--- a/fbs/fontandbitmapserver/inc/FbsMessage.H Tue Jun 22 15:21:29 2010 +0300
+++ b/fbs/fontandbitmapserver/inc/FbsMessage.H Fri Jul 16 11:45:55 2010 +0300
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
EFbsMessSetHeapReset, //for memory testing only
EFbsMessSetHeapCheck, //for memory testing only
EFbsMessHeap, //for memory testing only
- EFbsMessUnused2, //to put a character in the linked fonts cache
+ EFbsMessUnused2, //Implementation removed
EFbsMessBitmapClean, // replace a dirty bitmap with the clean one
EFbsMessBitmapLoadFast, // for loading bitmap from mbm or rsc file not opened by the client
EFbsMessBitmapNotifyDirty, // notify when any bitmap becomes dirty
@@ -87,6 +87,13 @@
+ EFbsMessGetGlyphs, // Retrieve rasterised glyphs from glyph atlas and closes last glyph retrieved
+ EFbsMessNoOp, // No-op call; used to ensure that the RSgImage of the last glyph retrieved from glyph atlas has been closed
+ EFbsMessGetGlyphMetrics, // Retrieve metrics of multiple glyph codes in one message
+ EFbsMessAtlasFontCount, // (Debug-only) Retrieve the number of fonts with glyphs in the H/W Glyph cache
+ EFbsMessAtlasGlyphCount, // (Debug-only) Retrieve the number of glyphs (optionally, given a specific font) stored in the H/W Glyph cache
+ EFbsMessOogmNotification, // An action requested by the GOoM framework. Reduce or re-instate graphics memory usage.
+ EFbsMessGetGlyphCacheMetrics, // Retrieve the glyph-cache size, its maximum limit and whether the maximum is the reduced value used in OoGm situations.
// If you are adding new messages don't forget to check that the
// security permissions are set correctly (KRanges & KElementsIndex in server.cpp)