--- a/egl/egltest/src/egltest_benchmark_sgimage.cpp Mon Mar 15 12:45:41 2010 +0200
+++ b/egl/egltest/src/egltest_benchmark_sgimage.cpp Wed Mar 31 23:34:07 2010 +0300
@@ -36,6 +36,13 @@
_LIT(KBenchmarkSection, "Benchmark");
+const TInt KBenchmarkDrawImageThreshold = 5; //semi-arbitrary number which signifies deviation in percentage between min and max number of image drawing
//data will be used to cleanup VgImages if leaving occurs
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVgImageDeleteData) : public CBase
@@ -163,7 +170,7 @@
return CEglTestStep::doTestStepPostambleL();
@@ -270,9 +277,6 @@
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_Benchmark_CreateCloseImage can only be run with SgImage-Lite"));
- RecordTestResultL();
- CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
- return TestStepResult();
TBool ret = CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_RSgimage | KEGL_KHR_image_base | KVG_KHR_EGL_image | KEGL_KHR_image_pixmap);
@@ -487,10 +491,10 @@
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, vgImageDeleteData); // vgImageDeleteData, sgImageData, eglImageDeleteData
return TestStepResult();
@@ -569,9 +573,6 @@
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_Benchmark_Multi_Process_CreateCloseImage can only be run with SgImage-Lite"));
- RecordTestResultL();
- CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
- return TestStepResult();
TBool ret = CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_RSgimage | KEGL_KHR_image_base | KVG_KHR_EGL_image | KEGL_KHR_image_pixmap);
@@ -585,10 +586,10 @@
// launch 2 processes
Test_MultiProcessL(KEglTestStepDllName, 2, TestStepName());
return TestStepResult();
void CEglTest_Benchmark_Multi_Process_CreateCloseImage::doProcessFunctionL(TInt aIdx)
@@ -764,7 +765,12 @@
- Performance test - Drawing VGImage
+ Performance test - Drawing of VGImage
+Compare the relative speed of drawing a regular pre-existing VGImage with the
+speed of mapping in a VGImage (starting with a drawable id) and then drawing that.
Environmental settings:
• Image Size: w50 h50
@@ -772,195 +778,327 @@
• Pixel format ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE
• Number of benchmark iteration: N (may vary depending on hardware capacity)
-Creating regular VGImage
-Init EGL, create context and surface
-For i = 0 to N
- Create VGImage[i] with size: 50x50 and format: VG_sARGB_8888_PRE
- SetSubData for VGImage[i]
-End loop
-Draw VGImage
-For i = N to 0
- Start timer
- Draw VGImage[i]
- Stop timer and record time
-End loop
-Record average time of drawing VGImage
-Closing regular VGImage
-For i = N to 0
- Destroy VGImage[i]
-End loop
-Creating VGImage from initialized RSgImage
+From the main test process:
+Spawn two processes A and B
+From process A:
Open RSgDriver
Construct TSgImageInfo object with
• Size: 50x50
• PixelFormat: ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE
• Usage: ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
-For i = N to 0
- Create RSgImage[i] with arguments TSgImageInfo with initialized data which were supplied to regular VGImage
- Create an EGLImage[i] from the RSgImage[i]
- Create a VGImage[i] from the EGLImage[i]
+Creation of the RSgImages:
+For i = 0 to N
+ Form pixel data in such way that there will be a mixture of opaque and transparent pixels.
+ At least one coordinate of the opaque pixel will be unique for any iteration.
+ Creating RSgImage with initialized data, size: 50x50 and format: VG_sARGB_8888_PRE.
+ Send RSgImage drawableID to process B
+End loop
+Close all RSgImages after they will have been opened in process B
+Close RSgDriver after process B finishes with benchmark measurement.
+From process B:
+For i = 0 to N
+ Receive and store drawableID[i] from process A
+End loop
+Init EGL, create context and pixmap surface. Make the surface current.
