--- a/graphicsapitest/graphicssvs/fbserv/src/T_DataFbsBitmap.cpp Fri Jun 11 14:58:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2296 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-This contains CT_DataFbsBitmap
-// User includes
-#include "T_DataFbsBitmap.h"
-#include "T_GraphicsUtil.h"
-// EPOC includes
-#include <graphics\bitmapuid.h>
-/// Parameters
-_LIT(KAlways, "always");
-_LIT(KBitmapId, "bitmap_id");
-_LIT(KBuffLength, "buff_length");
-_LIT(KDitherOffsetX, "dither_offset_x");
-_LIT(KDitherOffsetY, "dither_offset_y");
-_LIT(KExpectedBool, "expected_bool");
-_LIT(KExpectedInt, "expected_int");
-_LIT(KFbsBitmapName, "fbs_bitmap_name");
-_LIT(KFileName, "file_name");
-_LIT(KFileOffset, "file_offset");
-_LIT(KHeight, "height");
-_LIT(KHandle, "handle");
-_LIT(KWidth, "width");
-_LIT(KLength, "length");
-_LIT(KNullExpected, "null_expected");
-_LIT(KDevice, "device");
-_LIT(KNumberOfSources, "number_of_sources");
-_LIT(KPixels, "pixels");
-_LIT(KPointX, "point_x");
-_LIT(KPointY, "point_y");
-_LIT(KRectTlX, "rect_tl_x");
-_LIT(KRectTlY, "rect_tl_y");
-_LIT(KRectBrX, "rect_br_x");
-_LIT(KRectBrY, "rect_br_y");
-_LIT(KScanLineCoord, "scan_line_coord");
-_LIT(KSourceFileName0, "source_file_name_0"); // we don't need more than 3 sources for our test anyway.
-_LIT(KSourceFileName1, "source_file_name_1"); // So that this solution is ok
-_LIT(KSourceFileName2, "source_file_name_2");
-_LIT(KSourceBitmapId0, "source_bitmap_id_0");
-_LIT(KSourceBitmapId1, "source_bitmap_id_1");
-_LIT(KSourceBitmapId2, "source_bitmap_id_2");
-_LIT(KShareIfLoaded, "share_if_loaded");
-_LIT(KTwips, "twips");
-_LIT(KUseDitherOffset, "use_dither_offset");
-_LIT(KUseRFile, "use_rfile");
-_LIT(KUseClosedRFile, "use_closed_rfile");
-_LIT(KUseClosedStream, "use_closed_stream");
-_LIT(KUseRequestStatus, "use_request_status");
-_LIT(KUid, "uid");
-_LIT(KPalette, "palette");
-_LIT(KModifiable, "modifiable");
-_LIT(KEntries, "entries");
-_LIT(KRed, "red");
-_LIT(KGreen, "green");
-_LIT(KBlue, "blue");
-_LIT(KDisplayMode, "displaymode");
-_LIT(KBitmapfileCompressionScheme, "bitmap_compression_scheme");
-/// Commands
-_LIT(KCmdDisown, "disown");
-_LIT(KCmdNew, "new");
-_LIT(KCmdDestructor, "~");
-_LIT(KCmdCompress, "Compress");
-_LIT(KCmdCompressInBackground, "CompressInBackground");
-_LIT(KCmdCreate, "Create");
-_LIT(KCmdCreateHardwareBitmap, "CreateHardwareBitmap");
-_LIT(KCmdDataAddress, "DataAddress");
-_LIT(KCmdDataStride, "DataStride");
-_LIT(KCmdDisplayMode, "DisplayMode");
-_LIT(KCmdDuplicate, "Duplicate");
-_LIT(KCmdExternalizeL, "ExternalizeL");
-_LIT(KCmdExternalizeRectangleL, "ExternalizeRectangleL");
-_LIT(KCmdGetPalette, "GetPalette");
-_LIT(KCmdGetPixel, "GetPixel");
-_LIT(KCmdGetScanLine, "GetScanLine");
-_LIT(KCmdGetVerticalScanLine, "GetVerticalScanLine");
-_LIT(KCmdHandle, "Handle");
-_LIT(KCmdHardwareBitmapHandle, "HardwareBitmapHandle");
-_LIT(KCmdHeader, "Header");
-_LIT(KCmdHorizontalPixelsToTwips, "HorizontalPixelsToTwips");
-_LIT(KCmdHorizontalTwipsToPixels, "HorizontalTwipsToPixels");
-_LIT(KCmdInitialDisplayMode, "InitialDisplayMode");
-_LIT(KCmdInternalizeL, "InternalizeL");
-_LIT(KCmdIsCompressedInRAM, "IsCompressedInRAM");
-_LIT(KCmdIsFileInRom, "IsFileInRom");
-_LIT(KCmdIsLargeBitmap, "IsLargeBitmap");
-_LIT(KCmdIsMonochrome, "IsMonochrome");
-_LIT(KCmdIsRomBitmap, "IsRomBitmap");
-_LIT(KCmdLoad, "Load");
-_LIT(KCmdLoadAndCompress, "LoadAndCompress");
-_LIT(KCmdLockHeap, "LockHeap");
-_LIT(KCmdLockHeapLC, "LockHeapLC");
-_LIT(KCmdPaletteAttributes, "PaletteAttributes");
-_LIT(KCmdReset, "Reset");
-_LIT(KCmdResize, "Resize");
-_LIT(KCmdSave, "Save");
-_LIT(KCmdScanLineLength, "ScanLineLength");
-_LIT(KCmdSetDisplayMode, "SetDisplayMode");
-_LIT(KCmdSetPalette, "SetPalette");
-_LIT(KCmdSetRomBitmapL, "SetRomBitmapL");
-_LIT(KCmdSetScanLine, "SetScanLine");
-_LIT(KCmdSetSizeInTwips, "SetSizeInTwips");
-_LIT(KCmdSizeInPixels, "SizeInPixels");
-_LIT(KCmdSizeInTwips, "SizeInTwips");
-_LIT(KCmdStoreL, "StoreL");
-_LIT(KCmdSwapWidthAndHeight, "SwapWidthAndHeight");
-_LIT(KCmdUnlockHeap, "UnlockHeap");
-_LIT(KCmdVerticalPixelsToTwips, "VerticalPixelsToTwips");
-_LIT(KCmdVerticalTwipsToPixels, "VerticalTwipsToPixels");
-//?? SetRomBitmapL
-// Begin
-// End
-// GetDecompressionBuffer
-// GetAllBitmapHandles
-* Two phase constructor
-CT_DataFbsBitmap* CT_DataFbsBitmap::NewL()
- {
- CT_DataFbsBitmap* ret = new (ELeave) CT_DataFbsBitmap();
- CleanupStack::PushL(ret);
- ret->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop(ret);
- return ret;
- }
-* Protected constructor. First phase construction
-: CDataWrapperBase()
-, iFbsBitmap(NULL)
-, iDisplayMode(ENone)
-, iPopWhenUnlocking(EFalse)
-, iCompressFailed(EFalse)
-, iActiveCompressInBackground(NULL)
- {
- }
-* Protected constructor. Second phase construction
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::ConstructL()
- {
- iActiveCompressInBackground=CActiveCallback::NewL(*this);
- }
-* Destructor.
