changeset 57 2bf8a359aa2f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/egl/sfopenvg/riImage.h	Wed May 12 11:20:41 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+#ifndef __RIIMAGE_H
+#define __RIIMAGE_H
+ *
+ * OpenVG 1.1 Reference Implementation
+ * -----------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and /or associated documentation files
+ * (the "Materials "), to deal in the Materials without restriction,
+ * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+ * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials,
+ * and to permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so,
+ * subject to the following conditions: 
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included 
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials. 
+ *
+ *
+ *//**
+ * \file
+ * \brief	Color and Image classes.
+ * \note	
+ *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#ifndef OPENVG_H
+#include "openvg.h"
+#ifndef __RIMATH_H
+#include "riMath.h"
+#ifndef __RIARRAY_H
+#include "riArray.h"
+namespace OpenVGRI
+* \brief	A class representing rectangles.
+* \param	
+* \return	
+* \note		
+class Rectangle
+	Rectangle() : x(0), y(0), width(0), height(0) {}
+	Rectangle(int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh) : x(rx), y(ry), width(rw), height(rh) {}
+	void		intersect(const Rectangle& r)
+	{
+		if(width >= 0 && r.width >= 0 && height >= 0 && r.height >= 0)
+		{
+			int x1 = RI_INT_MIN(RI_INT_ADDSATURATE(x, width), RI_INT_ADDSATURATE(r.x, r.width));
+			x = RI_INT_MAX(x, r.x);
+			width = RI_INT_MAX(x1 - x, 0);
+			int y1 = RI_INT_MIN(RI_INT_ADDSATURATE(y, height), RI_INT_ADDSATURATE(r.y, r.height));
+			y = RI_INT_MAX(y, r.y);
+			height = RI_INT_MAX(y1 - y, 0);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			x = 0;
+			y = 0;
+			width = 0;
+			height = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	int			x;
+	int			y;
+	int			width;
+	int			height;
+* \brief	A class representing color for processing and converting it
+*			to and from various surface formats.
+* \param	
+* \return	
+* \note		
+class Color
+	enum InternalFormat
+	{
+		lRGBA			= 0,
+		sRGBA			= 1,
+		lRGBA_PRE		= 2,
+		sRGBA_PRE		= 3,
+		lLA				= 4,
+		sLA				= 5,
+		lLA_PRE			= 6,
+		sLA_PRE			= 7
+	};
+	enum FormatBits
+	{
+		NONLINEAR		= (1<<0),
+		PREMULTIPLIED	= (1<<1),
+		LUMINANCE		= (1<<2)
+	};
+	class Descriptor
+	{
+    public:
+        bool                        isNonlinear() const                                 { return (internalFormat & NONLINEAR) ? true : false; }
+        bool                        isPremultiplied() const                             { return (internalFormat & PREMULTIPLIED) ? true : false; }
+        bool                        isLuminance() const                                 { return (internalFormat & LUMINANCE) ? true : false; }
+        bool                        isAlphaOnly() const                                 { return (alphaBits && (redBits+greenBits+blueBits+luminanceBits) == 0) ? true : false; }
+		int				redBits;
+		int				redShift;
+		int				greenBits;
+		int				greenShift;
+		int				blueBits;
+		int				blueShift;
+		int				alphaBits;
+		int				alphaShift;
+		int				luminanceBits;
+		int				luminanceShift;
+		VGImageFormat	format;
+		InternalFormat	internalFormat;
+		int				bitsPerPixel;
+	};
+	RI_INLINE Color() : r(0.0f), g(0.0f), b(0.0f), a(0.0f), m_format(lRGBA)													{}
