--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/test/tauto/TGDI.CPP Tue Jun 22 15:21:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1289 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Test GDI functions
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include "TGDI.H"
+//#define LOGGING on //Uncomment this line to get extra test logging - useful if debugging a failure of one of the tests
+typedef CGdiTestLowLevel *(*GdiTestFunc)();
+const TInt KMaxFontSize = 200;
+static inline TBool IsLengthEqual(TInt aLLen, TInt aRLen, TInt aBbLen)
+ {
+// The bounding box of a 'w' is one pixel wider than it should be. W overlaps in to the bounding box of 'x' as the two
+// are stuck together. So add a tolerance of -1.
+ return (((aLLen+aRLen)==aBbLen) || ((aLLen+aRLen-1)==aBbLen));
+ }
+struct GdiTest
+ {
+ GdiTestFunc func;
+ const TText *txt;
+ };
+GdiTest GdiTestFuncs[]={
+ {BoxTextTest,_S("BoxText")},
+ {VertTextTest,_S("VertText")},
+ /*{JustifiedTextTest,_S("JustifiedText")},*/ // DEF107985 The test for JustifiedText has been removed as it was a bad/useless test
+ {VertBoxTextTest,_S("VertBoxText")},
+ {SetOriginTest,_S("SetOrigin")},
+ {PolyLineTest,_S("PolyLine")},
+ {PolygonTest,_S("Polygon")},
+ {DrawArcTest,_S("DrawArc")},
+ {DrawPieTest,_S("DrawPie")},
+ {DrawRoundRectTest,_S("DrawRoundRect")},
+ {WideLineTest,_S("WideLine")},
+ {DrawTextTest,_S("DrawText")},
+ {DrawRectTest,_S("DrawRect")},
+ };
+CTestWindow::CTestWindow(TRgb aCol) : CBlankWindow(aCol)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void CTestWindow::ConstructL(TPoint aPos,TSize aSize,CTWinBase* aParent, CWindowGc& aGc)
+ {
+ iWin=RWindow(TheClient->iWs);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWin.Construct(*(aParent->WinTreeNode()),ENullWsHandle));
+ SetExt(aPos,aSize);
+ Activate();
+ AssignGC(aGc);
+ }
+void CGdiTestLowLevel::SetGdiTest(CTGdi *aGdiTest)
+ {
+ iGdiTest=aGdiTest;
+ }
+void CGdiTestLowLevel::AssignGdi(CWindowGc *aGc)
+ {
+ iGdi=aGc;
+ }
+void CGdiTestLowLevel::ConstructL(TInt)
+ {
+ }
+void CGdiTestLowLevel::PreTestSetupL(const TRect &,TInt)
+ {
+ }
+// Individual GDI low level test classes //
+void CGdiRect::ConstructL(TInt)
+ {
+ }
+void CGdiRect::PreTestSetupL(const TRect &, TInt aCount)
+ {
+ iBrushCol=TRgb::Gray256(aCount&0x1 ? 0xFF : 0x60);
+ iPenCol=TRgb::Gray256(aCount&0x1 ? 0xA0 : 0x0);
+ }
+TInt CGdiRect::Count(TBool )
+ {
+ return(1);
+ }
+void CGdiDrawRect::BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount)
+ {
+ TheTest(aRect,aCount);
+ }
+void CGdiDrawRect::TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ iGdi->SetBrushColor(iBrushCol);
+ iGdi->SetPenColor(iPenCol);
+ iGdi->DrawRect(aRect);
+ }
+TInt CGdiDrawRect::Count(TBool aMode)
+ {
+ return(aMode ? 4:1);
+ }
+TInt CGdiDrawRoundRect::Count(TBool aMode)
+ {
+ return(aMode ? 4:1);
+ }
+void CGdiDrawRoundRect::BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount)
+ {
+ TheTest(aRect,aCount);
+ }
+void CGdiDrawRoundRect::TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount)
+ {
+ iGdi->SetBrushColor(iBrushCol);
+ iGdi->SetPenColor(iPenCol);
+ TSize size((aRect.iBr.iX-aRect.iTl.iX)/4,(aRect.iBr.iY-aRect.iTl.iY)/4);
+ switch(aCount)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ size.SetSize((aRect.iBr.iX-aRect.iTl.iX)/4,(aRect.iBr.iY-aRect.iTl.iY)/4);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ size.SetSize(0,0);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ size.SetSize((aRect.iBr.iX-aRect.iTl.iX)/2,(aRect.iBr.iY-aRect.iTl.iY)/2);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ size.SetSize((aRect.iBr.iX-aRect.iTl.iX),(aRect.iBr.iY-aRect.iTl.iY));
+ break;
+ }
+ iGdi->DrawRoundRect(aRect,size);
+ }
+TInt CGdiDrawACP::Count(TBool )
+ {
+ return(1);
+ }
+void CGdiDrawACP::ConstructL(TInt)
+ {
+ }
+void CGdiDrawACP::PreTestSetupL(const TRect &, TInt )
+ {
+ iBrushCol=TRgb::Gray256(0xff);
+ iPenCol=TRgb(0,0,0);
+ }
+void CGdiDrawArc::BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount)
+ {
+ TheTest(aRect,aCount);
+ }
+void CGdiDrawArc::TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ iGdi->SetBrushColor(iBrushCol);
+ iGdi->SetPenColor(iPenCol);
+ TPoint start(aRect.iTl.iX/2+aRect.iBr.iX,aRect.iTl.iY/2+aRect.iBr.iY);
+ iGdi->DrawArc(aRect,start,TPoint(0,0));
+ }
+void CGdiDrawPie::BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount)
+ {
+ TheTest(aRect,aCount);
+ }
+void CGdiDrawPie::TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ iGdi->SetBrushColor(iBrushCol);
+ iGdi->SetPenColor(iPenCol);
