changeset 103 2717213c588a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/test/tauto/TREDRAW.CPP	Tue Jun 22 15:21:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1586 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Window redraw/validate/invalidate tests
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include "TREDRAW.H"
+LOCAL_D TSize FullScreenModeSize;
+const TRgb KRed = TRgb(255,0,0);
+const TRgb KBlack = TRgb(0,0,0);
+const TRgb KWhite = TRgb(255,255,255);
+const TRgb KTransBisque = TRgb(255,228,196,128);
+const TRgb KTransLightSalmon = TRgb(255,160,122,128);
+const TRgb KLightSteelBlue = TRgb(176,196,222);
+const TRgb KCadetBlue = TRgb(95,158,160);
+TInt CTRedrawOrderWindow::iRedrawNumber=0;
+#define InvalidRegionLogging
+#if defined(InvalidRegionLogging)
+#define BLOG_MESSAGE(p) (const_cast<CTRedrawTest*>(&iGraphicsTest))->LogMessage(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__,(p))
+//  //
+CTCheckDefectWin* CTCheckDefectWin::NewL(TPoint aPos,TSize aWinSize)
+	{
+	CTCheckDefectWin* win=new(ELeave) CTCheckDefectWin;
+	win->ConstructExtLD(*TheClient->iGroup,aPos,aWinSize);
+	win->BaseWin()->SetRequiredDisplayMode(EColor256);
+	win->AssignGC(*TheClient->iGc);
+	win->BaseWin()->SetShadowDisabled(ETrue);
+	win->BaseWin()->SetShadowHeight(0);
+	TheClient->Flush();
+	return win;
+	}
+CRedrawWindow::CRedrawWindow(CTRedrawTest *aTest) : CTWin(), iTest(aTest)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	iInvalid.Close();
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow::Draw()
+	{
+	ReceivedDrawRequest();
+	DrawPattern(iTest->WinContent());
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow::ReceivedDrawRequest()
+	{
+	iDrawRequests++;
+	}
+TInt CRedrawWindow::DrawRequests() const
+	{
+	return iDrawRequests;
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow::DrawPattern(TInt aPattern)
+	{
+	iGc->Clear();
+	TPoint drawBase(-10,-20);
+	TSize drawSize(iSize.iWidth-2*drawBase.iX,iSize.iHeight-2*drawBase.iY);
+	TPoint offset=drawBase+iOffset;
+	switch(aPattern)
+		{
+		case EDrawGraphPaperlHatched:
+			{
+			iGc->DrawRect(TRect(drawBase,drawBase+drawSize));
+			iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(85,85,85));
+			iGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+			TInt xpos;
+			for(xpos=0;xpos<drawSize.iWidth;xpos+=15)
+				iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(xpos,0)+offset,TPoint(xpos,drawSize.iHeight)+offset);
+			TInt ypos;
+			for(ypos=0;ypos<drawSize.iHeight;ypos+=15)
+				iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(0,ypos)+offset,TPoint(drawSize.iWidth,ypos)+offset);
+			break;
+			}
+		case EDrawSlantingHatched:
+			{
+			iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(255,255,255));
+			iGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+			for(TInt xpos=0;xpos<drawSize.iWidth;xpos+=16)
+				{
+				iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(xpos,0)+offset,TPoint(drawSize.iWidth,xpos*drawSize.iHeight/drawSize.iWidth)+offset);
+				iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(xpos,0)+offset,TPoint(0,drawSize.iHeight-xpos*drawSize.iHeight/drawSize.iWidth)+offset);
+				iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(xpos,drawSize.iHeight)+offset,TPoint(drawSize.iWidth,drawSize.iHeight-xpos*drawSize.iHeight/drawSize.iWidth)+offset);
+				iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(xpos,drawSize.iHeight)+offset,TPoint(0,xpos*drawSize.iHeight/drawSize.iWidth)+offset);
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case EDrawCenteredRectangle:
+			{
+			TRect rect(5,iSize.iHeight/4,iSize.iWidth-5,iSize.iHeight/2);
+			iGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+			iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(255,255,255));
+			iGc->DrawRect(rect);
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			// Other pattern values requested are ignored
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow::Reset()
+	{
+	iOffset=TPoint(0,0);
+	iWin.Invalidate();
+	iInvalid.Clear();
+	}
+ * Calculate the window region minus the region covered by the child
+ * window; this is the "visible region"
+ */
+void CRedrawWindow::VisibleRegion(RRegion &aRegion)
+	{
+	aRegion.Clear();
+	aRegion.AddRect(TRect(Size()));
+	TRect child;
+	child.iTl=Child()->BaseWin()->InquireOffset(iWin);
+	child.iBr=child.iTl+Child()->Size();
+	aRegion.SubRect(child);
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow::ValidateAndClear()
+	{
+	Win()->Invalidate();
+	Win()->BeginRedraw();
+	iGc->Activate(*Win());
+	iGc->Clear();
+	iGc->Deactivate();
+	Win()->EndRedraw();
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow::ActivateAndDraw(TInt aPattern, TRegion *aRegion)
+	{
+	iGc->Activate(*Win());
+	if (aRegion)
+		iGc->SetClippingRegion(*aRegion);
+	DrawPattern(aPattern);
+	iGc->Deactivate();
+	}
+CReferenceComparisonRedrawWindow::CReferenceComparisonRedrawWindow(CTRedrawTest *aTest) : CRedrawWindow(aTest)
+	{}
+ * Prepare the invalid region.
+ * 
+ * Update the invalid region with a rectangle where such a rectangle is minus
+ * any area covered by a child window.
+ * 
+ * @param aRect Rectangle to be added to the invalid region
+ */
+void CReferenceComparisonRedrawWindow::PrepareInvalidation(const TRect &aRect)
+	{
+	RRegion clipped_visible;
+	VisibleRegion(clipped_visible);
+	clipped_visible.ClipRect(aRect);
+	iInvalid.Union(clipped_visible);
+	clipped_visible.Close();
+	iInvalid.Tidy();
+	}
+ * Mop up all pending invalid regions and simulate a Draw().
+ * 
+ * Normally, we would rely on WServ to call this window's Draw() method
+ * to obtain drawing operations to cover the currently invalid regions
+ * of the window.
+ * 
+ * This method does that task by marking all invalid regions as clean and
+ * then performs the drawing required in the invalid portions of the screen.
+ * 
+ * The purpose of this is to then allow a comparison to be made against a
+ * different window which does rely on the WServ framework calling back
+ * to do a Draw().
+ * 
+ * @post the window has no outstanding invalid regions
+ */
+void CReferenceComparisonRedrawWindow::PerformInvalidation()
+	{
+	for(TInt index=0;index<iInvalid.Count();index++)
+		{
+		iWin.Invalidate(iInvalid[index]);
+		iWin.BeginRedraw(iInvalid[index]);
+		iWin.EndRedraw();
+		}
+	iWin.BeginRedraw(iInvalid.BoundingRect());
+	iGc->Activate(iWin);
+	iGc->SetClippingRegion(iInvalid);
+	DrawPattern(iTest->WinContent());
+	iGc->Deactivate();
+	iWin.EndRedraw();
+	}
+CRedrawWindow2::CRedrawWindow2(CTRedrawTest *aTest) : CRedrawWindow(aTest)
+	{
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow2::Draw()
+	{
+	ReceivedDrawRequest();
+	if (iClipped)
+		iGc->SetClippingRegion(iInvalid);
+	DrawPattern(iTest->WinContent());
+	if (iClipped)
+		iGc->CancelClippingRegion();
+	}
+ * Prepare the invalid region.
