changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/egl/egltest/src/egltest_sibling.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+#include <test/tefunit.h> // for ASSERT macros
+#include "egltest_sibling.h"
+#include <test/egltestcommonconversion.h>
+#include <test/egltestcommonsgimageinfo.h>
+@SYMTestPriority 1
+@SYMREQ See SGL.GT0386.401 document
+Calling CreatePBufferFromClient with VGImage which is a EGLImage sibilind has to fail.
+On the contrary if the VGImage comes from a vgCreateImage() call it has to succeed
+Create and fully construct an RSgImage object
+Pass the RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR() with
+•	The target parameter set to EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR
+•	Use the current display and EGL_NO_CONTEXT
+•	Use a NULL attr_list
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() does NOT return EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR 
+Use vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR() to construct a VGImage object from the EGLImage.
+•	Check for errors
+Call eglCreatePBufferFromClient passing this VGImage as argument and EGL OPENVG IMAGE as bufftype and a NULL attribute list
+Check that we get EGL NO SURFACE and an EGL BAD ACCESS error is generated.
+Destroy the image data
+•	Pass the EGLImage into eglDestroyImageKHR()
+•	Close RSgImage
+Create a VGImage by calling vgCreateImage().
+Pass this VGImage to eglCreatePBufferFromClient, this call is expected to succeed.
+Pass the VGImage to vgDestroyImage()
+Check for memory and handle leaks
+vgCreatePBufferFromClient () returns EGL NO SURFACE
+•	EGL BAD ACCESS error is generated in the first case
+•	No error is raised in the second case..
+No memory or handle leaks.
+TVerdict CEglTest_EGL_Image_CreatePBufferFromClient_With_Sibling_VGImage::doTestStepL()
+	{
+	SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0135"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_CreatePBufferFromClient_With_Sibling_VGImage::doTestStepL"));
+	TBool ret = CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_RSgimage | KEGL_KHR_image_base | KEGL_KHR_image_pixmap | KVG_KHR_EGL_image);
+	if(!ret)
+		{
+		// The extension is not supported
+		RecordTestResultL();
+		CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+		return TestStepResult();
+		}
+	// This test is performed for default pixel format
+	PrintUsedPixelConfiguration();
+	// Create display object
+	GetDisplayL();
+	CreateEglSessionL();
+	iEglSess->InitializeL();
+	iEglSess->OpenSgDriverL();
+	RSgImage sgImage;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sgImage);
+	// Create a reference bitmap which we use to init the SgImage (we use index=8)
+	TDisplayMode bitmapMode = EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iSourceFormat);
+	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iEglSess->CreateReferenceBitmapL(bitmapMode, KPixmapSize, 8);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one RSgImage"));	
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage imageInfo = TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage(iSourceFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(sgImage.Create(imageInfo, bitmap->DataAddress(), bitmap->DataStride()), KErrNone);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one EGLImage from it"));
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, &sgImage, KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sgImage);
+	//Create a Surface and Link it to a Context bound to OpenVG
+	TUidPixelFormat pixelFormat = EglTestConversion::VgFormatToSgPixelFormat(iSurfaceFormat);
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget imageInfo2 = TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget(pixelFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(imageInfo2, CTestEglSession::EResourceCloseSgImageEarly);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one VGImage from it"));
+	VGImage vgImage = iEglSess->vgCreateImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR)imageKHR);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to Create a PBuffer linked to this VGImage"));
+	TEglTestConfig pbufferFormat = EglTestConversion::VgFormatToPBufferSurfaceFormat(iSurfaceFormat);
+	EGLConfig currentPbufferConfig = 0;
+	TRAPD(res, currentPbufferConfig=iEglSess->GetConfigExactMatchL(pbufferFormat));
+	if(res == KTestNoMatchingConfig)
+	    {
+		WARN_PRINTF2(_L("Can't create pbuffer, format %d. Terminating the test without failing"), pbufferFormat);
+		// destroy eglimage and vgimage
+		vgDestroyImage(vgImage);
+		ASSERT_TRUE(vgGetError()==VG_NO_ERROR);
+		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage(iDisplay, imageKHR));
+		CleanAll();
+		RecordTestResultL();
+		CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+		return TestStepResult();
+	    }
+	User::LeaveIfError(res); // leave here if any other error was raised other than the one above.
