aInfo2.iUsage));
   353 	}
   355 /**
   356 Wrapper function to open the graphics resource driver.
   357 Only opens the driver if the test step has been constructed for use
   358 as the conformance tests.
   360 @leave One of the system wide error codes
   361 */
   362 void CTSgTestStepBase::TestOpenDriverL()
   363 	{
   364 	if (iEnableConformanceTests)
   365 		CheckErrorL(KErrNone, iSgDriver.Open(), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
   366 	}
   368 /**
   369 Wrapper function to close the graphics resource driver.
   371 Only closes the driver if the test step has been constructed for use
   372 as the conformance tests.
   373 */
   374 void CTSgTestStepBase::TestCloseDriver()
   375 	{
   376 	if (iEnableConformanceTests)
   377 		iSgDriver.Close();
   378 	}
   380 /**
   381 Creates an image with specified parameters.
   382 @param aImage output image handle
   383 @return KErrNone if the image was created successfully, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes
   384 */
   385 TInt CreateImageWithParameters(TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight, TUidPixelFormat aPixelFormat, TUint32 aUsage, RSgImage& aImage)
   386 	{
   387 	TSgImageInfo info;
   388 	info.iSizeInPixels = TSize(aWidth, aHeight);
   389 	info.iPixelFormat = aPixelFormat;
   390 	info.iUsage = aUsage;
   391 	return aImage.Create(info, NULL, 0);
   392 	}
   394 /**
   395 Second thread entry function.
   396 */
   397 TInt SgTestSecondThread::ThreadStart(TAny* aInfo)
   398 	{
   399 	__UHEAP_MARK;
   401 	CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
   402 	if (!cleanupStack)
   403 		{
   404 		return KErrNoMemory;
   405 		}
   407 	TSgThreadTestInfo* testInfo = static_cast<TSgThreadTestInfo*>(aInfo);
   409 	RSemaphore sem;
   410 	TInt openSem = sem.OpenGlobal(KSecondThreadSemaphore, EOwnerThread);
   412 	TInt result = KErrNone;
   413 	TRAPD(leaveCode, result = SgTestSecondThread::ThreadMainL(testInfo));
   414 	if (KErrNone == openSem)
   415 		{
   416 		sem.Signal();
   417 		}
   418 	sem.Close();
   420 	if (leaveCode != KErrNone)
   421 		{
   422 		testInfo->iTestStep->ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Second thread caused Leave (%d)"), leaveCode);
   423 		testInfo->iTestStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   424 		result = leaveCode;
   425 		}
   427 	delete cleanupStack;
   429 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
   431 	return result;
   432 	}
   434 /**
   435 Run the test contained within the TSgresTestInfo object. A new thread is
   436 created for each test and only one of the cases in the switch statements
   437 below will be used.
   439 The first switch statement contains tests that must have no driver open,
   440 the second set require an open driver to initiate the test but may
   441 close it part way through.
   443 @param aInfo The parameters for the test
   444 @return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
   445  */
   446 TInt SgTestSecondThread::ThreadMainL(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo)
   447 	{
   448 	TInt result = 0;
   450 	TSgresTestCase testcase = ((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iTestCase;
   452 	RSgDriver driver;
   453 	CleanupClosePushL(driver);
   454 	TInt ret = driver.Open();
   455 	if(KErrNoMemory == ret)
   456 		{
   457 		return KErrNoMemory;
   458 		}
   459 	//test cases without the need of an initialised driver
   460 	switch (testcase)
   461 	{
   462 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicDrawableOpenNoDriver:
   463 		{
   464 		driver.Close();
   465 		RSgDrawable drawable;
   466 		drawable.Open(KFakeSgDrawableId); // should panic with SGRES 1
   467 		}
   468 		break;
   469 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageOpenNoDriver:
   470 		{
   471 		driver.Close();
   472 		RSgImage image;
   473 		image.Open(KFakeSgDrawableId); // should panic with SGRES 1
   474 		image.Close();
   475 		}
   476 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCreateNoDriver1:
   477 		{
   478 		driver.Close();
   479 		RSgImage image;
   480 		image.Create(KSgImageInfo1, NULL, 0); // should panic with SGRES 1
   481 		image.Close();
   482 		}
   483 		break;
   484 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCreateNoDriver2:
   485 		{
   486 		driver.Close();
   487 		RSgImage image;
   488 		RSgImage tempImage;
   489 		image.Create(KSgImageInfo1, tempImage); // should panic with SGRES 1
