changeset 164 25ffed67c7ef
parent 163 bbf46f59e123
--- a/graphicsdeviceinterface/bitgdi/tbit/TDefect2.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:31:06 2010 +0300
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/bitgdi/tbit/TDefect2.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:39:21 2010 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 // All rights reserved.
 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include <random.h>
 #include <s32file.h>
 #include <e32math.h>
+#include <hal.h>
 #include <s32mem.h>
 #include <graphics/gdi/gdiconsts.h>
 #include <e32cmn.h>
@@ -110,6 +111,7 @@
 	_LIT(KTest4,"SubTest %d: CFbsBitmap::GetPixel() performance");
 	_LIT(KTest5,"SubTest %d: Rotate/Move text");
 	_LIT(KTest6,"SubTest %d: SwapWidthAndHeight");
+	_LIT(KTest7,"SubTest %d: Create multiple screens");
 	_LIT(KTest8,"SubTest %d: Clear with non-zero origin");
 	_LIT(KTest9,"SubTest %d: DEF115395: DrawBitmap & DrawBitmapMasked with a sourceRect out of the Bitmap bounds");
 	_LIT(KTest10,"SubTest %d: INC119063: General test CopyRect rewrite for low color depth (8,4,2, pixels per byte)");
@@ -153,7 +155,9 @@
 	case 7:
-		// Test case moved to tmultiscreens.cpp
+		((CTDefect2Step*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-BITGDI-0072"));
+		INFO_PRINTF2(KTest7,aCurTestCase);
+		CreateScreenDeviceL();
 	case 8:
@@ -2066,6 +2070,40 @@
 		}//end of - for(TInt ii=0;ii<TInt(sizeof(testMode)/sizeof(testMode[0]));ii++)
+  @SYMDEF             
+  @SYMTestCaseDesc Multiple screen test
+  @SYMTestPriority High
+  @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+  @SYMTestActions creates some screens in different modes then writes some rotated text to them and test.
+  @SYMTestExpectedResults Test should perform graphics operations succesfully. 
+void CTDefect2::CreateScreenDeviceL()
+	{
+	TDisplayMode testMode[] =  {EColor4K, EColor64K, EColor16M, EColor16MU, EColor256, EColor16MA, EColor16MAP};//tested display modes
+	for(TInt ii=0;ii<TInt(sizeof(testMode)/sizeof(testMode[0]));ii++)
+		{
+		TInt screenCnt = 0;
+		TEST(HAL::Get(0, HALData::EDisplayNumberOfScreens, screenCnt) == KErrNone);
+		for(TInt screenNo=0;screenNo<screenCnt;++screenNo)
+			{
+			TInt err = CreateScrDevAndContext(screenNo, testMode[ii]);
+			if(err == KErrNone)
+				{
+				DoRotateMoveTextL();
+				}
+			DeleteGraphicsContext();
+			DeleteScreenDevice();
+			}
+		}
+	}
 void CTDefect2::CreateScrDevAndContextL()
@@ -2087,18 +2125,13 @@
 	TRAPD(err, iScrDev = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(aScreenNo, aDisplayMode));
-	if ( !iScrDev )
+	if(err == KErrNotSupported)
-		TESTE( err == KErrNotSupported, err );
 		return err;
 	TEST(err == KErrNone);
 	TEST(iScrDev->ScreenNo() == aScreenNo);
 	err = iScrDev->CreateContext((CGraphicsContext*&)iGc);
-	if ( !iGc )
-		{
-		return err;
-		}
 	TEST(err == KErrNone);
@@ -2375,7 +2408,6 @@
 	TInt cWsScreenDeviceResult = 1;
 	TReal32 percentDifference = 0.0;
-	TBool testResult = EFalse;
 	RWsSession wsSession;
 	if (KErrNone == wsSession.Connect())
@@ -2388,54 +2420,28 @@
 		cFbsScreenDeviceResult = iScrDev->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(KHorizontalTestPixels);
 		cWsScreenDeviceResult = wsScrDev->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(KHorizontalTestPixels);
 		percentDifference = Abs((TReal32)(cFbsScreenDeviceResult - cWsScreenDeviceResult)/cFbsScreenDeviceResult*100.0);