+	RI_INLINE Color(RIfloat cl, RIfloat ca, InternalFormat cs) : r(cl), g(cl), b(cl), a(ca), m_format(cs)							{ RI_ASSERT(cs == lLA || cs == sLA || cs == lLA_PRE || cs == sLA_PRE); }
+	RI_INLINE Color(RIfloat cr, RIfloat cg, RIfloat cb, RIfloat ca, InternalFormat cs) : r(cr), g(cg), b(cb), a(ca), m_format(cs)	{ RI_ASSERT(cs == lRGBA || cs == sRGBA || cs == lRGBA_PRE || cs == sRGBA_PRE || cs == lLA || cs == sLA || cs == lLA_PRE || cs == sLA_PRE); }
+	RI_INLINE Color(const Color& c) : r(c.r), g(c.g), b(c.b), a(c.a), m_format(c.m_format)									{}
+	RI_INLINE Color& operator=(const Color&c)										{ r = c.r; g = c.g; b = c.b; a = c.a; m_format = c.m_format; return *this; }
+	RI_INLINE void operator*=(RIfloat f)											{ r *= f; g *= f; b *= f; a*= f; }
+	RI_INLINE void operator+=(const Color& c1)										{ RI_ASSERT(m_format == c1.getInternalFormat()); r += c1.r; g += c1.g; b += c1.b; a += c1.a; }
+	RI_INLINE void operator-=(const Color& c1)										{ RI_ASSERT(m_format == c1.getInternalFormat()); r -= c1.r; g -= c1.g; b -= c1.b; a -= c1.a; }
+	void						set(RIfloat cl, RIfloat ca, InternalFormat cs)							{ RI_ASSERT(cs == lLA || cs == sLA || cs == lLA_PRE || cs == sLA_PRE); r = cl; g = cl; b = cl; a = ca; m_format = cs; }
+	void						set(RIfloat cr, RIfloat cg, RIfloat cb, RIfloat ca, InternalFormat cs)	{ RI_ASSERT(cs == lRGBA || cs == sRGBA || cs == lRGBA_PRE || cs == sRGBA_PRE); r = cr; g = cg; b = cb; a = ca; m_format = cs; }
+	void						unpack(unsigned int inputData, const Descriptor& inputDesc);
+	unsigned int				pack(const Descriptor& outputDesc) const;
+	RI_INLINE InternalFormat	getInternalFormat() const							{ return m_format; }
+	//clamps nonpremultiplied colors and alpha to [0,1] range, and premultiplied alpha to [0,1], colors to [0,a]
+	void						clamp()												{ a = RI_CLAMP(a,0.0f,1.0f); RIfloat u = (m_format & PREMULTIPLIED) ? a : (RIfloat)1.0f; r = RI_CLAMP(r,0.0f,u); g = RI_CLAMP(g,0.0f,u); b = RI_CLAMP(b,0.0f,u); }
+	void						convert(InternalFormat outputFormat);
+	void						premultiply()										{ if(!(m_format & PREMULTIPLIED)) { r *= a; g *= a; b *= a; m_format = (InternalFormat)(m_format | PREMULTIPLIED); } }
+	void						unpremultiply()										{ if(m_format & PREMULTIPLIED) { RIfloat ooa = (a != 0.0f) ? 1.0f/a : (RIfloat)0.0f; r *= ooa; g *= ooa; b *= ooa; m_format = (InternalFormat)(m_format & ~PREMULTIPLIED); } }
+    void                        luminanceToRGB()                                    { if(m_format & LUMINANCE) { RI_ASSERT(r == g && g == b); m_format = (InternalFormat)(m_format & ~LUMINANCE); } }
+    bool                        isNonlinear() const                                 { return (m_format & NONLINEAR) ? true : false; }
+    bool                        isPremultiplied() const                             { return (m_format & PREMULTIPLIED) ? true : false; }
+    bool                        isLuminance() const                                 { return (m_format & LUMINANCE) ? true : false; }
+    RI_INLINE void              assertConsistency() const;
+	static Descriptor			formatToDescriptor(VGImageFormat format);
+	static bool					isValidDescriptor(const Descriptor& desc);
+	RIfloat		r;
+	RIfloat		g;
+	RIfloat		b;
+	RIfloat		a;
+	InternalFormat	m_format;
+RI_INLINE Color operator*(const Color& c, RIfloat f)			{ return Color(c.r*f, c.g*f, c.b*f, c.a*f, c.getInternalFormat()); }