+ TPoint start(aRect.iTl.iX/2+aRect.iBr.iX,aRect.iTl.iY/2+aRect.iBr.iY);
+ iGdi->DrawPie(aRect,start,TPoint(0,0));
+ }
+// Polyline tests
+CGdiPolyLine::CGdiPolyLine() : iPnts(5)
+ {}
+void CGdiPolyLine::PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount)
+ {
+ iPnts.Reset();
+ TInt wid=aRect.Width();
+ TInt hgt=aRect.Height();
+ if (aCount==0)
+ {
+ TInt pos;
+ for(pos=0;pos<wid;pos+=10)
+ {
+ iPnts.AppendL(TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX+pos,aRect.iTl.iY));
+ iPnts.AppendL(TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX+pos+5,aRect.iBr.iY));
+ }
+ for(pos=0;pos<hgt;pos+=10)
+ {
+ iPnts.AppendL(TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX,aRect.iTl.iY+pos));
+ iPnts.AppendL(TPoint(aRect.iBr.iX,aRect.iTl.iY+pos+5));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt hgt=aRect.Height();
+ iPnts.AppendL(TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX,aRect.iTl.iY));
+ iPnts.AppendL(TPoint(aRect.iBr.iX,aRect.iTl.iY+hgt/2));
+ iPnts.AppendL(TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX,aRect.iBr.iY));
+ iPnts.AppendL(TPoint(aRect.iBr.iX,aRect.iBr.iY));
+ iPnts.AppendL(TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX,aRect.iTl.iY+hgt/2));
+ iPnts.AppendL(TPoint(aRect.iBr.iX,aRect.iTl.iY));
+ iPnts.AppendL(TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX,aRect.iTl.iY));
+ }
+ }
+void CGdiPolyLine::ConstructL(TInt )
+ {
+ }
+TInt CGdiPolyLine::Count(TBool aMainTests)
+ {
+ return(aMainTests ? 2 : 1);
+ }
+void CGdiPolyLine::BaseTest(const TRect &, TInt )
+ {
+ TPoint prev;
+ TInt index;
+ for(index=0;index<iPnts.Count();index++)
+ {
+ if (index>0)
+ iGdi->DrawLine(prev,iPnts[index]);
+ prev=iPnts[index];
+ }
+ if (index>0)
+ iGdi->Plot(iPnts[index-1]);
+ }
+void CGdiPolyLine::TheTest(const TRect &, TInt )
+ {
+ iGdi->DrawPolyLine(&iPnts);
+ }
+// Polygon tests //
+CGdiPolygon::CGdiPolygon() : iPnts(5)
+ {}
+void CGdiPolygon::PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt )
+ {
+ iPnts.Reset();
+ TPoint pnt;
+ TInt maxPoints=Min((TInt)KMaxPolygonPoints,Min(aRect.Width(),aRect.Height())/KPolygonStep);
+ TInt numPoints=0;
+ if (maxPoints>0)
+ {
+ iPnts.AppendL(aRect.iTl);
+ while(numPoints<maxPoints)
+ {
+ if (numPoints&1)
+ pnt.SetXY(aRect.iTl.iX+(numPoints+1)*KPolygonStep,aRect.iTl.iY+numPoints*KPolygonStep);
+ else
+ pnt.SetXY(aRect.iTl.iX+numPoints*KPolygonStep,aRect.iTl.iY+(numPoints+1)*KPolygonStep);
+ iPnts.AppendL(pnt);
+ numPoints++;
+ }
+ pnt.SetXY(aRect.iTl.iX+numPoints*KPolygonStep,aRect.iTl.iY+numPoints*KPolygonStep);
+ iPnts.AppendL(pnt);
+ while(numPoints>0)
+ {
+ numPoints--;
+ if (numPoints&1)
+ pnt.SetXY(aRect.iTl.iX+numPoints*KPolygonStep,aRect.iTl.iY+(numPoints+1)*KPolygonStep);
+ else
+ pnt.SetXY(aRect.iTl.iX+(numPoints+1)*KPolygonStep,aRect.iTl.iY+numPoints*KPolygonStep);
+ iPnts.AppendL(pnt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CGdiPolygon::ConstructL(TInt )
+ {
+ }
+TInt CGdiPolygon::Count(TBool aMainTests)
+ {
+ return(aMainTests ? 2 : 1);
+ }
+void CGdiPolygon::BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt )
+ {
+ iGdi->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray4(2));
+ iGdi->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(1));
+ iGdi->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ TInt maxPoints=Min((TInt)KMaxPolygonPoints,Min(aRect.Width(),aRect.Height())/KPolygonStep);
+ for(TInt numPoints=0;numPoints<maxPoints;numPoints++)
+ iGdi->DrawRect(TRect(aRect.iTl.iX+numPoints*KPolygonStep + 1,aRect.iTl.iY+numPoints*KPolygonStep + 1,
+ aRect.iTl.iX+(numPoints+1)*KPolygonStep ,aRect.iTl.iY+(numPoints+1)*KPolygonStep));
+ }
+void CGdiPolygon::TheTest(const TRect &, TInt )
+//This is the only one that can leave so it's not worth adding an 'L'
+ {
+ iGdi->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray4(2));
+ iGdi->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(1));
+ iGdi->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iGdi->DrawPolygon(&iPnts,CGraphicsContext::EAlternate));
+ }
+TInt CGdiWideLine::Count(TBool aMainTests)
+ {
+ return(aMainTests ? EMainNumWidths : EMinorNumWidths);
+ }
+void CGdiWideLine::ConstructL(TInt)
+ {
+ }
+void CGdiWideLine::PreTestSetupL(const TRect &, TInt aCount)
+ {
+ TInt widths[]={1,4,50,-2,
+ 48,12345,0,3,
+ 48,123,0,3,
+ 4,111,555,1000,
+ 10,-1,-10,-100};
+ iWidth=widths[aCount];
+ }
+void CGdiWideLine::BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ iGdi->SetPenSize(TSize(iWidth,iWidth));
+ iGdi->DrawLine(aRect.iTl,aRect.iBr);
