--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/bitgdi/sbit/MAIN.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1194 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <bitstd.h>
+#include <bitdev.h>
+#include <bitdraw.h>
+#include <bitdrawscaling.h>
+#include <bitdrawinterfaceid.h>
+#include "BITPANIC.H"
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include <shapeinfo.h>
+#include "bitgcextradata.h"
+#define KDefaultShadowColor KRgbGray
+//CFbsBitGc streams - version numbers.
+//Add new version numbers here. A reason of adding new version numbers may be adding new
+//CFbsBitGc data members, which may have to be externalized/internalized. When that happens:
+//1.Put a new enum item (like EFbsBitGc_Ver01) with a version number, which is greater than
+// the last version number, which was used.
+//2.Comment the new enum item.
+//3.Update KFbsBitGc_VerNo value to be the last enum item value.
+//4.Update InternalizeL/ExternalizeL methods after adding the new version number.
+// For example: If a new member is added to the class - TInt iSmth, when InternalizeL
+// is called to operate on older archive, iSmth member won't be in the archive!
+// So, in InternalizeL, there should be a check, something like:
+// TUint16 archiveVerNo = 0;
+// aReadStream >> archiveVerNo;
+// .......................
+// if(archiveVerNo < EFbsBitGc_Ver03) //EFbsBitGc_Ver03 has been added, when iSmth has been added
+// {
+// //Do nothing - iSmth is not in the archive
+// //Initialize it with some default value
+// iSmth = KDefVal;
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// aReadStream >> iSmth;
+// }
+ {
+ EFbsBitGc_Ver01 = 1, //Base version number, when InternalizeL/ExternalizeL were added
+ EFbsBitGc_Ver02 = 2, //Supports InternalizeL/ExternalizeL for ShadowColor.
+ };
+LOCAL_D const TUint16 KFbsBitGc_VerNo = EFbsBitGc_Ver02;
+// Global panic functions
+void Panic(TBitgdiPanic aPanicCode)
+ {
+ _LIT(KBitgdiPanicCategory,"BITGDI");
+ User::Panic(KBitgdiPanicCategory,aPanicCode);
+ }
+_LIT(KBITGDIPanicDesc1,"BitGdi internal Panic %S, in file %S @ line %i");
+_LIT(KBITGDIPanicDesc2,"Assert condition = \"%S\"");
+_LIT(KBITGDIPanicDesc3, "BitGdi internal Invariant, in file %S @ line %i");
+void PanicWithInfo(TBitgdiPanic aPanic, const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPanicName, TInt aLine)
+ {
+ TBuf<256> buf;
+ buf.Format(KBITGDIPanicDesc1, &aPanicName, &aFileName, aLine);
+ RDebug::Print(buf);
+ Panic(aPanic);
+ }
+void PanicWithCondAndInfo(TBitgdiPanic aPanic, const TDesC& aCondition, const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPanicName, TInt aLine)
+ {
+ TBuf<256> buf;
+ buf.Format(KBITGDIPanicDesc1, &aPanicName, &aFileName, aLine);
+ RDebug::Print(buf);
+ buf.Format(KBITGDIPanicDesc2, &aCondition);
+ RDebug::Print(buf);
+ Panic(aPanic);
+ }
+void InvariantWithCondAndInfo(const TDesC& aCondition, const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aLine)
+ {
+ TBuf<256> buf;
+ buf.Format(KBITGDIPanicDesc3, &aFileName, aLine);
+ RDebug::Print(buf);
+ buf.Format(KBITGDIPanicDesc2, &aCondition);
+ RDebug::Print(buf);
+ User::Invariant();
+ }
+// CFbsBitGc
+/** Factory function for creating a CFbsBitGc object
+The object is then ready for a call to Activate().