-		testResult = (percentDifference < KTolerance);
-		if ( !testResult )
-			{
-			_LIT(KHorizPixelsToTwipsDesc, "%d horizontal pixels converted to twips by screen device: FBS=%d, WS=%d");
-			WARN_PRINTF4(KHorizPixelsToTwipsDesc, KHorizontalTestPixels, cFbsScreenDeviceResult, cWsScreenDeviceResult);
-			}
-		TEST( testResult );
+		TEST(percentDifference < KTolerance);
 		// convert the CWsScreenDevice result back again using each class's HorizontalTwipsToPixels
 		// and pass the test if these results are within tolerance
-		TInt numTwipsToTest = cWsScreenDeviceResult;
-		cFbsScreenDeviceResult = iScrDev->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(numTwipsToTest);
-		cWsScreenDeviceResult = wsScrDev->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(numTwipsToTest);
+		cFbsScreenDeviceResult = iScrDev->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(cWsScreenDeviceResult);
+		cWsScreenDeviceResult = wsScrDev->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(cWsScreenDeviceResult);
 		percentDifference = Abs((TReal32)(cFbsScreenDeviceResult - cWsScreenDeviceResult)/cFbsScreenDeviceResult*100.0);
-        testResult = (percentDifference < KTolerance);
-        if ( !testResult )
-			{
-			_LIT(KHorizTwipsToPixelsDesc, "%d horizontal twips converted to pixels by screen device: FBS=%d, WS=%d");
-			WARN_PRINTF4(KHorizTwipsToPixelsDesc, numTwipsToTest, cFbsScreenDeviceResult, cWsScreenDeviceResult);
-            }
-        TEST( testResult );
+		TEST(percentDifference < KTolerance);
 		// next compare results of the two class's VerticalPixelsToTwips and pass the test
 		// if they are within tolerance
 		cFbsScreenDeviceResult = iScrDev->VerticalPixelsToTwips(KVerticalTestPixels);
 		cWsScreenDeviceResult= wsScrDev->VerticalPixelsToTwips(KVerticalTestPixels);
 		percentDifference = Abs((TReal32)(cFbsScreenDeviceResult - cWsScreenDeviceResult)/cFbsScreenDeviceResult*100.0);
-        testResult = (percentDifference < KTolerance);
-        if ( !testResult )
-            {
-            _LIT(KVertPixelsToTwipsDesc, "%d vertical pixels converted to twips by screen device: FBS=%d, WS=%d");
-            WARN_PRINTF4(KVertPixelsToTwipsDesc, KVerticalTestPixels, cFbsScreenDeviceResult, cWsScreenDeviceResult);
-            }
-        TEST( testResult );
+		TEST(percentDifference < KTolerance);
 		// convert the CWsScreenDevice result back again using each class's VerticalTwipsToPixels
 		// and pass the test if these results are within tolerance
-		numTwipsToTest = cWsScreenDeviceResult;
-		cFbsScreenDeviceResult = iScrDev->VerticalTwipsToPixels(numTwipsToTest);
-		cWsScreenDeviceResult = wsScrDev->VerticalTwipsToPixels(numTwipsToTest);
+		cFbsScreenDeviceResult = iScrDev->VerticalTwipsToPixels(cWsScreenDeviceResult);
+		cWsScreenDeviceResult = wsScrDev->VerticalTwipsToPixels(cWsScreenDeviceResult);
 		percentDifference = Abs((TReal32)(cFbsScreenDeviceResult - cWsScreenDeviceResult)/cFbsScreenDeviceResult*100.0);
-        testResult = (percentDifference < KTolerance);
-        if ( !testResult )
-            {
-            _LIT(KVertTwipsToPixelsDesc, "%d vertical twips converted to pixels by screen device: FBS=%d, WS=%d");
-            WARN_PRINTF4(KVertTwipsToPixelsDesc, numTwipsToTest, cFbsScreenDeviceResult, cWsScreenDeviceResult);
-            }
-        TEST( testResult );
+		TEST(percentDifference < KTolerance);
 		delete wsScrDev;