changeset 103 2717213c588a
parent 98 bf7481649c98
child 116 171fae344dd4
child 121 d72fc2aace31
child 187 9f66f99ee56f
--- a/graphicsapitest/graphicssvs/bitgdi/src/T_DataFbsDevice.cpp	Fri Jun 11 14:58:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1090 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-This contains CT_DataFbsDevice
-#include "T_DataFbsDevice.h"
-#include "T_GraphicsUtil.h"
-_LIT(KCmdcheckPixels,				"checkPixels");
-_LIT(KCmdcheckLineColor,			"checkLineColor");
-_LIT(KCmdcheckRectColor,			"checkRectColor");
-_LIT(KCmdSizeInPixels,				"SizeInPixels");
-_LIT(KCmdGetFontById,							"GetFontById");
-_LIT(KCmdGetNearestFontInPixels,				"GetNearestFontInPixels");
-_LIT(KCmdGetNearestFontInTwips,					"GetNearestFontInTwips");
-_LIT(KCmdGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels,	"GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels");
-_LIT(KCmdGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips,	"GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips");
-_LIT(KCmdGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels,		"GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels");
-_LIT(KCmdGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips,		"GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips");
-_LIT(KCmdCreateContext,				"CreateContext");
-_LIT(KCmdRectCompare,				"RectCompare");
-_LIT(KCmdSetCustomPalette,			"SetCustomPalette");
-_LIT(KCmdGraphicsAccelerator,		"GraphicsAccelerator");
-_LIT(KCmdOrientation,				"Orientation");
-_LIT(KCmdDisplayMode16M,			"DisplayMode16M");
-_LIT(KCmdSetScalingFactor,			"SetScalingFactor");
-_LIT(KCmdGetDrawRect,				"GetDrawRect");
-_LIT(KCmdSetDrawDeviceOffset,		"SetDrawDeviceOffset");
-_LIT(KCmdRegisterLinkedTypeface,	"RegisterLinkedTypeface");
-_LIT(KFldAlgStyle,					"alg_style");
-_LIT(KFldExpected,					"expected");
-_LIT(KFldFinish,					"finish");
-_LIT(KFldFormatFieldNumber,			"%S%d");
-_LIT(KFldFont,						"font");
-_LIT(KFldFbsFont,					"fbsfont");
-_LIT(KFldFontUid,					"font_uid");
-_LIT(KFldMaxHeight,					"maxheight");
-_LIT(KFldPixel,						"pixel");
-_LIT(KFldRect,						"rect");
-_LIT(KFldStart,						"start");
-_LIT(KFldBitGc,						"bitgc");
-_LIT(KFldRect1,						"rect1");
-_LIT(KFldRect2,						"rect2");
-_LIT(KFldFbsDevice,					"fbsdevice");
-_LIT(KFldExpectedOrientation,		"expectedorientation");
-_LIT(KFldPalette,					"palette");
-_LIT(KFldGraphicsAccelerator,		"graphicsaccelerator");
-_LIT(KFldExpectedDisplayMode,		"expecteddisplaymode");
-_LIT(KFldOrigin,					"origin");
-_LIT(KFldFactorX,					"factorx");
-_LIT(KFldFactorY,					"factory");
-_LIT(KFldDivisorX,					"divisorx");
-_LIT(KFldDivisorY,					"divisory");
-_LIT(KFldExpectedDrawRect,			"expecteddrawrect");
-_LIT(KFldOffset,					"offset");
-_LIT(KFldLinkedTypefaceSpec, 		"linkedtypefacespec");
-_LIT(KFldExpectedUid,		 		"expecteduid");
-_LIT(KLogColor,						"Color Red=%d Green=%d Blue=%d Alpha=%d");
-_LIT(KLogPoint,						"Point X=%d Y=%d");
-_LIT(KLogError,						"Error=%d");
-_LIT(KLogMissingParameter,			"Missing parameter '%S'");
-_LIT(KLogMissingWrapper,			"Missing wrapper for '%S'");
-_LIT(KLogNotExpectedValue,			"Not expected value");
-* Constructor. First phase construction
-:	CT_DataBitmapDevice()
-	{
-	}
-* Process a command read from the ini file
-* @param aDataWrapper	test step requiring command to be processed
-* @param aCommand	the command to process
-* @param aSection		the entry in the ini file requiring the command to be processed
-* @return ETrue if the command is processed
-TBool CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCommandL(const TTEFFunction& aCommand, const TTEFSectionName& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex)
-	{
-	/* Another work package will implement this */
-	TBool	retVal = ETrue;
-	if (aCommand == KCmdcheckPixels)
-		{
-		DoCmdCheckPixels(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdcheckLineColor)
-		{
-		DoCmdCheckLineColor(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdcheckRectColor)
-		{
-		DoCmdCheckRectColor(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdSizeInPixels)
