--- a/windowing/windowserver/SERVER/w32cmd.h Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/SERVER/w32cmd.h Fri Apr 16 16:21:04 2010 +0300
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@
enum {EClickLoaded=0x01, EClickLoadable=0x02};
// Opcodes
// Client opcodes
@@ -259,6 +259,13 @@
+ EWsClOpSendEffectCommand,
+ EWsClOpRegisterTFXEffectBuf,
+ EWsClOpRegisterTFXEffectIPC,
+ EWsClOpUnregisterTFXEffect,
+ EWsClOpUnregisterAllTFXEffect,
+ EWsClOpOverrideEffectBuf,
+ EWsClOpOverrideEffectIPC,
EWsClOpLastEnumValue //Keep this at the end - used by test code
@@ -428,6 +435,10 @@
+ EWsWinOpSetPurpose,
+ EWsWinOpSendEffectCommand,
+ EWsWinOpOverrideEffectBuf,
+ EWsWinOpOverrideEffectIPC,
EWsWinOpTestLowPriorityRedraw=0x2000, //Specific opcode for testing redraw queue priorities
@@ -712,9 +723,9 @@
// Command structures
/** Structure used to pass commands between the client and the server.
@@ -958,57 +969,85 @@
TInt enterThreshold;
TInt exitThreshold;
+struct TWsClCmdSendEffectCommand
+ {
+ inline TWsClCmdSendEffectCommand(TInt aTfxCmd,TInt aTfxCmdDataLength, TInt aWinHandle);
+ TInt tfxCmd;
+ TInt tfxCmdDataLength;
+ TInt windowHandle;
+ };
+struct TWsClCmdRegisterEffect
+ {
+ inline TWsClCmdRegisterEffect(TInt aAction, TUint aAppUid, TInt aDirStrSize, TInt aPhase1StrSize, TInt aPhase2StrSize);
+ TInt tfxAction;
+ TUint tfxAppUid;
+ TInt tfxDirStrSize;
+ TInt tfxPhase1StrSize;
+ TInt tfxPhase2StrSize;
+ };
+struct TWsClCmdOverrideEffect
+ {
+ inline TWsClCmdOverrideEffect(TBool aOneShot, TInt aAction, TInt aDirStrSize, TInt aPhase1StrSize, TInt aPhase2StrSize);
+ TBool tfxOneShot;
+ TInt tfxAction;
+ TInt tfxDirStrSize;
+ TInt tfxPhase1StrSize;
+ TInt tfxPhase2StrSize;
+ };
typedef TRequestStatus *RqStatPtr;
union TWsClCmdUnion
- const TAny *any;
- const TAny **pAny;
- const TInt *Int;
- const TUint *UInt;
- const TBool *Bool;
- const TUid *Uid;
- const TPointerCursorMode *Mode;
- const TXYInputType *XyInput;
- const TPoint *Point;
- const TRgb *rgb;
- const RqStatPtr *RequestStatus;
- const TRawEvent *RawEvent;
- const TKeyEvent *KeyEvent;
- const RWsSession::TComputeMode *ComputeMode;
- const RWsSession::TLoggingCommand *LogCommand;
- const TWsClCmdCreateWindow *CreateWindow;
- const TWsClCmdCreateWindowGroup *CreateWindowGroup;
- const TWsClCmdLoadAnimDll *LoadAnimDll;
- const TWsClCmdCreatePointerCursor *CreatePointerCursor;
- const TWsClCmdCustomTextCursorData *CustomTextCursorData;
- const TWsClCmdCreateSprite *CreateSprite;
- const TWsClCmdCreateBitmap *CreateBitmap;
- const TWsClCmdSetHotKey *SetHotKey;
- const TWsClCmdWindowGroupList *WindowGroupList;
- const TWsClCmdSetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition *SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition;
- const TWsClCmdSetKeyboardRepeatRate *SetKeyboardRepeatRate;
- const TWsClCmdHeapSetFail *HeapSetFail;
- const TWsClCmdSetDoubleClick *SetDoubleClick;
- const TWsClCmdSetSystemPointerCursor *SetSystemPointerCursor;
- const TWsClCmdSendEventToWindowGroup *SendEventToWindowGroup;
- const TWsClCmdSendMessageToWindowGroup *SendMessageToWindowGroup;
+ const TAny* any;
+ const TAny** pAny;
+ const TInt* Int;
+ const TUint* UInt;
+ const TBool* Bool;
+ const TUid* Uid;
+ const TPointerCursorMode* Mode;
+ const TInt *XyInput;
+ const TPoint* Point;
+ const TRgb* rgb;
+ const RqStatPtr* RequestStatus;
+ const TRawEvent* RawEvent;
+ const TKeyEvent* KeyEvent;
+ const RWsSession::TComputeMode* ComputeMode;
+ const RWsSession::TLoggingCommand* LogCommand;
+ const TWsClCmdCreateWindow* CreateWindow;
+ const TWsClCmdCreateWindowGroup* CreateWindowGroup;
+ const TWsClCmdLoadAnimDll* LoadAnimDll;
+ const TWsClCmdCreatePointerCursor* CreatePointerCursor;
+ const TWsClCmdCustomTextCursorData* CustomTextCursorData;
+ const TWsClCmdCreateSprite* CreateSprite;
+ const TWsClCmdCreateBitmap* CreateBitmap;
+ const TWsClCmdSetHotKey* SetHotKey;
+ const TWsClCmdWindowGroupList* WindowGroupList;
+ const TWsClCmdSetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition* SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition;
