--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fbs/fontandbitmapserver/sfbs/FBSFONT.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <fntstore.h>
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include <openfont.h>
+#include <graphics/shapeimpl.h>
+#include "UTILS.H"
+#include <graphics/shaperparams.h>
+#include "fbsmessage.h"
+#include <graphics/gdi/gdiconsts.h>
+#include <graphics/gdi/gdistructs.h>
+GLREF_C void Panic(TFbsPanic aPanic);
+/** Helper function for converting a pointer to an offset from the passed
+heap base. Use OffsetToPointer() to convert the returned offset back to a
+useable pointer.
+@param aAny A pointer to be converted to an offset.
+@param aHeapBase A pointer to the heap base of the current process.
+@return An offset representing the passed pointer that can be converted
+back to a pointer using the function OffsetToPointer().
+@see OffsetToPointer()
+ */
+LOCAL_C TInt PointerToOffset(const TAny* aAny, TUint8* aHeapBase)
+ {
+ if (aAny && aHeapBase)
+ {
+ return (TInt)aAny - (TInt)aHeapBase;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+/** Helper function for converting an offset (that was calculated using
+PointerToOffset()) back to a pointer relative to the passed heap base.
+@param aOffset The offset to be converted to a pointer.
+@param aHeapBase A pointer to the heap base of the current process.
+@return A pointer relative to the passed heap base.
+@see PointerToOffset()
+ */
+LOCAL_C TAny* OffsetToPointer(const TInt aOffset, TUint8* aHeapBase)
+ {
+ if (aOffset && aHeapBase)
+ {
+ return (TAny*)(aOffset + (TInt)aHeapBase);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CFbsFont::CFbsFont():
+ CFont(),
+ iFbs(RFbsSession::GetSession()),
+ iAddressPointer(NULL),
+ iHandle(0),
+ iServerHandle(0)
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C CFbsFont::CFbsFont(const CFbsFont& aFont):
+ CFont(),
+ iFbs(aFont.iFbs),
+ iAddressPointer(NULL),
+ iHandle(0),
+ iServerHandle(0)
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C CFbsFont::~CFbsFont()
+ {
+ Reset();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CFbsFont::Reset()
+ {
+ if (iHandle)
+ iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessClose,iHandle);
+ iHandle = 0;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CBitmapFont* CFbsFont::Address() const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iHandle != NULL,Panic(EFbsFontAddressViolation));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iAddressPointer != NULL,Panic(EFbsFontAddressViolation));
+ return iAddressPointer;
+ }
+/** Duplicates a font.
+This function does not create a copy of the font. It just assigns another
+handle to the bitmap in the font and bitmap server, and sets this object's
+handle to that.
+@param aFontHandle The handle to an existing CFbsFont.
+@return KErrNone if successful; KErrCouldNotConnect if no connection to the
+font and bitmap server could be made; KErrUnknown if no font could be found
+with the specified handle number.
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::Duplicate(TInt aFontHandle)
+ {
+ if (!iFbs)
+ return KErrCouldNotConnect;
+ if (!aFontHandle)
+ return KErrUnknown;
+ // close any existing handle
+ Reset();
+ // ask server to create the duplicate handle
+ TPckgBuf<TFontInfo> tfpckg;
+ TIpcArgs args(aFontHandle,&tfpckg);
+ TInt ret = iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessFontDuplicate,args);
+ if (ret != KErrNone || !tfpckg().iHandle)
+ return ret;
+ // created
+ iHandle = tfpckg().iHandle;
+ iServerHandle = tfpckg().iServerHandle;
+ iAddressPointer = (CBitmapFont*)(iFbs->HeapBase()+tfpckg().iAddressOffset);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+/** Gets the Font and Bitmap server handle of the font.
+@return The handle of the font.
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::Handle() const
+ {
+ if (!iHandle)
+ return 0;
+ return iServerHandle;
+ }
+/** Gets how much of the specified descriptor can be displayed in this font without
+exceeding the specified width.
+This function does not display any of the descriptor itself. It is used
+before display, to test whether the whole descriptor can be displayed.
+@param aText The descriptor.
+@param aWidthInPixels The available width for character display
+@return The number of characters (starting from the beginning of the descriptor)
+which will be able to be displayed without exceeding the specified width.
+@see CFont::TextCount()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::DoTextCount(const TDesC& aText,TInt aWidthInPixels) const
+ {
+ TInt dummy;
+ return DoTextCount(aText, aWidthInPixels, dummy);
+ }
+/** Gets how much of the specified descriptor can be displayed in this font without
+exceeding the specified width.