   490 		image.Close();
   491 		}
   492 		break;
   493 	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenImage:
   494 		result = OpenImage(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo), driver);
   495 		break;
   496 	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenDrawable:
   497 		result = OpenDrawable(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo));
   498 		break;
   499 	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenImageInvalid:
   500 		result = OpenImageInvalid(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo));
   501 		break;
   502 	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenDrawableInvalid: 
   503 		result = OpenDrawableInvalid(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo));
   504 		break;
   505 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInterfaceInvalidHandle:
   506 		result = PanicImageGetInterfaceInvalidHandle(driver);
   507 		break;
   508 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInterfaceNoDriver:
   509 		result = PanicImageGetInterfaceNoDriver(driver);
   510 		break;
   511 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCloseInvalidHandle:
   512 		result = PanicImageCloseInvalidHandle(driver);
   513 		break;
   514 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCloseNoDriver:
   515 		result = PanicImageCloseNoDriver(driver);
   516 		break;
   517 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageIdInvalidHandle:
   518 		result = PanicImageIdInvalidHandle(driver);
   519 		break;
   520 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageIdNoDriver:
   521 		result = PanicImageIdNoDriver(driver);
   522 		break;
   523 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageDrawableTypeInvalidHandle:
   524 		result = PanicImageDrawableTypeInvalidHandle(driver);
   525 		break;
   526 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageDrawableTypeNoDriver:
   527 		result = PanicImageDrawableTypeNoDriver(driver);
   528 		break;  
   529 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCreateInvalidHandle:
   530 		result = PanicImageCreateInvalidHandle(driver);
   531 		break;
   532 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInfoInvalidHandle:
   533 		result = PanicImageGetInfoInvalidHandle(driver);
   534 		break;
   535 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInfoNoDriver:
   536 		result = PanicImageGetInfoNoDriver(driver);
   537 		break;
   538 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetAttributeInvalidHandle:
   539 		result = PanicImageGetAttributeInvalidHandle(driver);
   540 		break;
   541 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetAttributeNoDriver:
   542 		result = PanicImageGetAttributeNoDriver(driver);
   543 		break;
   544 	case ESgresMultipleThreadStressTest:
   545 		result = MultipleThreadStressTest(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo));
   546 		break;
   547 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex:
   548 		PanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndexL();
   549 		break;
   550 	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex2:
   551 		PanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex2L();
   552 		break;
   553 	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenPassedDriver:
   554 		result = ((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iSgDriver->Open();
   555 		break;
   556 	case ESgresSecondThreadClosePassedDriver:
   557 		((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iSgDriver->Close();
   558 		break;
   559 	case ESgresSecondThreadCreatePassedImage:
   560 		result = CreatePassedImageL(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iSgImage);
   561 		break;
   562 	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenPassedImage:
   563 		((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iSgImage->Open(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iDrawableId);
   564 		break;
   565 	case ESgresSecondThreadClosePassedImage:
   566 		((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iSgImage->Close();
   567 		break;
   568 	};
   570 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&driver);
   572 	return result;
   573 	}
   575 /**
   576 Checks the function for the passed error codes and logs an error if the codes do not match. 
   577 If run under OOM testing, this function will leave if KErrNoMemory or KErrNoGraphicsMemory was 
   578 the actual error; this is essential for OOM testing.