+@return A pointer to the newly created object. */
+EXPORT_C CFbsBitGc* CFbsBitGc::NewL()
+ {
+ CFbsBitGc* bitGc = new(ELeave) CFbsBitGc;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(bitGc);
+ bitGc->iFbsBitGcExtraData = new(ELeave) CFbsBitGcExtraData;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(bitGc);
+ return bitGc;
+ }
+ CBitmapContext(),
+ iBrushBitmap(),
+ iBrushUsed(EFalse),
+ iBrushColor(KRgbWhite),
+ iBrushOrigin(TPoint(0,0)),
+ iBrushStyle(ENullBrush),
+ iClipRect(TRect(0,0,0,0)),
+ iDefaultRegion(),
+ iDefaultRegionPtr(NULL),
+ iUserClipRect(TRect(0,0,0,0)),
+ iDevice(NULL),
+ iDitherOrigin(TPoint(0,0)),
+ iDotLength(0),
+ iDotMask(0),
+ iDotParam(0),
+ iDotDirection(1),
+ iDrawMode(EDrawModePEN),
+ iFont(),
+ iCharJustExcess(0),
+ iCharJustNum(0),
+ iWordJustExcess(0),
+ iWordJustNum(0),
+ iLastPrintPosition(TPoint(0,0)),
+ iLinePosition(TPoint(0,0)),
+ iOrigin(TPoint(0,0)),
+ iPenColor(KRgbBlack),
+ iPenStyle(ESolidPen),
+ iPenSize(TSize(1,1)),
+ iShadowMode(CFbsDrawDevice::ENoShadow),
+ iAutoUpdateJustification(ETrue),
+ iFadeBlackMap(128),
+ iFadeWhiteMap(255),
+ iStrikethrough(EStrikethroughOff),
+ iUnderline(EUnderlineOff),
+ iUserDisplayMode(ENone)
+ {}
+/** Frees all resources owned by the object. */
+EXPORT_C CFbsBitGc::~CFbsBitGc()
+ {
+ Reset();
+ iBrushBitmap.Reset();
+ iClippingRegion.Close();
+ delete iFbsBitGcExtraData;
+ }
+/** Sets the object to draw to a particular device
+@param aDevice The target device. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::Activate(CFbsDevice* aDevice)
+ {
+ if (!aDevice)
+ return;
+ iDevice = aDevice;
+ TRect deviceRect;
+ iDevice->iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
+ iDefaultRegion.Clear();
+ iDefaultRegion.AddRect(deviceRect);
+ iDefaultRegionPtr = &iDefaultRegion;
+ iUserClipRect = deviceRect;
+ iDrawnTo.SetWidth(0);
+ iDrawnTo.SetHeight(0);
+ iAutoUpdateJustification = ETrue;
+ }
+/** Sets the object to draw to a particular device but doesn't 'use up'
+justification settings when drawing text.
+This is similar to Activate().
+@param aDevice The target device. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::ActivateNoJustAutoUpdate(CFbsDevice* aDevice)
+ {
+ Activate(aDevice);
+ iAutoUpdateJustification = EFalse;
+ }
+void CFbsBitGc::SetupDevice() const
+ {
+ CFbsDrawDevice* drawDevice = iDevice->iDrawDevice;
+ drawDevice->SetDitherOrigin(iDitherOrigin);
+ drawDevice->SetShadowMode(CFbsDrawDevice::TShadowMode(iShadowMode));
+ drawDevice->SetFadingParameters(iFadeBlackMap,iFadeWhiteMap);
+ drawDevice->SetUserDisplayMode(iUserDisplayMode);
+ }
+void CFbsBitGc::CheckDevice() const
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDevice,EBitgdiPanicNoDevicePresent);
+ }
+TBool CFbsBitGc::CheckDevice(const TRect& aRect) const
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDevice,EBitgdiPanicNoDevicePresent);
+ return aRect.IsEmpty();
+ }
+/** Externalizes an object of this class to a write stream.
+It is important that the brush bitmap of the GC is maintained between calls
+to externalize and internalize. The brush bitmap handle is externalized,
+not the bitmap data. This is done for performance.
+@param aWriteStream Stream to which the object should be externalized.
+@internalAll */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream)
+ {
+ aWriteStream << KFbsBitGc_VerNo;
+ TInt bitmapHandle=iBrushBitmap.Handle();
+ aWriteStream.WriteInt32L(bitmapHandle);
+ iBrushColor.ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
+ aWriteStream.WriteInt8L(iBrushUsed);
+ aWriteStream << iBrushOrigin;
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iBrushStyle);
+ aWriteStream << iDitherOrigin;
+ aWriteStream << iUserClipRect;
+ aWriteStream << iDrawnTo;
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iDotLength);
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iDotMask);
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iDotParam);
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iDotDirection);
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iDrawMode);
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iCharJustExcess);
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iCharJustNum);
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iWordJustExcess);
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iWordJustNum);
+ aWriteStream << iLastPrintPosition;
+ aWriteStream << iLinePosition;
+ aWriteStream << iOrigin;
+ iPenColor.ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iPenStyle);
+ aWriteStream << iPenSize;
+ aWriteStream << iShadowMode;
+ aWriteStream << iAutoUpdateJustification;
+ aWriteStream << iFadeBlackMap;
+ aWriteStream << iFadeWhiteMap;
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iStrikethrough);
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iUnderline);
+ const TFontSpec fontSpec=iFont.FontSpecInTwips();
+ fontSpec.ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
+ aWriteStream.WriteUint8L(iUserDisplayMode);
+ iFbsBitGcExtraData->ShadowColor().ExternalizeL(aWriteStream);
+ }
+/** Internalizes an object of this class from a read stream.
+It is important that the brush bitmap of the GC is maintained between calls
+to externalize and internalize. The brush bitmap handle is internalized,
+not the bitmap data.
+@param aReadStream Stream from which the object is to be internalized.
