--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/directgdi/test/tdrawtext.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1200 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "tdrawtext.h"
+#include <graphics/directgdiengine.h>
+#include <graphics/directgdicontext.h>
+LOCAL_C void CleanCache(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ MFontGlyphImageStorage* glyphImageStorage = reinterpret_cast<MFontGlyphImageStorage*> (aPtr);
+ glyphImageStorage->CleanGlyphImageCache();
+ }
+Default text drawing target size
+const TSize KDrawTextDefaultSize(640, 400);
+Test text
+_LIT16(KPangram, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
+ {
+ SetTestStepName(KTDirectGdiDrawTextStep);
+ }
+ {
+ if(iFont)
+ {
+ ReleaseFont(iFont);
+ }
+ }
+Override of base class pure virtual
+Our implementation only gets called if the base class doTestStepPreambleL() did
+not leave. That being the case, the current test result value will be EPass.
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+@return TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTDrawText::doTestStepL()
+ {
+ // Test for each target pixel format
+ for(TInt targetPixelFormatIndex = iTargetPixelFormatArray.Count() - 1; targetPixelFormatIndex >= 0 ; targetPixelFormatIndex--)
+ {
+ iTestParams.iTargetPixelFormat = iTargetPixelFormatArray[targetPixelFormatIndex];
+ SetTargetL(iTestParams.iTargetPixelFormat, EOneContextOneTarget, KDrawTextDefaultSize);
+ iFont = GetFont();
+ User::LeaveIfNull(iFont);
+ RunTestsL();
+ // only run OOM tests for one target pixel format to prevent duplication of tests
+ if (targetPixelFormatIndex == 0)
+ {
+ RunOomTestsL(); //from base class
+ }
+ if(iFont)
+ {
+ ReleaseFont(iFont);
+ iFont = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+Override of base class virtual
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+@return - TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTDrawText::doTestStepPreambleL()
+ {
+ CTDirectGdiStepBase::doTestStepPreambleL();
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+ PREQ39
+ REQ9195
+ REQ9201
+ REQ9202
+ REQ9222
+ REQ9223
+ REQ9236
+ REQ9237
+ Basic test for text drawing with basic and valid parameters.
+ Critical
+ Implemented
+ Test the DrawText() and DrawTextVertical() functions for text drawing using either BitGDI or DirectGDI gc.
+ Valid bitmap should be created. This bitmap should be the same as a reference bitmap.
+void CTDrawText::TestBasicFunctionality()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "Text-Basic");
+ if(!iRunningOomTests)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+ }
+ ResetGc();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ //1.down
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,TPoint(10,10),EFalse);
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KAbcd, NULL, EFalse);
+ TRect rect(30,10,50,400);
+ TInt baseline = rect.Width() / 2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline,EFalse);
+ rect.SetRect(50,10,80,400);
+ baseline = rect.Width() / 2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline,10,EFalse);
+ rect.SetRect(50,100,80,400);
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KAbcd,NULL,rect,EFalse);
+ //2.up
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,TPoint(105,390),ETrue);
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KAbcd,NULL,ETrue);
+ rect.SetRect(110,10,140,390);
+ baseline = rect.Width() / 2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline,ETrue);
+ rect.SetRect(140,10,160,390);
+ baseline = rect.Width() / 2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline,10,ETrue);
+ rect.SetRect(140,10,160,200);
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KAbcd,NULL,rect,ETrue);
+ //horizontal
+ iGc->DrawText(KPangram,NULL,TPoint(170, 25));
+ iGc->DrawText(KAbcd,NULL);
+ rect.SetRect(170,30,640,50);
+ baseline = rect.Height() / 2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawText(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline);
+ rect.SetRect(170,30,640,50);
+ iGc->DrawText(KAbcd,NULL,rect);
+ iGc->ResetFont();
+ TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+ TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, TPtrC(KTestName)));
+ }
+ PREQ39
+ REQ9195
+ REQ9201
+ REQ9202
+ REQ9222
+ REQ9223
+ REQ9236
+ REQ9237
+ Test for text positioning and clipping in a rendering target.
+ Only horizontal drawing direction is taken into consideration.