   580 @leave One of the System Wide Error Codes
   582 @param aExpectedErrorCode The expected error code to check against
   583 @param aActualErrorCode The actual error code
   584 @param aFile The filename to use when reporting the error
   585 @param aLine The line number to use when reporting the error
   586 */
   587 void CTSgTestStepBase::CheckErrorL(TInt aExpectedErrorCode, TInt aActualErrorCode, const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine)
   588 	{
   589 	if (iEnableConformanceTests)
   590 		{
   591 		TESTWITHFILENAMEANDLINENUMBERL(aExpectedErrorCode == aActualErrorCode, aFile, aLine);
   592 		}
   593 	else
   594 		{
   595 		//OOM Tests Enabled - Also test for KErrNoMemory/KErrNoGraphicsMemory
   596 		TESTWITHFILENAMEANDLINENUMBERL((aExpectedErrorCode == aActualErrorCode) || (KErrNoMemory == aActualErrorCode) || (KErrNoGraphicsMemory == aActualErrorCode), aFile, aLine);
   597 		if (aActualErrorCode == KErrNoMemory || aActualErrorCode == KErrNoGraphicsMemory)
   598 			{
   599 			User::Leave(aActualErrorCode);
   600 			}
   601 		}
   602 	}
   603 /**
   604 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadOpenImage
   606 @return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
   608 @param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
   609 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
   610  */
   611 TInt SgTestSecondThread::OpenImage(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo, RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
   612 	{
   613 	RSgImage image;
   614 	TInt result = 0;
   615 	TInt err = image.Open(aInfo->iDrawableId);
   616 	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
   617 		{
   618 		return KErrNoMemory;
   619 		}
   620 	if(KErrNone == err)
   621 		{
   622 		result |= EFirstTestPassed;
   623 		}
   624 	TSgImageInfo info;
   625 	if(KErrNone == image.GetInfo(info))
   626 		{
   627 		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
   628 		}
   629 	if(CTSgTestStepBase::CompareInfos(aInfo->iImageInfo, info))
   630 		{
   631 		result |= EThirdTestPassed;
   632 		}
   633 	TSgDrawableId id = image.Id();
   634 	if(id != KSgNullDrawableId)
   635 		{
   636 		result |= EFourthTestPassed;
   637 		}
   638 	if(id == aInfo->iDrawableId)
   639 		{
   640 		result |= EFifthTestPassed;
   641 		}
   642 	TInt attribVal = KMaxTInt;
   643 	TUid uid = { 0x12345678 };
   644 	if (KErrNotSupported == image.GetAttribute(uid, attribVal))
   645 		{
   646 		result |= ESixthTestPassed;
   647 		}
   648 	if (KErrArgument == image.GetAttribute(KNullUid, attribVal))
   649 		{
   650 		result |= ESeventhTestPassed;
   651 		}
   652 	image.Close();
   653 	aSgDriver.Close();
   654 	if (KErrBadHandle == image.GetAttribute(uid, attribVal))
   655 		{
   656 		result |= EEighthTestPassed;
   657 		}
   659 	return result;
   660 	}
   662 /**
   663 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadOpenDrawable
   665 @return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
   667 @param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
   668  */
   669 TInt SgTestSecondThread::OpenDrawable(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo)
   670 	{
   671 	TInt result = 0;
   672 	RSgDrawable drawable;
   673 	TInt err = drawable.Open(aInfo->iDrawableId);
   674 	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
   675 		{
   676 		result = KErrNoMemory;
   677 		return result;
   678 		}
   679 	if(KErrNone == err)
   680 		{
   681 		result |= EFirstTestPassed;
   682 		}
   683 	TSgDrawableId id = drawable.Id();
   684 	if(id != KSgNullDrawableId)
   685 		{
   686 		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
   687 		}
   688 	if(id == aInfo->iDrawableId)
   689 		{
   690 		result |= EThirdTestPassed;
   691 		}
   692 	drawable.Close();
   693 	return result;
   694 	}
   696 /**
   697 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadOpenImageInvalid
   699 @return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
   701 @param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
   702  */
   703 TInt SgTestSecondThread::OpenImageInvalid(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo)
   704 	{
   705 	TInt result = 0;
   706 	RSgImage image;
   707 	TSgImageInfo info;
   708 	info.iSizeInPixels = TSize(8, 8);
   709 	info.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatRGB_565;
   710 	info.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
   712 	TInt err = image.Create(info, KCrossImageData, KCrossImageDataStride);
   713 	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
   714 		{
   715 		return KErrNoMemory;
   716 		}
   717 	if(KErrNone == err)
   718 		{
   719 		result |= EFirstTestPassed;
   720 		}
   722 	//  non-empty handle
   723 	TSgDrawableId id = aInfo->iDrawableId;
   724 	err = image.Open(id);
   725 	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
   726 		{