+ iGdi->MoveTo(aRect.iTl+TPoint(0,10));
+ iGdi->DrawLineBy(aRect.iBr-aRect.iTl);
+ iGdi->MoveBy(aRect.iTl-aRect.iBr+TPoint(0,10));
+ iGdi->DrawLineTo(aRect.iBr+TPoint(0,20));
+ }
+void CGdiWideLine::TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ iGdi->SetPenSize(TSize(iWidth,iWidth));
+ iGdi->MoveTo(aRect.iTl);
+ iGdi->DrawLineBy(aRect.iBr-aRect.iTl);
+ iGdi->MoveBy(aRect.iTl-aRect.iBr+TPoint(0,10));
+ iGdi->DrawLineTo(aRect.iBr+TPoint(0,10));
+ iGdi->DrawLine(aRect.iTl+TPoint(0,20),aRect.iBr+TPoint(0,20));
+ }
+// Set Origin //
+ {
+ delete iPolylineArray;
+ delete iPolygonArray;
+ TheClient->iScreen->ReleaseFont(iFont);
+ }
+TInt CGdiSetOrigin::Count(TBool )
+ {
+ return(1);
+ }
+void CGdiSetOrigin::ConstructL(TInt)
+ {
+ iPolylineArray=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(3);
+ iPolylineArray->AppendL(TPoint(40,1));
+ iPolylineArray->AppendL(TPoint(50,11));
+ iPolylineArray->AppendL(TPoint(40,21));
+ iPolygonArray=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(3);
+ iPolygonArray->AppendL(TPoint(40,30));
+ iPolygonArray->AppendL(TPoint(50,40));
+ iPolygonArray->AppendL(TPoint(40,45));
+ TFontSpec fspec(KMonospaceTestFontTypefaceName,KMaxFontSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips((CFont *&)iFont,fspec));
+ }
+void CGdiSetOrigin::PreTestSetupL(const TRect &, TInt )
+ {
+ }
+void CGdiSetOrigin::DrawIt(const TPoint &aOffset)
+ {
+ iGdi->DrawLine(TPoint(10,10)+aOffset,TPoint(20,30)+aOffset);
+ iGdi->DrawLineBy(TPoint(-10,5));
+ iGdi->DrawLineTo(TPoint(20,5)+aOffset);
+ iGdi->MoveTo(TPoint(20,10)+aOffset);
+ iGdi->DrawLineTo(TPoint(30,15)+aOffset);
+ iGdi->MoveBy(TPoint(-10,2));
+ iGdi->DrawLineBy(TPoint(10,0));
+ iGdi->UseFont(iFont);
+ iGdi->DrawText(_L("Set Origin Test"),TPoint(40,20)+aOffset);
+ iGdi->DiscardFont();
+ iGdi->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(10,45)+aOffset,TPoint(20,55)+aOffset));
+ iGdi->DrawRoundRect(TRect(TPoint(21,45)+aOffset,TPoint(30,55)+aOffset),TSize(3,2));
+ iGdi->DrawEllipse(TRect(TPoint(31,45)+aOffset,TPoint(40,55)+aOffset));
+ TInt index;
+ for(index=0;index<iPolylineArray->Count();index++)
+ (*iPolylineArray)[index]+=aOffset;
+ iGdi->DrawPolyLine(iPolylineArray);
+ for(index=0;index<iPolylineArray->Count();index++)
+ (*iPolylineArray)[index]-=aOffset;
+ for(index=0;index<iPolygonArray->Count();index++)
+ (*iPolygonArray)[index]+=aOffset;
+ iGdi->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iGdi->DrawPolygon(iPolygonArray,CGraphicsContext::EAlternate)); //Doesn't cause any harm if it leaves
+ for(index=0;index<iPolygonArray->Count();index++)
+ (*iPolygonArray)[index]-=aOffset;
+ }
+void CGdiSetOrigin::BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ DrawIt(aRect.iTl);
+ }
+void CGdiSetOrigin::TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ iGdi->SetOrigin(aRect.iTl);
+ DrawIt(TPoint(0,0));
+ }
+// Draw text //
+ {
+ TheClient->iScreen->ReleaseFont(iFont);
+ }
+TInt CGdiDrawText::Count(TBool )
+ {
+ return(1);
+ }
+void CGdiDrawText::ConstructL(TInt)
+ {
+ TFontSpec fspec(KMonospaceTestFontTypefaceName,KMaxFontSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips((CFont *&)iFont,fspec));
+ TInt index;
+ for(index=0;index<iBigBuffer.MaxLength();index++)
+ iBigBuffer.Append(TChar((index%26)+'a'));
+ const TInt characters=iBigBuffer.Length();
+ TInt bbLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer);
+ for(index=0;index<iBigBuffer.MaxLength();index+=33)
+ {
+ TInt lLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer.Left(index));
+ TInt rLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer.Right(characters-index));
+ TBool result = IsLengthEqual(lLen,rLen,bbLen);
+ iGdiTest->TEST(result);
+ if (!result)
+ {
+ _LIT(KLog,"Font width metrics error, Width(%dchars)=%d, Width(%dchars)=%d, Width(%dchars)=%d");
+ iGdiTest->LOG_MESSAGE7(KLog,index,lLen,characters-index,rLen,characters,bbLen);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CGdiDrawText::PreTestSetupL(const TRect&,TInt)
+ {}
+void CGdiDrawText::BaseTest(const TRect& aRect,TInt)
+ {
+ TInt bbLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer);
+ TInt fAscent=iFont->AscentInPixels();
+ TInt fHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels();
+ iGdi->UseFont(iFont);
+ iGdi->DrawText(_L("Hello"), TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iTl.iY+fAscent));
+ TInt missingChars=iFont->TextCount(iBigBuffer,bbLen-aRect.iBr.iX)-1; // -1 so one off screen char is drawn to handle overhang
+ if (missingChars>=0)