+ * @param aRect rectangle to be added to the invalid region
+ */
+void CRedrawWindow2::PrepareInvalidation(const TRect &aRect)
+	{
+	iInvalid.Clear();
+	iInvalid.AddRect(aRect);
+	}
+ * Perform invalidation by setting the window's invalid region.
+ * 
+ * The purpose of this method is to stimulate a call from WServ to the
+ * Draw() method of this class.
+ */
+void CRedrawWindow2::PerformInvalidation()
+	{
+	iWin.Invalidate(iInvalid.BoundingRect());
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow2::Reset()
+	{
+	CRedrawWindow::Reset();
+	iClipped=EFalse;
+	}
+CRedrawWindow3::CRedrawWindow3(CTRedrawTest *aTest) : CRedrawWindow(aTest)
+	{
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow3::Draw()
+	{
+	ReceivedDrawRequest();
+	iGc->Clear();
+	iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+	iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(0,255,255));
+	iGc->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(0,0),TSize(50,50)));
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow3::PrepareInvalidation(const TRect &aRect)
+	{
+	iInvalid.Clear();
+	iInvalid.AddRect(aRect);
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow3::PerformInvalidation()
+	{
+	iWin.Invalidate(iInvalid.BoundingRect());
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow3::SetUp1L(TPoint pos,TSize size,CTWinBase *parent, CWindowGc &aGc)
+	{
+	ConstructL(*parent);
+	SetExtL(pos,size);
+	AssignGC(aGc);
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow3::Redraw(const TRect &aRect)
+	{
+	if(!isActive)
+		{//make an empty redraw
+		iWin.BeginRedraw(aRect);
+		iWin.EndRedraw();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		CTWin::Redraw(aRect);
+		}	
+	}
+void CRedrawWindow3::Activate()
+	{
+	isActive = ETrue;
+	Win()->Activate();
+	}
+CTRedrawOrderWindow::CTRedrawOrderWindow(TInt aOrder, CTRedrawTest *aTest) : iTest(aTest), iOrder(aOrder)
+	{}
+CTRedrawOrderWindow* CTRedrawOrderWindow::NewLC(TInt aOrder,CTWinBase* aParent,const TPoint& aPos,const TSize& aSize,CTRedrawTest* aTest)
+	{
+	CTRedrawOrderWindow* self=new(ELeave) CTRedrawOrderWindow(aOrder,aTest);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->SetUpL(aPos,aSize,aParent,*TheGc);
+	return self;
+	}
+void CTRedrawOrderWindow::Draw()
+	{
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray16(iOrder*2));
+	iGc->Clear();
+	}
+void CTRedrawOrderWindow::ResetRedrawNumber()
+	{
+	iRedrawNumber=0;
+	}
+void CTRedrawOrderWindow::Redraw(const TRect &aRect)
+	{
+	if (++iRedrawNumber!=iOrder)
+		iTest->Failed(iOrder);
+	CTWin::Redraw(aRect);
+	}
+TInt DestructCallback(TAny *aParam)
+	{
+	((CTRedrawTest *)aParam)->doDestruct();
+	return(0);
+	}
+CTRedrawTest::CTRedrawTest(CTestStep* aStep):
+	CTWsGraphicsBase(aStep)//, iInvalidRegionChecker(*this)
+	{}
+void CTRedrawTest::doDestruct()
+	{
+	BaseWin->SetVisible(ETrue);
+	TestWin->SetVisible(ETrue);
+	delete iBaseRedrawWin;
+	delete iTestRedrawWin;
+	delete iBaseChildWin;
+	delete iTestChildWin;
+	}
+	{
+	TCallBack callBack(DestructCallback,this);
+	TheClient->SetRedrawCancelFunction(callBack);
+	delete iInvalidRegionChecker;	
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::ConstructL()
+	{
+#if defined(InvalidRegionLogging)
+	LOG_MESSAGE(_L("  CTRedrawTest::ConstructL()"));
+	LOG_MESSAGE4(_L("  Ex Wins 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x"), BaseWin, TestWin, &(TheClient->StdLogWindow()));
+	iInvalidRegionChecker = new(ELeave)CInvalidRegionChecker(*this);
+	User::LeaveIfError(iInvalidRegionChecker->AddExcludedWindow(BaseWin));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iInvalidRegionChecker->AddExcludedWindow(TestWin));
+	User::LeaveIfError(iInvalidRegionChecker->AddExcludedWindow(&(TheClient->StdLogWindow())));
+	WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);	
+	iWinContent=0;
+	BaseWin->SetVisible(EFalse);
+	TestWin->SetVisible(EFalse);
+	FullScreenModeSize=TheClient->iGroup->Size();
+	TInt winWidth=(FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/3)-10;
+	TInt winHeight=FullScreenModeSize.iHeight-10;
+	iBaseRedrawWin=new(ELeave) CReferenceComparisonRedrawWindow(this);
+	iBaseRedrawWin->SetUpL(TPoint(FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/3+5,5),TSize(winWidth,winHeight),TheClient->iGroup,*TheClient->iGc);
+	iTestRedrawWin=new(ELeave) CRedrawWindow2(this);
+	iTestRedrawWin->SetUpL(TPoint(FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/3*2+5,5),TSize(winWidth,winHeight),TheClient->iGroup,*TheClient->iGc);
+	iBaseChildWin=new(ELeave) CBlankWindow();
+	iBaseChildWin->SetUpL(TPoint(winWidth>>2,winHeight>>2),TSize(winWidth>>1,winHeight>>1),iBaseRedrawWin,*TheClient->iGc);
+	iTestChildWin=new(ELeave) CBlankWindow();
+	iTestChildWin->SetUpL(TPoint(winWidth>>2,winHeight>>2),TSize(winWidth>>1,winHeight>>1),iTestRedrawWin,*TheClient->iGc);
+#if defined(InvalidRegionLogging)
+	LOG_MESSAGE5(_L("  In Wins %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x"), iBaseRedrawWin, iBaseChildWin, iTestRedrawWin, iTestChildWin);
+	WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+#if defined(InvalidRegionLogging)
+	LOG_MESSAGE(_L("  Done"));
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::CheckRedrawWindows()
+	{
+	_LIT(KTest,"Redraw Test, SubTest %d ");
+	TBuf<64> buf;
+	buf.Format(KTest,iTest->iState);
+	CheckRect(iBaseRedrawWin,iTestRedrawWin,TRect(iBaseRedrawWin->Size()),buf);
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::InvalidateTestWins(const TRect &aRect)
+	{
+	iBaseRedrawWin->PrepareInvalidation(aRect);
+	iTestRedrawWin->PrepareInvalidation(aRect);
+	iBaseRedrawWin->PerformInvalidation();
+	iTestRedrawWin->PerformInvalidation();
+	}
+inline TInt CTRedrawTest::WinContent()
+	{
+	return iWinContent;
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::SetBackground(const TRgb &aRgb)
+	{
+	iBaseRedrawWin->iWin.SetBackgroundColor(aRgb);
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.SetBackgroundColor(aRgb);
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::DumpRegion(const TRegion &aRegion)
+	{
+	_LIT(KLog,"RegionRect %d: (%d,%d,%d,%d)");
+	for (TInt ii=0;ii<aRegion.Count();++ii)
+		{
+		const TRect& rect=aRegion[ii];
+		LOG_MESSAGE6(KLog,ii,rect.iTl.iX,rect.iTl.iY,rect.iBr.iX,rect.iBr.iY);
+		}
+	}
+ * Compare Regions to see if the region we think we have dirtied can be
+ * completely covered by the WServ invalid region.