+It also returns the excess width defined as the specified available width
+minus the width of the portion of the descriptor which can be displayed without
+exceeding the available width.
+@param aText The descriptor.
+@param aWidthInPixels The available width for character display.
+@param aExcessWidthInPixels The excess width after displaying the portion of
+the descriptor, in pixels.
+@return The number of characters (starting from the beginning of the descriptor)
+which will be able to be displayed without exceeding the specified width.
+@see CFont::TextCount()
+@see TextCount()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::DoTextCount(const TDesC& aText,TInt aWidthInPixels,TInt& aExcessWidth) const
+ {
+ TMeasureTextInput input;
+ input.iMaxAdvance = aWidthInPixels;
+ TMeasureTextOutput output;
+ aExcessWidth = aWidthInPixels - MeasureText(aText,&input,&output);
+ return output.iChars;
+ }
+/** Gets the width of the specified character in this font, in pixels.
+Note: For OpenType fonts this function returns the horizontal advance of
+the character, which may be different from the actual width.
+@param aChar The character whose width should be determined.
+@return The width of the specified character in this font, in pixels.
+@see CFont::CharWidthInPixels()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::DoCharWidthInPixels(TChar aChar) const
+ {
+ TOpenFontCharMetrics metrics;
+ const TUint8* bitmap;
+ TSize size;
+ if (GetCharacterData(aChar,metrics,bitmap,size) != ENoCharacterData)
+ {
+ return metrics.HorizAdvance();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+/** Gets the width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font, in
+@param aText The descriptor whose width should be determined.
+@return The width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font,
+in pixels
+@see CFont::TextWidthInPixels()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::DoTextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aText) const
+ {
+ TMeasureTextInput* dummy = NULL;
+ return DoTextWidthInPixels(aText,dummy);
+ }
+/** Gets the width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font, in
+@param aText The descriptor whose width should be determined.
+@param aParam Parameter block that controls how much of aText is measured
+@return The width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font,
+in pixels
+TInt CFbsFont::DoTextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aText,const TMeasureTextInput* aParam) const
+ {
+ TMeasureTextOutput output;
+ TInt advance_width = MeasureText(aText,aParam,&output);
+ return Max(advance_width,output.iBounds.Width());
+ }
+/** Gets the width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font, in
+pixels. Override of the base class to resolve name clash with other
+TextWidthInPixels variant.
+@param aText The descriptor whose width should be determined.
+@return The width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font,
+in pixels
+@see CFont::TextWidthInPixels()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::TextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aText) const
+ {
+ return DoTextWidthInPixels(aText);
+ }
+/** Gets the width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font, in
+pixels. Override of the base class to resolve name clash with other
+TextWidthInPixels variant.
+@param aText The descriptor whose width should be determined.
+@param aParam Parameter block that controls how much of aText is measured
+@return The width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this font,
+in pixels
+@see CFont::TextWidthInPixels()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::TextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aText,const TMeasureTextInput* aParam) const
+ {
+ return DoTextWidthInPixels(aText,aParam);
+ }
+/** Gets the text width, move and adjusts of the specified descriptor when displayed
+in this font.
+@param aText The descriptor whose width should be determined.
+@param aCharWidth The width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this
+font, in pixels (including information on the width, move and adjusts of the
+EXPORT_C void CFbsFont::TextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aText,SCharWidth& aCharWidth) const
+ {
+ TMeasureTextInput* dummy = NULL;
+ TextWidthInPixels(aText,dummy,aCharWidth);
+ }
+/** Gets the text width, move and adjusts of the specified descriptor when displayed
+in this font.
+@param aText The descriptor whose width should be determined.
+@param aParam Parameter block that controls how much of aText is measured
+@param aCharWidth The width of the specified descriptor when displayed in this
+font, in pixels (including information on the width, move and adjusts of the
+EXPORT_C void CFbsFont::TextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aText,const TMeasureTextInput* aParam, SCharWidth& aCharWidth) const
+ {
+ TMeasureTextOutput output;
+ aCharWidth.iMove = MeasureText(aText,aParam,&output);
+ aCharWidth.iLeftAdjust = output.iBounds.iTl.iX;
+ aCharWidth.iRightAdjust = aCharWidth.iMove - output.iBounds.iBr.iX;
+ aCharWidth.iWidth = output.iBounds.Width();
+ }
+/** Gets the raw width of the text in the descriptor, in pixels.
