--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/nga/CLIENT/rtfxeffect.cpp Fri Apr 16 16:21:04 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description: The main purpose of RTFXEffect implementation is to forward
+// RWsSession/RWindowBase calls to RegisterEffect and OverrideEffect to server side.
+// Please see documantion of RTFXEffect::RegisterTFXEffect() for more details.
+#include "rtfxeffect.h"
+#include "w32comm.h"
+#include "client.h"
+Constructor which takes handle and buffer paratemter and initilaizes
+its member variables.
+@param aHandle Client side handle of the class derived from MWsClientClass
+@param aBuffer Pointer to the wserv client side buffer of the above class
+RTFXEffect::RTFXEffect(TInt aHandle, RWsBuffer* aBuffer)
+ : MWsClientClass(aBuffer), iDirPathSizePaded(0), iFileName1SizePaded(0),
+ iFileName2SizePaded(0), iCombSizePaded(0)
+ {
+ iWsHandle = aHandle;
+ }
+Function checks the sent parmaters and pancis client if any of its length
+is greater than KMaxFileName. Calculates the padded lengths of sent parameters
+and stores them in member variables
+@param aResourceDir directory name of animation description file
+@param aFilenamePhase1 File name of first phase animation of TFX
+@param aFilenamePhase2 File name of second phase animation of TFX
+void RTFXEffect::CheckFileNameAndSetSizes(const TFileName& aResourceDir,
+ const TFileName& aFilenamePhase1, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase2)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aResourceDir.Length() <= KMaxFileName, Panic(EW32PanicStringTooLong));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFilenamePhase1.Length() <= KMaxFileName, Panic(EW32PanicStringTooLong));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFilenamePhase2.Length() <= KMaxFileName, Panic(EW32PanicStringTooLong));
+ iDirPathSizePaded = PaddedValue(aResourceDir.Size());
+ iFileName1SizePaded = PaddedValue(aFilenamePhase1.Size());
+ iFileName2SizePaded = PaddedValue(aFilenamePhase2.Size());
+ iCombSizePaded = iDirPathSizePaded + iFileName1SizePaded + iFileName2SizePaded;
+ }
+Appends folder and file names to wserv client's buffer using AppendData() of MWsClientClass.
+AppendData adds data directly to buffer. So before calling AppendData we must make sure that
+current command is added to buffer. Please see description of MWsClientClass::AppendData()
+for more details.
+@param aResourceDir directory name of animation description file
+@param aFilenamePhase1 File name of first phase animation of TFX
+@param aFilenamePhase2 File name of second phase animation of TFX
+void RTFXEffect::AppendFileNameData(const TFileName& aResourceDir, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase1, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase2)
+ {
+ AppendData(aResourceDir.Ptr(), aResourceDir.Size(), EFalse);
+ AppendData(aFilenamePhase1.Ptr(), aFilenamePhase1.Size(), EFalse);
+ AppendData(aFilenamePhase2.Ptr(), aFilenamePhase2.Size(), ETrue);
+ }
+Writes file names using IPC args along with data related to TWsClCmdRegisterEffect
+First phase animation file name is sent in seocnd slot of IPC to server
+Second phase animation file name is sent in third slot of IPC to server
+Data related to TWsClCmdRegisterEffect and folder name are sent in the normal wserv buffer
+@param aForRegister an object of TWsClCmdRegisterEffect filled with data related to RegisterTFXEffect
+ If non Empty then this function is called for Register effect
+@param aForOverride an object of TWsClCmdOverrideEffect filled with data related to OverrideTFXEffect
+ If non Empty then this function is called for Overide effect
+@param aResourceDir directory name of animation description file
+@param aFilenamePhase1 File name of first phase animation of TFX
+@param aFilenamePhase2 File name of second phase animation of TFX
+@param aCalledFrom value from TFXEffect enum reprseting whether called from RWsSession or RWindowbase
+void RTFXEffect::WriteDataUsingIPC(TWsClCmdRegisterEffect* aForRegister, TWsClCmdOverrideEffect* aForOverride,
+ const TFileName& aResourceDir, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase1, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase2, TFXEffect aCalledFrom)
+ {
+ TIpcArgs ipcArgsDesc;
+ ipcArgsDesc.Set(1, &aFilenamePhase1);
+ ipcArgsDesc.Set(2, &aFilenamePhase2);
+ // If called for RegisterTFXEffect
+ if (aForRegister)
+ {
+ Write(aForRegister, sizeof(*aForRegister), aResourceDir.Ptr(), aResourceDir.Size(),
+ EWsClOpRegisterTFXEffectIPC, &ipcArgsDesc);
+ }
+ else // Else called for OverrideTFXEffect
+ {
+ Write(aForOverride, sizeof(*aForOverride), aResourceDir.Ptr(), aResourceDir.Size(),
+ (aCalledFrom == ETFXSession ? EWsClOpOverrideEffectIPC : EWsWinOpOverrideEffectIPC), &ipcArgsDesc);
+ }
+ }
+Checks if the sum of iCombSizePaded, size of TWsCmdHeader and sent size is less than
+the current buffer size.