+ * 
+ * @param aDirtyRegion 			Region we have made dirty
+ * @param aWservInvalidRegion	Region WServ thinks is dirty
+ */
+void CTRedrawTest::CompareRegionsL(const TRegion &aDirtyRegion,const TRegion &aWservInvalidRegion)
+	{
+	_LIT(KDirty,"Dirty Region, %d Rects");
+	_LIT(KInvalid,"Invalid Region, %d Rects");
+	_LIT(KDiff,"Diff Region, %d Rects");
+	RRegion tmp;
+	TBool loggedRegions=EFalse;
+	tmp.Copy(aDirtyRegion);
+	tmp.SubRegion(aWservInvalidRegion);
+	if (tmp.CheckError())
+		User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
+	TBool isEmpty=tmp.IsEmpty();
+	TEST(isEmpty);
+	if (!isEmpty)
+		{
+		_LIT(KLog,"DirtyRegion contains area not in WservInvalidRegion");
+		loggedRegions=ETrue;
+		LOG_MESSAGE2(KDirty,aDirtyRegion.Count());
+		DumpRegion(aDirtyRegion);
+		LOG_MESSAGE2(KInvalid,aWservInvalidRegion.Count());
+		DumpRegion(aWservInvalidRegion);
+		LOG_MESSAGE2(KDiff,tmp.Count());
+		DumpRegion(tmp);
+		}
+	tmp.Copy(aWservInvalidRegion);
+	tmp.SubRegion(aDirtyRegion);
+	if (tmp.CheckError())
+		User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
+	isEmpty=tmp.IsEmpty();
+	//TEST(isEmpty);		//This test currently fails and a defect will be raises about it
+	if (!isEmpty)
+		{
+		_LIT(KLog,"WservInvalidRegion contains area not in DirtyRegion");
+		if (!loggedRegions)
+			{
+			LOG_MESSAGE2(KDirty,aDirtyRegion.Count());
+			DumpRegion(aDirtyRegion);
+			LOG_MESSAGE2(KInvalid,aWservInvalidRegion.Count());
+			DumpRegion(aWservInvalidRegion);
+			}
+		LOG_MESSAGE2(KDiff,tmp.Count());
+		DumpRegion(tmp);
+		}
+	tmp.Close();
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::MoveInvalidAreaL()
+	{
+	TPoint old=iTestRedrawWin->iWin.Position();
+	TSize screenSize=TheClient->iGroup->Size();
+	iBaseRedrawWin->iWin.Invalidate();
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.Invalidate();
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.SetPosition(TPoint(10,10));
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.SetPosition(TPoint(0,0));
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.SetPosition(TPoint(-10,-10));
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.SetPosition(TPoint(screenSize.iWidth-10,screenSize.iHeight-10));
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.SetPosition(TPoint(screenSize.iWidth,screenSize.iHeight));
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.SetPosition(TPoint(screenSize.iWidth+10,screenSize.iHeight+10));
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.SetPosition(old);
+	RRegion baseInvalidRegion;
+	RRegion testInvalidRegion;
+	iBaseRedrawWin->iWin.GetInvalidRegion(baseInvalidRegion);
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.GetInvalidRegion(testInvalidRegion);
+	CompareRegionsL(baseInvalidRegion,testInvalidRegion);
+	baseInvalidRegion.Close();
+	testInvalidRegion.Close();
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::GetInvalidRegionTestsL()
+	{
+	TSize stdWinSize(iTest->StdTestWindowSize());
+	CArrayFixFlat<TRect>* rectList=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TRect>(3);
+	rectList->AppendL(TRect(1,1,5,2));
+	rectList->AppendL(TRect(stdWinSize.iWidth>>1,stdWinSize.iHeight>>1,stdWinSize.iWidth,stdWinSize.iHeight));
+	rectList->AppendL(TRect(2,0,4,5));
+	TestGetInvalidRegionL(rectList);
+	rectList->Reset();
+	rectList->AppendL(TRect(-1000,-1,10000,5));
+	rectList->AppendL(TRect(0,0,stdWinSize.iWidth>>1,stdWinSize.iHeight>>1));
+	rectList->AppendL(TRect(2,100,2*stdWinSize.iWidth,105));
+	TestGetInvalidRegionL(rectList);
+	delete rectList;
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::TestGetInvalidRegionL(const CArrayFixFlat<TRect> *aRectList)
+	{
+	RRegion invalidRegion;
+	RRegion region;
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.BeginRedraw();
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.EndRedraw();
+	for (TInt index=0;index<aRectList->Count();index++)
+		{
+		iTestRedrawWin->iWin.Invalidate((*aRectList)[index]);
+		region.AddRect((*aRectList)[index]);
+		}
+	//Currently WSERV includes areas under a child or other window in the invalid region
+	//This is arguable the incorrect thing to do
+	/*TRect subRect;
+	subRect.iTl=iTestChildWin->BaseWin()->InquireOffset(iTestRedrawWin->iWin);
+	subRect.SetSize(iTestChildWin->Size());
+	region.SubRect(subRect);*/
+	region.ClipRect(TRect(iTestRedrawWin->Size()));
+	iTestRedrawWin->iWin.GetInvalidRegion(invalidRegion);
+	CompareRegionsL(region,invalidRegion);
+	region.Close();
+	invalidRegion.Close();
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::Failed(TInt aOrder)
+	{
+	_LIT(KLog,"Redraw Order Error, Window Drawn at Position %d should be drawn at Position %d");
+	LOG_MESSAGE3(KLog,CTRedrawOrderWindow::RedrawNumber(),aOrder);
+	if (iRedrawNo==0)
+		iRedrawNo=CTRedrawOrderWindow::RedrawNumber();
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::CheckOrderL()
+	{
+	_LIT(KLog,"Fail in redraw order test, first position of error is %d");
+	iRedrawNo=0;
+	CTRedrawOrderWindow* order1;
+	CTRedrawOrderWindow* order2;
+	CTRedrawOrderWindow* order3;
+	CTRedrawOrderWindow* order4;
+	CTRedrawOrderWindow* order5;
+	CTRedrawOrderWindow* order6;
+	CTRedrawOrderWindow* order7;
+	order6=CTRedrawOrderWindow::NewLC(6,TheClient->iGroup,TPoint(100,10),TSize(40,40),this);
+	order7=CTRedrawOrderWindow::NewLC(7,order6,TPoint(0,0),TSize(20,20),this);
+	order1=CTRedrawOrderWindow::NewLC(1,TheClient->iGroup,TPoint(10,10),TSize(60,40),this);
+	order4=CTRedrawOrderWindow::NewLC(4,order1,TPoint(20,0),TSize(20,40),this);
+	order5=CTRedrawOrderWindow::NewLC(5,order4,TPoint(0,0),TSize(20,20),this);
+	order2=CTRedrawOrderWindow::NewLC(2,order1,TPoint(0,0),TSize(20,40),this);
+	order3=CTRedrawOrderWindow::NewLC(3,order2,TPoint(0,0),TSize(20,20),this);
+	TheClient->iWs.Finish();  // Fix for DEF133199 - Intermittant failure with windows out of order 
+	WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);	// Check order is correct after initial creation
+	TEST(order1!=NULL && order2!=NULL && order3!=NULL && order4!=NULL && order5!=NULL && order6!=NULL && order7!=NULL);	// redundant check to shut up the compiler