+ Critical
+ Implemented
+ Loop over all versions od DrawText() method.
+ Using each one draw a text "text" on screen at various positions.
+ Increment position from (-50,-50) up to target width+50 and target heigh+50
+ to test boundary cases as well.
+ Valid bitmap should be created. This bitmap should be the same as a reference bitmap.
+void CTDrawText::TestTextPositioning()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "Text-Positioning");
+ if(!iRunningOomTests)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+ }
+ _LIT(KText, "test");
+ for(TInt funcNum=0; funcNum<4; funcNum++)
+ {
+ ResetGc();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ TPositionIterator posIterator(-50, KDrawTextDefaultSize.iWidth+50, 30, -50, KDrawTextDefaultSize.iHeight+50, 13);
+ posIterator.Begin();
+ do
+ {
+ switch(funcNum)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ // void DrawText(const TDesC& aText);
+ iGc->Reset();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ iGc->SetOrigin(TPoint(posIterator.iPosX+posIterator.iIndexY, posIterator.iPosY+posIterator.iIndexX));
+ iGc->DrawText(KText,NULL);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ // void DrawText(const TDesC& aText, const TPoint& aPosition)
+ iGc->DrawText(KText,NULL,TPoint(posIterator.iPosX+posIterator.iIndexY, posIterator.iPosY+posIterator.iIndexX));
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ // void DrawText(const TDesC& aText, const TRect& aBox)
+ iGc->Reset();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ TPoint pos(posIterator.iPosX+posIterator.iIndexY, posIterator.iPosY+posIterator.iIndexX);
+ iGc->SetOrigin(pos);
+ TRect box(-pos, KDrawTextDefaultSize);
+ iGc->DrawText(KText,NULL,box);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ // void DrawText(const TDesC& aText, const TRect& aBox, TInt aBaselineOffset,
+ // DirectGdi::TTextAlign aAlignment = DirectGdi::ELeft, TInt aMargin = 0)
+ TRect rect(TPoint(posIterator.iPosX+posIterator.iIndexY, posIterator.iPosY+posIterator.iIndexX), TSize(32, 13) );
+ iGc->DrawText(KText, NULL, rect, 13, DirectGdi::ELeft, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while(posIterator.Next());
+ TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+ TBuf<40> tname;
+ tname.Format(_L("%S%d"), &KTestName, funcNum);
+ TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, tname));
+ iGc->ResetFont();
+ }
+ }
+ PREQ39
+ REQ9195
+ REQ9201
+ REQ9202
+ REQ9222
+ REQ9223
+ REQ9236
+ REQ9237
+ Test for clipping text based on the box parameter.
+ Critical
+ Implemented
+ Set the origin to a non-zero position.
+ Draw a text "text" on screen at various positions using
+ incremented box size.
+ Valid bitmap should be created. This bitmap should be the same as a reference bitmap.
+void CTDrawText::TestTextBox()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "Text-BoxClipping");
+ if(!iRunningOomTests)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+ }
+ ResetGc();
+ iGc->SetOrigin(TPoint(2, -2));
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ iGc->SetBrushStyle(DirectGdi::ESolidBrush);
+ iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(150, 150, 150));
+ _LIT(KText, "test");
+ TInt baseline = 2 + iFont->FontMaxAscent()/2;
+ TPositionIterator posIterator(0, KDrawTextDefaultSize.iWidth, 50, 0, KDrawTextDefaultSize.iHeight, 13);
+ posIterator.Begin();
+ do
+ {
+ TRect rect(TPoint(posIterator.iPosX, posIterator.iPosY), TSize(posIterator.iIndexY, posIterator.iIndexX));
+ if(!rect.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ iGc->DrawText(KText, NULL, rect, baseline);
+ }
+ }
+ while(posIterator.Next());
+ iGc->ResetFont();
+ TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+ TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, TPtrC(KTestName)));
+ }
+ PREQ39
+ REQ9195
+ REQ9201
+ REQ9202
+ REQ9222
+ REQ9223
+ REQ9236
+ REQ9237
+ Test for positioning vertical text in a rendering target.
+ Only vertical drawing direction is taken into consideration.
