changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/bitgdi/sbit/DRAWBMP.CPP	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <fntstore.h>
+#include <bitmap.h>
+#include <bitstd.h>
+#include <bitdev.h>
+#include "BITPANIC.H"
+#include <bitdrawinterfaceid.h>
+#include <bmalphablend.h>
+#include <bitdraw.h>
+#include <graphics/fbsrasterizer.h>
+#include <graphics/bitmap.inl>
+#include <graphics/gdi/gdiinline.inl>
+Draws a bitmap.
+The function has 3 overloads. The first draws the bitmap given the top
+left hand corner, doing a compress/stretch based on its internally
+stored size in twips. The second does a compress/stretch to fit a
+given rectangle. The third takes a rectangular section of the source
+bitmap and does a compress/stretch to fit a given destination
+rectangle.The functions provide a concrete implementation of the pure
+virtual function <code>CGraphicsContext::DrawBitmap()</code>. The
+function behaviour is the same as documented in that class.
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::DrawBitmap(const TPoint& aPos,const CFbsBitmap* aSource)
+	{
+	if (aSource == NULL || !aSource->Handle())
+		return;
+	aSource->BeginDataAccess();
+	const TSize bitmapTwips = aSource->SizeInTwips();
+	if (bitmapTwips.iWidth == 0 || bitmapTwips.iHeight == 0)
+		{
+		aSource->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+		return;
+		}
+	TSize scrpixels;
+	scrpixels.iWidth = iDevice->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(bitmapTwips.iWidth);
+	scrpixels.iHeight = iDevice->VerticalTwipsToPixels(bitmapTwips.iHeight);
+	DrawBitmap(TRect(aPos, scrpixels), aSource, TRect(aSource->SizeInPixels()));
+	aSource->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::DrawBitmap(const TRect& aDestRect,const CFbsBitmap* aSource)
+	{
+	if (aSource == NULL || !aSource->Handle())
+		return;
+	aSource->BeginDataAccess();
+	DrawBitmap(aDestRect, aSource, TRect(aSource->SizeInPixels()));
+	aSource->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::DrawBitmap(const TRect& aDestRect,
+									const CFbsBitmap* aSource,
+									const TRect& aSourceRect)
+	{
+	if (CheckDevice(aDestRect) || aSourceRect.IsEmpty() || aSource == NULL || !aSource->Handle())
+		return;
+	aSource->BeginDataAccess();
+	//aSourceRect should be in the bounds of the bitmap
+	TSize bitmapSize(aSource->SizeInPixels());
+	if ( aSourceRect.iTl.iX < 0
+			|| aSourceRect.iTl.iY < 0
+			|| aSourceRect.iBr.iX > bitmapSize.iWidth
+			|| aSourceRect.iBr.iY > bitmapSize.iHeight)
+		{
+		aSource->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+		return;
+		}
+	TRect destRect(aDestRect);
+	destRect.Move(iOrigin);
+	AddRect(destRect);
+	TRect clippedDestRect(destRect);
+	if (UserClipRect(clippedDestRect))
+		{
+		aSource->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+		return;
+		}
+	CFbsBitGcBitmap* srce = (CFbsBitGcBitmap*)aSource;
+	SetupDevice();
+	iDevice->DrawingBegin();
+	CBitwiseBitmap* bmp = srce->Address();
+	BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(bmp,EBitgdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
+	CFbsRasterizer* rasterizer = PrepareRasterizerForExtendedBitmap(*aSource, destRect, aSourceRect);
+	const TPoint ditherOrigin(iDitherOrigin + aDestRect.iTl);
+	const TInt limit = iDefaultRegionPtr->Count();
+	CGraphicsAccelerator* ga = GraphicsAccelerator();
+	if (ga && iShadowMode==CFbsDrawDevice::ENoShadow && iDrawMode==EDrawModePEN)
+		{
+		TInt gaOperationResult = KErrUnknown;
+		TAcceleratedBitmapSpec bitmapSpec(const_cast<CFbsBitmap*>(aSource));
+		iDevice->DrawingEnd();
+		if (destRect.Size() == aSourceRect.Size())
+			{
+			const TPoint offset(aSourceRect.iTl - destRect.iTl);
+			for(TInt count=0;count<limit;count++)
+				{
+				iClipRect=(*iDefaultRegionPtr)[count];
+				if(!iClipRect.Intersects(clippedDestRect))
+					continue;
+				iClipRect.Intersection(clippedDestRect);