+	EGLSurface surface = eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer(iDisplay,EGL_OPENVG_IMAGE,vgImage,currentPbufferConfig,NULL);
+	// destroy eglimage and vgimage
+	vgDestroyImage(vgImage);
+	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage(iDisplay, imageKHR));
+	//Positive test
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to Create a PBuffer linked to a VGImage obtained from vgCreateImage"));
+	VGImage vgImage2 = vgCreateImage(KDefaultSurfaceFormat,KPixmapSize.iWidth,KPixmapSize.iHeight,VG_IMAGE_QUALITY_BETTER);
+	surface = eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer(iDisplay,EGL_OPENVG_IMAGE,vgImage2,currentPbufferConfig,NULL);
+	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglDestroySurface(iDisplay,surface));
+	//cleanup
+	vgDestroyImage(vgImage2);
+	CleanAll();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority 1
+@SYMREQ See SGL.GT0386.401 document
+Attempt to create an EGLImage out of a valid RSgImage that is already linked to another EGLImage has to fail.
+Destroy the EGLImage, then re-create an EGLImage from the same RSgImage, and this attempt is expected to succeed. 
+Create a reference Bitmap
+Create and fully construct an RSgImage object having the same content as the reference bitmap 
+•	Set the iUsage bit to ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage
+Pass the RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR() with
+•	The target parameter set to EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR
+•	Use the current display and EGL_NO_CONTEXT
+•	Use a NULL attr_list
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() does NOT return EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR
+Pass again the same RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR() with
+•	The target parameter set to EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR
+•	Use the current display and EGL_NO_CONTEXT
+•	Use a NULL attr_list
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() returns EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR and the error generated is EGL_BAD_ACCESS
+Pass the EGLImage into eglDestroyImageKHR()
+Pass again the same RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR() with
+•	The target parameter set to EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR
+•	Use the current display and EGL_NO_CONTEXT
+•	Use a NULL attr_list
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() does NOT return EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR
+Destroy the image data
+•	Pass the EGLImage into eglDestroyImageKHR()
+•	Close RSgImage
+Check for memory and handle leaks
+eglCreateImageKHR() returns EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR (and an EGL_BAD_ACCESS error is generated) when the first EGLImage
+has not yet been destroyed. Once it is destroyed, creating aother EGLImage succeeds.
+No memory or handle leaks
+TVerdict CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_Basic::doTestStepL()
+	{
+	SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0136"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_Basic::doTestStepL"));
+	TBool ret = CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_RSgimage | KEGL_KHR_image_base | KEGL_KHR_image_pixmap | KVG_KHR_EGL_image);
+	if(!ret)
+		{
+		// The extension is not supported
+		RecordTestResultL();
+		CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+		return TestStepResult();
+		}
+	// This test is performed for default pixel format
+	PrintUsedPixelConfiguration();
+	// Create display object
+	GetDisplayL();
+	CreateEglSessionL();
+	iEglSess->InitializeL();
+	iEglSess->OpenSgDriverL();
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one RSgImage"));	
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage imageInfo = TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage(iSourceFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	imageInfo.iCpuAccess = ESgCpuAccessReadWrite;
+	RSgImage sgImage;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sgImage);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(sgImage.Create(imageInfo, NULL, NULL), KErrNone);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one EGLImage from it"));
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, &sgImage, KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Trying to create another EGLImage from the same RSgImage"));
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR2 = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, &sgImage, KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Destroy first EGLImage and try to create another EGLImage from the same RSgImage"));
+	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage(iDisplay, imageKHR));		
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR3 = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, &sgImage, KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue);
+	//cleanup
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sgImage);
+	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage(iDisplay, imageKHR3));		
+	CleanAll();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority 1
+@SYMREQ See SGL.GT0386.401 document
+Attempt to create an EGLImage out of a valid RSgImage that is already linked to another VGImage (after the original EGLImage has been destroyed) has to fail.
