changeset 116 171fae344dd4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserverplugins/keyeventrouting/src/keyrouter.cpp	Fri Jul 16 11:45:55 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Reference implementation of Key Event Routing plug-in
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <e32debug.h>
+#include "keyrouterimpl.h"
+#include "keyaliases.h"
+// Temporary: to be made configurable
+Privileged application UIDs
+const TInt KUidTAutoServer = 0x10205152;
+const TInt KUidReservedApp = 0x102872e3;
+const TInt KUidPhoneApp = 0x100058b3;
+const TInt KUidSysAp = 0x100058f3;
+const TInt KUidAutoLock = 0x100059b5;
+const TInt KUidHomeScreen = 0x20022f35;
+const TInt KUidAknCapServer = 0x10207218;
+Key Capture Translation Table
+The following scan codes and key codes are translated at capture-request time.
+@note	The data in this table is for example/test purposes only.
+const TTranslationEntry KTranslations[] =
+	{
+		// Req. scancode,	Capture scancode,	Req. keycode,	Capture keycode
+		// On devices with a combined Power and End key, that key produces a
+		// PowerOff code. Map capture requests for the End key to PowerOff.
+		// At routing time, an End key event will automatically be delivered
+		// to the capturing application.
+		{ EStdKeyPhoneEnd,	EStdKeyPowerOff,	EKeyPhoneEnd,	EKeyPowerOff }
+		// Entry for TEvent test case GRAPHICS-WSERV-0751.
+		// Capture requests for psuedo key Device0 are mapped to capture
+		// the real key Device1.
+		{ EStdKeyDevice0,	EStdKeyDevice1,		EKeyDevice0,	EKeyDevice1 }
+	};
+const TInt KNumTranslations = TABLE_SIZE(KTranslations);
+#endif // defined(KEYROUTER_TEST) || defined(COMBINED_POWER_END_KEY)
+Restricted Key Table
+The following keys may be captured only by the specified applications.
+More than one application may be listed for a given key-type combination.
+const TRestrictedKeyEntry KRestrictedKeys[] =
+	{
+		// Short Apps key events may only be captured by HomeScreen, SysApp,
+		// AutoLock, Phone and AknCapServer.
+		{ EStdKeyApplication,	ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidHomeScreen },
+		{ EKeyApplication,		ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidHomeScreen },
+		{ EStdKeyApplication,	ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidSysAp },
+		{ EKeyApplication,		ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidSysAp },
+		{ EStdKeyApplication,	ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidAutoLock },
+		{ EKeyApplication,		ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidAutoLock },
+		{ EStdKeyApplication,	ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidPhoneApp },
+		{ EKeyApplication,		ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidPhoneApp },
+		{ EStdKeyApplication,	ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidAknCapServer },
+		{ EKeyApplication,		ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidAknCapServer },
+		// Long Apps key events may only be captured by SysAp (for launching
+		// the task switcher), AutoLock and Phone.
+		{ EKeyApplication,		ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidSysAp },
+		{ EKeyApplication,		ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidAutoLock },
+		{ EKeyApplication,		ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidPhoneApp },
+		// Only SysAp and AutoLock are allowed to capture Power key events
+		{ EKeyPowerOff,			ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidSysAp },
+		{ EKeyPowerOff,			ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidSysAp },
+		{ EStdKeyPowerOff,		ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidSysAp },
+		{ EKeyPowerOff,			ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidAutoLock },
+		{ EKeyPowerOff,			ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidAutoLock },
+		{ EStdKeyPowerOff,		ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidAutoLock },
+		// Only AutoLock is allowed to capture Lock key events
+		{ EKeyLock,				ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidAutoLock },
+		{ EKeyLock,				ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidAutoLock },
+		{ EStdKeyLock,			ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidAutoLock }
+		// The following entries are for test purposes only.
+		// Test Case GRAPHICS-WSERV-0754. Only a reserved UID is allowed to
+		// capture F20 key events.
+		{ EKeyF20,				ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidReservedApp },
+		{ EKeyF20,				ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidReservedApp },
+		{ EStdKeyF20,			ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidReservedApp },
+		// Only the reserved UID and the TAuto tests are allowed to capture
+		// F21 key events
+		{ EKeyF21,				ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidReservedApp },
+		{ EKeyF21,				ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidReservedApp },
+		{ EStdKeyF21,			ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidReservedApp },
+		{ EKeyF21,				ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidTAutoServer },
+		{ EKeyF21,				ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidTAutoServer },
+		{ EStdKeyF21,			ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidTAutoServer }
+	};
+Application Priority Table
+The following applications have fixed priorities for capture of the associated
+key. The priority specified in this table overrides the priority in the capture
+request. When any other application captures a key listed here, the priority is
+forced to zero.