+ const TWsClCmdSetKeyboardRepeatRate* SetKeyboardRepeatRate;
+ const TWsClCmdHeapSetFail* HeapSetFail;
+ const TWsClCmdSetDoubleClick* SetDoubleClick;
+ const TWsClCmdSetSystemPointerCursor* SetSystemPointerCursor;
+ const TWsClCmdSendEventToWindowGroup* SendEventToWindowGroup;
+ const TWsClCmdSendMessageToWindowGroup* SendMessageToWindowGroup;
const TWsClCmdFetchMessage* FetchMessage;
- const TWsClCmdFindWindowGroupIdentifier *FindWindowGroupIdentifier;
- const TWsClCmdFindWindowGroupIdentifierThread *FindWindowGroupIdentifierThread;
- const TWsClCmdGetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier *GetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier;
- const TWsClCmdOffEventsToShell *OffEventsToShell;
- const TWsClCmdSetModifierState *SetModifierState;
- const TWsClCmdSetPointerCursorArea *SetPointerCursorArea;
- const TWsClCmdSetSystemFaded *SetSystemFaded;
+ const TWsClCmdFindWindowGroupIdentifier* FindWindowGroupIdentifier;
+ const TWsClCmdFindWindowGroupIdentifierThread* FindWindowGroupIdentifierThread;
+ const TWsClCmdGetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier* GetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier;
+ const TWsClCmdOffEventsToShell* OffEventsToShell;
+ const TWsClCmdSetModifierState* SetModifierState;
+ const TWsClCmdSetPointerCursorArea* SetPointerCursorArea;
+ const TWsClCmdSetSystemFaded* SetSystemFaded;
const TWsClCmdCreateGraphic* CreateGraphic;
const TWsClCmdGdSendMessage* GraphicSendMessage;
const TWsClCmdGdGetId* GetGraphicId;
const TWsClCmdDebugInfo* DebugInfo;
const TWsClCmdSurfaceRegister* SurfaceRegister;
- const TWsClCmdNumWindowGroups *NumWinGroups;
- const TWsClCmdCreateScreenDevice *CreateScreenDevice;
- const TWsClCmdZThresholdPair *ZThresholdPair;
+ const TWsClCmdNumWindowGroups* NumWinGroups;
+ const TWsClCmdCreateScreenDevice* CreateScreenDevice;
+ const TWsClCmdZThresholdPair* ZThresholdPair;
const TWsClCmdCreateDrawableSource* CreateDrawableSource;
+ const TWsClCmdSendEffectCommand* SendEffectCommand;
+ const TWsClCmdRegisterEffect* RegisterEffect;
+ const TWsClCmdOverrideEffect* OverrideEffect;
// Window command structures
@@ -1219,6 +1258,8 @@
const TSurfaceId *Surface;
const TWsWinCmdCancelPointerRepeatEventRequest *CancelPointerRepeatEventRequest;
const TWsWinCmdGrabControl *GrabControl;
+ const TWsClCmdSendEffectCommand *SendEffectCommand;
+ const TWsClCmdOverrideEffect* OverrideEffect;
// GC command structures
@@ -1948,6 +1989,7 @@
EW32PanicGraphicDoubleConstruction, //Raised when Construct() is called on an already constructed client-side object
EW32PanicBadClientInterface, //Debug: Trying to use an interface that is not initialised
EW32PanicSizeNotExpected, //Debug: Returned data does not match expected sizes or granularity
+ EW32PanicStringTooLong, //A string is longer than it is allowed to be
enum WservShutdown
@@ -2226,6 +2268,15 @@
inline TWsClCmdZThresholdPair::TWsClCmdZThresholdPair(const TInt aEnterThreshold, const TInt aExitThreshold)
: enterThreshold(aEnterThreshold),exitThreshold(aExitThreshold)
+inline TWsClCmdSendEffectCommand::TWsClCmdSendEffectCommand(TInt aTfxCmd,TInt aTfxCmdDataLength, TInt aWinHandle) :
+ tfxCmd(aTfxCmd), tfxCmdDataLength(aTfxCmdDataLength), windowHandle(aWinHandle)
+ {}
+inline TWsClCmdRegisterEffect::TWsClCmdRegisterEffect(TInt aAction, TUint aAppUid, TInt aDirStrSize, TInt aPhase1StrSize, TInt aPhase2StrSize) :
+ tfxAction(aAction), tfxAppUid(aAppUid), tfxDirStrSize(aDirStrSize), tfxPhase1StrSize(aPhase1StrSize), tfxPhase2StrSize(aPhase2StrSize)
+ {}
+inline TWsClCmdOverrideEffect::TWsClCmdOverrideEffect(TBool aOneShot, TInt aAction, TInt aDirStrSize, TInt aPhase1StrSize, TInt aPhase2StrSize) :
+ tfxOneShot(aOneShot), tfxAction(aAction), tfxDirStrSize(aDirStrSize), tfxPhase1StrSize(aPhase1StrSize), tfxPhase2StrSize(aPhase2StrSize)
+ {}
inline TWsWinCmdAddKeyRect::TWsWinCmdAddKeyRect(const TRect &aRect,TInt aScanCode, TBool aActivatedByPointerSwitchOn) :
rect(aRect), scanCode(aScanCode), activatedByPointerSwitchOn(aActivatedByPointerSwitchOn)