+ Critical
+ Implemented
+ Loop over all versions od DrawTextVertical() method.
+ Using each one draw a text "text" on screen at various positions.
+ Increment position from (-50,-70) up to target width+50 and target heigh+70
+ to test boundary cases as well.
+ Test should perform graphics operations successfully.
+void CTDrawText::TestTextPositioningVertical(TBool aUp)
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "Text-PositioningVertical");
+ if(!iRunningOomTests)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+ }
+ _LIT(KText, "test");
+ for(TInt funcNum = 0; funcNum<5; funcNum++)
+ {
+ ResetGc();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ TPositionIterator posIterator(-50, KDrawTextDefaultSize.iWidth+50, 10, -70, KDrawTextDefaultSize.iHeight+70, 30);
+ posIterator.Begin();
+ do
+ {
+ switch(funcNum)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ // void DrawTextVertical(const TDesC& aText, TBool aUp)
+ iGc->Reset();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ iGc->SetOrigin(TPoint(posIterator.iPosX+posIterator.iIndexY, posIterator.iPosY+posIterator.iIndexX));
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KText, NULL, aUp);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ // void DrawTextVertical(const TDesC& aText, const TPoint& aPosition, TBool aUp)
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KText, NULL, TPoint(posIterator.iPosX+posIterator.iIndexY, posIterator.iPosY+posIterator.iIndexX), aUp);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ // void DrawTextVertical(const TDesC& aText, const TRect& aBox, TBool aUp)
+ iGc->Reset();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ TPoint pos(posIterator.iPosX+posIterator.iIndexY, posIterator.iPosY+posIterator.iIndexX);
+ iGc->SetOrigin(pos);
+ TRect box(-pos, KDrawTextDefaultSize);
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KText, NULL, box, aUp);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ // void DrawTextVertical(const TDesC& aText, const TRect& aBox, TInt aBaselineOffset,
+ // TBool aUp, DirectGdi::TTextAlign aVerticalAlignment = DirectGdi::ELeft, TInt aMargin = 0)
+ TRect rect(TPoint(posIterator.iPosX+posIterator.iIndexY, posIterator.iPosY+posIterator.iIndexX),TSize(13, 32));
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KText, NULL, rect, 12, aUp,DirectGdi::ELeft, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ // void DrawTextVertical(const TDesC& aText, const TRect& aBox, TInt aBaselineOffset,
+ // TInt aTextWidth, TBool aUp, DirectGdi::TTextAlign aVerticalAlignment = DirectGdi::ELeft, TInt aMargin = 0)
+ TRect rect(TPoint(posIterator.iPosX+posIterator.iIndexY, posIterator.iPosY+posIterator.iIndexX),TSize(13, 32));
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KText, NULL, rect, 12, 4, aUp, DirectGdi::ELeft, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while(posIterator.Next());
+ TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+ _LIT(KUp, "up");
+ _LIT(KDown, "down");
+ TBuf<40> tname;
+ tname.Format(_L("%S%d%S"), &KTestName, funcNum, aUp ? &KUp : &KDown);
+ TESTNOERROR(WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, tname));
+ iGc->ResetFont();
+ }
+ }
+ PREQ39
+ REQ9195
+ REQ9201
+ REQ9202
+ REQ9222
+ REQ9223
+ REQ9236
+ REQ9237
+ Test for clipping text based on the clipping rectangle parameter.
+ Critical
+ Implemented
+ Set the origin to a non-zero position.
+ Draw a text "text" on screen at various positions using
+ incremented box size.
+ Valid bitmap should be created. This bitmap should be the same as a reference bitmap.