+	TEST(iRedrawNo==0);
+	if (iRedrawNo>0)
+		LOG_MESSAGE2(KLog,iRedrawNo);
+	CTRedrawOrderWindow::ResetRedrawNumber();
+	iRedrawNo=0;
+	CTUser::Splat(TheClient,TRect(0,0,200,60),TRgb(0,0,0));
+	TheClient->iWs.Flush();
+	WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);	// Check it's still correct on subsequent redraws
+	TEST(iRedrawNo==0);
+	if (iRedrawNo>0)
+		LOG_MESSAGE2(KLog,iRedrawNo);
+	CTRedrawOrderWindow::ResetRedrawNumber();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(7,order6);
+	}
+// For reproducing INC049554
+void CTRedrawTest::CheckDefectINC049554L()
+	{
+	if(TransparencySupportedL() == KErrNotSupported) //the defect only happens when transparency enabled
+		return;
+	TSize screenSize=TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels();
+	TPoint winPos(screenSize.iWidth/3,0);
+	TSize winSize(screenSize.iWidth/3,screenSize.iHeight);
+	CTCheckDefectWin* lowerWin=CTCheckDefectWin::NewL(winPos,winSize);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(lowerWin);
+	lowerWin->Activate();
+	TheClient->Flush();
+	WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+	winPos.iX+=screenSize.iWidth/12;
+	CTCheckDefectWin* upperWin=CTCheckDefectWin::NewL(winPos,winSize);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(upperWin);
+	upperWin->Activate();
+	TheClient->Flush();
+	WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+	// Invalidate the lower win and while drawing its content, move top window
+	lowerWin->Invalidate();
+	lowerWin->Win()->BeginRedraw();
+	TheClient->iGc->Activate(*lowerWin->DrawableWin());
+	TheClient->iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+	TheClient->iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+	TheClient->iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(0,255,0));
+	TheClient->iGc->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(0,0),TSize(50,50)));
+	winPos.iX+=screenSize.iWidth/12;
+	upperWin->SetExt(winPos,winSize);
+	TheClient->iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(255,0,0));
+	TheClient->iGc->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(0,0),TSize(50,50)));
+	TheClient->iGc->Deactivate();
+	lowerWin->Win()->EndRedraw();
+	TheClient->Flush();
+	WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(upperWin);
+	// Create 2 transaprent windows, slightly over lapping the background window
+	winPos.iX=screenSize.iWidth/3;
+	TPoint winPosTop(winPos.iX-screenSize.iWidth/6,0);
+	TSize winSizeTop(screenSize.iWidth/3+screenSize.iWidth/6,screenSize.iHeight/2);
+	CTCheckDefectWin* leftWin=CTCheckDefectWin::NewL(winPosTop,winSizeTop);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(leftWin);
+	leftWin->Win()->SetTransparencyAlphaChannel();
+	leftWin->Win()->SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(0,0,0, 128));
+	leftWin->Activate();
+	TheClient->iWs.Finish();
+	WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+	CTCheckDefectWin* rightWin=CTCheckDefectWin::NewL(winPos,winSizeTop);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(rightWin);
+	rightWin->Win()->SetTransparencyAlphaChannel();
+	rightWin->Win()->SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(0,0,0, 128));
+	rightWin->Activate();
+	TheClient->iWs.Finish();
+	WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+	lowerWin->Invalidate();
+	lowerWin->Win()->BeginRedraw();
+	TheClient->iGc->Activate(*lowerWin->DrawableWin());
+	TheClient->iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+	TheClient->iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+	TheClient->iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(0,255,0));
+	TheClient->iGc->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(0,0),TSize(50,50)));
+	TheClient->iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(255,0,0));
+	TheClient->iGc->DrawRect(TRect(TPoint(0,0),TSize(50,50)));
+	TheClient->iGc->Deactivate();
+	lowerWin->Win()->EndRedraw();
+	TheClient->iWs.Finish();
+	WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3,lowerWin);
+	}
+TInt myKK=1;
+void CTRedrawTest::TestRect()
+	{
+	TBuf<50> snapshotFileName;
+	snapshotFileName.Zero();
+	CFbsBitmap *snapshot=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(snapshot);
+	User::LeaveIfError(snapshot->Create(TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels(),TheClient->iScreen->DisplayMode()));		
+	User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->CopyScreenToBitmap(snapshot));
+	TRect rect1=TRect(TPoint(),TSize(FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/2,FullScreenModeSize.iHeight));
+	TRect rect2=TRect(TPoint(FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/2,0),TSize(FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/2,FullScreenModeSize.iHeight));
+	TBool retVal = TheClient->iScreen->RectCompare(rect1,rect2);
+	RDebug::Printf("Picture %i !!!: Rect1: (%i,%i)->(%i,%i)  -  Rect2: (%i,%i)->(%i,%i)",myKK,
+			rect1.iTl.iX,rect1.iTl.iY,rect1.iBr.iX,rect1.iBr.iY,
+			rect2.iTl.iX,rect2.iTl.iY,rect2.iBr.iX,rect2.iBr.iY);	
+	if (retVal)
+		{
+		snapshotFileName.Format(KSnap,myKK);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		snapshotFileName.Format(KSnapE,myKK);	
+		}
+	snapshot->Save(snapshotFileName);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(snapshot);
+	myKK++;	
+	TEST(retVal);
+	if(!retVal)
+		INFO_PRINTF3(_L("TheClient->iScreen->RectCompare() return value  - Expected: %d, Actual: %d"), ETrue, retVal);
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::ConstructAndSetBlankWinLC(RBlankWindow& aWindow, TSize aSize, TPoint aPoint/*=TPoint()*/,
+						   					TRgb aBackgroundColor/*=TRgb(0,0,0)*/)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(aWindow.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin(), ENullWsHandle));
+	CleanupClosePushL(aWindow);
+	aWindow.SetExtent(aPoint, aSize);
+	aWindow.SetColor(aBackgroundColor);
+	aWindow.Activate();
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::ConstructWindowLC(RWindow& aWindow, TSize aSize, TPoint aPoint/*=TPoint()*/,