+@internalAll */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aReadStream)
+ {
+ TUint16 archiveVerNo = 0;
+ aReadStream >> archiveVerNo;
+ TInt bitmapHandle=aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
+ if (bitmapHandle)
+ {
+ UseBrushPattern(bitmapHandle);
+ }
+ iBrushColor.InternalizeL(aReadStream);
+ iBrushUsed=aReadStream.ReadInt8L();
+ aReadStream >> iBrushOrigin;
+ iBrushStyle=(TBrushStyle)aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
+ aReadStream >> iDitherOrigin;
+ aReadStream >> iUserClipRect;
+ aReadStream >> iDrawnTo;
+ iDotLength=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
+ iDotMask=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
+ iDotParam=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
+ iDotDirection=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
+ iDrawMode=(TDrawMode)aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
+ iCharJustExcess=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
+ iCharJustNum=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
+ iWordJustExcess=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
+ iWordJustNum=aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
+ aReadStream >> iLastPrintPosition;
+ aReadStream >> iLinePosition;
+ aReadStream >> iOrigin;
+ iPenColor.InternalizeL(aReadStream);
+ iPenStyle=(TPenStyle)aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
+ aReadStream >> iPenSize;
+ SetPenSize(iPenSize);
+ aReadStream >> iShadowMode;
+ aReadStream >> iAutoUpdateJustification;
+ aReadStream >> iFadeBlackMap;
+ aReadStream >> iFadeWhiteMap;
+ iStrikethrough=(TFontStrikethrough)aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
+ iUnderline=(TFontUnderline)aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
+ TFontSpec fontSpec;
+ fontSpec.InternalizeL(aReadStream);
+ if (fontSpec.iHeight != 0)
+ {
+ CFbsFont* font = NULL;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iDevice->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(font,fontSpec));
+ TInt err = iFont.Duplicate(font->Handle());
+ iDevice->ReleaseFont(font);
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ UseFont(iFont.Handle());
+ }
+ iUserDisplayMode=(TDisplayMode)aReadStream.ReadUint8L();
+ if(archiveVerNo < EFbsBitGc_Ver02) //Without shadowcolor
+ {
+ //Initialize it with the default value
+ iFbsBitGcExtraData->SetShadowColor(KDefaultShadowColor);
+ }
+ else //With shadowcolor
+ {
+ TRgb shadowColor;
+ shadowColor.InternalizeL(aReadStream);
+ iFbsBitGcExtraData->SetShadowColor(shadowColor);
+ }
+ }
+/** Copies all settings from the specified bitmap graphics context.
+@param aGc The bitmap graphics context whose settings are to be copied. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::CopySettings(const CFbsBitGc& aGc)
+ {
+ iBrushColor = aGc.iBrushColor;
+ iBrushUsed = aGc.iBrushUsed;
+ iBrushOrigin = aGc.iBrushOrigin;
+ iBrushStyle = aGc.iBrushStyle;
+ iDefaultRegionPtr = aGc.iDefaultRegionPtr;
+ iDitherOrigin = aGc.iDitherOrigin;
+ iDotLength = aGc.iDotLength;
+ iDotMask = aGc.iDotMask;
+ iDotParam = aGc.iDotParam;
+ iDotDirection = aGc.iDotDirection;
+ iDrawMode = aGc.iDrawMode;
+ iCharJustExcess = aGc.iCharJustExcess;
+ iCharJustNum = aGc.iCharJustNum;
+ iWordJustExcess = aGc.iWordJustExcess;
+ iWordJustNum = aGc.iWordJustNum;
+ iLastPrintPosition = aGc.iLastPrintPosition;
+ iLinePosition = aGc.iLinePosition;
+ iOrigin = aGc.iOrigin;
+ iPenColor = aGc.iPenColor;
+ iPenStyle = aGc.iPenStyle;
+ SetPenSize(aGc.iPenSize);
+ iShadowMode = aGc.iShadowMode;
+ iStrikethrough = aGc.iStrikethrough;
+ iUnderline = aGc.iUnderline;
+ iUserDisplayMode = aGc.iUserDisplayMode;
+ if(aGc.iFont.Handle())
+ UseFont(aGc.iFont.Handle());
+ if(aGc.iBrushBitmap.Handle())
+ UseBrushPattern(aGc.iBrushBitmap.Handle());
+ iFbsBitGcExtraData->SetShadowColor(aGc.iFbsBitGcExtraData->ShadowColor());
+ }
+/** Gets a pointer to the graphics device for the graphics context.
+The graphics device is the device currently being drawn to.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function
+CGraphicsContext::Device(). The function behaviour is the same as documented
+in that class.
+@see CGraphicsContext::Device() */
+EXPORT_C CGraphicsDevice* CFbsBitGc::Device() const
+ {
+ return iDevice;
+ }
+/** Discards a non-built-in brush pattern.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function
+CGraphicsContext::DiscardBrushPattern(). The function behaviour is the same
+as documented in that class.
+@see CGraphicsContext::DiscardBrushPattern() */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::DiscardBrushPattern()
+ {
+ iBrushBitmap.Reset();
+ iBrushUsed = EFalse;
+ if (iBrushStyle == EPatternedBrush)
+ iBrushStyle = ENullBrush;
+ }
+/** Discards a selected device font.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function
+CGraphicsContext::DiscardFont(). The function behaviour is the same as documented
+in that class.
+@see CGraphicsContext::DiscardFont() */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::DiscardFont()
+ {
+ iFont.Reset();
+ }
+/** Maps pixels in the specified rectangle.
+The function tries to match the colour of a pixel with one of the RGB values
+in an array of RGB pairs. If there is a match, the colour is changed to the
+value specified in the other RGB in the RGB pair.
+@param aRect The rectangle in which pixels are to be mapped.
+@param aColors A pointer to a set of RGB pairs.
