--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/bitgdi/sbit/POLYGON.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1192 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <bitstd.h>
+#include "BITPANIC.H"
+// TCompareEdgesUpperY
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TCompareEdgesUpperY) : public TKey
+ {
+ TCompareEdgesUpperY(const CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData);
+ virtual TInt Compare(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const;
+ const CPolygonFiller::SFastData& iFastData;
+ };
+TCompareEdgesUpperY::TCompareEdgesUpperY(const CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData):
+ iFastData(aFastData)
+ {
+ }
+TInt TCompareEdgesUpperY::Compare(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const
+ {
+ const TInt leftUpperY=iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.edgeList[aLeft].upperVertex].iY;
+ const TInt rightUpperY=iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.edgeList[aRight].upperVertex].iY;
+ if (leftUpperY<rightUpperY)
+ return -1;
+ if (leftUpperY>rightUpperY)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+// TSwapEdges
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TSwapEdges) : public TSwap
+ {
+ TSwapEdges(CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData);
+ virtual void Swap(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const;
+ CPolygonFiller::SFastData& iFastData;
+ };
+TSwapEdges::TSwapEdges(CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData):
+ iFastData(aFastData)
+ {
+ }
+void TSwapEdges::Swap(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const
+ {
+ CPolygonFiller::SFastEdge& leftEdge=iFastData.edgeList[aLeft];
+ CPolygonFiller::SFastEdge& rightEdge=iFastData.edgeList[aRight];
+ const CPolygonFiller::SFastEdge temp(leftEdge);
+ leftEdge=rightEdge;
+ rightEdge=temp;
+ }
+// TCompareActiveEdgesFirstVertex
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TCompareActiveEdgesFirstVertex) : public TKey
+ {
+ TCompareActiveEdgesFirstVertex(const CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData);
+ virtual TInt Compare(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const;
+ const CPolygonFiller::SFastData& iFastData;
+ };
+TCompareActiveEdgesFirstVertex::TCompareActiveEdgesFirstVertex(const CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData):
+ iFastData(aFastData)
+ {
+ }
+TInt TCompareActiveEdgesFirstVertex::Compare(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const
+ {
+ const TInt leftFirstVertex=iFastData.activeEdgeList[aLeft].edgePtr->firstVertex;
+ const TInt rightFirstVertex=iFastData.activeEdgeList[aRight].edgePtr->firstVertex;
+ if (leftFirstVertex<rightFirstVertex)
+ return -1;
+ if (leftFirstVertex>rightFirstVertex)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+// TSwapActiveEdges
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TSwapActiveEdges) : public TSwap
+ {
+ TSwapActiveEdges(CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData);
+ virtual void Swap(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const;
+ CPolygonFiller::SFastData& iFastData;
+ };
+TSwapActiveEdges::TSwapActiveEdges(CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData):
+ iFastData(aFastData)
+ {
+ }
+void TSwapActiveEdges::Swap(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const
+ {
+ CPolygonFiller::SFastActiveEdge& leftActiveEdge=iFastData.activeEdgeList[aLeft];
+ CPolygonFiller::SFastActiveEdge& rightActiveEdge=iFastData.activeEdgeList[aRight];
+ const CPolygonFiller::SFastActiveEdge temp(leftActiveEdge);
+ leftActiveEdge=rightActiveEdge;
+ rightActiveEdge=temp;
+ if (leftActiveEdge.scanLineIntersectionPtr!=NULL)
+ leftActiveEdge.scanLineIntersectionPtr->activeEdgePtr=&leftActiveEdge;
+ if (rightActiveEdge.scanLineIntersectionPtr!=NULL)
+ rightActiveEdge.scanLineIntersectionPtr->activeEdgePtr=&rightActiveEdge;
+ }
+// TCompareScanLineIntersectionsFirstPixel
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TCompareScanLineIntersectionsFirstPixel) : public TKey
+ {
+ TCompareScanLineIntersectionsFirstPixel(const CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData);
+ virtual TInt Compare(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const;
+ const CPolygonFiller::SFastData& iFastData;
+ };
+TCompareScanLineIntersectionsFirstPixel::TCompareScanLineIntersectionsFirstPixel(const CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData):
+ iFastData(aFastData)
+ {
+ }
+TInt TCompareScanLineIntersectionsFirstPixel::Compare(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const
+ {
+ const TInt leftFirstPixel=iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[aLeft].firstPixel;
+ const TInt rightFirstPixel=iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[aRight].firstPixel;
+ if (leftFirstPixel<rightFirstPixel)
+ return -1;
+ if (leftFirstPixel>rightFirstPixel)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+// TSwapScanLineIntersections
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TSwapScanLineIntersections) : public TSwap
