--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicscomposition/surfaceupdate/inc/surfaceupdateclient.h Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include "surfaceupdate.h"
+#include "surfaceupdatetest.h"
+class TSurfaceId;
+const TInt KDefaultMessageSlot = 6;
+typedef TPckgBuf<TUint32> TTimeStamp;
+The RSurfaceUpdateSession class is intended to be used by surface update control flow.
+The class implements an interface between the Compositor and clients. It allows a client to
+inform the Compositor when a surface has been modified and to receive notification when
+its buffer becomes available and/or displayed.
+class RSurfaceUpdateSession : public RSessionBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C RSurfaceUpdateSession();
+ /**
+ Connect to the server using given number of message slots.
+ @param aMessageSlots The number of message slots available to this session.
+ This parameter is defined in RSessionBase specification; it signifies the maximum number
+ of asynchronous outstanding requests to the server.
+ SubmitUpdate commands could contain up to three asynchronous requests to the server,
+ each corresponds to a different type of notification.
+ @see RSessionBase
+ @pre The surface update server is started up
+ @post Connection to the server has been established.
+ @return KErrNone if successful.
+ @return KErrAlreadyExists if the session has already been established.
+ @return KErrArgument if arguments don’t lie within expected range.
+ @return KErrNotFound if the server is not in operation, otherwise one of the
+ system-wide error codes.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt Connect(TInt aMessageSlots = KDefaultMessageSlot);
+ /**
+ Close the session to the server.
+ @pre Outstanding notification requests (if any) are cancelled.
+ @post The session is disconnected.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void Close();
+ /**
+ Send update message to the server. All notification requests will also be submitted at
+ this stage.
+ This is referring to when notifications are requested before the update request.
+ <p>The GCE may collapse a few requests into one.
+ If a few requests with different buffer numbers specified for the same surface have
+ been submitted at specific composition cycle, only last such request will have effect.
+ <p>Clients can send a global submit update which will be broadcast by the SUS to all
+ backends presented in the system. For a global update, to all screens,
+ the pre-defined constant KAllScreens needs to be passed as the screen parameter
+ to SubmitUpdate.
+ Note that once a Client has begun issuing SubmitUpdate with either KAllScreens or a
+ specific screen, then only that type of screen can be used thereafter for that
+ Surface Update Session, i.e. the client cannot have a mix of SubmitUpdate with
+ KAllScreens and specific screens.
+ @see RSurfaceUpdateSession::NotifyWhenAvailable
+ @see RSurfaceUpdateSession::NotifyWhenDisplayed
+ @see RSurfaceUpdateSession::NotifyWhenDisplayedXTimes
+ @param aScreen Screen number. Varies from 0 to N-1, where N is a total number of screens
+ in the system. If pre-defined constant KAllScreens is passed, the submission will
+ be broadcast to all screens.
+ @param aSurfaceId Secure 128-bit surface unique identifier, which fully specified the
+ surface. Surface ID must be assigned and registered with the GCE.
+ @param aBuffer Current buffer for composition. Varies from 0 to N-1, where N is the
+ total number of buffers in the surface.
+ @param aRegion The region requiring update, if this is NULL or empty, the whole
+ surface will be used for composition. The function doesn’t take ownership of
+ this parameter.
+ @pre The surface session must be established to the server.
+ @post The GCE will trigger composition to use this region at the next composition cycle.
+ @return KErrNone if a message has been transferred to the server successfully.
+ @return KErrArgument if arguments don’t lie within expected range.
+ @return KErrBackendNotAvailable if backend for specified screen hasn’t been registered
+ with the server.
+ @return KErrNotSupported if global and per-screen update are mixed within the same session.
+ @return KErrNoMemory if the memory is not enough to fulfill the request,
+ otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+ Will panic if applied on disconnected session.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt SubmitUpdate(TInt aScreen, const TSurfaceId& aSurfaceId, TInt aBuffer,
+ const TRegion* aDirtyRegion = NULL);
+ /**
+ The message signals the client that the buffer associated with the notifier is available
+ for further updates.
+ <p>For performance reasons, the GCE uses the buffer sent by the client for composition
+ directly rather than composing with a copy of the buffer.
+ This means that, potentially, a client could be rendering to a buffer which is currently
+ being used for composition, leading to artefacts and possible tearing.