+@param aNumPairs The number of pairs
+@param aMapForwards ETrue, mapping is done from the first RGB to the second
+RGB in the pair; EFalse, mapping is done from the second RGB to the first
+RGB in the pair. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::MapColors(const TRect& aRect,
+ const TRgb* aColors,
+ TInt aNumPairs,
+ TBool aMapForwards)
+ {
+ if (CheckDevice(aRect) || !aColors)
+ return;
+ TRect rcpy(aRect);
+ rcpy.Move(iOrigin);
+ AddRect(rcpy);
+ if (UserClipRect(rcpy))
+ return;
+ SetupDevice();
+ iDevice->DrawingBegin();
+ CFbsDrawDevice* drawDevice = iDevice->iDrawDevice;
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ TRect deviceRect;
+ drawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
+ const TInt limit = iDefaultRegionPtr->Count();
+ for (TInt count = 0; count < limit; count++)
+ {
+ iClipRect = (*iDefaultRegionPtr)[count];
+ if (!iClipRect.Intersects(rcpy))
+ continue;
+ iClipRect.Intersection(rcpy);
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iTl.iX >= deviceRect.iTl.iX, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iTl.iY >= deviceRect.iTl.iY, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iBr.iX <= deviceRect.iBr.iX, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iClipRect.iBr.iY <= deviceRect.iBr.iY, EBitgdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ drawDevice->MapColors(iClipRect,aColors,aNumPairs,aMapForwards);
+ drawDevice->UpdateRegion(iClipRect);
+ }
+ iDevice->DrawingEnd();
+ }
+/** Sets the internal drawing position relative to the co-ordinate origin.
+A subsequent call to DrawLineTo() or DrawLineBy() uses the new drawing point
+as the start point for the line drawn.The function provides a concrete
+implementation of the pure virtual function CGraphicsContext::MoveTo().
+The function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::MoveTo(const TPoint& aPoint)
+ {
+ iLinePosition = aPoint;
+ }
+/** Sets the drawing point relative to the current co-ordinates.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CGraphicsContext::MoveBy(). The function behaviour
+is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::MoveBy(const TPoint& aVector)
+ {
+ iLinePosition += aVector;
+ }
+/** Resets the graphics context to its default settings.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function
+CGraphicsContext::Reset(). The function behaviour is the same as documented
+in that class.
+@see CGraphicsContext::Reset() */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::Reset()
+ {
+ iDefaultRegionPtr = &iDefaultRegion;
+ if (iDefaultRegion.Count() == 0)
+ iUserClipRect = TRect(0,0,0,0);
+ else
+ iUserClipRect = iDefaultRegion[0];
+ iLastPrintPosition.SetXY(0,0);
+ if(iFbsBitGcExtraData)
+ {
+ iFbsBitGcExtraData->Reset();
+ }
+ iPenColor = KRgbBlack;
+ iPenStyle = ESolidPen;
+ iPenSize.SetSize(1,1);
+ iDrawMode = EDrawModePEN;
+ iFont.Reset();
+ iLinePosition.SetXY(0,0);
+ iOrigin.SetXY(0,0);
+ iBrushUsed = EFalse;
+ iBrushColor = KRgbWhite;
+ iBrushOrigin.SetXY(0,0);
+ iBrushStyle = ENullBrush;
+ iCharJustExcess = 0;
+ iCharJustNum = 0;
+ iWordJustExcess = 0;
+ iWordJustNum = 0;
+ iDitherOrigin.SetXY(0,0);
+ iDotLength = 0;
+ iDotMask = 0;
+ iDotParam = 0;
+ iDotDirection = 1;
+ iShadowMode = CFbsDrawDevice::ENoShadow;
+ iStrikethrough = EStrikethroughOff;
+ iUnderline = EUnderlineOff;
+ iUserDisplayMode = ENone;
+ }
+/** Needs to be called if the device is resized.
+This only applies to devices of type CFbsBitmapDevice. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::Resized()
+ {
+ CheckDevice();
+ TRect deviceRect;
+ iDevice->iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
+ iUserClipRect = deviceRect;
+ iDefaultRegion.Clear();
+ iDefaultRegion.AddRect(deviceRect);
+ iDefaultRegionPtr = &iDefaultRegion;
+ if (deviceRect.Contains(iLastPrintPosition))
+ iLastPrintPosition.SetXY(0,0);
+ if (deviceRect.Contains(iLinePosition))
+ iLinePosition.SetXY(0,0);
+ if (deviceRect.Contains(iOrigin))
+ iOrigin.SetXY(0,0);
+ if (deviceRect.Contains(iBrushOrigin))
+ iBrushOrigin.SetXY(0,0);
+ }
+/**Returns current setting of brush color.
+EXPORT_C TRgb CFbsBitGc::BrushColor()
+ {
+ return iBrushColor;
+ }
+/** Sets the brush pattern origin.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CGraphicsContext::SetBrushOrigin(). The function
+behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetBrushOrigin(const TPoint& origin)
+ {
+ iBrushOrigin = origin;
+ }
+/**Sets the brush colour.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CGraphicsContext::SetBrushColor(). The function
+behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetBrushColor(const TRgb& aColor)
+ {
+ iBrushColor = aColor;
+ }
+/** Sets the brush style.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CGraphicsContext::SetBrushStyle(). The function
+behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetBrushStyle(TBrushStyle aStyle)
+ iBrushStyle = aStyle;
+ }
+/** Sets the dither origin.