   727 		return KErrNoMemory;
   728 		}
   729 	if(KErrInUse == err)
   730 		{
   731 		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
   732 		}
   733 	image.Close();
   735 	//  null drawable id    
   736 	err = image.Open(KSgNullDrawableId);
   737 	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
   738 		{
   739 		return KErrNoMemory;
   740 		}
   741 	if(KErrArgument == err)
   742 		{
   743 		result |= EThirdTestPassed;
   744 		}
   745 	image.Close();
   747 	//  non-existing drawable id
   748 	err = image.Open(KFakeSgDrawableId);
   749 	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
   750 		{
   751 		return KErrNoMemory;
   752 		}
   753 	if(KErrNotFound == err)
   754 		{
   755 		result |= EFourthTestPassed;
   756 		}
   757 	image.Close();
   759 	err = image.Open(id);
   760 	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
   761 		{
   762 		return KErrNoMemory;
   763 		}
   764 	if(KErrNone == err)
   765 		{
   766 		result |= EFifthTestPassed;
   767 		}
   768 	image.Close();
   770 	return result;
   771 	}
   773 /**
   774 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadOpenDrawableInvalid
   776 @return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
   778 @param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
   779 */
   780 TInt SgTestSecondThread::OpenDrawableInvalid(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo)
   781 	{
   782 	TInt result = 0;
   783 	RSgDrawable drawable;
   784 	TInt err = drawable.Open(KSgNullDrawableId);
   785 	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
   786 		{
   787 	    return KErrNoMemory;
   788 		}
   789 	if(KErrArgument == err)
   790 		{
   791 	    result |= EFirstTestPassed;
   792 	    }
   793 	drawable.Close();
   795 	//  non-existing drawable id
   796 	err = drawable.Open(KFakeSgDrawableId);
   797 	if (KErrNoMemory == err)
   798 		{
   799 		return KErrNoMemory;
   800 		}
   802 	if(KErrNotFound == err)
   803 		{
   804 		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
   805 		}
   806 	drawable.Close();
   808 	//  open a non-sharable image - should succeed
   809 	err = drawable.Open(aInfo->iDrawableId);
   811 	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
   812 		{
   813 		return KErrNoMemory;
   814 		}
   815 	if(KErrNone == err)
   816 		{
   817 		result |= EThirdTestPassed;
   819 		if (KErrInUse == drawable.Open(aInfo->iDrawableId))
   820 			{
   821 			result |= EFourthTestPassed;
   822 			}
   823 		}
   825 	drawable.Close();
   827 	return result;
   828 	}
   830 /**
   831 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInterfaceInvalidHandle
   833 @panic SGRES2 If the test is successful
   835 @return One of the system wide error codes.
   837 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
   838  */
   839 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetInterfaceInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
   840 	{
   841 	RSgImage image;
   842 	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image); 
   844 	MTSgImage_Interface* swInterface = NULL;
   845 	result = image.GetInterface(swInterface); //should panic with SGRES 3
   846 	aSgDriver.Close();
   848 	return result;
   849 	}
   851 /**
   852 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInterfaceNoDriver
   854 @panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
   856 @return One of the system wide error codes
   858 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
   859  */
   860 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetInterfaceNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
   861 	{
   862 	RSgImage image;
   863 	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
   865 	aSgDriver.Close();
   866 	MTSgImage_Interface* swInterface = NULL;
   867 	image.GetInterface(swInterface); // should panic with SGRES 1
   868 	return result;
   869 	}
   871 /**
   872 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCloseInvalidHandle
   874 @panic SGRES2 If the test is successful
   876 @return One of the system wide error codes
   878 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
   879  */
   880 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageCloseInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
   881 	{
   882 	RSgImage image;
   883 	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
   885 	image.Close(); //should panic with SGRES 3
   886 	aSgDriver.Close();
   887 	return result;
   888 	}
   890 /**
   891 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCloseNoDriver
   893 @panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
   895 @return One of the system wide error codes
   897 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
   898  */
   899 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageCloseNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
   900 	{
   901 	RSgImage image;