+void CTDrawText::TestTextBoxVertical()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "Text-BoxClippingVertical");
+ if(!iRunningOomTests)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+ }
+ ResetGc();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ iGc->SetBrushStyle(DirectGdi::ESolidBrush);
+ iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(150, 150, 150));
+ iGc->SetOrigin(TPoint(2, -2));
+ _LIT(KText, "test");
+ TInt baseline = 2 + iFont->FontMaxAscent()/2;
+ TPositionIterator posIterator(0, KDrawTextDefaultSize.iWidth, 14, 0, KDrawTextDefaultSize.iHeight, 40);
+ posIterator.Begin();
+ do
+ {
+ TRect rect(TPoint(posIterator.iPosX, posIterator.iPosY), TSize(posIterator.iIndexY, posIterator.iIndexX));
+ if(!rect.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KText, NULL, rect, baseline, EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+ while(posIterator.Next());
+ iGc->ResetFont();
+ TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+ TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, TPtrC(KTestName)));
+ }
+ PREQ39
+ REQ9195
+ REQ9201
+ REQ9202
+ REQ9222
+ REQ9223
+ REQ9236
+ REQ9237
+ Testing usage of pen colour, brush colour, style and pattern.
+ Critical
+ Implemented
+ Test pen and brush parameters with text drawing methods.
+ Use color and brush style tables to generate various combinations
+ of pen color, brush color and brush style. Text drawing on screen
+ describes current color and style settings.
+ *NOTE extended for DEF133363-Zero length text causes no brush pattern to be drawn
+ Valid bitmap should be created. This bitmap should be the same as a reference bitmap.
+void CTDrawText::TestPenBrushL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "Text-PenBrush");
+ if(!iRunningOomTests)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+ }
+ _LIT(KTxtPenBrushStyle,"PenColor-BrushColor-BrushStyle");
+ _LIT(KTxtDash,"-");
+ CFbsBitmap* bitmap = CreateCheckedBoardBitmapL(iTestParams.iTargetPixelFormat, (TSize(100, 100)));
+ TESTL(bitmap != NULL);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
+ ResetGc();
+ iGc->SetBrushPattern(*bitmap);
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ TPoint point(22,10);
+ TRect rect;
+ TInt ii,baseline;
+ //vertical
+ for(ii = 0; ii<16; ii++)
+ {
+ iGc->SetPenColor(KColor16Table[ii%16]);
+ point.iX =26 + ii*17;
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KColor16TableNames[ii%16],NULL,point,EFalse);
+ }
+ point.SetXY(3,110);
+ iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbBlack);
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KTxtPenBrushStyle,NULL,point,EFalse);
+ point.SetXY(20,110);
+ for(ii = 0; ii<16; ii++)
+ {
+ point.iX =20+ii*17;
+ TBuf<200> txtbuf;
+ iGc->SetPenColor(KColor16Table[ii%16]);
+ txtbuf.Append(KColor16TableNames[ii%16]);
+ txtbuf.Append(KTxtDash);
+ iGc->SetBrushColor(KColor16Table[(5*ii+1)%16]);
+ txtbuf.Append(KColor16TableNames[(5*ii+1)%16]);
+ txtbuf.Append(KTxtDash);
+ iGc->SetBrushStyle(KBrushStyleTable[(2*ii+1)%9]);
+ txtbuf.Append(KBrushStyleTableNames[(2*ii+1)%9]);
+ if (ii == 6 || ii == 7 || ii == 8)
+ { //for DEF133363
+ txtbuf.SetLength(0);
+ }
+ rect.SetRect(point.iX,point.iY,point.iX+17,point.iY+290);
+ baseline = rect.Width() / 2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(txtbuf,NULL,rect,baseline,EFalse);
+ }
+ //horizontal
+ point.SetXY(300,17);
+ iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbBlack);
+ iGc->DrawText(KTxtPenBrushStyle,NULL,point);
+ for(ii=0; ii<16; ii++)
+ {
+ point.iY = 20+ii*17;
+ TBuf<200> txtbuf;
+ iGc->SetPenColor(KColor16Table[ii%16]);
+ txtbuf.Append(KColor16TableNames[ii%16]);
+ txtbuf.Append(KTxtDash);
+ iGc->SetBrushColor(KColor16Table[(3*ii+5)%16]);
+ txtbuf.Append(KColor16TableNames[(3*ii+5)%16]);
+ txtbuf.Append(KTxtDash);
+ iGc->SetBrushStyle(KBrushStyleTable[(5*ii+3)%9]);
+ txtbuf.Append(KBrushStyleTableNames[(5*ii+3)%9]);
+ if (ii == 9 || ii == 10 || ii == 11)
+ { //for DEF133363
+ txtbuf.SetLength(0);
+ }
+ rect.SetRect(point.iX,point.iY,point.iX+290,point.iY+17);
+ baseline = rect.Height() / 2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawText(txtbuf,NULL,rect,baseline);
+ }
+ for(ii=0; ii<16; ii++)
+ {
+ point.iX = 300 + (ii%4)*80;
+ point.iY = 310 + (ii/4)*17;
+ iGc->SetPenColor(KColor16Table[ii%16]);
+ iGc->DrawText(KColor16TableNames[ii%16],NULL,point);
+ }
+ iGc->ResetFont();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
+ TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+ TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, TPtrC(KTestName)));
+ }
+ PREQ39
+ REQ9195
+ REQ9201
+ REQ9202
+ REQ9222
+ REQ9223
+ REQ9236
+ REQ9237
+ Test for alignment of text inside drawing box.