+Creating regular VGImage:
+For i = 0 to N
+ Create VGImage[i] with size: 50x50 and format: VG_sARGB_8888_PRE
+ SetSubData for VGImage[i] with the same data which were supplied on RSgImage creation
End loop
-Draw VGImage which is based on RSgImage
-For i = N to 0
+Draw regular VGImage:
+For j = 0 to 4
Start timer
- Draw VGImage[i]
+ For i = N to 0
+ Draw VGImage[i]
+ End loop i
Stop timer and record time
-End loop
-Record average time of drawing VGImage
+End loop j
+Complete all outstanding requests on the current context (vgFinish)
+Record max, min, average drawing time of VGImage
+Check that deviation between max and min time doesn’t exceed 5% (max – min / mean) < 0.05
+Destroy all regular VGImages
+Open RSgDriver
+Mapping in VGImage from initialized RSgImage and perform drawing:
+For j = 0 to 4
+ Start timer
+ For i = N to 0
+ Open RSgImage[i] with drawableID[i]
+ Create an EGLImage[i] from the RSgImage[i]
+ Create a VGImage[i] from the EGLImage[i]
+ Draw VGImage[i]
+ End loop i
+ Complete all outstanding requests on the current context (vgFinish)
+ Stop timer and record time
+End loop j
+Record max, min, average mapping and drawing time of VGImage
+Check that deviation between max and min time doesn’t exceed 5% (max – min / mean) < 0.05
+Destroy context, surface
Close all VGImages, EGLImages and RSgImages
+Terminate Egl environment
Close RSgDriver
The creation of RSgImage, EGLImage and VGImage must return no error.
-The average drawing time of regular VGImage and VGImage with underlying RSgImage is
-made available in an easy-to-use format for further analysis and comparison.
+The drawing speed of regular VGImage and mapping VGImage (starting from drawable id)
+with following draw is made available in an easy-to-use format for further analysis and
TVerdict CEglTest_Benchmark_DrawImage::doTestStepL()
+ SetTestStepName(KBenchmark_DrawImage);
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_Benchmark_DrawImage can only be run with SgImage-Lite"));
+ TBool ret = CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_RSgimage | KEGL_KHR_image_base | KVG_KHR_EGL_image | KEGL_KHR_image_pixmap);
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ // launch 2 processes
+ Test_MultiProcessL(KEglTestStepDllName, 2, TestStepName());
+ }
return TestStepResult();
- TBool ret = CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_RSgimage | KEGL_KHR_image_base | KVG_KHR_EGL_image | KEGL_KHR_image_pixmap);
- if(!ret)
- {
- // The extension is not supported
- RecordTestResultL();
- CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
- return TestStepResult();
- }
+ }
+void CEglTest_Benchmark_DrawImage::doProcessFunctionL(TInt aIdx)
+ {
- CreateEglSessionL();
- iEglSess->InitializeL();
+ CreateEglSessionL(aIdx);
+ iEglSess->InitializeL();
- //----create pixmap and make context curent
TSgImageInfo imageInfo;
- imageInfo.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage | ESgUsageBitOpenVgSurface;
+ imageInfo.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
imageInfo.iPixelFormat = iPixelFormat;
imageInfo.iSizeInPixels = iImageSize;
- //create a dummy surface and context for the purpose of enabling use of VG
- iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(imageInfo, CTestEglSession::EResourceCloseSgImageLate);
- const TInt KDataStride = iImageSize.iWidth * EglTestConversion::BytePerPixel(iPixelFormat);
- const TInt KDataSizeInByte = KDataStride * iImageSize.iHeight;
- TInt* data = new (ELeave) TInt[KDataSizeInByte];
- User::LeaveIfNull(data);
- CleanupStack::PushL(data);
+ RArray<TSgDrawableId> sgIdImageList;
- Mem::Fill(data, KDataSizeInByte / 2, 0xff);
- Mem::FillZ(data + KDataSizeInByte / 2, KDataSizeInByte / 2);
- //Creating regular VGImages
- //Create an array of VGImages and push them into cleanup stack
- //vgImageDeleteData takes ownership of the VGImages array.
