--- a/graphicscomposition/surfaceupdate/inc/surfaceupdateclient.h Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
+++ b/graphicscomposition/surfaceupdate/inc/surfaceupdateclient.h Fri Apr 16 16:21:04 2010 +0300
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <e32std.h>
+#include <graphics/suerror.h>
#include "surfaceupdate.h"
#include "surfaceupdatetest.h"
@@ -88,9 +89,7 @@
@see RSurfaceUpdateSession::NotifyWhenDisplayed
@see RSurfaceUpdateSession::NotifyWhenDisplayedXTimes
- @param aScreen Screen number. Varies from 0 to N-1, where N is a total number of screens
- in the system. If pre-defined constant KAllScreens is passed, the submission will
- be broadcast to all screens.
+ @param aScreen Screen number. KAllScreens is the only allowed parameter.
@param aSurfaceId Secure 128-bit surface unique identifier, which fully specified the
surface. Surface ID must be assigned and registered with the GCE.
@param aBuffer Current buffer for composition. Varies from 0 to N-1, where N is the