+This is only useful for modes that do dithering. If the display is scrolled
+an odd number of pixels then the (2x2) dither pattern will not match up for
+new drawing unless this is called.
+@param aPoint The dither origin. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetDitherOrigin(const TPoint& aPoint)
+ {
+ iDitherOrigin = iOrigin + aPoint;
+ }
+/** Sets the character justification.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CGraphicsContext::SetCharJustification(). The
+function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetCharJustification(TInt aExcessWidth,TInt aNumChars)
+ {
+ if (aExcessWidth == 0 || aNumChars <= 0)
+ {
+ iCharJustExcess = 0;
+ iCharJustNum = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iCharJustExcess = aExcessWidth;
+ iCharJustNum = aNumChars;
+ }
+ }
+/** Sets the clipping rectangle.
+This function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function
+CGraphicsContext::SetClippingRect(). The function behaviour is the same as
+documented in that class.
+@see CGraphicsContext::SetClippingRect() */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetClippingRect(const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ CheckDevice();
+ TRect deviceRect;
+ iDevice->iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
+ iUserClipRect = deviceRect;
+ iUserClipRect.Intersection(TRect(aRect.iTl + iOrigin,aRect.iBr + iOrigin));
+ }
+/** Cancels clipping rectangle and region. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::CancelClipping()
+ {
+ CancelClippingRect();
+ CancelClippingRegion();
+ }
+/** Cancels any clipping rectangle.
+Clipping reverts to the full device area, the default.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function
+CGraphicsContext::CancelClippingRect(). The function behaviour is the same
+as documented in that class.
+@see CGraphicsContext::CancelClippingRect() */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::CancelClippingRect()
+ {
+ if (iDefaultRegion.Count() == 0)
+ iUserClipRect = TRect(0,0,0,0);
+ else
+ iUserClipRect = iDefaultRegion[0];
+ }
+/** Cancels the clipping region. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::CancelClippingRegion()
+ {
+ iDefaultRegionPtr = &iDefaultRegion;
+ }
+/** Sets the word justification.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CGraphicsContext::SetWordJustification(). The
+function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetWordJustification(TInt aExcessWidth,TInt aNumGaps)
+ {
+ if (aExcessWidth <= 0 || aNumGaps <= 0)
+ {
+ iWordJustExcess = 0;
+ iWordJustNum = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iWordJustExcess = aExcessWidth;
+ iWordJustNum = aNumGaps;
+ }
+ }
+/** Sets a clipping region by storing a pointer to the TRegion parameter.
+This function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CGraphicsContext::SetClippingRegion(). The function behaviour is the
+same as documented in that class.
+@panic BITGDI 10 if aRegion is invalid or if aRegion is not contained by the
+device area. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetClippingRegion(const TRegion* aRegion)
+ {
+ if (!aRegion)
+ {
+ iDefaultRegionPtr = &iDefaultRegion;
+ return;
+ }
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(!aRegion->CheckError(),EBitgdiPanicInvalidRegion);
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aRegion->IsContainedBy(iDefaultRegion.BoundingRect()),EBitgdiPanicInvalidRegion);
+ iDefaultRegionPtr = aRegion;
+ }
+/** Sets a clipping region by storing a copy of the TRegion parameter.
+@param aRegion The clipping region to be stored and used. aRegion must be valid and bounded withing the iDefaultRegion.
+@return KErrNone if successful; KErrArgument if aRegion is invalid, KErrMemory if the region could not be allocated.
+@see CGraphicsContext::SetClippingRegion().
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsBitGc::SetClippingRegion(const TRegion& aRegion)
+ {
+ if (aRegion.CheckError() || !aRegion.IsContainedBy(iDefaultRegion.BoundingRect()))
+ return KErrArgument;
+ iClippingRegion.Copy(aRegion);
+ if (iClippingRegion.CheckError())
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ iDefaultRegionPtr = &iClippingRegion;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+/** Sets the drawing mode.
+This affects the colour that is actually drawn, because it defines the way
+that the current screen colour logically combines with the current pen colour
+and brush colour.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function
+CGraphicsContext::SetDrawMode(). The function behaviour is the same as documented
+in that class.
+@see CGraphicsContext::SetDrawMode() */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode)
+ {
+ iDrawMode = aDrawMode;
+ }
+/**Returns current setting of pen color.
+EXPORT_C TRgb CFbsBitGc::PenColor()
+ {
+ return iPenColor;
+ }
+/** Sets the position of the co-ordinate origin.
+All subsequent drawing operations are then done relative to this
+origin.The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure
+virtual function CGraphicsContext::SetOrigin(). The
+function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetOrigin(const TPoint& aPoint)
+ iDitherOrigin -= iOrigin;
+ iOrigin = aPoint;
+ iDitherOrigin += iOrigin;
+ }
+/** Sets the pen colour.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CGraphicsContext::SetPenColor(). The function
+behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetPenColor(const TRgb& aColor)
+ {
+ iPenColor = aColor;
+ }
+/** Sets the line drawing style for the pen.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual function
+CGraphicsContext::SetPenStyle(). The function behaviour is the same as documented
+in that class.