- {
- DestroyData();
- delete iActiveCompressInBackground;
- iActiveCompressInBackground=NULL;
- }
-* Contains cleanup implementation
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DestroyData()
- {
- delete iFbsBitmap;
- iFbsBitmap=NULL;
- }
-* Return a pointer to the object that the data wraps
-* @return pointer to the object that the data wraps
-TAny* CT_DataFbsBitmap::GetObject()
- {
- return iFbsBitmap;
- }
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::SetObjectL(TAny* aAny)
- {
- DestroyData();
- iFbsBitmap=static_cast<CFbsBitmap*> (aAny);
- }
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DisownObjectL()
- {
- iFbsBitmap=NULL;
- }
-CFbsBitmap* CT_DataFbsBitmap::GetFbsBitmap() const
- {
- return iFbsBitmap;
- }
-* Process a command read from the ini file
-* @param aDataWrapper test step requiring command to be processed
-* @param aCommand the command to process
-* @param aSection the entry in the ini file requiring the command to be processed
-* @return ETrue if the command is processed
-TBool CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCommandL(const TTEFFunction& aCommand, const TTEFSectionName& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex)
- {
- TBool retVal = ETrue;
- if (aCommand == KCmdNew)
- {
- DoCmdNewL();
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdDestructor)
- {
- DoCmdDestructor();
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdCompress)
- {
- DoCmdCompress(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdCompressInBackground)
- {
- DoCmdCompressInBackground(aSection, aAsyncErrorIndex);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdCreate)
- {
- DoCmdCreate(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdCreateHardwareBitmap)
- {
- DoCmdCreateHardwareBitmap(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdDataAddress)
- {
- DoCmdDataAddress(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdDataStride)
- {
- DoCmdDataStride(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdDisplayMode)
- {
- DoCmdDisplayMode(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdDuplicate)
- {
- DoCmdDuplicateL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdExternalizeL)
- {
- DoCmdExternalizeL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdExternalizeRectangleL)
- {
- DoCmdExternalizeRectangleL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdGetPalette)
- {
- DoCmdGetPaletteL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdGetPixel)
- {
- DoCmdGetPixel(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdGetScanLine)
- {
- DoCmdGetScanLineL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdGetVerticalScanLine)
- {
- DoCmdGetVerticalScanLineL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdHandle)
- {
- DoCmdHandle(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdHardwareBitmapHandle)
- {
- DoCmdHardwareBitmapHandle(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdHeader)
- {
- DoCmdHeader();
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdHorizontalPixelsToTwips)
- {
- DoCmdHorizontalPixelsToTwips(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdHorizontalTwipsToPixels)
- {
- DoCmdHorizontalTwipsToPixels(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdInitialDisplayMode)
- {
- DoCmdInitialDisplayMode(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdInternalizeL)
- {
- DoCmdInternalizeL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdIsCompressedInRAM)
- {
- DoCmdIsCompressedInRAM(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdIsFileInRom)
- {
- DoCmdIsFileInRom(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdIsLargeBitmap)
- {
- DoCmdIsLargeBitmap(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdIsMonochrome)
- {
- DoCmdIsMonochrome(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdIsRomBitmap)
- {
- DoCmdIsRomBitmap(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdLoad)
- {
- DoCmdLoadL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdLoadAndCompress)
- {
- DoCmdLoadAndCompressL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdLockHeap)
- {
- DoCmdLockHeap(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdLockHeapLC)
- {
- DoCmdLockHeapLC(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdPaletteAttributes)
- {
- DoCmdPaletteAttributes(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdReset)
- {
- DoCmdReset();
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdResize)
- {
- DoCmdResize(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdSave)
- {
- DoCmdSave(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdScanLineLength)
- {
- DoCmdScanLineLength(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdSetDisplayMode)
- {
- DoCmdSetDisplayMode(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdSetPalette)
- {
- DoCmdSetPaletteL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdSetRomBitmapL)
- {
- DoCmdSetRomBitmapL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdSetScanLine)
- {
- DoCmdSetScanLineL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdSetSizeInTwips)
- {
- DoCmdSetSizeInTwipsL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdSizeInPixels)
- {
- DoCmdSizeInPixels(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdSizeInTwips)
- {
- DoCmdSizeInTwips(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdStoreL)
- {
- DoCmdStoreL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdSwapWidthAndHeight)
- {
- DoCmdSwapWidthAndHeight();
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdUnlockHeap)
- {
- DoCmdUnlockHeapL(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdVerticalPixelsToTwips)
- {
- DoCmdVerticalPixelsToTwips(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdVerticalTwipsToPixels)
- {
- DoCmdVerticalTwipsToPixels(aSection);
- }
- else if (aCommand == KCmdDisown)
- {
- DisownObjectL();
- }
- else
- {
- retVal=EFalse;
- }
- return retVal;
- }
-/** Creates new CFbsBitmap class instance */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdNewL()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creates new CFbsBitmap class instance"));
- // cleanup if already created
- DestroyData();
- iFbsBitmap=new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
- }
-/** Calls static CFbsBitmap destructor */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdDestructor()
- {
- DestroyData();
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::Compress() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdCompress(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::Compress()"));
- TInt err=KErrNone;
- TBitmapfileCompressionScheme compressionScheme;
- if ( CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadBitmapfileCompressionScheme(*this, aSection, KBitmapfileCompressionScheme(), compressionScheme) )
- {
- err=GetFbsBitmap()->Compress(compressionScheme);
- }
- else
- {
- // call Compress()
- err=GetFbsBitmap()->Compress();
- }
- // check error code
- if ( err!=KErrNone )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Compress error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- iCompressFailed = ETrue;
- }
- else
- {
- iCompressFailed = EFalse;
- };
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::CompressInBackground() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdCompressInBackground(const TDesC& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::CompressInBackground()"));
- // get a flag if to use requset status from parameters
- TBool useRequestStatus = EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KUseRequestStatus(), useRequestStatus);
- TBitmapfileCompressionScheme compressionScheme;
- TBool hasCompressionScheme=CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadBitmapfileCompressionScheme(*this, aSection, KBitmapfileCompressionScheme(), compressionScheme);
- // call CompressInBackground()
- if ( useRequestStatus )
- {
- if ( hasCompressionScheme )
- {
- GetFbsBitmap()->CompressInBackground(iActiveCompressInBackground->iStatus, compressionScheme);
- }
- else
- {
- GetFbsBitmap()->CompressInBackground(iActiveCompressInBackground->iStatus);
- }
- iActiveCompressInBackground->Activate(aAsyncErrorIndex);
- IncOutstanding();
- }
- else
- {
- TInt err = KErrNone;
- if ( hasCompressionScheme )
- {
- err=GetFbsBitmap()->CompressInBackground(compressionScheme);
- }
- else
- {
- err=GetFbsBitmap()->CompressInBackground();
- }
- // check error code
- if ( err != KErrNone )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Compress in background error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- iCompressFailed = ETrue;
- }
- else
- {
- iCompressFailed = EFalse;
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::Create() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdCreate(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::Create()"));
- // get size height from parameters