+				TRect clippedSrceRect(iClipRect);
+				clippedSrceRect.Move(offset);
+				gaOperationResult = ga->Operation(TGopBitBlt(iClipRect.iTl,bitmapSpec,clippedSrceRect));
+				if (gaOperationResult!=KErrNone)
+					break;
+				}
+			iDevice->iDrawDevice->UpdateRegion(iClipRect);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			RRegion clippedRegion;
+			for(TInt clipIt=0;clipIt<limit;clipIt++)
+				{
+				TRect clipRect((*iDefaultRegionPtr)[clipIt]);
+				clipRect.Intersection(clippedDestRect);
+				if (!clipRect.IsEmpty())
+					clippedRegion.AddRect(clipRect);
+				}
+			TRect srcCopy(aSourceRect);	// Needed because TGopScaledBitBlt takes a non-const value
+			// const_cast needed because Operation takes a non-const region ptr :(
+			gaOperationResult = ga->Operation(TGopScaledBitBlt(destRect,bitmapSpec,srcCopy),clippedRegion.Count(),const_cast<TRect*>(clippedRegion.RectangleList()));
+			if (gaOperationResult==KErrNone) 	 
+				iDevice->iDrawDevice->Update(clippedRegion);
+			clippedRegion.Close();
+			}
+		if(gaOperationResult == KErrNone)
+			goto finish;
+		iDevice->DrawingBegin();
+		}
+	{	// to stop error from gccxml build about previous jump to finish skipping initialisation of opaqueSource 
+	const TBool opaqueSource = (!IsAlphaChannel(aSource->DisplayMode())) && (iDrawMode == EDrawModePEN);
+	if (opaqueSource)
+		{
+		iDrawMode = EDrawModeWriteAlpha;
+		}
+	for (TInt count = 0; count < limit; count++)
+		{
+		iClipRect = (*iDefaultRegionPtr)[count];
+		if (!iClipRect.Intersects(clippedDestRect))
+			continue;
+		iClipRect.Intersection(clippedDestRect);
+		DoDrawBitmap(destRect,bmp,aSource->DataAddress(),aSource->DataStride(),aSourceRect,ditherOrigin);
+		iDevice->iDrawDevice->UpdateRegion(iClipRect);
+		}
+	if (opaqueSource)
+		{
+		iDrawMode = EDrawModePEN;
+		}
+	}
+	iDevice->DrawingEnd();
+	if (rasterizer)
+		{
+		rasterizer->EndBitmap(aSource->SerialNumber());
+		}
+	aSource->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+	}
+void CFbsBitGc::DoDrawBitmap(const TRect& aDestRect,
+							 CBitwiseBitmap* aBitmap,
+							 TUint32* aBase,
+							 TInt aStride,
+							 const TRect& aSrceRect,
+							 const TPoint& aDitherOrigin)
+	{
+	CFbsDrawDevice* drawDevice = iDevice->iDrawDevice;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	TRect deviceDestRect;
+	drawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceDestRect);
+	BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iTl.iX >= deviceDestRect.iTl.iX, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+	BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iTl.iY >= deviceDestRect.iTl.iY, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+	BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iBr.iX <= deviceDestRect.iBr.iX, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+	BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iBr.iY <= deviceDestRect.iBr.iY, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+	if (aDestRect.Size() == aSrceRect.Size())
+		{
+		TRect clippedRect(aDestRect);
+		clippedRect.Intersection(iClipRect);
+		if (!clippedRect.IsEmpty())
+			{
+			const TPoint destPoint(clippedRect.iTl);
+			clippedRect.Move(aSrceRect.iTl - aDestRect.iTl);
+			DoBitBlt(destPoint,aBitmap,aBase,aStride,clippedRect);
+			}
+		return;
+		}
+	MFastBlend* fastBlend=NULL;
+	if (FastBlendInterface(aBitmap,NULL,fastBlend)==KErrNone)
+		{
+		if (fastBlend->FastBlendBitmapScaled(iClipRect, aDestRect, aSrceRect, aBase, aStride, aBitmap->DisplayMode(), aBitmap->SizeInPixels(), iDrawMode, iShadowMode)== KErrNone)
+			{
+			return;
+			}
+		}
+	TUint32* scanLineBuffer = drawDevice->ScanLineBuffer();
+	const TInt scanLineBytes = drawDevice->ScanLineBytes();
+	TPtr8 scanLineDes(REINTERPRET_CAST(TUint8*,scanLineBuffer),scanLineBytes,scanLineBytes);
+	// For EColor16MU targets, don't use EColor16MAP when draw mode is EDrawModeWriteAlpha.