- //If leaving occurs or this object is destroyed from the cleanup stack
- //it will delete all images and then the array
- VGImageFormat vgPixelFormat = EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToVgFormat(iPixelFormat);
- VGImage* vgImages = NULL;
- CVgImageDeleteData* vgImageDeleteData = new (ELeave) CVgImageDeleteData(vgImages, iNumIterations);
- CleanupStack::PushL(vgImageDeleteData);
- vgImages = new (ELeave)VGImage[iNumIterations];
- for(TInt count=iNumIterations - 1; count >= 0; --count)
- {
- //we will use VG_IMAGE_QUALITY_NONANTIALIASED flag to avoid OpenVG making the quality improvements
- //at the expense of performance (for instance to create an extra buffer)
- vgImages[count] = vgCreateImage(vgPixelFormat, iImageSize.iWidth, iImageSize.iHeight, VG_IMAGE_QUALITY_NONANTIALIASED);
- vgImageSubData(vgImages[count],
- data, KDataStride,
- vgPixelFormat,
- 0, 0, iImageSize.iWidth, iImageSize.iHeight);
- }
- //--------- start profiling
- iProfiler->InitResults();
- for(TInt count=iNumIterations - 1; count >= 0; --count)
- {
- vgDrawImage(vgImages[count]);
- iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
- }
- iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(_L("Drawing regular VGImage"), 0, EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iPixelFormat), EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iPixelFormat), iNumIterations);
- //--------- stop profiling
- //destroy vgImages
- for(TInt count=iNumIterations - 1; count >= 0; --count)
- {
- vgDestroyImage(vgImages[count]);
- vgImages[count]=VG_INVALID_HANDLE;
- }
+ const TInt KNumAttempt = 5;
+ const TInt KNumImagesToDraw = iNumIterations;
//Create an array of SgImages and push them into cleanup stack
//sgImageData takes ownership of the SgImages array.
//If leaving occurs or this object is destroyed from the cleanup stack
//it will delete all images and then the array
- imageInfo.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
RSgImage* sgImages = NULL;
- CSgImageDeleteData* sgImageData = new (ELeave)CSgImageDeleteData(sgImages, iNumIterations);
+ CSgImageDeleteData* sgImageData = new (ELeave)CSgImageDeleteData(sgImages, KNumImagesToDraw);
- sgImages = new (ELeave) RSgImage[iNumIterations];
+ sgImages = new (ELeave) RSgImage[KNumImagesToDraw];
+ // the message queue will be used to pass image IDs across process boundary
+ RMsgQueue<TSgDrawableId> messageQueue;
+ User::LeaveIfError(messageQueue.Open(EProcSlotMsgQueueSgId, EOwnerProcess));
+ CleanupClosePushL(messageQueue);
+ //create iNumIterations * KNumAttempt number of SgImages in one process and send them over to the second process
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Process %d, Start sending %d SgImage IDs to other process..."), aIdx, iNumIterations);
+ if(aIdx == 0)
+ {
+ TDisplayMode bitmapMode = EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(KDefaultSourceFormat);
+ for(TInt index=0; index < KNumImagesToDraw; ++index)
+ {
+ CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iEglSess->CreateReferenceBitmapL(bitmapMode, iImageSize, index);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(sgImages[index].Create(imageInfo, bitmap->DataAddress(),bitmap->DataStride()), KErrNone);
+ messageQueue.SendBlocking(sgImages[index].Id());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(aIdx == 1)
+ {
+ for(TInt index=0; index < KNumImagesToDraw; ++index)
+ {
+ TSgDrawableId sgImageId;
+ messageQueue.ReceiveBlocking(sgImageId);
+ sgIdImageList.AppendL(sgImageId);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&messageQueue);
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Process %d, Finish sending %d SgImage IDs to other process..."), aIdx, iNumIterations);
+ //We expect to reach this point from both processes simultaneously
+ //this is because ReceiveBlocking/SendBlocking are synchronous
- //Create an array of EglImages and push them into cleanup stack
- //eglImageDeleteData takes ownership of the EglImages array.
- //If leaving occurs or this object is destroyed from the cleanup stack
- //it will delete all images and then the array
- EGLImageKHR* eglImages = NULL;
- CEglImageDeleteData* eglImageDeleteData = new (ELeave)CEglImageDeleteData(*this, eglImages, iDisplay, iNumIterations);
- CleanupStack::PushL(eglImageDeleteData);
- eglImages = new (ELeave) EGLImageKHR[iNumIterations];
- //Creating VGImage from initialized RSgImage
- for(TInt count=iNumIterations-1; count >= 0; --count)
+ if(aIdx == 1)
- const TInt res = sgImages[count].Create(imageInfo, data, KDataStride);
- TESTL(res == KErrNone);
- TESTL(!sgImages[count].IsNull());
+ imageInfo.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage | ESgUsageBitOpenVgSurface;
+ //create a dummy surface and context for the purpose of enabling use of VG
+ iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(imageInfo, CTestEglSession::EResourceCloseSgImageLate);
- eglImages[count]= iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay,EGL_NO_CONTEXT,EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR,&sgImages[count],const_cast<EGLint *> (KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue));
- ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglImages[count] != EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR)
+ //Creating regular VGImages
+ //Create an array of VGImages and push them into cleanup stack
+ //vgImageDeleteData takes ownership of the VGImages array.