- TInt height;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KHeight(), height))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KHeight());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get size width from parameters
- TInt width;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KWidth(), width))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KWidth());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get display mode from parameters
- TDisplayMode displayMode;
- if ( !CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadDisplayMode(*this, aSection, KDisplayMode(), displayMode) )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("No display mode"));
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- else
- {
- // call Create()
- TInt err = GetFbsBitmap()->Create(TSize(width, height), displayMode);
- // check error code
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Creation error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::CreateHardwareBitmap() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdCreateHardwareBitmap(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::CreateHardwareBitmap()"));
- // get size height from parameters
- TInt height;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KHeight(), height))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KHeight());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get size width from parameters
- TInt width;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KWidth(), width))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KWidth());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get display mode from parameters
- TDisplayMode displayMode;
- if ( !CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadDisplayMode(*this, aSection, KDisplayMode(), displayMode) )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("No display mode"));
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get application uid from parameters
- TInt uidInt;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KUid(), uidInt))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KUid());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // call Create()
- TInt err = GetFbsBitmap()->CreateHardwareBitmap(TSize(width, height), displayMode, TUid::Uid(uidInt));
- // check error code
- if ( err != KErrNone )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Hardware bitmap creation error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::DataAddress() locking and unlocking heap by defined in parameters means */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdDataAddress(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- // call DataAddress()
- TUint32* address=GetFbsBitmap()->DataAddress();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DataAddress %d"), address);
- // validate returned value if needed
- TInt expectedValue;
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedInt(), expectedValue))
- {
- if (expectedValue != (TInt)address)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("The returned value is not as expected"));
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::DataStride() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdDataStride(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::DataStride()"));
- // call DataStride()
- TInt value = GetFbsBitmap()->DataStride();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Data stride: %d"), value);
- // validate returned value if needed
- TInt expectedValue;
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedInt(), expectedValue))
- {
- if (expectedValue != value)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedValue, value);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- // check the value is not NULL
- if (value <= 0)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("The data stride is not expected zero or less, value: %d"), value);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
-/** Checks CFbsBitmap::DisplayMode() value */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdDisplayMode(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checks CFbsBitmap::DisplayMode() value"));
- // call DisplayMode()
- iDisplayMode=GetFbsBitmap()->DisplayMode();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Display Mode %d"), iDisplayMode);
- // get display mode from parameters
- TDisplayMode expectedValue;
- if ( CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadDisplayMode(*this, aSection, KDisplayMode(), expectedValue) )
- {
- // check value against NULL
- if ( iDisplayMode!=expectedValue )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The value is not as expected! expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedValue, iDisplayMode);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::Duplicate() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdDuplicateL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::Duplicate()"));
- TInt handle=GetHandle();
- TPtrC objectName;
- if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFbsBitmapName(), objectName) )
- {
- CDataWrapperBase* wrapper=static_cast<CDataWrapperBase*>(GetDataWrapperL(objectName));
- handle=wrapper->GetHandle();
- }
- else
- {
- GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KHandle(), handle);
- }
- // call Duplicate()
- TInt err = GetFbsBitmap()->Duplicate(handle);
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Duplicate error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::ExternalizeL() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdExternalizeL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::ExternalizeL()"));
- ExternalizeImplL(aSection, TRect(), EFalse);
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::ExternalizeRectangleL() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdExternalizeRectangleL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::ExternalizeRectangleL()"));
- // get rectangle top left x-coordinate from parameters
- TInt tlx;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRectTlX(), tlx))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KRectTlX());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get rectangle top left x-coordinate from parameters
- TInt tly;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRectTlY(), tly))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KRectTlY());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get rectangle top left x-coordinate from parameters
- TInt brx;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRectBrX(), brx))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KRectBrX());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get rectangle top left x-coordinate from parameters
- TInt bry;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRectBrY(), bry))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KRectBrY());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- ExternalizeImplL(aSection, TRect(tlx, tly, brx, bry), ETrue);
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::GetPalette() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdGetPaletteL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- // call GetPalette()
- CPalette* palette = NULL;
- TInt err = GetFbsBitmap()->GetPalette(palette);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::GetPalette() %d"), palette);
- // check error code
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetPalette error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- else
- {
- // Verify palette
- CPalette* expectedPalette = NULL;
- if ( CT_GraphicsUtil::GetPaletteL(*this, aSection, KPalette(), expectedPalette) )
- {
- if ( palette != expectedPalette )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("GetPalette palette %d not the expected palette %d"), palette, expectedPalette);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::GetPixel() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdGetPixel(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::GetPixel()"));
- // get point x-coordinate from parameters
- TInt pointX;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KPointX(), pointX))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KPointX());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get point y-coordinate from parameters
- TInt pointY;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KPointY(), pointY))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KPointY());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // call GetPixel()
- TRgb color;
- GetFbsBitmap()->GetPixel(color, TPoint(pointX, pointY));
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Red %d"), color.Red());
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Green %d"), color.Green());
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Blue %d"), color.Blue());
- TInt actual;
- TInt expected;
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KRed(), expected))
- {
- actual=color.Red();