+This is testing the EGLImage sibling rules from the EGLImage spec.
+This test will check for the “VG_KHR_EGL_image” extension, if it is not supported on this platform then the test will return immediately without failure.
+Create a reference Bitmap
+Create and fully construct an RSgImage object having the same content as the reference bitmap 
+•	Set the iUsage bit to ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage
+Pass the RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR() with
+•	The target parameter set to EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR
+•	Use the current display and EGL_NO_CONTEXT
+•	Use a NULL attr_list
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() does NOT return EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR
+Create and make current and EGL context bound to OVG APIs and linked to a pixmap surface.
+•	Set the iUsage bit of the underlying RSgImage to ESgUsageBitOpenVgSurface.
+Use vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR() to construct a VGImage object from the EGLImage.
+•	Check for errors
+Pass the EGLImage into eglDestroyImageKHR()
+Pass again the same RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR() with
+•	The target parameter set to EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR
+•	Use the current display and EGL_NO_CONTEXT
+•	Use a NULL attr_list
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() returns EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR and the error generated is EGL_BAD_ACCESS
+Pass the VGImage into vgDestroyImage()
+Close RSgImage
+Check for memory and handle leaks
+eglCreateImageKHR() returns EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR 
+•	And an EGL_BAD_ACCESS error is generated
+No memory or handle leaks.
+TVerdict CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_VGImage::doTestStepL()
+	{
+	SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0138"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_VGImage::doTestStepL"));
+	TBool ret = CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_RSgimage | KEGL_KHR_image_base | KEGL_KHR_image_pixmap | KVG_KHR_EGL_image);
+	if(!ret)
+		{
+		// The extension is not supported
+		RecordTestResultL();
+		CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+		return TestStepResult();
+		}
+	// This test is performed for default pixel format
+	PrintUsedPixelConfiguration();
+	// Create display object
+	GetDisplayL();
+	CreateEglSessionL();
+	iEglSess->InitializeL();
+	iEglSess->OpenSgDriverL();
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one RSgImage"));	
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage imageInfo = TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage(iSourceFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	imageInfo.iCpuAccess = ESgCpuAccessReadWrite;
+	RSgImage sgImage;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sgImage);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(sgImage.Create(imageInfo, NULL, NULL), KErrNone);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one EGLImage from it"));
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, &sgImage, KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue);
+	//Create a Surface and Link it to a Context bound to OpenVG
+	TUidPixelFormat pixelFormat = EglTestConversion::VgFormatToSgPixelFormat(iSurfaceFormat);
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget imageInfo2 = TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget(pixelFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(imageInfo2, CTestEglSession::EResourceCloseSgImageEarly);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one VGImage from it"));
+	VGImage vgImage = iEglSess->vgCreateImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR)imageKHR);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Destroying the EGLImage but retain the handle value"));
+	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage(iDisplay, imageKHR));		
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attemptimg to create another VGImage from an invalid handle"));
+	VGImage failingVgImage = iEglSess->vgCreateImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR)imageKHR);	
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Setting the handle to EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Trying to create another EGLImage from the same RSgImage"));
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR2 = GetEglSess()->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay,EGL_NO_CONTEXT,EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR,&sgImage,NULL);
+	//cleanup
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sgImage);
+	vgDestroyImage(vgImage);
+	CleanAll();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority 1
+@SYMREQ See SGL.GT0386.401 document
+Attempt to create an EGLImage out of a valid RSgImage that is already linked 
+to two VGImages (after the original EGLImage has been destroyed) has to fail.
+This is testing the EGLImage sibling rules from the EGLImage spec.
+This test will check for the “VG_KHR_EGL_image” extension, if it is not supported 
+on this platform then the test will return immediately without failure.
+Create a reference Bitmap
+Create and fully construct an RSgImage object having the same content as the 
+reference bitmap 
+•	Set the iUsage bit to ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage
+Pass the RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR() with
+•	The target parameter set to EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR
+•	Use the current display and EGL_NO_CONTEXT
+•	Use a NULL attr_list
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() does NOT return EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR
+Create and make current and EGL context bound to OVG APIs and linked to a pixmap surface.