+@see CGraphicsContext::SetPenStyle() */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetPenStyle(TPenStyle aStyle)
+ {
+ iPenStyle = aStyle;
+ switch(iPenStyle)
+ {
+ case ENullPen:
+ iDotMask=0;
+ iDotLength=0;
+ break;
+ case EDottedPen:
+ iDotMask=1;
+ iDotLength=4;
+ break;
+ case EDashedPen:
+ iDotMask=7;
+ iDotLength=6;
+ break;
+ case EDotDashPen:
+ iDotMask=113;
+ iDotLength=10;
+ break;
+ case EDotDotDashPen:
+ iDotMask=1809;
+ iDotLength=14;
+ break;
+ default:
+ iDotMask=1;
+ iDotLength=1;
+ break;
+ };
+ iDotParam=0;
+ }
+/** Sets the line drawing size for the pen.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CGraphicsContext::SetPenSize(). The function
+behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetPenSize(const TSize& aSize)
+ {
+ iPenSize.SetSize(Abs(aSize.iWidth),Abs(aSize.iHeight));
+ const TSize maxsize = iDevice->iDrawDevice->SizeInPixels();
+ iPenSize.iWidth = Min(iPenSize.iWidth,maxsize.iWidth << 1);
+ iPenSize.iHeight = Min(iPenSize.iHeight,maxsize.iHeight << 1);
+ if (iPenSize.iWidth || iPenSize.iHeight)
+ PenAllocate();
+ else
+ {
+ iFbsBitGcExtraData->ResetPenArray();
+ }
+ iDotParam = 0;
+ }
+/** Simulates another graphics mode.
+Some devices running in some modes can simulate other modes (EGray16 will
+do EGray4 and EGray2, EGray4 will do EGray2).
+@param aDisplayMode The display mode to be set. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetUserDisplayMode(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode)
+ {
+ if(aDisplayMode==iDevice->DisplayMode())
+ aDisplayMode = ENone;
+ iUserDisplayMode = aDisplayMode;
+ }
+/** Sets the underline style for all subsequently drawn text.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CGraphicsContext::SetUnderlineStyle(). The
+function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetUnderlineStyle(TFontUnderline aUnderlineStyle)
+ {
+ iUnderline = aUnderlineStyle;
+ }
+/** Sets the strikethrough style for all subsequently drawn text.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CGraphicsContext::SetStrikethroughStyle(). The
+function behaviour is the same as documented in that class. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetStrikethroughStyle(TFontStrikethrough aStrikethroughStyle)
+ {
+ iStrikethrough = aStrikethroughStyle;
+ }
+/** Sets the shadow mode on or off.
+@param aShadowMode ETrue, shadow mode is on; EFalse, shadow mode is off. EFalse
+is the default. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetShadowMode(TBool aShadowMode)
+ {
+ if (aShadowMode)
+ iShadowMode |= CFbsDrawDevice::EShadow;
+ else
+ iShadowMode &= ~CFbsDrawDevice::EShadow;
+ }
+/** Sets whether the graphics context is faded.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CBitmapContext::SetFaded(). The function
+behaviour is the same as documented in that class.
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetFaded(TBool aFadeMode)
+ {
+ if (aFadeMode)
+ iShadowMode |= CFbsDrawDevice::EFade;
+ else
+ iShadowMode &= ~CFbsDrawDevice::EFade;
+ }
+/** Set fading parameters.
+The function provides a concrete implementation of the pure virtual
+function CBitmapContext::SetFadingParameters(). The
+function behaviour is the same as documented in that class.
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::SetFadingParameters(TUint8 aBlackMap,TUint8 aWhiteMap)
+ {
+ iFadeBlackMap = aBlackMap;
+ iFadeWhiteMap = aWhiteMap;
+ }
+/** Gets the orientations supported.
+@param aOrientation[4] An array of four TBool values. Each entry in this
+array corresponds to successive values of the TGraphicsOrientation enum.
+If the first array entry has an EFrue value, then the normal orientation
+is supported; if the second entry array has an ETrue value,
+then a 90 degree orientation is supported etc. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::OrientationsAvailable(TBool aOrientation[4])
+ {
+ if (iDevice)
+ {
+ iDevice->iDrawDevice->OrientationsAvailable(aOrientation);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aOrientation[EGraphicsOrientationNormal] = EFalse;
+ aOrientation[EGraphicsOrientationRotated90] = EFalse;
+ aOrientation[EGraphicsOrientationRotated180] = EFalse;
+ aOrientation[EGraphicsOrientationRotated270] = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+/** Sets the orientation.