- if ( expected != actual )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected Red %d does not match actual %d"), expected, actual);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KGreen(), expected))
- {
- actual=color.Green();
- if ( expected != actual )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected Green %d does not match actual %d"), expected, actual);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KBlue(), expected))
- {
- actual=color.Blue();
- if ( expected != actual )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected Blue %d does not match actual %d"), expected, actual);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::GetScanLine() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdGetScanLineL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::GetScanLine()"));
- TBool dataOk=ETrue;
- // get point x coordinate from parameters
- TInt pointX = 0;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KPointX(), pointX))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KPointX());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- dataOk=EFalse;
- }
- // get point y coordinate from parameters
- TInt pointY = 0;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KPointY(), pointY))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KPointY());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- dataOk=EFalse;
- }
- // get length from parameters
- TInt length = 0;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KLength(), length))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KLength());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- dataOk=EFalse;
- }
- // get buffer length from parameters
- TInt buffLength = 0;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KBuffLength(), buffLength))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KBuffLength());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- dataOk=EFalse;
- }
- // get display mode from parameters
- TDisplayMode displayMode;
- if ( !CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadDisplayMode(*this, aSection, KDisplayMode(), displayMode) )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("No display mode"));
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- dataOk=EFalse;
- }
- if ( dataOk )
- {
- // call GetScanLine()
- TUint8* buffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[buffLength];
- TPtr8 scanline(buffer, buffLength, buffLength);
- GetFbsBitmap()->GetScanLine(scanline, TPoint(pointX, pointY), length, displayMode);
- delete [] buffer;
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::GetVerticalScanLine() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdGetVerticalScanLineL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::GetVerticalScanLine()"));
- TBool dataOk=ETrue;
- // get point x coordinate from parameters
- TInt pointX = 0;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KPointX(), pointX))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KPointX());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- dataOk=EFalse;
- }
- // get if to use dither offset flag from parameters
- TBool useDitherOffset = EFalse;
- if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KUseDitherOffset(), useDitherOffset))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KUseDitherOffset());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- dataOk=EFalse;
- }
- // get dither offset x coordinate from parameters
- TInt ditherOffsetX = 0;
- if(useDitherOffset && !GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KDitherOffsetX(), ditherOffsetX))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KDitherOffsetX());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- dataOk=EFalse;
- }
- // get dither offset y coordinate from parameters
- TInt ditherOffsetY = 0;
- if(useDitherOffset && !GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KDitherOffsetY(), ditherOffsetY))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KDitherOffsetY());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- dataOk=EFalse;
- }
- // get buffer length from parameters
- TInt buffLength = 0;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KBuffLength(), buffLength))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KBuffLength());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- dataOk=EFalse;
- }
- // get display mode from parameters
- TDisplayMode displayMode;
- if ( !CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadDisplayMode(*this, aSection, KDisplayMode(), displayMode) )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("No display mode"));
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- dataOk=EFalse;
- }
- if ( dataOk )
- {
- // call GetVerticalScanLine()
- TUint8* buffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[buffLength];
- TPtr8 scanline(buffer, buffLength, buffLength);
- if (useDitherOffset)
- {
- GetFbsBitmap()->GetVerticalScanLine(scanline, pointX, displayMode);
- }
- else
- {
- GetFbsBitmap()->GetVerticalScanLine(scanline, pointX, TPoint(ditherOffsetX, ditherOffsetY), displayMode);
- }
- delete [] buffer;
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::Handle() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdHandle(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- // call Handle()
- TInt handle=GetFbsBitmap()->Handle();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::Handle() %d"), handle);
- SetHandle(handle);
- // validate returned value if needed
- TInt expectedValue;
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedInt(), expectedValue))
- {
- if (expectedValue != handle)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedValue, handle);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Checks CFbsBitmap::HardwareBitmapHandle() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdHardwareBitmapHandle(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- // call HardwareBitmapHandle()
- TInt handle=GetFbsBitmap()->HardwareBitmapHandle();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CFbsBitmap::HardwareBitmapHandle() %d"), handle);
- SetHandle(handle);
- // get if null expected flag from parameters
- TBool nullExpected = EFalse;
- if ( GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KNullExpected(), nullExpected) )
- {
- // check value againts NULL
- if ( (handle == NULL) != nullExpected )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("The value is not as expected! value: %d"), handle);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::Header() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdHeader()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::Header()"));
- // call Header()
- SEpocBitmapHeader header=GetFbsBitmap()->Header();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Header iBitmapSize &d"), header.iBitmapSize);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Header iBitsPerPixel &d"), header.iBitsPerPixel);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Header iColor &d"), header.iColor);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Header iCompression &d"), header.iCompression);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Header iPaletteEntries &d"), header.iPaletteEntries);
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Header iSizeInPixels &d %d"), header.iSizeInPixels.iWidth, header.iSizeInPixels.iHeight);
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Header iSizeInTwips &d %d"), header.iSizeInTwips.iWidth, header.iSizeInTwips.iHeight);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Header iStructSize &d"), header.iStructSize);
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::HorizontalPixelsToTwips() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdHorizontalPixelsToTwips(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::HorizontalPixelsToTwips()"));
- // get pixels from parameters
- TInt pixels;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KPixels(), pixels))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KPixels());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // call HorizontalPixelsToTwips()
- TInt value = GetFbsBitmap()->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(pixels);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Twips: %d"), value);
- // validate returned value if needed
- TInt expectedValue;
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedInt(), expectedValue))
- {
- if (expectedValue != value)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedValue, value);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::HorizontalTwipsToPixels() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdHorizontalTwipsToPixels(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::HorizontalTwipsToPixels()"));
- // get twips from parameters
- TInt twips;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KTwips(), twips))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KTwips());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // call HorizontalTwipsToPixels()