+ {
+ TPtrC bbb=iBigBuffer.Right(iBigBuffer.Length()-missingChars);
+ TInt lLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer.Left(missingChars));
+ TInt rLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(bbb);
+ TBool result = IsLengthEqual(lLen,rLen,bbLen);
+ iGdiTest->TEST(result);
+ if (!result)
+ {
+ _LIT(KLog,"Font width metrics error, missingChars=%d %d+%d=%d");
+ iGdiTest->LOG_MESSAGE5(KLog,missingChars,lLen,rLen,bbLen);
+ }
+ iGdi->DrawText(bbb,TPoint(aRect.iBr.iX-rLen,aRect.iTl.iY+fAscent+fHeight));
+ }
+ iGdi->DiscardFont();
+ }
+void CGdiDrawText::TheTest(const TRect& aRect,TInt)
+ {
+ TInt bbLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer);
+ TInt fAscent=iFont->AscentInPixels();
+ TInt fHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels();
+ iGdi->UseFont(iFont);
+ iGdi->DrawText(_L("Hello"), TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iTl.iY+fAscent));
+ iGdi->DrawText(iBigBuffer,TPoint(aRect.iBr.iX-bbLen,aRect.iTl.iY+fAscent+fHeight));
+ iGdi->DiscardFont();
+ }
+// Draw vertical text //
+ {
+ TheClient->iScreen->ReleaseFont(iFont);
+ }
+TInt CGdiDrawVertText::Count(TBool )
+ {
+ return(1);
+ }
+void CGdiDrawVertText::ConstructL(TInt)
+ {
+ TFontSpec fspec(KMonospaceTestFontTypefaceName,KMaxFontSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips((CFont *&)iFont,fspec));
+ TInt index;
+ for(index=0;index<iBigBuffer.MaxLength();index++)
+ iBigBuffer.Append(TChar((index%26)+'a'));
+ TInt bbLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer);
+ for(index=0;index<iBigBuffer.MaxLength();index+=33)
+ {
+ TInt lLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer.Left(index));
+ TInt rLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer.Right(iBigBuffer.Length()-index));
+ TBool result = IsLengthEqual(lLen,rLen,bbLen);
+ iGdiTest->TEST(result);
+ if (!result)
+ iGdiTest->INFO_PRINTF3(_L("iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer) return value - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), lLen+rLen, bbLen);
+ }
+ }
+void CGdiDrawVertText::PreTestSetupL(const TRect &, TInt )
+ {
+ }
+void CGdiDrawVertText::BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ TInt bbLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer);
+ TInt fAscent=iFont->AscentInPixels();
+ TInt fHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels();
+ iGdi->UseFont(iFont);
+ TInt tlen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(_L("Hello"));
+ iGdi->DrawTextVertical(_L("Hello"), TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX+fAscent, aRect.iTl.iY+tlen), ETrue);
+ iGdi->DrawTextVertical(_L("Hello"), TPoint(aRect.iBr.iX-fAscent, aRect.iTl.iY), EFalse);
+ TInt missingChars=iFont->TextCount(iBigBuffer,bbLen-aRect.iBr.iY)-1; // -1 so one off screen char is drawn to handle overhang
+ if (missingChars>=0)
+ {
+ TPtrC bbb=iBigBuffer.Right(iBigBuffer.Length()-missingChars);
+ TInt lLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer.Left(missingChars));
+ TInt rLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(bbb);
+ TBool result = IsLengthEqual(lLen,rLen,bbLen);
+ iGdiTest->TEST(result);
+ if (!result)
+ iGdiTest->INFO_PRINTF3(_L("iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer) return value - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), lLen+rLen, bbLen);
+ iGdi->DrawTextVertical(bbb,TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX+fHeight-fAscent+fHeight,aRect.iBr.iY-rLen),EFalse);
+ }
+ iGdi->DiscardFont();
+ }
+void CGdiDrawVertText::TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ TInt bbLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer);
+ TInt fAscent=iFont->AscentInPixels();
+ TInt fHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels();
+ iGdi->UseFont(iFont);
+ TInt tlen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(_L("Hello"));
+ iGdi->DrawTextVertical(_L("Hello"), TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX+fAscent, aRect.iTl.iY+tlen), ETrue);
+ iGdi->DrawTextVertical(_L("Hello"), TPoint(aRect.iBr.iX-fAscent, aRect.iTl.iY), EFalse);
+ iGdi->DrawTextVertical(iBigBuffer,TPoint(aRect.iTl.iX+fHeight-fAscent+fHeight,aRect.iBr.iY-bbLen),EFalse);
+ iGdi->DiscardFont();
+ }
+// Draw Justified text //
+// DEF107985 The test for JustifiedText has been removed as it was a bad/useless test. The original test was
+// broken after it was migrated to TEF TGdi test. It was not worth fixing as the purpose of test was not clear,
+// and fixing it basically required rewriting the whole test.