+@note	If a key should be never be delivered to any other application, then
+		it should be placed in KRestrictedKeys[] instead.
+const TAppPriorityEntry KAppPriorityKeys[] =
+	{
+		// The Phone app has priority for capture of Send key events
+		{ EStdKeyPhoneSend,	ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidPhoneApp, 1 },
+		{ EKeyPhoneSend,	ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidPhoneApp, 1 },
+		{ EKeyPhoneSend,	ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidPhoneApp, 1 },
+		// The Phone app has the highest priority for capture of End key
+		// events. Note: any applications that capture these events apart
+		// from those listed here (e.g. other telephony apps) will effectively
+		// have priority 0.
+		{ EStdKeyPhoneEnd,	ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidPhoneApp, 1 },
+		{ EKeyPhoneEnd,		ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidPhoneApp, 1 },
+		{ EKeyPhoneEnd,		ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidPhoneApp, 1 },
+		// The Home Screen app has low priority for capture of End key events
+		{ EStdKeyPhoneEnd,	ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidHomeScreen, -1 },
+		{ EKeyPhoneEnd,		ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidHomeScreen, -1 },
+		{ EKeyPhoneEnd,		ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidHomeScreen, -1 },
+		// SysAp has the lowest priority for capture of End key events
+		{ EStdKeyPhoneEnd,	ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidSysAp, -2 },
+		{ EKeyPhoneEnd,		ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidSysAp, -2 },
+		{ EKeyPhoneEnd,		ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidSysAp, -2 },
+		// SysAp has the same priority for capture of Power key events as
+		// it does for End key events. This is necessary to maintain correct
+		// relative priorities when there is a combined Power and End key.
+		{ EStdKeyPowerOff,	ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidSysAp, -2 },
+		{ EKeyPowerOff,		ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidSysAp, -2 },
+		{ EKeyPowerOff,		ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidSysAp, -2 }
+		// The following entries are for test purposes only.
+		// Test Case GRAPHICS-WSERV-0757. TAuto tests have priority for
+		// capture of F22 key events.
+		{ EStdKeyF22,		ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown,	KUidTAutoServer, 1 },
+		{ EKeyF22,			ECaptureTypeKey,		KUidTAutoServer, 1 },
+		{ EKeyF22,			ECaptureTypeLongKey,	KUidTAutoServer, 1 }
+	};
+Blocked key table.
+The following keys are not routed by default.
+@note	The data in this table is for example/test purposes only.
+		Since long key events are never routed by default, there is no need
+		to list them here.
+const TBlockedKeyEntry KBlockedKeys[] =
+	{
+		// Entries for TEvent test case GRAPHICS-WSERV-0760
+		{ EStdKeyDevice3,	ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown },
+		{ EKeyDevice3,		ECaptureTypeKey }
+	};
+const TInt KNumBlockedKeys = TABLE_SIZE(KBlockedKeys);
+const TInt KNumRestrictedKeys = TABLE_SIZE(KRestrictedKeys);
+const TInt KNumAppPriorityKeys = TABLE_SIZE(KAppPriorityKeys);
+const TInt KCaptureKeyArrayGranularity = 5;
+Create and return an instance of CKeyEventRouter
+@return	Pointer to new router instance
+EXPORT_C CKeyEventRouter* CKeyEventRouter::NewL()
+	{
+	return new(ELeave) CKeyEventRouterImpl;
+	}
+: iCaptureKeys(KCaptureKeyArrayGranularity, _FOFF(TKeyCaptureRequest, iHandle))
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	iCaptureKeys.Close();
+	}
+Add a new key capture request
+@param	aRequest	Capture request details
+@see CKeyEventRouter::AddCaptureKeyL
+void CKeyEventRouterImpl::AddCaptureKeyL(const TKeyCaptureRequest& aRequest)
+	{
+	CheckCaptureKeyL(aRequest);
+	iCaptureKeys.InsertL(aRequest, 0);
+	ProcessAppPriorities(iCaptureKeys[0]);
+	TranslateCaptureKey(aRequest.iType, iCaptureKeys[0].iInputCode);
+	}
+Update an existing key capture request
+@param	aRequest	Updated capture request details
+@note	This function is used only for window server hotkeys, hence key/scan
+		code translation and processing of special application priorities are
+		omitted.