- TInt value = GetFbsBitmap()->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(twips);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Pixels: %d"), value);
- // validate returned value if needed
- TInt expectedValue;
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedInt(), expectedValue))
- {
- if (expectedValue != value)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedValue, value);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Checks CFbsBitmap::InitialDisplayMode() value */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdInitialDisplayMode(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checks CFbsBitmap::InitialDisplayMode() value"));
- // call InitialDisplayMode()
- TInt actualValue = GetFbsBitmap()->InitialDisplayMode();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Initial Display Mode %d"), actualValue);
- // get display mode from parameters
- TDisplayMode expectedValue;
- if ( CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadDisplayMode(*this, aSection, KDisplayMode(), expectedValue) )
- {
- // check value againts NULL
- if (actualValue != expectedValue)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The value is not as expected! expecyed: %d, actual: %d"), expectedValue, actualValue);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::InternalizeL() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdInternalizeL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::InternalizeL()"));
- // get file name from parameters
- TPtrC fileName;
- if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFileName(), fileName))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KFileName());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get a flag if to use closed stream from parameters
- TBool useClosedStream = EFalse;
- if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KUseClosedStream(), useClosedStream))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KUseClosedStream());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // ReadStore creation
- CDirectFileStore* readstore = CDirectFileStore::OpenL(FileServer(), fileName, EFileStream | EFileRead);
- CleanupStack::PushL(readstore);
- TInt popCount=1;
- TStreamId headerid = readstore->Root();
- RStoreReadStream readstrm;
- // close stream if defined by parameters
- if (!useClosedStream)
- {
- readstrm.OpenL(*readstore, headerid);
- CleanupClosePushL(readstrm);
- popCount=2;
- }
- // call InternalizeL()
- TRAPD(err, GetFbsBitmap()->InternalizeL(readstrm));
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Internalize error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- // cleanup
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(popCount, readstore);
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::IsCompressedInRAM() to check againt expected value */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdIsCompressedInRAM(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- // call IsCompressedInRAM() to get actual value
- TBool actualValue = GetFbsBitmap()->IsCompressedInRAM();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CFbsBitmap::IsCompressedInRAM() %d"), actualValue);
- // get expected value from parameters
- TBool expectedValue = EFalse;
- if ( GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedBool(), expectedValue) )
- {
- if (actualValue != expectedValue)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected value doesn't match to actual! expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedValue, actualValue);
- if (!iCompressFailed)
- {
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- };
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::IsFileInRom() and check against expectation */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdIsFileInRom(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::IsFileInRom() and check against expectation"));
- // get file name from parameters
- TPtrC fileName;
- if ( !GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFileName(), fileName) )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KFileName());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get flag if use RFile instance in Save() call from parameters
- TBool useRFile = EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KUseRFile(), useRFile);
- TInt err = KErrNone;
- TBool isFileInRom = EFalse;
- TUint32* addressInRom = NULL;
- if (useRFile)
- {
- // open rfile
- RFile file;
- err = file.Open(FileServer(), fileName, EFileShareReadersOnly);
- // check if failed to open file
- if ( err != KErrNone )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("File open error: %d"), err);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- else
- {
- // call IsFileInRom()
- isFileInRom = CFbsBitmap::IsFileInRom(file, addressInRom);
- // close rfile
- file.Close();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- isFileInRom = CFbsBitmap::IsFileInRom(fileName, addressInRom);
- }
- // get expected value if is in ROM from parameters
- TBool expectedIsFileInRom = EFalse;
- if ( GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedBool(), expectedIsFileInRom) )
- {
- // check the expectation
- if (expectedIsFileInRom != isFileInRom)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The value is not as expected! expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedIsFileInRom, isFileInRom);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- // check that address is not null if in rom
- if ( isFileInRom && addressInRom == NULL )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("The file is in ROM but returned address is NULL"));
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::IsLargeBitmap() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdIsLargeBitmap(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- // call IsLargeBitmap()
- TBool value = GetFbsBitmap()->IsLargeBitmap();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Is large bitmap: %d"), value);
- // validate returned value if needed
- TBool expectedBool;
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedBool(), expectedBool))
- {
- if (expectedBool != value)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedBool, value);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::IsMonochrome() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdIsMonochrome(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- // call IsMonochrome()
- TBool value = GetFbsBitmap()->IsMonochrome();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Is monochrome: %d"), value);
- // validate returned value if needed
- TBool expectedBool;
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedBool(), expectedBool))
- {
- if (expectedBool != value)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedBool, value);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::IsRomBitmap() and check against expectation */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdIsRomBitmap(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- // call IsRomBitmap()
- TBool actualValue = GetFbsBitmap()->IsRomBitmap();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CFbsBitmap::IsRomBitmap() %d"), actualValue);
- // get expected value if is in ROM from parameters
- TBool expectedIsRomBitmap = EFalse;
- if ( GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedBool(), expectedIsRomBitmap) )
- {
- // check the expectation
- if (expectedIsRomBitmap != actualValue)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The value is not as expected! expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedIsRomBitmap, actualValue);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** CFbsBitmap::Load() Call */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdLoadL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CFbsBitmap::Load() Call"));
- LoadOrLoadAndCompressL(aSection, EFalse);
- }
-/** CFbsBitmap::LoadAndCompress() Call */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdLoadAndCompressL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CFbsBitmap::LoadAndCompress() Call"));
- LoadOrLoadAndCompressL(aSection, ETrue);
- }
-/** Calls static CFbsBitmap destructor */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdLockHeap(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- TBool always=EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KAlways(), always);
- GetFbsBitmap()->LockHeap(always);
- }
-/** Calls static CFbsBitmap destructor */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdLockHeapLC(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- TBool always=EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KAlways(), always);
- GetFbsBitmap()->LockHeapLC(always);
- iPopWhenUnlocking=ETrue;