+// Box text //
+ {
+ TheClient->iScreen->ReleaseFont(iFont);
+ }
+TInt CGdiBoxText::Count(TBool )
+ {
+ return(1);
+ }
+void CGdiBoxText::ConstructL(TInt)
+ {
+ TFontSpec fspec(KMonospaceTestFontTypefaceName,KMaxFontSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips((CFont *&)iFont,fspec));
+ for(TInt index=0;index<iBigBuffer.MaxLength();index++)
+ iBigBuffer.Append(TChar((index%26)+'a'));
+ iBbLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer);
+ }
+void CGdiBoxText::PreTestSetupL(const TRect &, TInt )
+ {
+ }
+void CGdiBoxText::BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ TInt rWid=aRect.iBr.iX-aRect.iTl.iX;
+ TInt fAscent=iFont->AscentInPixels();
+ TInt fHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels();
+ iGdi->UseFont(iFont);
+ iGdi->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ TRect rect(aRect);
+ rect.iBr.iY=rect.iTl.iY+fHeight;
+ TInt missingChars=iFont->TextCount(iBigBuffer,iBbLen-rWid);
+ TPtrC bbb=iBigBuffer.Right(iBigBuffer.Length()-missingChars);
+ TInt lLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer.Left(missingChars));
+ TInt rLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(bbb);
+ TBool result = IsLengthEqual(lLen,rLen,iBbLen);
+ iGdiTest->TEST(result);
+ if (!result)
+ iGdiTest->INFO_PRINTF3(_L("(lLen+rLen)==iBbLen return value - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), lLen+rLen, iBbLen);
+ iGdi->DrawText(bbb, rect, fAscent,CGraphicsContext::ELeft, rWid-rLen);
+ rect.Move(TPoint(0,fHeight));
+ iGdi->DrawText(iBigBuffer, rect, fAscent,CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 0);
+ TBuf<10> buf2(_L("1234567890"));
+ rect.Move(TPoint(0,fHeight));
+ iGdi->DrawText(buf2,rect,fAscent,CGraphicsContext::ERight,rect.Width()-iFont->TextWidthInPixels(buf2));
+ }
+void CGdiBoxText::TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ TInt rWid=aRect.iBr.iX-aRect.iTl.iX;
+ TInt fAscent=iFont->AscentInPixels();
+ TInt fHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels();
+ iGdi->UseFont(iFont);
+ iGdi->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ TRect rect(aRect);
+ rect.iBr.iY=rect.iTl.iY+fHeight;
+ iGdi->DrawText(iBigBuffer, rect, fAscent, CGraphicsContext::ELeft, rWid-iBbLen);
+ rect.Move(TPoint(0,fHeight));
+ iGdi->Clear(rect);
+ iGdi->SetClippingRegion(TRegionFix<1>(rect));
+ iGdi->DrawText(iBigBuffer, rect.iTl+TPoint(0,fAscent));
+ TBuf<10> buf2(_L("1234567890"));
+ rect.Move(TPoint(0,fHeight));
+ iGdi->CancelClippingRegion();
+ iGdi->DrawText(buf2,rect,fAscent);
+ }
+// Vert Box text //
+ {
+ TheClient->iScreen->ReleaseFont(iFont);
+ }
+TInt CGdiVertBoxText::Count(TBool )
+ {
+ return(1);
+ }
+void CGdiVertBoxText::ConstructL(TInt)
+ {
+ TFontSpec fspec(KMonospaceTestFontTypefaceName,KMaxFontSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips((CFont *&)iFont,fspec));
+ for(TInt index=0;index<iBigBuffer.MaxLength();index++)
+ iBigBuffer.Append(TChar((index%26)+'a'));
+ iBbLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer);
+ }
+void CGdiVertBoxText::PreTestSetupL(const TRect &, TInt )
+ {
+ }
+void CGdiVertBoxText::BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ TInt rWid=aRect.iBr.iY-aRect.iTl.iY;
+ TInt fAscent=iFont->AscentInPixels();
+ TInt fHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels();
+ iGdi->UseFont(iFont);
+ iGdi->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ TRect rect(aRect);
+ rect.iBr.iX=rect.iTl.iX+fHeight;
+ TInt missingChars=iFont->TextCount(iBigBuffer,iBbLen-rWid);
+ TPtrC bbb=iBigBuffer.Right(iBigBuffer.Length()-missingChars+1);
+ TInt lLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(iBigBuffer.Left(missingChars-1));
+ TInt rLen=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(bbb);
+ TBool result = IsLengthEqual(lLen,rLen,iBbLen);
+ iGdiTest->TEST(result);
+ if (!result)
+ iGdiTest->INFO_PRINTF3(_L("(lLen+rLen)==iBbLen return value - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), lLen+rLen, iBbLen);
+ iGdi->DrawTextVertical(bbb, rect, fAscent, ETrue,CGraphicsContext::ELeft, rWid-rLen);
+ rect.iTl.iX=rect.iBr.iX;
+ rect.iBr.iX=rect.iTl.iX+fHeight;
+ iGdi->DrawTextVertical(iBigBuffer, rect, fAscent, ETrue,CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 0);
+ }
+void CGdiVertBoxText::TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ TInt rWid=aRect.iBr.iY-aRect.iTl.iY;
+ TInt fAscent=iFont->AscentInPixels();
+ TInt fHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels();
+ iGdi->UseFont(iFont);
+ iGdi->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ TRect rect(aRect);
+ rect.iBr.iX=rect.iTl.iX+fHeight;