+@see CKeyEventRouter::UpdateCaptureKeyL
+void CKeyEventRouterImpl::UpdateCaptureKeyL(const TKeyCaptureRequest& aRequest)
+	{
+	ASSERT(!aRequest.iWindowGroup);
+	CheckCaptureKeyL(aRequest);
+	TInt index = iCaptureKeys.Find(aRequest);
+	ASSERT(index != KErrNotFound);
+	if (index != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		iCaptureKeys[index] = aRequest;
+		}
+	}
+Cancel a key capture request
+@param	aType		Capture type
+@param	aHandle		Opaque handle of request to be cancelled
+@see CKeyEventRouter::CancelCaptureKey
+Note: aType is unused in this implementation, but is present to permit
+implementations that use separate lists for each of the three capture types.
+void CKeyEventRouterImpl::CancelCaptureKey(TKeyCaptureType /*aType*/, TAny* aHandle)
+	{
+	TKeyCaptureRequest request;
+	request.iHandle = aHandle;
+	TInt index = iCaptureKeys.Find(request);
+	if (index != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		iCaptureKeys.Remove(index);
+		}
+	}
+Route the key event described by aInput and return its destination in iOutput
+@param	aInput		Input data with key event to be routed
+@param	aOutput		Output key event and routing results
+@see CKeyEventRouter::RouteKey
+void CKeyEventRouterImpl::RouteKey(const TKeyEventRouterInput& aInput, TKeyEventRouterOutput& aOutput)
+	{
+	TUint inputCode = (aInput.iType == ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown) ?
+						aInput.iKeyEvent.iScanCode : aInput.iKeyEvent.iCode;
+	TInt priority = KMinTInt;
+	TInt captureCount = iCaptureKeys.Count();
+	TKeyCaptureRequest* matchRequest = NULL;
+	// Find the highest priority matching capture request. If there are
+	// multiple entries with the same priority then use the first one, i.e.
+	// the most recent request.
+	for (TInt index = 0; index < captureCount; index++)
+		{
+		TKeyCaptureRequest& request = iCaptureKeys[index];
+		if (request.iType == aInput.iType &&
+			request.iInputCode == inputCode &&
+		    (aInput.iKeyEvent.iModifiers & request.iModifierMask) == request.iModifiers &&
+			(request.iPriority > priority))
+			{
+			matchRequest = &request;
+			priority = request.iPriority;
+			}
+		}
+	if (matchRequest)
+		{
+		// Found matching capture request. Route the key event to the window
+		// group that made the capture request.
+		aOutput.iWindowGroup = matchRequest->iWindowGroup;
+		if (aInput.iType == ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown)
+			{
+			aOutput.iKeyEvent.iScanCode = matchRequest->iOutputCode;
+			aOutput.iKeyEvent.iCode = aInput.iKeyEvent.iCode;
+			// When routing to SysAp on devices with a combined Power and End
+			// key, deliver this event as PowerOff if the HomeScreen currently
+			// has focus, otherwise as End. (Note that when the HomeScreen app
+			// is showing the application library, it will capture the End key
+			// itself with higher priority.)
+			if (matchRequest->iAppUid.iUid == KUidSysAp &&
+				aInput.iKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyPowerOff)
+				{
+				aOutput.iKeyEvent.iScanCode =
+					(aInput.iFocusAppUid.iUid == KUidHomeScreen) ?
+					EStdKeyPowerOff : EStdKeyPhoneEnd;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			aOutput.iKeyEvent.iScanCode = aInput.iKeyEvent.iScanCode;
+			aOutput.iKeyEvent.iCode = matchRequest->iOutputCode;
+			if (matchRequest->iAppUid.iUid == KUidSysAp &&
+				aInput.iKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyPowerOff)
+				{
+				aOutput.iKeyEvent.iCode =
+					(aInput.iFocusAppUid.iUid == KUidHomeScreen) ?
+					EKeyPowerOff : EKeyPhoneEnd;
+				}
+			}
+		aOutput.iKeyEvent.iModifiers = aInput.iKeyEvent.iModifiers;
+		aOutput.iCaptureHandle = matchRequest->iHandle;
+		aOutput.iResult = ECaptured;
+		}
+	else if (IsKeyBlocked(aInput.iType, inputCode))
+		{
+		// No matching capture request and key is blocked. Do not route.
+		aOutput.iResult = EConsumed;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// No matching capture request. Route the key event to the current
+		// focussed window group.
+		aOutput.iWindowGroup = aInput.iFocusWindowGroup;
+		aOutput.iKeyEvent = aInput.iKeyEvent;
+		aOutput.iCaptureHandle = NULL;
+		aOutput.iResult = ERouted;
+		}
+	}
+Check that capture request arguments are sane and capture is allowed
+@param	aRequest	Capture request details
+@leave	KErrArgument if modifier state contains bits that are not in the
+		modifier mask or modifier mask contains EModifierLongKey or priority
+		is KMinTInt.