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::PaletteAttributes() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdPaletteAttributes(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::PaletteAttributes()"));
- // call PaletteAttributes()
- TBool modifiable;
- TInt entries;
- GetFbsBitmap()->PaletteAttributes(modifiable, entries);
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Modifiable: %d, Number of entries: %d"), modifiable, entries);
- // validate returned value if needed
- TBool expectedModifiable;
- if(GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KModifiable(), expectedModifiable))
- {
- if (expectedModifiable != modifiable)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned modifaiable value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedModifiable, modifiable);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- // validate returned value if needed
- TBool expectedEntries;
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KEntries(), expectedEntries))
- {
- if (expectedEntries != entries)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned modifaiable value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedEntries, entries);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::Reset() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdReset()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::Reset()"));
- // call Reset()
- GetFbsBitmap()->Reset();
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::Resize() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdResize(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::Resize()"));
- // get size height from parameters
- TInt height;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KHeight(), height))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KHeight());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get size width from parameters
- TInt width;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KWidth(), width))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KWidth());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // call Resize()
- TInt err = GetFbsBitmap()->Resize(TSize(width, height));
- // check error code
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Resize error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::Save() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdSave(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::Save()"));
- // get file name from parameters
- TPtrC fileName;
- if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFileName(), fileName))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KFileName());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get flag if use RFile instance in Save() call from parameters
- TBool useRFile = EFalse;
- if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KUseRFile(), useRFile))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KUseRFile());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get flag if use RFile instance in Load() call from parameters
- TBool useClosedRFile = EFalse;
- if(GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KUseClosedRFile(), useClosedRFile))
- {
- if (useClosedRFile && !useRFile)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Cannot use %S parameter if %S is not set to TRUE"), &KUseClosedRFile(), &KUseRFile());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- TInt err = KErrNone;
- if (useRFile)
- {
- // required to allow file handle to be adopted by another process
- FileServer().ShareProtected();
- // open or create rfile
- RFile file;
- if (!useClosedRFile)
- {
- err = file.Open(FileServer(), fileName, EFileWrite);
- if (err == KErrNotFound)
- {
- err = file.Create(FileServer(), fileName, EFileWrite);
- // check if failed to create file
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("File create error: %d"), err);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- else if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- // if failed to open file
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("File open error: %d"), err);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- // call Save()
- err = GetFbsBitmap()->Save(file);
- // close rfile
- file.Close();
- }
- else
- {
- err = GetFbsBitmap()->Save(fileName);
- }
- // check error code
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Save error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdScanLineLength(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength()"));
- // get length from parameters
- TInt length = 0;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KLength(), length))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KLength());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get display mode from parameters
- TDisplayMode displayMode;
- if ( !CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadDisplayMode(*this, aSection, KDisplayMode(), displayMode) )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("No display mode"));
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- else
- {
- TInt actualValue = CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength(length, displayMode);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength() %d"), actualValue);
- TInt expectedValue = 0;
- if ( GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedInt(), expectedValue) )
- {
- if (actualValue != expectedValue)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected value doesn't match to actual! expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedValue, actualValue);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::SetDisplayMode() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdSetDisplayMode(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::SetDisplayMode()"));
- // get display mode from parameters
- TDisplayMode displayMode;
- if ( !CT_GraphicsUtil::ReadDisplayMode(*this, aSection, KDisplayMode(), displayMode) )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("No display mode"));
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- else
- {
- // call SetDisplayMode()
- TInt err = GetFbsBitmap()->SetDisplayMode(displayMode);
- // check error code
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Set display mode error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::SetPalette() by previously created palette */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdSetPaletteL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::SetPalette() by previously created palette"));
- // get CPalette object passed as a parameter
- CPalette* palette = NULL;
- CT_GraphicsUtil::GetPaletteL(*this, aSection, KPalette(), palette);
- // call SetPalette()
- GetFbsBitmap()->SetPalette(palette);
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::SetRomBitmapL() by another bitmap */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdSetRomBitmapL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::SetRomBitmapL() by another bitmap"));
- // get fbsBitmap passed as a parameter
- CFbsBitmap* otherFbsBitmap=NULL;
- CT_GraphicsUtil::GetFbsBitmapL(*this, aSection, KFbsBitmapName(), otherFbsBitmap);
- // get romPointer. If the bitmap is ROM bitmap then Handle() returns ROM pointer
- CBitwiseBitmap* bitmapRomAddress=NULL;
- if ( otherFbsBitmap!=NULL )
- {
- bitmapRomAddress=REINTERPRET_CAST(CBitwiseBitmap*, otherFbsBitmap->Handle());
- }
- // call SetRomBitmapL()
- TInt bitmapSizeInBytes=0;
- TRAPD(err, GetFbsBitmap()->SetRomBitmapL(bitmapRomAddress, bitmapSizeInBytes));
- // check error code
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Set ROM bitmap error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::SetScanLine() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdSetScanLineL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::SetScanLine()"));
- // get scanline coordinate from parameters
- TInt coordinate = 0;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KScanLineCoord(), coordinate))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KScanLineCoord());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get file name from parameters
- TPtrC fileName;
- if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFileName(), fileName))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KFileName());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // open file
- RFile file;
- User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(FileServer(), fileName, EFileRead | EFileShareAny));
- CleanupClosePushL(file);
- // get size
- TInt size = 0;
- User::LeaveIfError(file.Size(size));
- // read file
- HBufC8* fileDataBuff = HBufC8::NewLC(size);
- TPtr8 fileData = fileDataBuff->Des();
- User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(fileData));
- GetFbsBitmap()->SetScanLine(fileData, coordinate);
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &file); // fileDataBuff, file
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::SetSizeInTwips() by size parameter */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdSetSizeInTwipsL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::SetSizeInTwips()"));