+						   			 TRgb aBackgroundColor/*=TRgb(255,255,255)*/, TBool aTransparencyByAlpha/*=EFalse*/,
+						   			 TDisplayMode aDisplayMode/*=EColor64K*/)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(aWindow.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin(), ENullWsHandle));
+	CleanupClosePushL(aWindow);
+	aWindow.SetExtent(aPoint,aSize);
+	aWindow.SetBackgroundColor(aBackgroundColor);
+	aWindow.SetRequiredDisplayMode(aDisplayMode);
+	if (aTransparencyByAlpha)
+		{
+		aWindow.SetTransparencyAlphaChannel();
+		}
+	aWindow.Activate();
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::ActivateAndSetGc(CWindowGc& aGc, RWindow& aWindow, CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle aBrushStyle/*=CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush*/, TRgb aBrushColor/*=TRgb(0,0,0)*/,
+					  				CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle aPenStyle/*=CGraphicsContext::ENullPen*/, TRgb aPenColor/*=TRgb(0,0,0)*/)
+	{
+	aGc.Activate(aWindow);
+	aGc.Reset();
+	aGc.SetBrushStyle(aBrushStyle);
+	aGc.SetBrushColor(aBrushColor);
+	aGc.SetPenStyle(aPenStyle);
+	aGc.SetPenColor(aPenColor);
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::DrawWin(CWindowGc& aGc, RWindow& aWin, TSize aWinSize, TRgb aRectColor1, TRgb aRectColor2, TInt aNewOrdinalPos/*=0*/, RWindow* aWinToMove/*=NULL*/, TBool aDrawAllPixels/*=EFalse*/)
+	{
+	const TUint startX = 10;
+	const TUint endX = aWinSize.iWidth - startX;
+	const TUint startY = 10;
+	const TUint sHeight = (aWinSize.iHeight >> 1) - startY;
+	ActivateAndSetGc(aGc,aWin);
+	aWin.BeginRedraw();
+	if(aDrawAllPixels)
+		{
+		aGc.SetBrushColor(KWhite);
+		aGc.DrawRect(TRect(aWinSize));
+		}
+	aGc.SetBrushColor(aRectColor1);
+	aGc.DrawRect(TRect(startX, startY, endX, sHeight));
+	if (aWinToMove)
+		{
+		aWinToMove->SetOrdinalPosition(aNewOrdinalPos);
+		TheClient->iWs.Finish();
+		}
+	aGc.SetBrushColor(aRectColor2);
+	aGc.DrawRect(TRect(startX, sHeight + startY, endX, aWinSize.iHeight - startY));
+	aWin.EndRedraw();
+	aGc.Deactivate();
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::CheckOrdinalPositionDefectL()
+	{
+	if(TransparencySupportedL() == KErrNotSupported) //the defect only happens when transparency enabled
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	const TRgb KTransWinColor = TRgb(0,0,255,128);
+	const TUint hWidth  = FullScreenModeSize.iWidth >> 1;
+	const TSize windowSize = TSize(hWidth,FullScreenModeSize.iHeight);
+	const TPoint rightWinStartPt = TPoint(hWidth,0);
+	// A Blank Window to clear the screen.
+	// It is required to clear all the pixels on the screen.
+	RBlankWindow clrWin(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructAndSetBlankWinLC(clrWin, FullScreenModeSize);
+	// Transparent window
+	RWindow winLeftT(TheClient->iWs);
+ 	ConstructWindowLC(winLeftT, windowSize, TPoint(), KTransWinColor,ETrue);
+	CWindowGc& gc = *(TheClient->iGc);
+	// Draw the Transparent Window (winLeftT) on the Left side
+ 	DrawWin(gc, winLeftT, windowSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon);
+	// Invisible window
+	RWindow winRightI(TheClient->iWs);
+	User::LeaveIfError(winRightI.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin(), ENullWsHandle));
+	CleanupClosePushL(winRightI);
+	winRightI.SetExtent(rightWinStartPt, windowSize);
+	winRightI.SetVisible(EFalse);
+	winRightI.Activate();
+	// Transparent window
+	RWindow winRightT(TheClient->iWs);
+ 	ConstructWindowLC(winRightT, windowSize, rightWinStartPt, KTransWinColor,ETrue);
+	// Draw the Transparent Window (winRightT) on the Right side and change the
+	// Ordinal Position for Invisible Window (winRightI) to move it front
+	// to the Transparent Window.
+	// Invisible window is behind the Transparent Window
+ 	DrawWin(gc, winRightT, windowSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon, 0, &winRightI); // Move winRightI to Front of winRightT
+	TestRect();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, &clrWin);
+	}
+// For reproducing PDEF099892
+void CTRedrawTest::CheckDefectPDEF099892L()
+	{
+	if(TransparencySupportedL() == KErrNotSupported) //the defect only happens when transparency enabled
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	const TRgb KTransWinColor = TRgb(0,0,255,128);
+	const TUint hWidth  = FullScreenModeSize.iWidth >> 1;
+	const TUint hHeight = FullScreenModeSize.iHeight >> 1;
+	const TSize windowSize = TSize(hWidth,FullScreenModeSize.iHeight);
+	const TSize transWinSize = TSize(hWidth,hHeight + 10);
+	const TPoint rightWinStartPt = TPoint(hWidth,0);
+	// A Blank Window to clear the screen.
+	// It is required to clear all the pixels on the screen.
+	RBlankWindow clrWin(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructAndSetBlankWinLC(clrWin, FullScreenModeSize);
+	// Create an Opaque and a Transparent Window and Draw them on the
+	// Left Side of the Screen. Opaque Window is Behind the Transparent Window.
+	// Opaque Window
+	RWindow winLeftOpq(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructWindowLC(winLeftOpq, windowSize, TPoint(), KRed);
+	// Transparent window
+	RWindow winLeftT(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructWindowLC(winLeftT, transWinSize, TPoint(), KTransWinColor, ETrue);
+	CWindowGc& gc = *(TheClient->iGc);
+	// Draw the transparent Window (winLeftT) on the Left side
+ 	DrawWin(gc, winLeftT, transWinSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon);
+	// Draw the Opaque Window (winLeftOpq) on the Left side
+	DrawWin(gc, winLeftOpq, windowSize, KLightSteelBlue, KCadetBlue, 0, NULL, ETrue);
+	// Create an Invisible, an Opaque and a Transparent Window and Draw them on the
+	// Right Side of the Screen. Invisible Window is Behind the Opaque Window and
+	// Opaque Window is Behind the Transparent Window.
+	// While drawing the Transparent Window, move the Invisible Window to the Front of Opaque Window.
+	// And while Drawing the Opaque Window move the Invisible Window again Behind the Opaque Window.