+	// Format conversion provides no performance gain and WriteLine expects EColor16MU 
+	// in this case.
+	const TDisplayMode dispMode = drawDevice->DisplayMode() == EColor16MU && iDrawMode == EDrawModeWriteAlpha ? EColor16MU : drawDevice->ScanLineDisplayMode();
+	TLinearDDA xLine;
+	TInt bitmapXStart = 0;
+	xLine.Construct(TPoint(aSrceRect.iTl.iX,aDestRect.iTl.iX),
+					TPoint(aSrceRect.iBr.iX,aDestRect.iBr.iX),TLinearDDA::ELeft);
+	xLine.JumpToYCoord(bitmapXStart,iClipRect.iTl.iX);
+	TLinearDDA yLine;
+	TPoint yCoord(aSrceRect.iTl.iY,aDestRect.iTl.iY);
+	yLine.Construct(yCoord,TPoint(aSrceRect.iBr.iY,aDestRect.iBr.iY),TLinearDDA::ELeft);
+	TInt dummy;
+	yLine.JumpToYCoord2(dummy,iClipRect.iTl.iY);
+	yCoord.SetXY(dummy,iClipRect.iTl.iY);
+	TBool finished = EFalse;
+	TPoint ditherOrigin(aDitherOrigin + iClipRect.iTl);
+	const TInt srceWidth = aSrceRect.Width();
+	const TInt destWidth = aDestRect.Width();
+	const TInt clipWidth = iClipRect.Width();
+	const TInt clipStrch = iClipRect.iTl.iX - aDestRect.iTl.iX;
+	TLineScanningPosition lineScanPos(aBase);
+	while (yCoord.iY < iClipRect.iBr.iY && !finished)
+		{
+		aBitmap->StretchScanLine(scanLineDes,TPoint(bitmapXStart,yCoord.iX),
+								 clipStrch,clipWidth,destWidth,aSrceRect.iTl.iX,
+								 srceWidth,ditherOrigin,dispMode,aBase,lineScanPos);
+		if (yCoord.iY==iClipRect.iTl.iY)
+			aBitmap->SetCompressionBookmark(lineScanPos, aBase,NULL);
+		drawDevice->WriteLine(iClipRect.iTl.iX,yCoord.iY,clipWidth, scanLineBuffer,iDrawMode);
+		finished = yLine.NextStep(yCoord);
+		ditherOrigin.iY++;
+		}
+	}
+/** The method draws a specified rectangle from a bitmap and
+its mask into another rectangle and does a compress/stretch
+to fit a given destination rectangle.
+@note When using this function with a 256 Mask bitmap, it blends.
+Otherwise (e.g. with a 4bpp mask), this function masks rather than blends.
+If a user wants to blend the source into the destination they should use
+CFbsBitGc::AlphaBlendBitmaps() instead.
+@param aDestRect The rectangle within which the masked bitmap is to be drawn.
+@param aBitmap A pointer to the source bitmap.
+@param aSourceRect The rectangle in the source bitmap that is copied to the
+destination rectangle.
+@param aMaskBitmap A pointer to the mask bitmap.
+@param aInvertMask If false, a source pixel that is masked by a black pixel
+is not transferred to the destination rectangle. If true, then a source pixel
+that is masked by a white pixel is not transferred to the destination rectangle.