+ {
+ TSwapScanLineIntersections(CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData);
+ virtual void Swap(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const;
+ CPolygonFiller::SFastData& iFastData;
+ };
+TSwapScanLineIntersections::TSwapScanLineIntersections(CPolygonFiller::SFastData& aFastData):
+ iFastData(aFastData)
+ {
+ }
+void TSwapScanLineIntersections::Swap(TInt aLeft,TInt aRight) const
+ {
+ CPolygonFiller::SFastScanLineIntersection& leftScanLineIntersection=iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[aLeft];
+ CPolygonFiller::SFastScanLineIntersection& rightScanLineIntersection=iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[aRight];
+ const CPolygonFiller::SFastScanLineIntersection temp(leftScanLineIntersection);
+ leftScanLineIntersection=rightScanLineIntersection;
+ rightScanLineIntersection=temp;
+ leftScanLineIntersection.activeEdgePtr->scanLineIntersectionPtr=&leftScanLineIntersection;
+ rightScanLineIntersection.activeEdgePtr->scanLineIntersectionPtr=&rightScanLineIntersection;
+ }
+// the sorting function
+LOCAL_C void Sort(TInt aCount,const TKey& aKey,const TSwap& aSwap)
+ {
+#if 1 // quick sort
+ const TInt error=User::QuickSort(aCount,aKey,aSwap);
+#elif 0 // bubble sort
+ for (TInt i=1; i<aCount; ++i)
+ {
+ for (TInt j=i; j>0; --j)
+ {
+ if (aKey.Compare(j-1,j)>0)
+ {
+ aSwap.Swap(j-1,j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#else // heap sort
+ TInt startOfSortedPortion=aCount;
+ if (startOfSortedPortion>1)
+ {
+ TInt startOfHeap=startOfSortedPortion>>1;
+ {
+ if (startOfHeap!=0)
+ {
+ --startOfHeap;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ --startOfSortedPortion;
+ aSwap.Swap(startOfSortedPortion,0);
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG_INVARIANT(startOfSortedPortion>=1);
+ if (startOfSortedPortion==1)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // put aArray[startOfHeap] into the correct place in the heap
+ TInt i=startOfHeap;
+ {
+ TInt j=(i+1)<<1;
+ if ((j>=startOfSortedPortion) || (aKey.Compare(j-1,j)>0))
+ {
+ --j;
+ }
+ if ((j>=startOfSortedPortion) || (aKey.Compare(i,j)>=0))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ aSwap.Swap(i,j);
+ i=j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ {
+ for (TInt i=1; i<aCount; ++i)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG_INVARIANT(aKey.Compare(i-1,i)<=0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CPolygonFiller
+ */
+ Constructor which initializes all member data to zero, EFalse or null for
+ TInt, TBool pointers respectively.
+ */
+EXPORT_C CPolygonFiller::CPolygonFiller():
+ CBase(),
+ iPointArray(NULL),
+ iPointList(NULL),
+ iFillRule(CGraphicsContext::EAlternate),
+ iUseFastAlgorithm(EFalse),
+ iNumVertexes(0),
+ iToggler(EFalse),
+ iNestingLevel(0),
+ iScanLineIntersection(0),
+ iRightMostPixelOnScanLine(0),
+ iFirstVertex(0),
+ iPolygonIsAllHorizontal(EFalse),
+ iFirstScanLine(0),
+ iLastScanLine(0),
+ iCurrentScanLine(0)
+ {
+ iFastData.vertexList=NULL;
+ iFastData.edgeList=NULL;
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList=NULL;
+ iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList=NULL;
+ iFastData.numActiveEdges=0;
+ iFastData.numScanLineIntersections=0;
+ iFastData.nextEdgeToActivate=0;
+ iSlowData.numIntersectionsWithSameFirstPixelPreviouslyMet=0;
+ iSlowData.numIntersectionsWithSameFirstPixelMetThisTime=0;
+ iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections=0;
+ iSlowData.scanLineComplete=EFalse;
+ iSlowData.firstPixelOfLastIntersectionInPrevBuffer=0;
+ }
+Destructor calls reset on the polygon.
+EXPORT_C CPolygonFiller::~CPolygonFiller()
+ {
+ Reset();
+ }
+Takes a list of points to be the points for the new polygon and sets the number of points in the shape.
+After this has been done it transfers the task to <code>Construct(aFillRule,aUsage)</code>. This should not fail.
+@param aPointList A list of points for the polygon.
+@param aNumPoints The number of points in the list.
+@param aFillRule How filling should be achieved, as described by a CGraphicsContext::TFillRule object.
+@param aUsage How the polygon should be used, see TUsage enumeration.
+EXPORT_C void CPolygonFiller::Construct(const TPoint* aPointList,TInt aNumPoints,
+ CGraphicsContext::TFillRule aFillRule, TUsage aUsage)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPointList!=NULL,EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ iPointList=aPointList;
+ iNumVertexes=aNumPoints;
+ Construct(aFillRule,aUsage);
+ }
+An overloaded version of Construct which allows the list of points to be passed in as a point array.
+Exactly the same behaviour and structure as above. This should not fail. This method does not require the
+number of nodes to be given as a parameter.
+@param PointArray A pointer to point array, as opposed to a pointer to a point list.
+@param aFillRule How filling should be achieved, as described by a CGraphicsContext::TFillRule object.
+@param aUsage How the polygon should be used.