+ //If leaving occurs or this object is destroyed from the cleanup stack
+ //it will delete all images and then the array
+ VGImageFormat vgPixelFormat = EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToVgFormat(iPixelFormat);
+ VGImage* vgImages = NULL;
+ CVgImageDeleteData* vgImageDeleteData = new (ELeave) CVgImageDeleteData(vgImages, KNumImagesToDraw);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(vgImageDeleteData);
+ vgImages = new (ELeave)VGImage[KNumImagesToDraw];
+ for(TInt index=KNumImagesToDraw - 1; index >= 0; --index)
+ {
+ //we will use VG_IMAGE_QUALITY_NONANTIALIASED flag to avoid OpenVG making the quality improvements
+ //at the expense of performance (for instance to create an extra buffer)
+ vgImages[index] = vgCreateImage(vgPixelFormat, iImageSize.iWidth, iImageSize.iHeight, VG_IMAGE_QUALITY_NONANTIALIASED);
+ TDisplayMode bitmapMode = EglTestConversion::VgFormatToDisplayMode(EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToVgFormat(iPixelFormat));
+ CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iEglSess->CreateReferenceBitmapL(bitmapMode, iImageSize, index);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
+ // Add pixel data to the VGImage reference from the bitmap reference.
+ // Mind the fact that CFbsBitmap and VGImages use different coordinates origin!
+ TUint8* address = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(bitmap->DataAddress());
+ TInt stride = bitmap->DataStride();
+ address += (iImageSize.iHeight - 1) * stride;
+ vgImageSubData(vgImages[index], address, -stride,
+ KDefaultSurfaceFormat, 0,0, iImageSize.iWidth, iImageSize.iHeight);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
+ }
+ iProfiler->SetStoreResultInTimingOrder(ETrue);
+ //--------- start profiling
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Profiling of drawing of the regular VG image"));
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for(TInt count = KNumAttempt - 1; count >= 0; --count)
+ {
+ for(TInt index=iNumIterations - 1; index >= 0; --index)
+ {
+ vgDrawImage(vgImages[index]);
+ }
+ vgFinish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(_L("Drawing of the regular VGImages"), 0, EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iPixelFormat), EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iPixelFormat), KNumAttempt);
+ iProfiler->ShowResultArrayInTimingOrder();
+ const TInt KDeviationRegular = ((((TReal)(iProfiler->TimeMax())) - iProfiler->TimeMin()) / (TReal)(iProfiler->Mean())) * 100;
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Deviation in percentage between min and max number of images drawing ((TimeMax - TimeMin) / Mean * 100): %d, threshold: %d "), KDeviationRegular, KBenchmarkDrawImageThreshold);
+ if(KDeviationRegular > KBenchmarkDrawImageThreshold)
+ {
+ //unfortunatelly EGL test framework currently ignores the error because this is a spawned process, and not
+ // the main cteststep process. We could leave, but that would be too harsh in this situation
+ WARN_PRINTF1(_L("***The deviation has exceeded threshold, the number of iteration needs to be increased!!!"));
+ }
+ //--------- stop profiling
+ //destroy vgImages
+ for(TInt index=0; index < KNumImagesToDraw; index++)
+ {
+ vgDestroyImage(vgImages[index]);
+ vgImages[index]=VG_INVALID_HANDLE;
+ }
+ //Create an array of EglImages and push them into cleanup stack
+ //eglImageDeleteData takes ownership of the EglImages array.