-		{
-		DoCmdSizeInPixels(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetFontById)
-		{
-		DoCmdGetFontByIdL(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetNearestFontInPixels)
-		{
-		if( !DoCmdGetNearestFontInPixelsL(aSection) )
-			{
-			retVal = CT_DataBitmapDevice::DoCommandL(aCommand, aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
-			}
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetNearestFontInTwips)
-		{
-		if( !DoCmdGetNearestFontInTwipsL(aSection) )
-			{
-			retVal = CT_DataBitmapDevice::DoCommandL(aCommand, aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
-			}
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels)
-		{
-		if( !DoCmdGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixelsL(aSection) )
-			{
-			retVal = CT_DataBitmapDevice::DoCommandL(aCommand, aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
-			}
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips)
-		{
-		if( !DoCmdGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwipsL(aSection) )
-			{
-			retVal = CT_DataBitmapDevice::DoCommandL(aCommand, aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
-			}
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels)
-		{
-		if( !DoCmdGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixelsL(aSection) )
-			{
-			retVal = CT_DataBitmapDevice::DoCommandL(aCommand, aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
-			}
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips)
-		{
-		if( !DoCmdGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwipsL(aSection) )
-			{
-			retVal = CT_DataBitmapDevice::DoCommandL(aCommand, aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
-			}
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdCreateContext)
-		{
-		if (!DoCmdCreateContextL(aSection))
-			{
-			retVal = CT_DataBitmapDevice::DoCommandL(aCommand, aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
-			}
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdRectCompare)
-		{
-		DoCmdRectCompareL(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdOrientation)
-		{
-		DoCmdOrientation(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetCustomPalette)
-		{
-		DoCmdSetCustomPaletteL(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdGraphicsAccelerator)
-		{
-		DoCmdGraphicsAccelerator();
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdDisplayMode16M)
-		{
-		DoCmdDisplayMode16M(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetScalingFactor)
-		{
-		DoCmdSetScalingFactor(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdGetDrawRect)
-		{
-		DoCmdGetDrawRect(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdRegisterLinkedTypeface)
-		{
-		DoCmdRegisterLinkedTypefaceL(aSection);
-		}
-	else if (aCommand == KCmdSetDrawDeviceOffset)
-		{
-		DoCmdSetDrawDeviceOffset(aSection);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		retVal = CT_DataBitmapDevice::DoCommandL(aCommand, aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
-		}
-	return retVal;
-	}
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdSizeInPixels(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute SizeInPixels()"));
-	TSize actualsize;
-	TInt expectheight = 0;
-	TInt expectwidth = 0;
-	TSize expectsize;
-	if (!GetSizeFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpected, expectsize))
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldExpected);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		actualsize = GetFbsDevice()->SizeInPixels();
-		if (actualsize != expectsize)
-			{
-			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The actual size is width=%d, height=%d"), actualsize.iWidth, actualsize.iHeight);
-			ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The expect size is width=%d, height=%d"), expectsize.iWidth, expectsize.iHeight);
-			SetBlockResult(EFail);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-* DoCmdcheckPixels: to check the color of specified pixels on the screen device, and compare
-* with the expected color specidied in the TEF testdata.
