--- a/graphicshwdrivers/surfacemgr/test/src/tsecondprocess.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
+++ b/graphicshwdrivers/surfacemgr/test/src/tsecondprocess.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:21:04 2010 +0300
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <e32test.h>
@@ -313,15 +312,15 @@
// Set attributes for the surface - these are expected attributes in the second process
RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributesBuf buf;
- RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& attributes=buf();
- attributes.iSize = TSize(200,200);
- attributes.iBuffers = 1;
- attributes.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatARGB_1555;
- attributes.iStride = 415;
- attributes.iOffsetToFirstBuffer = 80;
- attributes.iAlignment = 8;
- attributes.iContiguous=ETrue;
+ RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& attributes=buf();
+ attributes.iSize = TSize(100,100);
+ attributes.iBuffers = 1; // number of buffers in the surface
+ attributes.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatYUV_422SemiPlanar; // 2bpp
+ attributes.iStride = 400; // Number of bytes between start of one line and start of next
+ attributes.iOffsetToFirstBuffer = 0; // way of reserving space before the surface pixel data
+ attributes.iAlignment = 2; // alignment, 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 byte aligned or EPageAligned
+ attributes.iContiguous=ETrue;
RSurfaceManager::THintPair hints[2]; // two hint pairs specified
attributes.iHintCount = 2;
attributes.iSurfaceHints = hints;