+ Critical
+ Implemented
+ Call functions testing all combinations of parameters values given below:
+ aAlignment:
+ DGDI::ELeft,
+ DGDI::ECenter,
+ DGDI::ERight
+ aMargin:
+ -50,
+ 0,
+ 50
+ aUp:
+ ETrue,
+ EFalse
+ Use gray background box to show arguments impact.
+ Valid bitmap should be created. This bitmap should be the same as a reference bitmap.
+void CTDrawText::TestAlign()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "Text-Alignment");
+ if(!iRunningOomTests)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+ }
+ ResetGc();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ iGc->SetBrushStyle(DirectGdi::ESolidBrush);
+ iGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbGray);
+ _LIT(KMargin," Margin = ");
+ _LIT(KAlign,"Align = ");
+ TRect rect;
+ TInt baseline;
+ //vertical
+ for(TInt kk=0; kk<2; kk++) //loop over up and down directions
+ {
+ for(TInt ii=0; ii<3; ii++) // negative, zero and positive margin value
+ {
+ TInt margin = (-ii+1)*50;
+ for(TInt jj=0; jj<3; jj++) // ELeft, ECenter and ERight alignment values
+ {
+ rect.SetRect(kk*185+5+(3*ii+jj)*20 +1, 10, kk*185+25+(3*ii+jj)*20-1, 390);
+ baseline = rect.Width()/2 + iFont->AscentInPixels()/2 ;
+ TBuf<128> textbuf;
+ textbuf.Copy(KAlign);
+ textbuf.Append(KTextAlignTableNames[jj%3]);
+ textbuf.Append(KMargin);
+ textbuf.AppendNum(margin);
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(textbuf,NULL,rect,baseline,kk!=0,KTextAlignTable[jj%3],margin);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //horizontal
+ for(TInt ii=0; ii<3; ii++) // negative, zero and positive margin value
+ {
+ TInt margin = (-ii+1)*40;
+ for(TInt jj=0; jj<3; jj++) // ELeft, ECenter and ERight alignment values
+ {
+ rect.SetRect(373, 30+(3*ii+jj)*20+1, 635, 50+(3*ii+jj)*20-1);
+ baseline = rect.Height()/2 + iFont->AscentInPixels()/2;
+ TBuf<128> textbuf;
+ textbuf.Copy(KAlign);
+ textbuf.Append(KTextAlignTableNames[jj%3]);
+ textbuf.Append(KMargin);
+ textbuf.AppendNum(margin);
+ iGc->DrawText(textbuf,NULL,rect,baseline,KTextAlignTable[jj%3],margin);
+ }
+ }
+ iGc->ResetFont();
+ TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+ TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, TPtrC(KTestName)));
+ }
+ PREQ39
+ REQ9195
+ REQ9201
+ REQ9202
+ REQ9222
+ REQ9223
+ REQ9236
+ REQ9237
+ Testing justification of a text.
+ Critical
+ Initial version
+ Test the effect of the following functions:
+ SetCharJustification()
+ SetWordJustification()
+ UpdateJustification()
+ UpdateJustificationVertical()
+ NoJustifyAutoUpdate()
+ Valid bitmap should be created. This bitmap should be the same as a reference bitmap.
