--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fbs/fontandbitmapserver/sfbs/BitmapCompr.inl Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ The created class instance doesn't take the ownership on aBase parameter.
+ @internalComponent
+ @pre aBase != NULL
+ @param aBase Points to the beginning of compressed bitmap data
+ @param aComprDataBytes Total amount of compressed bitmap bytes
+ @param aCanAdjustLineScanPos If not EFalse - scanline position can be adjusted calling
+ AdjustLineScanningPosition function.
+ @see AdjustLineScanningPosition(TLineScanningPosition& aLineScanPos, const TUint32* aBase, TInt aBitmapWidth, TInt aStartPos, TInt aCompressedDataBytes);
+template <TInt BPP, TInt BPP_DEST>
+TScanLineDecompressor<BPP, BPP_DEST>::TScanLineDecompressor(const TUint32* aBase,
+ TInt aComprDataBytes,
+ TBool aCanAdjustLineScanPos) :
+ iBase(aBase),
+ iComprDataBytes(aComprDataBytes),
+ iCanAdjustLineScanPos(aCanAdjustLineScanPos)
+ {
+ }
+The method calculates the start byte position (as a index) in decompressed bitmap data .
+@param aPixel The decompression starts from this pixel
+@param aByteWidth Scanline width in bytes
+@return Calculated start position.
+template <TInt BPP, TInt BPP_DEST>
+TInt TScanLineDecompressor<BPP, BPP_DEST>::CalcStartPos(const TPoint& aPixel, TInt aByteWidth) const
+ {
+ return aPixel.iY * aByteWidth + aPixel.iX * BPP;
+ }
+The method calculates the start byte position (as a index) in decompressed bitmap data .
+@param aPixel The decompression starts from this pixel
+@param aByteWidth Scanline width in bytes
+@return Calculated start position.
+template <TInt BPP, TInt BPP_DEST>
+TInt TScanLineDecompressor<BPP, BPP_DEST>::CalcDestStartPos(const TPoint& aPixel, TInt aByteWidth) const
+ {
+ return aPixel.iY * aByteWidth + aPixel.iX * BPP_DEST;
+ }
+The method calculates the end byte position (as a index) in decompressed bitmap data .
+@param aLength Length in pixels of bitmap data we want to decompress.
+@param aPixel The decompression starts from this pixel
+@param aByteWidth Scanline width in bytes
+@return Calculated end position.
+template <TInt BPP, TInt BPP_DEST>
+TInt TScanLineDecompressor<BPP, BPP_DEST>::CalcEndPos(TInt aLength, const TPoint& aPixel,
+ TInt aByteWidth) const
+ {
+ return aPixel.iY * aByteWidth + (aPixel.iX + aLength) * BPP_DEST;
+ }
+The method calculates a pointer to a place in aDestBuffer where the
+copying of decompressed bitmap data starts.
+@param aDestBuffer Points to the start of the destination buffer.
+@param aPixel The decompression starts from this pixel
+@return A pointer to a place in aDestBuffer where the
+copying of decompressed bitmap data starts.
+template <TInt BPP, TInt BPP_DEST>
+TUint8* TScanLineDecompressor<BPP, BPP_DEST>::CalcDestPtr(const TUint8* aDestBuffer,
+ const TPoint& aPixel) const
+ {
+ return const_cast <TUint8*> (aDestBuffer + aPixel.iX * BPP_DEST);
+ }
+The method calculates a pointer to a place in aDestBuffer where the copying
+of the decompressed data stops.
+@param aDestPtr A pointer to a place in aDestBuffer where the
+copying of decompressed bitmap data starts - CalcDestPtr() return value.
+@param aPixel The decompression starts from this pixel
+@param aByteWidth Scanline width in bytes
+@param aLength Length in pixels of bitmap data we want to decompress.
+@param aStartPos CalcStartPos() method return value.
+@return A pointer to a place in aDestBuffer where the
+copying of decompressed bitmap data stops.
+@see CalcDestPtr
+@see CalcStartPos
+template <TInt BPP, TInt BPP_DEST>
+TUint8* TScanLineDecompressor<BPP, BPP_DEST>::CalcDestPtrLimit(const TUint8* aDestPtr,
+ const TPoint& aPixel, TInt aByteWidth,
+ TInt aLength, TInt aStartPos) const
+ {
+ return const_cast <TUint8*> (aDestPtr + CalcEndPos(aLength, aPixel, aByteWidth) - aStartPos);
+ }
+The method performs a quick find of the correct start position.
+It uses the fact that aLineScanPos parameter should be recalculated after each positioning
+in the compresed bitmap data and might be used in the next call of decompression methods.
+@param aLineScanPos Saved information about the last used position in the compressed data
+@param aByteWidth Scanline width in bytes
+@param aStartPos CalcStartPos() method return value.
+@return A pointer to a position in compressed bitmap data, where the decompression
+starts from
+@see CalcStartPos
+template <TInt BPP, TInt BPP_DEST>
+TUint8* TScanLineDecompressor<BPP, BPP_DEST>::AdjustLineScanningPosition(TLineScanningPosition& aLineScanPos,
+ TInt aByteWidth,
+ TInt aStartPos) const
+ {
+ TUint8* srcPtr = NULL;
+ // Fast find the correct position to start
+ if(iCanAdjustLineScanPos)
+ {
+ ::AdjustLineScanningPosition(aLineScanPos, iBase, aByteWidth, aStartPos, iComprDataBytes);
+ }
+ srcPtr = aLineScanPos.iSrcDataPtr;
+ //Unfortunatelly we can't move fast srcPtr if aLineScanPos.iCursorPos > aStartPos,
+ //because we have 1 byte for the compressed data length and the data itself after the "length"
+ //byte. With this information we can move srcPtr forward, not backward.