+@param aOrientation The required orientation
+@return ETrue, if the requested orientation is supported; EFalse, otherwise. */
+EXPORT_C TBool CFbsBitGc::SetOrientation(TGraphicsOrientation aOrientation)
+ {
+ if (!iDevice)
+ return EFalse;
+ TBool ret = iDevice->SetOrientation(aOrientation);
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ TRect deviceRect;
+ iDevice->iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
+ iDefaultRegion.Clear();
+ iDefaultRegion.AddRect(deviceRect);
+ iUserClipRect = deviceRect;
+ iDrawnTo.SetRect(0,0,0,0);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+/** Sets the specified bitmap to be used as the brush pattern.
+@param aBitmap The bitmap.*/
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UseBrushPattern(const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aBitmap != NULL,EBitgdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
+ TInt brushResult = UseBrushPattern(((CFbsBitmap*)aBitmap)->Handle());
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(brushResult == KErrNone,EBitgdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
+ }
+/** Sets the specified bitmap to be used as the brush pattern.
+@param aFbsBitmapHandle The handle number of the bitmap.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise another of the other system wide
+error codes. */
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsBitGc::UseBrushPattern(TInt aFbsBitmapHandle)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFbsBitmapHandle,EBitgdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
+ iBrushUsed = ETrue;
+ if (iBrushBitmap.Handle() == aFbsBitmapHandle)
+ return KErrNone;
+ TInt ret = iBrushBitmap.Duplicate(aFbsBitmapHandle);
+ if (ret != KErrNone)
+ iBrushUsed = EFalse;
+ return ret;
+ }
+/** Selects the device font, identified by handle number, to be used for text drawing.
+When the font is no longer required, use DiscardFont() to free up the memory
+used. If UseFont() is used again without using DiscardFont() then the previous
+font is discarded automatically.
+If no font has been selected, and an attempt is made to draw text with DrawText(),
+then a panic occurs.
+@param aFontHandle A handle number for a device font.
+@return The duplicate handle number for the device font.
+@see CFont */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UseFont(const CFont* aFont)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFont != NULL,EBitgdiPanicInvalidFont);
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFont->TypeUid() == KCFbsFontUid,EBitgdiPanicInvalidFont);
+ TInt fontResult = UseFont(((CFbsBitGcFont*)aFont)->Handle());
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(fontResult == KErrNone,EBitgdiPanicInvalidFont);
+ }
+/** Selects the device font, identified by handle, to be used for
+text drawing.
+Notes:When the font is no longer required, use DiscardFont() to free up the memory used.
+If UseFont() is used again without using DiscardFont() then the previous font is
+discarded automatically.If no font has been selected, and an attempt is made to
+draw text with DrawText(), then a panic occurs.
+@param aFbsFontHandle A handle for a device font.
+@return The result of CFbsFont::Duplicate(). */
+EXPORT_C TInt CFbsBitGc::UseFont(TInt aFbsFontHandle)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFbsFontHandle,EBitgdiPanicInvalidFont);
+ if (iFont.Handle() == aFbsFontHandle)
+ return KErrNone;
+ return iFont.Duplicate(aFbsFontHandle);
+ }
+/** Selects a device font for text drawing but does not take a copy.
+The original must not be destroyed until UseFont(), UseFontNoDuplicate(),
+DiscardFont() or the destructor is called.
+@param aFont A pointer to the font to be used. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UseFontNoDuplicate(const CFbsBitGcFont* aFont)
+ {
+ DiscardFont();
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFont->TypeUid() == KCFbsFontUid,EBitgdiPanicInvalidFont);
+ if (aFont->Handle() == NULL)
+ return;
+ iFont = *aFont;
+ }
+/** Tests whether a brush pattern is being used.
+@return ETrue, if a brush pattern is being used; EFalse, otherwise. */
+EXPORT_C TBool CFbsBitGc::IsBrushPatternUsed() const
+ {
+ return iBrushUsed;
+ }
+/** Tests whether a font is used.
+@return ETrue, if a font is being used; EFalse, otherwise. */
+EXPORT_C TBool CFbsBitGc::IsFontUsed() const
+ {
+ if (iFont.Handle())
+ return ETrue;
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+TBool CFbsBitGc::UserClipRect(TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ if (!aRect.Intersects(iUserClipRect))
+ return ETrue;
+ aRect.Intersection(iUserClipRect);
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+/** Fetches the bounding rectangle of all drawing done since this function was last
+@param aRect The bounding rectangle. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::RectDrawnTo(TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ aRect = iDrawnTo;
+ iDrawnTo.SetRect(0,0,0,0);
+ }
+/** Updates the justification settings.
+This function assumes that ActivateNoJustAutoUpdate() has been used.
+@param aText The text for which justification is to be adjusted. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UpdateJustification(const TDesC& aText)
+ {
+ TTextParameters* param = NULL;
+ UpdateJustification(aText,param);
+ }
+/** Updates the justification for vertical text.
+@param aText The text for which justification is to be adjusted.
+@param aUp ETrue, if text is to be justified upwards;EFalse, if text is to
+be justified downwards. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UpdateJustificationVertical(const TDesC& aText, TBool aUp)
+ {
+ TTextParameters* param = NULL;
+ UpdateJustificationVertical(aText,param,aUp);
+ }
+/** Updates the justification settings.
+This function assumes that ActivateNoJustAutoUpdate() has been used.