+		KErrPermissionDenied if key is restricted to capture by a specific
+		application UID and the UID of the requesting app does not match.
+@note	Requests with a priority of KMinTint would never be captured: this was
+		also true of the previous implementation in ektran.dll but was ignored.
+		Client code must use the appropriate API function to capture short or
+		long key events, so including EModifierLongKey in the modifier mask is
+		not allowed. (Hotkeys are excepted since a mask of 0xffffffff is used
+		to disable them).
+void CKeyEventRouterImpl::CheckCaptureKeyL(const TKeyCaptureRequest& aRequest)
+	{
+	if ((aRequest.iModifiers & ~aRequest.iModifierMask) != 0 ||
+		(aRequest.iModifierMask & EModifierLongKey) != 0 && aRequest.iWindowGroup != NULL ||
+		aRequest.iPriority == KMinTInt)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+		}
+	if (aRequest.iWindowGroup != NULL && IsRestrictedKey(aRequest))
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrPermissionDenied);
+		}
+	}
+Check if the requested key capture is restricted by application UID
+@param	aRequest	Capture request details
+@return	ETrue if the key-type combination in aRequest is listed in
+		KRestrictedKeys[] but the requesting application UID does not match
+		any entry in the table; otherwise EFalse.
+TBool CKeyEventRouterImpl::IsRestrictedKey(const TKeyCaptureRequest& aRequest)
+	{
+	TBool foundKey = EFalse;
+	for (const TRestrictedKeyEntry* entry = KRestrictedKeys; entry < &KRestrictedKeys[KNumRestrictedKeys]; entry++)
+		{
+		if (entry->iCode == aRequest.iInputCode &&
+			entry->iType == aRequest.iType)
+			{
+			foundKey = ETrue;
+			if (entry->iAppUidValue == aRequest.iAppUid.iUid)
+				{
+				return EFalse;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	return foundKey;
+	}
+Process special application priorities
+@param	aRequest	Capture request details. If the key-type combination is
+					listed in KAppPriorityKeys[], then the capture priority is
+					replaced with the configured priority for the requesting
+					application, or with zero if the application UID does not
+					match any entry in the table.
+void CKeyEventRouterImpl::ProcessAppPriorities(TKeyCaptureRequest& aRequest)
+	{
+	TBool foundKey = EFalse;
+	for (const TAppPriorityEntry* entry = KAppPriorityKeys; entry < &KAppPriorityKeys[KNumAppPriorityKeys]; entry++)
+		{
+		if (entry->iCode == aRequest.iInputCode &&
+			entry->iType == aRequest.iType)
+			{
+			foundKey = ETrue;
+			if (entry->iAppUidValue == aRequest.iAppUid.iUid)
+				{
+				aRequest.iPriority = entry->iAppPriority;
+				return;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	if (foundKey)
+		{
+		aRequest.iPriority = 0;
+		}
+	}
+Check if the specified key is blocked from default routing
+@param	aType		Key capture type
+@param	aCode		Scan code or key code
+@return	ETrue if key is blocked, otherwise EFalse.
+TBool CKeyEventRouterImpl::IsKeyBlocked(TKeyCaptureType aType, TUint aCode)
+	{
+	for (const TBlockedKeyEntry* entry = KBlockedKeys; entry < &KBlockedKeys[KNumBlockedKeys]; entry++)
+		{
+		if (entry->iCode == aCode && entry->iType == aType)
+			{
+			return ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+		return EFalse;
+	}
+Translate the scan or key code of a capture request
+@param	aType	Key capture type
+@param	aCode	Key code or scan code, updated to translated value (if any)
+@note	This function is used to translate the input key or scan code of a
+		capture request on addition to the capture list. When a key event that
+		matches the list entry is routed, the output code will be taken from
+		TKeyCaptureRequest.iOutputCode and hence automatically translated again
+		(typically back to the original input code of the request, unless the
+		input and output codes were different). For example, a request to
+		capture key code A will be translated to key code B in the capture list.
+		When RouteKey() processes an event with key code B and selects that
+		list entry, it will output key code A for delivery to the application.
+void CKeyEventRouterImpl::TranslateCaptureKey(TKeyCaptureType aType, TUint& aCode)
+	{
+	for (const TTranslationEntry* entry = KTranslations; entry < &KTranslations[KNumTranslations]; entry++)
+		{
+		if (aType == ECaptureTypeKeyUpDown)
+			{
+			if (aCode == entry->iRequestScanCode)
+				{
+				aCode = entry->iCaptureScanCode;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (aCode == entry->iRequestKeyCode)
+				{
+				aCode = entry->iCaptureKeyCode;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}