+	// Invisible window
+	RWindow winRightI(TheClient->iWs);
+	User::LeaveIfError(winRightI.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin(), ENullWsHandle));
+	CleanupClosePushL(winRightI);
+	winRightI.SetExtent(rightWinStartPt, windowSize);
+	winRightI.SetVisible(EFalse);
+	winRightI.Activate();
+	// Opaque Window
+	RWindow winRightOpq(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructWindowLC(winRightOpq, windowSize, rightWinStartPt, KRed);
+	// Transparent window
+	RWindow winRightT(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructWindowLC(winRightT, transWinSize, rightWinStartPt, KTransWinColor, ETrue);
+	// Draw the transparent Window (winRightT) on the Right side
+ 	DrawWin(gc, winRightT, transWinSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon, 1, &winRightI );
+	// Draw the Opaque Window (winRightOpq) on the Right side
+	DrawWin(gc, winRightOpq, windowSize, KLightSteelBlue, KCadetBlue, 2, &winRightI, ETrue);
+	// Compare the Left and Right side Rectangles
+	TestRect();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(6, &clrWin);
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::CheckMMSDefectL(TBool aMoveBlankWindow)
+	{
+	if(TransparencySupportedL() == KErrNotSupported) //the defect only happens when transparency enabled
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	const TRgb KTransWinColor = TRgb(0,0,255,128);
+	const TUint hWidth  = FullScreenModeSize.iWidth >> 1;
+	const TUint hHeight = FullScreenModeSize.iHeight >> 1;
+	const TSize windowSize = TSize(hWidth,FullScreenModeSize.iHeight);
+	const TSize transWinSize = TSize(hWidth - 20,hHeight + 10);
+	const TPoint rightWinStartPt = TPoint(hWidth,0);
+	// A Blank Window to clear the screen.
+	// It is required to clear all the pixels on the screen.
+	RBlankWindow clrWin(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructAndSetBlankWinLC(clrWin, FullScreenModeSize);
+	// Create an Opaque and a Transparent Window and Draw them on the
+	// Left Side of the Screen. Opaque Window is Behind the Transparent Window.
+	// Opaque Window
+	RWindow winLeftOpq(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructWindowLC(winLeftOpq, windowSize, TPoint(), KRed);
+	CWindowGc& gc = *(TheClient->iGc);
+	// Draw the Opaque Window (winLeftOpq) on the Left side
+	DrawWin(gc, winLeftOpq, windowSize, KLightSteelBlue, KCadetBlue, 0, NULL, ETrue);
+	// Another Window - A Blank Window
+	RBlankWindow winLeftBlank(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructAndSetBlankWinLC(winLeftBlank, TSize(100,100), TPoint(20,20), TRgb(128,128,128));
+	// Transparent window
+	RWindow winLeftT(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructWindowLC(winLeftT, transWinSize, TPoint(10, 10), KTransWinColor, ETrue);
+	// Draw the Transparent Window (winLeftT) on the Left side
+ 	DrawWin(gc, winLeftT, transWinSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon);
+	// Invisible window
+	RWindow winRightI(TheClient->iWs);
+	User::LeaveIfError(winRightI.Construct(*TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin(), ENullWsHandle));
+	CleanupClosePushL(winRightI);
+	winRightI.SetExtent(rightWinStartPt, windowSize);
+	winRightI.SetVisible(EFalse);
+	winRightI.Activate();
+	// Opaque Window
+	RWindow winRightOpq(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructWindowLC(winRightOpq, windowSize, rightWinStartPt, KRed);
+	// Draw the Opaque Window (winRightOpq) on the Right side
+	DrawWin(gc, winRightOpq, windowSize, KLightSteelBlue, KCadetBlue, 0, NULL, ETrue);
+	// Another Window - A Blank Window
+	RBlankWindow winRightBlank(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructAndSetBlankWinLC(winRightBlank, TSize(100,100), rightWinStartPt + TPoint(20,20), TRgb(128,128,128));
+	// Transparent window
+	RWindow winRightT(TheClient->iWs);
+	ConstructWindowLC(winRightT, transWinSize, rightWinStartPt + TPoint(10,10), KTransWinColor, ETrue);
+	if (aMoveBlankWindow)
+		{
+		winRightBlank.SetOrdinalPosition(0); // Move the Blank Window to the front of the Transparent Window
+		TheClient->iWs.Finish();
+		}
+	// Draw the transparent Window (winRightT) on the Right side
+ 	DrawWin(gc, winRightT, transWinSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon, 2, &winRightI);
+	if (aMoveBlankWindow)
+		{
+		winRightBlank.SetOrdinalPosition(1); // Move the Blank Window back to behind the Transparent Window
+		TheClient->iWs.Finish();
+		}
+	TestRect();
+ 	DrawWin(gc, winRightT, transWinSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon, 0, &winRightI);
+	TestRect(); // if aMoveBlankWindow is ETrue then this will test the Defect PDEF099892
+	// Rest of the lines are just to check other possibilities.
+	// But,currently, they are not affecting the result.
+	// i.e. the DrawWin() functions called after this line will draw the same thing
+	// as it was drawn for the DrawWin() called just before this line.
+ 	DrawWin(gc, winRightT, transWinSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon, 1, &winRightI);
+	TestRect();
+	DrawWin(gc, winRightT, transWinSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon, 0, &winRightI);
+	TestRect();
+	DrawWin(gc, winRightT, transWinSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon, 2, &winRightI);
+	TestRect();
+	DrawWin(gc, winRightT, transWinSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon, 1, &winRightI);
+	TestRect();
+	DrawWin(gc, winRightT, transWinSize, KTransBisque, KTransLightSalmon, 3, &winRightI);
+	TestRect();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(8, &clrWin);
+	}
+The test window is receiving a draw request before it activates, 
+doing an empty redraw, then activating itself, and drawing itself properly in 
+response to the next redraw request.  
+Without the fix the next redraw request will not be received and it will be drawn blank. 