+ DEPRECATED: Same as MeasureText(const TDesC&).
+This is the width of the text without adjusting for side bearings, algorithmic
+style etc.
+@param aText Any text descriptor (TPtrC, TPtr, _LIT, TBuf etc.).
+@return The width (in pixels) of the text in the descriptor. */
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::RawTextWidthInPixels(const TDesC& aText) const
+ {
+ return MeasureText(aText);
+ }
+/** Gets the baseline offset, in pixels.
+The offset is how far a font is raised or lowered from its normal baseline.
+@return Offset from normal baseline, in pixels.
+@see CFont::BaselineOffsetInPixels()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::DoBaselineOffsetInPixels() const
+ {
+ if (!iHandle)
+ return 0;
+ return Address()->iAlgStyle.iBaselineOffsetInPixels;
+ }
+/** Gets the width of the widest character in this font, in pixels.
+@return The width of the maximum width character, in pixels.
+@see CFont::MaxCharWidthInPixels()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::DoMaxCharWidthInPixels() const
+ {
+ if (!iHandle)
+ return 0;
+ TInt width = Address()->CBitmapFont::DoMaxCharWidthInPixels();
+ if (Address()->iAlgStyle.IsBold())
+ width += Address()->iAlgStyle.WidthFactor();
+ return width;
+ }
+/** Gets the width of the widest normal character in this font, in pixels.
+Normal characters include all character in a character set except non-alphabetic
+characters (e.g. the copyright symbol, or a block graphics symbol, for example).
+@return The width of the maximum width normal character, in pixels.
+@see CFont::MaxNormalCharWidthInPixels()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::DoMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels() const
+ {
+ if (!iHandle)
+ return 0;
+ TInt width = Address()->CBitmapFont::DoMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels();
+ if (Address()->iAlgStyle.IsBold())
+ width += Address()->iAlgStyle.WidthFactor();
+ return width;
+ }
+/** Gets the font height in pixels.
+@return The font height in pixels.
+@see CFont::HeightInPixels()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::DoHeightInPixels() const
+ {
+ if (!iHandle)
+ return 0;
+ return Address()->CBitmapFont::DoHeightInPixels();
+ }
+/** Gets the font ascent in pixels.
+@return The font ascent in pixels.
+@see CFont::AscentInPixels()
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::DoAscentInPixels() const
+ {
+ if (!iHandle)
+ return 0;
+ return Address()->CBitmapFont::DoAscentInPixels();
+ }
+/** Gets the font specification of this font in twips.
+@return The font specification of this font (in twips).
+@see CFont::FontSpecInTwips()
+EXPORT_C TFontSpec CFbsFont::DoFontSpecInTwips() const
+ {
+ TFontSpec fs;
+ if (!iHandle)
+ return fs;
+ fs = Address()->CBitmapFont::DoFontSpecInTwips();
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> tfpckg;
+ TIpcArgs args(iHandle,&tfpckg);
+ TInt ret = iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessGetTwipsHeight,args);
+ fs.iHeight = tfpckg();
+ return fs;
+ }
+/** Gets the character metrics and a pointer to the compressed glyph bitmap for
+the specified character.
+This function is deprecated, because TCharacterMetrics cannot store metrics
+larger than 127 or less than 127 use GetCharacterData() instead.
+@param aCode The code for the character to be checked.
+@param aBytes On return, contains a pointer to the compressed glyph bitmap.
+@return The character metrics for the font.
+EXPORT_C TCharacterMetrics CFbsFont::CharacterMetrics(TInt aCode,const TUint8*& aBytes) const
+ {
+ TCharacterMetrics metrics;
+ // Save time by not converting from TCharacterMetrics to TOpenFontCharMetrics and back if this is a real bitmap font.
+ if (iHandle)
+ {
+ CBitmapFont* bitmap_font = Address();
+ if (!bitmap_font->IsOpenFont())
+ metrics = bitmap_font->CharacterMetrics(aCode,aBytes);
+ else
+ {
+ TOpenFontCharMetrics new_metrics;
+ aBytes = NULL;
+ TSize size;
+ if (GetCharacterData(aCode,new_metrics,aBytes,size) != ENoCharacterData)
+ new_metrics.GetTCharacterMetrics(metrics);
+ }
+ }
+ return metrics;
+ }
+/** Gets the character metrics and the glyph bitmap.