+EXPORT_C void CPolygonFiller::Construct(const CArrayFix<TPoint>* aPointArray,
+ CGraphicsContext::TFillRule aFillRule, TUsage aUsage)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPointArray!=NULL,EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ iPointArray=aPointArray;
+ iNumVertexes=iPointArray->Count();
+ Construct(aFillRule,aUsage);
+ }
+void CPolygonFiller::Construct(CGraphicsContext::TFillRule aFillRule, TUsage aUsage)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS((aFillRule==CGraphicsContext::EAlternate) || (aFillRule==CGraphicsContext::EWinding),
+ EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ BG_ASSERT_ALWAYS((aUsage==EGetAllPixelRunsSequentially) || (aUsage==EGetPixelRunsSequentiallyForSpecifiedScanLines),
+ EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ TInt i, j;
+ iFillRule=aFillRule;
+ iUseFastAlgorithm=(aUsage==EGetAllPixelRunsSequentially);
+ iToggler=EFalse;
+ iNestingLevel=0;
+ iScanLineIntersection=0;
+ iRightMostPixelOnScanLine=KMinTInt;
+ // find the first vertex and see if the polygon is all horizontal
+ iFirstVertex=0; // dummy default value
+ iPolygonIsAllHorizontal=ETrue;
+ if (iNumVertexes==0)
+ return;
+ for (i=0; i<iNumVertexes; ++i)
+ if (Point(i).iY!=Point((i+1)%iNumVertexes).iY)
+ {
+ // i is now set to the vertex before the first non-horizontal edge
+ // set j%iNumVertexes to the vertex before the next non-horizontal edge
+ for (j=i+1; Point(j%iNumVertexes).iY==Point((j+1)%iNumVertexes).iY; ++j)
+ ;
+ j%=iNumVertexes;
+ TInt first=Point(i).iY;
+ TInt middle=Point(j).iY;
+ TInt last=Point((j+1)%iNumVertexes).iY;
+ // if vertex j is a max or min point, set the first-vertex to be j
+ if ((middle<first)==(middle<last))
+ {
+ iFirstVertex=j;
+ iPolygonIsAllHorizontal=EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iUseFastAlgorithm)
+ {
+ iFastData.vertexList=(TPoint*)User::Alloc(sizeof(TPoint)*iNumVertexes);
+ iFastData.edgeList=(SFastEdge*)User::Alloc(sizeof(SFastEdge)*iNumVertexes);
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList=(SFastActiveEdge*)User::Alloc(sizeof(SFastActiveEdge)*iNumVertexes);
+ iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList=(SFastScanLineIntersection*)User::Alloc(sizeof(SFastScanLineIntersection)*iNumVertexes);
+ if ((iFastData.vertexList==NULL) ||
+ (iFastData.edgeList==NULL) ||
+ (iFastData.activeEdgeList==NULL) ||
+ (iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList==NULL))
+ {
+ Reset(); // sets iUseFastAlgorithm to EFalse among other things
+ }
+ }
+ if (iUseFastAlgorithm)
+ {
+ for(TInt vertexcount=0;vertexcount<iNumVertexes;vertexcount++)
+ new(&iFastData.activeEdgeList[vertexcount]) SFastActiveEdge;
+ iFastData.numActiveEdges=0;
+ iFastData.numScanLineIntersections=0;
+ iFastData.nextEdgeToActivate=0;
+ // put the points into the vertex-list
+ // N.B. this array is uesd for speed since CArrayXxxs are slower for indexing into than built-in arrays
+ for (i=0; i<iNumVertexes; ++i)
+ iFastData.vertexList[i]=Point((i+iFirstVertex)%iNumVertexes);
+ // create edge-list
+ for (i=0; i<iNumVertexes; ++i)
+ {
+ if (iFastData.vertexList[i].iY<iFastData.vertexList[(i+1)%iNumVertexes].iY)
+ {
+ iFastData.edgeList[i].upperVertex=i;
+ iFastData.edgeList[i].lowerVertex=(i+1)%iNumVertexes;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iFastData.edgeList[i].upperVertex=(i+1)%iNumVertexes;
+ iFastData.edgeList[i].lowerVertex=i;
+ }
+ iFastData.edgeList[i].firstVertex=i;
+ }
+ // sort edge-list into order of increasing upper y-position
+ Sort(iNumVertexes,TCompareEdgesUpperY(iFastData),TSwapEdges(iFastData));
+ // find the first scan-line
+ iFirstScanLine=iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.edgeList[0].upperVertex].iY;
+ // find the last scan-line
+ iLastScanLine=iFirstScanLine;
+ for (i=0; i<iNumVertexes; ++i)
+ if (iLastScanLine<iFastData.vertexList[i].iY)
+ iLastScanLine=iFastData.vertexList[i].iY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSlowData.numIntersectionsWithSameFirstPixelPreviouslyMet=0;
+ iSlowData.scanLineComplete=EFalse;
+ iSlowData.firstPixelOfLastIntersectionInPrevBuffer=KMinTInt;
+ // find the first and last scan-lines
+ iFirstScanLine=KMaxTInt;
+ iLastScanLine=KMinTInt;
+ for (i=0; i<iNumVertexes; ++i)
+ {
+ TInt y=Point(i).iY;
+ if (iFirstScanLine>y)
+ iFirstScanLine=y;
+ if (iLastScanLine<y)
+ iLastScanLine=y;
+ }
+ }
+ iCurrentScanLine=iFirstScanLine;
+ }
+Frees any data held in the polygons lists of all edges, vertexs and scan lines and sets these values to NULL.
+It also has the feature of setting iUseFastAlgorithm = EFalse.
+EXPORT_C void CPolygonFiller::Reset()
+ {
+ if(iUseFastAlgorithm)
+ {
+ if(iFastData.vertexList)
+ {
+ User::Free(iFastData.vertexList);
+ iFastData.vertexList=NULL;
+ }
+ if(iFastData.edgeList)
+ {
+ User::Free(iFastData.edgeList);
+ iFastData.edgeList=NULL;
+ }
+ if(iFastData.activeEdgeList)
+ {
+ User::Free(iFastData.activeEdgeList);
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList=NULL;
+ }
+ if(iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList)
+ {
+ User::Free(iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList);
+ iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList=NULL;
+ }
+ iUseFastAlgorithm=EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+Method is used to calculate the locations of vertex interactions between the polygon and scan lines.
+An initial scan line is required. It calculates the start and end positions on the line. The method
+can use either the fast or slow polygon algorithm depending upon the state of aUsage. Polygon filling
+is also addressed by this method.
+@param aExists Will be set to false if a polygon with no vertexes is passed in, otherwise ETrue on return.