+ Depending on whether the surface is single or multi-buffered, there is some difference
+ in behaviour:
+ <li>In the case of single-buffered surfaces, the GCE will not wait for the next
+ submit update and will complete the request after the composition. </li>
+ <li>In case of multi-buffered surfaces, the GCE can postpone with the issuing the notification
+ to the client even after the composition with the specified surface buffer has already happened,
+ and issues the request when the client changes the active buffer, i.e. submits another
+ request for update with different buffer. This will help the GCE to keep the active buffer in a
+ valid state should another composition required.</li>
+ <p>This notification enables a client to, if desired, be able to perform artefact free
+ rendering using this notification in conjunction with a multi-buffered surface.
+ <p>Note that since the compositor can delay to issue request complete for multi-buffered
+ surface until the change of the active buffer occurs, the completion of a particular
+ notifier may not relate to the buffer to which it is intuitively associated.
+ <p>Only the last call of this function before SubmitUpdate command takes place will have
+ effect, i.e. the following call will override the previous one.
+ This request will only be associated with the following single call of the SubmitUpdate.
+ <p>When a SubmitUpdate has been broadcast to all available screen, i.e. KAllScreens was
+ supplied as a screen number, for multi-buffered surfaces, the notification will be completed
+ when the surface buffer has been released by all displays it is being shown on.
+ For single-buffered surfaces, notification will be completed when all displays have read
+ the buffer once.
+ @param aStatus Reference to the request status object.
+ @see RSurfaceUpdateSession::SubmitUpdate
+ @pre The surface session must be established to the server.
+ @post This request for the consumption notification event will be transferred to the GCE
+ at next SubmitUpdate command.
+ @return KErrNone if consumption has succeeded, the request completed aStatus will
+ contain this code.
+ @return KErrOverflow if the GCE drops the frame for composition. That could happen
+ if the GCE can’t cope with the current composition rate or the new request arrives
+ while the current is still in a progress.
+ The buffer overflow error can only happen with double buffering:
+ <li>If notification is not being used</li>
+ <li>If notification is not being used correctly as the client is not waiting for
+ notification to complete before sending a further buffer.</li>
+ If an application such as video is using three (or more) buffers, this error can occur.
+ For instance, the video may be producing frames at a fixed rate which is faster than
+ the GCE can cope with, and in this case frames will be “lost”, but the notification
+ mechanism will still operate correctly.
+ @return KErrBackendNotAvailable if backend for specified screen hasn’t been registered
+ with the server.
+ @return KErrArgument if arguments in SubmitUpdate command don’t lie within expected range.
+ @return KErrCancel if notification has been cancelled. It could happen, for instance,
+ if CancelUpdateNotification is called before the request is completed.
+ @return KErrServerBusy if the number of outstanding requests has exceeded specified
+ value (see RSurfaceUpdateSession::Connect for details).
+ @return KErrNotReady if the environment is in invalid state (for instance, the Surface
+ Update Server has not been launched or the session is disconnected).
+ @return KErrSurfaceNotRegistered if the surface is not registered with the specific backend.
+ @return KErrNotVisible if the surface specified in SubmitUpdate is not visible.
+ This could happen if there is no layer associated with the surface or no active
+ composition scene.
+ Note, the absence of this error code does not guarantee that the surface
+ is visible. For example, if the surface is behind another surface that has alpha blending
+ enabled the compositor will not do a pixel level comparison to determine surface visibility.
+ @return KErrSurfaceNotRegistered if the surface is not registered with the specific backend.
+ @return KErrNotSupported if global and per-screen update are mixed within the same session.
+ @return KErrNoMemory if the memory is not enough to fulfil the request, any other
+ system error codes.
+ Will panic if applied on disconnected session.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void NotifyWhenAvailable(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ /**
+ Ask the server to notify when the surface buffer which will be specified in the next
+ update request has been displayed for the first time.
+ The notification will also include exact time of the event as it is supplied by the
+ User::FastCounter().
+ Only the last call of this function before SubmitUpdate command takes place will
+ have effect, i.e. the following call will override the previous one.
+ @param aStatus Reference to the request status object.
+ @param aTimeStamp Reference to the timestamp of the display notification event,
+ packed into the modified buffer descriptor.
+ Will only be valid if aStatus is equal to KErrNone.
+ @see RSurfaceUpdateSession::SubmitUpdate
+ @pre The surface session must be established to the server.
+ @post This request for the display notification event will be transferred to the GCE
+ at next SubmitUpdate command.
+ @return KErrNone if the surface has been displayed successfully, when request
+ completed aStatus will contain this error code.
+ @return KErrOverflow if the updated buffer was not displayed because it was
+ superseded by a further update on the same surface.
+ @return KErrBackendNotAvailable if backend for specified screen hasn’t been
+ registered with the server.