   902 	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
   903 	aSgDriver.Close();
   904 	image.Close(); // should panic with SGRES 1 
   905 	return result;
   906 	}
   908 /**
   909 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageIdIvalidHandle
   911 @panic SGRES2 If the test is successful
   913 @return One of the system wide error codes
   915 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
   916  */
   917 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageIdInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
   918 	{
   919 	RSgImage image;
   920 	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
   922 	image.Id(); //should panic with SGRES 3
   923 	aSgDriver.Close();
   924 	return result;
   925 	}
   927 /**
   928 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageIdNoDriver
   930 @panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
   932 @return One of the system wide error codes
   934 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
   935  */
   936 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageIdNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
   937 	{
   938 	RSgImage image;
   939 	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
   941 	aSgDriver.Close();
   942 	image.Id(); // should panic with SGRES 1
   943 	return result;
   944 	}
   946 /**
   947 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageDrawableTypeInvalidHandle
   949 @panic SGRES2 If the test is successful
   951 @return One of the system wide error codes
   953 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
   954  */
   955 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageDrawableTypeInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
   956 	{
   957 	RSgImage image; 
   958 	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
   960 	image.DrawableType(); //should panic with SGRES 3
   961 	aSgDriver.Close();
   963 	return result;
   964 	}
   966 /**
   967 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageDrawableTypeNoDriver
   969 @panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
   971 @return One of the system wide error codes
   973 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
   974  */
   975 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageDrawableTypeNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
   976 	{
   977 	RSgImage image; 
   978 	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
   979 	aSgDriver.Close();
   980 	image.DrawableType(); // should panic with SGRES 1
   981 	return result;
   982 	}
   984 /**
   985 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCreateInvalidHandle
   987 @panic SGRES3 If the test is successful
   989 @return One of the system wide error codes
   991 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
   992  */
   993 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageCreateInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
   994 	{
   995 	RSgImage image; 
   996 	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
   998 	RSgImage newImage;
   999 	TSgImageInfo info;
  1000 	image.GetInfo(info);
  1001 	newImage.Create(info, image); //should panic with SGRES 3
  1002 	aSgDriver.Close();
  1003 	return result;
  1004 	}
  1006 /**
  1007 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInfoInvalidHandle
  1009 @panic SGRES3 If the test is successful
  1011 @return One of the system wide error codes
  1013 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
  1014  */
  1015 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetInfoInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
  1016 	{
  1017 	RSgImage image; 
  1018 	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
  1020 	TSgImageInfo anotherInfo;
  1021 	image.GetInfo(anotherInfo); //should panic with SGRES 3
  1022 	aSgDriver.Close();
  1023 	return result;
  1024 	}
  1026 /**
  1027 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageNoDriver
  1029 @panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
  1031 @return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
  1033 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
  1034  */
  1035 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetInfoNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
  1036 	{
  1037 	RSgImage image; 
  1038 	TInt ret = CreateImageWithParameters(8, 8, EUidPixelFormatRGB_565, ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage, image);
  1039 	if(KErrNone != ret)
  1040 		{
  1041 		return ret;
  1042 		}
  1043 	RSgImage anotherImage;
  1044 	Mem::Copy(&anotherImage, &image, sizeof(image));
  1045 	image.Close();
  1046 	aSgDriver.Close();
  1047 	TSgImageInfo anotherInfo;
  1048 	anotherImage.GetInfo(anotherInfo); // should panic with SGRES 1
  1049 	return ret;
  1050 	}
  1052 /**
  1053 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetAttributeInvalidHandle
  1055 @panic SGRES3 If the test is successful