+ iGdi->DrawTextVertical(iBigBuffer, rect, fAscent, ETrue, CGraphicsContext::ELeft, rWid-iBbLen);
+ rect.iTl.iX=rect.iBr.iX;
+ rect.iBr.iX=rect.iTl.iX+fHeight;
+ iGdi->Clear(rect);
+ iGdi->SetClippingRegion(TRegionFix<1>(rect));
+ iGdi->DrawTextVertical(iBigBuffer, TPoint(rect.iTl.iX+fAscent,rect.iBr.iY), ETrue);
+ }
+ {
+ for(TInt index=0;index<ENumMasks;index++)
+ delete iMask[index];
+ delete iBitmap;
+ delete iScratch;
+ delete iScratchDevice;
+ delete iScratchGc;
+ delete iScratchMask;
+ delete iScratchMaskDevice;
+ delete iScratchMaskGc;
+ }
+TInt CGdiBlitMasked::Count(TBool aMainTests)
+ {
+ return(aMainTests ? ENumMasks*2 : ENumMasks*2);
+ }
+void CGdiBlitMasked::doCreateTestBitmapL(CFbsBitmap *aBitmap, CFbsBitGc *&aGc, CFbsBitmapDevice *&aDevice, const TSize &aSize)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfNull(aDevice=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(aBitmap));
+ User::LeaveIfError(aDevice->CreateContext(aGc));
+ aGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(128,128,128));
+ aGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ aGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+ aGc->DrawRect(TRect(aBitmap->SizeInPixels()));
+ aGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+ for(TInt index=(-aSize.iHeight);index<aSize.iWidth;index+=5)
+ {
+ aGc->DrawLine(TPoint(index,0),TPoint(index+aSize.iHeight,aSize.iHeight));
+ aGc->DrawLine(TPoint(index,aSize.iHeight),TPoint(index+aSize.iHeight,0));
+ }
+ }
+void CGdiBlitMasked::createTestBitmapL(CFbsBitmap *&aBitmap, const TSize &aSize)
+ {
+ CFbsBitGc *gc=NULL;
+ CFbsBitmapDevice *device=NULL;
+ aBitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfError(aBitmap->Create(aSize,EGray16));
+ TRAPD(err,doCreateTestBitmapL(aBitmap, gc, device, aSize));
+ delete gc;
+ delete device;
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ }
+void CGdiBlitMasked::ConstructL(TInt)
+ {
+ TSize max(0,0);
+ for(TInt index=0;index<ENumMasks;index++)
+ {
+ iMask[index]=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iMask[index]->Load(TAUTO_BITMAP_NAME,2+index));
+ TSize size=iMask[index]->SizeInPixels();
+ if (max.iWidth<size.iWidth)
+ max.iWidth=size.iWidth;
+ if (max.iHeight<size.iHeight)
+ max.iHeight=size.iHeight;
+ }
+ iScratch=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iScratch->Create(max,EGray16));
+ iScratchDevice=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(iScratch);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iScratchDevice->CreateContext(iScratchGc));
+ iScratchMask=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iScratchMask->Create(max,EGray16));
+ iScratchMaskDevice=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(iScratchMask);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iScratchMaskDevice->CreateContext(iScratchMaskGc));
+ createTestBitmapL(iBitmap, max);
+ }
+void CGdiBlitMasked::PreTestSetupL(const TRect &, TInt aCount)
+ {
+ iInvertMask=aCount&0x1;
+ aCount>>=1;
+ iCurrMask= iMask[aCount%ENumMasks];
+ iDrawMode=CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN;
+ }
+void CGdiBlitMasked::BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+// needs re-writing to emulate tiling of the source rect
+ if (!aRect.Intersects(TRect(BaseWin->Size())))
+ return;
+ TSize size(aRect.Size());
+ TSize bitSize=iBitmap->SizeInPixels();
+ if (size.iWidth>bitSize.iWidth)
+ size.iWidth=bitSize.iWidth;
+ if (size.iHeight>bitSize.iHeight)
+ size.iHeight=bitSize.iHeight;
+// Set up the scratch mask as a black and white bitmap containing the mask to blit
+// The mask pattern is replicated all over the scratchmask bitmap
+ iScratchMaskGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ iScratchMaskGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+ iScratchMaskGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(0,0,0));
+ iScratchMaskGc->DrawRect(TRect(iScratchMask->SizeInPixels()));
+ iScratchMaskGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(255,255,255));
+ iScratchMaskGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+ TSize maskSize(iCurrMask->SizeInPixels());
+ TPoint pos;
+ TRgb *rgbBuf=(TRgb *)User::AllocL(maskSize.iWidth*sizeof(TRgb)); //Doesn't do any harm if it leaves
+ for(pos.iY=0;pos.iY<maskSize.iHeight;pos.iY++)
+ {
+ TPtr8 ptr((TUint8 *)rgbBuf,maskSize.iWidth*sizeof(TRgb));
+ iCurrMask->GetScanLine(ptr, pos, maskSize.iWidth, ERgb);
+ for(TInt index=0;index<maskSize.iWidth;index++)
+ {
+ iScratchMaskGc->SetPenColor(rgbBuf[index]);
+// if ((isLow && !iLowCutOff) || (!isLow && iLowCutOff))
+ iScratchMaskGc->Plot(TPoint(index,pos.iY));
+ }
+ }
+ User::Free(rgbBuf);