+void CTDrawText::TestJustification()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "Text-Justification");
+ if(!iRunningOomTests)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+ }
+ ResetGc();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ //vertical
+ TInt charExcessWidth = 30;
+ TInt charNumGaps = 30;
+ TInt wordExcessWidth = 100;
+ TInt wordNumChars = 5;
+ TRect rect;
+ TInt baseline, kk, jj;
+ for( kk=0; kk<2; kk++) //loop over up and down directions
+ {
+ for( jj=0; jj<4; jj++)
+ {
+ iGc->SetCharJustification(charExcessWidth*(jj%2) , charNumGaps*(jj%2));
+ iGc->SetWordJustification(wordExcessWidth*(jj>>1), wordNumChars*(jj>>1));
+ rect.SetRect(10+(5*kk+jj)*20+1, 10, 30+(5*kk+jj)*20-1, 390);
+ baseline = rect.Width()/2 + iFont->AscentInPixels()/2;
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline,kk!=0);
+ }
+ }
+ //horizontal
+ for( jj=0; jj<4; jj++)
+ {
+ iGc->SetCharJustification(charExcessWidth*(jj%2) , charNumGaps*(jj%2));
+ iGc->SetWordJustification(wordExcessWidth*(jj>>1), wordNumChars*(jj>>1));
+ rect.SetRect(210, 10+jj*20+1, 640, 30+jj*20-1);
+ baseline = rect.Height()/2 + iFont->AscentInPixels()/2;
+ iGc->DrawText(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline);
+ }
+ iGc->ResetFont();
+ TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+ TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, TPtrC(KTestName)));
+ }
+ PREQ39
+ REQ9195
+ REQ9201
+ REQ9202
+ REQ9222
+ REQ9223
+ REQ9236
+ REQ9237
+ Testing usage of shadow colour, underline and strikethrough rendering using either BitGDI or DirectGDI gc.
+ Critical
+ Implemented
+ Test the shadow colour, underline and strikethrough parameters for text drawing.
+ Valid bitmap should be created. This bitmap should be the same as a reference bitmap.
+void CTDrawText::TestShadowUnderStrike()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "Text-ShadowUnderlineStrikethrough");
+ if(!iRunningOomTests)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+ }
+ ResetGc();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ //look-up tables, simplifies below loops
+ const DirectGdi::TFontUnderline KFontUnderlineTable[]=
+ {
+ DirectGdi::EUnderlineOn,
+ DirectGdi::EUnderlineOff,
+ DirectGdi::EUnderlineOn,
+ DirectGdi::EUnderlineOff,
+ DirectGdi::EUnderlineOn,
+ };
+ const DirectGdi::TFontStrikethrough KFontStrikethroughTable[]=
+ {
+ DirectGdi::EStrikethroughOff,
+ DirectGdi::EStrikethroughOn,
+ DirectGdi::EStrikethroughOn,
+ DirectGdi::EStrikethroughOff,
+ DirectGdi::EStrikethroughOn,
+ };
+ //vertical
+ TPoint position;
+ for(TInt ii=0; ii<2; ii++ ) //loop over up and down directions
+ {
+ position.SetXY(10+ii*100,10+ii*380);
+ for(TInt jj=0; jj<5; jj++)
+ {
+ iGc->SetUnderlineStyle(KFontUnderlineTable[jj%5]);
+ iGc->SetStrikethroughStyle(KFontStrikethroughTable[jj%5]);
+ if(jj==3)
+ {
+ iGc->SetTextShadowColor(TRgb(100,10,10));
+ }
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,position,ii!=0);
+ position.iX+=20;
+ }
+ }
+ //horizontal
+ position.SetXY(210,30);
+ for(TInt jj=0; jj<5; jj++)
+ {
+ iGc->SetUnderlineStyle(KFontUnderlineTable[jj%5]);
+ iGc->SetStrikethroughStyle(KFontStrikethroughTable[jj%5]);
+ if(jj==3)
+ {
+ iGc->SetTextShadowColor(TRgb(100,10,10));
+ }
+ iGc->DrawText(KPangram,NULL,position);
+ position.iY+=20;
+ }
+ iGc->ResetFont();
+ TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+ TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, TPtrC(KTestName)));
+ }
+ PREQ39
+ REQ9195
+ REQ9201
+ REQ9202
+ REQ9222
+ REQ9223
+ REQ9236
+ REQ9237
+ Test for propper handling invalid arguments using either BitGDI or DirectGDI gc.