+•	Set the iUsage bit of the underlying RSgImage to ESgUsageBitOpenVgSurface 
+Use vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR() to construct a VGImage object from the EGLImage.
+•	Check for errors
+Use vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR() to construct another VGImage object from the EGLImage.
+•	Check for errors
+Pass the EGLImage into eglDestroyImageKHR()
+Pass again the same RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR() with
+•	The target parameter set to EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR
+•	Use the current display and EGL_NO_CONTEXT
+•	Use a NULL attr_list
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() returns EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR and the error generated is EGL_BAD_ACCESS
+Pass the first VGImage into vgDestroyImage()
+Pass the second VGImage into vgDestroyImage()
+Close RSgImage
+Check for memory and handle leaks.
+eglCreateImageKHR() returns EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR
+•	And an EGL_BAD_ACCESS error is generated
+No memory or handle leaks.
+TVerdict CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_Two_VGImages::doTestStepL()
+	{
+	SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0139"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_Two_VGImages::doTestStepL"));
+	TBool ret = CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_RSgimage | KEGL_KHR_image_base | KEGL_KHR_image_pixmap | KVG_KHR_EGL_image);
+	if(!ret)
+		{
+		// The extension is not supported
+		RecordTestResultL();
+		CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+		return TestStepResult();
+		}
+	// This test is performed for default pixel format
+	PrintUsedPixelConfiguration();
+	// Create display object
+	GetDisplayL();
+	CreateEglSessionL();
+	iEglSess->InitializeL();
+	iEglSess->OpenSgDriverL();
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one RSgImage"));	
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage imageInfo = TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage(iSourceFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	imageInfo.iCpuAccess = ESgCpuAccessReadWrite;
+	RSgImage sgImage;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sgImage);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(sgImage.Create(imageInfo, NULL, NULL), KErrNone);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one EGLImage from it"));
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, &sgImage, KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue);
+	//Create a Surface and Link it to a Context bound to OpenVG
+	TUidPixelFormat pixelFormat = EglTestConversion::VgFormatToSgPixelFormat(iSurfaceFormat);
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget imageInfo2 = TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget(pixelFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(imageInfo2, CTestEglSession::EResourceCloseSgImageEarly);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating two VGImages from it"));
+	VGImage vgImage1 = iEglSess->vgCreateImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR)imageKHR);
+	VGImage vgImage2 = iEglSess->vgCreateImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR)imageKHR);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Destroying the EGLImage"));
+	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage(iDisplay, imageKHR));		
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Trying to create an EGLImage from the same RSgImage (linked to the two VGImages)"));
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR2 = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay,EGL_NO_CONTEXT,EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR,&sgImage,NULL);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Destroying the first VgImage"));
+	vgDestroyImage(vgImage1);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Trying to create an EGLImage from the same RSgImage (linked now to just one VGImage)"));
+	imageKHR2 = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay,EGL_NO_CONTEXT,EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR,&sgImage,NULL);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Destroying the second VgImage"));
+	vgDestroyImage(vgImage2);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Trying to create an EGLImage from the same RSgImage (linked now to just one VGImage)"));
+	imageKHR2 = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay,EGL_NO_CONTEXT,EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR,&sgImage,NULL);
+	//cleanup
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sgImage);
+	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage(iDisplay, imageKHR2));		
+	CleanAll();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority 1
+@SYMREQ See SGL.GT0386.401 document
+Attempt to create an EGLImage out of a valid RSgImage after that:
+•	It has been created a VGImage from it (hence an EGLImage has been created too)
+•	A Child VGImage has been created from the previous VGImage
+•	the EGLImage has been destroyed too
+has to fail
+Another attempt to create an EGLImage from the same RSgImage has to fail even if we destroy the parent Image.
+Creation of an EGLImage from the same RSgImage has to succeed if the child VgImage has also been destroyed.
+This test will check for the “VG_KHR_EGL_image” extension, if it is not supported on this platform then the test will return immediately without failure.