+ for(pos.iY=0;pos.iY<size.iHeight;pos.iY+=maskSize.iHeight)
+ for(pos.iX=0;pos.iX<size.iWidth;pos.iX+=maskSize.iWidth)
+ iScratchMaskGc->CopyRect(pos, TRect(maskSize));
+// Blit this to the screen in ANDNOT mode to clear all the pixels we want the mask blit to draw to
+ iGdi->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeANDNOT);
+ iGdi->BitBlt(aRect.iTl, iScratchMask, TRect(size));
+// Copy the test bitmap to the scratch bitmap then use the scratch mask to clear all the bits
+// that should masked out of the draw to the screen
+ iScratchGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
+ iScratchGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0,0), iBitmap);
+ iScratchGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeAND);
+ iScratchGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0,0), iScratchMask);
+// Now copy the scratch bitmap to the screen in OR mode to get the final result
+ iGdi->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeOR);
+ iGdi->BitBlt(aRect.iTl, iScratch, TRect(size));
+ }
+void CGdiBlitMasked::TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt)
+ {
+ iGdi->BitBltMasked(aRect.iTl,iBitmap,TRect((aRect.iBr-aRect.iTl).AsSize()),
+ iCurrMask,iInvertMask);
+ }
+CTGdi::CTGdi(CTestStep* aStep) : CTWsGraphicsBase(aStep), iGdiTest (NULL), iTextOffsetX(10),iTextOffsetY(10)
+ {
+ }
+void CTGdi::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iWinSize=TestWin->Size();
+ }
+TSize CTGdi::WinSize()
+ {
+ return(iWinSize);
+ }
+void CTGdi::DoGdiTestL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aNum)
+ {
+ iGdiTest->PreTestSetupL(aRect,aNum);
+ BaseWin->Win()->Invalidate();
+ BaseWin->Win()->BeginRedraw();
+ TheGc->Activate(*BaseWin->Win());
+ iTest->DrawTestBackground(EFalse,BaseWin->Size());
+ iGdiTest->BaseTest(aRect,aNum);
+ TheGc->Deactivate();
+ BaseWin->Win()->EndRedraw();
+ TestWin->Win()->Invalidate();
+ TestWin->Win()->BeginRedraw();
+ TheGc->Activate(*TestWin->Win());
+ iTest->DrawTestBackground(EFalse,TestWin->Size());
+ iGdiTest->TheTest(aRect,aNum);
+ TheGc->Deactivate();
+ TestWin->Win()->EndRedraw();
+ TheClient->iWs.Flush();
+ TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
+ TheClient->iWs.Finish();
+ _LIT(KLog,"GDI Substate=%d test=%d rect=(%d,%d,%d,%d) ");
+ TBuf<64> buf;
+ buf.Format(KLog,iSubState,aNum,aRect.iTl.iX,aRect.iTl.iY,aRect.iBr.iX,aRect.iBr.iY);
+ iTestPassing=CompareWindows(buf);
+ }
+void CTGdi::GdiTestL(CGdiTestLowLevel *aTest)
+ {
+ TTestRects::ResetSeed();
+ iTestPassing=ETrue;
+ iGdiTest=aTest;
+ iGdiTest->SetGdiTest(this);
+ iGdiTest->AssignGdi(TheGc);
+ iGdiTest->ConstructL(iTest->iTestRects.Count1());
+ TInt index;
+ TInt index2;
+ for(index=0; iTestPassing && index<iTest->iTestRects.Count2(); ++index)
+ {
+ TInt max=iGdiTest->Count(index<iTest->iTestRects.Count1());
+ TRect rect=iTest->iTestRects[index];
+ #if defined(LOGGING)
+ _LIT(KLog1,"Testing rectangle %d (%d,%d,%d,%d) 1st pass");
+ LOG_MESSAGE6(KLog1,index,rect.iTl.iX,rect.iTl.iY,rect.iBr.iX,rect.iBr.iY);
+ #endif
+ for(index2=0; iTestPassing && index2<max; ++index2)
+ DoGdiTestL(rect,index2);
+ if (!iTestPassing)
+ {
+ _LIT(KLog,"Test fail on rectangle %d at iteration %d");
+ LOG_MESSAGE3(KLog,index,index2);
+ }
+ }
+ for(; iTestPassing && index<iTest->iTestRects.Count3(); index++)
+ {
+ TRect rect=iTest->iTestRects[index];
+ #if defined(LOGGING)
+ _LIT(KLog2,"Testing rectangle %d (%d,%d,%d,%d) 2nd pass");
+ LOG_MESSAGE6(KLog2,index,rect.iTl.iX,rect.iTl.iY,rect.iBr.iX,rect.iBr.iY);
+ #endif
+ DoGdiTestL(rect,0);
+ }
+ delete iGdiTest;
+ iGdiTest=NULL;
+ }
+void CTGdi::NonDrawing()
+// Test all non-drawing GDI functions
+ {
+ TDisplayMode mode=TheClient->iScreen->DisplayMode();
+ TEST((mode!=ERgb) && (mode!=ENone));
+ RWsSession session;
+ TInt res = session.Connect();
+ TEST(res == KErrNone);
+ CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* modeList= new CArrayFixFlat<TInt> (15);
+ if(!modeList)
+ return;
+ res = session.GetColorModeList(iTest->iScreenNumber, modeList);
+ res = session.GetColorModeList(modeList);
+ session.Close();
+ TEST(res == KErrNone);
+ if(res != KErrNone)
+ {
+ modeList->Reset();
+ delete modeList;
+ return;
+ }
+ TBool found = EFalse;
+ for(TInt ii = 0; ii < modeList->Count() && !found; ii++)
+ {
+ TDisplayMode mode1 = (TDisplayMode) ((*modeList)[ii]);
+ if(mode == mode1)
+ {
+ found = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ modeList->Reset();
+ delete modeList;
+ TEST(found);
+ }
+// Auxiliary Fn for Test Case ID CTGdi_TestDefetct_DEF045746
+// This method draws the text represented by aText parameter on the window
+// passed to it.