- // get if to NULL device pointer flag from parameters
- TPtrC device;
- if ( GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KDevice(), device) )
- {
- CFbsBitmapDevice* bitmapDevice=static_cast<CFbsBitmapDevice*>(GetDataObjectL(device));
- GetFbsBitmap()->SetSizeInTwips(bitmapDevice);
- }
- else
- {
- // get size height from parameters
- TInt height;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KHeight(), height))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KHeight());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get size width from parameters
- TInt width;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KWidth(), width))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KWidth());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // call SetSizeInTwips()
- GetFbsBitmap()->SetSizeInTwips(TSize(width, height));
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::SizeInPixels() and checks the size */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdSizeInPixels(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- // call SizeInTwips()
- TSize actualSize = GetFbsBitmap()->SizeInPixels();
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CFbsBitmap::SizeInPixels() height %d, width %d"), actualSize.iHeight, actualSize.iWidth);
- // get size height from parameters
- TInt height;
- if ( GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KHeight(), height) )
- {
- if ( actualSize.iHeight != height )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Height mismatch expected: %d, actual: %d"), height, actualSize.iHeight);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- // get size width from parameters
- TInt width;
- if ( GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KWidth(), width) )
- {
- // check that value is as expected
- if ( actualSize.iWidth != width )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Width mismatch expected: %d, actual: %d"), width, actualSize.iWidth);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::SizeInTwips() and compares the result with expected */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdSizeInTwips(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- // call SizeInTwips()
- TSize actualSize = GetFbsBitmap()->SizeInTwips();
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CFbsBitmap::SizeInTwips() height %d, width %d"), actualSize.iHeight, actualSize.iWidth);
- // get size height from parameters
- TInt height;
- if ( GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KHeight(), height) )
- {
- if ( actualSize.iHeight != height )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Height mismatch expected: %d, actual: %d"), height, actualSize.iHeight);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- // get size width from parameters
- TInt width;
- if ( GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KWidth(), width) )
- {
- // check that value is as expected
- if ( actualSize.iWidth != width )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Width mismatch expected: %d, actual: %d"), width, actualSize.iWidth);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::StoreL() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdStoreL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::StoreL()"));
- TInt numberOfFiles = 0;
- TInt numberOfBitmapIds = 0;
- TPtrC sourceFileName1;
- TPtrC sourceFileName2;
- TInt sourceBitmapId0 = -1;
- TInt sourceBitmapId1 = -1;
- TInt sourceBitmapId2 = -1;
- // get file name from parameters
- TPtrC fileName;
- if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFileName(), fileName))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KFileName());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get flag if use RFile instance in Save() call from parameters
- TBool useRFile = EFalse;
- if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KUseRFile(), useRFile))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KUseRFile());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get flag if use RFile instance in Load() call from parameters
- TBool useClosedRFile = EFalse;
- if(GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KUseClosedRFile(), useClosedRFile))
- {
- if (useClosedRFile && !useRFile)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Cannot use %S parameter if %S is not set to TRUE"), &KUseClosedRFile(), &KUseRFile());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- // get up to 3 source file names from parameters
- TPtrC sourceFileName0;
- if (GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KSourceFileName0(), sourceFileName0))
- {
- numberOfFiles++;
- if (GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KSourceFileName1(), sourceFileName1))
- {
- numberOfFiles++;
- if (GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KSourceFileName2(), sourceFileName2))
- {
- numberOfFiles++;
- }
- }
- }
- // get up to 3 source bitmap ids from parameters
- if (GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KSourceBitmapId0(), sourceBitmapId0))
- {
- numberOfBitmapIds++;
- if (GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KSourceBitmapId1(), sourceBitmapId1))
- {
- numberOfBitmapIds++;
- if (GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KSourceBitmapId2(), sourceBitmapId2))
- {
- numberOfBitmapIds++;
- }
- }
- }
- // get number of sources argument from parameters
- TInt numberOfSources;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KNumberOfSources(), numberOfSources))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KNumberOfSources());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // create array of file names
- TFileName** sourceFiles = new (ELeave) TFileName*[numberOfFiles];
- CleanupStack::PushL(sourceFiles);
- if (numberOfFiles > 0) sourceFiles[0] = new (ELeave) TFileName(sourceFileName0);
- if (numberOfFiles > 1) sourceFiles[1] = new (ELeave) TFileName(sourceFileName1);
- if (numberOfFiles > 2) sourceFiles[2] = new (ELeave) TFileName(sourceFileName2);
- // create array of bitmap ids
- TInt32* bitmapIds = new (ELeave) TInt32[numberOfBitmapIds];
- CleanupStack::PushL(bitmapIds);
- if (numberOfBitmapIds > 0) bitmapIds[0] = sourceBitmapId0;
- if (numberOfBitmapIds > 1) bitmapIds[1] = sourceBitmapId1;
- if (numberOfBitmapIds > 2) bitmapIds[2] = sourceBitmapId2;
- TInt err = KErrNone;
- if (useRFile)
- {
- // required to allow file handle to be adopted by another process
- FileServer().ShareProtected();
- // open rfile
- TBool openSuccess = EFalse;
- RFile file;
- err = file.Open(FileServer(), fileName, EFileWrite);
- // check if ok, if not fount => try to create new file
- if (err == KErrNone)
- {
- openSuccess = ETrue;
- }
- else if (err == KErrNotFound)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("File doesn't exist, trying to create it."));
- err = file.Create(FileServer(), fileName, EFileWrite);
- // check if failed to create file
- if (err == KErrNone)
- {
- openSuccess = ETrue;
- }
- else
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("File create error: %d"), err);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("File open error: %d"), err);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // if ok => do store
- if (openSuccess)
- {
- // if we use invalid RFile handle in our test
- if (useClosedRFile)
- {
- file.Close();
- }
- // call StoreL()
- TRAP(err, CFbsBitmap::StoreL(file, numberOfSources, (const TDesC**) sourceFiles, bitmapIds));
- // check error code
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Store error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- // close rfile
- file.Close();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // call StoreL()
- TRAP(err, CFbsBitmap::StoreL(fileName, numberOfSources, (const TDesC**) sourceFiles, bitmapIds));
- // check error code
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Store error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
- // Iterate over the file name pointer array and cleanup
- for (TInt i = 0; i < numberOfFiles; ++i)
- {
- delete sourceFiles[i];
- }
- // Cleanup the arrays allocated on the heap
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, sourceFiles);
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::SwapWidthAndHeight() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdSwapWidthAndHeight()
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::SwapWidthAndHeight()"));
- // call SwapWidthAndHeight()
- TInt err = GetFbsBitmap()->SwapWidthAndHeight();
- // check error code
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Swap width and height error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
-/** Calls static CFbsBitmap destructor */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdUnlockHeapL(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- CFbsBitmap* bitmap=NULL;