+@param aCode The character code in Unicode.
+@param aMetrics On return, contains the character metrics.
+@param aBitmap On return, contains a pointer to the compressed glyph bitmap.
+@param aBitmapSize The size of the returned glyph bitmap in pixels. This is
+not necessarily the same as the size implied by the returned metrics, which
+may incorporate algorithmic multiplication.
+EXPORT_C CFont::TCharacterDataAvailability CFbsFont::DoGetCharacterData(TUint aCode,TOpenFontCharMetrics& aMetrics,
+ const TUint8*& aBitmap,TSize& aBitmapSize) const
+ {
+ aBitmap = NULL;
+ if (!iHandle)
+ return CFont::ENoCharacterData;
+ CBitmapFont* bitmap_font = Address();
+ if (!bitmap_font->GetCharacterData(iFbs->ServerSessionHandle(),aCode,aMetrics,aBitmap))
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TRasterizeParams> paramsBuf;
+ TIpcArgs args(iHandle, aCode, ¶msBuf);
+ if(iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessRasterize, args))
+ {
+ // Translate the offsets sent to the server back to pointers relative to
+ // the heap base of the current process
+ const TOpenFontCharMetrics* temp = (const TOpenFontCharMetrics*)OffsetToPointer(paramsBuf().iMetricsOffset, iFbs->HeapBase());
+ if (temp)
+ {
+ aMetrics = *temp;
+ }
+ aBitmap = static_cast<TUint8*>(OffsetToPointer(paramsBuf().iBitmapPointerOffset, iFbs->HeapBase()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return CFont::ENoCharacterData;
+ }
+ }
+ aBitmapSize.SetSize(aMetrics.Width(),aMetrics.Height());
+ if (!bitmap_font->IsOpenFont())
+ {
+ TAlgStyle null_style;
+ if (!(bitmap_font->iAlgStyle == null_style))
+ {
+ const int width_factor = bitmap_font->iAlgStyle.WidthFactor();
+ const int height_factor = bitmap_font->iAlgStyle.HeightFactor();
+ const int bold_addition = bitmap_font->iAlgStyle.IsBold() ? width_factor : 0;
+ const int italic_addition = bitmap_font->iAlgStyle.IsItalic() ? width_factor : 0;
+ aMetrics.SetWidth(aMetrics.Width() * width_factor + bold_addition + italic_addition);
+ aMetrics.SetHeight(aMetrics.Height() * height_factor);
+ aMetrics.SetHorizBearingX(aMetrics.HorizBearingX() * width_factor);
+ aMetrics.SetHorizBearingY(aMetrics.HorizBearingY() * height_factor);
+ aMetrics.SetVertBearingX(aMetrics.VertBearingX() * width_factor);
+ aMetrics.SetVertBearingY(aMetrics.VertBearingY() * height_factor);
+ if (bitmap_font->iAlgStyle.IsMono())
+ aMetrics.SetHorizAdvance(bitmap_font->CBitmapFont::DoMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels() + bold_addition);
+ else
+ aMetrics.SetHorizAdvance(aMetrics.HorizAdvance() * width_factor + bold_addition);
+ aMetrics.SetVertAdvance(aMetrics.VertAdvance() * height_factor);
+ }
+ }
+ return CFont::EAllCharacterData;
+ }
+/** Gets the open font metrics. If the metrics cannot be obtained the function
+returns EFalse.
+@param aMetrics On return, contains the font metrics
+@return EFalse if the metrics cannot be obtained
+EXPORT_C TBool CFbsFont::GetFontMetrics(TOpenFontMetrics& aMetrics) const
+ {
+ if (iHandle)
+ {
+ CBitmapFont* bitmap_font = Address();
+ bitmap_font->GetFontMetrics(aMetrics);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+/** Gets the typeface attributes of Open Font System fonts.
+Typeface attributes are different from the font metrics; they are not metrics,
+which are different for every different size, but size-independent attributes
+of the typeface, like name and style.
+This function can be used if IsOpenFont() returns true i.e. the font is
+an Open Font.
+@param aAttrib On return, contains the typeface attributes.
+@return EFalse if the attributes cannot be obtained, or if the font is not an
+Open Font (IsOpenFont() returns EFalse).