+RI_INLINE Color operator*(RIfloat f, const Color& c)			{ return Color(c.r*f, c.g*f, c.b*f, c.a*f, c.getInternalFormat()); }
+RI_INLINE Color operator+(const Color& c0, const Color& c1)		{ RI_ASSERT(c0.getInternalFormat() == c1.getInternalFormat()); return Color(c0.r+c1.r, c0.g+c1.g, c0.b+c1.b, c0.a+c1.a, c0.getInternalFormat()); }
+RI_INLINE Color operator-(const Color& c0, const Color& c1)		{ RI_ASSERT(c0.getInternalFormat() == c1.getInternalFormat()); return Color(c0.r-c1.r, c0.g-c1.g, c0.b-c1.b, c0.a-c1.a, c0.getInternalFormat()); }
+RI_INLINE void  Color::assertConsistency() const
+	RI_ASSERT(r >= 0.0f && r <= 1.0f);
+	RI_ASSERT(g >= 0.0f && g <= 1.0f);
+	RI_ASSERT(b >= 0.0f && b <= 1.0f);
+	RI_ASSERT(a >= 0.0f && a <= 1.0f);
+	RI_ASSERT(!isPremultiplied() || (r <= a && g <= a && b <= a));	//premultiplied colors must have color channels less than or equal to alpha
+	RI_ASSERT((isLuminance() && r == g && r == b) || !isLuminance());	//if luminance, r=g=b
+* \brief	Storage and operations for VGImage.
+* \param	
+* \return	
+* \note		
+class Surface;
+class Image
+	Image(const Color::Descriptor& desc, int width, int height, VGbitfield allowedQuality);	//throws bad_alloc
+	//use data from a memory buffer. NOTE: data is not copied, so it is user's responsibility to make sure the data remains valid while the Image is in use.
+	Image(const Color::Descriptor& desc, int width, int height, int stride, RIuint8* data);	//throws bad_alloc
+	//child image constructor
+	Image(Image* parent, int x, int y, int width, int height);	//throws bad_alloc
+	~Image();
+	const Color::Descriptor&	getDescriptor() const		{ return m_desc; }
+	int					getWidth() const					{ return m_width; }
+	int					getHeight() const					{ return m_height; }
+	int					getStride() const					{ return m_stride; }
+	Image*				getParent() const					{ return m_parent; }
+	VGbitfield			getAllowedQuality() const			{ return m_allowedQuality; }
+	void				addInUse()							{ m_inUse++; }
+	void				removeInUse()						{ RI_ASSERT(m_inUse > 0); m_inUse--; }
+	int					isInUse() const						{ return m_inUse; }
+	RIuint8*			getData() const						{ return m_data; }
+	void				addReference()						{ m_referenceCount++; }
+	int					removeReference()					{ m_referenceCount--; RI_ASSERT(m_referenceCount >= 0); return m_referenceCount; }
+	bool				overlaps(const Image* src) const;
+	void				clear(const Color& clearColor, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+	void				blit(const Image& src, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, int w, int h, bool dither);	//throws bad_alloc
+	void				blit(const Surface* src, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, int w, int h);	//throws bad_alloc
+	Color				readPixel(int x, int y) const;
+	void				writePixel(int x, int y, const Color& c);
+	void				writeFilteredPixel(int x, int y, const Color& c, VGbitfield channelMask);
+	RIfloat				readMaskPixel(int x, int y) const;		//can read any image format
+	void				writeMaskPixel(int x, int y, RIfloat m);	//can write only to VG_A_x
+	Color				resample(RIfloat x, RIfloat y, const Matrix3x3& surfaceToImage, VGImageQuality quality, VGTilingMode tilingMode, const Color& tileFillColor);	//throws bad_alloc
+	void				makeMipMaps();	//throws bad_alloc