+@param aSize size to be compared with current buffer size
+@return ETrue if the combined size if less then or equal to current buffer size
+ EFalse if the combined size is greater then current buffer size
+ */
+TBool RTFXEffect::CheckCombinedSizeWithCurrentBuffer(TInt aSize) const
+ {
+ return (iCombSizePaded + aSize + sizeof(TWsCmdHeader) <= iBuffer->BufferSize());
+ }
+Checks the length of sent variables and does as explained below
+Main logic involved in both RegisterTFXEffect() and OverrideTFXEffect() is as follows
+First check the sum of all strings
+If it is less then max wserv buffer
+ Send unpadded sizes in TWsClCmdRegisterEffect/TWsClCmdOverrideEffect but when we append
+ the data we make sure that we pad it
+ Then at server side get the buffer for total length(inlcuding pading)and unpad it and
+ send it to renderstage's RegisterEffect/OverrideEffect function
+If it is greater then max wserv buffer
+ Send one string in the wserv buffer as done before ie. pading and unpading
+ Other two strings are sent using IPC args in 2 and 3 slot of IPC and do explicit flush
+ And at server side get one string from buffer and other 2 from IPC
+@param aAction Particular transition to register the animation for.
+@param aResourceDir The name of the directory that contains the animation description files.
+@param aFilenamePhase1 The file containing the description of the animation for the first phase(Phase1) of the transition.
+ Specify KNullDesC for no Phase1 effect.
+@param aFilenamePhase2 The file containing the description of the animation for the second phase(Phase2) of the transition.
+ Specify KNullDesC for no Phase2 effect.
+@param aAppUid The Application UID this effect applies to. Set to zero to specify that all apps will use default effect.
+void RTFXEffect::RegisterTFXEffect(TInt aAction, const TFileName& aResourceDir,
+ const TFileName& aFilenamePhase1, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase2, TUint aAppUid)
+ {
+ CheckFileNameAndSetSizes(aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2);
+ if (CheckCombinedSizeWithCurrentBuffer(sizeof(TWsClCmdRegisterEffect)))
+ {
+ TWsClCmdRegisterEffect params(aAction, aAppUid, aResourceDir.Size(), aFilenamePhase1.Size(), aFilenamePhase2.Size());
+ // Here we just pass the length of combined strings so that it checks and does flush if needed.
+ // Then AppendData actually adds the data to buffer at the end
+ Write(¶ms, sizeof(params), iCombSizePaded, EWsClOpRegisterTFXEffectBuf);
+ if (iCombSizePaded > 0)
+ AppendFileNameData(aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TWsClCmdRegisterEffect params(aAction, aAppUid, aResourceDir.Size(), 0, 0);
+ WriteDataUsingIPC(¶ms, NULL, aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2, ETFXSession);
+ }
+ }
+Checks the length of sent variables and does as explained in
+RTFXEffect::RegisterTFXEffect() API description
+@param aOneShot A flag to see if the specified override should be applied once or on an ongoing basis
+@param aAction The particular transition to set the animation for.
+@param aResourceDir The name of the directory that contains the animation description files.
+@param aFilenamePhase1 The file containing the description of the animation for the first phase(Phase1) of the transition.
+ Specify KNullDesC for no Phase1 effect.
+@param aFilenamePhase2 The file containing the description of the animation for the second phase(Phase2) of the transition.
+ Specify KNullDesC for no Phase2 effect.
+void RTFXEffect::OverrideTFXEffect(TBool aOneShot, TInt aAction, const TFileName& aResourceDir,
+ const TFileName& aFilenamePhase1, const TFileName& aFilenamePhase2, TFXEffect aCalledFrom)
+ {
+ CheckFileNameAndSetSizes(aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2);
+ if (CheckCombinedSizeWithCurrentBuffer(sizeof(TWsClCmdOverrideEffect)))
+ {
+ TWsClCmdOverrideEffect params(aOneShot, aAction, aResourceDir.Size(), aFilenamePhase1.Size(), aFilenamePhase2.Size());
+ Write(¶ms, sizeof(params), iCombSizePaded, (aCalledFrom == ETFXSession ? EWsClOpOverrideEffectBuf : EWsWinOpOverrideEffectBuf));
+ if (iCombSizePaded > 0)
+ AppendFileNameData(aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TWsClCmdOverrideEffect params(aOneShot, aAction, aResourceDir.Size(), 0, 0);
+ WriteDataUsingIPC(NULL, ¶ms, aResourceDir, aFilenamePhase1, aFilenamePhase2, aCalledFrom);
+ }
+ }