+@param aScanline On return will contain iScanline at the beginning of the operation.
+@param aStart The position on the scan line to start the run, on returned.
+@param aEnd The position on the scan line to end the run, returned.
+EXPORT_C void CPolygonFiller::GetNextPixelRun(TBool& aExists, TInt& aScanLine, TInt& aStart,
+ TInt& aEnd)
+ {
+ if (iNumVertexes==0 || iCurrentScanLine>iLastScanLine)
+ {
+ aExists=EFalse;
+ return;
+ }
+ aExists=ETrue;
+ aScanLine=iCurrentScanLine;
+ if (iPolygonIsAllHorizontal)
+ {
+ // set the start after the end
+ aStart=KMinTInt+1;
+ aEnd=KMinTInt;
+ ++iCurrentScanLine;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (iUseFastAlgorithm)
+ {
+ TInt i, j;
+ if (iScanLineIntersection==0)
+ {
+ // add any new edges to the active-edge-list
+ for (; (iFastData.nextEdgeToActivate<iNumVertexes) &&
+ (iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.edgeList[iFastData.nextEdgeToActivate].upperVertex].iY==iCurrentScanLine);
+ ++iFastData.numActiveEdges, ++iFastData.nextEdgeToActivate)
+ {
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[iFastData.numActiveEdges].edgePtr=&iFastData.edgeList[iFastData.nextEdgeToActivate];
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[iFastData.numActiveEdges].lineGenerator.Construct(
+ iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.edgeList[iFastData.nextEdgeToActivate].upperVertex],
+ iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.edgeList[iFastData.nextEdgeToActivate].lowerVertex]);
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[iFastData.numActiveEdges].scanLineIntersectionPtr=NULL;
+ }
+ // sort the active-edge-list into order of adjacent edges (if possible)
+ Sort(iFastData.numActiveEdges,TCompareActiveEdgesFirstVertex(iFastData),TSwapActiveEdges(iFastData));
+ // find the intersection of each active-edge with the current scan-line
+ // for max/min vertex-runs (e.g. \/, \_/, \__/, etc.) add 2 intersections for each run
+ // for other vertex-runs (e.g. /----/) add 1 intersection for each run
+ for (i=0; i<iFastData.numActiveEdges; ++i)
+ {
+ // check that active-edge i is not horizontal
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.activeEdgeList[i].edgePtr->upperVertex].iY!=
+ iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.activeEdgeList[i].edgePtr->lowerVertex].iY, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ if (iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.activeEdgeList[i].edgePtr->upperVertex].iY==iCurrentScanLine)
+ // the scan-line is intersecting active-edge i at its upper-vertex
+ FastHandleVertexIntersection(i, EFalse);
+ else if (iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.activeEdgeList[i].edgePtr->lowerVertex].iY==iCurrentScanLine)
+ // the scan-line is intersecting active-edge i at its lower-vertex
+ FastHandleVertexIntersection(i, ETrue);
+ else
+ // the scan-line is intersecting active-edge i at neither of its vertices
+ SetFastIntersection(iFastData.activeEdgeList[i],*iFastData.activeEdgeList[i].scanLineIntersectionPtr);
+ }
+ // N.B. iFastData.numScanLineIntersections is less than or equal to iFastData.numActiveEdges
+ // sort the intersection-list into increasing order of first-pixel
+ Sort(iFastData.numScanLineIntersections,TCompareScanLineIntersectionsFirstPixel(iFastData),TSwapScanLineIntersections(iFastData));
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iFastData.numScanLineIntersections>=2, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ }
+ // depending on the rule used, find the pixel-run
+ TBool doFill=EFalse; // dummy initialization to prevent compiler warning
+ if (iScanLineIntersection<iFastData.numScanLineIntersections-1)
+ {
+ switch (iFillRule)
+ {
+ case CGraphicsContext::EAlternate:
+ iToggler=!iToggler;
+ doFill=iToggler;
+ break;
+ case CGraphicsContext::EWinding:
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].activeEdgePtr->edgePtr->lowerVertex].iY!=
+ iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].activeEdgePtr->edgePtr->upperVertex].iY,
+ EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ if (iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].activeEdgePtr->edgePtr->lowerVertex==
+ (iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].activeEdgePtr->edgePtr->upperVertex+1)%iNumVertexes)
+ ++iNestingLevel;
+ else
+ --iNestingLevel;
+ doFill=(iNestingLevel!=0);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (doFill)
+ {
+ aStart=Max(iRightMostPixelOnScanLine, iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].lastPixel)+1;
+ aEnd=iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection+1].firstPixel-1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // set the start after the end
+ aStart=KMinTInt+1;
+ aEnd=KMinTInt;
+ }
+ if (iRightMostPixelOnScanLine<iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].lastPixel)
+ iRightMostPixelOnScanLine=iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].lastPixel;
+ ++iScanLineIntersection;
+ }
+ if (iScanLineIntersection==iFastData.numScanLineIntersections-1)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].activeEdgePtr->edgePtr->lowerVertex].iY!=
+ iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].activeEdgePtr->edgePtr->upperVertex].iY,
+ EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ switch (iFillRule)
+ {
+ case CGraphicsContext::EAlternate:
+ iToggler=!iToggler;
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iToggler==0, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ break;
+ case CGraphicsContext::EWinding:
+ if (iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].activeEdgePtr->edgePtr->lowerVertex==