+	void				colorMatrix(const Image& src, const RIfloat* matrix, bool filterFormatLinear, bool filterFormatPremultiplied, VGbitfield channelMask);
+	void				convolve(const Image& src, int kernelWidth, int kernelHeight, int shiftX, int shiftY, const RIint16* kernel, RIfloat scale, RIfloat bias, VGTilingMode tilingMode, const Color& edgeFillColor, bool filterFormatLinear, bool filterFormatPremultiplied, VGbitfield channelMask);
+	void				separableConvolve(const Image& src, int kernelWidth, int kernelHeight, int shiftX, int shiftY, const RIint16* kernelX, const RIint16* kernelY, RIfloat scale, RIfloat bias, VGTilingMode tilingMode, const Color& edgeFillColor, bool filterFormatLinear, bool filterFormatPremultiplied, VGbitfield channelMask);
+	void				gaussianBlur(const Image& src, RIfloat stdDeviationX, RIfloat stdDeviationY, VGTilingMode tilingMode, const Color& edgeFillColor, bool filterFormatLinear, bool filterFormatPremultiplied, VGbitfield channelMask);
+	void				lookup(const Image& src, const RIuint8 * redLUT, const RIuint8 * greenLUT, const RIuint8 * blueLUT, const RIuint8 * alphaLUT, bool outputLinear, bool outputPremultiplied, bool filterFormatLinear, bool filterFormatPremultiplied, VGbitfield channelMask);
+	void				lookupSingle(const Image& src, const RIuint32 * lookupTable, VGImageChannel sourceChannel, bool outputLinear, bool outputPremultiplied, bool filterFormatLinear, bool filterFormatPremultiplied, VGbitfield channelMask);
+	Image(const Image&);					//!< Not allowed.
+	void operator=(const Image&);			//!< Not allowed.
+	Color				readTexel(int u, int v, int level, VGTilingMode tilingMode, const Color& tileFillColor) const;
+	Color::Descriptor	m_desc;
+	int					m_width;
+	int					m_height;
+	VGbitfield			m_allowedQuality;
+	int					m_inUse;
+	int					m_stride;
+	RIuint8*			m_data;
+	int					m_referenceCount;
+	bool				m_ownsData;
+	Image*				m_parent;
+	int					m_storageOffsetX;
+	int					m_storageOffsetY;
+	bool				m_mipmapsValid;
+	Array<Image*>		m_mipmaps;
+* \brief	Surface class abstracting multisampled rendering surface.
+* \param	
+* \return	
+* \note		
+class Surface
+	Surface(const Color::Descriptor& desc, int width, int height, int numSamples);	//throws bad_alloc
+	Surface(Image* image);	//throws bad_alloc
+	Surface(const Color::Descriptor& desc, int width, int height, int stride, RIuint8* data);	//throws bad_alloc
+	~Surface();
+	RI_INLINE const Color::Descriptor&	getDescriptor() const		{ return m_image->getDescriptor(); }
+	RI_INLINE int		getWidth() const							{ return m_width; }
+	RI_INLINE int		getHeight() const							{ return m_height; }
+	RI_INLINE int		getNumSamples() const						{ return m_numSamples; }
+	RI_INLINE void		addReference()								{ m_referenceCount++; }
+	RI_INLINE int		removeReference()							{ m_referenceCount--; RI_ASSERT(m_referenceCount >= 0); return m_referenceCount; }
+	RI_INLINE int		isInUse() const								{ return m_image->isInUse(); }
+	RI_INLINE bool		isInUse(Image* image) const					{ return image == m_image ? true : false; }
+	void				clear(const Color& clearColor, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+	void				clear(const Color& clearColor, int x, int y, int w, int h, const Array<Rectangle>& scissors);
+	void				blit(const Image& src, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, int w, int h);	//throws bad_alloc
+	void				blit(const Image& src, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, int w, int h, const Array<Rectangle>& scissors);	//throws bad_alloc