+ @return KErrArgument if arguments in SubmitUpdate command don’t lie within expected range.
+ @return KErrCancel if notification has been cancelled. It could happen, for instance,
+ if CancelUpdateNotification is called before the request is completed.
+ @return KErrServerBusy if the number of outstanding requests has exceeded specified
+ value (@see RSurfaceUpdateSession::Connect for details).
+ @return KErrNotReady if the environment is in invalid state (for instance, the
+ Surface Update Server has not been launched or session is disconnected).
+ @return KErrNotVisible if the surface specified in SubmitUpdate is not visible.
+ This could happen if there is no layer associated with the surface or no active
+ composition scene.
+ For global update it signifies that the surface is not visible for any screen.
+ Note, the absence of this error code does not guarantee that the surface is visible.
+ For example, if the surface is behind another surface that has alpha blending
+ enabled the compositor will not do a pixel level comparison to determine surface visibility.
+ @return KErrSurfaceNotRegistered if the surface is not registered with the specific backend.
+ @return KErrNotSupported if global and per-screen update are mixed within the same session.
+ @return ErrNoMemory if the memory is not enough to fulfill the request, otherwise any
+ other system error codes.
+ Will panic if applied on disconnected session.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void NotifyWhenDisplayed(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TTimeStamp& aTimeStamp);
+ /**
+ Ask the server to notify when the surface buffer which will
+ be specified in the next update request has been displayed for the X times.
+ <p>Only the last call of this function before SubmitUpdate command takes place
+ will have effect, i.e. the following call will override the previous one.
+ <p>In case of the global update the notification will always be aligned with the master
+ display. The SUS will send notification to client when the surface has been displayed on a
+ master display for the X times or if there is no master display for that surface.
+ If the master becomes invisible while the request is still in a progress it will be
+ reassigned to the next visible display with highest priority.
+ <p>This request will only be associated with the following single call of the SubmitUpdate.
+ @param aCount Number of times the surface is displayed before the request is completed.
+ Varies from 1 and greater.
+ @param aStatus Reference to the request status object.
+ @pre The surface session must be established to the server.
+ @post This request for the display notification event will be transferred to the GCE at
+ next SubmitUpdate command.
+ @return KErrNone if the surface has been displayed successfully for specified numbers
+ of times, when request completed aStatus will contain this error code.
+ @return KErrOverflow if the updated buffer did not remain on-screen for the specified
+ number of display refreshes because it was superseded by a further update on the
+ same surface.
+ @return KErrArgument if arguments in SubmitUpdate command don’t lie within expected range.
+ @return KErrBackendNotAvailable if backend for specified screen hasn’t been registered
+ with the server.
+ @return KErrCancel if notification has been cancelled. It could happen, for instance,
+ if CancelUpdateNotification is called before the request is completed.
+ @return KErrServerBusy if the number of outstanding requests has exceeded
+ specified value (@see RSurfaceUpdateSession::Connect for details).
+ @return KErrNotReady if the environment is in invalid state (for instance, the
+ Surface Update Server has not been launched or session is disconnected).
+ @return KErrNotVisible if the surface specified in SubmitUpdate is not visible.
+ This could happen if there is no layer associated with the surface or no active
+ composition scene.
+ For global update it signifies that the surface is not visible for any screen.
+ Note, the absence of this error code does not guarantee that the surface is visible.
+ For example, if the surface is behind another surface that has alpha blending
+ enabled the compositor will not do a pixel level comparison to determine surface visibility.
+ @return KErrSurfaceNotRegistered if the surface is not registered with the specific backend.
+ @return KErrNotSupported if global and per-screen update are mixed within the same session.
+ @return KErrNoMemory if the memory is not enough to fulfill the request, otherwise
+ any other system error codes.
+ Will panic if applied on disconnected session.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void NotifyWhenDisplayedXTimes(TInt aCount, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ /**
+ Cancel all outstanding requests for notification.
+ The function doesn't cancel the submit update requests themselves.
+ @pre The surface session must be established to the server.
+ @post The server will issue request complete immediately for all outstanding requests
+ related to particular session.
+ Will panic if applied on disconnected session.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void CancelAllUpdateNotifications();
+ /**
+ Allow to retrieve the version number.
+ @return client version number
+ */
+ TVersion Version() const;
+ void IssueRequestComplete(TInt aErr);
+ TRequestStatus *iStatusAvailable;
+ TRequestStatus *iStatusDisplayed;
+ TRequestStatus *iStatusDisplayedXTimes;
+ TTimeStamp* iTimeStamp;
+ TInt iCount;
+ };