-*		pixel<n>: specify the position of the screen device to check
-*		expected<n>: specify the expected color to be compared with
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdCheckPixels(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength>	tempStore;
-	TBool moreData = ETrue;
-	for (TInt index=1; moreData; ++index)
-		{
-		// get the pixel position on the screen to check/verify
-		tempStore.Format(KFldFormatFieldNumber, &KFldPixel, index);
-		TPoint	point;
-		if ( !GetPointFromConfig(aSection, tempStore, point) )
-			{
-			moreData = EFalse;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			TRgb actual;
-			GetFbsDevice()->GetPixel(actual, point);
-			tempStore.Format(KFldFormatFieldNumber, &KFldExpected, index);
-			TRgb expected;
-			if (GetRgbFromConfig(aSection, tempStore, expected))
-				{
-				if (actual != expected)
-					{
-					ERR_PRINTF5(KLogColor, actual.Red(), actual.Green(), actual.Blue(), actual.Alpha());
-					ERR_PRINTF5(KLogColor, expected.Red(), expected.Green(), expected.Blue(), expected.Alpha());
-					SetBlockResult(EFail);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-* DoCmdcheckLineColor: to check the color of specified lines on the screen device, and compare
-* with the expected color specidied in the TEF testdata.
-*		start<n>: specify the starting position of the line on the screen device to check
-*		finish<n>: specify the finish position of the line on the screen device to check
-*		expected<n>: specify the expected color to be compared with
-* Note: the straight line (from start to the finish points) is constructed by TLinearDDA
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdCheckLineColor(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength>	tempStore;
-	CPalette* palette = NULL;
-	GetFbsDevice()->GetPalette(palette);
-	TBool moreData = ETrue;
-	for (TInt index=1; moreData; ++index)
-		{
-		// get the the start and finish points of the line to check/verify
-		tempStore.Format(KFldFormatFieldNumber, &KFldStart, index);
-		TPoint	startPoint;
-		if (!GetPointFromConfig(aSection, tempStore, startPoint))
-			{
-			moreData = EFalse;
-			}
-		tempStore.Format(KFldFormatFieldNumber, &KFldFinish, index);
-		TPoint endPoint;
-		if (!GetPointFromConfig(aSection, tempStore, endPoint))
-			{
-			moreData = EFalse;
-			}
-		if (moreData)
-			{
-			// get the expected color from testdata
-			tempStore.Format(KFldFormatFieldNumber, &KFldExpected, index);
-			TRgb expected;
-			if (!GetRgbFromConfig(aSection, tempStore, expected))
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &tempStore);
-				SetBlockResult(EFail);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				if (palette!=NULL)
-					{
-					expected = palette->NearestEntry(expected);
-					}
-				TLinearDDA lineDDA;
-				lineDDA.Construct(startPoint, endPoint, TLinearDDA::ECenter);
-				// for each pixels on the line (from start to finish points), check if its color matches expected
-				TPoint point;
-				while (!lineDDA.SingleStep(point))
-					{
-					TRgb actual;
-					GetFbsDevice()->GetPixel(actual, point);
-					if (actual != expected)
-						{
-						ERR_PRINTF5(KLogColor, actual.Red(), actual.Green(), actual.Blue(), actual.Alpha());
-						ERR_PRINTF5(KLogColor, expected.Red(), expected.Green(), expected.Blue(), expected.Alpha());
-						ERR_PRINTF3(KLogPoint, point.iX, point.iY);
-						SetBlockResult(EFail);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	delete palette;
-	}
-* DoCmdcheckRectColor: to check the color of specified rectangle on the screen device, and
-* compare with the expected color specidied in the TEF testdata.