+ (iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].activeEdgePtr->edgePtr->upperVertex+1)%iNumVertexes)
+ ++iNestingLevel;
+ else
+ --iNestingLevel;
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG((iNumVertexes==2) || (iNestingLevel==0), EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ break;
+ }
+ // remove any scan-line-intersections associated with old active-edges
+ for (i=0; i<iFastData.numScanLineIntersections; )
+ if (iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[i].activeEdgePtr->edgePtr->lowerVertex].iY==iCurrentScanLine)
+ {
+ iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[i].activeEdgePtr->scanLineIntersectionPtr=NULL;
+ // ripple all the entries in the scan-line-intersection-list after this one back one place
+ for (j=i+1; j<iFastData.numScanLineIntersections; ++j)
+ {
+ iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[j-1]=iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[j];
+ iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[j-1].activeEdgePtr->scanLineIntersectionPtr=&iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[j-1];
+ }
+ iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[j-1].activeEdgePtr=NULL;
+ --iFastData.numScanLineIntersections;
+ }
+ else
+ ++i;
+ // remove any old edges from the active-edge-list
+ for (i=0; i<iFastData.numActiveEdges; )
+ if (iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.activeEdgeList[i].edgePtr->lowerVertex].iY==iCurrentScanLine)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iFastData.activeEdgeList[i].scanLineIntersectionPtr==NULL, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ // ripple all the entries in the active-edge-list after this one back one place
+ for (j=i+1; j<iFastData.numActiveEdges; ++j)
+ {
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[j-1]=iFastData.activeEdgeList[j];
+ if (iFastData.activeEdgeList[j-1].scanLineIntersectionPtr)
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[j-1].scanLineIntersectionPtr->activeEdgePtr=&iFastData.activeEdgeList[j-1];
+ }
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[j-1].scanLineIntersectionPtr=NULL;
+ --iFastData.numActiveEdges;
+ }
+ else
+ ++i;
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ for (i=0; i<iFastData.numActiveEdges; ++i)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iFastData.activeEdgeList[i].scanLineIntersectionPtr->activeEdgePtr==
+ &iFastData.activeEdgeList[i], EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<iFastData.numScanLineIntersections; ++i)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[i].activeEdgePtr->scanLineIntersectionPtr==
+ &iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[i], EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ }
+ iScanLineIntersection=0;
+ ++iCurrentScanLine;
+ iRightMostPixelOnScanLine=KMinTInt;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GetNextPixelRunOnSpecifiedScanLine(aExists, iCurrentScanLine, aStart, aEnd);
+ if (!aExists)
+ GetNextPixelRunOnSpecifiedScanLine(aExists, ++iCurrentScanLine, aStart, aEnd);
+ }
+ }
+Similar to GetNextPixelRun(aExists, aScanLine, aStart, aEnd) this method is used to draw the relevant
+vertex intersections for a polygon but only for an individual specified scan line. The method
+can use either the fast or slow polygon algorithm depending upon the state of aUsage.
+@param aExists Will be set to false if the line does not pass through the polygon or if
+a polygon with no vertices is specified, otherwise ETrue on return.
+@param aScanline The scan line to be drawn on. Used to set iScanline
+@param aStart The position on the scan line to start the run, on returned.
+@param aEnd The position on the scan line to end the run, returned.
+EXPORT_C void CPolygonFiller::GetNextPixelRunOnSpecifiedScanLine(TBool& aExists,
+ TInt aScanLine,
+ TInt& aStart,
+ TInt& aEnd)
+ {
+ TInt i, j, k;
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(!iUseFastAlgorithm, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ if (iNumVertexes==0 || aScanLine<iCurrentScanLine || aScanLine>iLastScanLine)
+ {
+ aExists=EFalse;
+ return;
+ }
+ aExists=ETrue;
+ iCurrentScanLine=aScanLine;
+ if (iPolygonIsAllHorizontal)
+ {
+ // set the start after the end
+ aStart=KMinTInt+1;
+ aEnd=KMinTInt;
+ ++iCurrentScanLine;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (iScanLineIntersection==0)
+ {
+ iSlowData.numIntersectionsWithSameFirstPixelMetThisTime=0;
+ iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections=0;
+ iSlowData.scanLineComplete=ETrue;
+ // find the left-most iSlowData::EStoreSize number (or less) of intersections with this scan-line
+ for (i=iFirstVertex; i<iNumVertexes+iFirstVertex; ++i)
+ {
+ TPoint upper=Point(i%iNumVertexes);
+ TPoint lower=Point((i+1)%iNumVertexes);
+ if (upper.iY>lower.iY)
+ {
+ TPoint temp=upper;
+ upper=lower;
+ lower=temp;
+ }
+ if ((iCurrentScanLine>=upper.iY) && (iCurrentScanLine<=lower.iY))
+ {
+ // check that the edge starting at vertex i%iNumVertexes is not horizontal
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(upper.iY!=lower.iY, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ // step through the line-generator until the current scan-line is reached
+ TPoint startPos, endPos;
+ JumpToCurrentScanLine(iSlowData.lineGenerator, upper, lower, startPos, endPos);
+ // find the intersection start and end pixels
+ SSlowScanLineIntersection scanLineIntersection;
+ scanLineIntersection.firstPixel=Min(startPos.iX, endPos.iX);
+ scanLineIntersection.lastPixel=Max(startPos.iX, endPos.iX);
+ scanLineIntersection.firstVertexOfEdge=i%iNumVertexes;
+ // handle horizontal runs and minima/maxima
+ if (upper.iY==iCurrentScanLine)