+EXPORT_C TBool CFbsFont::GetFaceAttrib(TOpenFontFaceAttrib& aAttrib) const
+ {
+ if (!iHandle)
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ TPckgBuf<TOpenFontFaceAttrib> package;
+ TIpcArgs args(iHandle,&package);
+ if (iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessFaceAttrib,args))
+ {
+ aAttrib = package();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+/** Tests whether the font is an Open Font system font.
+If this function returns ETrue, the function GetFaceAttrib() will work.
+@return ETrue if font is an Open Font system font (e.g. TrueType). EFalse if
+the font is a bitmap font loaded from a GDR file.
+EXPORT_C TBool CFbsFont::IsOpenFont() const
+ {
+ if (iHandle)
+ {
+ CBitmapFont* bitmap_font = Address();
+ return bitmap_font->IsOpenFont();
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+/** Tests whether the font contains a particular character.
+@param aCode Character code to be tested. This code is in the code page 1252
+encoding in v5, otherwise it is in Unicode
+@return ETrue if the font contains aCode.
+EXPORT_C TBool CFbsFont::HasCharacter(TInt aCode) const
+ {
+ if (iHandle)
+ {
+ return iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessHasCharacter,iHandle,aCode);
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+/** help DoExtendedFunction to perform KFontGetShaping function
+@param aParam Input & output parameter block,
+if successful aParam->iShapeHeaderOutput points to the shape data.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise a system wide error code.
+TInt CFbsFont::DoFontGetShaping(TFontShapeFunctionParameters* aParam) const
+ {
+ if (!iHandle)
+ {
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ TPckgBuf<TShapeMessageParameters> sp;
+ sp().iStart = aParam->iStart;
+ sp().iEnd = aParam->iEnd;
+ sp().iScript = aParam->iScript;
+ sp().iLanguage = aParam->iLanguage;
+ TInt offset = iFbs->SendCommand( EFbsMessShapeText,TIpcArgs(iHandle, aParam->iText, &sp));
+ // Convert the returned offset to pointer relative to the heap base of the current process
+ aParam->iShapeHeaderOutput = reinterpret_cast<const TShapeHeader*>(OffsetToPointer(offset, iFbs->HeapBase()));
+ return aParam->iShapeHeaderOutput? KErrNone : KErrGeneral;
+ }
+/** help DoExtendedFunction to perform KFontDeleteShaping function
+@param aParam Input parameter block
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrBadHandle if the font does not have a valid handle.
+TInt CFbsFont::DoFontDeleteShaping(TFontShapeDeleteFunctionParameters* aParam) const
+ {
+ if (!iHandle)
+ {
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ // Convert the address of the shape header to an offset from the heap base
+ // of this process before the offset is sent to the server
+ iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessShapeDelete,iHandle,PointerToOffset(aParam->iShapeHeader, iFbs->HeapBase()));
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+/** API extension system that enables the caller to access a particular API
+extension function. As an overload of this function in a derived class
+it calls its immediate parent implementation for any extension function Uid
+that it does not recognize and handle.
+@param aInterfaceId UID of the required extension function
+@param aParam Pointer to an arbitrary parameter block that can be used to
+provide and/or return information to/from the particular extension function,
+defaults to NULL.
+@return Integer return value from extension function, a system wide error code.
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsFont::DoExtendedFunction(TUid aFunctionId, TAny* aParam) const
+ {
+ if (iHandle)
+ {
+ if (aFunctionId == KFontGetShaping)
+ {
+ return DoFontGetShaping(reinterpret_cast<TFontShapeFunctionParameters*>(aParam));
+ }
+ else if (aFunctionId == KFontDeleteShaping)
+ {
+ return DoFontDeleteShaping(reinterpret_cast<TFontShapeDeleteFunctionParameters*>(aParam));
+ }
+ else if ( (aFunctionId == KFontCapitalAscent)
+ || (aFunctionId == KFontMaxAscent)
+ || (aFunctionId == KFontStandardDescent)
+ || (aFunctionId == KFontMaxDescent)
+ || (aFunctionId == KFontLineGap) )
+ {
+ // Call the version on the CBitmapFont instance
+ return Address()->CBitmapFont::DoExtendedFunction(aFunctionId, aParam);
+ }
+ else if (aFunctionId == KTextInContextWidthInPixelsUid)
+ {
+ TTextWidthInternal* contextParam = (TTextWidthInternal*)aParam;
+ return DoTextWidthInPixels(contextParam->iText,&contextParam->iParam);
+ }
+ }
+ return CFont::DoExtendedFunction(aFunctionId, aParam);
+ }