--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/test/tauto/TGDI.H Tue Jun 22 15:21:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#ifndef __TGDI_H__
+#define __TGDI_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include "../tlib/testbase.h"
+#include <bitstd.h>
+#include "AUTO.H"
+#include "TGraphicsHarness.h"
+class CGdiTestLowLevel;
+CGdiTestLowLevel *SetOriginTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *PolyLineTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *PolygonTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *BlitMaskedTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *DrawArcTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *DrawPieTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *DrawRoundRectTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *BoxTextTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *VertTextTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *JustifiedTextTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *VertBoxTextTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *WideLineTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *DrawTextTest();
+CGdiTestLowLevel *DrawRectTest();
+class CTGdi;
+class CGdiTestLowLevel : public CBase
+// BaseTest uses code that is assumed to be good to draw to one window
+// TheTest uses the code beng tested to draw a matching pattern
+ {
+ void AssignGdi(CWindowGc *aGc);
+ void SetGdiTest(CTGdi *aGdiTest);
+ virtual void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ virtual void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount)=0;
+ virtual void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount)=0;
+ virtual void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ virtual TInt Count(TBool aMainTests)=0;
+ CWindowGc *iGdi;
+ CTGdi *iGdiTest;
+ };
+class CGdiRect : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ TRgb iBrushCol;
+ TRgb iPenCol;
+ };
+class CGdiDrawRect : public CGdiRect
+ {
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ };
+class CGdiDrawRoundRect : public CGdiRect
+ {
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ };
+class CGdiDrawACP : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ TRgb iBrushCol;
+ TRgb iPenCol;
+ };
+class CGdiDrawArc : public CGdiDrawACP
+ {
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ };
+class CGdiDrawPie : public CGdiDrawACP
+ {
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ };
+class CGdiPolyLine : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ CGdiPolyLine();
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ CArrayFixSeg<TPoint> iPnts;
+ };
+class CGdiPolygon : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ enum {KMaxPolygonPoints=100};
+ enum {KPolygonStep=4};
+ CGdiPolygon();
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ CArrayFixSeg<TPoint> iPnts;
+ };
+class CGdiWideLine : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ enum TMaxWidths {
+ EMainNumWidths=16,
+ EMinorNumWidths=4};
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ TInt iWidth;
+ };
+class CGdiSetOrigin : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ ~CGdiSetOrigin();
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void DrawIt(const TPoint &aOffset);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ CFbsFont *iFont;
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPoint> *iPolylineArray;
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPoint> *iPolygonArray;
+ };
+class CGdiDrawText : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ ~CGdiDrawText();
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ TInt iWidth;
+ CFbsFont *iFont;
+ TBuf<0x400> iBigBuffer;
+ };
+class CGdiDrawVertText : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ ~CGdiDrawVertText();
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ TInt iWidth;
+ CFbsFont *iFont;
+ TBuf<0x400> iBigBuffer;
+ };
+//class CGdiDrawJustifiedText : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+//DEF107985 The test for JustifiedText has been removed as it was a bad/useless test
+class CGdiBoxText : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ ~CGdiBoxText();
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ TInt iWidth;
+ TInt iBbLen;
+ CFbsFont *iFont;
+ TBuf<0x400> iBigBuffer;
+ };
+class CGdiVertBoxText : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ ~CGdiVertBoxText();
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ TInt iWidth;
+ TInt iBbLen;
+ CFbsFont *iFont;
+ TBuf<0x400> iBigBuffer;
+ };
+class CGdiDottedLine : public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ enum TMaxPatterns {
+ EMainMaxPatterns=5,
+ EMinorMaxPatterns=3};
+ void SetGridRegion(TRegion &grid,const TRect &aRect);
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ TUint iPattern;
+ TInt iPattLen;
+ static TUint iPatterns[EMainMaxPatterns];
+ static TInt iPattLens[EMainMaxPatterns];
+ };
+TUint CGdiDottedLine::iPatterns[]={
+ 0x55FF0033,
+ 0xFF00,
+ 0x1,
+ 0xFFFF,
+ 0xF0F0F0};
+TInt CGdiDottedLine::iPattLens[]={
+ 32,
+ 16,
+ 2,
+ 32,
+ 24};
+class CTestWindow : public CBlankWindow
+ {
+ CTestWindow(TRgb aCol);
+ ~CTestWindow();
+ void ConstructL(TPoint aPos,TSize aSize,CTWinBase* aParent, CWindowGc& aGc );
+ };
+class CGdiBlitMasked: public CGdiTestLowLevel
+ {
+ enum TNumMasks {ENumMasks=2};
+ ~CGdiBlitMasked();
+ void PreTestSetupL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void BaseTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void TheTest(const TRect &aRect, TInt aCount);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aNumOfRects);
+ TInt Count(TBool aMainTests);
+ void doCreateTestBitmapL(CFbsBitmap *aBitmap, CFbsBitGc *&aGc, CFbsBitmapDevice *&aDevice, const TSize &aSize);
+ void createTestBitmapL(CFbsBitmap *&aBitmap, const TSize &aSize);
+ CFbsBitmap *iMask[ENumMasks];
+ CFbsBitmap *iBitmap;
+ CFbsBitmap *iScratch;
+ CFbsBitmapDevice *iScratchDevice;
+ CFbsBitGc *iScratchGc;
+ CFbsBitmap *iScratchMask;
+ CFbsBitmapDevice *iScratchMaskDevice;
+ CFbsBitGc *iScratchMaskGc;
+ TBool iInvertMask;
+ CFbsBitmap *iCurrMask;
+ CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode iDrawMode;
+ };
+class CTGdi : public CTWsGraphicsBase
+ {
+ CTGdi(CTestStep* aStep);
+ void ConstructL();
+ TSize WinSize();
+ void GdiTestL(CGdiTestLowLevel *aTest);
+ void TestDefetct_DEF045746L();
+ void DrawTextOnWindow(const TDesC& aText,CTWin* aWin);
+//from CTGraphicsStep
+ virtual void RunTestCaseL(TInt aCurTestCase);
+ void DoGdiTestL(const TRect &aRect, TInt aNum);
+ void NonDrawing();
+ TSize iWinSize;
+ TInt iSubState;
+ CGdiTestLowLevel *iGdiTest;
+ CTestWindow* iWin;
+ CFont* iFont;
+ TInt iTextOffsetX;
+ TInt iTextOffsetY;
+ TBool iTestPassing;
+ };
+class CTGdiStep : public CTGraphicsStep
+ {
+ CTGdiStep();
+ //from CTGraphicsStep
+ virtual CTGraphicsBase* CreateTestL();
+ };