+@param aText The text for which justification is to be adjusted. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UpdateJustification(const TDesC& aText,const TTextParameters* aParam)
+ {
+ if ((iCharJustNum < 1 || iCharJustExcess == 0) && (iWordJustNum < 1 || iWordJustExcess < 1))
+ return;
+ TInt length = aText.Length();
+ CFont::TPositionParam param;
+ param.iText.Set(aText); // Set the start of the string
+ if (aParam)
+ {
+ length = aParam->iEnd;
+ param.iPosInText = aParam->iStart;
+ }
+ TInt excess = 0;
+ TInt glyphs = 0;
+ RShapeInfo shapeInfo;
+ for (TInt count = 0; count < length; count++)
+ {
+ if (iCharJustNum > 0 && iCharJustExcess != 0)
+ excess += CGraphicsContext::JustificationInPixels(iCharJustExcess, iCharJustNum);
+ if (iWordJustNum > 0 && iWordJustExcess > 0 && aText[count] == ' ')
+ excess += CGraphicsContext::JustificationInPixels(iWordJustExcess, iWordJustNum);
+ if (iCharJustNum < glyphs + length - count) // there's at least 1 combined glyph to come
+ {
+ // otherwise we can skip this slow bit and just increment
+ if (iFont.GetCharacterPosition2(param, shapeInfo))
+ count = param.iPosInText - 1; // -1 'cos it gets incremented anyway
+ }
+ glyphs++;
+ }
+ if(shapeInfo.IsOpen())
+ shapeInfo.Close();
+ iLastPrintPosition.iX += excess;
+ }
+/** Updates the justification for vertical text.
+@param aText The text for which justification is to be adjusted.
+@param aUp ETrue, if text is to be justified upwards;EFalse, if text is to
+be justified downwards. */
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::UpdateJustificationVertical(const TDesC& aText,const TTextParameters* aParam,TBool aUp)
+ {
+ if ((iCharJustNum < 1 || iCharJustExcess == 0) && (iWordJustNum < 1 || iWordJustExcess < 1))
+ return;
+ TInt length = aText.Length();
+ CFont::TPositionParam param;
+ param.iText.Set(aText); // Set the start of the string
+ if (aParam)
+ {
+ length = aParam->iEnd;
+ param.iPosInText = aParam->iStart;
+ }
+ TInt excess=0;
+ TInt glyphs = 0;
+ RShapeInfo shapeInfo;
+ for (TInt count = 0; count < length; count++)
+ {
+ if (iCharJustNum > 0 && iCharJustExcess != 0)
+ excess += CGraphicsContext::JustificationInPixels(iCharJustExcess, iCharJustNum);
+ if (iWordJustNum > 0 && iWordJustExcess > 0 && aText[count] == ' ')
+ excess += CGraphicsContext::JustificationInPixels(iWordJustExcess, iWordJustNum);
+ if (iCharJustNum < glyphs + length - count) // there's at least 1 combined glyph to come
+ {
+ // otherwise we can skip this slow bit and just increment
+ if (iFont.GetCharacterPosition2(param, shapeInfo))
+ count = param.iPosInText - 1; // -1 'cos it gets incremented anyway
+ }
+ glyphs++;
+ }
+ if (shapeInfo.IsOpen())
+ shapeInfo.Close();
+ if (aUp)
+ iLastPrintPosition.iY -= excess;
+ else
+ iLastPrintPosition.iY += excess;
+ }
+void CFbsBitGc::AddRect(const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ if (iDrawnTo.IsEmpty())
+ iDrawnTo = aRect;
+ else if (!aRect.IsEmpty())
+ iDrawnTo.BoundingRect(aRect);
+ }
+ {
+ iShadowColor = KDefaultShadowColor; //default shadow color
+ }
+ {
+ delete[] iPenArray;
+ }
+void CFbsBitGcExtraData::Reset()
+ {
+ SetShadowColor(KDefaultShadowColor);
+ ResetPenArray();
+ }
+#define ORIENTATION_TO_CAP(orientation) (1 << (TInt)orientation)
+CGraphicsAccelerator* CFbsBitGc::GraphicsAccelerator()
+ {
+ CGraphicsAccelerator* ga = iDevice->GraphicsAccelerator();
+ if(!ga)
+ return NULL;
+ const TGraphicsAcceleratorCaps* caps = ga->Capabilities();
+ //iReserved[0] specifies the supported rendering orientations.
+ //Existing variable name is used to avoid SC break since it is an array.
+ const TUint orientationCaps = caps->iReserved[0];
+ const TGraphicsOrientation orientation = iDevice->Orientation();
+ if(iDevice->iScreenDevice
+ && ((orientationCaps == 0 && orientation !=EGraphicsOrientationNormal)
+ || ((ORIENTATION_TO_CAP(orientation) & orientationCaps) ==0)))
+ return NULL;
+ if(iUserDisplayMode!=ENone)
+ return NULL;
+ return ga;
+ }
+/** Replace target device but keep the current state
+@param aDevice The target device
+EXPORT_C void CFbsBitGc::ChangeDevice(CFbsDevice* aDevice)
+ {
+ iDevice = aDevice;
+ }