+ SlowHandleVertexIntersection(scanLineIntersection, i, EFalse);
+ else if (lower.iY==iCurrentScanLine)
+ SlowHandleVertexIntersection(scanLineIntersection, i, ETrue);
+ // see if there have been other intersections with the same first-pixel
+ if (scanLineIntersection.firstPixel==iSlowData.firstPixelOfLastIntersectionInPrevBuffer)
+ ++iSlowData.numIntersectionsWithSameFirstPixelMetThisTime;
+ // if the intersection has not already been included in a previous buffer-load
+ if ((scanLineIntersection.firstPixel>iSlowData.firstPixelOfLastIntersectionInPrevBuffer) ||
+ ((scanLineIntersection.firstPixel==iSlowData.firstPixelOfLastIntersectionInPrevBuffer) &&
+ (iSlowData.numIntersectionsWithSameFirstPixelMetThisTime>=
+ iSlowData.numIntersectionsWithSameFirstPixelPreviouslyMet)))
+ {
+ // put the intersection in the right place in the intersection list (if there is room)
+ for (j=0; j<iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections; ++j)
+ if (scanLineIntersection.firstPixel<iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[j].firstPixel)
+ {
+ if (iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections<SSlowData::EStoreSize)
+ ++iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections;
+ else
+ iSlowData.scanLineComplete=EFalse;
+ for (k=iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections-1; k>j; --k)
+ iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[k]=iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[k-1];
+ iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[j]=scanLineIntersection;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (j==iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections)
+ {
+ if (iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections<SSlowData::EStoreSize)
+ iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections++]=scanLineIntersection;
+ else
+ iSlowData.scanLineComplete=EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!iSlowData.scanLineComplete)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections==SSlowData::EStoreSize, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ if (iSlowData.firstPixelOfLastIntersectionInPrevBuffer==iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[SSlowData::EStoreSize-1].firstPixel)
+ iSlowData.numIntersectionsWithSameFirstPixelPreviouslyMet+=SSlowData::EStoreSize-1;
+ else
+ {
+ iSlowData.firstPixelOfLastIntersectionInPrevBuffer=iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[SSlowData::EStoreSize-1].firstPixel;
+ iSlowData.numIntersectionsWithSameFirstPixelPreviouslyMet=1;
+ for (i=SSlowData::EStoreSize-1; (i>0) && (iSlowData.firstPixelOfLastIntersectionInPrevBuffer==
+ iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[i-1].firstPixel); --i)
+ ++iSlowData.numIntersectionsWithSameFirstPixelPreviouslyMet;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // depending on the rule used, find the pixel-run
+ TBool doFill=EFalse; // dummy initialization to prevent compiler warning
+ if (iScanLineIntersection<iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections-1)
+ {
+ switch (iFillRule)
+ {
+ case CGraphicsContext::EAlternate:
+ iToggler=!iToggler;
+ doFill=iToggler;
+ break;
+ case CGraphicsContext::EWinding:
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(Point(iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].firstVertexOfEdge).iY!=
+ Point((iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].firstVertexOfEdge+1)%iNumVertexes).iY,
+ EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ if (Point(iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].firstVertexOfEdge).iY>
+ Point((iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].firstVertexOfEdge+1)%iNumVertexes).iY)
+ ++iNestingLevel;
+ else
+ --iNestingLevel;
+ doFill=(iNestingLevel!=0);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (doFill)
+ {
+ aStart=Max(iRightMostPixelOnScanLine, iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].lastPixel)+1;
+ aEnd=iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection+1].firstPixel-1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // set the start after the end
+ aStart=KMinTInt+1;
+ aEnd=KMinTInt;
+ }
+ if (iRightMostPixelOnScanLine<iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].lastPixel)
+ iRightMostPixelOnScanLine=iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].lastPixel;
+ ++iScanLineIntersection;
+ }
+ if (iScanLineIntersection==iSlowData.numScanLineIntersections-1)
+ {
+ if (iSlowData.scanLineComplete)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(Point(iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].firstVertexOfEdge).iY!=
+ Point((iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].firstVertexOfEdge+1)%iNumVertexes).iY,
+ EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ switch (iFillRule)
+ {
+ case CGraphicsContext::EAlternate:
+ iToggler=!iToggler;
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iToggler==0, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ break;
+ case CGraphicsContext::EWinding:
+ if (Point(iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].firstVertexOfEdge).iY>
+ Point((iSlowData.scanLineIntersectionList[iScanLineIntersection].firstVertexOfEdge+1)%iNumVertexes).iY)
+ ++iNestingLevel;
+ else
+ --iNestingLevel;
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG((!iSlowData.scanLineComplete) || (iNumVertexes==2) || (iNestingLevel==0), EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ iScanLineIntersection=0;
+ if (iSlowData.scanLineComplete)
+ {
+ ++iCurrentScanLine;
+ iRightMostPixelOnScanLine=KMinTInt;
+ iSlowData.numIntersectionsWithSameFirstPixelPreviouslyMet=0;