+Create a reference Bitmap
+Create and fully construct an RSgImage object having the same content as the reference bitmap 
+•	Set the iUsage bit to ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage
+Pass the RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR() with
+•	The target parameter set to EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR
+•	Use the current display and EGL_NO_CONTEXT
+•	Use a NULL attr_list
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() does NOT return EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR
+Create and make current and EGL context bound to OVG APIs and linked to a pixmap surface.
+•	Set the iUsage bit of the underlying RSgImage to ESgUsageBitOpenVgSurface 
+Use vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR() to construct a VGImage object from the EGLImage.
+•	Check for errors
+Use vgChildImage() to construct child VGImage object from the previous VGImage.
+•	Check for errors
+Pass the EGLImage into eglDestroyImageKHR()
+Pass again the same RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR().
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() returns EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR and the error generated is EGL_BAD_ACCESS
+Pass the parent VGImage into vgDestroyImage()
+Pass again the same RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR().
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() returns EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR and the error generated is EGL_BAD_ACCESS
+Pass the child VGImage into vgDestroyImage()
+Pass again the same RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR().
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() does not return EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR.
+Pass the EGLImage into eglDestroyImageKHR()
+Close RSgImage
+Check for memory and handle leaks.
+eglCreateImageKHR() returns EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR 
+•	And an EGL_BAD_ACCESS error is generated
+No memory or handle leaks.
+TVerdict CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_VGImage_Child::doTestStepL()
+	{
+	SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0141"));
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_VGImage_Child::doTestStepL"));
+	TBool ret = CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_RSgimage | KEGL_KHR_image_base | KEGL_KHR_image_pixmap | KVG_KHR_EGL_image);
+	if(!ret)
+		{
+		// The extension is not supported
+		RecordTestResultL();
+		CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+		return TestStepResult();
+		}
+	// This test is performed for default pixel format
+	PrintUsedPixelConfiguration();
+	// Create display object
+	GetDisplayL();
+	CreateEglSessionL();
+	iEglSess->InitializeL();
+	iEglSess->OpenSgDriverL();
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one RSgImage"));	
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage imageInfo = TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage(iSourceFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	imageInfo.iCpuAccess = ESgCpuAccessReadWrite;
+	RSgImage sgImage;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sgImage);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(sgImage.Create(imageInfo, NULL, NULL), KErrNone);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one EGLImage from it"));
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, &sgImage, KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue);
+	//Create a Surface and Link it to a Context bound to OpenVG
+	TUidPixelFormat pixelFormat = EglTestConversion::VgFormatToSgPixelFormat(iSurfaceFormat);
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget imageInfo2 = TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget(pixelFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(imageInfo2, CTestEglSession::EResourceCloseSgImageEarly);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one VGImage from it"));
+	VGImage vgImage = iEglSess->vgCreateImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR)imageKHR);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating a VGImage Child from the previous VGImage"));
+	VGImage childVgImage = vgChildImage(vgImage,50,50,KPixmapSize.iWidth-50,KPixmapSize.iHeight-50);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Destroying the EGLImage"));
+	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage(iDisplay, imageKHR));		
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Trying to create an EGLImage from the same RSgImage (linked to both Parent and Child VGImage)"));
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR2 = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay,EGL_NO_CONTEXT,EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR,&sgImage,NULL);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Destroying the Parent VGImage"));
+	vgDestroyImage(vgImage);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Trying to create an EGLImage from the same RSgImage (linked to the Child VGImage)"));
+	imageKHR2 = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay,EGL_NO_CONTEXT,EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR,&sgImage,NULL);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Destroying the Child VGImage"));
+	vgDestroyImage(childVgImage);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Trying to create an EGLImage and a new VGImage from the same RSgImage (now it's free)"));
+	imageKHR2 = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay,EGL_NO_CONTEXT,EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR,&sgImage,NULL);
+	//cleanup
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sgImage);
+	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage(iDisplay, imageKHR2));		
+	CleanAll();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority 1
+@SYMREQ See SGL.GT0386.401 document
+Ensure that the when using a child VGImage contents of the RSgImage are preserved even if the parent VGImage and the EGLImage have been destroyed.