+@pre aBitmap != NULL
+@pre aBitmap->Handle() != 0
+@pre aMaskBitmap != NULL
+@pre aMaskBitmap->Handle() != 0
+@pre !aSourceRect.IsEmpty()
+@pre aSourceRect should be in the bounds of the bitmap
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::DrawBitmapMasked(const TRect& aDestRect,
+						 const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
+						 const TRect& aSourceRect,
+						 const CFbsBitmap* aMaskBitmap,
+						 TBool aInvertMask)
+	{
+	if (aBitmap == NULL || !aBitmap->Handle() || aMaskBitmap == NULL ||
+		!aMaskBitmap->Handle() || aSourceRect.IsEmpty() || CheckDevice(aDestRect))
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	aBitmap->BeginDataAccess();
+	aMaskBitmap->BeginDataAccess();
+	//aSourceRect should be in the bounds of the bitmap
+	TSize bitmapSize(aBitmap->SizeInPixels());
+	if ( aSourceRect.iTl.iX < 0
+			|| aSourceRect.iTl.iY < 0
+			|| aSourceRect.iBr.iX > bitmapSize.iWidth
+			|| aSourceRect.iBr.iY > bitmapSize.iHeight)
+		{
+		aBitmap->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+		aMaskBitmap->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+		return;
+		}   		
+	TRect destRect(aDestRect);
+	destRect.Move(iOrigin);
+	AddRect(destRect);
+	TRect clippedDestRect(destRect);
+	if (UserClipRect(clippedDestRect))
+		{
+		aBitmap->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+		aMaskBitmap->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+		return;
+		}
+	SetupDevice();
+	const TBool opaqueSource = (!IsAlphaChannel(aBitmap->DisplayMode())) && (iDrawMode == EDrawModePEN);
+	iDevice->DrawingBegin();
+	CBitwiseBitmap* srcebmp = ((CFbsBitGcBitmap*)aBitmap)->Address();
+	CBitwiseBitmap* maskbmp = ((CFbsBitGcBitmap*)aMaskBitmap)->Address();
+	BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(srcebmp,EBitgdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
+	BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(maskbmp,EBitgdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
+	CFbsRasterizer* rasterizer = PrepareRasterizerForExtendedBitmap(*aBitmap, destRect, aSourceRect);
+	CFbsRasterizer* maskRasterizer = NULL;
+	if (srcebmp != maskbmp)
+		{
+		if (aMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth >= aBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth
+			&& aMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight >= aBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight)
+			{
+			// Mask is not tiled. Pass same region of interest as source bitmap to rasterizer.
+			maskRasterizer = PrepareRasterizerForExtendedBitmap(*aMaskBitmap, destRect, aSourceRect);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Mask is tiled. Do not pass any region of interest to rasterizer.
+			maskRasterizer = PrepareRasterizerForExtendedBitmap(*aMaskBitmap);
+			}
+		}
+	const TPoint ditherOrigin(iDitherOrigin + aDestRect.iTl);
+	const TInt limit = iDefaultRegionPtr->Count();
+	CGraphicsAccelerator* ga = GraphicsAccelerator();
+	if (ga && iShadowMode==CFbsDrawDevice::ENoShadow && (aMaskBitmap->DisplayMode()!=EGray2 || !aInvertMask) && iDrawMode==EDrawModePEN)
+		{
+		TInt gaOperationResult = KErrUnknown;
+		TAcceleratedBitmapSpec bitmapSpec(const_cast<CFbsBitmap*>(aBitmap));
+		iDevice->DrawingEnd();
+		TAcceleratedBitmapSpec maskSpec(const_cast<CFbsBitmap*>(aMaskBitmap));
+		const TPoint offset(aSourceRect.iTl - destRect.iTl);
+		if (destRect.Size() == aSourceRect.Size())
+			{
+			for(TInt count=0;count<limit;count++)
+				{
+				iClipRect=(*iDefaultRegionPtr)[count];
+				if(!iClipRect.Intersects(clippedDestRect))
+					continue;
+				iClipRect.Intersection(clippedDestRect);
+				TRect clippedSrceRect(iClipRect);
+				clippedSrceRect.Move(offset);