-*		rect<n>: specify the rectangle area on the screen device to check
-*		expected<n>: specify the expected color to be compared with
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdCheckRectColor(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength> tempStore;
-	CPalette* palette=NULL;
-	GetFbsDevice()->GetPalette(palette);
-	TBool moreData = ETrue;
-	for (TInt index=1; moreData; ++index)
-		{
-		// get the the rectangle to check/verify
-		tempStore.Format(KFldFormatFieldNumber, &KFldRect, index);
-		TRect rect;
-		if (!GetRectFromConfig(aSection, tempStore, rect))
-			{
-			moreData = EFalse;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			// get the expected color from testdata
-			tempStore.Format(KFldFormatFieldNumber, &KFldExpected, index);
-			TRgb expected;
-			if (!GetRgbFromConfig(aSection, tempStore, expected))
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &tempStore);
-				SetBlockResult(EFail);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				if (palette!=NULL)
-					{
-					expected = palette->NearestEntry(expected);
-					}
-				TPoint point;
-				for (point.iX=rect.iTl.iX; point.iX<rect.iBr.iX; ++point.iX)
-					{
-					for (point.iY=rect.iTl.iY; point.iY<rect.iBr.iY; ++point.iY)
-						{
-						TRgb actual;
-						GetFbsDevice()->GetPixel(actual, point);
-						if (actual!=expected)
-							{
-							ERR_PRINTF5(KLogColor, actual.Red(), actual.Green(), actual.Blue(), actual.Alpha());
-							ERR_PRINTF5(KLogColor, expected.Red(), expected.Green(), expected.Blue(), expected.Alpha());
-							ERR_PRINTF3(KLogPoint, point.iX, point.iY);
-							SetBlockResult(EFail);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	delete palette;
-	}
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdGetFontByIdL(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBool dataOk=ETrue;
-	// get font uid
-	TInt fontUid;
-	if( !GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldFontUid(), fontUid) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFontUid());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	// get algorithmic style
-	TAlgStyle* algStyle = NULL;
-	CT_GraphicsUtil::GetAlgStyleL(*this, aSection, KFldAlgStyle(), algStyle);
-	if (NULL == algStyle)
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldAlgStyle());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TPtrC wrapperName;
-	if( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFbsFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFbsFont*&" type
-		if ( dataOk )
-			{
-			CFbsFont* fbsFont = NULL;
-			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute GetFontById(CFbsFont *&aFont, TUid aFileId, const TAlgStyle &aAlgStyle)"));
-			TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->GetFontById(fbsFont, TUid::Uid(fontUid), *algStyle);
-			if (KErrNone != err)
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-				SetError(err);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				SetDataObjectL(wrapperName, fbsFont);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	else if( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFont*&" type
-		if( dataOk )
-			{
-			CFont* font = NULL;
-			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute GetFontById(CFont *&aFont, TUid aFileId, const TAlgStyle &aAlgStyle)"));
-			TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->GetFontById(font, TUid::Uid(fontUid), *algStyle);
-			if (KErrNone != err)
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-				SetError(err);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				SetDataObjectL(wrapperName, font);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	}
-TBool CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdGetNearestFontInPixelsL(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
-	// get font specification
-	TFontSpec fontSpec;	
-	if ( !GetFontSpecFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, fontSpec) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TPtrC wrapperName;
-	if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFbsFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFbsFont*&" type
-		if(dataOk)
-			{
-			CFbsFont* fbsFont = NULL;
-			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute GetNearestFontInPixels(CFbsFont*&, TFontSpec)"));
-			TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->GetNearestFontInPixels(fbsFont, fontSpec);
-			if (KErrNone !=  err)
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-				SetError(err);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				SetDataObjectL(wrapperName, fbsFont);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	else if( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFont*&" type
-		// hand over the ownership to parent class
-		return EFalse;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	return ETrue;
-	}
-TBool CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdGetNearestFontInTwipsL(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
-	// get font specification
-	TFontSpec fontSpec;	
-	if ( !GetFontSpecFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, fontSpec) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TPtrC wrapperName;
-	if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFbsFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFbsFont*&" type
-		if(dataOk)
-			{
-			CFbsFont* fbsFont = NULL;
-			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute GetNearestFontInTwips(CFbsFont*&, TFontSpec)"));
-			TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->GetNearestFontInTwips(fbsFont, fontSpec);
-			if (KErrNone !=  err)
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-				SetError(err);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				SetDataObjectL(wrapperName, fbsFont);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	else if( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFont*&" type
-		// hand over the ownership to parent class
-		return EFalse;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	return ETrue;
-	}
-TBool CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixelsL(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
-	// get font specification
-	TFontSpec fontSpec;	
-	if ( !GetFontSpecFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, fontSpec) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TPtrC wrapperName;
-	if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFbsFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFbsFont*&" type
-		if(dataOk)
-			{
-			CFbsFont* fbsFont = NULL;