+ iSlowData.scanLineComplete=EFalse;
+ iSlowData.firstPixelOfLastIntersectionInPrevBuffer=KMinTInt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CPolygonFiller::FastHandleVertexIntersection(TInt& aCurrentActiveEdge,
+ TBool aIsLowerVertex)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iUseFastAlgorithm, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ if (iFastData.vertexList[(iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge].edgePtr->firstVertex+1)%iNumVertexes].iY==iCurrentScanLine)
+ // it is the second vertex of active-edge aCurrentActiveEdge that coincides with the current scan-line
+ {
+ TInt origActiveEdge=aCurrentActiveEdge;
+ SFastScanLineIntersection scanLineIntersection;
+ scanLineIntersection.activeEdgePtr=NULL;
+ SetFastIntersection(iFastData.activeEdgeList[origActiveEdge], scanLineIntersection);
+ // walk through subsequent adjacent horizontal active-edges
+ for (; ; )
+ {
+ // exit the loop if the vertex-run *is* a maximum or a minimum
+ const SFastEdge* tempEdgePtr=iFastData.activeEdgeList[(aCurrentActiveEdge+1)%iFastData.numActiveEdges].edgePtr;
+ TBool isMaxOrMin = EFalse;
+ switch(aIsLowerVertex)
+ {
+ case EFalse:
+ isMaxOrMin = (iFastData.vertexList[tempEdgePtr->lowerVertex].iY > iCurrentScanLine);
+ break;
+ case ETrue:
+ isMaxOrMin = (iFastData.vertexList[tempEdgePtr->upperVertex].iY < iCurrentScanLine);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (isMaxOrMin)
+ // the vertex-run is a maximum or a minimum
+ {
+ if (aIsLowerVertex)
+ {
+ *iFastData.activeEdgeList[origActiveEdge].scanLineIntersectionPtr=scanLineIntersection;
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[origActiveEdge].scanLineIntersectionPtr->activeEdgePtr=&iFastData.activeEdgeList[origActiveEdge];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // add an intersection
+ iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iFastData.numScanLineIntersections]=scanLineIntersection;
+ iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iFastData.numScanLineIntersections].activeEdgePtr=&iFastData.activeEdgeList[origActiveEdge];
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[origActiveEdge].scanLineIntersectionPtr=&iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iFastData.numScanLineIntersections];
+ ++iFastData.numScanLineIntersections;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // the active-edge is horizontal, or the vertex-run is not a maximum or a minimum
+ ++aCurrentActiveEdge;
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(aCurrentActiveEdge<iFastData.numActiveEdges, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ // update scanLineIntersection
+ TPoint startPos, endPos;
+ TInt minX, maxX;
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge].lineGenerator.SingleScanline(startPos, endPos);
+ minX=Min(startPos.iX, endPos.iX);
+ maxX=Max(startPos.iX, endPos.iX);
+ if (scanLineIntersection.firstPixel>minX)
+ scanLineIntersection.firstPixel=minX;
+ if (scanLineIntersection.lastPixel<maxX)
+ scanLineIntersection.lastPixel=maxX;
+ tempEdgePtr=iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge].edgePtr;
+ TBool isNeitherMaxOrMin = EFalse;
+ switch(aIsLowerVertex)
+ {
+ case EFalse:
+ isNeitherMaxOrMin = (iFastData.vertexList[tempEdgePtr->upperVertex].iY < iCurrentScanLine);
+ break;
+ case ETrue:
+ isNeitherMaxOrMin = (iFastData.vertexList[tempEdgePtr->lowerVertex].iY > iCurrentScanLine);
+ break;
+ }
+ // exit the loop if the vertex-run is *not* a maximum or a minimum
+ if (isNeitherMaxOrMin)
+ {
+ TInt newActiveEdge;
+ TInt oldActiveEdge;
+ if (aIsLowerVertex)
+ {
+ newActiveEdge=aCurrentActiveEdge;
+ oldActiveEdge=origActiveEdge;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ newActiveEdge=origActiveEdge;
+ oldActiveEdge=aCurrentActiveEdge;
+ }
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[newActiveEdge].scanLineIntersectionPtr=iFastData.activeEdgeList[oldActiveEdge].scanLineIntersectionPtr;
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[oldActiveEdge].scanLineIntersectionPtr=NULL;
+ *iFastData.activeEdgeList[newActiveEdge].scanLineIntersectionPtr=scanLineIntersection;
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[newActiveEdge].scanLineIntersectionPtr->activeEdgePtr=&iFastData.activeEdgeList[newActiveEdge];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // it is the first vertex of active-edge aCurrentActiveEdge that coincides with the current scan-line
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ // check that the vertex we are at is a maximum or a minimum
+ TInt previousNotLevelVertex;
+ TInt SFastEdge::*vertex=(aIsLowerVertex)? &SFastEdge::lowerVertex: &SFastEdge::upperVertex;
+ for (previousNotLevelVertex=iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge].edgePtr->*vertex;
+ iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge].edgePtr->*vertex].iY==iFastData.vertexList[previousNotLevelVertex].iY;
+ previousNotLevelVertex=(previousNotLevelVertex+iNumVertexes-1)%iNumVertexes)
+ ;
+ TInt nextNotLevelVertex=(iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge].edgePtr->*vertex+1)%iNumVertexes;
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG((iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge].edgePtr->*vertex].iY>iFastData.vertexList[previousNotLevelVertex].iY)==
+ (iFastData.vertexList[iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge].edgePtr->*vertex].iY>iFastData.vertexList[nextNotLevelVertex].iY),
+ EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ if (aIsLowerVertex)
+ SetFastIntersection(iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge],*iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge].scanLineIntersectionPtr);