- if ( CT_GraphicsUtil::GetFbsBitmapL(*this, aSection, KFbsBitmapName(), bitmap) )
- {
- CFbsBitmap::UnlockHeap(bitmap);
- }
- else
- {
- TBool always=EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KAlways(), always);
- GetFbsBitmap()->UnlockHeap(always);
- }
- if ( iPopWhenUnlocking )
- {
- iPopWhenUnlocking=EFalse;
- CleanupStack::Pop();
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::VerticalPixelsToTwips() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdVerticalPixelsToTwips(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::VerticalPixelsToTwips()"));
- // get pixels from parameters
- TInt pixels;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KPixels(), pixels))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KPixels());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // call VerticalPixelsToTwips()
- TInt value = GetFbsBitmap()->VerticalPixelsToTwips(pixels);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Twips: %d"), value);
- // validate returned value if needed
- TInt expectedValue;
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedInt(), expectedValue))
- {
- if (expectedValue != value)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedValue, value);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::VerticalTwipsToPixels() */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCmdVerticalTwipsToPixels(const TDesC& aSection)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calls CFbsBitmap::VerticalTwipsToPixels()"));
- // get twips from parameters
- TInt twips;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KTwips(), twips))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KTwips());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // call VerticalTwipsToPixels()
- TInt value = GetFbsBitmap()->VerticalTwipsToPixels(twips);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Pixels: %d"), value);
- // validate returned value if needed
- TInt expectedValue;
- if(GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KExpectedInt(), expectedValue))
- {
- if (expectedValue != value)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("The returned value is not as expected, expected: %d, actual: %d"), expectedValue, value);
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- }
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::ExternalizeL() or CFbsBitmap::ExternalizeRectangleL(). Used by DoCmdExternalize() and DoCmdExternalizeRectangle() methods */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::ExternalizeImplL(const TDesC& aSection, const TRect& aRect, TBool aUseRect)
- {
- // get file name from parameters
- TPtrC fileName;
- if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFileName(), fileName))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KFileName());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get a flag if to use closed stream from parameters
- TBool useClosedStream = EFalse;
- if(!GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KUseClosedStream(), useClosedStream))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KUseClosedStream());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // create write store
- CDirectFileStore* writestore = CDirectFileStore::ReplaceL(FileServer(), fileName, EFileStream | EFileWrite);
- CleanupStack::PushL(writestore);
- TInt popCount=1;
- TUidType uidtype(KDirectFileStoreLayoutUid, KMultiBitmapFileImageUid);
- writestore->SetTypeL(uidtype);
- // create write stream
- RStoreWriteStream writestrm;
- // close stream set by parameters
- if (!useClosedStream)
- {
- TStreamId headerid=writestrm.CreateL(*writestore);
- CleanupClosePushL(writestrm);
- ++popCount;
- writestore->SetRootL(headerid);
- }
- if (aUseRect)
- {
- // call ExternalizeRectangleL()
- TRAPD(err, GetFbsBitmap()->ExternalizeRectangleL(writestrm, aRect));
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Externalize rectangle error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // call ExternalizaL()
- TRAPD(err, GetFbsBitmap()->ExternalizeL(writestrm));
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Externalize error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
- // cleanup
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(popCount, writestore);
- }
-/** Calls CFbsBitmap::Load() or CFbsBitmap::LoadAndCompress(). Used by DoCmdLoad() and DoCmdLoadAndCompress() methods */
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::LoadOrLoadAndCompressL(const TDesC& aSection, TBool aCompress)
- {
- // get bitmap id from parameters
- TInt bitmapId;
- if(!GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KBitmapId(), bitmapId))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KBitmapId());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get file name from parameters
- TPtrC fileName;
- if (!GetStringFromConfig(aSection, KFileName(), fileName))
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("No %S"), &KFileName());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // get file offset from parameters
- TInt fileOffset;
- TBool useOffset = GetIntFromConfig(aSection, KFileOffset(), fileOffset);
- // get share if loaded from parameters
- TBool shareIfLoaded = EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KShareIfLoaded(), shareIfLoaded);
- // get flag if use RFile instance in Load() call from parameters
- TBool useRFile = EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KUseRFile(), useRFile);
- // get flag if use RFile instance in Load() call from parameters
- TBool useClosedRFile = EFalse;
- GetBoolFromConfig(aSection, KUseClosedRFile(), useClosedRFile);
- if (useClosedRFile && !useRFile)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Cannot use %S parameter if %S is not set to TRUE"), &KUseClosedRFile(), &KUseRFile());
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- // load bitmap
- TInt err = KErrNone;
- if (useRFile)
- {
- // required to allow file handle to be adopted by another process
- FileServer().ShareProtected();
- // open rfile
- RFile file;
- // if we use invalid RFile handle in our test
- if (!useClosedRFile)
- {
- User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(FileServer(), fileName, EFileShareReadersOnly));
- CleanupClosePushL(file);
- }
- // do load
- if (aCompress)
- {
- if (useOffset)
- {
- err = GetFbsBitmap()->LoadAndCompress(file, bitmapId, shareIfLoaded, fileOffset);
- }
- else
- {
- err = GetFbsBitmap()->LoadAndCompress(file, bitmapId, shareIfLoaded);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (useOffset)
- {
- err = GetFbsBitmap()->Load(file, bitmapId, shareIfLoaded, fileOffset);
- }
- else
- {
- err = GetFbsBitmap()->Load(file, bitmapId, shareIfLoaded);
- }
- }
- if (!useClosedRFile)
- {
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&file);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (aCompress)
- {
- if (useOffset)
- {
- err = GetFbsBitmap()->LoadAndCompress(fileName, bitmapId, shareIfLoaded, fileOffset);
- }
- else
- {
- err = GetFbsBitmap()->LoadAndCompress(fileName, bitmapId, shareIfLoaded);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (useOffset)
- {
- err = GetFbsBitmap()->Load(fileName, bitmapId, shareIfLoaded, fileOffset);
- }
- else
- {
- err = GetFbsBitmap()->Load(fileName, bitmapId, shareIfLoaded);
- }
- }
- }
- // check error code
- if (err != KErrNone)
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Load error: %d"), err);
- SetError(err);
- }
- }
- Virtual RunL - Called on completion of an asynchronous command
- @see MTPActiveCallback
- @param aActive Active Object that RunL has been called on
- @pre N/A
- @post N/A
- @leave system wide error code
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::RunL(CActive* aActive, const TInt aIndex)
- {
- if ( aActive==iActiveCompressInBackground )
- {
- RunCompressInBackground(aIndex);
- }
- else
- {
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Stray signal"));
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- DecOutstanding();
- }
- Virtual DoCancel - Request to cancel the asynchronous command
- @see - MTPActiveCallback
- @param aActive Active Object that DoCancel has been called on
- @pre - N/A
- @post - N/A
- @leave system wide error code
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCancel(CActive* aActive, const TInt aIndex)
- {
- if ( aActive==iActiveCompressInBackground )
- {
- DoCancelCompressInBackground(aIndex);
- }
- else
- {
- ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Stray signal"));
- SetBlockResult(EFail);
- }
- DecOutstanding();
- }
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::RunCompressInBackground(const TInt aIndex)
- {
- TInt err=iActiveCompressInBackground->iStatus.Int();
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("RunCompressInBackground %d"), err);
- if ( err!=KErrNone )
- {
- ERR_PRINTF2(_L("RunL Error %d"), err);
- SetAsyncError(aIndex, err);
- }
- }
-void CT_DataFbsBitmap::DoCancelCompressInBackground(const TInt /*aIndex*/)
- {
- }