-			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute DoCmdGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels(CFbsFont*&, TFontSpec)"));
-			TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels(fbsFont, fontSpec);
-			if (KErrNone !=  err)
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-				SetError(err);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				SetDataObjectL(wrapperName, fbsFont);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	else if( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFont*&" type
-		// hand over the ownership to parent class
-		return EFalse;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	return ETrue;
-	}
-TBool CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwipsL(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
-	// get font specification
-	TFontSpec fontSpec;	
-	if ( !GetFontSpecFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, fontSpec) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TPtrC wrapperName;
-	if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFbsFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFbsFont*&" type
-		if(dataOk)
-			{
-			CFbsFont* fbsFont = NULL;
-			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute DoCmdGetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(CFbsFont*&, TFontSpec)"));
-			TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(fbsFont, fontSpec);
-			if (KErrNone !=  err)
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-				SetError(err);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				SetDataObjectL(wrapperName, fbsFont);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	else if( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFont*&" type
-		// hand over the ownership to parent class
-		return EFalse;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	return ETrue;
-	}
-TBool CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixelsL(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
-	// get font specification
-	TFontSpec fontSpec;	
-	if ( !GetFontSpecFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, fontSpec) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	// get maximum height in pixels
-	TInt maxHeight;
-	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldMaxHeight, maxHeight) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldMaxHeight());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TPtrC wrapperName;
-	if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFbsFont, wrapperName) )	
-		{
-		// "CFbsFont*&" type
-		if(dataOk)
-			{
-			CFbsFont* fbsFont = NULL;
-			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute DoCmdGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels(CFbsFont*&, TFontSpec)"));
-			TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInPixels(fbsFont, fontSpec, maxHeight);
-			if (KErrNone !=  err)
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-				SetError(err);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				SetDataObjectL(wrapperName, fbsFont);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	else if( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFont*&" type
-		// hand over the ownership to parent class
-		return EFalse;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	return ETrue;
-	}
-TBool CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwipsL(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
-	// get font specification
-	TFontSpec fontSpec;	
-	if ( !GetFontSpecFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, fontSpec) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	// get maximum height in twips
-	TInt maxHeight;
-	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldMaxHeight, maxHeight) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldMaxHeight());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TPtrC wrapperName;
-	if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFbsFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFbsFont*&" type
-		if(dataOk)
-			{
-			CFbsFont* fbsFont = NULL;
-			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute DoCmdGetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips(CFbsFont*&, TFontSpec)"));
-			TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->GetNearestFontToMaxHeightInTwips(fbsFont, fontSpec, maxHeight);
-			if (KErrNone !=  err)
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-				SetError(err);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				SetDataObjectL(wrapperName, fbsFont);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	else if( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldFont, wrapperName) )
-		{
-		// "CFont*&" type
-		// hand over the ownership to parent class
-		return EFalse;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFont());
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	return ETrue;
-	}
-TBool CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdCreateContextL(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TPtrC wrapperName;
-	if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFldBitGc, wrapperName))
-		{
-		return EFalse;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		CDataWrapper* wrapper = GetDataWrapperL(wrapperName);
-		if (wrapper == NULL)
-			{
-			ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingWrapper, &wrapperName);
-			SetBlockResult(EFail);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			CFbsBitGc* context = NULL;
-			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute CreateContext(CFbsBitGc*&)"));
-			TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->CreateContext(context);
-			if (err != KErrNone)
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-				SetError(err);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				wrapper->SetObjectL(context);
-				}
-			}
-		return ETrue;
-		}
-	}
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdRectCompareL(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
-	// Get test data for command input parameter(s)
-	TRect datRect1;
-	if ( !GetRectFromConfig(aSection, KFldRect1, datRect1) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldRect1);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TRect datRect2;
-	if ( !GetRectFromConfig(aSection, KFldRect2, datRect2) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldRect2);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TBool expected;