+void CTRedrawTest::CheckDefectPDEF117784L()
+	{
+	TSize winSize = BaseWin->Size();
+	TInt winWidth=(FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/3)-10;
+	TInt winHeight=FullScreenModeSize.iHeight-10;
+	CRedrawWindow3* baseRedrawWin = new(ELeave) CRedrawWindow3(this);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(baseRedrawWin);
+	TPoint ptBase = TPoint(FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/3*2+5,5);
+	baseRedrawWin->SetUp1L(ptBase,TSize(winWidth,winHeight),TheClient->iGroup,*TheClient->iGc);
+	baseRedrawWin->SetVisible(ETrue);
+	baseRedrawWin->Activate();
+	CRedrawWindow3* testRedrawWin = new(ELeave) CRedrawWindow3(this);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(testRedrawWin);
+	TPoint ptTest = TPoint(FullScreenModeSize.iWidth/3+5,5);
+	testRedrawWin->SetUp1L(ptTest,TSize(winWidth,winHeight),TheClient->iGroup,*TheClient->iGc);
+	testRedrawWin->SetVisible(ETrue);
+	testRedrawWin->Activate();
+	TheClient->iWs.Finish();
+	User::LeaveIfError(iInvalidRegionChecker->AddExcludedWindow(testRedrawWin));
+	TBool retVal = WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+	TEST(retVal == KErrNone);
+	if(retVal != KErrNone)
+	    {
+	    ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CTRedrawTest::WaitForRedrawsToFinish failed with error: %d"), retVal);
+	    }
+	iInvalidRegionChecker->RemoveExcludedWindow(testRedrawWin);
+	TheClient->iWs.Finish();
+	retVal = WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+	TEST(retVal == KErrNone);
+	if(retVal != KErrNone)
+	    {
+        ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CTRedrawTest::WaitForRedrawsToFinish failed with error: %d"), retVal);
+	    }
+	retVal = TheClient->iScreen->RectCompare(TRect(TPoint(ptBase),TSize(winWidth,winHeight)),TRect(TPoint(ptTest),TSize(winWidth,winHeight)));
+	TEST(retVal);
+	if(!retVal)
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("New activated window has lost redraw request"));
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, baseRedrawWin);
+	}
+CInvalidRegionChecker::CInvalidRegionChecker(const CTRedrawTest& aGraphicsTest)
+	: iGraphicsTest(aGraphicsTest) 
+	{}
+	{
+	iExcludedWindowArray.Close();
+	}
+TInt CInvalidRegionChecker::AddExcludedWindow(const CTWinBase* aExcludedWindow)
+	{
+	TInt error = KErrNone;
+	const CTWinBase** emptySlot = NULL;
+	for(TInt win=iExcludedWindowArray.Count()-1; win>=0; win--)
+		{
+		if(iExcludedWindowArray[win]==aExcludedWindow)
+			{
+			// window is already excluded, we don't want to add it twice
+			return error;
+			}
+		if(!emptySlot && iExcludedWindowArray[win]==NULL)
+			{
+			emptySlot = &iExcludedWindowArray[win];
+			}
+		}
+	if(emptySlot)
+		{
+		// re-use the emptyslot		
+		*emptySlot=aExcludedWindow; // re-use the element
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// no empty elements re-used, so add a new one
+		error = iExcludedWindowArray.Append(aExcludedWindow);
+		}
+	return error;
+	};
+void CInvalidRegionChecker::RemoveExcludedWindow(const CTWinBase* aExcludedWindow)
+	{
+	if(iExcludedWindowArray.Count())
+		{
+		for(TInt win=iExcludedWindowArray.Count()-1; win>=0; win--)
+			{
+			if(iExcludedWindowArray[win]==aExcludedWindow)
+				{
+				iExcludedWindowArray[win]=NULL; // Not worth deleting the array element, just mark it as NULL 
+				return;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	};
+TBool CInvalidRegionChecker::ExcludedWindow(const CTWinBase* aWin) const
+	{
+	for(TInt win=iExcludedWindowArray.Count()-1; win>=0; win--)
+		{
+		if(aWin == iExcludedWindowArray[win])
+			{
+#if defined(InvalidRegionLogging)
+				{
+				_LIT(KText, "  Excluded Window %08x");
+				TLogMessageText buf;		
+				buf.Format(KText, aWin);
+				BLOG_MESSAGE(buf);
+				}
+			return ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+void CInvalidRegionChecker::ProcessWindow(const CTWinBase* aTWinBase)
+	{
+#if defined(InvalidRegionLogging)
+			{
+			_LIT(KText, "  ProcessWindow %08x %d - Child(%08x), Next(%08x), Prev(%08x)");
+			TLogMessageText buf;		
+			buf.Format(KText, aTWinBase, iInvalidRegionCount, aTWinBase->Child(), aTWinBase->NextSibling(), aTWinBase->PrevSibling());
+			BLOG_MESSAGE(buf);
+			}
+	if(aTWinBase && !ExcludedWindow(aTWinBase))
+		{
+		RRegion invalidRegion;
+		static_cast<const CTWin *>(aTWinBase)->Win()->GetInvalidRegion(invalidRegion);
+		iInvalidRegionCount += invalidRegion.Count();
+#if defined(InvalidRegionLogging)
+		if(invalidRegion.Count())
+			{
+			_LIT(KText, "  IR Found for %08x %d");
+			TLogMessageText buf;
+			buf.Format(KText, aTWinBase, invalidRegion.Count());
+			BLOG_MESSAGE(buf);
+			}
+		invalidRegion.Close();
+		if(0==iInvalidRegionCount)
+			{
+			ProcessChildWindow(aTWinBase->Child());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CInvalidRegionChecker::ProcessChildWindow(const CTWinBase* aTWinBase)
+	{
+	if(aTWinBase)
+		{
+		// get the first sibling window
+		const CTWinBase *sibling=aTWinBase;
+		const CTWinBase *prevSibling=sibling->PrevSibling();
+		while(prevSibling)
+			{
+			sibling=prevSibling;			
+			prevSibling=sibling->PrevSibling();
+			}
+		// process all siblings inc. self	
+		while(sibling && (0==iInvalidRegionCount))
+			{	
+			ProcessWindow(sibling);
+			sibling=sibling->NextSibling();
+			}
+		}
+	}	
+void CInvalidRegionChecker::ProcessWindowGroup(const CTWinBase* aTWinBase)
+	{
+	if(aTWinBase && !ExcludedWindow(aTWinBase))
+		{
+		ProcessChildWindow(aTWinBase->Child());
+		}
+	}
+TInt CInvalidRegionChecker::CheckInvalidRegions(const CTWindowGroup* aGroup)
+	{
+	iInvalidRegionCount=0;	
+	ProcessWindowGroup(aGroup);	
+#if defined(InvalidRegionLogging)
+		{
+		_LIT(KText, "  CheckInvalidRegions %d");
+		TLogMessageText buf;
+		buf.Format(KText, iInvalidRegionCount);
+		}
+	return iInvalidRegionCount;
+	}
+TInt CTRedrawTest::WaitForRedrawsToFinish(TRedrawCheckType aRedrawCheckType)
+	{
+	TInt error=KErrNone;
+#define EnableCheckInvalidRegions
+#if defined(EnableCheckInvalidRegions)	
+	if(aRedrawCheckType == ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions)
+		{
+		TInt regions = 0;
+		TInt count = 0;
+		//We do not want to cycle round forever or too long, a limit of 10 has
+		//been added but this is arbitrary.  If CTClient::WaitForRedrawsToFinish
+		//fails too many times then possibly something else us wrong.