+This test will check for the “VG_KHR_EGL_image” extension, if it is not supported on this platform then the test will return immediately without failure.
+Create a reference Bitmap
+Create and fully construct an RSgImage object having the same content as the reference bitmap 
+•	Set the iUsage bit to ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage
+Pass the RSgImage object into eglCreateImageKHR() with
+•	The target parameter set to EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR
+•	Use the current display and EGL_NO_CONTEXT
+•	Use a NULL attr_list
+Check that eglCreateImageKHR() does NOT return EGL_NO_IMAGE_KHR
+Create and make current and EGL context bound to OVG APIs and linked to a window surface.
+Use vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR() to construct a VGImage object from the EGLImage.
+•	Check for errors
+Use vgChildImage() to construct child VGImage object from the previous VGImage.
+•	Check for errors
+Pass the parent VGImage into vgDestroyImage()
+Pass the EGLImage into eglDestroyImageKHR()
+Use OpenVG APIs to draw the previous child VGImage to this surface.
+Check Contents.
+Pass the child VGImage into vgDestroyImage()
+Close RSgImage
+Check for memory and handle leaks.
+What is drawn to the surface is exactly what is expected to be inside the child VGImage.
+No memory or handle leaks.
+TVerdict CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_VGImage_Child_CheckContents::doTestStepL()
+	{	
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_VGImage_Child_CheckContents::doTestStepL"));
+	SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0142"));
+	TBool ret = CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_RSgimage | KEGL_KHR_image_base | KEGL_KHR_image_pixmap | KVG_KHR_EGL_image);
+	if(!ret)
+		{
+		// The extension is not supported
+		RecordTestResultL();
+		CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+		return TestStepResult();
+		}
+	// This test is performed for default pixel format
+	PrintUsedPixelConfiguration();
+	// Create display object
+	GetDisplayL();
+	CreateEglSessionL();
+	iEglSess->InitializeL();
+	iEglSess->OpenSgDriverL();
+	RSgImage sgImage;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sgImage);
+	// Create a reference bitmap which we use to init the SgImage (we use index=8)
+	TDisplayMode bitmapMode = EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iSourceFormat);
+	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iEglSess->CreateReferenceBitmapL(bitmapMode, KPixmapSize, 8);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one RSgImage"));	
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage imageInfo = TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage(iSourceFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(sgImage.Create(imageInfo, bitmap->DataAddress(), bitmap->DataStride()), KErrNone);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
+	bitmap = NULL;
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one EGLImage from it"));
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, &sgImage, KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue);
+	//Create a Surface and Link it to a Context bound to OpenVG
+	TUidPixelFormat pixelFormat = EglTestConversion::VgFormatToSgPixelFormat(iSurfaceFormat);
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget imageInfo2 = TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget(pixelFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(imageInfo2, CTestEglSession::EResourceCloseSgImageEarly);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one VGImage from it"));
+	VGImage vgImage = iEglSess->vgCreateImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR)imageKHR);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating a VGImage Child from the previous VGImage"));
+	VGImage childVgImage = vgChildImage(vgImage,0,0,KPixmapSize.iWidth,KPixmapSize.iHeight);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Destroying the RSgImage, the EGLImage, and the parent VGImage"));
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sgImage);								// closes RSgImage
+	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage(iDisplay, imageKHR));		// closes EGLImage
+	vgDestroyImage(vgImage);											// closes VGImage (parent)
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Draw the child VGImage to the surface and check contents"));
+	vgSetPixels(0, 0, childVgImage, 0, 0, KPixmapSize.iWidth, KPixmapSize.iHeight);
+	eglWaitClient();
+	// To check the contents we need to repopulate the reference bitmap (with same index used during init)
+	TDisplayMode refBitmapMode = EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iSourceFormat);
+	CFbsBitmap* refBitmap = iEglSess->CreateReferenceBitmapL(refBitmapMode, KPixmapSize, 8);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(refBitmap);
+	iEglSess->CheckVgDrawingL(iSurfaceFormat, refBitmap);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(refBitmap);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Content is as expected"));
+	//cleanup
+	vgDestroyImage(childVgImage);
+	CleanAll();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+@SYMTestPriority 1
+@SYMREQ See SGL.GT0386.401 document
+Ensure that when using a child VGImage contents of the RSgImage are preserved even 
+if the parent VGImage, the EGLImage and the original RSgImage have been destroyed.