+				gaOperationResult = ga->Operation(TGopBitBltMasked(iClipRect.iTl,bitmapSpec,clippedSrceRect,maskSpec)); 	 
+				if (gaOperationResult!=KErrNone) 	 
+					break; 	 
+				iDevice->iDrawDevice->UpdateRegion(iClipRect);
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			RRegion clippedRegion;
+			for(TInt clipIt=0;clipIt<limit;clipIt++)
+				{
+				TRect clipRect((*iDefaultRegionPtr)[clipIt]);
+				clipRect.Intersection(clippedDestRect);
+				if (!clipRect.IsEmpty())
+					clippedRegion.AddRect(clipRect);
+				}
+			TRect srcCopy(aSourceRect);	// Needed because TGopScaledBitBltMasked takes a non-const value
+			// const_cast needed because Operation takes a non-const region ptr :(
+			gaOperationResult = ga->Operation(TGopScaledBitBltMasked(destRect,bitmapSpec,srcCopy,maskSpec),clippedRegion.Count(),const_cast<TRect*>(clippedRegion.RectangleList()));
+			if (gaOperationResult==KErrNone) 	 
+				iDevice->iDrawDevice->Update(clippedRegion);
+			clippedRegion.Close();
+			} 	 
+		if (gaOperationResult==KErrNone) 	 
+			goto finish;
+		iDevice->DrawingBegin(); 	 
+		}
+	if (opaqueSource)
+		iDrawMode = EDrawModeWriteAlpha;
+	for (TInt count = 0; count < limit; count++)
+		{
+		iClipRect = (*iDefaultRegionPtr)[count];
+		if (!iClipRect.Intersects(clippedDestRect))
+			continue;
+		iClipRect.Intersection(clippedDestRect);
+		DoDrawBitmapMasked(destRect,
+					   srcebmp,
+					   aBitmap->DataAddress(),
+					   aSourceRect,
+					   maskbmp,
+					   aMaskBitmap->DataAddress(),
+					   aInvertMask, ditherOrigin);
+		iDevice->iDrawDevice->UpdateRegion(iClipRect);
+		}
+	if (opaqueSource)
+		iDrawMode = EDrawModePEN;
+	iDevice->DrawingEnd();
+	if (rasterizer)
+		{
+		rasterizer->EndBitmap(aBitmap->SerialNumber());
+		}
+	if (maskRasterizer)
+		{
+		maskRasterizer->EndBitmap(aMaskBitmap->SerialNumber());
+		}
+	aBitmap->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+	aMaskBitmap->EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+	}
+/** The method draws a specified rectangle from a bitmap and
+its mask into another rectangle and does a compress/stretch
+to fit a given destination rectangle.
+This is an overload, which takes CWsBitmap* as argument, which
+in turn calls the other overload.
+Note: A pointer to CWsBitmap must have the same pointer value as a pointer
+to the associated CFbsBitmap, otherwise code in BitGdi component will be
+@note When using this function with a 256 Mask bitmap, it blends.
+Otherwise (e.g. with a 4bpp mask), this function masks rather than blends.
+If a user wants to blend the source into the destination they should use
+CFbsBitGc::AlphaBlendBitmaps() instead.
+@param aDestRect The rectangle within which the masked bitmap is to be drawn.
+@param aBitmap A pointer to the source bitmap.
+@param aSourceRect The rectangle in the source bitmap that is copied to the
+destination rectangle.
+@param aMaskBitmap A pointer to the mask bitmap.
+@param aInvertMask If false, a source pixel that is masked by a black pixel
+is not transferred to the destination rectangle. If true, then a source pixel
+that is masked by a white pixel is not transferred to the destination rectangle.
+@pre aBitmap != NULL
+@pre aBitmap->Handle() != 0
+@pre aMaskBitmap != NULL
+@pre aMaskBitmap->Handle() != 0
+@pre !aSourceRect.IsEmpty()
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::DrawBitmapMasked(const TRect& aDestRect,
+						 const CWsBitmap* aBitmap,
+						 const TRect& aSourceRect,
+						 const CWsBitmap* aMaskBitmap,
+						 TBool aInvertMask)
+	{
+	DrawBitmapMasked(aDestRect,REINTERPRET_CAST(const CFbsBitmap*,aBitmap),aSourceRect,REINTERPRET_CAST(const CFbsBitmap*,aMaskBitmap),aInvertMask);
+	}