  1057 @return One of the system wide error codes
  1059 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
  1060  */
  1061 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetAttributeInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
  1062 	{
  1063 	RSgImage image; 
  1064 	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
  1066 	TInt attrib = KMaxTInt;
  1067 	image.GetAttribute(TUid::Uid(1), attrib); //Should panic with SGRES 3
  1069 	aSgDriver.Close();
  1070 	return result;
  1071 	}
  1073 /**
  1074 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetAttributeNoDriver
  1076 @panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
  1078 @return One of the system wide error codes
  1080 @param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
  1081  */
  1082 TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetAttributeNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
  1083 	{
  1084 	RSgImage image; 
  1085 	TInt ret = CreateImageWithParameters(8, 8, EUidPixelFormatRGB_565, ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage, image);
  1086 	if(KErrNone != ret)
  1087 		{
  1088 		return ret;
  1089 		}
  1090 	RSgImage anotherImage;
  1091 	Mem::Copy(&anotherImage, &image, sizeof(image));
  1092 	image.Close();
  1093 	aSgDriver.Close();
  1094 	TInt attrib = KMaxTInt;
  1095 	TUid uid = { 0x12345678 };
  1096 	anotherImage.GetAttribute(uid, attrib); //Should panic with SGRES 1
  1097 	return ret;
  1098 	}
  1100 /**
  1101 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadMultipleThreadStressTest
  1103 @return One of the system wide error codes
  1105 @param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
  1106  */
  1107 TInt SgTestSecondThread::MultipleThreadStressTest(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo)
  1108 	{
  1109 	TInt result = 0;
  1110 	RSgImage image;
  1111 	for (TInt i = 0; i < 1000 && result == KErrNone; ++i)
  1112 		{
  1113 		TInt ret = CreateImageWithParameters(8, 8, EUidPixelFormatRGB_565, ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage, image); 
  1114 		if (KErrNone != ret)
  1115 			{
  1116 			result = ret;
  1117 			break;
  1118 			}
  1120 		const TInt KMaxOpenCount = 100;
  1121 		RSgImage images[KMaxOpenCount];
  1122 		TInt count = Math::Random() % KMaxOpenCount;
  1123 		for (TInt k = 0; k < count; ++k)
  1124 			{
  1125 			ret = images[k].Open(aInfo->iDrawableId);
  1126 			if (KErrNone != ret)
  1127 				{
  1128 				result = ret;
  1129 				break;
  1130 				}
  1131 			}
  1132 		image.Close();
  1133 		for (TInt k = 0; k < count; ++k)
  1134 			{
  1135 			images[k].Close();
  1136 			}
  1137 		}
  1138 	return result;
  1139 	}
  1141 /**
  1142 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex
  1144 @panic SGRES4 If the test is successful
  1146 @param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
  1147  */
  1148 void SgTestSecondThread::PanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndexL()
  1149 	{
  1150 	TSgAttributeArray<5> attribArray;
  1151 	TSgAttribute attrib = attribArray[6]; //Should panic with SGRES 4
  1152 	}
  1154 /**
  1155 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex2
  1157 @panic SGRES4 If the test is successful
  1159 @param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
  1160  */
  1161 void SgTestSecondThread::PanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex2L()
  1162 	{
  1163 	TSgAttributeArray<5> attribArray;
  1164 	TSgAttribute attrib = attribArray[-1]; //Should panic with SGRES 4
  1165 	}
  1167 /**
  1168 Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicDriverCloseOpenResources
  1170 @return One of the system wide error codes
  1172 @param RSgImage* A closed or uninitialised RSgImage to use for image creation 
  1173  */
  1174 TInt SgTestSecondThread::CreatePassedImageL(RSgImage* aSgImage)
  1175 	{
  1176 	TSgImageInfo info;
  1177 	info.iSizeInPixels = TSize(8, 8);
  1178 	info.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
  1179 	info.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatRGB_565;
  1181 	return aSgImage->Create(info, KCrossImageData, KCrossImageDataStride);
  1182 	}
  1184 /**
  1185 Helper function which Creates an RSgImage and copies to into another RSgImage 
  1186 using Mem::Copy; the target of the copy is returned in the open state.
  1188 @param aSgImage An uninitialised image which will have an SgImage Mem::Copied into it.
  1189 @return One of the system wide error codes.
  1190  */
  1191 TInt CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(RSgImage& aSgImage)
  1192 	{
  1193 	RSgImage image; 
  1194 	TInt ret = CreateImageWithParameters(8, 8, EUidPixelFormatRGB_565, ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage, image);
  1195 	if(KErrNone != ret)
  1196 		{
  1197 		return ret;
  1198 		}
  1199 	Mem::Copy(&aSgImage, &image, sizeof(image));
  1200 	image.Close();
  1202 	return ret;
  1203 	}