+This test that the link of references fron the child VGImage to the actual content is 
+valid even when it is the only reference left to the data.
+Perform the exact action described in GRAPHICS-EGL-0213 but close the RSgImage too.
+What is drawn to the surface is exactly what is expected to be inside the child VGImage.
+No memory or handle leaks.
+TVerdict CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_VGImage_Child_CheckContents_CloseSgEarlier::doTestStepL()
+	{	
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_EGL_Image_Sibling_VGImage_Child_CheckContents::doTestStepL"));
+	SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0142"));
+	TBool ret = CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_RSgimage | KEGL_KHR_image_base | KEGL_KHR_image_pixmap | KVG_KHR_EGL_image);
+	if(!ret)
+		{
+		// The extension is not supported
+		RecordTestResultL();
+		CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+		return TestStepResult();
+		}
+	// This test is performed for default pixel format
+	PrintUsedPixelConfiguration();
+	// Create display object
+	GetDisplayL();
+	CreateEglSessionL();
+	iEglSess->InitializeL();
+	iEglSess->OpenSgDriverL();
+	RSgImage sgImage;
+	CleanupClosePushL(sgImage);
+	// Create a reference bitmap which we use to init the SgImage (we use index=8)
+	TDisplayMode bitmapMode = EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iSourceFormat);
+	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iEglSess->CreateReferenceBitmapL(bitmapMode, KPixmapSize, 8);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one RSgImage"));	
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage imageInfo = TSgImageInfoOpenVgImage(iSourceFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	ASSERT_EQUALS(sgImage.Create(imageInfo, bitmap->DataAddress(), bitmap->DataStride()), KErrNone);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
+	bitmap = NULL;
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one EGLImage from it"));
+	EGLImageKHR imageKHR = iEglSess->eglCreateImageKhrL(iDisplay, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, &sgImage, KEglImageAttribsPreservedTrue);
+	//Close the SgDriver EGL Implemtation should have its own reference to it
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sgImage);								// closes RSgImage
+	iEglSess->CloseSgDriver();
+	//Create a Surface and Link it to a Context bound to OpenVG
+	TUidPixelFormat pixelFormat = EglTestConversion::VgFormatToSgPixelFormat(iSurfaceFormat);
+	TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget imageInfo2 = TSgImageInfoOpenVgTarget(pixelFormat, KPixmapSize);
+	iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(imageInfo2, CTestEglSession::EResourceCloseSgImageEarly);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating one VGImage from it"));
+	VGImage vgImage = iEglSess->vgCreateImageTargetKHR((VGeglImageKHR)imageKHR);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Creating a VGImage Child from the previous VGImage"));
+	VGImage childVgImage = vgChildImage(vgImage,0,0,KPixmapSize.iWidth,KPixmapSize.iHeight);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Destroying the RSgImage, the EGLImage, and the parent VGImage"));
+	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iEglSess->DestroyEGLImage(iDisplay, imageKHR));		// closes EGLImage
+	vgDestroyImage(vgImage);											// closes VGImage (parent)
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Draw the child VGImage to the surface and check contents"));
+	vgSetPixels(0, 0, childVgImage, 0, 0, KPixmapSize.iWidth, KPixmapSize.iHeight);
+	eglWaitClient();
+	// To check the contents we need to repopulate the reference bitmap (with same index used during init)
+	TDisplayMode refBitmapMode = EglTestConversion::PixelFormatToDisplayMode(iSourceFormat);
+	CFbsBitmap* refBitmap = iEglSess->CreateReferenceBitmapL(refBitmapMode, KPixmapSize, 8);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(refBitmap);
+	iEglSess->CheckVgDrawingL(iSurfaceFormat, refBitmap);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(refBitmap);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Content is as expected"));
+	//cleanup
+	vgDestroyImage(childVgImage);
+	CleanAll();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}