+ //If leaving occurs or this object is destroyed from the cleanup stack
+ //it will delete all images and then the array
+ EGLImageKHR* eglImages = NULL;
+ CEglImageDeleteData* eglImageDeleteData = new (ELeave)CEglImageDeleteData(*this, eglImages, iDisplay, KNumImagesToDraw);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(eglImageDeleteData);
+ eglImages = new (ELeave) EGLImageKHR[KNumImagesToDraw];
+ //---------------start profiling
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Profiling of mapping in and drawing of the VG images with underlying RSgImage"));
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for(TInt count = KNumAttempt - 1; count >= 0; --count)
+ {//we will run KNumAttemt times in a row and check that the set of results is consistent,
+ // i.e. deviation between max and min time doesn't exceed KBenchmarkDrawImageThreshold percentage
+ for(TInt index=iNumIterations - 1; index >= 0; --index)
+ {
+ const TInt res = sgImages[index].Open(sgIdImageList[index]);
+ TESTL(res == KErrNone);
+ TESTL(!sgImages[index].IsNull());
+ eglImages[index]= iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay,EGL_NO_CONTEXT,EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR,&sgImages[index],const_cast<EGLint *> (KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue));
+ ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglImages[index] != EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR)
+ vgImages[index] = iEglSess->vgCreateImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR)eglImages[index]);
+ vgDrawImage(vgImages[index]);
+ const TInt res = sgImages[index].Open(sgIdImageList[index]);
+ eglImages[index]= iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay,EGL_NO_CONTEXT,EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR,&sgImages[index],const_cast<EGLint *> (KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue));
+ vgImages[index] = iEglSess->vgCreateImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR)eglImages[index]);
+ vgDrawImage(vgImages[index]);
+ }
+ vgFinish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetAndSuspendL(); //mark the end of the iteration. The timer will not be resumed yet
+ // Clean Sg/Vg/Egl images.
+ // This is to ensure that expanding of the images will not impact measurement
+ for(TInt index=iNumIterations - 1; index >= 0; --index)
+ {
+ sgImages[index].Close();
+ vgDestroyImage(vgImages[index]);
+ vgImages[index] = VG_INVALID_HANDLE;
+ iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage( iDisplay, eglImages[index]);
+ eglImages[index] = EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR;
+ }
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ }
+ //----------------stop profiling
- vgImages[count] = iEglSess->vgCreateImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR)eglImages[count]);
+ const TInt KDeviation = ((((TReal)(iProfiler->TimeMax())) - iProfiler->TimeMin()) / (TReal)(iProfiler->Mean())) * 100;
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Deviation in percentage between min and max number of images drawing ((TimeMax - TimeMin) / Mean * 100): %d, threshold: %d "), KDeviation, KBenchmarkDrawImageThreshold);
+ if(KDeviation > KBenchmarkDrawImageThreshold)
+ {
+ //unfortunatelly EGL test framework currently ignores the error because this is a spawned process, and not
+ // the main cteststep process. We could leave, but that would be too harsh in this situation
+ WARN_PRINTF1(_L("***The deviation has exceeded threshold, the number of iteration needs to be increased!!!"));
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(_L("Drawing VGImages with underlying RSgImage"), 0, EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iPixelFormat), EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iPixelFormat), KNumAttempt);
+ iProfiler->ShowResultArrayInTimingOrder();
+ sgIdImageList.Reset();
- //---------------start profiling
- iProfiler->InitResults();
- for(TInt count=iNumIterations - 1; count >= 0; --count)
+ //Introduce synchronization point here to make sure that RSgImages are not closed from the
+ //first process while the second one is busy with benchmark measurement
+ Rendezvous(aIdx);
+ if(aIdx == 0)
- vgDrawImage(vgImages[count]);
- iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ //Destroying VGImage/EGLImage/RSgImages
+ //no need to profile as we have already done this before
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sgImageData); // sgImageData
- iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(_L("Drawing VGImage with underlying RSgImage "), 0, EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iPixelFormat), EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iPixelFormat), iNumIterations);
- //----------------stop profiling
- //Destroying VGImage/EGLImage/RSgImages
- //no need to profile as we have already done this before
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, data); // data, vgImageDeleteData, sgImageData, eglImageDeleteData
+ else
+ {
+ //Destroying VGImage/EGLImage/RSgImages
+ //no need to profile as we have already done this before
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, sgImageData); // sgImageData, vgImageDeleteData, eglImageDeleteData
+ }
- RecordTestResultL();
- CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
- return TestStepResult();