+ else
+ {
+ // add an intersection
+ SetFastIntersection(iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge], iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iFastData.numScanLineIntersections]);
+ iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iFastData.numScanLineIntersections].activeEdgePtr=&iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge];
+ iFastData.activeEdgeList[aCurrentActiveEdge].scanLineIntersectionPtr=&iFastData.scanLineIntersectionList[iFastData.numScanLineIntersections];
+ ++iFastData.numScanLineIntersections;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CPolygonFiller::SetFastIntersection(SFastActiveEdge& aActiveEdge, SFastScanLineIntersection& aScanLineIntersection)
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iUseFastAlgorithm, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ TPoint startPos, endPos;
+ aActiveEdge.lineGenerator.SingleScanline(startPos, endPos);
+ aScanLineIntersection.firstPixel=Min(startPos.iX, endPos.iX);
+ aScanLineIntersection.lastPixel=Max(startPos.iX, endPos.iX);
+ }
+void CPolygonFiller::SlowHandleVertexIntersection(SSlowScanLineIntersection& aScanLineIntersection,
+ TInt& aVertexStartingCurrentEdge,
+ TBool aIsLowerVertex)
+ {
+ if (Point((aVertexStartingCurrentEdge+1)%iNumVertexes).iY==iCurrentScanLine)
+ // it is the second vertex of the edge starting at vertex aVertexStartingCurrentEdge%iNumVertexes
+ // that coincides with the current scan-line
+ {
+ // walk through subsequent adjacent horizontal active-edges
+ for (; ; )
+ {
+ TPoint nextVertexButOne=Point((aVertexStartingCurrentEdge+2)%iNumVertexes);
+ TBool isMaxOrMin = EFalse;
+ switch(aIsLowerVertex)
+ {
+ case EFalse:
+ isMaxOrMin = (nextVertexButOne.iY > iCurrentScanLine);
+ break;
+ case ETrue:
+ isMaxOrMin = (nextVertexButOne.iY < iCurrentScanLine);
+ break;
+ }
+ // exit the loop if the vertex-run *is* a maximum or a minimum
+ if (isMaxOrMin)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // the edge starting at vertex aVertexStartingCurrentEdge%iNumVertexes is horizontal, or the vertex-run is not a
+ // maximum or a minimum
+ ++aVertexStartingCurrentEdge;
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(aVertexStartingCurrentEdge%iNumVertexes!=iFirstVertex, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ // step through the line-generator until the current scan-line is reached
+ TPoint upper=Point(aVertexStartingCurrentEdge%iNumVertexes);
+ TPoint lower=nextVertexButOne;
+ if (upper.iY>lower.iY)
+ {
+ TPoint temp=upper;
+ upper=lower;
+ lower=temp;
+ }
+ TPoint startPos, endPos;
+ if (upper.iY!=lower.iY)
+ JumpToCurrentScanLine(iSlowData.lineGenerator, upper, lower, startPos, endPos);
+ else
+ {
+ // N.B. which is set to which doesn't matter, as long as startPos is set to either upper or lower, and endPos is set to the other
+ startPos=upper;
+ endPos=lower;
+ }
+ // expand the intersection, if necessary
+ TInt minX=Min(startPos.iX, endPos.iX);
+ TInt maxX=Max(startPos.iX, endPos.iX);
+ if (aScanLineIntersection.firstPixel>minX)
+ aScanLineIntersection.firstPixel=minX;
+ if (aScanLineIntersection.lastPixel<maxX)
+ aScanLineIntersection.lastPixel=maxX;
+ TBool isNeitherMaxOrMin = EFalse;
+ switch(aIsLowerVertex)
+ {
+ case EFalse:
+ isNeitherMaxOrMin = (nextVertexButOne.iY < iCurrentScanLine);
+ break;
+ case ETrue:
+ isNeitherMaxOrMin = (nextVertexButOne.iY > iCurrentScanLine);
+ break;
+ }
+ // exit the loop if the vertex-run is *not* a maximum or a minimum
+ if (isNeitherMaxOrMin)
+ {
+ if (aIsLowerVertex)
+ {
+ aScanLineIntersection.firstVertexOfEdge=aVertexStartingCurrentEdge%iNumVertexes;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // it is the first vertex of the edge starting at vertex aVertexStartingCurrentEdge%iNumVertexes
+ // that coincides with the current scan-line
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ // check that the vertex we are at is a maximum or a minimum
+ TInt previousNotLevelVertex;
+ for (previousNotLevelVertex=aVertexStartingCurrentEdge%iNumVertexes;
+ Point(aVertexStartingCurrentEdge%iNumVertexes).iY==
+ Point(previousNotLevelVertex).iY;
+ previousNotLevelVertex=(previousNotLevelVertex+iNumVertexes-1)%iNumVertexes)
+ ;
+ TInt nextNotLevelVertex=(aVertexStartingCurrentEdge+1)%iNumVertexes;
+ TInt previousY=Point(previousNotLevelVertex).iY;
+ TInt currentY=Point(aVertexStartingCurrentEdge%iNumVertexes).iY;
+ TInt nextY=Point(nextNotLevelVertex).iY;
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG((currentY>previousY) == (currentY>nextY), EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ }
+ }
+void CPolygonFiller::JumpToCurrentScanLine(TLinearDDA& aLineGenerator,
+ const TPoint& aUpper,
+ const TPoint& aLower,
+ TPoint& aStartPos,
+ TPoint& aEndPos) const
+ {
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(aUpper.iY<=aLower.iY, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ aLineGenerator.Construct(aUpper, aLower);
+ if (aUpper.iY<iCurrentScanLine)
+ {
+ TInt notUsed;
+ aLineGenerator.JumpToYCoord(notUsed, iCurrentScanLine-2);
+ }
+ do
+ aLineGenerator.SingleScanline(aStartPos, aEndPos);
+ while (aStartPos.iY!=iCurrentScanLine);
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(aStartPos.iY==iCurrentScanLine, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(aEndPos.iY==iCurrentScanLine, EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ }
+const TPoint& CPolygonFiller::Point(TInt aIndex)
+ {
+ if(iPointList) return(iPointList[aIndex]);
+ BG_ASSERT_DEBUG(iPointArray,EBitgdiPanicPolygonFiller);
+ return((*iPointArray)[aIndex]);
+ }