+	void				blit(const Surface* src, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, int w, int h);	//throws bad_alloc
+	void				blit(const Surface* src, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, int w, int h, const Array<Rectangle>& scissors);	//throws bad_alloc
+	void				mask(const Image* src, VGMaskOperation operation, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+	void				mask(const Surface* src, VGMaskOperation operation, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+	RI_INLINE Color		readSample(int x, int y, int sample) const                   { return m_image->readPixel(x*m_numSamples+sample, y); }
+	RI_INLINE void		writeSample(int x, int y, int sample, const Color& c)        { m_image->writePixel(x*m_numSamples+sample, y, c); }
+	RIfloat				readMaskCoverage(int x, int y) const;
+	void				writeMaskCoverage(int x, int y, RIfloat m);
+	unsigned int		readMaskMSAA(int x, int y) const;
+	void				writeMaskMSAA(int x, int y, unsigned int m);
+	Color				FSAAResolve(int x, int y) const;	//for fb=>img: vgGetPixels, vgReadPixels
+	Surface(const Surface&);			//!< Not allowed.
+	void operator=(const Surface&);			//!< Not allowed.
+	struct ScissorEdge
+	{
+		ScissorEdge() : x(0), miny(0), maxy(0), direction(0) {}
+		bool operator<(const ScissorEdge& e) const	{ return x < e.x; }
+		int			x;
+		int			miny;
+		int			maxy;
+		int			direction;		//1 start, -1 end
+	};
+	int				m_width;
+	int				m_height;
+	int				m_numSamples;
+	int				m_referenceCount;
+	Image*			m_image;
+* \brief	Drawable class for encapsulating color and mask buffers.
+* \param	
+* \return	
+* \note		
+class Drawable
+	Drawable(const Color::Descriptor& desc, int width, int height, int numSamples, int maskBits);	//throws bad_alloc
+	Drawable(Image* image, int maskBits);	//throws bad_alloc
+	Drawable(const Color::Descriptor& desc, int width, int height, int stride, RIuint8* data, int maskBits);	//throws bad_alloc
+	~Drawable();
+	RI_INLINE const Color::Descriptor&	getDescriptor() const		{ return m_color->getDescriptor(); }
+    RI_INLINE int       getNumMaskBits() const                      { if(!m_mask) return 0; return m_mask->getDescriptor().alphaBits; }
+	RI_INLINE int		getWidth() const							{ return m_color->getWidth(); }
+	RI_INLINE int		getHeight() const							{ return m_color->getHeight(); }
+	RI_INLINE int		getNumSamples() const						{ return m_color->getNumSamples(); }
+	RI_INLINE void		addReference()								{ m_referenceCount++; }
+	RI_INLINE int		removeReference()							{ m_referenceCount--; RI_ASSERT(m_referenceCount >= 0); return m_referenceCount; }
+	RI_INLINE int		isInUse() const								{ return m_color->isInUse() || (m_mask && m_mask->isInUse()); }
+	RI_INLINE bool		isInUse(Image* image) const					{ return m_color->isInUse(image) || (m_mask && m_mask->isInUse(image)); }
+    RI_INLINE Surface*  getColorBuffer() const                      { return m_color; }
+    RI_INLINE Surface*  getMaskBuffer() const                       { return m_mask; }
+	void				resize(int newWidth, int newHeight);	//throws bad_alloc
+    Drawable(const Drawable&);			//!< Not allowed.
+    void operator=(const Drawable&);	//!< Not allowed.
+	int                 m_referenceCount;
+	Surface*			m_color;
+	Surface*            m_mask;
+}	//namespace OpenVGRI
+#endif /* __RIIMAGE_H */