+ Critical
+ Implemented
+ Test for propper handling invalid arguments for text drawing using either BitGDI or DirectGDI gc.
+ Function shall detect invalid parameters and return. Nothing will be drawn on the target surface.
+void CTDrawText::TestInvalidParamsL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "Text-InvalidParameters");
+ if(!iRunningOomTests)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+ }
+ ResetGc();
+ iGc->SetFont(iFont);
+ TEST(iGc->HasFont());
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0));
+ //NullDescriptor - drawing an empty descriptor is not an error, DrawText()
+ //and DrawTextVertical() should return silently in this case.
+ //horizontal
+ iGc->DrawText(KNullDesC, NULL, TPoint(10, 30));
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrNone, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ iGc->DrawText(KNullDesC, NULL);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrNone, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ TRect rect(10,50,300,70);
+ TInt baseline = rect.Height() / 2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawText(KNullDesC,NULL,rect,baseline);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrNone, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ rect.SetRect(10,70,550,90);
+ iGc->DrawText(KNullDesC,NULL,rect);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrNone, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ //vertical
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KNullDesC,NULL,TPoint(10,10),EFalse);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrNone, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KNullDesC,NULL,EFalse);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrNone, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ rect.SetRect(30,10,50,300);
+ baseline = rect.Width() / 2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KNullDesC,NULL,rect,baseline,EFalse);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrNone, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ rect.SetRect(50,10,80,300);
+ baseline = rect.Width() / 2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KNullDesC,NULL,rect,baseline,10,EFalse);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrNone, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ rect.SetRect(50,100,80,400);
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KNullDesC,NULL,rect,EFalse);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrNone, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ //invalid box
+ for(TInt ii=1; ii<9; ii++)
+ {
+ rect.SetRect(220+(ii%3)*100, 100+(ii/3)*100, 320, 200);
+ baseline = Abs(rect.Height())/2 + iFont->AscentInPixels()/2;
+ iGc->DrawText(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrArgument, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ iGc->DrawText(KPangram,NULL,rect);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrArgument, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ baseline = Abs(rect.Width())/2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() /2;
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline,EFalse);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrArgument, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,rect,EFalse);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrArgument, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline,10,EFalse);
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrArgument, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ //invalid aAlignment
+ rect.SetRect(10,320,300,540);
+ baseline = rect.Height() / 2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawText(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline, (DirectGdi::TTextAlign) 5 );
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrArgument, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ rect.SetRect(540,10,560,350);
+ baseline = rect.Width() /2 + iFont->AscentInPixels() / 2;
+ iGc->DrawTextVertical(KPangram,NULL,rect,baseline,10, EFalse , (DirectGdi::TTextAlign) 5 );
+ CheckErrorsL(KErrArgument, KErrNone, (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ iGc->ResetFont();
+ }
+Override of base class pure virtual
+Lists the tests to be run
+void CTDrawText::RunTestsL()
+ {
+ MFontGlyphImageStorage* glyphStorage = NULL;
+ iGc->GetInterface(TUid::Uid(KDirectGdiGetGlyphStorageUid), (TAny*&) glyphStorage);
+ if(glyphStorage)
+ {
+ glyphStorage->CleanGlyphImageCache();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanCache, glyphStorage));
+ }
+ TestBasicFunctionality();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ if(!iRunningOomTests)
+ {
+ TestTextPositioning();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ TestTextBox();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ TestTextPositioningVertical(EFalse);
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ TestTextPositioningVertical(ETrue);
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ TestTextBoxVertical();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ TestJustification();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ TestShadowUnderStrike();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ TestAlign();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ TestPenBrushL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ TestInvalidParamsL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ }
+ if(glyphStorage)
+ {
+ glyphStorage->CleanGlyphImageCache();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(glyphStorage);
+ }
+ }