+void CTGdi::DrawTextOnWindow(const TDesC& aText,CTWin* aWin)
+ {
+ aWin->Win()->BeginRedraw();
+ TheGc->Activate(*aWin->Win());
+ TheGc->Device()->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(iFont,TFontSpec(_L("Arial"),250));
+ TheGc->UseFont(iFont);
+ TheGc->Clear();
+ TheGc->DrawRect(TRect(aWin->Win()->Size()));
+ TheGc->DrawText(aText,TPoint(iTextOffsetX,iTextOffsetY));
+ TheGc->Device()->ReleaseFont(iFont);
+ TheGc->Deactivate();
+ aWin->Win()->EndRedraw();
+ }
+void CTGdi::TestDefetct_DEF045746L()
+ {
+ _LIT(KString,"This is a test window for the defect fix DEF045746 \
+ propagated from Opera browser. Most window graphics context drawing\
+ functions map to equivalent CFbsBitGc functions they are implemented\
+ on the screen with any co-ordinates being relative to the top left\
+ corner of the window. However extra clipping is applied. The drawing\
+ will always be clipped to the visible part of the window, in addition\
+ it will be clipped to the non-invalid part if you are not doing a\
+ redraw and to the region being validated if you are doing a redraw.");
+ TPtrC TestText(KString().Ptr(),100);
+ TPtrC LargeText(KString().Ptr());
+ TPtrC ShortText(KString().Ptr(),200);
+ TSize scrSize=TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels();
+ TSize winSize;
+ const TInt windowGap=5;
+ winSize.SetSize(scrSize.iWidth -2* windowGap,scrSize.iHeight/2 - windowGap);
+ iWin=new(ELeave) CTestWindow(TRgb(0,0,0));
+ iWin->ConstructL(TPoint(5,5),TSize(winSize),TheClient->iGroup,*TheClient->iGc);
+ CTestWindow* expectWin= new(ELeave) CTestWindow(TRgb(0,0,0));
+ expectWin->ConstructL(TPoint(5,scrSize.iHeight/2 + windowGap),TSize(winSize),TheClient->iGroup,*TheClient->iGc);
+ DrawTextOnWindow(ShortText,iWin);
+ DrawTextOnWindow(TestText,expectWin);
+ TInt fHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels();//Used to compare only pixels where text is drawn
+ TRect iRect=winSize;
+ iRect.iTl.iX=iTextOffsetX;
+ iRect.iTl.iY=iTextOffsetY;
+ iRect.iBr.iY=iTextOffsetY+fHeight;
+ CheckRect(iWin,expectWin,iRect,_L("TestDefetct_DEF045746L A"));
+ iWin->Invalidate();
+ DrawTextOnWindow(LargeText,iWin);
+ CheckRect(iWin,expectWin,iRect,_L("TestDefetct_DEF045746L B"));
+ delete iWin;
+ iWin=NULL;
+ delete expectWin;
+ expectWin=NULL;
+ }
+void CTGdi::RunTestCaseL(TInt /*aCurTestCase*/)
+ {
+ //_LIT(KTest1,"NonDrawing"); this test is not running
+ _LIT(KTest2,"DEF045746");
+ _LIT(KTest3,"Drawing Tests");
+ ((CTGdiStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KUnknownSYMTestCaseIDName);
+ static TTime startTime;
+ switch(++iTest->iState)
+ {
+@SYMDEF DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test all non-drawing GDI functions
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestStatus Implemented
+@SYMTestActions Check all non-drawing GDI functions operate correctly
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Non-drawing GDI functions operate correctly
+ case 1:
+ // start time log
+ startTime.HomeTime();
+ ((CTGdiStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0262"));
+ //iTest->LogSubTest(KTest1);
+ //PeterI this tests whether the display mode is EGray4 or EGray16.
+ //The actual display mode is EColor16MU so this test will always fail
+ //NonDrawingL();
+ break;
+ *
+ * @SYMPREQ DEF045746
+ *
+ * @SYMTestCaseDesc Test defect fix for DEF045746
+ *
+ * @SYMTestPriority High
+ *
+ * @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+ *
+ * @SYMTestActions The method tests CWindowGc::DrawText().The test is carried
+ * out by writing small & very large strings to the window graphic context.
+ *
+ * @SYMTestExpectedResults The window with large / small strings written is
+ * compared with an expected result window. In both the cases strings should
+ * be displayed.
+ *
+ */
+ case 2:
+ ((CTGdiStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0263"));
+ iTest->LogSubTest(KTest2);
+ TestDefetct_DEF045746L();
+ break;
+@SYMDEF DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test all drawing GDI functions
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestStatus Implemented
+@SYMTestActions Check all drawing GDI functions operate correctly
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Drawing GDI functions operate correctly
+ case 3:
+ {
+ ((CTGdiStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0264"));
+ iTest->LogSubTest(KTest3);
+ iSubState = 0;
+ TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish(); //Just in case the two test windows have any invalid areas
+ TInt numTests = sizeof(GdiTestFuncs) / sizeof(GdiTestFuncs[0]);
+ while (iSubState < numTests)
+ {
+ LOG_MESSAGE(TPtrC(GdiTestFuncs[iSubState].txt));
+ GdiTestL((*GdiTestFuncs[iSubState].func)());
+ iSubState++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ((CTGdiStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
+ ((CTGdiStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+ TestComplete();
+ // log time and print duration
+ TTime endTime;
+ endTime.HomeTime();
+ TInt64 duration = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime).Int64();
+ float time = (float) I64LOW(duration) / 1000.0f;
+ _LIT(KDuration,"Total test duration is %f millisec");
+ RDebug::Print(KDuration, time);
+ break;
+ }
+ ((CTGdiStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL();
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *SetOriginTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiSetOrigin());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *PolyLineTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiPolyLine());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *PolygonTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiPolygon());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *BlitMaskedTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiBlitMasked());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *DrawArcTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiDrawArc());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *DrawPieTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiDrawPie());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *DrawRoundRectTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiDrawRoundRect());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *BoxTextTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiBoxText());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *VertTextTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiDrawVertText());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *VertBoxTextTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiVertBoxText());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *WideLineTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiWideLine());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *DrawTextTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiDrawText());
+ }
+CGdiTestLowLevel *DrawRectTest()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CGdiDrawRect());
+ }