--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/egl/eglrefimpl/inc/eglprivate.h Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Reference EGL implementation to support EGL sync objects and OpenWF extensions
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32hashtab.h>
+#include <EGL/egl.h>
+#ifndef EGL_VERSION_1_4
+#error Reference EGL requires at least EGL version 1.4 headers
+// Panic category and codes
+_LIT(KEglPanicCategory, "EGL");
+enum TEglPanicCode
+ {
+ EEglPanicNotSupported = 1,
+ EEglPanicPlsMutexError,
+ EEglPanicDriverNull,
+ EEglPanicInvalidHeap,
+ EEglPanicDisplayStateInvalid,
+ EEglPanicInvalidSyncObj,
+ EEglPanicCondVarWaitFail,
+ EEglPanicCondVarTimedWaitFail,
+ EEglPanicInvalidSession,
+ EEglPanicOutstandingSyncObj,
+ EEglPanicSyncObjHasBeenDestroyed
+ };
+// Forward declarations
+class CEglDriver;
+class CEglDisplay;
+class CEglThreadSession;
+class CEglSync;
+// Helper class to manage PLS
+ {
+ XEglPls();
+ ~XEglPls();
+ inline void Lock();
+ inline void Unlock();
+ RMutex iLock;
+ TInt iError;
+ CEglDriver* iDriver;
+ };
+// Function pointers
+extern "C"
+typedef void (*TFuncPtrEglProc)(...);
+typedef TFuncPtrEglProc (*TFuncPtrOwfGetProcAddress)(const char*);
+// Function table used by OWF implementation
+// The actual type and name of the structure is irrelevant here,
+// as long as its size and offset match it should be ok
+ {
+ TFuncPtrOwfGetProcAddress iOwfGetProcAddress;
+ };
+// EGL process state
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEglDriver): public CBase
+ {
+ static TInt Open();
+ static void Close();
+ static CEglDriver* GetDriver();
+ CEglDisplay* FindDisplay(EGLDisplay aDisplay) const;
+ TFuncPtrEglProc GetProcAddress(const char* aName) const;
+ inline void Lock();
+ inline void Unlock();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ inline RHeap& Heap() const;
+ CEglDriver(RHeap& aHeap);
+ ~CEglDriver();
+ TInt Construct();
+ inline TBool IsDisplayValid(EGLDisplay aDisplay) const;
+ RMutex iLock;
+ RHeap& iHeap;
+ CEglDisplay* iDisplay;
+ RLibrary iOwfLib;
+ TOwfFuncTable iOwfFuncTable;
+ TInt iRefCount;
+ };
+// Thread state and thread-specific tasks
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEglThreadSession): public CBase
+ {
+ static CEglThreadSession* Static();
+ ~CEglThreadSession();
+ // EGL APIs
+ EGLint EglGetError();
+ EGLDisplay EglGetDisplay(NativeDisplayType aDisplayId);
+ EGLBoolean EglInitialize(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLint* aMajor, EGLint* aMinor);
+ EGLBoolean EglTerminate(EGLDisplay aDisplay);
+ const char* EglQueryString(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLint aName);
+ TFuncPtrEglProc EglGetProcAddress(const char* aName);
+ // EGLSync APIs
+ EGLSyncKHR EglCreateSyncKhr(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLenum aType, const EGLint *aAttribList);
+ EGLBoolean EglDestroySyncKhr(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSyncKHR aSync);
+ EGLint EglClientWaitSyncKhr(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSyncKHR aSync, EGLint aFlags, EGLTimeKHR aTimeout);
+ EGLBoolean EglSignalSyncKhr(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSyncKHR aSync, EGLenum aMode);
+ EGLBoolean EglGetSyncAttribKhr(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSyncKHR aSync, EGLint aAttribute, EGLint *aValue);
+ // Private APIs
+ EGLint EglSignalSyncInternal(EGLDisplay aDisplay, EGLSyncKHR aSync, EGLenum aMode);
+ // Debug APIs
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ void EglHeapMarkStart();
+ EGLint EglHeapMarkEnd(EGLint aCount);
+ void EglHeapSetBurstAllocFail(EGLenum aType, EGLint aRate, EGLint aBurst);
+#endif //_DEBUG
+ CEglThreadSession(CEglDriver& aDriver);
+ void SetError(EGLint aErrror);
+ CEglDriver& iDriver;
+ EGLint iError;
+ };
+// EGLDisplay implementation
+const EGLDisplay KEglDefaultDisplayHandle = 0x01;
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEglDisplay): public CBase
+ {
+ CEglDisplay(RHeap& aHeap);
+ ~CEglDisplay();
+ TInt Initialize();
+ void Terminate();
+ inline TBool IsInitialized() const;
+ inline RHeap& Heap() const;
+ inline EGLDisplay Handle() const;
+ CEglSync* CreateSyncObj();
+ TInt DestroySyncObj(EGLSyncKHR aSyncObj);
+ CEglSync* FindSyncObj(EGLSyncKHR aSyncObj) const;
+ TInt RegisterSyncObj(CEglSync& aSyncObj);
+ void UnregisterSyncObj(CEglSync& aSyncObj);
+ typedef RHashMap<TInt,CEglSync*> REglSyncHashMap;
+ EGLDisplay iHandle;
+ RHeap& iHeap;
+ TBool iIsInitialized;
+ REglSyncHashMap* iSyncObjList;
+ };
+// EGLSync implementation
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEglSync): public CBase
+ {
+ static CEglSync* Create(CEglDisplay& aDisplay);
+ void Destroy();
+ inline void Open();
+ void Close();
+ void Signal(EGLenum aMode);
+ EGLint Wait(EGLTimeKHR aTimeOut);
+ inline EGLenum Type() const;
+ inline EGLenum Status() const;
+ inline TBool IsDestroyed() const;
+ CEglSync(CEglDisplay& aDisplay);
+ ~CEglSync();
+ TInt Construct();
+ CEglDisplay& iDisplay;
+ EGLenum iType;
+ EGLenum iStatus;
+ RMutex iMutex;
+ RCondVar iCondVar;
+ TInt iRefCount; // to determine when to delete this object
+ TBool iIsDestroyed; // to prevent object from being used when its handle has been explicitly destroyed by client
+ };
+#include "eglprivate.inl"
+#endif /* EGLPRIVATE_H */