+ if(aLineScanPos.iCursorPos > aStartPos)
+ {
+ srcPtr = (TUint8*)iBase;
+ aLineScanPos.iCursorPos = 0;
+ }
+ TInt count = TInt8(*srcPtr);//pixels count
+ TInt length = (count < 0 ? -count : count + 1) * BPP;//length in bytes
+ //If count < 0 - we have a sequence of abs(count) pixels - abs(count) * BPP bytes
+ //If count >= 0 - we have (count + 1) pixels with the same color - (count + 1) * BPP bytes
+ while((aLineScanPos.iCursorPos + length) <= aStartPos)
+ {
+ srcPtr += count < 0 ? length + 1 : (BPP + 1);//(BPP + 1) - bytes for the pixel + 1 byte for the length
+ aLineScanPos.iCursorPos += length;
+ count = TInt8(*srcPtr);
+ length = (count < 0 ? -count : count + 1) * BPP;
+ }
+ //After executing of the previous "if" operator and "while" loop, srcPtr points to
+ //the nearest "length" byte before the start position in compressed bitmap data.
+ return srcPtr;
+ }
+This overloaded "()" operator used for decompression of bitmap scan lines.
+@param aDestBuffer Points to the destination buffer. After the call it fill be filled
+with the decomperssed data.
+@param aPixel The decompression starts from this pixel
+@param aLineScanPos Saved information about the last used position in the compressed data
+@param aByteWidth Scanline width in bytes
+@param aLength Length of requested decompressed data - in pixels
+template <TInt BPP, TInt BPP_DEST>
+void TScanLineDecompressor<BPP, BPP_DEST>::operator()(TUint8* aDestBuffer, const TPoint& aPixel,
+ TLineScanningPosition& aLineScanPos,
+ TInt aByteWidth, TInt aDestByteWidth, TInt aLength) const
+ {
+ TInt startPos = CalcStartPos(aPixel, aByteWidth);
+ TInt destStartPos = CalcDestStartPos(aPixel, aDestByteWidth);
+ TUint8* destPtr = CalcDestPtr(aDestBuffer, aPixel);
+ const TUint8* destPtrLimit = CalcDestPtrLimit(destPtr, aPixel, aDestByteWidth, aLength, destStartPos);
+ //Fast find the correct position to start
+ TUint8* srcPtr = AdjustLineScanningPosition(aLineScanPos, aByteWidth, startPos);
+ //Decompress each slot of compressed data which has the following format:
+ // ...|"length byte"| "pixel value(s)" |...
+ while(destPtr < destPtrLimit)
+ {
+ TInt pixelsInTheSlot = TInt8(*srcPtr++);
+ TInt availDestSpaceInBytes = destPtrLimit - destPtr;
+ TInt skipBytes = startPos - aLineScanPos.iCursorPos;
+ if(pixelsInTheSlot < 0)
+ {//a sequence of abs(pixelsInTheSlot) pixels with different color values
+ TInt bytesInTheSlot = -pixelsInTheSlot * BPP;
+ TUint8* start_pos = srcPtr;
+ TInt bytesToCopy = bytesInTheSlot;
+ if(skipBytes > 0) //Skip the pixels before the start possition
+ {
+ bytesToCopy -= skipBytes;
+ start_pos += skipBytes;
+ }
+ if(BPP == BPP_DEST)
+ {
+ destPtr = Mem::Copy(destPtr, start_pos, ::Min(bytesToCopy, availDestSpaceInBytes));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ destPtr = CopyBlockPixel(destPtr, start_pos, ::Min(bytesToCopy / BPP, availDestSpaceInBytes / BPP_DEST));
+ }
+ //Move to the next "length" byte only if everything,
+ //controlled by the current "length" byte, is copied
+ if((bytesToCopy / BPP) <= (availDestSpaceInBytes / BPP_DEST))
+ {
+ srcPtr += bytesInTheSlot;
+ aLineScanPos.iCursorPos += bytesInTheSlot;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ srcPtr--;
+ }
+ }
+ else//the "else" part of - if(pixelsInTheSlot < 0)
+ {//(pixelsInTheSlot + 1) pixels with the same color
+ TInt pixelsToCopy = pixelsInTheSlot + 1;
+ TInt bytesInTheSlot = pixelsToCopy * BPP;
+ if(skipBytes > 0) //Skip the pixels before the start possition
+ {
+ pixelsToCopy -= skipBytes / BPP;
+ }
+ destPtr = CopyPixel(destPtr, srcPtr, ::Min(pixelsToCopy, availDestSpaceInBytes / BPP_DEST));
+ //Move to the next "length" byte only if everything,
+ //controlled by the current "length" byte, is copied
+ if((pixelsToCopy * BPP) <= availDestSpaceInBytes)
+ {
+ srcPtr += BPP;// += BPP - we have (count + 1) pixels with the same color - only BPP bytes are used.
+ aLineScanPos.iCursorPos += bytesInTheSlot;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ srcPtr--;
+ }
+ }//end of - if(pixelsCnt < 0)
+ }//end of - while(destPtr < destPtrLimit)
+ aLineScanPos.iSrcDataPtr = srcPtr;//update aLineScanPos.iSrcDataPtr - it will be used
+ //when the method is called again.
+ }