+		do
+			{
+			count++;
+			error = TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
+			if(error != KErrNone)
+			    {
+			    RDebug::Printf("CTRedrawTest::WaitForRedrawsToFinish, error %d", error);
+			    }
+			regions = iInvalidRegionChecker->CheckInvalidRegions(TheClient->iGroup);
+			if(regions)
+				{
+				// Give the server a chance to do the redraws because 
+				// the Animation Scheduler is an idle priority AO
+				const TUint KOneSecond = 1000000; // us
+				User::After(KOneSecond>>2); // 0.25s
+				}
+			} while (0 < regions && 10 < count); 
+		}
+	else // ECheckRedrawActiveObjectOnly
+#endif // CheckInvalidRegions
+		{
+		error = TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
+		}
+	return error;
+	}
+void CTRedrawTest::RunTestCaseL(TInt /*aCurTestCase*/)
+	{
+	_LIT(Redraw0,"Redraw1");
+	_LIT(Redraw1,"Redraw2");
+	_LIT(Redraw2,"GetInvalid");
+	_LIT(Redraw3,"MoveInvalid");
+	_LIT(Redraw4,"CheckOrder");
+	_LIT(Redraw5,"Defect 49554");
+	_LIT(Redraw6,"Check Ordinal Position");
+	_LIT(Redraw7,"Defect 99892");
+	_LIT(Redraw8,"Check MMS Defect 1");
+	_LIT(Redraw9,"Check MMS Defect 2");
+	_LIT(Redraw10,"Redraw inactive window");
+	((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KUnknownSYMTestCaseIDName);
+	TInt testWindowDraws = -1;		// to prevent RVCT 546-D warning
+	_LIT(KLog,"RunTestCase %d");
+	if (++iTest->iState<6)
+		LOG_MESSAGE2(KLog,iTest->iState);
+	switch(iTest->iState)
+		{
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test invalidation a test window and check it
+					redraws correctly
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Invalidate a test window causing it to redraw 
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test window redraws correctly
+	case 1:
+		((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0265"));
+		iTest->LogSubTest(Redraw0);
+		SetBackground(TRgb::Gray256(128));
+		iDrawRequestsFromTestWindow=iTestRedrawWin->DrawRequests();
+		InvalidateTestWins(TRect(10,10,50,50));
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0265"));
+		TheClient->iWs.Finish();
+		WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+		testWindowDraws=iTestRedrawWin->DrawRequests();
+		if (iDrawRequestsFromTestWindow+1!=testWindowDraws)
+			{
+			LOG_MESSAGE3(_L("wrong number of test window draw requests %d %d"),
+					iDrawRequestsFromTestWindow,
+					testWindowDraws);
+			TEST(EFalse);
+			}
+		CheckRedrawWindows();
+		++iWinContent;
+		iTestRedrawWin->Reset();
+		iBaseRedrawWin->Reset();
+		TheClient->Flush();
+		WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+		break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test invalidation a test window and check it
+					redraws correctly
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Invalidate a test window causing it to redraw 
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test window redraws correctly
+	case 3:
+		((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0266"));
+		iTest->LogSubTest(Redraw1);
+		InvalidateTestWins(TRect(1,1,150,20));
+		TheClient->iWs.Finish();
+		WaitForRedrawsToFinish(ECheckRedrawActiveObjectAndInvalidRegions);
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0266"));
+		CheckRedrawWindows();
+		++iWinContent;
+		iTestRedrawWin->Reset();
+		iBaseRedrawWin->Reset();
+		TheClient->iWs.Flush();
+		break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test invalidation a region of a test window and check it
+					redraws correctly
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Invalidate a region of a test window causing it to redraw 
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test window redraws correctly
+		case 5:
+			((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0267"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(Redraw2);
+			GetInvalidRegionTestsL();
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test moving an invalid  region of a test window and check it
+					redraws correctly
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Move an invalid region of a test window causing it to redraw 
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test window redraws correctly
+		case 6:
+			((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0268"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(Redraw3);
+			MoveInvalidAreaL();
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test the order redraws occur in a test window 
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Set up a number of redraws for a test window and
+					invalidate it
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The order the test window redraws occur is correct
+		case 7:
+			((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0270"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(Redraw4);
+			CheckOrderL();
+			break;
+@SYMDEF             DEF081259
+@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test defect INC049554L does not occur
+@SYMTestPriority    High
+@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
+@SYMTestActions     Check that defect INC049554L does not occur when a test 
+					window is redrawn
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Defect INC049554L does not occur
+		case 8:
+			((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0271"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(Redraw5);
+			CheckDefectINC049554L();
+			break;
+  @SYMDEF  			PDEF099892
+  @SYMTestCaseDesc Ensure that changing the Ordinal postion of an Invisible Window
+  				   does not affect the Transparent Window  or Opaque Window redrawing.
+  @SYMTestPriority Medium
+  @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+  @SYMTestActions Create an Invisible Window
+                  Create a Transparent Window
+                  Inside the Begin and End Redraw for the Transparent Window,
+                  change the Ordinal Position for Invisible Window to move it
+                  front to the Transparent Window.
+  @SYMTestExpectedResults Changing the Ordinal postion for Invisible Window should not
+						  affect the Transparent Window redrawing.
+		case 9:
+			((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0359"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(Redraw6);
+			CheckOrdinalPositionDefectL();
+			break;
+  @SYMDEF  			PDEF099892
+  @SYMTestCaseDesc Ensure that changing the Ordinal postion of an Invisible window
+  				   does not affect the Transparent Window  or Opaque Window redrawing.
+  @SYMTestPriority Medium
+  @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+  @SYMTestActions Create an Invisible Window
+  				  Create an Opaque Window
+                  Create a Transparent Window
+                  Invisible Window is Behind the Opaque Window
+				  and Opaque Window is Behind the Transparent Window.
+                  While drawing the Transparent Window, move the Invisible Window
+                  to the Front of Opaque Window. And while Drawing the Opaque Window
+                  move the Invisible Window again Behind the Opaque Window.
+  @SYMTestExpectedResults Changing the Ordinal postion for Invisible window should not
+						  affect the Transparent Window  or Opaque Window redrawing.
+		case 10:
+			((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0360"));
+			iTest->LogSubTest(Redraw7);
+			CheckDefectPDEF099892L();
+			break;
+  @SYMDEF  			DEF101548
+  @SYMTestCaseDesc Ensure that changing the Ordinal postion of an Invisible window
+  				   does not affect the Transparent Window redrawing.
+  @SYMTestPriority Low
+  @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+  @SYMTestActions Create an Invisible Window
+  				  Create an Opaque Window
+  				  Create a Blank Window
+  				  Create a Transparent Window
+  				  Invisible Window is Behind the Opaque Window
+  				  Opaque Window is Behind the Blank Window
+  				  and Blank Window is Behind the Transparent Window.
+  				  While drawing the Transparent Window, move the Invisible Window
+  				  to the Front/Back to one or all the Other Windows.
+  				  Also move the Blank Window Front/Back to the Transparent Window for other scenario.
+  @SYMTestExpectedResults Changing the Ordinal postion for Invisible window should not
+						  affect the Transparent Window redrawing.
+	case 11:
+		((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0361"));
+		iTest->LogSubTest(Redraw8);
+		CheckMMSDefectL(EFalse);
+	case 12:
+		((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0361"));
+		iTest->LogSubTest(Redraw9);
+		CheckMMSDefectL(ETrue);// In this case we will move Blank Window Front/Back to the Transparent Window to Test Defect PDEF099892
+		break;
+	case 13:
+		iTest->LogSubTest(Redraw10);
+  @SYMDEF	PDEF117784
+  @SYMTestCaseDesc Ensure that drawing request for non active window will not 
+	impact following redrawings
+  @SYMTestPriority High
+  @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+  @SYMTestActions 	Create test window as in active
+  					Create base window in active mode.
+					The test window is receiving a draw request before it activates, 
+					doing an empty redraw, 
+					Activate test window
+					Draw test window properly in response to the next redraw request.  
+  @SYMTestExpectedResults The next redraw request will be received and it will be drawn correctly. 
+			((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0362"));
+			CheckDefectPDEF117784L();
+			break;
+		case 14:
+			((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
+			((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+			TestComplete();
+			break;
+		default:
+			TEST(EFalse);
+		}
+	((CTRedrawTestStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL();
+	}