-	if ( !GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpected, expected) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldExpected);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	if (dataOk)
-		{
-		TBool actual;
-		CFbsDevice* device = NULL;
-		CFbsDevice* self = GetFbsDevice();
-		if (!CT_GraphicsUtil::GetFbsDeviceL(*this, aSection, KFldFbsDevice, device) )
-			{
-			device = self;
-			}
-		actual = self->RectCompare(datRect1, *device, datRect2);
-		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("execute RectCompare(const TRect&, const CFbsDevice&, const TRect&)=%d"), actual);
-		if (actual != expected)
-			{
-			ERR_PRINTF1(KLogNotExpectedValue);
-			SetBlockResult(EFail);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdSetCustomPaletteL(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	CPalette* palette= NULL;
-	if ( !CT_GraphicsUtil::GetPaletteL(*this, aSection, KFldPalette(), palette) )
-		{
-		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute SetCustomPalette(NULL)"));
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute SetCustomPalette(const CPalette*)"));
-		}
-	TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->SetCustomPalette(palette);
-	if (err != KErrNone)
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-		SetError(err);
-		}
-	}
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdGraphicsAccelerator()
-	{
-	CGraphicsAccelerator* ga= NULL;
-	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute GraphicsAccelerator()"));
-	ga = GetFbsDevice()->GraphicsAccelerator();
-	if (ga != NULL)
-		{
-		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GraphicsAccelerator Supported"));
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GraphicsAccelerator Not Supported"));
-		}
-	}
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdOrientation(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation actual = GetFbsDevice()->Orientation();
-	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("execute Orientation()=%d"), actual);
-	CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation expected;
-	if (!CT_GraphicsUtil::GetGraphicsOrientation(*this, aSection, KFldExpectedOrientation, expected))
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldExpectedOrientation);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		if (actual != expected)
-			{
-			ERR_PRINTF1(KLogNotExpectedValue);
-			SetBlockResult(EFail);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdDisplayMode16M(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TDisplayMode actual = GetFbsDevice()->DisplayMode16M();
-	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("execute DisplayMode16M()=%d"), actual);
-	// get display mode from parameters
-	TDisplayMode expected;
-	if (CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadDisplayMode(*this, aSection, KFldExpectedDisplayMode(), expected) )
-		{
-		if (actual != expected)
-			{
-			ERR_PRINTF1(KLogNotExpectedValue);
-			SetBlockResult(EFail);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdSetScalingFactor(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TBool dataOk = ETrue;
-	TPoint point;
-	if ( !GetPointFromConfig(aSection, KFldOrigin, point) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldOrigin);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TInt factorX;
-	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldFactorX, factorX) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFactorX);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TInt factorY;
-	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldFactorY, factorY) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldFactorY);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TInt divisorX;
-	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldDivisorX, divisorX) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldDivisorX);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	TInt divisorY;
-	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldDivisorY, divisorY) )
-		{
-		dataOk = EFalse;
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldDivisorY);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	if (dataOk)
-		{
-		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute SetScalingFactor(const TPoint&, TInt, TInt, TInt, TInt)"));
-		TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->SetScalingFactor(point, factorX, factorY, divisorX, divisorY);
-		if (err != KErrNone)
-			{
-			ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-			SetError(err);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdGetDrawRect(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TRect actual;
-	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute GetDrawRect(TRect&)"));
-	GetFbsDevice()->GetDrawRect(actual);
-	INFO_PRINTF5(_L("DrawRect = (top.x=%d, top.y=%d, bottom.x=%d, bottom.y=%d)"), actual.iTl.iX, actual.iTl.iY, actual.iBr.iX, actual.iBr.iY);
-	TRect expected;
-	if ( GetRectFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpectedDrawRect, expected) )
-		{
-		if (actual != expected)
-			{
-			ERR_PRINTF1(KLogNotExpectedValue);
-			SetBlockResult(EFail);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdRegisterLinkedTypefaceL(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	CLinkedTypefaceSpecification* spec = NULL;
-	if (!CT_GraphicsUtil::GetLinkedTypefaceSpecificationL(*this, aSection, KFldLinkedTypefaceSpec, spec))
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldLinkedTypefaceSpec);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		TInt actual;
-		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("execute RegisterLinkedTypeface(const CLinkedTypefaceSpecification&, TInt&)"));
-		TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->RegisterLinkedTypeface(*spec, actual);
-		if (err != KErrNone)
-			{
-			ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-			SetError(err);
-			return;
-			}
-		TInt expected;
-		if (GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFldExpectedUid, expected))
-			{
-			if (actual != expected)
-				{
-				ERR_PRINTF1(KLogNotExpectedValue);
-				SetBlockResult(EFail);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void CT_DataFbsDevice::DoCmdSetDrawDeviceOffset(const TDesC& aSection)
-	{
-	TPoint point;
-	if ( !GetPointFromConfig(aSection, KFldOffset, point) )
-		{
-		ERR_PRINTF2(KLogMissingParameter, &KFldOrigin);
-		SetBlockResult(EFail);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		TInt err = GetFbsDevice()->SetDrawDeviceOffset(point);
-		if (err != KErrNone)
-			{
-			ERR_PRINTF2(KLogError, err);
-			SetError(err);
-			}
-		}
-	}