changeset 116 171fae344dd4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fbs/fontandbitmapserver/tfbs/tfbsglyphdata.h	Fri Jul 16 11:45:55 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <EGL/eglext.h>
+#include <VG/openvg.h>
+#include <sgresource/sgresource.h>
+#include "test/TGraphicsHarness.h"
+class RSgImage;
+class CEGLHelper;
+//#define SAVEGLYPHSTOMBMDURINGCOMPARISON // Enable saving of glyphs in the CompareSgImages()function
+//#define SAVEGLYPHSTOMBMDEBUGFUNCTION //  Enable compilation of the member function SaveRSgImagesAsMbms(). Occasionally useful.
+typedef EGLBoolean (*TvgCreateEGLImageTargetKHRTypefPtr) (VGeglImageKHR image);
+Multi-thread test enum.
+ */
+enum EGlyphDataMultithreadTest
+	{
+	EGlyphDataMultiSessionTestShareGlyphs,
+	EGlyphDataMultiSessionTestStressAtlas
+	};
+Struct passed to multi-thread test functions.
+ */
+struct TGlyphDataMultithreadParams
+	{
+	TFontSpec iFontSpec;
+	TUint* iGlyphCodes;
+	TInt iGlyphCodesCount;
+	CEGLHelper* iEGL;
+	};
+Struct used to define the mutlithreaded test to run when launching a new thread.
+ */
+struct TGlyphDataThreadInfo
+	{
+	EGlyphDataMultithreadTest iTest;
+	TGlyphDataMultithreadParams iParams;
+	TInt iThreadNum;
+	CTestStep* iStep;
+	};
+ *
+ * Class to provide a dummy font for test purposes
+ * See CTFbsGlyphData::TestGlyphDataIteratorNotSupportedFontL()
+ */
+class CTestFont : public CFont
+	{
+	TUid DoTypeUid() const {return TUid::Uid(12345);}
+	TInt DoHeightInPixels() const {return 12;}
+	TInt DoAscentInPixels() const {return 10;}
+	TInt DoCharWidthInPixels(TChar /*aChar*/) const  {return 0;}
+	TInt DoTextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& /*aText*/) const {return 0;}
+	TInt DoBaselineOffsetInPixels() const {return 0;}
+	TInt DoTextCount(const TDesC& /*aText*/,TInt /*aWidthInPixels*/) const {return 0;}
+	TInt DoTextCount(const TDesC& /*aText*/,TInt /*aWidthInPixels*/,TInt& /*aExcessWidthInPixels*/) const {return 0;}
+	TInt DoMaxCharWidthInPixels() const  {return 0;}
+	TInt DoMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels() const  {return 0;}
+	TFontSpec DoFontSpecInTwips() const  {return TFontSpec();}
+	};
+Created by each process/thread that needs to do RSgImage image comparison.
+The class can be shared in a process between threads and handles synchronisation
+with EGL itself.
+ */
+class CEGLHelper : public CBase
+	{
+	~CEGLHelper();
+	static CEGLHelper* NewL();
+	TInt GetSgImageData(const RSgImage& aSgImage, const TRect& aRect, TUint8*& aBuf);
+	CEGLHelper();
+	void ConstructL();
+	RMutex iMutex;
+	RSgDriver iSgDriver;
+	EGLDisplay iDisplay;
+	EGLContext iContext;
+	EGLSurface iSurface;
+	// Function pointer for creation and destruction of EGLImages, and the creation
+	// of VGImages from EGLImages.
+	TvgCreateEGLImageTargetKHRTypefPtr vgCreateImageTargetKHR;
+	};
+Test class for the glyph data extensions RFbsGlyphDataIterator and 
+RFbsGlyphMetricsArray. Positive and negative tests
+class CTFbsGlyphData : public CTGraphicsBase
+	{
+	CTFbsGlyphData(CTestStep* aStep);
+	~CTFbsGlyphData();
+//from 	CTGraphicsBase
+	virtual void RunTestCaseL(TInt aCurTestCase);
+	void ConstructL();
+	// Test Cases
+	void TestConsistencyWithGetCharacterData();
+	void TestInvalidGlyphCode();
+	void TestGlyphMetricsArrayParameters();
+	void TestGlyphMetricsArrayReuse();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorClose();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorSequence();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorMultipleUsesOnMultipleFonts();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorImageValidity();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenInvalidCode();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenTwice();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenTwiceWithDifferentFonts();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenTooBigFont();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorOpenWithWrongArgument();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorImageMemoryLeak();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorLargeFontStress();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorManyFontsStressL();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorNoGraphicsMemory();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorNextIsAtomic();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorManyArraySizes();
+	void TestBitmapFontSupport();
+	// White-Box Test Cases
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorSameGlyphCodes();
+	void TestMultithreadShareSingleFont();
+	void TestMultithreadStressAtlas();
+	// Out-of-system-memory tests
+	void TestGlyphMetricsArrayHeapOOML();
+	void TestGlyphDataIteratorHeapOOML();
+	// Multithread funtions
+	static void ThreadShareGlyphsL(TInt aThreadNum, TGlyphDataMultithreadParams& aParam, CTestStep* aStep);
+	static void ThreadStressAtlasL(TInt aThreadNum, TGlyphDataMultithreadParams& aParam, CTestStep* aStep);	
+	// Utility functions for the test cases.
+	static TInt ThreadFunction(TAny* aParam); 
+	TInt GetImageDataFromSgImage(const RSgImage& aSgImage, const TRect& aRect, TUint8*& aBuf);
+	TUint32 CompareMetrics(const TOpenFontCharMetrics& aMetrics1, const TOpenFontCharMetrics& aMetrics2);
+	static TInt CompareSgImages(CEGLHelper* aEGL, const RSgImage& aImageA, const TRect& aRectA, const RSgImage& aImageB, const TRect& aRectB, TBool& aMatch);
+	static TInt CompareSgImages(CEGLHelper* aEGL, const RSgImage& aImageA, const TRect& aRectA, TUint8* aBufferA, const RSgImage& aImageB, const TRect& aRectB, TUint8* aBufferB, TBool& aMatch);
+	void SaveRSgImagesAsMbms( CEGLHelper* aEGL, const RSgImage& aImageA, const TRect& aRectA, const RSgImage& aImageB, const TRect& aRectB );
+	void InfoPrintFontSpec(const CFont& aFont);
+	void SetupEglL();
+	RFbsSession* iFbs;
+	CFbsTypefaceStore* iTs;
+	TUint* iGlyphCodesLatin;
+	CFbsFont* iFont;
+	CFbsFont* iFont2;
+	TUint8* iTempBuf1;
+	TUint8* iTempBuf2;
+	RSgDriver iSgDriver;
+	CEGLHelper* iEGL;
+	};
+class CTFbsGlyphDataStep : public CTGraphicsStep
+	{
+	CTFbsGlyphDataStep();
+	//from CTGraphicsStep
+	virtual CTGraphicsBase* CreateTestL();
+	};
+#endif /* TFBSGLYPHDATA_H */